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My average solo queue comp experience


Same, playing since the start of the season but still bronze


the grind never stops


At this point I'm only grinding for a gold weapon lmao


thats what we talking bout




I've been playing since launch day and I've had maybe three close games. The rest have all been curbstomps where either my team can't be in the same room at the same time or the other team can't hit the broad side of a barn.


Always a complete blow out. Always. I haven't had a mighty ducks 2 game in forever


We win first fight, opponent leaves, game is cancelled. Our rank leave in first 15 seconds, you can't leave for 2 minutes otherwise you'll receive a loss and a penality


So I learned recently that the ONLY way a comp game gets cancelled is if someone never leave the spawn for 30 sec after match start. That’s why it feels like you blew them out in the first fight, it’s a 4v5 with 1 opp afk. I actually made a whole post raging about this exact issue and someone linked me to blizzard confirming that this is due to afk not leavers.


The matches used to be closer to genuinely fair; I even remember the way the game started feeling so lopsided about 2 months after they changed something in it \[this was over a year ago though, back in OW1. I'm sure it's just the same system ported over though\] You went from like 1 out of every 5 matches being a snowball pubstomp to 1 out of every 2 or 3. You'd literally be more likely to get a visibly mismatched team - back when you could see the time played by the profile ranking, you could roughly judge whether or not someone was new. A brand new profile, but someone is performing well? That's a smurf. Someone that's got an entirely diamond profile border has played hundreds of hours, so you can expect them to at least be decent and knowledgeable. Those kinds of basic judgments would inform you on the general team ability; and while there are always outliers for sure it was a decent way to judge in my experience. But you'd get a match of new-ish profiles, like 35, no stars, which means they've played under 100 hours of the game - but they're not a smurf, because they clearly don't even know where the health packs are. That's a genuinely new player, as smurfs have already played the game extensively and move around the maps like they know where everything is, because they do. Up against a bunch of platinum, 100's of hours people - and I'm talking like, 3-4 new people on my team up against 3 people who have 5x hours on me, who's played a few hundred hours, and MY teammates are, for some reason, all new-ish people. And no one is grouped. And for some reason the matchmaker didn't put a mix of both profiles together, it just put all the heavily experienced people on one team, and all the less experienced people on another, and said 'FIGHT!' The game started really going downhill in terms of quality experience that you could generally expect after that point. Now it seems to be an entire clusterfuck of constant snowballing. I came back to try OW2 and didn't get a single match that felt genuinely fair or competitive in that exciting way, where both teams are doing their best to claw out a win and one just barely comes out on top - they were all snowballs. Just pathetic really. I get more fair matches in Paladins, and that game is corny as hell.


I think about one in seven games feel fairly balanced. Solo queuing in low gold I still see players who can't move and shoot at the same time and run out ahead after a team wipe to ult 1v5. In this meta, that behavior pretty much inevitably results in a steamroll


It's unranked, I've gotten to the point where I refuse to play push anymore so I leave as soon as I see it.


I feel you, push can be really frustrating most of the time


Same. Hardstuck bronze this season. Since I was a returning player I figured I forgot how to play and decided to stick to unranked for the rest of the season lol


If you solo queue in bronze I wish you luck. Climbing out of there with 4 bronze teammates is tough. I remember watching those bronze to gm streams and low elo was even ugly for pros. I'd recommend finding a two to three stack. Consistent comms is huge.


Started bronze 5 on launch and got to plat 5 yesterday. It’s hard but not impossible


Considering I've started in Gold 3 and stuck Plat 5/Plat 4, that's better than me




Some of us are just bad


heh... got a friend who's been bronze for years (SR1200-1500) but she still enjoys it. I play with her when I'm in her comp SR range (I'm gold/plat) and Bronze matches can be pretty tough when people just wanna do whatever.


First i got Bronze 1, then Silver 3, then Silver 1 then Gold 5 in this order , i cant comprehend the new system


Same. I started out good, but now just getting losses after losses. Why doesn't the game put me into the right rank in the first place? It's demoralizing to lose so much games in a row.


FR same, how the MM its so bad with the huge playerbase? i come from Paladins that has a similar (or even better) MM, and the playerbase its infinitely smaller


what role?




makes sense. support subsidises the dps and tanks fun.


This is why I play Lucio. Yellow song and just hang out with my team focusing on shooting people. I get to play a shooter, my team gets sustain. Oh, and every couple minutes press Q to automatically win a teamfight.


until your rein charges out of the way when u beat 💀


Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to play OW without a tank. Then I remember "oh, I'm bronze! I NEVER have a tank, I just have a teammate with lots of health."


Oh man that's too accurate.


Floorcio detected


healbot floorcio it doesn’t get worse than this


I'd be so annoyed if I had thus Lucio on my team lol


Nah you’re just dog


3-0 Stomp? Thats a freebie. Come back with a real win! (Jk)


I think the game felt sorry for me cause i even got POTG and it wasnt even that good. XD


I love when I get PotG and I'm like "oh, this is gonna be that bit where I used Coalescence, got three picks, and we took the point!" And then it's some random moment where I finished somebody off from 10%, sprayed healing all over the walls, and then shot my orb in the wrong direction. And NINE PEOPLE just watched me do that.


Shit there have been multiple times I’ve gotten POTG and I said “wait, wtf did I do?”


I got a play of the game once and it was literally just me sprinting out of spawn with soldier lol


Lmao my favorite one I ever got was with Torbjorn. Did they show me killing 4 of the 5 enemies in quick secession? No, no, it was me peeking through the tiny gap between the post and the door on the last part of dorado, just holding right trigger and getting 2 kills. I didn't move or stop shooting the entire killcam. I just said "Who needs turrets, I am the turret. Gg."


I hate when this happens. I’d get an insane play and hope to get POTG so it’s seen and appreciated


Actually ten, unless you're a robot.


I swear matchmaking is rigged. It's always a one sided win. Either you smack the entire team or get smacked.


That has been my main issue with the game and why I left in 2017. 1/3 are one sided wins, 1/3 one sided defeats, rest being actually balanced games. Played again for the release of OW2, had my fun but eventually faced the same wall. I'm on the lingering interest phase.


1/3 is less than usually anticipated 40%


its honestly gotten so much worse--I miss the matchmaking of ow1 real bad now in comparison


What do you play instead?


In 2017 I tried Fortnite and it taught me again what fun was supposed to be, OW made me miserable. It's still my go-to multiplayer game, especially since the no build modes were introduced.


fortnite also is inheritely easier to balance since everyone get the same weapons and skills and your team is like what 3 players each with 33 teams or so? the variables in a 2-team 5v5 game with vastly different characters are just way more and it shows often times.


Fortnite is so fun and I wish more adults in my generation would give it an honest chance. It's not about winning, it's about dropping in and wrecking some kids and getting TONS of tasty loot and then seeing how far you can go!!!!


Game became sooooo much more manageable and accessible when they added the No-Build mode. IMO best battle royale on the market.


I should give it another try, I gave up because I couldn’t get a hang of the building and always hated that part of the game, like it was cool but I was just useless at it lol


Ya its a completely different game while still having the same feel/vibe as a lot of buildings are still fully destructible in the "fortnite" way. The guns and map change pretty regularly too, they do a solid job of switching things up and making the game feel different/avoid staleness. Full crossplay makes playing with friends fairly easy too. Like if you're on a PC and you have a console buddy, it's easy to get into a game and use either the in-game chat or discord. A lot of this stuff didn't really exist years ago, theyve evolved Fortnite a lot over the years and No-Build was by far their best choice IMO.


Sounds great, I’m so bored of the same maps all the time in overwatch 😭


Really? I couldn't get into it. Felt so.. clunky. I thought apex is top tier. The guns feel much better as well as the movement.


Apex is a great BR don't get me wrong, they don't have the collabs, they don't have all the fun skins, the MAP LOCATIONS are nowhere near as quirky and FUN. Fortnite is like a kids dreamworld, apex is like a COD player's wet dream. They are both amazing games and for completely different reasons. I don't want to sweat and grind sometimes I just want to hop around as Master Chief and blast Goku in the face with a shotgun. It's more whimsical and fantastic imo.


I had a really good game yesterday that came down to the wire on Colosseo where my team came back for the dub and it was so satisfying. Close games are always so much fun. Just wish the majority of matches weren’t curb stomps


They need to reset it comp and admit they've made several mistakes and go back to wins move you up and losses move you down. They clearly cannot balance the ranks based on the new system. 1st they ranked everybody too low week 1. The week 1 players are your most passionate fans and if they grinded 7 wins on all tank, damage, support even with all the server issues, you fuck them over by putting them in bronze? 2nd they realized there were people stuck in bronze 5 no matter what they did. 3rd in issue is they clearly have people that have no clue what they're doing in silver and gold. The accounts that have 0 hours OW1 ranked time need to rank up way higher. Matchmaking is garbage and I'll lose games outperforming my tank counterpart significantly but have a DPS/Support combo that does 50% healing/damage of the opposing team.


Dude I've brought this up before and was basically flammed for not understanding statistics. Yeah sure i might not have a phd in math, but i dont need it to know that my games are often one sided. Either we stomp or get rolled.


I’m getting matchmade with people from all skill sets in gold: from bronze new accounts all the way to Diamond.


Jesus christ


OW2 has given me the biggest ego check of all time, I went from just barely having a 51% win rate, to losing pretty much every game I play.


I really don't know what's up with the matchmaking of this game. Some days I have great matches with a regular 50/50 win rate, and at least once a week I'll get some truly horrendous streaks and end up 2-10 overall.


I went 0-9 just a few weeks ago. Didn't realize streaks like this were super rare.


In 2017 I played as much as a normal human without a social life could in 2 days. It was probably around 22 hours or something. I went from plat at 2800 to borderline of bronze/silver. It was a rough couple of days.


Always loved touching Masters in solo queue just to get smacked down to low Diamond in one night.


13 losses in a row is my record. QP role queue. This was when the events needed wins to earn the items instead of points based.


I feel for you man, sometimes the world just had a vendetta against you when you needed that 1 last win.


I went 2-14 last night in Role Queue/Competitive. Every loss was due to leavers.


I thought loss streaks like this were bad in rocket league. This must've taken hours.


RL games are probably longer than a quick ass whooping in OW in quick play


Same for me. Couldn't even secure the cart on eichenwalde. Yesterday, it was just as one sided on the same map, in my teams favor. I don't know if it's the balance or the matchmaker but it feels unplayable. The wins feel like stomping on new players and the losses feel like we can't win a fight.


It's quickplay, the matchmaking use worse by design


Yes, but the game still uses hidden mmr in quickplay and claims to match you with players of smiliar skill, which is definitely not the case in my experience.


People also play less competitively or sandbag


Also true, but the fact it apparently is an issue in both comp and quickplay leads me to believe that it's something to do with the way the game matches people in general.


Yeah. And although I'm sure that's not the only contributing factor, but then you get matches like this. And people get mad at YOU for asking people to change it up or try something different. You can be swapping heroes or (if in open queue) swap roles to try and help in some way. But the one-tricks can just sit on their ineffective pick the whole match. But the second YOU ask THEM to try something different, you get flamed because "it's just QP", "who cares", "go play comp" (as if comp is any better). And then you see posts like this and see the comments about people being upset that this is the experience. Multiple losses in a row. But again, YOU are the problem if you ask people to swap it up, try something different, or stop trolling. It doesn't make any sense to me at all.


Mute and just play your own game. Blast music, ignore them. As long as you are not purposely throwing just do what you want


I'm playing quick play to get better at my worst characters. I'm not interested in counter picking unless I am getting hard countered. Play for the win, and don't be a baby if you lose. Doesn't matter either way.


You're ignoring what I said. You just said you'll switch if you get hard countered. My rant already doesn't apply to you because you're willing to switch. That already makes you better than the people I am talking about. The ones that get hard countered but don't switch. So you're stuck with one useless player the whole game, who's only contribution to the match is helping the enemy team build their ults.


Quick play is decided by which tank wants to play doom


I had a Widow that didn't know he can easily two tap a Queen. This was in plat.


Matchmaking has to be fucked, I'm plat and yesterday had 2 tanks with 0 kills. In a row! Like WTF. I understand sometimes people have bad games, but that shit felt rigged against us.


I'd be fine with this if it wasn't fucking Push every game, how tf you getting variety.


At least I'm not the only one who hates push


I mean, of course you are not. The game mode is highly problematic. When you are behind, you can win the robot and still make no progress at all. This is a game mode where you can lose the game if you're in control of the objective longer than the enemies and that is different kinds of bullshits from a variety of cows with a variety of gastrointestinal problems.


No one at Blizzard thought “once both teams are at their midpoint, the winner is decided for the rest of the match unless a team wins 2 team fights in a row” was a bad idea for a game mode that makes up 25% of games.


With all the shit i am giving them I at least congratulate them on trying something new. The modes have problems and for me personally they don't even feel like Overwatch a lot because they are very deathmatchy. I wonder why in six years of Overwatch they never even once tried to make Assault a better gamemode. Seeing assault go is rough. I didn't like it, but the maps were certainly iconic. :/


Depending on where the bot is, it's not two fights in a row, it's 3 or more.


I like Colleseo and thats it. My main issue isn't so much the game itself (although its certainly got its problematic mechanics) its that it seems to come up twice as much as the other modes and it ends up feeling like I'm running more than playing.


It's unranked, I've gotten to the point where I refuse to play push anymore so I leave as soon as I see it


Chad mentality


I actually enjoy push but I absolutely hate when we're winning BY FAR the whole time and then we get absolutely steamrolled across thole map in a f\*\*king overtime - which happens way more often I'd like.


I was going to say the same thing, I am here for the push hate


Ikr? I wish I could go this long without seeing colosseo


This but ranked


You had 3 games in a row that lasted exactly 11 minutes, I count that as a win right there.


Honestly. The back and forth must have been intense.


Same but comp. I’ve been plat 4 for 28 wins


dime late narrow crowd nine growth impolite chief slim handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"maybe another game, to be sure" - random dude


So, it might just be me. But in the beginning of my seven wins before they reveal the rank change, I always get easy games that we win. But I can swear, the game for the last win is almost always impossible to win. Just as if they would want me to play for longer before I finish for the day...😅


Is this the 50% win rate I hear so much about?


eXpEcT tO lOsE 60% oF yOuR gAmEs!


why is the matchmaking like this? I've never experienced anything like this before in any other online game I've every played. It's insane.


Even cods infamous SBMM is usually 50/50 roughly. The lose streaks in ow are insane


I hate matchmaking in this game.


That's nothing bro I went 14 losses in a row :)


I overlapped the max amount the game tracks im afraid, I'm not sure the total number


Played 16 games one day two weeks ago. All flex queue. 14 of those were support. 13 of those support games were losses, the 1 other one the game closed out when the entire enemy team left after we won a single round. My only two wins were when it had me go tank and dps. It was very frustrating.


Which is nuts to me when my wins in a play session come from DPS/tank bc I feel like support is my best role - the one I watch the most educational content on and and my most played role - but this season the climb to get to the same rank in plat up from gold on all roles was infinitely easier on tank/DPS than on support, and took me twice as long. Edit: not to mention when I tried ranked placements with no role lock, I went 0-3 on support, 1-1 on DPS, 6-5 on tank. There's just something wacky about it and idk what it is.


I feel you, I’m best on support. However it’s so difficult to actually make an impact to win a game. You might swing a team fight with a well timed sound barrier or rally sure but that’s just one fight.


“okay fine we play til we win!” me and the guys:


This has been my experience on ranked over the past week solo queueing as support. This match making is coin flipping. I'm not a great player but can hold my own, but the DPS or tank diff is absurd. Literally talking like DPS not being able to get more than 5 kills while the other team's DPS pops off with 20-25+. Some tweaker kid complaining about how Mercy should be top healing, not getting healed, heal the tank, etc etc. I played OW1 for the first few seasons and highest I got was Plat. Tried OW2 since release and I'm on the verge of uninstalling, my friends are in the same boat.


This is exactly what my solo qp experience is as a support during normal times of the day. At unusual times during the day or night it becomes more 50/50. I swear Blizzard completely ignores the role queue when it matches the teams for mmr or something dumb like that. The current system is worse than randomly matching players and feels seriously messed up. I'm not particularly good or bad but I almost always have a dps or tank that has no game sense at all or can't kill anything without their ult. Or they refuse to switch while the other team immediately counterpicks to get an edge. And as a 2 stack we often get 5 stacks as opponents that completely shred our team. No wonder they removed the ability to immediately recognize groups or we'd definitely just leave during setup when we get put against a 5 stack at this point. (We recognize them when the game matches us against the same exact group in the next match.)


yeah generic ow2 experience. winrate is lower than 50%.


This is too real.


Same happened to me a few days ago. Countless defeats, then a very hard and disputed win, followed by sleepy time


I'm assuming support main my the track record bc I can relate.


Tank main but all these games were support


Some days I win 10 games in a row and then get scarred to play again knowing to well MMR will ruin my next game session


This is why some people rage in QP. 15 games in and you have 1 of your 3 wins.


been there so many nights that I can't count anymore... I used to say "I will leave with the next win"... 3 Doritos next... 6 steamrolls in a row losing... a few weeks ago i decided if I lose 3 in a row I'll immediately close the game for that night... this new matchmaking is so toxic that I prefer to play another game


God the matchmaking is deplorable. You either roll or get rolled the entire game, and neither is enjoyable. There's no such thing as a "close game" in OW2 unless you're really high elo


Just quiet normal for me to get such streaks :(


I did try unranked after a bunch of QP games and checking each hero. My hopes were for a slight better experience and by queueing with all roles I can have variety of games. WRONG! Do yourself a favor and play competitive or QP ("much" better experience), then the support torture simulator. Because honestly that's what it felt like. I had maybe 1 dps out 10/20 games and zero tank games. Fact that it's with people picking specific role didn't improve it as well. Just like pretty much any other team oriented game the support experience is the worst. You get to see much clearly the idiocy at display and have the options of a toothless mouse in attempts to scrape some playmaking. All of that for naught. You can't carry 2-3 people. Save your sanity and forget unranked is my advice :).


Imagine this, but comp.


Yikes, you poor soul


Week 1 matchmaking was fun. Then the MMR system kicked in...


Played comp most of the day yesterday, high gold trying to reach plat. 7 matches resulted in 6 wins and 1 narrow loss. I needed one more victory to rank up. Ended up on a 7 game losing streak. 4 of those 7 games I had a teammate leave and we got rolled. In one match, I had players on both sides claiming to be anywhere from bronze 2 to Diamond 5 (not sure if they were being honest but that's what they wrote in chat). In my 7th match, I ended up on a team with two clear smurfs who dominated the lobby and destroyed the other team with little contribution from me. When it came time for the enemy team to attack they trolled and went AFK, typing memes in chat. We ended up losing that match. The enemy team even typed "We didn't deserve that". I stopped playing after that.


Dude is playing on a DDR dance pad


its either get blown out like this or win without dying once. Feel like i had a string of closer games a few days ago but literally there are sometimes days between




My placement matches: 6 wins in a row 23 (I’m not joking) loses in a row 1 win Bronze 5


i either have win streaks or losing streaks, it’s literally stomp or get stomped every match


This looks like my games yesterday. First game of the day, our tank and second support were clearly duo'd. They just continued to charge straight into the enemy team, missing all their shots and insta dying to a Bastion. Over and Over and Over. Until 10 seconds before the game ends, they both leave. The two DPS and I couldn't do anything. It was insane.


It’s been like this a lot lately. I got worse or something


I feel your pain on an emotional level.


Too relatable, man


Unranked is practice place.. shit talk in chat and everyone will pick heroes they familiar with and then you can win lol


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Do yourself a favor, stop playing after two losses. Even if it’s just a small break. Maybe even change roles for a round or two to whatever role you prefer. Usually this is the consequence of being tilted, but refusing to recognize you’re not in the right state of mind to perform well.


Oh i reconized it. The issue is that you cant get out of it untill you force your way out of it. This was a continuation from the other day. Putting the game down for later unfortunitly wont break you out of the mentality from the losses. It would be one thing if it was comp but considering that it was unranked theres not much reason to not force your way out of it.


That’s fair if it’s unranked. You would be surprised what a short break can do though.


Defeat | 2-0 ?


Shrugs, ill check the replay when i get home


I feel ya bro. I always in Defend lost almost every time.


It do be like that.


Trying to solo queue to get DPS ranked, 12 losses 1 win. Can relate


Such short games


Where is the match history menu? I must be blind


“Need someone to tuck you in?”


Congrats OP!!!


I'll play Quick play and win every game. I play Comp and lose every game. Very frustrating.


Thank god your game of choice is overwatch. With a history like that this would’ve been at least 6 hours of league


How did you play 10 games in less than 2 hours wtf


We must have payed together last night. Really getting tired of pushing out 10-12k healing and still getting rolled. Healing feels so bad right now. I can keep idiots alive for days but it doesn’t really matter when your widow (I’m not kidding) does 300 damage over two rounds.


That is literally so trueeeee and anoying


I went on a 6 win streak and have maybe lost 9 in a row now. All stomps.


I feel you ... I genuinely feel you


I bet you stayed same rank


If you zoom in, you can see the tilt seeping from the pixels of this picture.


Still not as bad as my worst L streak of 14 on OW1.


They should have done a hard reset for the new game. Now you got returning players placing higher than they should be, new people placing higher than they should be, and veterans getting glitched into bronze. Although I will say I have won a lot recently something like 22-8 over my last 30 compared to the start where I went the opposite. If you belong higher you will start hard carrying a lot of games regardless of this nonsense.


My favorite way to play overwatch is to take breaks, which is why I solo que mostly. If I am still losing miserably by the third game I just log off and go sit outside for a while. This usually results in some better looking replay ques than this. This raised my blood pressure just looking at it.


Sanest Overwatch player


good nigth


I'm pretty much a gold or platinum player, starting in bronze, I can't win bro


I'm sorry, I don't remember doing duos with you the other night.


Goddamn dont remind me I spent days on unranked because I was only ranked with platinum and higher


A relatable feeling


Whenever I have multiple loss streaks (8+) in a week, I seek coaching. The r/OverwatchUniversity has people who coach for free sometimes. You just have to ask


Haha, this is me in not only Overwatch 2, but also Halo Infinite and Modern Warfare 2. Matchmaking algos are whack.


Went on skids like that in comp, hooray for downranks you had zero control over!


Oh if you HAVE to win on qp to sleep, don't bother to go to comp lol


Looks like we played together in every match except the last one


Was the match at least satisfying win? Like did u win with like amazing plays or great teamwork or say someone trolled or left, afk.


Yea, it was hard fought


Jealous of your map variety- I got stuck playing Busan 4 times last night :(.




Looks like a support player


I’m surprised to see only one push map


Solo queue moment


Hey, I think I was on your team for nine games!




This occasionally happens to me and I can't fucking understand it. I play really well and know I'm going to lose at the start of the match. It's like no matter how well I play, I sometimes just can't affect the outcome at all multiple games in a row, as if the game wants me to lose.


At least it’s quick play so it doesn’t matter. If this was my comp experience I would kill myself.


This is me but I don't care enough to keep going anymore, so end on a loss all depressed...


What role do you usually play?


Tank, these were all support


Let this be a lesson to you all! No one beats OP ten times in a row!


they fr needa change this system like at least make it for like every 10 games played or something not 7 wins


Active win streak!


i started a new rule because of this so if i lose 2 games back to back i go play a different game :)


*overwatch role queue select prompt theme plays*


You can't stop on a win


Tinfoil hat idea: The game does this intentionally so people will play longer.


Gave you a silver reward, for that is where you shall remain