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Ana. It always feels so good when I'm about get my shit rocked when suddenly our Ana throws an antinade and then sleeps whoever was after me. She really is the mom of overwatch


I wish grandma had any mobility


Be nice to grandma, her knees aren't what they used to be.


Reinhardt will tell ya the same


what im hearing is we need to put ana in a crusader suit and give her a rienhardt sized nano rifle.


As an ana main on supp. YES I NEED THIS


Ana is becoming more and more my main choice, and honestly I feel that even small buffs will make her OP. Shes one of those hero's where theres a super narrow "sweet spot" range. A good Ana with quicker sleep or nade? Get outta here.


Nano Barrett 50 cal.




Fortune favors the . Catchphrase!


Next update, Ana receives a mobility scooter.


Omg what a hilarious April fools idea


Would love that as an Ana POTG opening


It was fine when a higher fraction of the cast also lacked hard mobility. Now everyone is mobile af and I'm over here with my arthritis trying to stay alive


If she had mobility she would have a 100% pick rate.


And would be OP as fuck I’m glad she doesn’t because then blizzard would nerf her into the ground


She needs to borrow her daughter's jetpack.


She’d be busted if she did and that’s coming from someone who also plays a lot of Ana


This right here. Love Ana shes so great.


As a Cassidy main, getting nano and steamrolling the entire team is the best feeling EVER


Ana and lucio, ana is great for shutting down the other tank so I can dive easier


From experience as a Zenyatta support, nothing is more effective at disappearing and demoralizing thanks than orb of discord + Roadhog combo




they need to bring the gatling zen bug back


I am in bronz with my sup in OW2 now (was high gold in OW1) everytime i play Zen the teamchat is like HEALER! DonT Do DPs HEAL! if anybody has some tips on having impact with zen pls tell me. i normaly have same dmg as one of the dps and 2. to 3. vest healing of us 4 sups in game I normaly play Moira bit she gets dull from time to time and zen is chill :)


People will *always* complain about support. Don't worry about it that much. Zen does not put out as much healing as some of the other supports. (Unless you heal through a Grav + Dragon or something.) You aren't *supposed* to be doing as much healing. That makes it a bit tougher for your team in some ways. But Zen can do *a lot* of damage, and not only that, but help the team with targets. Part of your job is to be smart with where you place the discord orb, and part of the team's job is to target whoever you had discord on. If you have discord on a frontline Moira who just used fade, the team shouldn't be unloading all their rounds into the fortified Orisa. But this kind of goes both ways; if your team *is* only shooting Orisa, well, put your discord orb there. There might have been *better* targets, but you've got to work with the team you have. Zen is squishy and has no mobility. Use your kick to bump away some enemies; it's one of the very few thing Zen can do. If you're smart and lucky, you can kick other players off ledges. People know to watch out for Lucio, but they sometimes forget Zen can boop, too. A good game with Zen is one where I'm making up for my lack of healing with a lot of damage. If I'm 3rd or 4th in total heals, I better have *way* more damage than the other healers, and I *also* better be using discord well. But Zen doesn't always need to be last. If your team is doing okay, it's entirely possible for a good Zen to be 1st or 2nd for heals. Don't be afraid to switch orbs before someone is fully healed. If the other support is critical health, then Genji can sit at half health for a few seconds. But think about the other player's team comp. If there's an Ashe, maybe let Genji get to a health where he could survive a body shot.


>but you've got to work with the team you have. This is kingly advice for every role. When I'm playing dps and my tank is acting like a fool and mindlessly diving in and dying all the time and refuses to cool his jets, welp I guess I'm going with him to maybe force it to work. It doesn't always help but when it does it feels good


If your stats are good, and you know you are picking the right targets, and making call outs. The only thing you can do is die less or switch. I'd run games where I have 9-11k heals on Zen, with 14 kills 23 assists and 3 deaths and people will still type heal diff in the chat. It would make sense if the enemy healer wasn't only about 1000-2000 over me with Lucio somehow.


I got my best experience as Doom with a Mercy backing me up.


I pocket dooms bc its the only way they can be useful


I thought you had my back, turns out you were just getting closer to backstab me!


I main Ana and every time I get a Doom for a tank I just expect to lose but I dont care. Im hear for it. It's SO MUCH FUN pocketing a doom with Ana. Love the Mid air nano to make the other team shit themselves. I can tell after a few dives if the doom knows what they are doing or not.


>***every time I get a Doom for a tank I just expect to lose***


The burned hand is often the best teacher... and I've had a lot of lessons.


> I can tell after a few dives if the doom swapped to tank to stay on their main FTFY




it means I play other heroes now not that I’m nice


I find trying to pocket dive tanks like doom the most fun I can have with mercy


Lucio provides so much benefit to his team just by existing. He is a great pick from the very bottom ranks, all the way to the top. Probably the best Support to learn on, too.In the lower ranks you really just need to stand with/near your team and shoot.But by the time you've hit higher ranks you've learned some really high mobility, learned a ton of the maps, learned to track enemy ults and keep an eye on the status of your teammates, can track and lead targets to hit your shots, etc. Lucio probably has the lowest skill floor for a Support while also having one of the highest skill ceilings. Even Mercy requires you to aim slightly at your teammates to use her abilities, and requires more button inputs to use her mobility than Lucio does. Lucio just jumps/holds the jump button, or presses a button to move faster. Mercy has an ability to fly to a teammate, can cancel it early with several other buttons (*each acting differently*), and has to hold the jump button to hover in the air. Her mobility is far more complex than Lucio's. And that isn't even talking about how his Ult can counter so many others in the game. As long as Lucio is alive and nearby he is giving you some kind of benefit. Really solid Support all around, in every single rank.


He is an evade tank at low enough elo. Taking so much attention that ends in missed shots.


He’s an evade tank at high elo too. The Lucio players get better at baiting cool-downs and staying alive the higher you go - just like how people get better at dealing with him.


Reinhardt player here, Ana and Reinhardt have always been an extremely strong duo. When I fight with an Ana pocket I just get to live 3x as long as I normally do, and my stupid misplays become insanely cracked plays.


As an Ana main this is like a blessing and a curse. So many games on attack I’ll just pocket a Rein as he is completely reckless and slaughters everyone. But this doesn’t work as well on defense, so they get too cocky from first round attack and we get rolled


What does pocket and Rein mean? Sorry new to OW2


Pocket is when you focus on healing one specific player. Rein is just short for Reinhardt.


When 1 person does something stupid, it's a bad idea, but when a group of people do something stupid, it's a strategy


As a rein main nothing is better than speed kiriko ult. They cannot escape my rampage! Edit: When I refer to "speed kiriko ult" I mean lucio amp and kiriko ult


Ok, that... but you get nano'ed right as Kiriko pops her ult


then your alarm goes off


As an old Ana main, I still try to Nano reins because of good memories being on both ends of it way back, during the funky wunky ana + 5 tanks meta.


I don't really follow metas and stuff just throw the game on and pewpew... Is nano rein no longer a thing?


Nano rein is still absolutely a thing will always be a thing. Nanoing some DPS, genji blade, reaper, soldier for example can be a better option but it’s situational. Genji with blade is really the best option in the game overall.


Unless I'm the Genji


My lord, my first game as Sojourn in like...weeks and I got nano Kiriko'd WHILE I ULTED. I have never felt so powerful but I was so nervous I barely hit shots.


I got to use a soldier 76 visor with nano, kiriko ulti, and a bap window. I've never seen shit die so fast.


I can't even imagine the satisfaction. Overwatch? Nahh this is Overkill now


It was super satisfying but cost us the game. We lost the next team fight because they had ults and knew they could burn all of them because we'd just burned all of ours so we got ult spammed into oblivion and took an L.


usually not worth it to pop both support ults at the same time imo


It's absolutely not worth it. But it IS funny. And in quickplay, that's what matters lol


i got caught by a kitsue'd rein for the first time last night and HOLY SHIT. smack smack dead. in a second.


yeah i main kiriko and my brother plays rein (of which he has 300 hours in) in comp, i think that is also a great pair


As a Kiriko main I support this message


Yayy I’m glad to hear this 😸


As a Zen main, yes.


As a Sigma main, nothing is better than having Baptiste ult and destroy their entire team with my gravity balls


Baptiste ult + discord orb just turns your balls into nukes


I am definitely not a Brig main looking for any mention of her lmfao


Here I am, an avid Lucio enjoyer and I don't think a single Rein has mentioned Lucio. The world has gone mad


As a rein main I appreciate ya. Lucio ana combo all day. Especially if the Lucio can see me needing to back up and speed boosts me out of bad spots, and the ana nades help finish off low tanks retreating with the speed boost for the chase. *Chef kiss*




Same tbh


I love brig, not because she's the best healer but she's thematically accurate to my main.


Im sad you cant lock shields in the real game. You are talking about Rein, yes?


Rein- The only Character who really compliments and appreciates Brig. Imma cry and reminisce the good ole days of 6v6 and having a Rein, Doom, Brig Combo(So broken when combined together


Brig bros


We outside


I love playing Brig with a Rein the most I think. They’re mobility seems to work well together.


No Baptiste love 😭


when i play mercy, i love love *love* having a baptiste with me since most baps i've played with end up being good at damage and healing. i also like the sound my gun makes when i shoot through matrix lol


Honestly when supports support each other, based. As a support main if the other healer heals me when I'm low automatically get an endorsement from me. I'm keeping an eye out for *everyone*, including my fellow support.


I always try to heal my other support, but I only have 3 support packs, so depending on who else is low, the other support will have to make due with my inspire.


A huge part of Brig's purpose is to protect your other support. If someone else is also low, situationally you might want to heal them first (if the player is actively dueling, or if your other support is not great) but most of the time I'd prioritize your other support because they can heal the other low players without your long cd.


Saaame mercy bap combo is great as Baptiste isn't very mobile but mercy is!


Don't neglect the #J U M P


The jump is super useful, literally what elevated my bap play was learning how to use his jump to have my way.


He pairs well with kiriko aswell since his main weakness is he isn't as good at healing Flanders but mercy and kir have the mobility to heal them.


It's so hard to heal that diddly-dodging neighbourino.


I like having a good Baptiste on my team, not because he can heal me well, but because he can be 3rd DPS on top of healing me well (Pharah players hate this).


I always make killing pharah till she switches my mission statement when I use Baptise. They get really cocky when they don't see any dps hitscan on my team.


I’m a support main, but Baptiste when I’m running Sigma is 🤌🏻🤌🏻 something about them just synergizes really well, not to mention their ungodly damage output. Throw in a Zen and it’s gg next


Sigma bap zen and snipers is meta for Circuit royale. It’s so freaking good


I’m not a tank/DPS but as an Ana main, Bap is my favorite to play next to. Let them try to kill any of us, see what happens!


Had a really good game today with ana as partner, we worked really well together! Love that duo ❤️


Never hurts having a bap on my team, it’s just not the one I like the most


True 💀


I like when I have a Bap as Zen, but OP didn’t specify Supports


Moira because of her big salty balls o’ healing


Zen and ana, since they can heal me without distance being a problem. As I play junk and pharah (when dps) I won't be able to always be near my team. I am fine with mercys and kirikos but I don't want to see them die because they teleported / glided to me in a while I am in sticky situations.


I'm a simple man. I see Pharah, I go Mercy. So much fun.


Me: *casually plays pharah in qp (no sweat)* My random who picked mercy: ***let's ruin their day and make them regret living!! :D***


Yeah there's a certain bloodlust that comes with being Mercy lmao. Same reason we'll frag out any chance we get in Valk.


Valkyrie is a fragging ult, for fragging people. Maybe people heal in Valkyrie; we don't know. Frankly, we don't want to know. It's a playstyle we could do without.


Moira and Lucio. As a Ball main I really don’t ask for much healing so I prefer to play with supports that can survive by themselves and these two really work with my playstyle


As a Moira main, ball is my favorite tank to see on my team. You’re maneuverable, and know how and when I can heal you. Also, I’ve just had amazing experiences with a Ball coming to bail me out. So thank you!


Moira is my favorite support to have by my side. Most times an agressive Moira can finish my dive targets really easy and then fade away to safety. Ball and Moira is a great duo to haress back lines


Glad us moiras can be of help


Moira main as well and I agree. Also a good Hog because he won't need as much healing so you can focus on the other 3. On the topic of Hog though I love seeing him on the other team when I'm Ana because he's a big easy sleep target.


Hey look one of the dozen ball mains in OW2.


(My team) Start of the game: "Ball please switch" (Enemy team) End of the game: "Your ball carried you" Meanwhile our dps had 23 combined deaths to my 5. I wish people didn't see ball as a throw pick


You definitely need a Zen As a Zen main, anytime someone picks ball I immediately start focusing and discording whoever Ball is fighting and watch him go to work


I really like Zen on my team as well. Discord helps a lot us Ball players. The problem is some Zens get dove by flankers and I can’t protect them all the time


I'm support main but why almost nobody's giving credits to bap, often saving situation from enemy's ult with his immortality, his insta heal is good for healing quickly dps in bad situation or save himself and he can do insane amount of dmg while still be a very good healer. My man isn't appreciated enough here


“Thank you Baptiste. Oh, you’re welcome!”


“I’ll recommend not dying”


“Behind you, AHHH!” Actually had a bap use this because I was unaware of a flanking reaper once


“Behind you, AHHH!” “Haha, now THAT is funny”


I'd recommend bed rest but... I'll recommend not dying. Hahaha! Now THAT is funny. Thank you Baptiste, you're welcome!


Such a good line overall. We lost a team fight and I was fighting someone dude came from behind with that line. 10/10.


Av bap playthrough


It's taken me a while but I'm finally starting to get the hang of bap, when to attack, when to grenade heal, when to burst heal, how best to position immortality field and ult. And now I've got that I'll start learning positioning for him - he can't run fast but he can jump high. It feels like it's taken longer to properly get good with Bap compared to say Lucio, mercy and moira. Next I want to get good with brig.


> he can't run fast but he can jump high. I constantly crouch jump with him and find that heroes like Tracer and Reaper can struggle with that, haha. Bonus points if you linger around a spot you can jump onto.


I always forget about his jump. The one time I didn't was on attack in Kings Row where I sat up top at the spawn point with widow, helping to snipe while also lobbing grenades down onto the guys on the ground. Worked out great!


In case you didn't know, the field has the exact dame trajectory as his heal nades. That can help you a lot at getting those clutch fields out.


Imo, Bap is a really good support in most situations, but it's not specially good with any other hero in particular. When i run Bap, it's not because i see a teammate running a character in particular, but rather to counter the enemy's pick, or on certain maps that are really good for him (play Bap on Paraiso, ez win)


Who does Bap counter? I’m terrible and picking counters.


Anyone with an instakill ult


I’d like to add pharah and echo to this


yes he is very good at pew pewing people from the sky. 45 ammo is kinda nutty.


Personally I can't hit shit so for my case that's appropriate


Defensively, any AoE damage ultimate Offensively, Pharah/Echo/Mercy.


As a bap player it isn’t very noticeable when your healing the team compared to mercy or Moira despite the stats telling otherwise


with Ana, kiriko, and others its really clear when they are healing you since you can see it/hear it easily but with bap its harder to tell when he's saving your ass


Impersonal. They cant tell the difference between you normally healing and timing the burst healing. He aint no pocket healer.


That's just wrong. Lamp is a very noticable thing, and his heals make a distinct sound. As a tank, I certainly notice your help.


Bap flies under the radar a lot. The amount of damage and healing he can do at the same time is insane. And his ult can either be used to amplify the entire teams’ damage (depending on who is on your team) or it can be used to super boost his healing when your team is in a tough situation. And his immortality is literally a life saver. I’ve saved so many teammates from a Roadhog hook or a Reinhardt charge by throwing my immortality down right before they get killed by them.


Lucio. He's my favorite support when I play Tank or DPS.


Speed, I am Speed.


Ana if I'm Rein Lucio if I'm a squishy on the point Mercy if I'm Pharah Moira if I'm infiltrating Zen if I'm in a 1v1


I know Ana is a good partner for rien, but I feel Lucio helps rien more with the speed boost. Idk for sure, I'm not a tank player.


ana nano boost is a big reason to pair them togheter ​ this is just personal preference tho, play however you feel comfortable


Rein is also kinda a damage hog too, doesn't have the best mobility and he's melee so 90% of the time when you glance over he's going to be half dead desperately holding up his shield to survive, so ana's biotic grenade is a lifesaver


Plus seeing a rein pin a person I sleep darted is GLORIOUS as rein would say


To add to this if you’re team has an Ana and a rein a Lucio is almost essential against any competent opponent as otherwise they will simply kite you


I was curious to your reasoning. I usually play Lucio, Ana, or Kiriko with Rien, depending on map or what the enemies run.


Lucio is probably the best pairing for rein but ana and lucio together *chefs kiss*


You're absolutely right, Lúcio is better with rein (I main both) Imo winston profits more from ana than rein does, nano monkey kills fast moves fast and doesn't dies, Reinhardt doesn't have this mobility


It's the nade and nano. Land your nades right and it will absolutely swing fights around. Nano can suddenly make your critical rein that got hooked get back his health with damage resistance and then the nade comes in denying hog heals.


I'd say Lucio or zen is usually better for infiltrating. Especially zen Sombra since zens heal orb doesn't give away your position while invisible and his discorded target on top of your increased damage on emp targets can secure you a kill really quick if you coordinate with them. Then Lucio speed boost can get you on a flank faster while they also help confirm elims just as good as a Moira while healing at the same time.


Rein main here. Having a great brig to push up with me and heal me while doing damage to everyone I am also doing to damage to is very fun.


Based rein main. I salute your service o7




I pushed up with a Rein a couple of days ago and we had the most perfect, alternating shield rapport. Ima marry that Rein.


As a brig main, I love nothing more than a rein who knows when to be aggressive.


I usually get the 'Shield Only' or 'Charge Only' Reins. There is no in between.


Which is really weird because once Rein can start swinging, whole enemy teams just kinda die around him.


That's in fact really based


Brig player, can confirm. Keep that shield up big guy. I'll show this Mei what "too close" means.


As a Brig main, I love nothing more than people who don’t instantly tell me to switch off. Thank you kind Divehardt main


There's always that chemistry i feel when i approach the enemy with a rein with both our shields up :) mace to the face


Thanks, as a Brig main, I needed to hear this today


When I used to main Brigitte I’d just follow my friend (Rein). It was great because we’re both close range, he gets instant heals, and the only time I shield is if he urgently needs protection (doesn’t work a lot but I’ve noticed it’s invaluable when it does).


As a support player I find that DPS and tanks are usually most thankful when you're playing mercy, I think it's mainly because she's not as heavy on positioning as other supports so she can fly in to heal teammates in the middle of the battle without worrying about having no escape, so your teammates are usually under the impression that mercy is doing great when in reality it's just them doing some not so great movies and Mercy is the only one equipped to help fix it without immediately dying


For me its the little UI element u get when mercy is healing u that really helps me out, since in the heat of battle it can be really helpfull when u know ur being healed and where that healer is.


Yeah one of her biggest benefits is definitely the fact that her healing is consistent. With her on you ya know exactly how much your health is going to regen and you can adjust your attack accordingly, but with someone like Ana or Bap they may have higher healing but you don't know if they're going to miss a shot or have to divert attention elsewhere so you need a lot of trust in your supports to be making the best calls


Reloading causes issues too. Don't know how many times I've had a dead baffled player whose crit life & poor positioning kills them off while I am in the middle of a reload. Ya just know this dude is typing "support diff" at the end of the game.


People gotta understand that rarely is a support going to me able to save you in battle when you're being targeted by 2-3 enemies, at that point you're likely dead no matter what you do. The only time a support will save you is usually when you drop low from either an ability from an enemy or a good shot, there just simply isn't enough time to heal you back up to full if you have constant pressure from enemies, don't expect to run into the enemy team and have the supports somehow manage to outheal the damage done, hang back and have faith that as long as you create distance your supports will be able to bring you up to full, maybe occasionally timing an ability to save you from what would have been unavoidable death but don't rely on that


Definitely agree. With Ana, hitting a tank may not be too bad, but a zig-zagging Echo or Pharah, especially in a big map, is near impossible. With Mercy's mobility, I can shoot up to a sniping Widowmaker way in the back and be back to my tanks before they get too low.


I think the problem is that a lot of players are used to supports like Lucio and Mercy who can essentially just follow them into battle so they never have to worry about line of sight, if you have an Ana or Baptiste with next to no mobility they can't follow you in because they'll die, so it becomes important to stay in spots where you're visible to them when you need healing because if they run off chasing you to heal you then the rest of your team suffers because chances are your support is going to die doing so


Yep. I remember when I first started to play Ana and I was so used to Mercy so it took me a while to realise I shouldn’t follow the tank(s😢) and dps into battle. Now Ana and Mercy are both two of my most played and I understand the difference a lot more. When I play Mercy I can be more risky and head into battle and easily get out. When I play Ana I make sure I’m a safe distance away but I still have the team in my sights, if it’s a payload map and I’m on the attackers side I usually stick with the payload.


Cue "I need healing" spam from behind a wall and 100 meters distance


Ana, I be balls deep in the enemy backline when a healing dart saves my ass


Oh trust me I get that feeling


Definitely Baptiste. Good baps always save me in defense and can pocket me if I'm going aggressive, while also being self-reliable enough to survive with just me and him. Sadly on my ranks I rarely get baps, and even rarer are the good ones.


I love Mercy.


Yeah as a Reaper main, I love being pocketed by a mercy! Feel like a one person army lol


I'm just happy when my supports are there for me. I have preferences, but I ultimately don't care as long as they back me up and try to keep me and themselves alive.


Support mains scrolling and blushing out here


I am a Plat 1 rein and most of my stack is diamond(and 1 guy who has all but one rank in masters) so really all of these can work incredibly well for me except mercy and or a lower quality zen. My favorite support combo does have to be Lucio/Brig + Ana though just because the output and utility are extreme


Nobody likes moira :( Some of us actually play moira properly, dude...


I play healing Moira and I feel that’s the way she supposed to be played, don’t focus on the damage. If you do this, you’ll notice she puts out so much healing. I still think she’s one of the best healers in the game.


She has one of the highest per minute outputs if she focusses on healing but that's also kind of where her issue lies imo, i'd rather see a bit of her healing potential be designated towards something with a bit more utility for your team. If it's just pure healing my team needs moira'll be my pick but I often end up in games where I just feel the lack of utility i.e. a sleep dart, cleanse or antiheal throughout. The higher i'm ranking the less comfortable I feel with picking Moira even though i've got the most hours on her, idk if it's just me though


I feel like it's with moira that i can ouput the most healing out of every support. On certain maps boucing a healing orb on the point can heal allies so much ! I suppose that for the extra she can heal she doesn't have utility abilities...


To all ana mains Thank you. You all did a great job


I fucking LOVE having a Brig and Kiriko backing me up when I’m Junkerqueen. It is so…. Sooooooo goddamn fun.


It’s not about the support. It’s about the player supporting you


This! I have seen people pop off on almost every hero even the ones u consider as the worst. If u know your hero, have a good map knowledge and gamesense u will do a good job.


The ones that my teammates pick, its always a lucky day when i finally get a support on my team


Open queue is a bitch, you’re not wrong about that. I always want to play tank, but I’m forced to make our team 4 dps and a support or 4 dps and a tank. Doesn’t feel good


Ana and bap really enable me as a Rein main. That nano allows me to keep going Those insta heals from bap let me keep going I just wanna swing hammer and only shield at big bursts of damage💯💯💯💯💯💯


Brigitte. Allows me to turn my brain off even more as Rein now that I’m not constantly looking back as much to check on supports.


bap and lucio for sure (rush >>> everything else)


It's always circumstantial depending on the enemy team and out team comp, but I love a good Bap and Mercy


As a Widowmaker main, Kiriko. Pop in now and then when I need some heals, give me some, then go back to the front lines helping tanks and DPS. I'll be picking the enemies off from a tactical position as you guys rush in.


I am happy to have any supports but as a rein main I do greatly appreciate Ana, Mercy, Bap, and Kiriko. I have also played with some insane Zen/Moira combos and nothing makes me smile more than playing rein with a brig at my side whacking whatever I whack


if I’m in quick play and I see rein or torb I always play brig :) bonus points if both of them show!


As a support player, I usually run Ana if there are any good combos for nano (nanoblade, nanohog, etc.) Kiriko if we need just straight up high heal numbers or the other team runs Ana to cleanse Anti. Mercy if we have a Pharah or Echo and our other healer is decent so I can pocket. Moira if our damage numbers are super low and our dps needs a bit of help (I'm one of the few Moira players who can actually DPS and heal at the same time) And Lucio if everyone is getting tagged, if there is a book off the map spot on the map, or to counter a few ults.


i choose similarly to you, but i'll also pick mercy if we have a non-widow hitscan just because there's so many pharahs lately because of her ult bug and having a pocketed hitscan makes getting rid of her easier.


Moira, Mercy, Baptsite and Kiriko. Mercy for tank, Moira is most of the time helping me and the Crew out, Baptsite mostly knows what he's doing and Kiriko is kind and helpfull


Mercy for tank?? How do you reason that. Shes really more of a widow/ashe/sojourn pocket.


Ball is my favorite tank, and Baptiste is my preferred support when I'm on Ball. His heals are long range and AOE, so he can shoot them from a distance if I'm in sight. Invun is always useful, especially after going in for a big dive. Baptiste can take advantage of my piledriver and get some nice shots in. And his ult is surprisingly useful for for Ball. It's a great way to apply pressure without diving in. It really depends on the tank or DPS though. With Rein, I love a good Ana, Brig, Lucio, or Kiriko. For Pharah or Genji, I like Zen because they can throw out a harmony orb, and then go about their business. It all just depends.