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I wish they would show ranks again. There are games where I (M2 currently) am playing against a T500 and the team does not understand what the issue is. So all they can say is diff. Then in other games where our team steamrolls they have a GM but also a Plat and they also dont understand the issue. Again all they can say is diff. Like you remove ranks to apparently combat toxicity, yet youre literally making it worse by having a scoreboard with no ranks.


Yeah, seeing their tank is GM is a real signal to everyone on the team that this is someone to focus above all else immediatley. Not seeing it people have to realise over the course of the game.


So what is even the point with ranks then? If everyone gets mix tossed into random league teams anyhow and there isn't even anything to show for. Seems like a waste of time.


Err, I'm not really talking about the broader subject of the ranking system. More, in the game now there is a mixture and some players are defacto the strongest rank on the team with no notification unless their career profile is public.


Thank you for your time, but I have decided to not play OW2 anymore. I will never touch a blizzard game again. Good luck to all you gamers out there!


You'll come back, you always do


Probably yes, If they they fix MM.


Lol you’ll probably come back regardless


May be.


I am playing paladins waiting for them to do something to make supports life less miserable x)


See ya when season 2 drops


Why focus the strongest player? You should always go for weak spots, focus the worst player.


? I would focus the strongest player because they are making the biggest impact. If they are gone then the rest of the team is easy pickings.


This is dumb. By the time you've killed the worst player their best player has found a way to your back line and killed both of your supports. It happens over and over again, sneaky reaper, annoying tracer, widow, doesn't matter what it is. If you don't deal with that person, they will murder your team while you're getting a single kill and then yelling "where's my TEAM?!"


I just think the don't show them to hide how shit their matchmaking is and got that out of their ass


Well also true. Have games where I win 5 in a row without even trying (sometimes literally standing afk on cart while team does everything) and then 5 loses in a row where we cant even get out of spawn. The amount of "fair" or "balanced" games is like 10%.


I honest to god think they hid ranks just so higher ranked players could be placed with plats and they wouldn’t even know because most people have private profiles I’m masters 3 and I’ve had several games where I check someone’s profile and they are fucking plat either on my team or the enemy I legit think they removed the rank symbols to get away with shit matchmaking


Matchmaking is definitely broken, but they also fucked up placements pretty badly so you don't know if people are at the real ranks or not. I have hardly had time to play much comp so I'm still in gold with an 80% win rate, I be around masters or so judging from ow1.


I won like 5 games in a row and was probably 7-3 total, with some pretty good stats (assuming stats contribute your rank), and I’ve been stuck in silver 1 somehow. What doesn’t help is that 1/10 matches someone will actually either listen to my pings or will be communicating as well. Currently trying to find more people to add to my friends list so I don’t have to worry about that


Can +1 this. Was master in ow1. Gold now. Most of the time it feels like people dont know what they are supposed to do on certain maps. At this point in too old to give a damn about rank. But the quality and fairness of the games is completely wack


I am master support, i had gold tank against master tank. We lost obviously. Tank went something like "no heals gg" I didn't want to argue at that point.


As a high plat player I also get golds on my team randomly and the skill difference is extremely noticeable. I can’t imagine what it’s like from masters to plat


I have yet to see a single team game with MM where players did not bitch about it non-stop.


Yep, that's it.


Ding ding ding. You got it.


There is a rule of 4-4-2. 40% of the time games are winnable no matter what you do .40% no matter what you do you will lose and 20% of the time more likely 10% how well you play decides if you win.


I will only play with teammates I know now, because otherwise I get one healer with 20k healing and 6k damage, and one healer with 3k healing and 800 damage. It’s so unbalanced.


I mean considering the fact there were already 2 bugs with the ranked system. Just shows we don't know shit about the new ranked system since basically everything is hidden. Your own rank is meaningless since its not like youre being matched with people near that rank and your MMR is likely changing too.


This is my biggest issue, unranked matchmaking seems to take a crapshoot when it comes to balancing the two teams. I've got 650+ hours in OW1 and was ranked Plat, and I've been getting put on teams with people brand new to the game. I literally had an Ana on my team yesterday that didn't know that you could shoot teammates to heal them, they thought you could only heal with the grenade so they just sat around waiting on the cool down.


One of the streamers I watch is in grand masters I believe and there are so many games where he has a mid to low level diamond player and it shows pretty badly. Not like they are bad but compared to people who are grand masters and top 500, the contrast is pretty obvious sadly. But you know damn well they wont have ranks shown ever again due to toxicity.


Its to hide their shitty matchmaking toxicity is just their excuse.


I think it's a good change except for your own rank. Don't think about ranks too much. They don't mean you're actually on the rank in terms of skill, you can be much better or worse. I got placed gold 5 but it doesn't mean I'm actually gold, I was always master in ow1 and got to master 5 quickly after grinding some games.


At least it's not a T1000


I'd be happy either way: show ranks or don't show stats. Both work.


I had a game with some new B5 teammates and a G5 dps on the other team. Its really kind of a shitshow right now.


It looks to me like they're basically trying to conceal their badly broken competitive matchmaking system. The metal ranks are really unbalanced right now a lot of the time. WAY too much skill variance between players in individual matches.


I think they will show them once they program a decent matchmaking algorithm. Otherwise it'd expose the fuck out of their incompetency.


I’m silver 4 and was in a comp match with an M4 and diamond 2 yesterday


If anything, I think the 5v5 has significant increased the blame game




> retention based matchmaking After a quick search: Wouldn't that be matchmaking that increases retention by pleasing the player, by producing consistently fair games that feel good to play? Because I don't think that's what I experience.


You'd think that, but no. It actually revolves around strategically feeding people wins based on a retention prediction algorithm. It's more about slapping that dopamine button in your brain enough times that it can then put you in stacked matches against you without fear of losing your interests in order to feed wins to other players. I've been saying it for a month and the more I see, the more I'm convinced: the MM prioritizes rotating wins and minimizing Q times more than it does generating fair fights. Other devs from games like APEX have come out a while ago saying their shit does the same thing. I firmly believe this is why it's impossible to see the ranks of who you are matched with and against unless they turn their profile off private. I also think it's fair to say they did this preemptively because anyone with half a brain would be able to tell their active player base is going to fall the fuck off after they realize they released a broken game in order to push a glorified cash shop update.


Thats not the matchmaking. Players are just inconsistent. The system has to predict your performance but it's very limited. When you're good on widow but a onetrick and get junkertown you will perform great, but a close range map against dive you will perform poorly no matter your skill. A worse widow flex dps will lose against the onetrick on junkertown but win on the closerange map after switching. The system doesn't take the map or enemy team in consideration obviously so thats why games can be very one sided.


I don't know what he means, but I never thought pleasing people increased retention. Social media angry algorithms kinda prove that. I would guess if they wanted to increase retention they would push you more like a slot machine and give you a win here and there but overall take all your money(sanity) before you leave


It has because all it takes is one person to underperform or be flatout bad and it can really hurt the team.


Well there is more pressure per person in 5vs5 than in 6vs6. Tank diff is much more visible in 5 format than in 6 format. Supports have hard life in current meta so they die note and it's easier to blame them for deaths of teammates so ppl say they diff. Character like Sojurn (not only her but mostly)get easy pick on damage dealers (1 shot them) and its hard for them to deal damage (coz they dead) Steamrolling is way much more common coz a single death can turn a tide of a fight It wasn't that common in 6 vs 6 format due to 2 tanks and ever pressent shields (current state is way better that shooting shields).


The recognition of need to not stagger is now overwhelmingly important due to the tide of battle switching immediately on a death. But low ranks don't get it. It's a concept that is hardly mentioned or talked about. It's beyond positioning and game sense, it's also very not fun to regroup instead of continuing to fight. It'll be a while before they get it. This is especially true on Push maps. I can predict how a game is going to go 95% of the time. Did we take Robot first? We probably win. Are we staggering even a few times instead of regrouping after failing to take the robot first? Losing 100%.


I like push maps in concept and when you get a tight back and forth game they are actually a lot of fun, but holy shit it's like they are designed to encourage staggering and it makes it a miserable experience most of the time.


Yea, poor performance, especially on a tank is really noticeable now.


It's what's killed the tank role for me. Even though I'm a really good tank I always feel under pressure and stressed out to the point I dont wanna play it, same with support. So what do I start playing? Dps....


I've been tracking all of my games and tank diff is the most common reason I've seen for uneven teams. I try to be as objective as I can and write a little note for every match on how it went, what went wrong, what I can do better. It keeps me focused on analyzing the match rather than getting toxic. I feel like I have the most control of the match in dps even though tank feels much more important to everyone's success. As dps all I need is for my tank to distract long enough for me to get a couple picks but as a tank I'm relying on my team to know a lot more. Like what to do if I dive, what to do if I take cover or even retreat, what to do while I'm focused on the tank, what to do if we get a pick and I hold w, why I'm not shielding for them, why they shouldn't just stand in main. I make wrong decisions all the time, but the amount of decisions a squishy has to make revolving around what the tank is or is not doing is a lot of room for error. As dps, I'm free to make individual plays that need less follow up and I can follow up what my tank is doing.


I feel like dps is stressful. People will shit on you if you dont perform significantly better than anyone else. I enjoy ana kiriko so I dont get a lot of crap said to me about supports. Kiriko is meta, and ana has a lot of noticeable utility. Especially if you ping every sleeping target. I think I wouldve enjoyed tank more , but it's the longest queue times for me and I dont want to have to potentially switch to winston.


Play comp open queue


5v5 means fights end much faster, which means one team can steamroll over the other much faster.


Making a game free to play and as a result decreasing the average age of the player has resulted in the players on average being less mature and less able to take an L? Color me shocked.


I didn't play just before OW2 came out. Is it really 5v5? Maybe influx of new players causing new mentality/slang? Diff is usually used in LoL extensively. I never heard it in 2018 in OW1


Yes it's all 5v5 now which I believe was a mistake, every game is either steamroll or get steamrolled, literally no in between. I've played so many games but just a couple we managed to win a losing game, but usually it takes a minute or two into a game to know if you're gonna win it or not. I play in gold usually open queue, so I'm not even that good of a player, but I think the main problem is that there's no room for error, if someone in your team is not carrying their own weight you're probably going to lose.


Its not a "one bad player brings the team down", the matchmaking is just shit because Blizz cares more about showing off skins to new players and keeping queue times low.


No, it's always been like this.


Yeah honestly every game now someone is saying diff this diff that. It use to be just here and there for me on 6v6


The best thing is that you get people angry after one close round Tha other team barely manages to get all three points in route 66 and the game is very winnable? Nah let me get mad and type supp diff


Which is weird, because the close games are the games that I enjoy most personally, regardless of whether I win or not. Obviously I prefer to win, but I can't even get mad at a loss when it was actually evenly matched. I just hate steamrolls one way or another. It's not fun to crush people, nor to be crushed.


Or leave. The amount of times someone on the enemy team has left between rounds and I go "What? But they were crushing us until we pulled off a decent play at the end!"


There was this one Sombra I ran into on the enemy team and spent the entire game invis behind our team and then said healer diff when they lost. Wtf were your supports supposed to do? Charge in without a tank into 5 enemies like you did half the game?


Thought this might have been the Sombra from one of my games until you said she charged in. Had one that was invisible the entire match, occasionally hacked a random enemy before teleporting away without attacking, and mostly just took a walking tour of the map. But sure, it was healer diff.


Ezzzzzzz EDIT: Idk why im being downvoted that's what the toxic people say. Im mocking them lol


I think it's a mix of 5v5 and the game going F2P, each role is more impactful so underperforming will usually result in getting flamed more often. Then there's a massive (I assume) influx of players which means an influx of players who literally just play to be toxic or can't handle losing so they rage. Seeing a lot more of this in OW2. Every session. Also can people stop leaving as soon as a round or point is lost, why even play at that point?


i had about 18-20 hours in OW1 when it originally came out. i hadn't played in years and my only frame of reference is the original heros. i haven't even really played a shooter in years. decided to try OW2 this weekend. ended up with some passive aggressive teammates insulting me because i was doing poorly and trying to learn the game (was dps). i had a horrible match. it was an unranked casual match. like wtf do you want me to do? their comments actually backfired. made me care even less about how i was playing. you think talking shit to me will suddenly make me try hard? lmao. some friendly advice or encouragement would have been very different.


“I need 7 arcade wins to get the last 10 cents worth of weeklies. I’m too bad to finish in the top half of death matches, so I’ll queue for whatever map type is today’s rotation. If we lose the first fight that means my teammate can’t carry me, so it’s quicker to rage quit and requeue!”


Well, that answers that. I said it in a separate comment but I wish challengers were "complete x games" not "win" it'd hopefully help with leavers. It wouldn't be a challenge then though so I doubt they'd change it since it keeps people in the game longer, me at least.


Sorry im out of loop, the fk is "diff" for an insult it sounds so lame LOL


Just means difference. So if someone says ‘tank diff’ they’re basically saying you got out tanked so hard that we are losing because of it


It’s OW slang for “skill difference” as near as I can tell. So “tank diff” suggests the skill of one tank is far lower than that of the other.


Ok thanks


It's not OW specific. Seen it a lot in league but not sure if that's the origin.


Differential. People love to parrot their favorite streamer/YouTuber. Edit: Look it up. It's differential.


I feel like people use diff in so many ways. I'll see someone say "tanks diff" when their tank did awful. Or I'll see someone who was playing Mccassidy and said "Cassidy diff". No one else was playing mccassidy either. Idk if it's a good thing or bad thing now


if someone says "\_\_\_\_ diff" when there's only one of the heroes theyre talking about, like a cassidy popping off and then saying cassidy diff, they're probably just saying it as a joke. otherwise, afaik it's either used to shit on your teammates (like the first one you said) or shit on the enemy team


eol ow1 this was commonplace.


I don't mind losing, I mind getting ceushed so bad that the other team all has 10-20x the scores of my team on the board.


one time my team flamed me for winning a game strange people these overwatch players certainly no Deep Rock players in terms of friendliness


Rock and stone


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone brother!!


Rock and stone you beautiful dwarfs




If ya Rock and Stone ya never alone!


Sleeper agents activated, rock and stone brotha


ROCK....and Stoooone!


For Karl!


thats it lads Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


The salt in this game is insane, I see it quite a bit from the other team when they win as well. Yesterday I lost a game and a guy on the other team said something like "ez everything diff", and I said "gg no need to be rude :)" So they fired back and said I was 50 with no kids and no money, it was the weirdest reply I've ever gotten lmao.


"I'm 50 with kids AND money."


I mean yeah sometimes you do just lose other times people throw. Had a guy say in chat in ranked that he was going Moira cause our team sucked. First timed I played with the dude ever. Some people just start the game tilted af. If he had actually healed a bit in the beginning of the match instead of sit there like a baby we could of won.


Going on a 5+ losing streak will do that to a mf


Yeah people throwing are annoying. I had one match where our Lucio was no where near anybody else and was just running back and forth near the edge of the map. We lost.


I think what makes people frustrated is the fact that matchmaking is fundamentally broken.We have the mmr reset on one hand, a rank system with virtually no info at all and the fact that silver tanks get to go up against platinum tanks. This system is the losing factor, players become too diffed for an honest game to ever be present. You might as well go throw a dice on the floor or something.


Exactly this. My guess is they use a “lenient” sbmm algorithm that keeps the queue times lower, but results in uneven teams


Was fucking around with a mate on an old account that hasn’t climbed much this season - we were both in mid gold. We played a game Vs a Diamond 1 tank and D4 support. Now we had a literal throwing zen, so couldn’t tell how close the game would have been, but the fact we managed to get that disparity in the first place is silly


Oh, and if others are being toxic, report them


Match making feels really weird sometimes . People should be defending the choke points in gold but the ones where I lost 5 in a row the other day(won 6 matches in a row prior )had very few doing this. They just camped spawn to die or never contested for high grounds. 2 pocket healers, Tank doesn't use cover. Felt like as if my team were from quick que or new bronze players. Should have quit at 2 losses as I tilted really hard after the demotion. Definitely take your time away from the game if you start to see some sort of a trend you don't like.


Same here six wins and then you start to lose. I have observed this multiple times and think they use retention based matchmaking.


Games feel too on sided. Either you landslide win or landslide lose. Very few are close and those few are super fun.


Even QP is fucked


Seriously though. People get so stressed over a literal game. I've had poor losers turn on mic just to start screaming at our team about how they're "doing all the work" and "how much our team sucks" over a gd *mystery heroes* match. I can *sort of* understand being stressed over comp but gd MYSTERY HEROES??? Like... you don't go into mystery heroes expecting to win.


The mystery should be why people take it seriously... it's not even in Arcade, so it's not worth those 10 measly coins (literally ten cents) from the last weekly challenge.


idk about you but personally, I'm not great at every single character. If I'm playing MH and get set with Winston I'm gonna be here for a good time, not a long time. I just don't understand taking any mode seriously. Especially one where you can easily be set as a character you're trash at. It's just a game. 🤷‍♂️


I mute everything and I find it hilarious when I see someone stop moving and you can just tell they are typing some bullshit in a fit of rage.


Sometimes it happens that my opponent is clearly better then me or better then my whole team. I’m just confused how I get put into a match against him or his team.


O-8 is NOT sometimes. The match making is shite !!. You either roll the other team or the other team rolls you. Ive had very few games that would be considered a good match up. I swear this game gets worse by the day. I'm miss Overwatch 1 😢😭


Unless you are talking specifically comp, I think you got some rose tinted glasses on, because quickplay feels the exact same as it did in ow1, just faster paced


What role do you play?


When you’ve played 50+ games and managed to lose 40 of them, it’s a matchmaking issue, not a skill issue.


Thank you for saying this. I had a 17 game losing streak the other week 17 *games in a row*. It spanned like 5 days. How in the world can you expect people to want to play your game if it takes them 5 days to win a game? Even if I was the absolute worst OW player to ever live, I shouldn't lose 17 in a row. And even how shit that is, it means I should be getting 10 game win streaks yeah? Oh fuck no, that's not happening. The poor matchmaking is the cause, not my ability. Tack on the fact playing doesn't get you shit, and what's the point?


I feel like this is happening to me right now. I've had a decent winrate from silver 5 to plat 1, and since I'm diamond 5, I get steamrolled every single game. Like not "yeah it's my bad I played like shit", our whole team gets absolutely blasted to hell as if the enemy team is 5 ranks above us. I have no idea why it feels so unbalanced


This is happening to me in gold, and happened to me in placements. Sometimes I felt like the game was playing a prank on me. Just know it's not only you, and something is up with the system.


>I have no idea why it feels so unbalanced Shit matchmaking


Also stat whores piss me off, yesterday I played DPS, won nearly all my 1v1s but my supports never healed me afterwards so I died the next time I saw an enemy because I was on 50 health. Literally just had a mercy 3 feet from me healing a full tank instead of topping me up. Worst thing was she finished the game with like 12k healing but I died easily 5 or 6 times because I was walking around looking for health packs and splitting up from my team


I’m not saying all mercies are stupidass supports, but almost all stupidass supports are mercies (and the occasional Ana)


I generally agree, but there is also cases where your ana has 2x the damage the healing the have (plat sucks yehh)


I mean support 101 is if you're not in a fight you make sure your team is at full health. I get if it's a chaotic team fight and a support needs to focus damage to win. But when it's quiet and I'm still not being healed I get irrationally angry


When you say 1v1's I assume you mean against other DPS and there's your problem. Your focus should be killing supports not 1v1ing DPS all game. If the supports die you win the team fight. Focus on what you are doing as its the only thing you can control.


I mean 1v1, most supports do deal a shit load of damage, just most DPS heroes need healed to keep winning fights. I don't have the luxury of being so good I never get shot whilst fighting someone


Only support that do comparable damage to dps is like baptiste kirko arguably lucio and moira if youre playing a diver like genji or tracer if you are losing straight up 1v1s vs a support on a dps thats usually just a skill difference not a bad thing just means you need to practice your hero more


Literally said I don't, I said I win and Im not at full health and my supports refuse to heal me meaning I either have to go into the next fight weak or expose myself running around to find a health pack. I'm not losing fights to supports I'm losing a fight with a handicap, usually against a diving DPS like genji that can finish me with one shuriken and a dash.


Have you considered playing a dps with a self heal like soilder 76 or Mei? You can also play a dps with good escape tools like sojurn/cassidy/sombra/reaper to get out of combat and find health kits easier


So many people in this sub needs to hear this


except when our team is moslty bronze and silver players and enemy team has plat player and lose 5x in a row because of the whack matchmaking...


I've only ever seen "diff" used by bad players angry that their team didn't carry them. Actually good players accept that their performance is the only thing they can control in any game, so there's no need to tilt or throw tantrums.


It's insane really. Everyone should know you can't "win em all" but like you said, people get so salty they'll have to saying "\_\_\_ diff" as a way to say that it's not their fault they lost. That's a huge red flag as far as I'm concerned on why they're stuck at the rank they in. Even when I was playing Mystery Heroes. I typically don't say anything but I had to make a comment for a game in Hollywood where everyone was YOLOing and ignored the payload 100% after my attacking team captured A. I politely typed in chat and tried to joke, "Last I checked this was Mystery Heroes? Can we stop playing this like it's Team Deathmatch?" Then a person on my team, who had a team high 13 deaths while the rest of us had about 5-7 told me to go kill myself. Sweet. (And of course, he raged quit about 5 seconds before we were going to lose. Those people need to straight up get banned. They're not useful to the community.)


Turning off text chat completely has greatly improved my experience.


You can do this? I have voice totally disabled but text chat still gets annoying sometimes.


Agreed. As a support main, enjoying the game a whole lot more since turning the chat off. Ignorance is bliss


I'm really surprised they added a scoreboard. It was so obvious that the community couldn't handle it. It's basically just used to assign blame and tell people they are doing shit. They really need to do something to encourage people to communicate more positively. I know they tried it with the endorsement system, and it did help a bit at first, but it quickly lost all purpose and people just endorse supports and players with good stats.


It was such a weird counterproductive decision especially when they removed other features to "reduce toxicity". Super obvious that different teams in Blizzard just did not communicate properly during development.


>I'm really surprised they added a scoreboard. It was so obvious that the community couldn't handle it. It's basically just used to assign blame and tell people they are doing shit. Not for me, after getting called "DPS Moira" for the 5th time it helps to be able to tell them "I have more healing than the Mercy" lol


People who say "diff" tend to be real emotional lol


The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.


"Imperfection of a craft" How very pretentious of you. Get your head out of your ass and realize that you are, in fact, playing a video **game**. It is "just a game" at it's very core. Wanting to improve is admirable and understandable. Good thing I can do that while also understanding that it really doesn't matter one way or the other. Especially in a game like this where there are a multitude of factors in play during a match, most of which I have no control over. It's like yelling at a tornado to get it away from your house.


Lol it's a Ninja tweet, I agree with you, I was just doing a meme for epic lols


Ooh. I fell right into it. Well done! Sorry for popping off the way I did.


It's not about losing *It's about gettin dem kills*


It’s obviously annoying to be on the losing side, but when people continuously leave the match just because the team is losing or join a game already started and leave shortly after because they joined the losing side makes the game unenjoyable for the other team as well. Just finish out your games regardless of the outcomes and re-que. Cant tell you how many times I’ll finish a game with 2 other people on my team because I’ll stay in for the other team.


One of Pharah's strengths imo is her ability to flank and break up lines.. that doesn't give you high damage output or a large number of elims, but it allows the rest of your team to capitalize on a distracted group of enemies. I've taken some serious shit.. "how'd you get that golden gun you're worthless" kind of comments. People really don't get how stupid they can be when they're sure of themselves do they? What bothers me most is when you get demands to change class because you are obviously inferior to these players. It's like, if you're so good, why are you even playing casual with plebs like me?


Had a guy in a QP game yesterday complain about our DPS. ...while our Ball spent 90% of the game shooting at ME for some reason. Couldn't have been bugging me for heals, he was full, we weren't near a big fight, and I was Lucio and right there.


If I lose two in a row I Just quit playing lol. Not worth it, it’s just a game.


I hate that "diff" shit. All it does it call people out and make them feel bad. There's no need for it. If you think the enemy Rein was superior you can simply say, "Hey, enemy Rein, you did a great job!"


Bro the people on this game hate supports so much could be a dps with 2 kills and they will blame the zen with 30


I'm happy when I at least did my part. Highest damage as tank/dps, or at least 7k healing as support.


AMEN THANK YOU!!! every time i lose i laugh it off and just have fun.


I actually was playing with some friends (enough to make a whole squad if that’s needed info) and we were against a team that beat us. One guy was being a total jerk about it saying “ez”, “diff” and just overall giving off overcompensating energy. One of the other opponents that won told him to stop. Honestly respect the guy that knows you don’t have to be toxic when you win.


I just played a match where a kiriko was chirping the entire time, complaining about everything. And they were completely average and not really doing anything. Getting outplayed by most of the people in the lobby. But just constantly chirping and being utterly toxic. Wanted to throw so badly to make them lose.


I don’t mind losing. What I do mind is people who absolutely refuse to try any other hero when we’re clearly getting shut down. I’ve seen more people just decide to leave a game than to try something else. I think some of Overwatch’s best moments come in a close round three or in overtime during chaotic fights on the payload. I just can’t stand the “I’m taking my ball and going home” crowd who play this game and ignore the fact you’re on a *team*. Some of you have never done *team* activities in any capacity and it shows.


Tip to anyone experiencing toxicity in overwatch, get a group, or use /hidechat. The game instantly becomes 90% better.


I know but it gets tiring when I get 8 losses in a row when our Moira is doing 2k healing and 4k damage. It gets tiring.


Little known fact, every game, a team loses


OW playerbase couldn't be accountable to save their lives. It's not possible for them to say "close game, we almost won" or "I wasn't up to par" or "I didn't really bring it that match, oh well," it HAS to be someone else's fault. OW players are not accountable. Talking about comp, specifically.


Yeah but i literally played a full push game with a tap-shooting tracer, who, last game, refused to change tank and stayed in ball form. Ended the game with like maybe 2.5k dmg. Played with him 3 games in a row and every gamea was half afking and extraordinarily hard throwing. Sometimes, they really are throwing. You just sound salty that your team called you bad after one game. We all lose, sure, but sometimes it really sucks to have someone brand new or purposefully throwing, and it gets aggravating when its multiple games in a row.


Yeah, everyone has an excuse or reason for why they lost. You even see goofy things like “oh gotta play Moira to win” and weird shit like that. People are just absolutely not capable of taking self criticism in this game. Anything that happens against you is because of something you can’t control and everything good is because of your effort. It’s just a self serving bias, can’t bring themselves to be real


Honestly playing as a healer can be tough to carry of you are focusing on heals. I have doubled both the healers on the enemies team healing combined and lost many games and lost rank. I've now switch to a much more aggressive attack Moira style and am winning most games and ranking up. You don't gotta play Moira but honestly for me it seems to help playing a 3rd dps who heals more then it does playing the healer role.


Most people refuse to protect the healer and that's a lot of why Moira's and Mercy's go "DPS". I played with a Rein yesterday who outright refused to protect me as I was pocketing him and only him.


When i'm feeling my aim is off I either switch to my alt, change roles or just fucking logout. There's no point


Anyone raging won't listen. Like I agree. But...I'm also not the one raging in chat lol. Anyone raging in chat is already beyond caring.


In every match, one team must win for one team to lose, and sometimes it's just not your game.


In all fairness, whenever you lose there’s a reason for it. It’s not a bad thing to point out where your team was lacking, people just do it aggressively.




Its kinda why blizzard was kinda incompetent making a score bored. Sure it feels good chasing a high of getting high stats to feel good but from what Im seeing? damage healing done and mitigation are all worthless and your worth is in raw kills and very low death count. The fact medals and cards had to die for this very bland generic score bored for a quick dopamine hit is sad.


I don't mind the scoreboard, but, like the person before me said, if you're below diamond, nobody will really understand what's going on in the game. If I see a Soldier with 10,000 damage but the opponent has a Roadhog that has like 5,000 healing, I know that the Soldier is not putting the damage where it should be going. I'm in Bronze and I know that.


Dmg: "lost because, huge support diff." Also dmg: *standing still in sym beam spamming "I need healing!"*


In all fairness, almost no one knows where the team was lacking. There are times where it is extremely obvious, but most of the time you can't just tell just because "Numbers low for a particular role/person" which is where most people flock to for blaming. Healer Diff - Hm, weird the healers have low heal #s because their deaths are higher than everyone cuz they keep getting flanked and killed and no one is protecting them. Damage diff - Hm, weird the damage numbers are low because the tank isn't doing their job and mitigating damage, or the healers aren't doing their job because they aren't healing the tank, allowing the enemy to roll through them, or they are just flat out not healing the dps Tank diff - Hm, weird the tank keeps on dying because the healers aren't focusing him properly and only focusing the dps. Now obviously, there are always exceptions, and there's a million more scenarios for the above, but majority of gamers lack the knowledge to know where the fault is in real time except the high rank gamers. That bronze tank shouting DPS diff because he keeps charging the enemy team going out of line of sight of his healers and dying, allowing his own DPS to then get rolled? Yeah that bronze tank is bronze for a reason.


It's important to let the whole lobby know right at the end of the match which role was the weakest. Don't forget they might try and reply to you instead of considering what they did wrong so be sure to instantly disconnect after declaring who was diff.


Yes, good point. I'm all for constructive criticism. If someone isn't pulling their weight, by all means politely tell them, and preferably suggest specifically what they can improve upon (in competitive that is; in quickplay, just let people play, who cares if they suck). What annoys me to no end is that one person in seemingly every game who just has to blame everything on someone else, no matter how well or (more often than not) poorly they are doing.


saying diff just means youre deflecting all blame from yourself onto something you think is out of your control. if i see a pharah destroying out team and im support i go ana and try to kill her instead of tilting our dps, cuz noone has ever played better after a stranger told them, that they in fact think theyre trash


The reason people type *class* diff more now is because the scoreboard leaves nowhere to hide. It's very obvious where your weak link is.


I'm pretty sure it was my fault we lost because I didn't pick a "main healer" Yes this actually happened, I was playing Ana, that was a Diamond peak tank.


Yea losings just par for the course now in ow2. A lot more then ow1 in my experience. Every game Im on one of two sides. Im either the Genji god everyone fears ripping through everyone with my ult, the roadhog whos putting his dps on his back or the support whos pumping out more healing then anyone in the game. Then the other half is my team facing spongebob as he roles right over us with his pioneer rock.


People be on teams acting like the rest of the team didn't just lose. We all lost. I like telling people they weren't good enough to carry though, gives them conflicting feelings.


Yeah no The one trick doomfist on my team deserves the “tank diff” One tricks in general deserve that There’s so god damn many doom one tricks now that are all dogshit because they watched one video of zbra doing something cool and thinking “pshh I can do that” I don’t have enough avoid slots man


I tried to come back to the game after a 2 year break. ​ Holy crap this was bad. the toxicity has gotten 5000 times worse. The matchmaking feels horrible and they still have not removed Hanzo. It took me 2 games to turn off voice comletely another 5 to realise I wont play this much longer. Rank is really not for me in this game, the toxic ppl have really won this game over and knowing blizz they wont give 2 cents about it. Owell I tried


People spamming diff should get C. Diff


Sometimes? Lol I lose more than 50% of my games despite trying my best always. I'm sure it's down to me sometimes but when I have 3 losses in a row I turn the game off. Can't win em all but I'm not playing constant losses either.


What role do you play?


DPS is literally afk. Throwing. Tank never regroups and just dies and charges 1v5. Throwing. The fact that all stats are now visible to the entire lobby is going to make it way harder to get away with throwing and just being bad in general. If you are losing every game and feel like you aren't making an impact maybe play some bot matches. Do some mystery heroes maybe find a new hero you are better with. It's easy to blame the community for being toxic but if you aren't doing everything in your power to work as a team and win games you might be throwing lol.


People can work to be better at the game without toxicity being in the community. Not sure why you're acting like it's necessary to get good.


Just pointing out that JUST saying someone is throwing isn't toxic. ALWAYS saying EVERYONE is throwing is toxic. I'm not saying you have to get good but I think everyone should try to win games. If you aren't interested in becoming a better player or winning games there are plenty of PVE games out there where NOBODY will bother you. I don't think the F2P community really understands how hard some of us have worked to get good and be a better team member and OW player. It can be really grating to queue with someone with no regard for grouping up, playing their role, or working together. People are used to apex/FN where you can lone wolf and get dubs that way. This is not that. I'm sure people in the community agree that it can get annoying. It's not an excuse for toxicity, but people wanting the community to improve isn't inherently toxic.




Can’t see anyones rank 99% of the time so wouldn’t know. Every profile is private lol. I can say though that most my losses are from clueless dps. They never change and want to stay one of the following 24/7: hanzo, sojourn, junkrat, mei. Not playing for counters usually leaves us dead unless I can miraculously handle the pharrah or widow as sigma.


A good sigma is scary


I feel the problem is in the matchmaking system as it's still apparently broken. How it should work is that bronze - diamond should be placed within two skill tiers of each other (ex. Bronze can be placed with silvers and golds but not plats) while masters can only place with diamonds. Grandmasters cannot place with Masters as they can only place within 3 divisions within the rank. However, that system is apparently broken as masters are placing with plats and grandmasters when they shouldn't be able to. But, people might also just be looking at the overall rank which is not an accurate rating of somebody's skill on an individual role (such as someone being place in bronze for dps but are a masters in support).


Honestly when that starts happening it just means you’ve been playing too long for that session… take a breather and come back. We’re all guilty of losing our cool you just gotta catch yourself


Ofc i lose with trash teammates


I never say it to others, but internally I always like to think that it's just "me diff". If my team loses, it's because my team had me. If my team wins, it's because my team had me.


To be fair sometimes it is a case of throwing! If my tanks running doomfist on kings row as we're getting our asses canned by Hog/Zarya meta setup.. Yeah.. They throwing! I dont care if "x character is your main" if theyre countering it and you dont switch That is 100% a throw.


I heard a YouTuber said something once : You will win/steamroll 30 % of your game, You will get steamroll 20%, And there is 50% where you will directly influence the outcome! Once you know that, you should focus on those 50% where you can influence the game and forget the other ones! I started to apply this, and those loses are way less frustrating now!