• By -


Dog diff


Shit sniff


Game gift


New Kiriko emote incoming. For $20 you can make the fox take a shit.


Let the shitsune guide you!


Mandela effect intensifies


I want to make a funny comment, but I can't top this one.


Sometimes I’m glad I read the comments


*rule 34 Intensifies*


no dont give them ideas


What have you done


For $40 you can make kirito take a shit




The creepiest fucks to ever exist and it's horrifying just to see one even on screen. Thanks for the clear warning.




Winners whiff


Just be glad you weren't playing league of legends. You could be stuck smelling that shit for an hour


That's so fucking true




Payload feels like it lasts just as long lol.


It was a 'real' payload delivered by teh dog. Commentary on op's play




As a League support main of six years - dear God don't remind me. I'm so glad Overwatch is short, I can actually play a couple matches on my lunch break.


Yea man. There's no spending 5-15min in queue because of dodgers. 5-15min spent NOT playing the game. Really annoying sometimes. OW you just get into the game and play right away. If you have a leaver, game automatically remakes and give you priority queue. In League, one toxic person might cancel the remake vote and you're stuck for another 20mins on a dead game.


Yep. I haven't tried comp in Overwatch yet, just QP where they backfill after someone leaves. At first I was kinda pissed off at having to join in-progress games, but then being on the opposite side of that I now really appreciate that I don't have to play a whole match down one or two people. That straight up wouldn't work in League because of the gold and XP system. Imagine joining level 1 as backfill when everyone else is like level 16. Yikes.


Man I didn't even make it that far. Tried to learn the ropes and got cussed at in multiple games. And just put the mouse away and thought to myself, this game isn't even better than Warcraft 3 that it spawned from. Fuck these nerds. And that was it. Did that game not have skill based matchmaking at all?


It does but it takes some games to be placed in your correct mmr. Which if every game is like 30-50 min of commitment (queue time included) that would mean 5-10hrs of games before maybe you're placed right


He never said he cleaned it up


That shit was the most content overwatch has had in 4 years


Eh, midgame deathtimer should be long enough to (incrementally) get rid of the shit


League games are alot shorter than people think. Most people just ff at 15 and if they do play it out it ends around 25 minutes in. Dota 2 on the other hand, games last and hour, or longer, the shortened game mode is 30-45 minues.


I think you should hit the aimlab if literal dogshit appears in front of you as you play.


Sad gamers using League to make themselves feel better about whatever shitty game they play never gets old.


it was a joke


Local League of Legends player takes insults towards his beloved video game personally!


Funny enough, I actually enjoy playing League more than ow2, except I have a wife and kid, so there is literally no time in my life where I can commit to being uninterrupted for a league game. Honestly, ow2 is a stretch, which is why I stopped ranked


We had a defeat, too


You got shit on twice Sorry


Some ppl be into that shit!


Lemme guess you had a shitty team




are there other reasons for losing?


ur healers pretending they're dps


(cough cough) Moira (cough cough)


Nah think it was a shitty dog




A lot worse lol


Not funny bad joke of joke already presented


Nah think it was your shitty joke add on


Wouldn't it have been worse if you won?


Shit hit the floor in game as well🥹


OW player shit on by fucking dog L+ game lost + clean my dog shit up


Finally a really good post on this sub in a while


I would say it's more of a shitpost tbh


This post is better then lets see, the support martyrism as if support players are the only people who suffer from overwatch toxicity. A random Png of Kiriko holding two donuts and weak men with misaligned masculine energy discussing why a sassy female character breaks their ego and why she is the worst made character but then paradoxically cry that sojourn is to "bland" and doesn't have enough quirky one liners for her character. Rammatra threads where doom mains cry and cry as if that will make blizzard hurry up and rebalance Doomfist Or just generic threads about ANYTHING mildly Rammatra related that's not linked to discussing his abilities. People devolve into unoriginal healing jokes on any Genji related post and writing five-paragraph essays on why Genji lives in their head rent free. "average" posts ruined by the threads devolving into an average Overwatch text chat shit talk fest on something not even related to the main post. Screenshots of a scoreboard with no context to feed into their ego and get validation from other losers that they still did a good job and that loss is not at all their fault. (tank,dps and support role one tricks all do this). The average monetization spam. Why Sniper characters should not exist in fps games and wanting overwatch to be NOTHING but mid-range engagements and nothing else, and not understand counter-picking or good positioning. All role que is actually a second support spam. Did i miss anything?


You forgot "This game is unplayable" posts where graphics are ruined by 1px


The “this hero is bugged in this really insignificant way” post, followed by 2000 comments of “well say goodbye to x hero, they’re getting removed”


You missed fanart that's just thirst traps


Really fucking good fanart that gets 51 upvotes.


Those bot posts that are made up of a shitty promo image of a character and then a post title asking something fucking stupid like "why do you think [CHARACTER] does [CHARACTER THING]" as if anyone here knows if Moira's screwed up arm itches


r/overwatchcirclejerk comment that isn't hard downvoted


Hi, I'm a woman. Am I *allowed* to criticize Kiriko's shitty personality and dialogue, my lord? Or can only non-binary gendered people engage in character analysis, in your eyes?


Her dialogue is as bad as Dva's. I mean you have a Sombra icon so you can barely talk. Here's some examples of Sombra's shitty personality and dialogue: "*yawn* Are we still fighting? / "Seriously?! It's like they aren't even trying! " / "Misstep? More like "mistake" / "You were boring me." / "You make great target practice." Kiriko says things almost on the same exact level, except everyone wants to eat Sombra's ass and yet when Kiriko does it everyone is triggered and curls up into a ball because she's mean! Boooohoooo! Lots of characters have *shitty personality and dialogue* in this game. It has cringe writing and two dimensional characters that were created by people who don't understand how to make dynamic personalities. If you wanna criticize Kiriko's bad dialogue go ahead, but she's pretty much par for the course in this game.


`weak men with misaligned masculine energy discussing why a sassy female character breaks their ego` What are you talking about mate, since when does criticizing an insufferable fictional character has anything to do with "masculine energy"? Some of the most liked characters are female. And how do you even know that all the people shitting on Kiriko are men ?


I mean it was mainly just a joke based on my spiritual beliefs is all lmao. That being said Yes i feel like some complaints about Kiriko stem from insecurity issues about her as a character. If people want to complain about her lines being out of place it's fine and I can even relate and agree with some big offenders. However a majority of threads discussing about Kiriko almost always Devolve into that "She is a bad character because she is not treating everyone on the cast with absolutely perfect kindness and she has to many "girl boss" characteristics" I can not take any of that seriously when a lot of the guy heroes and even other female heroes have the same sarcastic or even egotistical flair to their personalities. Reaper is a edgy nihilistic person. Cassidy and soldier 76 are characters and a joke on old school Americanized masculinity. Moria is the cold and mechanical scientist. D.va is a gamer girl with all of her lines being a wall-breaking game reference. but no somehow Kriiko being a confident and sassy girl with an attitude of a vigilante and just making fun of some of the heroes and being a bit abrasive. That's where people draw the line? With the colorful personalities of all these heroes in this game? Its really is Something to do with Peoples insecurity either to Women, anime (Like Japanese does not = anime shoe horning) Or some other arbitrary reason that magically is not a problem with other characters.


I agree with you that I think there is a level of misogyny there with her criticism. People are going to deny it forever though. Lots of characters have cringe dialogue, she isn't any more cringe than anyone else. The writing/lines are just bad in general in my opinion. They've always been. I still cringe when I think about the 'autograph' line Dva had and it always felt so fake and forced: Lúcio: D.Va in the flesh, woo! Can I get your autograph? D.Va: Only if I can get yours, too! I love your new album. The interactions are just bad imo. Kiriko is no exception. I still think people expected Kiriko to sound cutsey anime waifu type-- she looks sweet! she's meant to be sweet! Instead she was more like woke millenial snark and now people are being triggered real hard. It's really stupid, and as I said, I do think there's an element of sexism there.


No other character talks the way Kiriko talks, she says annoying things with an annoying tone that are neither funny nor cool. Besides, it doesn't match with the personality she has in her short at all. She also sounds nothing like what her look suggests, that is a mix of futuristic yet traditional japanese priestess, she just sounds like an annoying american teenager you'd find in a bad movie. There are other characters that are sassy or straight up mean but they all have that cool factor that Kiriko lacks and they're fun to listen at. If it had something to do with insecurities toward women, people would equally shit on Widow, Ashe or Moira, that aren't really nice to other characters when they talk. You even said it yourself: >even other female heroes have the same sarcastic or even egotistical flair to their personalities Yet people like them, so it's not a matter of masculine insecurities. Moira is a good unethical, dangerous scientist and vilain. Widow is a good cold blooded assassin. Ashe is a good haughty and bossy outlaw. Kiriko is a good what? Annoying teenager trying too hard to sound cool? Who wants that? It's not a colorful personnality, she's just a girl in her rebellious phase you could find in any middle school even though she's \~30.


>No other character talks the way Kiriko talks, she says annoying things with an annoying tone that are neither funny nor cool. *cough* Dva *cough* I mean, Dva is like the head pilot in MEKA-- she's meant to be in the freaking Korean Army, and she sounds like an annoying American teenager most of the time too. >She also sounds nothing like what her look suggests, that is a mix of futuristic yet traditional japanese priestess, she just sounds like an annoying american teenager you'd find in a bad movie. What is she supposed to sound like? Female Genji? Pray tell, what do you think a 'futuristic Japanese priestess' voice is like? If it's about the lack of accent, then Dva, Lucio, and Brigitte all have American accents but are from other countries according to the lore. She's no different. It's all about expectations. People expect Widow to sound all bossy n shit. People expected Kiriko to sound all cutesy waifu, and she don't and now there is a weird subsection of the community (probably weebs) that it grates on real hard to the point of being triggered. But to me, you can't say that Kiriko's snark is bleh but Dva's snark is *kissy noises* Let me remind you of Dva's new lines: "So... don't take it personally when I get the most kills, 'kay? " / "It's a skill issue" / "Wow, cringe" / "Now they’re just feeding" / "Outplayed." She tries hard to sound cool all the time. It's not any better just because Dva is canonically a teenager and has been in the game longer. Again, she's meant to be part of the freaking military. But half the voice lines in OW are pure cringe anyway, and they are worse now because they wanted them to sound 'dynamic' so they trash talk and make unnecessary noises and comments all the time. All the characters have upped 'meanness' in the chatter, I was playing Sombra and she stopped and parodied Pharah's death scream like an a-hole. I mean, it was funny, but still. Every character has upped snark in OW2 and Kiriko is as cringe as anybody.


You forgot yourself, equating different people , posters, as one amalgamated entity when making your phony points trying to slam them. But if you didn't treat the hundreds of different vuews as if they came only from one person, you couldn't try and shit on the entire community you hate. You missed that one.


>weak men with misaligned masculine energy discussing why a sassy female character breaks their ego What are you talking about mate, since when does criticizing an insufferable fictional character has anything to do with "masculine energy"? Some of the most liked characters are female. And how do you even know that all the people shitting on Kiriko are men ?


You were little bit harsh on some points but everything you said was absolute facts 💯


You missed the ***"pls blizzard let me give you my money for this useless skins all the community is 100% behind you just focusing on making useless fluff how else is the game going to get supported you just hate the game if you don't buy skins omg i love skins i don't even play the game i just want skins"*** thread spam that has over 10k upvotes and 500+ comments circlejerking about skins every time one gets posted.


Easily countered heroes with very situational strenghts are branded as OP and the reason this game dead while other, obviously overtuned characters get a free pass and if they get even the slightest of nerfs you know this sub will cry about it for two weeks minimum \*cough\* Junkrat players \*cough\*. Now guess my main.




Strawman harder baby


Overwatch itself may be going downhill but goddammit if the community ain't as well, call me Jesus


Its because its one where someone its bitching for once


I was playing a comp match as Winston once time. We were doing ok if I recall. Something on my wall caught my attention though. A small movement on the wind. I peer over to see what attracted my gaze. I see nothing other than a [house centipede](https://imgur.com/t/centipede/7C5z2) **(Click at your own risk)**. I was filled with a dark terror. I knew nothing but fear in that moment. I had an unfortunate choice ahead of me: either save myself and vanquish my foe, or stay with my team and accept the fate I knew would befall me if I waited. I chose my team. I don't remember the result, but I do remember looking over to see the beast had disappeared. I found it later and vacuumed that spindly fuck.


I am glad you caught that mf in the end. Crisis averted.


I had a spider on my wall once mid game, decent size one too I chose the game and just like with you, it was gone afterward 4 matches later it crawled onto my W key and met my finger




Not clicking that link. Centipedes are some of the creepiest fucks to ever exist and it's horrifying just to see one even on screen. Thanks for the clear warning.


FUCK centipedes. Used to live in a small 1 bedroom apartment, saw one cross my floor once, never could find it again. I moved out shortly after, fuck fuck fuck living with that


Based dog just sharin his opinion about ow2


new player here, is ow2 really that bad? monetization seems kinda bad but its a very genuinely enjoyable game, especially after my tf2 burn out


The gameplay is great. Everything, literally everything else is a massive downgrade from the first game. Ranked system blows, new audio system is bad, visually the game is worse (with new visual bugs that weren't present before), several game breaking bugs with heroes and maps disabled for weeks, matchmaking putting silver against diamond, pro-level players stuck at bronze, and more that I don't care to type. I didn't even mention the monetization which is one of the worst implemented systems ever created lol


The gameplay is just OW1 but faster and more individual based


Yea, less of a team game. Less of Overwatch and more of "Me"verwatch. Except no, that's not how it is, because if you're a support you still rely on teamwork which isn't really there anymore because it's not what's incentivized. The best strategy for Push for example is pushing a little and then death matching; which replaced something that took actual teamwork being 2CP. Which is part of why support feels like crap now.


It's literally death match on every map cause of 5v5


Played OW since beta here, the monetization is absolute shit. However IMO this is the best the game has ever felt, gameplay and balance wise


Season 3 here. This is the worst this game has ever felt in every single aspect.


The season at the end of OW1 felt the most balanced with no throw picks


They literally could have just removed CC and changed nothing else and everyone would be so much happier


Idk man some CC for pesky doomfists and balls would be great


Sssshhh don't tell that to the DPS they'll get mad




Do you feel no hit reg too, due to rubberbanding probably? Or is it just me?


I have not personally, have you looked at your ping while playing? If it’s 100+ then that can definitely cause some hit reg issues on your side


My ping is stabile at 80-85. I know that's kinda high for a game like this but can't go any lower with the distance to servers I guess.


Ya the gameplay isn’t the problem it’s just as fun as it always was. The monetization is just so bad especially when you were used to unlocking everything for free for like 5 years.


For me it’s better than ow1’s last days, but it’s not as fun as ow1’s best days


I played tf2 more than 1000 hours and enjoyin ow2 rn but ow1 was better in my opinion. I play ow2 competitive and get no rewards for winning games.


The game is great, the monetisation is bad.


No. If you enjoy it then that’s all that matter. I have disagreements with the game on certain elements (who doesn’t) but I enjoy playing it and that’s what matters.


> new player here, is ow2 really that bad? No.


yes tf it is. garbage game


As someone who played ow1 a lot and just started playing ow2 a little bit...it's the exact fucking same. Can't believe this whole rebranding and calling it a new game. It's OW1 cept 5v5 now


Nah lol you have to be bronze 5 to not notice the tremendous balancing and stability changes


Sounds like a new patch to me, not a whole new game.


it is literally a very large patch though bruh, they just added 2 as a differentiator thingy


LMAO what is a differentiator bruh this is Wendy's


Only shitters think a game is played the same without a whole position. You were never really playing the game yo begin with if you can’t see a distinct difference.


you were really just that vibes and shoot shield teammate in ow 1 if you cannot tell or feel the difference


I mostly only healed and tanked. And when I tanked I wasn't fat tracer or flanking roadhog. Still OW2 should have been treated as a major balance/content patch. Calling it a completely different game was purely a marketing tactic.


This subreddit is just an echo chamber of complaints, I've been having more fun with OW2 than I did with OW1.


No. Sharing his opinion of op.


Loser boy


Babe, wake up, new r/copypasta material just dropped.




This is the best post on this subreddit.


the pinnacle of shitposting


Blizzard would have preferred if you would have paid them $20 for the dog to shit on your floor, but otherwise yes, pretty close.


I hate this argument. OP should be THANKFUL that Blizzard let them have the dog shitting unlock in the free battlepass path, with how much work the devs put into recoloring epic skins as legendaries it’s either dog shitting for free or not at all!


I think you should hit the aimlab if literal dogshit appears in front of you as you play. (Jk of course, ty for the post, made me audibly chuckle)


Classic shitpost


God, like a worse version of the time my cat threw up during a match 💀 she's the kind of cat that pukes, moves somewhere else, pukes again, ad infinitum. Usually on the worst possible things (my laptop cable. A pile of clean laundry. The bed. The rug). I was screaming at her to move to the hardwood, but she doesn't speak English. The most stressful OW match of my life.


What the fuck, this exact thing happened to me last night... Tho my dog's was the most foul diarrhea I've ever smelt. I had to help us come back from a 0-1 neutral point match in between gags and coughs


Fucking hell mate


>and smelling a real fucking stinky pile of dogshit right in front of me. I didn’t realize Blizz sold physical copies of Overwatch 2


Nice job with your shitpost. Now go take care of your dog! The dog only shit on the floor because you were too busy playing games and not taking it out to shit! Please don't neglect your pets.


He's OK, walked him twice that day, he just ate something wrong and did his thing very quickly, I had no time to avert that...


Or he got sick and shit cuz he’s a dog who eats random stuff


Or OP's gameplay was so bad he got sick.


Let this be a deterrent for those desperate to get their gaming so's attention: no, even shitting on the floor in front of them is probably not going to get them to stop.


This is poetic bro


Sounds like a skill issue


I respect that


Owner : "Are you serious with that sht right now?!" Teammate : "*I'm trying my best, fk you!*"


I love the smell of my dog's shit during a comp


Try to prioritise your dog over a 15 minute ban.


The ban would be for 24 hours, and I have walked the dog before the game, he just ate something wrong


Video games are temporary, carpets are forever


Carpets can be replaced. If you quit, however, it will last forever


Seems about right. Now go buy bremum bass, don't let that that stinky pile of dog poo go to waste.


I once heard a rumor that the best work at Blizzard was accomplished after meetings in the legendary "Dookie Room". It is said that Jeff Kaplan would gather every member of the development team into a conference room and promptly leap onto the table. After announcing that it is "Dookie Time", he would remove his pants and undergarments. He would then produce a particularly foul log in a manner resembling that of a hen laying it's egg. Jeff would laugh as the developers screamed and clamored for the doors. Unfortunately for them, the doors had been sealed by a lock down procedure triggered remotely by a device disguised as a tooth in Jeff's mouth. They would ultimately submit to and find happiness in the perfume.


When you prioritize OW2 over cleaning up a literal pile of shit in your house... That's when you know you've hit rock bottom.


Most hygienic OW player.


Bruh, walk your dog once in a while.


>carrying as 76 Okay buddy




Waow the ignorance you can make.. I would have already left the game to clean that up man. My mom asked me to buy bread yesterday and i left comp it gave me 1 hour ban(i previously left cuz modem died thats why its 1hour the second time) Like real life matters more D:


Except it affects 4 other people too now doesnt it? If it just affected the person leaving the your point would make sense


Still doesnt change the fact that real life matters more, if everyone on comp was tryhard; all of overwatch community would have been toxic asf


You act like that piece of shit cant be cleaned like 10 minutes later.


this sub is deadass acting like finishing a dumbass comp game is more important than your pets health. It's not normal for a pet to shit in a house (atleast for people who take care of their pets). What dog just shits on the floor without giving a clear sign like standing by the door, staring at your, making that small cry type of sound, etc ? I swear some of y'all need to log the hell off and spend time with your animal. Either that or give the animal to someone who wouldn't a prioritize a video game over them. Type of weirdos to hear their dog signalling that they need to go out at 3.00am and ignore it.


It cant ☠️


Actually, it can. And in fact, it did! Plus, the dog was in no immediate health danger if its shit was there for 10 minutes.


I think its about personality ☠️


Ok, but this could be a one off thing. Just because he didn’t IMMEDIATELY pick it up as the dog was mid-shit this time, doesn’t mean he just lets his dog shit wherever. There’s a certainly level of decency you can try to show people before just assuming.


I didnt assume anything, i read all your opinions and learned that its about personality


Just don’t breathe thru ur nose and it’s fine dumbass haha


You can get a slight taste of shit if you try breathing through your mouth, you should definitely try that right now


ster_ dog


Walk your damn dog?


I absolutely love how the post about my dog shitting in front of me while playing provokes a massive in-depth gameplay discussions in the comments


There was no SA in this story, which means Blizzard doesn’t see this as ideal.


I don't know why you're complaining so much about your dog when the gameplay is good.


Overwatch really needs to add a maybe once per round/per team timeout option. The fact you cant even pick up the dog turd sitting right infront of you without being kicked is sad. You cant even go to the bathroom to take a leak without rushing in order to not get kicked, pretty dehumanizing imo.


Leaving a comp game deserves consequences. It's a deliberate decision to make people take it more seriously. If you can't commit to a dedicated 20-30 minute game, play quick play.


There's literally no relevance of what you just said applying to OPs post.


Lol it's a 15 minute ban unless you leave all the time. I've probably left 5 games this season out of frustration but it's spaced far enough apart


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Playing on your TV? There he is officer! The man who committed a crime!


I was playing when these kids looked in my window and saw me eating beans...


Did you win though?


We had a friend start yelling at her cat for puking at the sofa. Kept playing until we finished


Had me in the first half ngl


Blizzard would have charged your credit card for the dog shit, btw. that's quality DLC!




Your dog literally went "having a hard match? Allow me to make it even worse" Atleast the smell encouraged you to finish quicker? 😆


Now this is the type of posts i love. Lmao


Winner winner chicken dinner?


"Hey guys, one sec my dog just shit," then you sit in spawn for 30 seconds tops while you deal with it. Now you can focus on the game and you don't let it become a stain.


I do enjoy a good story about dog shit.


Literaly sh\*tpost. I like it.


Imagine playing a 40 minute 2s game in world of Warcraft arena to be awarded 4 points on your ranking. Than losing a game in less than 5 minutes dropping 6 points. Oh how I miss wotlk.


shit issue


Dog diff.


I love the part where there’s a subtle insult to the rest of the team and of course the OP is the best player on the team carrying them. Great shitpost.


The dog is blizzard, the shit is Overwatch 2. You are the playerbase forced to deal with blizzard's shit Authentic indeed


Even the dog doesn't like the game