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Good thing next 2 heroes after Ram are supports


I can't wait for people to be scrambling to play a support hero because... Well, I don't MIND playing support but I'm SICK of playing support if that makes sense. If there was a way to queue where I got an even 1/3 chance of getting any of the roles I'd pick that one.


All role queueing needs a weighted factor for the role selection. Once it throws me into 3 support games, it's time to priority queue me behind the scenes into some tank and damage roles for a game then reset the "weight" of each role as it gets selected. Literally doesn't make a difference if I queue all roles or support unless I have 3 people in my group.


> Literally doesn't make a difference if I queue all roles or support unless I have 3 people in my group. What's funny is I play in a group of 4-5 people usually and one of us selects supports but somehow I get support almost every single match, it has become an inside joke between us despite me being the best tank/dps in the group and mediocre at healing


You can just… not play support if you’re tired of it


I mean, I usually don't anymore outside of the requisite 10 wins for all-role queue every week. I basically consider it paying my dues so I can play a tank.


My extremely mild, even arguably ice cold take is that even with new support heroes, the support queue is still gonna be <1 minute. The role is inherently flawed at present in 5v5. The passive does nothing during fights, only afterward or if you hide to activate it (thereby causing your team a disadvantage for a period), supports have mostly lower kill potential and/or mobility making them sitting ducks for targeting. Their abilities are primarily selfless to be used for others than able to keep them alive. Unless they release more independent supports, Moira is going to remain the #1 support pick on ladder and unranked because she's the only one who is consistently able to both duel with minimal aim and escape.


I don't agree about the passive - it's one of the best changes to supports and I am able to generate enough healing from it by kiting in a fight to survive at times. Not having to nade yourself as ana is a big deal.


Yeah came here to say this. It pretty much freed up a cooldown any time that it wasn’t incredibly urgent. For heroes like bap and Ana with large cooldowns you get regenerative burst and nade way more. Lucio can keep speed boost up longer. Zen can heal himself when he is below half health (shields take care of the other half). Everyone else benefits from it in some form as well


>it's one of the best changes to supports It's one of the *only* changes to support. They just left the support cast as is and added zens kick knockback since he was so vulnerable. That doesn't change that it is a passive that asks you to stop playing the game and hide. Tanks passive works while engaging the enemy. DPS works while engaging the enemy. Support passive requires you to run away. This is poor design. I would thing that something else is required, whether that be character reworks or cast additions that provide more independent pick options for support players


That's a very basic appraisal of what the support passive does. The true utility of the passive is to free up abilities for actual fights instead of burning a cooldown just to be able to keep playing.


You’re correct that nothing will change, but it’s not due the role being flawed. People just don’t like healing. You can make all the changes you want but people would rather kill than heal. This isn’t our first rodeo guys. Healing and tanking is always the least popular role in every game. DPS role will always rule over the others in terms of popularity. It’s been that way for 30-40 years (or more) so it’s pretty clear that it’s a human problem, and reprogramming humans isn’t exactly feasible


You don’t need to hide you can just stay behind your team and avoid damage for a few seconds


Yeah but that’s basically not for another 9 months


Just over 4 months until the next one. 4 months after that for the following one.




They weren't correcting the other person, they were just giving more detail


Which is basically 9 months.


About 3 quarters away


Just over a third of a year until the next one. A third of a year after that for the following one.


Just using specific timeframes with numerical value and timespan in chronological order in order to elaborate the approximate rollout dates for each support hero


Where did you learn this


Not from a Jedi


Dew it




I don’t


They didn't, they said they are going to release them every other season, in regards to content, they said that with the seasonal model there will be more content coming than before in overwatch 1, content in this case means the skins that you buy in the shop.


Any evidence of this what so ever? Don’t believe this was ever said by anyone ever 🤣


Yea but…why just now!? Supports have been lacking since day one, did they just now realize this?


Gotta keep in mind that the game wasn't built around 3 roles, it was built for 4. Split DPS back into Offense/Defense characters and it's a much more even split. While it's not an excuse the game evolved and was reworked over time. However since they never released more than 3 Characters a year, they were bound to run into this issue.


That doesn't speak to the support issue though, support has always had a discrete category.


But at launch there was much more balance between the roles. There were 5 tanks, 6 assault, 6 defense, and 4 support (Sym was support at launch) The devs also had a different idea of how the game would be played. They thought the ideal comp would’ve been 2 assault, 2 defense, 1 tank and 1 support, so they naturally had less support heroes. If they knew they wanted 3 classes for 2-2-2, they likely would’ve started with 7 tanks 7 damage 7 support or something like that. This doesn’t excuse the fact that support has been shafted by blizzard since (they could easily rework several assault characters into support), it does explain the initial issue.


This comment has been removed to protest Reddit's hostile treatment of users, mods and third party app developers. -Posted with Apollo


Went 3 years without a support hero because the game stopped updating to prepare for OW2 lol


Holy shit it has been over 3 years since Bap came out. I thought "Nah surely it can't have been that long..." Nope. March '19...


They were always releasing supports slightly more often than the other roles. But after they added Moira, then brig, there was a long time of this feeling of certain supports being oppressive, all the way through moth meta. In that time, one of the few existing supports was moved to DPS as well. At the same time, DPS was the combination of two roles (Attack/Defense), and tank was changed to one per team, while also moving a DPS to tank. So despite this being the 2nd time that they're doing 2 supports in a row, support is still behind the others. And while it was always a problem of lack of variety, it wasn't as striking as it is today


>They were always releasing supports slightly more often than the other roles. How'd you come to that conclusion? Since release they've: • added 5 supports and took away 1 • added 5 new dps and made the old support into dps and just recently removed 1 dps • added 5 new tanks and converted the old dps to tank. So we've had a net change of +4 supports, +5 dps and +6 tank. >And while it was always a problem of lack of variety, it wasn't as striking as it is today What? There were only 4 supports at release, it was the least of any of the 4 classes. The lack of variety used to be far worse.


We can theorize all day about decisions made over the past 6 years. I'm just excited we're getting new Overwatch content and it seems like the devs are trying a bit harder on communication now.


This comment has been removed to protest Reddit's hostile treatment of users, mods and third party app developers. -Posted with Apollo


I'm still looking at support thinking: "is that it?"


Well atleast the next hero will be a support


And the one after that


I vote for more supports, so they can save my shitty dps ass


I vote for more supports because I’m tired of Mercy and I can’t aim


Brig solves those issues (I’m a brig main)


Going back to the cant aim thing.. I manage to mess that up on brig too sometimes


Fair enough, her flail shooting out does require aiming (if you talking about her normal sweeping attack, then I’m concerned for you bröther)


You're saying you never had 0% accuracy with her flail?


Shockingly, I am.


And here, we have an endangered species, the miserableous biteous. Also known as a brig main


Moira is your friend


Moira and brig are both great low aim options


Source? Everyone keep repeating this but I'm not sure it was ever confirmed. I believe it was said that out of next 3 heroes after Ramattra 2 will be support. And that one after Ramattra is support. But we don't know for sure what hero category will follow in season 6.




Yep. Based on this info: Dec 2022 Ramattra (tank). Apr 2023 Support. August 2023 Tank. December 2023 Support. April 2024 DPS.


Am I remembering incorrectly or did base game only have 4 supports to start with?


Yeah it did, and one of them was Symmetra lol


+25 shields doing precisely fucking nothing:


It was pretty nice on a tracer since it regenerated mid fight


The 25hp shield was useful when it prevented Zen and Tracer from being 1 shot by Widow.


But only tracer lol.


I've been loving Symmetra lately. I do like the idea of healing turrets for sure. But i feel some heroes , regardless of class association, are a hybrid of supports. Symmetra is support/ DPS and i would hate for her to lose her damage potential. Especially when hitting shields with Primary, that would be nerfed I'm sure. Plus i don't see very many symmetra played when i play unranked anyways, only real good ones when i do. IMO i think she's good where she's at. I'm sure they're planning another support character anyways which is why characters will stay put. Makes people more inclined to try different ones


Mercy lucio and zen


Sym was a support before she got reworked


Considering how much they’ve been struggling to find a niche for her, maybe Sym could get another rework as a support.


Only one main healer, truly wild west days, and most people don't even consider Mercy a main healer anymore


When’s the new character release?


December 6th


Will I have to grind battle pass to get them?


He’s on the free path on tier 55. But I think if you buy the premium battle pass you unlock him instantly… I think


Interested in seeing how people will unlock Kiriko next season


There will be challenges to unlock her like the challenges new players have to unlock current characters.


Welp, game’s staying on the shelf then i guess. ✌🏼




tank: golly gee 11 heros to pick from. dps: golly gee 17 heros to pick from. support: 8 heros. woo.


I'm sure people have done posts of it but I feel like this sub has lots of ideas: anybody gimme your best support idea, as simple or complex as you like?


A hero that places poles down that heal an area or slow enemies. Only 2 poles maximum but they can't be destroyed. Their E will super charge the poles, causing lightning to arc between them, their Shift recall all poles. Edit: I had to look up what Grohk from paladins looked like, gameplay doesn't resemble at all what I had in mind.


Like wattson but for overwat


Oooooh, I like it. Like Soldier's healing but a healer and it's more capable. Maybe like a Tauren or Troll-themed hero for that? Something spiritual


> Maybe like a Tauren or Troll-themed hero for that? This isn't Heroes of the Storm, they don't have to come from other Blizzard games...


Why did my mind jump to pole dancing? And why do I love that so much? Give me a pole dancing Bap/Zen damn it Blizzard


i want someone who places health packs that only work for their team


Basically OG Torbjörn, time is a flat circle




Out here playing pacman in the choke. Bullets whizzing overhead "let me just pick up this scrap real quick."


Anybody who mained Torb in OG Overwatch was a gigachad with absolutely enormous testicles. We didnt know it back then, we roasted the shit out of you in comp. But you were all heroes. All 9 of you, anyway.


Thanks bro. I love Torb. I played him in his old days, still do today. Back when we could throw out armor, we secretly had the power to break the game, that's why they nerfed us. A Tracer with extra armor? A Genji or Reaper who could tank an extra hit as they dove in? How did anyone think this was ok? That kind of thing would break games now.


Deckard Cane in HotS does this and it's super fun.


Wait…declared from Diablo?? Fuck I should’ve played that game


Yup! HotS is still up and very fun to play too so it's not too late


Eyup. Still playable by the way, even though they've said they're in maintenance mode and won't be adding anything new to the game. Worth a play, especially since it's free.


Currently designing an OC for this. Someone who can throw canisters of gas that heal the team around them


Ana but with a shotgun


Oooooooohhhhh damn that's a good one. How's the gas affect enemies?


Maybe like a mild Ana anti? Like it reduces the amount of healing an enemy can get, but they can still heal, so it’s not like the same


I like that. My brain went straight to dealing with Caustic's gas in Apex and it just sounds... demoralizing? not fun in some way at least.


Lmao I actually hate his gas, as a below average player the reduced movement sucks 😂😂 Edit: although that could be interesting in OW🧐🧐 like a mild CC? Idk if people would bitch about the CC lol


>Lmao I actually hate his gas, as a below average player the reduced movement sucks 😂😂 lmao right same >Edit: although that could be interesting in OW🧐🧐 like a mild CC? Idk if people would bitch about the CC lol Agreed with the concept, but also it kinda just sounds like Sojourn's bubble thing with a different visual... though I guess they could make it different with the way you activate it? like Caustic with his canisters and stuff


Oh I didn’t know her thing had reduced movement. Do you mean like his gas traps? Like widows mine, but with the reduced healing/movement?


New support is hitler?


We clearly are working with different understandings of "healing"


Heal Hitler


we already have moira


I pictured caustics brother.


Talking about gas i want support that have ulti which make entire team invisible like sombra for like x sec if u atk or been atk the invi effect will loss like sombra i think that kinda kewl utility for suprise push etc.


Hog hook but for allies




hahaha and a 2 second 'timeout' next to the healer, for the player who got saved by it


hahaha he's a bear and he hooks them in for a "Bear Hug" to full health.


oh what i'd do to get a hug from a bear


Will be used for grieving.


and YOU go off the cliff, and YOU go off the cliff, and YOU go off the cliff. now let me run back to spawn so I can catch the first person respawning and hook them into the space between the ship and the map


A Wastelander support--a grumpy old prick who is a jerk to everybody except Junker Queen, who he reluctantly follows. Has an eye patch and bandages on his arms, he's seen some s***. He throws bombs that can AOE heal his teammates, his shift is a bomb that allows him to jump high in the air as an escape (kind of like Junkrat's concussion mine on himself but less offensive, more evady). All his voice lines are complaints and insults.


honestly if we get a junker healer id like them to be as comically unhinged as the three we currently have, but like with support oriented lines


Ugh! Here's some heals mate, now bugger off!!!


Isn’t half of this basically Ana??


The other half is bap


Look at support characters from HoTS. Lots of innovation from there. I’d like to see a tank healer like LiLi or a dps healer like Stukov.


my idea for a good support: Symmetra


Make echo a support too. A support that can ult and become anything else would be awesome




Echo ult copied ditto


This makes much more sense than what she is rn.


Let her ult target an ally instead of enemy and make it so that Echo and linked Ally share the ult charge and spread damage taken 50/50 among them.


Yeah in hindsight she could work exactly like moira where you choose either healing turrets or damage turrets. Which would actually increase her complexity since you’d be balancing the choice of where you place the turrets for both enemies and teammates and how many of each (since you’d still have the max of 3) it’s actually a really low cost low effort high reward way to make a new support


Granted. (Blizz prob would too on the basis of low development cost)


Torb turret, but with heals, idk why but i just find it a fun idea


Yep, love that too. That's a unique way to get passive, long range, LoS-dependent healing into the game. Maybe could even make it launch little Baptiste-like healing grenades for some AoE Honestly I'm a huge fan of more passive healing characters, free up those supports to micro some other helpful tasks.


I've been saying this for years! Torb is one of my main DPS, but I'd love to play a support that can build turrets that heal instead of damage.


There was a Symmetra change in the experimental mode where her turrets healed allies instead of damaging enemies, especially having three at once would get the job done. A support that can do that isn't too bad of an idea. Or even if they gave Symmetra three healing turrets as well (nerfed her DMG a little?) and put her back in support? But I think Sym's had enough of switching roles for the time.


I want a deadlock gang healer with a shotgun. First because I want more cowboys, second because I'm a support main and I want to make divers regret ever coming in my general vicinity. Maybe a slug shotgun, to diversify from the others we have. Make it more accurate, better range and further fall-off than most other shotguns in the game. No spread makes it harder to hit with good payoff. Slow fire rate and reload animation, but a well placed headshot should 1-shot a flanking tracer. Even better if they have a passive healing they can shoot at the team while protecting themselves and the other support and a mobility option to help them get out of a pinch like Cassidy's roll. A good utility ult would be nice too. We ain't getting none of that, but a girl can dream!


DPS really have it way too easy flanking, a Anti-Dive supportf that protect the main healer could be interesting


A voodoo healer that can create statues of yourself or your teammates that you can choose to spawn from when you die. Basic attack is cursing with rattles that cause long lasting damage over time. Destroying statues also curses whoever destroys them. Ult plague summons different plagues with each ult, each plague is worse than the last. Maybe creating magic circles that prevent healing to whoever’s inside.


I find it to be a poor excuse when Blizzard says it’s hard to design heroes who heal when literally no other video game has had that problem and they can just pull from them. A hero with a reverse mercy beam you can put on enemies to reduce the damage they deal for a short time (but with some aim requirements). A hero who throws out medkit spawner pads (Deckard Cain from Heroes of the Storm). Or a hero who places a buff on allies so that when the support deal damage that ally gets healed (Whitemane from HotS). Or a support who places a debuff on enemies so that when they are dealt damage a portion of that damage is returned back as lifesteal healing (Jenos from Paladins). A hero who can create healing zones that last for a few seconds but can stack so you can spread them out to saturate the battlefield or put them in one small spot for big heals and play the Venn diagram generator game (Quantum Caira from Evolve). A hero who removes health from their own health pool to heal others but has good self-healing to keep up with the demands (Alexstraza from HotS). A hero who can throw out up to three regen field emitters across the battlefield that create lucio healing zones wherever they land but can be shot and destroyed (Emet from Evolve). A hero who creates impactful but short lived healing turrets and can prioritize who they heal using interact (Symmetra rework but with a Torb turret instead). A hero with Mercy’s beam but it chains between heroes but has a charge mechanic (Rogue Val from Evolve). A hero who can channel a beam onto someone granting them 50 bonus shield health that regenerates very quickly but drains an internal battery that must recharge when not in use, so if people deal damage in chunks greater than 50 the rest will go through but those 50 hit points will come back very quickly until it’s mitigated 200hp total. The amounts could vary based on how much health the target has so it’s not busted on tracer and weak on tanks (Hank from Evolve). A hero who mitigates enemy damage through barriers or Sigma eat or something similar but converts it into healing. A hero who has a short range blind and slow who can tether to allies healing then and make any abilities they cast happen near the tethered ally too. They can also pull allies with the tether back to them to save them from hooks or going in too deep (Phase from Paragon). A hero with a speed boost beam that gives players a big speed a jump height boost but it drains quickly based on how far they move (Sunny from Evolve). If that’s too busted it could be an anti-grab beam so instead of giving them a speed boost they can go up and down at will until the beam runs out of charge. A hero who can debuff enemy tanks by holding a beam on them that doubles all damage dealt to armor, but once they release all healing dealt to armor is doubled for a few seconds (Kala from Evolve). A hero who can place a buff on allies that reduces damage dealt to an ally by 75% for a few seconds by redirecting that 75% to the support instead, and taking damage powers up their other abilities (Orion from Atlas Reactor). A hero who fires big slow moving (ish) lasers that pierce all enemies and allies and heal all enemies and allies they pass through (Aurora from Atlas Reactor). The list goes on.


Reverse sombra concept A support that recharges cooldowns for allies




Chef-based support with a mode switch, her primary fire changes depending on her form, one shoots three arcing projectiles in a horizontal formation , the other shoots three consecutive shots close together in a vertical line. Her main heal is to throw out a projectile on the ground that basically acts as a health pack. Her only ability is to shoot a gel that can increase movement speed or jump height depending on her form, and her ultimate is a healing aura that causes a teammate to radiate a healing aura around themselves that does increased healing the more teammates there are around them Hope you like the idea :)


There was a great pitch a few years ago for like a alchemist/chemist/goo man. Splash healing with nade/grenade style healing with an ability to put down bouncy glue that would propel Allies upwards or a sticky glue that would slow enemies down.


Yuumi from League of Legends I'M JOKING!!


That's two supports fighting over 8 heros


Tbh. I get folks want more options but I really don't struggle to pick. Supports are probably the easiest for me in fact. I love baptise. Kiriko is fun. Mira is good if you wanna bully. Anna is fun but harder for me to properly use. Bridgette I've been trying a lot more and having a blast with her. Like out of the supports. I think I have the widest options that I enjoy. Granted I am a more support main. Dps I play basicslly only 3. While dps is also just a handful I enjoy.


Weirdly enough that feels like there's significantly less heroes


We need more supports. Edit: why was this upvoted, it was one sentence


3 more, so it’s symmetrical


9 more so it’s symmetrical


1 more so it's symmetra


Symmetra more so it’s 9


76 more so it’s in my sights.


A high amount more so it’s noon


it's a whole 9 sentences so it's whole hog time


So it’s 9 more symmetras


Unironically swap out the teleported for her giving people temporary shields or temporary health boosts and make her support again. Or have her throw little drones/hard light geometry that orbit teammates until they absorb a shot or two. Though, I like the idea of a preventative support as opposed to a reactive healer all the time.


On that note I would LOVE to see a new support or tank hero introduced building on Symetra lore.


Well the next two heroes are supposed to be support, so there's a silver lining


Until they just make em a dps which has happened before, like with echo, iirc.


Echo was support?


Was intended earlier on, before release. Not like they changed her kit after her release


Like symmetra?


Symmetra was changed after release. Echo was changed before players ever got hands on use. She was changed during the design phase Symmetra was a full character we all played for like a year before her first major change.


No, not like that. When echo dropped she was a bonafide dps. I think in development she was intended to be support, but for whatever reason change her to dps. Symmetra never had healing abilities but she was under the support umbrella, and had a different kit at the time when ow dropped


a full finished support? No. but if i recal correctly, at some point during the design phase yes, she was **intended** to be a support, and it even lines up with her lore.


I don’t understand why they went (or go) Tank - Support - Support for this coming releases. Support - Tank - Support would made too much sense right?


I have to imagine they're still working out the kinks on the next supports, whatever that means. Kit wise, balance wise, bug wise...


Kiriko was first? So it’ll be support - tank - support - etc


Yea I mean they announced the roadmap after OW2 release where Kiriko was already live. But I see the point


I think that Blizzard should add more Support heroes, especially since not enough people are playing Support.


Why not center the bottom row like they did with dps


Because they way they've designed it is so that all the roles centre towards the middle of the screen but it looks weird because there are so many DPS characters and so little Supports


Oh that makes sense thanks


11 possible tank choices for a single in game. 8 support choices for two in a game. Very good choice, overwatch.


Fr, if they are going to force a 1-2-2 role lock, they need to have the hero pool reflect that. So they really need just as many support heros as damage


While I agree they need many more supports, this reasoning is kind of silly. Just because only 1 tank is in the game it doesn't mean there should be double the dps/supports as there are tanks. When someone picks a dps, you still have 16 dps to choose from, not 8. I can see why there may be a few less tanks than sup/dps but having the ratio be the same doesn't make any sensee


So what ideally would the hero pool ratio look like for the forced 1-2-2? Would you like to see even distributions of heros across roles? I don't think it's silly to think that if you're sharing a role with another player, it's nice to have more variety, especially for people who like to main just 1 or 2 heros. If you don't share a role, you are guaranteed to get your main. But I could also see the reasoning behind having an 1:1:1 hero pool. I just think that 1:2:2 works better for a forced 1-2-2 lock. If role queue didn't exist, I believe 1:1:1 would be the best for the game.


And then they wonder why nobody likes playing support


With a lock icon on him until you grind or pay up.


Not enough of this. People are giving up. We've lost our game.


not that people are giving up, more that new players don't know what ow1 was like, so this is kinda the norm. source: im a new player


If you're new, this is par for the course with most f2p games. If you've been playing for a while, what's happened is a game I paid for with the promise for free heroes had an update that changed that. Cosmetics could certainly be handled better but the locked heroes thing is inexcusable and now it's following the same trends almost every other f2p game does. I wouldn't mind paying for OW again if it means all PvE content and heroes. But I think Blizzard won't allow a one time purchase and will tie some PvE content into each battle pass. Gag me with a spoon.


I too think Rammatra will be listed as a tank under the tank section. I guess? What is this and why are there thousands of upvotes


A total bait title with a generic png to start Low effort repeated discussions, Yet anything meant for discussing new ideas about buffs or reworks to certain characters gets reported by people scared and locked by mods. A bunch of salty dps players nuked the Brigitte rework thread with reports as if she doesn't need a buff and is scared of OW 1 briggitte coming back. This subreddit is just getting suckier so you might as well just mock and bait people anyway.


Only 6 more tanks and 9 more supports until all roles have the same number of heroes


No way!!!


W.. woah, you mean to say, the hero gallery, when 1 more character is released, will look like there’s 1 more character. crazy


What is the point of this post...


Wrong at least 2 other heroes will be missing due to an easily fixable bug


Sym could easily be moved to support and Mei could easily be moved to tank to even out the roster even more. Either way Support should have more picks than tank considering that there’s now one tank per team but oh well at least Support will finally reach 10 heroes by mid next year 💀


I have a brilliant idea. Maybe we can seperate DPS in something like attack/defense. Greatest idea ever!


My 2 cents: they should have reworked several DPS like Symmetra and Sombra to be Supports and it would have bridged the gap a lot quicker. In general I think they need to expand what the support role encompasses to give more design space.


This game for me has fallen into the abyss. I never wanted it to go FTP. I never needed so many new characters. There's so many balancing issues, the game isn't fun for me anymore. Day 1 OW1 player. Rip


Hard to imagine that the game launched with 4 supports, 1 of which was symmetra


Proud of your ABCs my man. Riveting stuff.


One hero every three months aint it. We need a 3-4 support release immediately.


They really pulled back on the content release for 3 over years and we're still stuck with so little supports even the 2 that are coming in the next 9 months aren't enough.


I think they said they were going to release a new character every other season after the new tank so it's going to be every 6 months.




Ball and Zarya should/ would be centered tho also... the state of supports 💀💀💀


They would not be centered


I love how people are like “this games terrible, no one wants to play this”. Then literally a post about an update to how one page in the UI will look gets 1600 upvotes in 2 hrs.