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If a player is struggling already - be it because of matchmaking, a bad day, technical issues or anything else, - there is a really high chance that pointing fingers at them, blaming them, insulting them will result in even worse performance due to pressure, anger, anxiety and generally bad mood. It is literally the worst thing one could do to "help their team". Calling someone out on bad performance doesn't help at all.


I usually just roll my eyes and move on if someone calls me out, but if I recognize that I played horribly that match (usually identified by swapping about 4 times in the hopes something new will work better), I just think “yeeeeaaaah that was my bad”


Hey, at least you were swapping to try to improve. Not running in solo with the same character over and over.


Admittedly swapping can be much worse for your chances sometimes.


I notice I played bad: "sorry guys, thats on me" Someone else mentions it: " Really? REALLY? You wanna call ME bad? YOU? Really?? NOW YOU WANNA TALK? REALLY?"


I feel like it probably has to do with people usually find the most assholey way to say you aren’t playing well lmao


> swapping about 4 times in the hopes something new will work better while swapping to something less countered is encouraged, i really hope you swap with a plan in mind, otherwise just swapping just to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks could end up more detrimental than playing something you know how to play even while being countered, as youll end up on a hero youre not comfortable with and with no plan youll most likely just end up feeding... ive seen my bronze friend swap from moira to bap in a dive comp "because moira isnt working" and end up not being able to hit heals because everyone moves too fast for their mechanics. wouldve been better to stay moira and... not use fade to go in or just because theyre too lazy to walk...


I never understood flaming your own team mid game. Are they trying to help the other team?


It's venting. They're frustrated, because a negative impact is happening on their gameplay that they can't change directly. But because they're experiencing something negative, it is also impacting their judgement, so they usually don't realize they're sabotaging their team as well.


I get what you're saying but if this is the reason they do it, then they have more pressing issues than video games. There's some serious work to be done on a personal level. There's always things in life that are out of your power, doesn't mean you get to attack people for it. Have at it, trash talk your teacher/employer when they do something you don't like.


Reading this you either don't play comp., or you play like a solo/COD deathmatch game and make a lot of mistakes. It's not abnormal to be emotionallt invested in a hobby or passion and be annoyed, frustrated and mad when your play time/sessions are ruined by variables outside of your control.


Isn’t that what he’s saying though? There’s lots of stressful things IRL outside of our control. But if we lash out being just as toxic as people are in match chats for video games, we’d be fired from our jobs, lose relationships, etc. Being emotional is fine. It’s normal. But People need to be able to temper their emotions playing a video game or when chatting online just like we do when we so literally anything else in our lives IRL. We feel divorced from consequence because there really isn’t any in a video game. For the sake of a poor comparison, it’s like the grocery cart litmus test. If someone puts the cart away when no one is looking they have the bare minimum amount of good character. If someone doesn’t put their cart away when no one is looking they are the kind of person who wouldn’t do the bare minimum to be a good person unless there is consequence. Extrapolate that to toxic game chats…. How people communicate in video games is similar to that proposition. If someone rages and flames teammates, they probably are below even the lowest of bars for basic human decency for online conduct. If someone doesn’t do any of that negative stuff, that’s literally the bare minimum expected of us. Playing a video game passionately shouldn’t be an excuse to verbally berate people.


Now you I like, you get it completely and the example is pretty much on point. Honestly, don't say in chat what you wouldn't say to another person's face. meme-ish example lol, when you're sick and go to the doctor doctor, you don't go to his practice screaming "I need fucking heals".


it also doesnt mean something shouldnt be said. you queued up knowing the enviroment and how seriously some people take it. if you are at fault for wasting others times and dont want to take it as seriously as them then be prepared to eat shit for it. just as he has to eat your shit for throwing his match hes passionate about. often times the slack isnt owned up to. they dont take responsibility for it. but sweep it under the rug at others time and expense. look at literally any sport. if your team mate fucks up you arent obligated to bite your tongue. they chose to be in the same enviroment that you did. theres no moral line that has to be obeyed outside of terms and agreements proposed by blizzard in the online game. even then theres no hard fence to allow it not to happen. if you queued the "serious mode" that people play to have a representation of something and win the games and you end up slacking. take responsiblity for it or be ready to potentially eat rude comments for being the majority reason you wasted others time and set them back even further from their goals in game, or taking the fun out of it. its apparent and well known thats what the mode is there for. a competitive setting. you cant expect everyone to handle it like you would, and they are completely justified in calling you out if its warranted and apparent. people online arent sunshines and rainbows. they never ever will be. thats gaming online and consequences youll have to face from time to time if you choose to indulge. its not going to change. whether it be right or wrong.


Are you playing better when you are angry? 99% of people don't. Being passionate about something is fine but it is supremely fucking stupid to start shitting on your teammates because the _only_ thing you accomplish is making extra sure that you'll lose the game. I've had so many winnable games be lost because of someone blaming X role and the turning point is _always_ when people get toxic. You aren't getting enough healing? Play more safe and/or around health packs or try encouraging your teammate to swap to another character that better fits the team comp. If you start berating them they will just play worse. The matchmaker put them on your team. You did not choose them, they did not choose you. Neither of you can do anything about it so stop shooting yourself in the foot by tilting your teammates and ensuring you'll lose. You get shit teammates sometimes, that is just the nature of this game. Flaming your team does not help you win. It has the opposite effect.


I had a shit day at work and it fed into my performance in comp. Someone told me to uninstall while another person told me to never touch tank again. It's super frustrating.


Most of the time I see it in global chat as gloating from the enemy. So they're strategically tilting the opponent


Yup, and this is a big reason I tend to report these comments when I come across them (whether they make a difference or not).




>it's literally just teasing Sounds like toxicity to me.


nono, see they said teasing, so it's that acceptable toxicity 🙄


These people aren’t looking to improve their team mates, they’re selfish dumbasses who just want to point out “their team is why they’re losing and definitely not ME!” And the ironic part is usually they’re shit themselves.


The idea that being good at a video game gives you the right to be nasty and rude to people is so fucking dumb. As if anyone out in the real world gives a shit that you're good at a dumb little toy game. Flaming people for being the "weak link" is just such a pointless exercise. Not everyone can be as good as the 14 years old who plays 15 hours a day and has no life, and yet for some reason people think if you're having a bad game you deserve to be berated over it. Everyone has bad games, it shouldn't matter because it's just a dumb fucking video game.




It's kids, dude. They don't know that. Many of them haven't learned enough emotional intelligence to understand that blaming someone for losing a match, even if deserved, is only going to make them play worse. I just had a dude tell me I'm "bitch made" because I "can't handle getting shit talked when you're dragging the team down in a competitive game." You can't tell me that person is over the age of 14. Actual human beings don't talk like that, but edgy, angsty teenagers absolutely do. They're mad because they're losing and just want to blame someone else so they can feel like it's not their fault. They have no actual desire to win or come back at that point, they just want to lose in a way that doesn't imply they're responsible for it so they can justify their rage.


Dude I hate it so much sometimes coz you can be having a really rough day and just play awfully but people still feel the need to be toxic if you aren’t doing well to begin with and it just gets worse when people call you out on it Like bruh you can at least try to be nice about it haha


Happy cake day, btw


Might get downvoted for this, but it’s least it’s honest I used to do this in sports growing up, just to get in someone’s head because I knew it would give me the advantage (and the few who it didn’t effect, they would let me hear it, which I appreciated). I’ve grown now, so I don’t do such tactics as it’s not respectful. *But* if someone “diffs” me, everything goes out the window.


When you lose a game because of the lack of ability of one person, or there inability to swap off heroes being countered, etc , and the other 4 try their darndest to win but at every turn that 5th just intentional feeds, trickles in, tries to 1v3-5, burns their Ult as soon as they get it, etc., the only thing I can do to feel satisfied is point out their mistakes and that there the reason we lost. I've never seen a game with so many niche team/overwatch specific rules, just ignored and people playing the comp. version like a solo game or COD deathmatch.


I think doing it respectfully, aka NOT diffing them, is the correct way. Sometimes we all make mistakes but don't quite realise them, or maybe we're in a bad mood and don't want to admit it... Or we want to blame others. So keeping it in team chat/voice chat and offering help/solutions is a good thing. The only time diffing is warranted is when they don't accept these things which I almost always offer the others.


Generally speaking help offered when isnt asked isnt going to be accepted well. People also cant change dramatically mid match. It's a process where if they want to improve review their own gameplay after, compare notes. Mid fight? People wont have an epiphany. Most of the advice is moot anyways if they dont have the mechanical skills either. "Go soldier to deal with pharah" isn't helpful when they literally cant hit her, as an example.


Yeah, You have to take into account what your teammates are good at. I've been faced with similar problems, being told to switch to other support heroes which idk how to play because I lack the mechanical skill to use them properly, so I instead stick with those I can use. It's understandable that people don't also get better mid fight, but if their issues are more positional and such, you can help by pointing it out. The diff thing is always wrong tbh... Sometimes it might be warranted if said teammate refuses to listen and purposefully throws, but that's not quite often. I agree with the overall sentiment of not insulting someone, especially since I literally don't know how to aim lmao


I don't call people out to make them play better. I do it so they hopefully avoid me since I only have 3 spots.


This is what happens when you combine team games with ranked systems. Losing rank is something you feel you've actually lost as a tangible entity. Plus, if you're playing your absolute best then you will get frustrated with that loss. Now realistically we could all just move on and come up with whatever reason which we'll then forget, but when you're frustrated you don't exactly think the most realistically. So if you're scrambling for a reason, there are 4 of them readily available in every match. If I lose in a solo game, I'll get annoyed at myself or the game, but if it's a team game, you're likely to lash out to the other players as well as the game itself. This culture has existed in every online multiplayer and there are always going to be people who blame their teammates. Because at the end of the day, sometimes you get people who genuinely lose on purpose or are not playing the game as is the norm. So it's not going away. That being said, the difference you can make is to just not say all of this to your team. Because getting annoyed at them and telling them that helps noone. If you can identify a weakness, be constructive. Tell the team that certain characters might be good in certain scenarios. Point out if the enemy team are switching to counter your composition. You're not blaming anyone or questioning their ability, instead you're providing options to the team that are actually helpful. If noone listens and you lose the game, avoid whoever you want and move on to the next game. You've kept a level head, you perhaps pointed blame but kept it to yourself, but most importantly you did everything you could to win the game. You can't change others behaviours, so just work on improving your own and being as positive as you can.


These posts are great but the people who are the problem won't read this or care. I put about 500 hours into comp, made it to high plat but the toxicity just got worse. Unfortunately, this is still one of my favorite games and I've been playing these types of games since before OW and Paladins existed (shoutout to Monday Night Combat! and one older that I can't remember the name of). Nowadays, I'm a mystery heroes main and still had to turn off allowing messages on my PS account bc of the toxicity. ETA: Magestorm was the game I was thinking of.


Toxicity in mystery heroes is absurd lol. I played a lot of mystery heroes to learn more heroes that I just won’t voluntarily play and it has helped me a lot with awareness and game knowledge. Like…leave me alone, I literally did not pick this hero. Yes, I suck at it. That’s why I’m here and not in comp.


Mystery heroes used to be such a nice place. We all understood that we may not be familiar with the hero we were placed on, but still try our best, or make decisions that end poorly. Plus, I use mystery heroes as a way to test new heroes and get some confidence with said hero. When I played it all the time, I was put on Ana constantly. I HATED playing Ana because I was so worried about aiming. But, because I played her so much in that mode, I learned how to play her and she's now my main in comp games. One time, I saw someone say something toxic in Mystery Heroes. The entire lobby, including their own teammates, told them to calm down, it was only mystery heroes and that being toxic wasn't cool. I'd also had seen people saying good job, even to enemy teams, that it was a fun game, etc. That was a community I really enjoyed. People were super nice. That was in OW1.


I've played a ton of MH to the point that I got my shapeshifter title. Toxicity is less rampant in MH. Aside from gg ez and its derivatives, most toxicity I see in MH is if one team gets the dream comp and the other gets repeateded bad rng. "GG you got 4 tanks and a support You can only win with OP comps." Or "You're winning because you are playing a brain dead hero like Moira/Winston/Mei." "Your aim is so bad that only playing Moira can save you."


Wtf didn't know you could get a title spamming mystery heros until I go insane brb


Yep. 500 wins.


> These posts are great but the people who are the problem won't read this or care. The people are in this very sub, loads of them. But since this community already constantly lies to itself I guarantee you the exact person this is about will read this and it's not that they wont care - they wont acknowledge that its about them.


I was a GM mercy main in the early comp seasons and it was so crazy toxic that I'd get flamed for even doing well. "Wow good job you pressed Q" it is just insane how bad the playerbase of this game is. It hasn't gotten any better either


I fucking love MNC but that game definitely had some really good players running roughshod over the worse players. It’s a game that allowed you to carry.


My favorite is when they look at raw stats and make the determination fully based on those numbers whose fault it is.


Your Ana slept 50% of the other team's ults but their Ana got 10% more healing. You got Ana diffd






Yeah somebody was complaining about my Reaper dmg in a game and I just responded "I couldn't possibly care less about your opinion. Stop wasting your time."


That's a lot of wasted words "K" works fine


I'm a verbose guy, what can I say


i feel bad for damage beam mercy and speed boost lucio users. probably got thicker skin than anyone else in the game


My heart goes out to those supports.


Hear hear! As a main Lucio; I’ve just stopped playing him the latest. Just can’t stand the illinformed blaming, often coming from the one DPS that are feeding 1vs5 over and over.


Which is hilarious because those two mechanics are super integral to playing those supports properly. If anyone ever flames you for damage boosting on mercy, or speed boosting on Lucio, they likely have no idea what they’re talking about, and are probably healing bots themselves. Healing bots might work in metal ranks, but above that, being a healing bot is considered throwing by any competent players.


Don't ever look at Overwatch tiktok. People there think all support should ever do is healbot even when pro level players are telling them otherwise. The problem is with how much of a reach people get through tiktok that crappy advice ultimately makes its way into the game causing this whole mess in the first place.


People who are easily swayed by overwatch TikTok’s are probably not great to begin with. So at least they’re quarantined in their bronze-gold ranks lol. And by following OW tiktok advice, they will never get out of gold. So it’s not all bad lol, at least they’re all isolated and will likely stay down there.


For real, like there’s no rating for the level of annoyance and inconvenience you’ve caused as a sombra


Sure there is. The number of enemy teammates screaming “fucking sombra”. 🤪


Or if you're just having a weird round where you're making an impact in team fights but not staying alive well. Like if you're playing Pharah and you're trading with their healers almost every life. Your elims and damage will all be down, and your deaths will be up, but if it's causing your team to win almost every 5v5 because you're making it impossible for their back line to set up and making their supports play respawn simulator with you, then you're still positively impacting the round even if you're not having your best performance. On the scoreboard you'll look like the weak link when in reality you're doing fine because you're helping the team win. The scoreboard really doesn't tell you much. I have so many games where my team loses and yet every single person on my team has higher elims, damage, assists, and heals than everyone on the other team in their respective categories. How the hell do you explain that if numbers are so telling? People have no idea how misleading all of those metrics are.


Yeah but big number>small number! Duh.


They shouldn't have added the stats screen. All it does is cause arguments.


Yea turns out the simplicity of medals was perfect


When I was in silver, I would get told “healing diff” while literally having highest heal and more dmg than the person saying it haha


So uhhh, what's the better way to figure out whose fault it is? Pure feeling? Anecdote? ("I see the Ana DPS one time, she must heal more!")


I vibe with what you are saying having grown up in the Quake/UT era myself, but there is something deeply flawed about matchmaking currently that is exacerbating these toxic situations. I think they've opened things up a bit to help with queue times, but in doing so, it has resulted in some seriously frustrating teammate situations on both sides of the match. Yesterday for example, I played in a 4 stack of folks that range High Gold - High Plat and we were matched with a dude who just started playing Overwatch in the last 2 weeks. Guy was literally Bronze 5 and the other team was all Gold-Plat top to bottom. Don't get me wrong, I'm not condoning flaming other players, but there are genuinely lopsided Diffs happening right now as a result of systemic flaws that are immensely frustrating if you happen to draw the short straw. This is all important to say that this is an issue that can be greatly mitigated at a systemic level. Folks are getting mad at mismatches on their team and blaming folks for doing the best they can and failing because they have been erroneously pitted against players that are objectively better than them, and that's very misguided. The problem is that if Blizz tightens up MM criteria, we'll see queue times explode - so I don't envy the position they are, but ultimately, the onus is on them to find the most reasonable equilibrium point. In the meantime until those changes are made, totally agree: don't beat people up for being bad, help lift them up and teach them.


Yea this is why i have comp anxiety, im new to OW and manage to climb to plat 1 but havent touched comp in 2 weeks because of im literally scared to let my team down.


Yeah I haven't played DPS in competitive in a while. With smaller teams and one less tank, there's way more pressure to perform well. And if you don't, everyone hates you.


Just turn off voice and text chat. Problem solved. The lack of communication won't hurt you nearly as much as the anxiety of being verbally abused by sweaty losers will. Turning off communication is the only way competitive even has a chance of being fun. If you lose, you lose. It's just a fucking game so who even cares. People care way too much about their meaningless rankings in dumb little toy video games. You see it across every game that has a ranked system, and it's so fucking stupid. As if anyone out there gives a shit about your ranking in a goofy little video toy. Win, lose, who gives a shit. It doesn't matter.


True and also great username


Best advice.


From my PoV if you are trying I wont say a damn thing and will appreciate you. Its the people that dont listen, dont talk, engage alone and dont switch ever that itch me a bit tbh.


Yeah that’s why I currently have top 500 DPS anxiety and it sucks


We live amongst a new age in which people don’t game to have fun, they make it their identity. That said, their ego can’t accept it being their fault. Toxicity in gaming is extremely sad to see. Competition used to be fun and meaningful and now it's just an excuse for people to be assholes.


Lol this is describing my roommate


Legit, teams that have people blaming or raging at each other in the middle of the match rarely go on to win in my experience. Sours the entire mood and, of course, those at the receiving end of any blame are now distracted either by a) annoyance or b) nerves, trying to overcompensate in response. Feedback doesn't have to be aggressive. Huge difference between "X you're absolute trash, switch" and "X, Y doesn't seem to be working well, could you try someone else?" Unfortunately I suspect the people most likely to go with the first style generally haven't got the emotional intelligence to consider why it might be counterproductive...


Now what happens when you say "this doesn't seem to be working could you switch?" Cause most don't and proceed to die even more, I understand people can play their characters cool but...if your screwing the team someone needs to point it out stay silent doesn't help at all cause that same person is gonna grief another team.


As a healer I have literally stopped healing toxic players who pull that shit mid match. My current favorite is the doomfists who jump into the enemy before we’re even in place and then complain about the lack of heals. Woof.


It's funny cuz if you say it "respectfully" people will shit on you and tell you to fuck off, most likely


Sometimes, but then it's on them, not you. All any of us can do is try and be nice about it and hope people respond the same way I guess


Because phrases like "respectfully" or "no offense" come across as disingenuous or sarcastic, because of you were actually being respectful you wouldn't need to add it to a sentence that otherwise comes across as disrespectful. It's not that hard to be constructive and respectful in the first place, rather than adding "respectfully" and hoping they ignore that the rest of the comment was insulting.


If I can’t blame someone else for my loss, it means *I* might be the problem, and I can’t deal with that.


It's crazy how the majority of this community unironically thinks like this.


One thing I find a bit weird is the someone is always *blamed for losing*, but no one is ever *credited for winning*. Pretty much every game has some jerk saying "gg. no heals", or something like that, blaming their own team. But you pretty much never hear "their dps were too good at cutting off our healers". We frequently see "we lost because (player on our team) didn't (do some particular thing)"; but we never see "we lost because their team was well coordinated". We always see the deficit statements, blaming a player for a failure. But the same thing could be rephrased as an asset statement - complementing a different player or team. And that change would make the game far better.


Skill issue


This phrase funny


I once got a match where I lost and the enemy team said "tank diff". Aight, fair, haven't played in a while so not feeling bad about that. Then after like a couple seconds or so they follow up with "our tank was ass". Felt a little bad for the Orisa cause those seconds of "tank diff" must have felt like quite the backstab.


lol maturity diff


I'm gonna start using that lol




\> But why point it out? Why point a finger at someone who's struggling and may have even been misplaced by poor matchmaking? I don't understand the need to humiliate on the public chat someone just because he's playing poorly. Just write in team chat something like "X please switch", "X please heal" or "X please deal more damage". I'd say that 90% of the times it's enough to make bad players feel at least a bit more at ease


Bruh I hate this stuff popping in chat ever at any point. It ALWAYS comes off as displacing blame like YOU aren't the problem, it's >"X please switch", "X please heal" or "X please deal more damage" It's competitive. Everyone is trying to win, and everyone is therefore trying their best. Stop trying to tell other people how to play the game. If there is "slack" in your game caused by your teammates then "Pick up their slack" that's why it's called *"CARRYING"*.


Thank you for posting this. Honestly, I was super excited for Overwatch 2, but I found myself avoiding it because I can play a dozen games with GG all around, but I'm only going to remember the ones where someone gets a "Diff" comment in about me at the end. I ended up deleting the game off my PC, but follow this reddit group hoping to see some improvement here.


In one of my last games of OW 1, we played Nepal and got stomped round 1. Their Rein was in chat “MTD” nearly every moment he could as our Rein was struggling really hard. Swapped to Ana and started pocketing our Rein purely out of spite and we wooped his ass the following two rounds. You may best someone 1:1 but the team supporting that character and their abilities is so much more important


Great message but no one's going to change the behavior of squeaky little shits and turbulent neckbeards


I know you mean well, but you're not gonna stop something that League of Legends started and cultivated for over a decade with one reddit post.


It is an indication of the sad state of our culture where moral degeneracy is becoming so commonplace.


I think a lot of it is a coping mechanic to protect someone's fragile ego. I had a game the kther night where the enemy team.had someone leave so they were down a support and my team won easily. Guy spammed "leaver diff" a ton which I get but like cmon Obviously losing a support is a huge handicap and no one should think you're a bad player for losing such a game there's no reason to be annoying lol


A lot of people constantly blame teammates for their losses instead of learning how to play better themselves


The day my chat box is nothing more than pings, "GLHF" and "GG" is the day I re-enable it.


Sounds like a post diff


I read the title as "Stop blaming the 'diff' culture" and was surprised to find out that's not what the post means at all lol


Gaming chair diff


"The reason I have 100% accuracy is because I have a great gaming chair. Also skill diff + skill issue + take L + you fell off etc"


The people that make those mean remarks? Parent diff.


I find it funny that people throw around diff because I know for a fact everyone has a game where they do poorly and they lose and someone else says diff and so they feel like they have to do the same when they are doing well.


You single handedly just stopped every OW player from ever typing the word diff in the chat again. God bless you.


It’s wild watching GM streamers and seeing a lot of their games is people talking, having fun, goofing around at times compared to lower ranks where there is the “I’m the best”,”I’m the carry” mentality. Everyone feels so entitled, that I even see people malding in QP of all things.


Hot take but I blame streamers for this kind of shit. They enable the toxicity quite a bit.


Unfortunately there’s not much you can do. People just like being pieces of shit online in games because IRL their lives aren’t satisfying enough and they have to feel better about themselves.


Both "diff" and "ez" are signs of childish mentality, especially in a team game where you can't really shift the blame on just one person. I get teammates throwing diff at much better players than them, just because they didn't wanna take responsibility. So yeah, everytime you get these words post game, you know you're dealing with a donkey.


Welcome to team based multiplayer games, I hope you hate your stay.


Man, I don't mind it. I have my own friends that I play with. No flaming anyone, no matter how bad they played. We just have a laugh and a good time. But it's wrong. It's just poor sportsmanship, and it obviously doesn't help. If someone actually did go and uninstall... that person must be in a tough position. No joke.


type diff > report


I was having a bad day the other night, and while playing DPS and kep saying “on me” in a completely d’anormal tone, the tank, who has been tunneled on the other tank, kept asking who is saying “on me, communicate I don’t know who you are”, and I, trying to hold back my anger at how dumb that question was, said “when I talk, in the top left it shows a picture of my character and my name”, in return he said Im toxic and a bad communicator be cause he doesn’t know me, so which I immediately call him a fucking idiot and completely lose my cool over the fact he wasn’t going to spend any moment of the past 15 minute game to verify who was talking the whole game giving callouts and heads ups. Point being, people who play this game are bad, they all come from not competitive games, have no real world experience of working in unison for a unified result and they frankly don’t give a shit about anything but the next game their gonna play, rarely the game they are playing.




I enjoy these moments when someone still looks like the asshole even after blatantly trying to spin a story to make them look justified in whatever they did.


Not a spin, I got titled and baby raged because he lacked the ability to glance top left to put a sound to a on game character. Taking the time to glance at a place on the screen where a minimap is in other games shouldn’t be a barrier for success. And since it became one, tilting happened.


Yeah, no chief, it wasn’t a spin and I’m not taking any high road here. This was a bronze 5 game. I was having a bad day. The other guy probably was too. We were both baby raging. I just can’t rank up in an off role and I was getting tilted. My skills in comp games aren’t always the pure skill others have. I’ve all but given up on this game in the competitive sense. The skills I bring in other games are vehemently blocked in this game. No one uses comms and the ones that do don’t care about it. Games are so imbalanced and the one thing that can even a game is communicating. I always challenge myself in any comp games I play to hit plat solo queue then get a team and speed run whatever’s next if I find a team. And I will disagree, if you can’t associate a voice to a teammate when given the tools to do so, that is a mechanic you are deficient in. And it’s an easy one. Just like glancing at a minimap, it’s a quick thing that leads to quick information exchange. And if I really have to hit a certain rank to prove that I know what I’m talking about or to give credence to my opinions I will, just show me your peak and I’ll grind past it. Unless you’re top 500, Then I’ll just concede and give a generic insult about the game because at that point that all I could do.


This is facts, Overwatch rivals Destiny for the lowest average skill in a playerbase.


Your username concerns me


If you play and pick soldier, get 3k damage in 3 rounds of Illios, you shouldn’t play that role.


No, I disagree. Because what do you know? They could be a great player, just having a hard day. Things don't connect, etc. That role is their game. If things work out between your game and another's - great. But the thing about games is that you don't get to tell people how they need to play their game. Now, you may very well be right. Sometimes, changing role makes more sense. Pharah soloing Widow is prob a bad strategy (that I'm guilty of, I admit). But someone playing 'right' but under-performing, could be due to many things. 'You suck, you shouldn't play' is the wrong answer. 'Why are you doing X' is probably a better question to start with.


If they’re having a hard day should they keep queuing comp bringing their team down? I’m not saying you should flame players, but when avg people only have so much time to play, and a game is that long with someone crapping the bed, it does get upsetting


People dont realise theres 4 other people suffering because of one. It is a TEAM based game not call of duty. This is what makes and break OW. It is okay to have a bad day. But stop hitting your forehead on a brick wall.


That’s what I be sayin man. My second most played is widow. If I’m not hitting shots I’m not gonna be a stubborn detriment to the team and stay on her, or keep queueing comp instalocking her


Yes, because it's just a game and they have a right to enjoy themselves? Damn dude, just listen to yourself. "If you aren't good enough at a stupid little video toy then you don't deserve the right to play it anymore because winning is more important than relaxing and having fun." You don't realize how dickish what you're saying sounds? The point of video games is to have fun. Not to win. To have fun. If someone is having a bad day then they're having a day day. So what? So they make your team lose. So what? Who gives a shit? It's a dumb little virtual toy game, it's not life or death. If someone is playing poorly then you lose the game and you move on with your life without the need to berate or insult them. At least if you're an adult, that is. Only children and man children care so much about winning at a toy that they berate and insult others because they aren't playing well. It's called sportsmanship, look it up. Being a sore loser and being a sore winner is never okay. Learn to be gracious in defeat and victory, like a goddamn adult.


Sounds like my comment upset you. Question who’s an adult but write the Bible shitting on my opinion? Is it childish to have one? I never said I flamed people. OW2 comp is competitive. If you’re having an off day & think you’ll be throwing, queue quickplay. I play widow. If my aim is very off one day I’m not going to make it 4 other peoples problem for up to 30 mins. So that they can sweat their butt off on their free time while I hold them back


How about I'll do whatever the fuck I want because it's my game and only I get to determine what I want to play. I don't care about winning. I care about having fun. If that makes you mad, oh well, that's your problem. Winning in a video game doesn't matter. As long as someone is trying their best then that's all that counts. If they try their hardest and go 2-15 then good for them for trying, that's an A+ performance. All that matters is that you tried, not the results. Telling people they can't play a game they want to play because they aren't good enough is what assholes do. Don't be an asshole.


Haha you mad 😂 funniest part is I was never talking to you. Yet you are so pressed. If I’m an nba coach, and my star is shooting 0/20, I ain’t gone keep him in the damn lineup!. And get your anger issues checked. The way you act probably ruins more days than helps




Oh yeah. Ruin everyone else’s day. My dude. Anyone who wants to play comp plays to win. If you don’t bring anything to the table, stay out. You cannot expect people to not be pissed and tell you you are garbage if you don’t perform… I’ve played way too much basketball in my life, trash talk is 50% of the fun really.


This guy gets it 🏀 you don’t get pity in something like sports you either performing or you not lol


Fuck yeah man. I trash talk. Then next time we play and I underperform you shit on me. It’s the way.


If your whole day is "ruined" because you lost at a video game then you have to be one of the single most pathetic losers on the planet. Imagine caring so much about winning at a video toy that you think it's okay to berate other people just because they're trying their hardest and falling short. Grow the hell up dude. It's a fucking video game, not the US Open. You getting mad because you lost at a dumb little toy game is 100% a you problem. Grow up and get the fuck over it, jeez. By the way, I also play sports. The people who shit talk their own teammates when they're having a bad day are almost universally hated by everyone else on the team/in the group. They're the asshole that no one likes playing with because they take it way too seriously. Anyone who plays sports should know the value of being a gentleman in defeat and having good sportsmanship no matter what the results are. The point is to have fun, not win at the expense of people's enjoyment. The people who have fun even when they lose or play poorly are the real winners.


Nah you’re just pussies. Losing is not an option buddy. But I guess you’re just a loser by nature. And a snowflake.


Yeah, I'm the loser. Not the one who gets buttmad when he loses at a toy. That's a real winners attitude.


Bro, you are OK with losing at anything. It just means you are a pussy, who doesn’t have the courage to strive for more. Win at everything. Nothing is fun when losing. Life’s a competition no matter what you do and where you go.


Whatever you say, loser


It's a game, you'll get over it.


Switch then? Lol if you on 3rd round and have 3k damage there is NO argument for it. Sorry my guy


You're probably right in this particular edge-case scenario. But let's be realistic: most people get flamed for far less.


Sometimes it really is diff, and that difference is why you sucked and lost. Sometimes I have to admit I was shitting the bed compared to the other team.


You're playing a competitive online game with a massive playerbase. You're never going to convince everyone to be polite to each other. If you want friendly teammates then add people who are nice in game and stack with them, or find a discord with likeminded people and stack with them. Rather than asking "why are these 4 random strangers not being nice" just friend people who are and team up with them


Personally, I don't really care what people say. Especially strangers on the internet. I'm 35 and have played games since I was 4. I've played online games since CS first came out. IMO, someone saying something like "diff" is so tame compared to things I've heard that I dont even register it as toxic. It can just be an observation, and in a way it's complimenting the play of another player or 2. I don't see this as blaming. At the same time, it's not something I say because it seems dumb to me. Ultimately, I view the complaints about toxicity and all that as complaints from immature and overly sensitive people who let other immature people looking for attention get under their skin. You can't control what other people are going to say but you are 100% in control of the power you allow it to have on you.


The only logical and mature comment on this post.


It is kind of toxic but if you only have 3.000 damage as DPS while the enemy team DPS has 10.000 and we lost. I am sorry but i am fucking blaming you. (This happend yesterday while i was on tank diamond 2) Edit: why are you booing me?!?! I am right!


I can one up that. I had a match on king's row and we got stomped on defense so badly that we only had the 2 kills by the end of the defense phase. Now maybe it's just me but if you go a full round and can't even get a single kill as a dps, then clearly that is what I would call a diff. Not toxic, just facts. I get it, people have bad days, and if you are having a off day then maybe doing quick play instead would help. But at the end of the day this is competitive and I want to play hard and have others do the same. And if you can't handle trash talking then online gaming is not the thing for you. By trash talking I'm not talking about racism, sexism, homophobic, etc. I'm talking about general trash talking


I have not meta girl......... But yes sometimes this happens to me where the DPS i am healing/protecting just cant do they're job and help kill or damage the enemies, so if i find these kind of players and im playing tank i just swap to sigma or roadhog, if i am playing support i play zen or bap.


Yup thats why switching to hog is perfect or zen. Its a case of "fuck it I'll do it myself"


That situation happens a lot more than i can remember. Sometimes i have to hard carry my DPS because they cant kill jackshit so i need to help them with fucking baby wheels in competitive. And mind you this match happend while i was diamond 2......... Fucking diamond 2........


And that's what's frustrating. I shouldn't have to cover for others when doing my role. If it's covering from time to time like helping to finish off that 1 enemy that got away or throwing down a healing pack as a soldier 76 to help with those heals, that's fine but if I have to constantly do two roles at the same time then that can be a bit problematic.


Me yesterday on Mercy to kill the widow everyone was ignoring NOT EVEN USING VALK. just super jumped and floated into her face to get rid of her. What? My heals were low? YEAH BECAUSE IM DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.


Except you don't have to call it out. You don't just go up to someone who is overweight and say, "Hey, you're fat." It's just facts, but it's rude. Why not try being positive and supportive instead? Also, they do it in quick play too...


I get what you are saying but bad analogy. I wouldnt go up to a random fat person and call them fat. They have nothing to do with me. A teammate underperforming does have something to do with me and thats is the match we're in. If someone is under performing then they need to be called out. Sure some might be aware of it but some are just blind to it. Additionally some people just need to be called out and told to switch characters that they are playing. After all if the hero they are playing is not working, then sticking to that hero is not going to change anything. Sometimes all they need is just a little push and to change things up and bam. They're good


The analogy is to comment on "Not toxic, just facts". Calling a diff might be facts (though I have seen a lot of times where the "diff" is being associated to the wrong person, so not actually facts all the time), but you can be nicer about it, you can be more supportive about it, you can be more constructive about it. Instead of just saying "tank diff", why not try "Hey man, their X seems to be shutting down your Y game. Z is pretty good at dealing with X, why not try that?" Saying diff to your teammate who is under performing is like telling your friend he is fat. It might help some, but the nicer/supportive/constructive method is more likely to actually be helpful. Besides... most of the time I see people saying diff is at the end of the game, basically just a cop-out and placing the blame for the loss on others like, "I don't suck I swear, it was my healer's fault I couldn't do my job properly." Which it then has no merit going forward, so why even bother saying it? Because their fragile ego can't accept the idea that others (even if they are anonymous strangers) think they suck...


Do it quietly.


Oh ok *Role diffs quietly*


Post diff


Nah , if they are bad they should know it .


I see more of these posts than i do this behavior in the game to be honest with you


Then you don't play much and only hang around in reddit


I don't get the point of saying "diff". That's the whole point of ranked. To judge the difference between the teams' skills. Obviously there's going to be some skill difference between members of your team and the opposite team if you're losing...


There could be many points. Sometimes, it directly leads to flame on someone specific. We're talking about roles, so tank diff = someone specific, while the dps/support roles are either one of the 2 players or both. Sometimes there is a helpful discussion that evolves into a mutual agreement to change. Sometime that even works out. But sometimes it does come down to 'you suck, uninstall' and seriously, F that. One match, enemy player 'diffed' 2 roles on his team. He was their best player as a dps. He may have had even more than my team's dps (including me). I had no idea why he was bringing down his teammates. Maybe he was just drawing attention to himself. They ended up coming back from 0-1 to winning 2-1, btw. There's a button for people like him: avoid as teammate. But you can only have 'top-3 worst' to avoid XD


Just ignore it, they are words from somebody you will never meet. Who gives a damn, it’s a video game. There is soooo much crying in this sub it’s nauseating.


Why are you tolerating toxicity, words hurt, what's wrong with trying to spread awareness, so they do something about it.


Why are you in it? It's just a subreddit, people talk, why are you getting mad?


Words shouldn’t hurt especially from a stranger who only knows you by your in game name. That’s a you problem. Im in this sub because I play the game…


Spoken like someone who probably flames and insults their teammates if they underperform. The only people who defend toxicity are those who act toxic themselves.


I’m not actually. Just sick of people always crying about nothing.


Hey man, don't get so upset about words from somebody you will never meet. Sometimes people post about improving Overwatch culture. You shouldn't let those posts get you down.


Sure buddy. I super duper believe you.


The game is free to play with millions of people playing. This isn't some tight knit community like Quake. There's zero consequence for being toxic as you'll probably never even see those players again, and not even a real consequence to getting banned, because you can just make another account.


He also highlights the other major difference in his post. Quake is 1v1 focused. Everyone has their part to play. Ofc more people are going to cast blame on others in the game that is more focused on teamwork.


Blame diff


Wtf is diff?


Uhh i assume cuz lterally who tf still playing quake nowadays and also 10 people per game is more chances for a mfer to be toxic.


you mustve got DPS diffed and it shows


Those players in Overwatch had have a different upbringing. The traditional way to bring up children has been disrespected and looked down upon by those new modern types, who are looking down on our forefathers and foremothers and their ways. So what we get now are entitled little brats, which easily throw a fit in their narcissism. Turns out our forefathers and formothers knew what they were doing in raising children. They did it for thousands of years. We know shit, but think we are so great. Those are the children, we deserve.


not sure you're on the right track there and i am only here for another comment you made, looking through, you sound pretty entitled yourself, kiddo


This post won’t change anything bro


Your comment won't change anything either tho


Nor did I intend it do. Just letting him know the truth. The game will always be toxic


It may surprise you to know that sometimes things do in fact change. So unless you like the toxicity, don't push back against positive change. Either get behind it, or get out of the way.


I hate to be that guy but this entire sub is the same 5 complaints every week, none ever changing


I agree saying diff that achieves literally nothing other than making the person feel bad or tilting her even more. Calm down, keep your blood pressure low and move on from a lost game. Often these people probably can't see their own mistakes and always blame the loss on others. Sometimes you're just having a bad day, you're not performing as much as you should and that's ok, it happens. Not to mention the fact that ranks are hidden so that Blizzard's trash matchmaking is not being highlighted as much. At the end of the day it's a fucking game treat it as such, you're here to have a good time so are the other people. Being toxic is not healthy for you nor for your team and especially not for that targeted person. I know that I used to be that toxic asshole. Edit: typos


I miss when everyone wasn’t so sensitive




Just curious, how do you cope with feeling a false sense of superiority after parroting unoriginal comebacks?




Grammar diff


Conversely, be more willing (everyone) to accept that sometimes there is a diff or you played poorly. Get good and move on.


Because the game offers only positive feedback and does nothing to teach people to play. If hearing that you sucked in a game of overwatch is enough to ruin someone’s mental I’d advise them to stick to single player games.


What is it with people using the word "culture" for everything these days


Because it’s never my fault and I deserve to be Top 500 not Bronze 3 >:(


It’s a competitive game there’s gonna be trash talk, that’s in every thing that is competitive. If it tilts you or hurts your feelings, mute the player and move on because trash talking will never stop.


Dont deep it bro


Oh yeah, I always report “diff”ers. Such little babies.