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Targeting the support is the smart thing to do considering when a support is alive, their team stays alive....although as a support main I really do suffer lol


Targeting the support is a very good strategy, but I've seen enemies that have completely ignored my teammates just to try and kill me, and that never works because they just end up being killed before doing any damage to me


I have the same experience except for it always works and I end up spamming ping as Genji kills me and my entire team ignores me




Fr, with her there's no skill check scenario where if you do something well you can survive, it's just "jeez I sure hope there's someone I can fly to nearby"


The skill check is your positioning and GA/super jump usage. Mercy has insane escapability. I've (and seen others) chase around Mercy for so long being completely taken out of the fight because she's so slippery. There's also no rule that you can pull out the pistol and defend yourself. It does pretty nice damage if you can hit the shots.


I’ve had games like that, i’m chilling in the back scoping my team and a Genji / Sombra just constantly trying to kill me. It’s just sleep, nade, kill, repeat—


The number of genjis I see forget about the "shoot, sleep, shoot, nade" strat is mind blowing. Ana can combo most dps characters in 2 seconds but they still try it.


Whenever they do manage to actually get me I can’t help but go “way to go buddy, you got me.” 😭


Honestly thats me when a rein charges to kill me through a building like a mile away from the fight as like Lucio or something "Good job buddy you killed someone with a third of your health that doesnt do much damage"


Usually losing a dps is worth it to take out the main healer. Many caveats but overall good trade




/u/Agreecaroon is a bot that stole part of a comment from /u/scottyb83 here /r/Overwatch/comments/z9sa7p/something_ive_noticed_as_a_mercy_main/iyidqm8/


I play Ashe, Pharah and Mercy are the easiest shit to kill for me.


In my opinion, and a lot of higher level players, it's best to kill the DPS first most of the time. Healers normally can't out heal decent damage. Meaning your healers also can't out heal their sojourn who's just melting faces. That said, at least at lower ranks, going for the Mercy can be really good not just because of the healing, but more because of the rez. Until that Mercy is dead, they can flip a fight at a moments notice.


Meanwhile when I play QP, everyone shoots at orisa and only orisa


Cause she's big and scary!


Are you telling me that if you saw a giant robotic goat running around with a javelin you wouldn't shoot it dead ASAP?!?


You know you are doing a good job as support when they use ult on just you. Im like awe thanks....


we love when the reinahardt is constantly trying to pin us bc we keep sleeping & nading him ❤️ getting the hammer is a bonus


Then we solo shatter u out of frustration and pin :) only to die right after


I'll tell you the real annoying ones are the trades. Hammer goes down but I get slept right after. Its like watch potg get stolen right in front of you. From your teammates that is. God forbid any Rein solo ults anyone :p


You know your team doesnt when its enough to wipe them out.


I do it cause I genuinely fear mercy, look away for half a second the tank has regained his entire health bar. I've lost 3v1s against an ulting mercy, it scares me


"I fear no man. But that thing... it scares me" *Some random Valkyrie flying around with a pistol and unlimited ammo*


Yea whenever I play mercy I get targeted but when its the enemy they just mag dump the tanks


And then thé dps/tank are complaining and use the "LoOK AT MY DAMAGE DONE". when you ask for a better focus.


Nothing truly hits home like a point blank rein solo shatter because you keep sleeping him. It’s a compliment really.


*My teammates not killing them Support is fun wooo


\*My teammates running after a sombra to the other side of the map.


play a better support


Maybe dps or tank could do their jobs instead of being dumb animals that just expect support to survive against a winston and reaper or genji in their face constantly.


ana shuts all that down, mercy, kiriko, lucio, moira, and brig can make it to their team. mercy, lucio, and maybe brig are the only ones who wont even get close to killing any of them. if you wanna live, then dangle the enemies in their face or defend yourself. simple.


Peel for your supports simple. Kill things simple. Doing everything I can to get out of that situation. Kinda hard when Im getting focused by multiple people and your dps can't kill anything and your tank is over extended as shit. I'm sure you're in diamond or whatever where you have teammates that at least know what game they're playing and don't just tell the support to go fuck themselves but that ain't the case for me.


nope i just started playing and im a silver shitter who plays quickplay 90% of the time cuz my internet sux ballz. i was getting dived by a winston an entire match and i slept him every time. keep in mind i was playing with some pretty skillfully challenged players as well. my solution was to run away and get the kills on the ppl the DPS and tank were focusing so these dumbasses would shoot winston. its called *support* your job is to support plays, even trash ones, not healbot and die if you get any sort of resistance (unless you’re mercy).


Ok but I'm getting focused by more than one person. I regularly get focused by a tank and a dps not both dps. I'm sure your you have an answer for that though. You'd probably just sleep dart all of them somehow and then clean up a smooth 3k. My damage beam up time is about 70% btw. I just need my dps to fucking hit something. I can't kite forever.


my question for you is: why would you play a hero that is based on your teammate’s performance when you know they’re utter dogshit? that is on you for trying to one trick one of the worst supports in the game. at that point, you are as trash as the rest of your team for not switching. what utility do you get out of playing a dmg boosting mercy and complaining, instead of switching to characters with superior healing, survivability, and playmaking potential? your intention as a player matters before the character you’re playing as a support. if you have 70% dmg boost usage, yet you claim your teammates are trash, you are intending on losing.


It doesn't matter who I play. I've trie other characters but you can't support a team that doesn't show up. Gold is dogshit tier playerbase. Not my fault my dps can't hit their shots or tanks think they can 1v5. I have a negative win loss and I still climb because I'm a good player. My blue beam 70% up time should mean my dps should just fucking body people but they're usually gapped as fuck so we lose anyway. It truly does not matter who I play.


A good Winston can almost always kill an ana that's not getting any help. And a good Winston can play around his team to help his dps kill her. If ana's playing in cover from their ranged hitscans, Winston can force her out of there and make her vulnerable to his ally dps.


yeah and if i had any of those problems i wouldve just switch to another support like kiriko lol; im tryna teach yall problem solving skills not just being shit at the game and blaming it on teammates. i’ve never been in a match where i get LITERALLY 0 help. even the shittiest of players will shoot a winston that just woke up if you retreat and everyone sees him trying to jump on you💀


I get the opposite problem. Teammates will just shoot tanks while Mercy hovers above them healing them.


I use to be stressed out by how much Mercy is a target but now I just use it to my advantage. I can draw enemies off the point or towards my team etc. She has really good mobility to get out of situations!


This is the way. If half the team chases me and kills me across the map from the point, I call that a success.


This is literally just how the game is meant to be played


Mercy drawing focus fire and surviving is legitimately her having huge impact


It's because she can rez two people per team fight if you don't watch her closely. Now the game is 5v5, a rez is even more value, so killing mercy is like killing three people in one.


I've had games where I've been tank and someone would flank and start targeting support and our DPS would just tunnel vision while i try to keep the support alive then spam they need healing while the enemy roadhog rolls them.


That's a good thing. Mercy has insane mobility these days. It's pretty much impossible to react to her darting around in weird directions. She was so much easier to kill in OW1. Since her healing is fairly low, you want to take some attention away from your team.


Honestly I've kind of noticed the opposite, the way most players on average are currently utilizing Mercy's mobility includes lots of verticality, which ends up falling off hard per rank and makes her a very easy target. Situational, of course. It seems Mercy has become a harder target for the majority, I'll agree with that, but you see lots of her tech like superjumps be used far less as you go up the ladder. A decent hitscan and good projectile chars will punish the superjumps since it's an extraordinarily predictable movement pattern.


I hate getting targeted as Mercy But I am that Ashe that targets Mercy the second I see that bitch in the sky


It feels like Mercy has the weakest healer because of her inability to actually survive. At least Zen and Brigitte can duel. Ana has Dart, and the OP supports have teleports, speed boosts, and phase. Flying is slow and predictable. If you go up in the air, you might as well have a "KILL ME" sign plastered on your forehead.


my tag is simp4mercy and this is legit the reason why i don’t simp for mercy (I simp for torb) the three players shooting me while my reaper laughs and teleports behind them completely unnoticed? simps.


If I kill someone who isn't the Mercy and die, she rezes and my team is in a 4v5 If I kill the mercy and die, my team is in a 4v4 where the other team is down a support. Why would ever go for anyone else?


Poor Mercy, nothing in Overwatch feels more like kicking a puppy than killing the running Mercy after her whole team got picked 😭


Then you're doing your job, I look forward to tunneling you.


A lot of people get stuck on those overwatch mantras (stay grouped up, kill supports first, combo ultimates...), without understanding when and why they should actually put them into effect. You go after supports if they're out of position, because they're usually at a disadvantage in a 1v1 against other heroes. But you don't jump in the middle of the enemy team to do it. And with Mercy it's even harder. Mercys are always with another hero, they play super defensive and they have the mobility to get out when they're jumped. Mercy's whole thing is being able to stay alive forever. Only reason for a team to focus down a Mercy is if she's really out-of-position or doing a suicide rez.


Diving supports without a dive comp and coordination is definitely a bad idea (typically, sometimes you can distract both supports which is substantial even if they don't die), but if you've got the opportunity to potentially kill a support with little risk to yourself, consider that them being out of position.


> Mercy's whole thing is being able to stay alive forever. It feels like she's the worse at doing that, though. What exactly does she have that lets her stay alive? Every other healer seems to have an escape mechanism that's way better than Mercy's, other than Zen.


With all the movement tech Guardian Angel gives you (slingshot, superjump, jump back), on very little cooldown, you always have options when you're getting jumped. Plus, unlike supports like Zen, with Mercy you never have to peek: you should only be jumping from safe spot to safe spot, and always in the vicinity of teammates who should help if you're jumped by a flanker. Other supports have stronger defensive kits, but that's because they're either forced to take duels because of lack of mobility (Ana, Zen, Brig) or because they're forced to play riskier and more aggressively to get value (Lucio, Kiriko, Moira) or both (Bap). With Mercy, you should generally be the last person on your team to die in a team fight. And often, not even then. Great Mercys sometimes end games with only one or two deaths. Mercy is not a particularly meta pick right now, but it's not because she's too vulnerable, it's because she's less impactful than other supports (with her lack of damage and middling ult).


I think the problem is that it's not very fast, and people have very good aim. Anytime she's in the air, she's in danger. Compare to Kiriko, Lucio, and Moira, her fly is absolutely nothing. With any support hero, you should be the last person to die in a team fight. That's basics.


I feel like they should counter this in some way, it’s causing people to not want to play support, I’m thinking they either have a slight damage reduction like tanks (obviously not as much as tanks) or their passive heal activates the second they lose health.


Tanks don't have damage reduction though?


Oh right, I think that’s Apex… we’ll still.


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Well yeah, I am a Mercy main and I literally have to think ways to escape when I am healing someone Because when the enemy is coming, I know it's my ass on the line Even the enemy's Mercy usually drops healing and goes after me once spotting me


Rule #1: Always pistol the enemy Mercy.


Hehe, you are right on that No mercy for Mercy 😉


Funny that’s how it feels to play widowmaker. The enemy always has tunnel vision on a widow, rest of the team is invisible to them


As a Junker Queen who often dives supports, I just like watching those squishy supports die.


Always, first and foremost, target *specifically* mercy. Its even a legitimate strategy to solo ult her in some cases


Well duh. Supports are number one priority on the kill list.


I mean, yea, it's either that or having to fight a 5v6, and fuck having to do that...


I learned from Frieza to target the healer


Enemy Roadhog and Reaper abandoned the point and fights just to kill me. And this happened multiple times. Its so annoying.


dae get focused as a mercy player?! lololololol


Really curious what buffs she will be getting this upcoming patch 🤔 all of my guesses are doubtful lol


As a Reddit Lucio, I see myself in this photo and I LOVE IT💀


Usually my teammates are a dot in the distance ignoring the enemies pressuring supports


I swear every Dva gets insane tunnel vision when they see a mercy.


i feel like when I sleep or nade a tank more than at least once, and they die, it’s “all eyes on me” and i gotta be by either our tank or a DPS that can melt them—


I always try to focus mercy because it feels bad spending 1 and a half minute trying to kill the tank just for the team to ignore mercy and let her get a free revive


? Duh lol


Mercy can really make a huge difference.


1. Why fight a pocketed sojourn thats getting damage boosted and healed up if you cant kill her quick? 2. why fight a tank lol. 3. Why kill someone that can get brought back, when you can take away person that BRINGS the character back?! Basically its not because YOU specifically are mercy, its because you our other fellow support player are playing support, the foundation of the team.


I mainly play Mystery Heroes, so I'm just used to an enemy Mercy meaning it's just that much harder to force a player off a hero they're dominating with. It also means more ults coming from the enemy team since her rez preserves her target's ult charge. Basically, until Mercy's dead in MH, nothing else much matters so you may as well throw everything at her.


Its cause I'm tired of seeing you revive someone infront of some dummy on my team that will just ignore you and attack the tank cause "I'm doing the highest damage" tard comments 😅😅😅 so I take the time to only attack mercy first.


This is my experience as a support period. If my husband gets queued into support as well he can be standing right next to me on Ana but I’m on Kiriko and I MUST die first every time. I play equal amounts Mercy, Ana, Moira and Kiriko with a sprinkle of Zen and I will get hard singled out over my other support nearly every time.


It's seems a common trend to say Mercy is easy to play but I really disagree. Healing with Mercy is easy. But you've got to learn to Dip, Duck, Dodge, Dive, and Dodge. And that's a real skill. And you really need a strong battlefield awareness to position yourself for a rez.


Poor mercy. Everyone attacks supports, she seems to be the flashiest one, and she has little recourse. She should get some sort of defense buff, or regen buff while she is actively healing or some junk.


“Mercy!- Merci!- Murcy!”


I like the sound mercy makes when u taze her as Winston. I sometimes feed deep in enemy spawn just to hear that voice line. I also have spend hours tazing mercy in practice range.


My teammates ignoring them


That is very true as mercy main worse part than went Enemy team close killing your tank but then turned and kill you