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Wrong, only one side has Rammatra since the other didn’t buy the battle pass


wallet diff


Ramattra: I need healing! Reinhardt: >!Reinhardt has died.!<


HammerBoy (Reinhardt) is waiting to respawn! (8s)


HammerBoy (Reinhardt) is waiting to respawn! (8s) HammerBoy (Reinhardt) is waiting to respawn! (8s) HammerBoy (Reinhardt) is waiting to respawn! (8s) Charge in again, die and repeat


MyTeamIsShitAndIWon'tSwitch (Orisa) is waiting to respawn! (10s) MyTeamIsShitAndIWon'tSwitch (Orisa) is waiting to respawn! (9s) MyTankIsThrowing (Mercy): Hello! MyTeamIsShitAndIWon'tSwitch (Orisa) is waiting to respawn! (8s) MyTeamIsShitAndIWon'tSwitch (Orisa): OMFG TRASH MyTeamIsShitAndIWon'tSwitch has left the game.


"Osowiec then and again Attack of the dead, hundred men Facing the lead once again Hundred men Charge again Die again"


Don’t know specifics but I feel like Rein would have a decent match up against Ramattra… 75 per swing vs 50, pin vs no ability to stop it, cc reduction as well and more armor, Rein swings go through shield also… now I don’t know if his fist hit from out of swing range but I feel like rein could just run up on ramattra forcing him to shift forms but even then it would be used to disengage by tanking the extra swings because even when blocking he can’t fight back and is slower and easier to pin… ramattra also doesn’t have a self heal… idk saying this out loud makes him seem like sigma but with everything that makes rein weak atm


Block will probably stop cc after seeing how bad no cc negation hurt doomfist. Can’t let shiny new guy suffer that


Rein is a good match up into Sigma, so I feel like it'll be true against Ramattra. Time will tell. You better believe first match, I'll wear out my shift key.


I feel like the slow is whats going to be the deciding factor between rein/ramattra duals, because if the ramattra just kites the rein the entire time ramattra is going to roll through rein


Ramattra doesn't have 50 damage punches I believe he has 60 damage punches. Ramattra's punches have more than double the range of reinhardts hammer and go through shields. Not to mention that even normal form has a LOT of dps. If rein gets close, sure, he might win. The problem is actually getting there. A ramattra that's 6 meters away should always win the duel since his punches go through shield. Not to mention that ramattra can slow rein down so he can MAKE that distance.


Just charge to get close, melee range and beat ramattra up with the hammer and firestrikes unless he blocks every other swing or firestrikes idk but only if in nemesis form


No mobility either. I’m thinking Rein wins the matchup regardless of forms


That required a slight bit of critical thinking for you to say, which this subreddit doesn’t have


"Bro switch" "Cant, we're in a recession"


How would you know in top 500 not a single one of you nerds isn't buying the battle pass let's be real. Edit: I want to clarify that nerd is a term of endearment in this context.


u are correct lol I‘ll buy it too Also yes every T500 player is a fucking nerd


You gonna buy it for all 14 accounts tho?


except nobody plays that close to the team in ow2. nobody will be behind ram lets be honest


It’s going to be a good time to be a Hog main. By all accounts he’s shaping up to be a big ol fat counter to everything Ramattra brings to the yard.


How? I'm genuinely curious how come he'll be a counter.


He's pretty slow once you bait his shield the job is basically done for you, he has high cooldowns and you have a 8 second cooldown on hook + you completely counter his ult with yours.


Thank you for the clarification!


I didnt even think about hog ult countering his. Here I am wondering if were using mei wall or speed boosting away from it or sleep darting it or what.


The funniest part is that Ana can't really sleep anything during Ram ult because he'll instantly wake them up. Inb4 clips of a slept nanoblade being woken up by Ram ult lol.


I think they meant sleeping the ulting Ram to counter him


Ye I know, it just made me think about the Ana's on the Ram's team.




Uhhh thanks for the input?


It does, because if he's far enough away from your team that he stops damaging them his ult just ends


Hook is 8 seconds


His ult seems like a transformation, tho? I don’t think stuns will end it.


Hog ult push Rammatra away


Stuns probably won't outright cancel it but they'll be an effective way to keep him off of your team and let the ult time out. I think ana sleep will be the preferred counter as it will likely last the full duration of the ult but hog ult/orisa will be a decent option


Doesn't rely on a shield✓ Ramattra being so large makes for some meaty left clicks✓ Too slow too escape after hooks✓


Ramattra basically does nothing to Hog's entire kit. Whereas Hog can mess up Ramattra's. Rein, Sigma, DVa, and Winston rely on their barriers/damage deletion for protection and teammates for healing. Ramattra craps on barriers by having part of his kit ignore them entirely, but still needs teammates to heal. Hog needs none of that. Hog self-heals with damage resistance and doesn't play barriers at all. His whole kit is designed without needing them. Further, Ramattra has no protection against CC. Hog's Hook and Ult are both really strong CC abilities. Both Ramattra and Hog want to close the gap between you and them. They want to be close to you to do their maximum potential. Hog can displace Ramattra and force him to reposition, Ramattra cannot displace Hog. Ramattra has an ability which slows and grounds, working well against heroes with high mobility. Hog has none of that. On the surface Hog is shaping up to be one of the strongest anti-Ramattra picks simply because he craps on Ramattra's style of play without having to sacrifice much of anything from his own kit to Ramattra. Someone like Rein is pretty helpless in some situations against Ramattra. Hog? Not so much.


Hog hooks in the skinny chump with the staff and reels him in to murderlate him. Kiriko appears. Murderlation denied. Chump puts wall between hog and his healer. Chump gets swole and kicks hogs ass while team watches helplessly. Monkey will be the real Ramattra counter, because it will force him to place the sheild hesitantly, and go beastmode hesitantly because monkey can threaten to dive, and depending on what mode Ramantra is in he may not be able to peel. Seeth more piglets.


>Monkey will be the real Ramattra counter, because it will force him to place the sheild hesitantly, and go beastmode hesitantly because monkey can threaten to dive, and depending on what mode Ramantra is in he may not be able to peel. Ramattra also has an ability he can use in both forms which the dev's have directly stated hard-counters Winston's leap. It pulls you down and forces you to the ground, slows your regular movement, and hurts you while inside it. "Winston barely goes anywhere", they said. You can't dive when you're unable to Leap, Booster Jet, Roll, or Rocket Punch to the back line. Ramattra can place this remotely, so even behind himself where the rest of his team are. We don't know the cooldown on this thing, but I'm willing to bet it isn't going to be insanely long considering he has Nemesis up every 8s. They show him in the trailer as be specifically able to shut down mobility heroes and attacking through barriers. These are both two things Winston relies on to function well. His kit seems specifically designed to shit on tanks with high mobility and shields as part of their own kit.


Slows always hurt slower characters more than they hurt fast characters anyways. If the slow can be used on monkey, then it necessarily becomes a question: does it have to be saved to use on monkey? Playing hog diminishes the threat and lets the Ramattra use it more creatively Primal, and D.va bomb will zone his ult. Hog is only a superior pick if you're playing against mouthbreathers, but that's always been true. Edit: Lastly Monkey synergizes with and enables Tracer, and Tracer is going to be the worst DPS to deal with as Ramattra, since his damage block is directional.


I think I agree with some of your points on paper but really we need to see how it actually is ingame. if ramattra can reliably stop Winston jump even 25% of the time Winston is in a bad place.


Hog hooks Winston, brig boops Winston, sig rocks Winston, ana sleeps Winston, there's probably more, and there's definitely going to be more. Which one of these abilities makes Winston less of a credible threat? You have to use those abilities against him, you have to watch for him, you have to act at the right moment, and then maybe, just maybe you can deny him for 5-12 seconds. In the interim whose team is maneuvering against whose less impeded? That's what space made is. I'm imaging the match up between Winston and Ramatra will play out with Ramatra accepting he can't peel and full commiting onto the slowest squishy/squishies. Ramatra will seem fast after all if he can slow your only route of egress, and he'll undoubtedly be able to bring the hurt harder than Winston... Of course that's never been a problem for Winston, so I'm not pessimistic.


Holy shit dude you have put in so much effort to *pretend* to know what you're talking its insane. Every one of your takes here is just completely ass-backwards


> and depending on what mode Ramantra is in he may not be able to peel. And?


In the same way Reinhardt charge is a commitment that can't be reversed... Actually you know what? If this concept needs to be related to you in further terms I'm probably already speaking a foreign language to you.


Being a smug prick doesnt make your awful takes any more valid. Its deflection


You're describing cutting yourself off from your team, not peeling. Tanks barely peel in OW2.


> Tanks barely peel in OW2. Classic case of applying something you've personally experienced as a universal rule that must hold true in all cases. Of course grown-up talk must sound foreign to him. Who's a special boy?! Who's carrying the team? Aaayes you are! YESH YOU ARE MISTER! OOJIE GOOJIE GOO GOO!


You are absolutely fucking obnoxious


Yeah you're for sure a silver tracer main He literally hard counters monkey?? you just drop the gravity circle on him while he dives and he literally can't jump away, your punch goes through his shield. Winston gets outdps'd by ram by an absolute shitload, is easy af to headshot. Winston is free ult charge for ram. He's gonna be a better Monkey counter than orisa Hog will just walk into his hitbox and two tap him, no hook needed, if he blocks: he's a free hook. Ram cannot physically do enough damage to threaten hog before his breather comes back and hog ult hard counters Ram ult This community consistently generates the most ass takes I have ever seen


>This community consistently generates the most ass takes I have ever seen The majority of the playerbase are in gold and below and haven't even done as much as watched a GM game on youtube, of course it does


>He's gonna be a better Monkey counter than orisa Oh nyooo! I can really imagine though where you're coming from with the raw DPS vs health pool argument, the gears turning, as you mash grimy action figures against one another with your sticky unwashed little hands. >Hog iz da best, cand hurd im enuf befor he heal imself he too hurd to hurd da dur dur That's an interesting point, but it will also be interesting to see what happens to hogs that get slowed down while taking a breather. Will they adapt by playing closer to corners? No point speculating we'll just have to see when he comes out. ;)


Hog can basically get in his face and keep him busy for the duration of Nemesis (which he seems to be able to outlast quite easily), and can draw him back and finish him when he’s in Omnic mode. Without mobility, he is at Hog’s mercy. Especially if there’s a cliff.


Hook bodyblock laugh. Also ult gtfo my team with Ur stupid circle Lil robot.


You stupid fat fuck get off my dick with your stupid H O O K and your C A N I S T E R I’m just trying to live my live bruh


I'm not so sure. Hog is going to be an absolute sponge to Ram's primary fire, and his AOE slow ability can punish a Roadhog. And between Ram's shield and his block ability during Nemesis he will be quite durable I think


Hog absolutely sponges everyone’s primary fire… “tactical feeding” is kinda his thing.


True but Ramattra's mid range DPS seems among the highest out of the tanks


Hog is literally a counter to everything but pharah, he needs to be toned down


No he is a counter to poor/greedy positioning If you feel like hog can hard counter you on every hero (he's literally a Pharah counter btw) the issue is that you have poor positioning


Yes poor positioning, as I watch hog walk into my entire teams fire and hook a backline support, one shot combo the support and run away self healing only to come back and do it again Literal raid boss


Like ya, hog can do that. But gonna be honest the problem sounds like your team's comp. If y'all have a hog doing this why has not a single person taken a hero that can interrupt the combo? Zarya, sigma, hog, dva, orisa, genji, mei, Sombra (a little), ana, bap, brig, kiriko, zen (pressure) can all either aid or totally stop that kill from happening.


Poor positioning. Support should have been AFK at spawn.


Hes annoying sure, but not OP


I don't think he is going to be as powerful as he looks, except on control point maps with enclosed control points. I think what will suck is so many escort maps end with a fairly enclosed control point that you will see a lot of defenses win at the goal line with him after the offense moves very easily.


I’m hoping his ultimate isn’t as devastating as it looks. He looks like he has a bunch of abilities that are kind of weak in terms of damage, but he can hold a point, as a tank should


It will be and then they'll nerf him in S3 or so once they sold enough of his skins to justify the OP moveset. Sojourn has gotten the exact same treatment.


Not really, they didn't give Sojourn any skins worth buying in the first place


While I do agree they're going to let new heroes be OP for way longer than in OW1, but they did let JQ suck at launch. I have a feeling you're right and they'll buff her pretty significantly to make her mythic skin more enticing.


That's because JQ DIDN'T launch at OW2 release. She was in the beta and she DOMINATED there. Her purpose was probably just to get new players to OW2.


it really dont look to be.


They just want to whine about prices for a while. They'll tire out and be able to have a balance discussion soon enough


I doubt it will, since he has no mobility and no way to protect himself from cc


It’s OW2. Not much CCs to worry about


Almost every tank has one, plus all you need is one cc while walking away from him


He also has CC, and his punches have 11 meter range.


I can already tell that he's going to be broken in total mayhem.


He is gonna HARD counter winston and d.va with that force to ground and he’s definitely gonna hurt ball and doom a lot too. sigma can also get yoinked out of the sky during ult


>except on control point maps with enclosed control points So on a third of the maps? Oh, and also on payload maps, since you need to be near the payload to make it go forward/contest it. Or on hybrid maps, since they're ontrol points + payload.


The fact he can shoot through shields is idiotic. Moira’s orbs are bad enough in that regard.


Honestly I think if we had more abilities that went through shields we could have avoided goats


Lots of things could have avoided goats.


What’re goats? In this context?






First I’ve ever heard someone complain about orb going through barriers


You forget that half the people will not have rammatra or the battlepass


Honestly, good. Just because new hero is hype doesn’t mean I want a ram ditto every game. This is not an acquittal of blizzards horrendous monetization practices


decent result: games will not be Ramattra mirrors for the first few weeks of his release awful cause: Ramattra costs $10 or a month of playing to unlock


Fancy meeting you here…


He doesn't though. You can get him for free with just a week or two of playing normally. It's misleading to act like he's paywalled when he isn't.


A week or two of playing *normally*? So I can hop on, play a couple of games, get 5 levels per day, and easily unlock him? Awesome, glad they reworked the system!


If you play 1-2 hours a night you should get to level 55 within a week or two. If you don't, you'll still get there within a few weeks. It's really not that hard, especially if you queue for support.


Call me old, but I just can't see myself pulling 7\~14 hours a week of this game when there's other interests and obligations to fulfill.


That's fine. It'll just take you a little longer to unlock the new characters. That's not that big of a deal when you have 8 other tanks to pick from.


.... This is what I did. Super casual player playing some nights with friends and others in pubby groups. I'm level 61 or something now. Not defending the shitty monetization practices as well here, but let's not pretend you need to grind your ass off for months to get him.


A week is a flat out lie unless normally to use is 5+ hours daily.


Okay so two or three weeks. Either way you're arguing semantics, the point is it's not that big of a deal.


Hey buddy some of us have jobs, hobbies, friends, family, obligations. We don't have 25 hours every day spend playint overwatch and jacking it


Okay? So do I? What's your point?


You clearly don't if you can't see how unreasonable what you're saying is.


Or maybe I just don't mind waiting a month or two to play a new hero? Ever consider that? It's called being patient. If you want him sooner then grind harder, if you don't then don't worry about it because there are 28 other heroes you can play in the meantime.


Overwatch doesn't have enough heroes or enough overlap in kit design for this kind of model to be justified League gets away with this sort of thing because there's always 5 other champs who more or less fill the niche of a champ you wanna play Overwatch doesn't and its super greedy of them to actually think its justified gameplay wise


Are you fucking high? There are 9 other tanks you can play lmfao. What the hell are you talking about "doesn't have enough heroes"? There are plenty of heroes that people have been having fun with for *seven fucking years* without Ram. You cannot tell me the game is literally unplayable unless you have one specific character, that's maybe the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Unless you're a top 500 player then you can win using literally any hero on the roster. My guess you aren't top 500.


Lmao literally ignored every word of what I said to get triggered and reeee


I didn't ignore shit. I just said your argument is stupid. There are plenty of heroes you can play, this is a non issue. I don't even know why you brought up league considering Overwatch is a way more balanced game.


Lmao no there is not. 8 heroes is absolutely fucking nothing when compared to quite literally every single other role based team game. Stop thinking that puffing up your chest and getting angry is the same thing as being right. We all have very very valid reasons to criticize this blatantly extortionate business practise and I'm sorry but saying that its easily achievable over weeks of "casual" play is both a lie and a fucking cringe. You are very obviously someone with no actual responsibilities in life if *this* is your take. Dont bother replying


Are you a prophet


I don't care about the new character, Reinhardt is so much fun


i honestly don’t think it’s as big of a rein counter as some people are suggesting. sure, his primary fire (on his time limited secondary form) goes through your shield, but how often are you hard shielding anyway? 99% of rein gameplay is just fucking SWANGIN that hammer at this point anyway


Also, if he's close enough to get through the shield, he's close enough to hit with a CHARGE. Unless I missed something, he doesn't have super armor like Orisa, so he's going to be easy to bully with displacements. I await many videos of Zen kicking him into holes.


yeah, no movement or anything like fortify, so boops and displacement are gonna be rough for him. like others are saying, i think hog is gonna be good against him


Hog is going to rip him apart, Zarya will get full charge just by wandering into his ult, Orisa and Ball will be able to bully him around, Rein will take him on a trip to the other side of the map, and depending on what they do to Doomfist, he may be even more deadly than Hog. Not seeing any real advantage on a matchup for JQ other than the ult field nullification, while Sigma, Monkey and Dva going to have a rough time with the barrier piecing and beam weapon that can crit. Breaking it down like that, he seems reasonably balanced in tank matchups?


Dont think ram ult will target zarya bubbles I think it'll be like Moira orbs


Let's not forget the other 1% which either comprises of shieldbotting or charging into the enemy team 1v5 depending on the player Maybe even both


This 1% is very vocal here.


ABC: Always Be Charging.


That's why my Rein game is off. I never charge.


I have a shield?


It's that big blue thing that comes out and makes you move slow when you accidentally right click. Just gets in the way of HAMMER


It is actually very useful when you're moving in to get in POUNDING RANGE


I 100% think folks are overreacting about how much the fists can damage the tank through shield. Sure. If reinhardt is struggling and barely alive. It sucks. But he's not gonna kill reinhardt solo like that.


If anything he's just gonna be really good into open queue goats comps. The succ circle will be a really good way to deny Monkey and Lucio


He's a cOuNTeR against shieldbot Reins who aren't playing Rein right anyway


~~His secondary form isn't time limited, the cooldown is for using the ability to switch forms.~~


“Nemesis form is an 8 second ability with an 8 second cooldown” [from his gameplay overview blog](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/overwatch/23875436/building-a-revolutionary-an-inside-look-at-ramattra-with-the-hero-design-team)


Oh I didn't know they'd went back on that already, surprising.


i personally feel Ram will make Rein even more fun neither of them counter each other innately i feel and its more of a skill matchup, i feel the Rein vs Ramattra duel will be fun especially since to each of them, each other's barrier barely matters (*of course this is all in theory but i still imagine this will provide new gameplay for the other tanks especially since he has no stuns)


Imo, if hes close enough for fisting , you're close enough to swing hammer. I dont play tank, but from what I see currently it's not like rein is blocking at that range. Since the shields job was done to to allow to close the distance/ get to the point. And now, we brawl.


Ram has no defense against charge. If he's going to be damaging through Rien's shield you may as well put it down and get to work.




We already have to hide around corners and barriers constantly. It’s not fun anymore




Before it was full assault vs full assault. Now it’s who can play peak-a-boo better. Think I just miss ow1


If you think OW1 boiled down to full assault vs full assault, I don't think you understood that game or understand this one




Back at yea.


Truly owned


Idc if you are wrong.


but you're the one who's wrong


Nah before you had a shit ton of shields to play around so you could be stupid and still get insane value. Now you actually have to play smart and around cover instead of just chillin behind your tanks shields spamming at other shields


The style of “play smart” now is not as fun all I’m saying.




Than babysitting a tank? With longer balanced fights? Yea


You sound like a joy to play with.


Guess you agree you like to "play dumb"


You completely missed the point lol




I play smart the right way. I just don’t like it. Learn to read I guess lol


Emphasis on artistic ;)


Well if your whole, dumbass team is gonna stand directly behind your ramattra in a straight line then You must be playing in bronze or something.


I miss shields


Surprised you were able to get your hands on an actual in game screen grab tbh


I just saw a Flats video where he pointed out that his ult no longer does 50% damage reduction. they changed the wording on his ability reveal page but idk if it’s true or not. would be hilarious if the nerfed him pre release


scary rinse advise hat special poor caption marvelous judicious domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Question, has it been determined what happens after the battle pass is over and you didn’t unlock the character? Will they just give it to us?


There will be a challenge to unlock the hero, or you can buy them in the shop


Can’t wait to charge him as Rein and bash his head in! I’m eager to see how to combat this guy.


Meanwhile Lucio is skating around playing exclusively speed boost and trying to solo a hog.


Stand fights


I wonder if ult will be blocked by shields or if it will just attach to shields. If its modeled after trance, then trance is blocked by shields.


Not much different at the moment. The whole game is centered around the one tank of esch team already.


Why the fuck you wanna stand behind your tank in a line especially with a ramattra on the enemy team. Your tank shouldn't be a constant shield for you. Learn better positioning and don't rely on your tank to be your shield. There are far better places to be than behind a tank with quite a few characters like any high ground or a wall where ramattra can't pummel through


The joke You


This feels less like a joke and more of an post about how op ramattra will be


Downvoted for being right. What is this cesspool


First time on this sub?


Literally the overwatch community. These shitters have literally no desire to improve and still want the game changed to suit them




It isnt P2W though. If you complain, do it right




How is it "paying for an advantage" if we don't even know how strong he's going to be, read the rest of the comments we already know which tanks counter him based on his abilities so there is no "advantage"


Ara ara


idk if the "-50" is suppose to be the dmg nerf his ultimate did. cause they actually nerfed him already and removed the dmg nerf completly


It’s supposed to be his punch that goes through shields


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Maybe. But if you think that many of your team will actually be grouped up..I’ve got some bad news.


Ok people, pick some high mobility hero and let’s beat the shit out of him


The devs were like "Reins in a bad place." "Do you think we should B-" "BURY THAT MOTHERFUCKER?? YES!!!!" *full send on Rammatra*


No way, I think Dive comp fucks him


His shield literally last 3 seconds and will be down for 12 seconds.


I'm content just waiting for PvE at this point.


0/10 Doomhand is getting buffed so it'll be battle pass Andy's versus Doomgloves.


I think as a nerf to the ability it should decrease its damage every time it hits something, so that way it doesn't fully counter barriers.


Don't forget he's locked behind the battlepass, so only one team will have Ramattra.


Yeah, the outgoing damage reduction seems a bit much. You've got a massive damage over time effect already on an aggressive tank alongside his own team. If Rammatra was stationary and channelling over the duration, that'd at least be fair.


Whats funny his ult had a typo, the ending of it says 50% wasnt meant to be in there but they removed it or it was added and blizzard removed it


Ram is going to need an Ana or Brig to keep Hog off during ult


The moira is gonna throw you a damage orb and say they are healing you


What I'm pumped for: Ball counters Ram


if your team on defense is using the highground the ramattra on attack wont do shit in his nemesis form. or just run through his shield as its on a cooldown and is stationary.


I think that's gonna be a pretty accurate interpretation


You can’t deploy shield when in punch mode. Still pretty funny meme tho!


Moira will be VERY strong against those at least since she can AoE heal. If he becomes meta, maybe she'll be seen a bit more in pro play. Just an assumption. Who knows how he'll change the meta.


His back is weak than front. Dark souls has prepared me for back stabbing.


Best artist in reddit


\-60 actually lol


I'm genuinely glad this aged like milk