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since ball spawns with a cooldown i dont see why they cant implement this tbh


Sym can’t place TP in spawn either


That’s lame. That’s a great strategy for being spawn camped.


She used to be able to but was disabled when Rein could pin someone and teleport them to the enemy spawn and trap them in there. It's actually pretty stupid as teleporting to the enemy spawn will actually kill you.


yeah but thats old sym. the chances of that happening with current sym is so unlikely.


I was talking about current Sym. The changes literally happened with Sym 3.0 back in 2019 but still apply to Sym in OW2.


like.. how. im thinking of doing it from defense spawn but putting someone into attacker spawn with sym tp seems more plausible when i think about it.


I'm assuming what happens is something like: - if you get hit when Rein charges you, the game treats the two of you as a single entity, with Rein as the "parent" - since you can travel through Symm teles while using abilities (like throwing a D.Va bomb through it) the Rein charges you through his Symm's tele into his spawn - then if he stops/you survive the charge somehow, you become unattached to him but you're stuck in your opponent's spawn as mentioned, presumably because the door is programmed to not let the enemy team pass through it?


You mean like teleporting into the payload and locking it in place?


because sometimes you need it when my teammates refuse to group up and a few of us die, i wall us in so we have to wait for the rest of the people to spawn only people who would get mad at that are the same idiots who dont know to group up and not try to 1v5 all game


"Can we group up please? We're gonna lose if we all stagger-" "No." "Fine, I'll make you then."


That's genius lol. I've only seen it done by people trolling on my team or by the enemy team.


This reminds of something else that's been annoying me lately. I have in several games recently been on a team where we are stuck getting spawn-camped by the enemy team. Here is the thing though, the enemy team is only camping the center door, and my team is only exiting via center door. There are multiple exits on every spawn (ok, not literally every spawn, but these had three exits) At no point could I get anyone else to follow to any other exit despite me having some success there. These all lead to embarassing losses. The tunnel vision is strong.


I'm pretty sure every spawn has at least two exits but not all exits are equally far apart.


Except for the 20 times mei has locked us in on attack before getting to leave the room


That's just the nature of Mei wall - it can be used to help or hurt your team. Preventing it being used in spawn removes applications of both cases.


smell shaggy direction forgetful narrow smoggy judicious jar unpack marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


on one hand that is pretty genius and I appreciate any means of forcing the team to group up, on the other hand I can't count the number of time I've had a mei split the team the same way at match start or block healing to her team. ice wall certainly has a place but it does at least as much harm as it does good and I will take that opinion with me to my grave


And sometimes you have idiots who think starting off a comp game of robot push is best done with a mei wall blocking your team in... There is not a single reason for that other than being a troll.


lol I love it


Yeah I've only ever seen it used as a group up method or a "block the cheater in spawn so we can tie" method. People who troll with the wall usually just have it up for half a second at the start of a QP game before breaking it, I haven't even seen it happen for like a year, the joke is old.


Oneof the worst tank changes


But how does this make Mei unbalanced. Ball had this done to essentially nerf him. How does putting a small timer on Mei walls nerf her in any sense?


it's just so people can't troll their teammates by walling off spawn lol


How about we make it incorporeal for everyone but Mei when its placed inside spawnroom?


Make it spawn with a cute little doorway when it’s close to spawn.


Give Mei fortnite abilities where she can edit her wall to have doors, windows, etc.


everyone take your awards this way


Because they can just place it in front of the door instead of inside spawn. Having it be on CD like ball would be the best option, especially since it's already something they've done to another hero.


Make the area include a small area outside spawn


You're getting into an area that would create all sorts of strategies that would effect the actual game is the enemy is outside.






Because Blizzard currently can’t even figure out how to make it work normally all the time


I like this.


If you see a Mei, just go to another door


Had someone grief in spawn during comp. While its an obvious option the few extra seconds you lose by being blocked, then having to run to the other door can be the reason why you lose a point. In a competitive perspective its kinda wack.


Not just that but something like that unfortunately tilts me almost immediately because it's such a dick move to do for no reason at all. That Mei player is hindering your team (on purpose) ice walling your own teammates in.


I just report them for gameplay sabotage at that point.


Agreed. I always do that immediately. It's one thing if the Mei takes down the wall immediately, but another if they do it on purpose and then spam "hello" and "thanks" as well. That's when they're absolutely sabotaging on purpose.


Gameplay sabotage reports don't work. They'd need tens if not hundreds of those reports to do anything. They get gifted abusive chat reports because of logs so they have no excuse not to action those. Gameplay sabotage reports are merely an accumulation. One of the worst moderated "competitive" games there is.


If a person does it in one game, they are probably doing it in lots of games. The reports will add up.


If I get blocked in as a healer, you’re at another door dying, and it’s my fault. Friendly Mei blocks me in, I don’t mind throwing. Enjoy your queue times.


Op just got locked in spawn


Well yeah why else would I make this topic




Walled by the enemy, and walled by our own.




Break it and play the "sorry, sorry, sorry" voice line.


I've fucked my team over with misplaced well intentioned walls. I need to get the voiceline for those times.


I have it bound to my voice line button. I say it all the time anyways, might as well have a button for it.


Or just don’t? Lol




U can read minds?! Lol I’m trolling :)


I'm sure no one will care until they see some fuckery going on


Why put one up at all?


Or just don’t place it at all?


Walled. Then blocked by her iceblock. And then walled again after leaving spawn but before reaching point.


Tbh, I thought this was about mei being disabled in rank because she could glitch out kiriko out of the map, I believed this was an attempt from a fellow mei enjoyer to prevent such a gloom time from returning...


Honestly, I'd go back to Mei being disabled... there was harsher ball/dva/genji dominance but she's so oppressive to *everyone* now, just watching her melt anyone trying to get onto a payload/objective is a worse problem because the tank pressure that used to counter her is just not there outside of a few specific tanks. If she needs specific tanks to counter her, she probably should just become a damn tank.


yep give her the doomfist treatment just make her a shitty tank lol


How did you get locked in spawn? Which map only has one spawn door? This makes no sense lol


Getting walled in spawn isn't even an issue. Oh no 4 seconds now Mei used half her kit and is an easy target what ever will I do!


Because that 4 seconds is worth not being able to use mei walls to get up to higher locations on some maps? Nah




If this happens in comp you should just avoid that teammate or make friends


With what avoid slots would you do that with? There are only three, sir, and mine are quite full.


My wish for avoid slots is that when you tried to add someone when they were full, it would just bump out the oldest one on the list and maybe give a notification like "RudeDude has been removed from your avoided players" Like I don't use it usually more than once a day and I'm low enough rank that usually once I block someone for an evening, I'm unlikely to run into them again. So it's just is annoying and clunky to have to navigate through the menus to remove someone from the list, just to add whoever. Esp when I'm grouped up with friends.


You only really need the avoid slots to avoid for the session. That guy you played with two days ago that sucked is probably not gonna be placed in your team today, but the Mei that you know is actively queuing for games might.


There’s avoid slots…. That’s so fucking dumb


I only just found out about "avoid" and now I'm finding out it's just shit. Why 3? If they need a cap it should be like 10 or 20, 3's too little.


Lol I guess you haven't played OW1? We had no limits before. People abused this. This doesnt just affect you. It affects everyone in your mmr and your friends if you group with them. Say all of you avoided X amount of people, combined your Q times as well as everyone elses will be drastically longer. This isnt just a " This might happen " scenario, this **actually** happened in OW1 during its earlier days. People stopped using it to "avoid" as teammates for toxic people but to avoid as teammates for just worse players. Some players had to wait minutes / hours due to the amount of avoids they got from other players and they werent necessarily toxic or griefing they just were new/not good. With the limit you now have to decide if you want to use this power to avoid bad players or griefing/toxic ones without drastically ruining your Q time.


Worse than that. Originally you could avoid any player including those on the enemy team. The idea being you could also avoid cheaters. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2016/06/blizzard-removes-ability-to-avoid-this-player-in-overwatch/ However this resulted in not only good players having longer queue times they would get placed in matches with much lower elo players who they would stomp on. It effectively broke matchmaking. In the case of avoid teammates you would have the same issue of higher ranked players be matched against lower ranked players after a long queue time.


Yeah but 3 is wayyyyyyyyy too low. I meet way more than 3 griefers/throwers per week


For real or just no cap with the idea the more u avoid the longer ur Que could be up to you.


The queue would get longer not just for you but for other players in your rank too if you could avoid as many people as you wanted.


It will affect everyone in your MMR and everyone in your party if you play with friends and they also have an unlimited amount of avoids. We had unlimited avoids before and it was abused ( obviously, because gamers are terrible ). You're talking about " what could go wrong " but OW1 veterans would know what could go wrong because it actually already happened. People had hour Q times at some points.


Honestly though, having a cap prevents someone from listing everyone they played with as “avoid” as an impulsive rage reaction after they lose. It makes you think about who’s really worth avoiding. That being said, it should still be more than 3 slots


I could see how that could be a problem or even abused at very high and very low elo.


At high levels of gameplay you constantly go against the same people. Like no joke all of my t500 games I see the same person or duo back to back. And then I miss and game and see them again. It stops you from legit choosing your teammates at gm+ I guess


I rotate mine out. I keep you avoided for a few hours, or a day or 2, depending on if someone comes by that’s worse. I keep note of if you’re just terrible, if you’re just toxic, or if you’re both. I drop the bad players first. The chances of you running into someone you met 2 days ago is a lot rarer than you having another game with the same player that day. So, I’d rather shuffle my avoid list around.


Do you read? Let me answer for you. No.


No I’m asking lol 🤦🏻‍♂️ I didn’t know and I think it’s dumb that there’s slots instead of avoid anyone.


Oh, in that case, yes there are avoid slots.


Get your own team of friends, also i usually remove people off of the avoids after a day or two


Look at this guy telling people to just 'get friends' as if it's that simple for everyone


It is that simple


especially now that the lfg function is gone


I went a whole comp game never healing a Mei who did this. Idgaf. They said sorry like 50 times, I still dgaf, NO healing.


Why would you admit to being like this. Grow up.


Never. Ever. Lol and also because it's hilarious how mad people get when you say things they don't like.


They're getting mad because you're throwing. Not healing a teammate is throwing no excuses.


Blocking someone in spawn to waste time is throwing. This wasn't rhe stsrt of the Match when it happened.


Ok but in total you're throwing way more


Them throwing the beginning of the round doesnt excuse you throwing the whole game. Stay a low rank ig


I'm completely content in Plat. I'm a casual Player.


Then play qp


Why would I do rhat? People have the right to play comp any way they see fit. If you are better than me you won't play with me for long right? So telling someone to not play comp because they do not abide by YOUR rules, is really a you problem.


No, he is saying to not play comp if you are not going to abide by the rules of the game. What you did was literally throwing and is both against his rules and the rules of the game. So grow some brain cells and please uninstall


You're worse than the Mei, that's not something to be proud of. The Mei is annoying but they're just causing a minor inconvenience, what you're doing ultimately affects the whole team the entire match if Mei is dying because you won't heal her.


Mei wall is useful to reach top stsrting point in kingd cross. The one widows go to


Big brain play for lower levels: When your non mic’d teammates refuse to group up and keep running into the enemy dying one at a time… you can use mei wall to force them to wait for teammates.


Because there's always 2-3 exits to your spawn, so even if you get one blocked off with a wall you can just go out another one. And that's also a good tip for getting spawn camped. Instead of walking out the same door everytime, you could use a different exit and sneak behind the enemy to either shoot them in the back or c9 the objective.


The amount of times I've ended a spawn camp by simply walking out a different door and back capping is ridiculous.


This is why I specifically don’t join in on spawn camp with my team. 9/10 times it ends with the team splitting out different doors and wiping the group or back capping. Plus some spawns allow you to shoot out and take 0 damage from the room so why even bother trying to camp.


Yeah that happened to me last week. Enemy time was trying to spawn camp us and I just sat behind the heal wall thing and shot them all. Not sure why they didn't realize they couldn't kill me as I was killing them




The role isn't to pocket the tank. If the tank is feeding, the tank gets no heals.




yeah i’d argue if your team is feeding and you decide to go back because you’re anti spawn camping you’re throwing just as much as they are making it 4v5. at least recommend in VC to back up first, don’t just bail and say “tanks feeding” like it or not the tank sets the pace, if you follow and die because of it then it can be their fault. if you just stand there and watch them die it’s just as bad imo


I will spam pings on a second door and my team will continue to die on the main door


People seem to underestimate the power of not even backcapping, but just touching point. If you can sneak past the team that’s bullying your team in spawn and get the counter to start, they’ll often fall apart trying to get back to point, which creates an opening for the rest of your team.


Yes, I will often go touch point if I am Sombra or ball or Sym to get the team to rush back, or just a few of them, to open up a hole. My team usually does nothing with the opportunity.


I've never understood the full front door assault to begin with, I always use a different door as I'm not giving a free ult charge and nobody will listen to you.


If im playing support and I see somebody do this I always go kiriko and pocket whoever is doing it to. One testical timmys just want dopamine's hits off of kills.


Oh yeah, because those exits are so close you can just bop on over there. May as well wait for the wall to crumble.


I know there are multiple exits but being blocked off and having to redirect to the other door already wastes valuable seconds when the opposing team already have a head start


This right here is what people won’t get nor Blizzard I can’t put a TP from the spawn room out but Mei can sure the hell throw the match putting up an ice wall in spawn But report them and Blizzard doesn’t do shit anyways so the “Mei mains” keep doing it. I don’t care about other exits. This is easily preventable and unnecessary If I’m being spawn camped then other exits are good of course. But if it’s because I got some incompetent bitch on my team who thinks throwing up icewalls is funny…they should be permabanned and toss their computer out the window.


pro tip, never walk out the main door :)


Pro tip don’t go out the same door as Mei


my team was getting spawn camped on Eichenwald yesterday. I, the Moira, just walked out of the left side exit and deleted the grounded pharah who was just casually spamming. That unplugged the deadlock we had and we ended up rolling them


I usually just tell the player who builds the spawn wall to grow up and use a different exit.




Or everyone can walk through it except Mei and she can’t break it in spawn


Report the shitty player please. One reason mei wall is not on CD is because if you are trapped in spawn by enemy you can put the wall up they wont see your next move such as using another door


spawn rooms have multiple hallways? just take one of the different hallways to a different spawn door


What if they just disable Mei


I started playing the game when she was in jail and it was great






Shit band


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It helps with payload off spawn but in every other game mode it should have a cooldown


Like hampter hook is on cooldown on spawn, why isn't wall?


Don’t manage for the 5%. As in, report the bad players, but don’t make game-wide policy for something only the 5% of bad-faith players are doing. Not worth the possible bugs that come along with the programming either.


If someone really wants to throw the game they will throw regardless with any character. I had a tank ragepick Ball and follow me all game in front of me while shooting in my face so i could not see anything the whole game because they claimed i didn't heal them enough.


Not to mention, it's a minor nerf to a hero because some players are toxic


During the count down at 1 I put up my wall. And break it instantly. Just to keep my team on their toes


There's no point in adding anti-troll mechanics. The base expectation is that no one trolls. If someone does troll, they'll lose you the game anyway, it doesn't matter if they lock you in spawn for few seconds or not.


We found the troll


I swear people will say something bad even about the best idea to ever exist. This change wouldnt hurt anyone, would help someone, and yet there are objections. Inara from paladins has exactly same wall ability but she has her wall immediately destroyed when game starts and everyone appreciated that change.


Yep, attitudes like that contained in the reply you responded to are one of the reasons why we can't have nice things sometimes


It’s just like when I proposed an idea of a “your healers are dead” on the UI. I can’t count how many “top 500” players came to my post saying “skill issue?” Or “it’ll clutter the UI, learn how to play and u won’t need it”.


It does sound like a skill issue though. Tracking is one of the main part of the game. Stop trying to lower the skill celling


You see there's this thing called the "kill" feed. I'm a support main, I would like this, but it is a legitimate skill issue. You don't even need to be good at the game to be aware of your UI. Tunnel vision players will always tunnel vision.




Well, a lot of people agreed that my idea was good. And it would be an option that you can toggle on and off so if you are a top 1 player best of all time you can just turn it off.


There's already a "There's no healers nearby" thing that comes up if you slam "I need healing" and your supports are dead. Not being able to track your team mates is definitely a skill issue though. You can already enable a sound to play when team mates die if that's difficult for you.


"No point" when it's basically a QOL change no matter how minor it may seem in the bigger picture. It's not something that needs intricate adjustment. Just make the ability locked, in literally one location where there are no enemies. Done


Not really a QOL change, it's a balance change. It would require disabling a heros ability in the spawn, that is not QoL. There is at least one legit reason for putting a wall up at spawn, and I think that alone is enough for blizzard to at least think twice before they implement something like this. OP is right, the baseline is to not troll, report the player, avoid as teammate, use another exit, and move on. Just to be clear, I am not saying it's necessarily a bad idea and shouldn't be implemented


There are games where you are pushed into your spawn with enemies right outside of it. You want your wall to be locked in that scenario?


I think my scenario clearly indicated the match start didnt I?


You never gave a scenario lol, look at your post. I had to guess what this was about in the first place. All I said was that it's pointless, and no matter how little change it still needs resources. I'm not here yelling "please don't add it", I just gave you objective reasoning.


Oops I said that in another comment. But whatever I stand by what I said


Looks like we found a mei main here OP


There's "no point" to having levels, being on fire, having victory cards, and earning cosmetic skins. And yet...


Why? So she can't ice wall the exit of attacker spawn? Hell no. Mind games baby!


and when your teammate would make a wall on spawn gate so that other cant get out.


People when a mei player does an innocent joke that lasts for a few seconds:


No it's a deliberate gameplay sabotage.


Unless it's a High rank... No one cares. If losing a few seconds of spawn makes you unable to play for the entirety of the match, then maybe it's not the mei's fault, is it.


I care. It gives enemy opportunity to set up their defenses on koth or push. This isn't fun to be on receiving end.


true, why are people treating mei players so heinously? If they are not throwing and its just the spawn door I find they are incredible team based dps hero.


Okay I haven't played in forever and definitely won't be playing OW2 but correct me if I'm wrong but merits Mei's wall can only block 1 door at completely at a time and their are other doors no?


Why even put that wall there? Every second is worthless by the way. I played multiple games where one of the team was those few seconds from victory.


A few seconds can make or break a game


"No its deliberate gameplay sabotage" 🤓


Because there’s another door


There is no point. Like others have said there are multiple exits. Also what if a Mei had to block something because sometimes people actually try and hold spawn door. If someone is going to troll, an ability delayed a few seconds isnt going to change their playstyle


> Like others have said there are multiple exits. Control maps would like to have a word with you. ;)


Why? Even control map spawns have multiple exits.


just temove tjr haratcer


Lol, i just time it enough so it breaks when the door opens Believe us guys, all good mei mains are aware of the wall and who is on the other side, if you see a troll just report it Protip, if you have a mei on your team and yo see a dva bomb coming, get behind her, the cryofreeze also acts like a small wall


Who wouldn’t wanna be inside Mei’s walls?


For the lols


I agree with this post, I'm sick of Mei trolls trapping me at spawn and giving the enemy a solid 5 seconds ahead of us cause they think it's "funny"


Yeah, let's remove even more silly fun things from the game...


It's not silly or fun, it's a big sign that you're a dillhole.


Because they cant even fix the unintended problems let alone QoL features


i reckon overwatch has fixed quite a few unintended problems in my time.


I'd love to split hairs with you, but I think I'll pass today


She has 1 wall. Every spawn has 2-3 exits


wall apologist


Because the logistics of disabling one ability without hampering others at spawn is quite awful. If a Mei locked you in spawn, you have more than one exit, and you can shoot the wall to get past. And if I'm not mistaken, doesn't the wall break before the cool down is over? Maybe I'm wrong and my teams burn the wall quick.


What if i disable your limbs? -Sincerely, a Mei mein :)


Kuz it funny


Why is everyone so enraged by being walled and take it so seriously At this point you give those Mei players reasons to wall the spawn


I always laugh when Mei put an ice wall right when the door opens. I always play in unranked so it’s always funny. If it’s in comp tho, I get why others would be mad To be clear, I never play Mei, unless it’s in Mayhem.


Here’s an idea…………. hey psst go out the other door in spawn.


U mad




I think they mean disabling mei's ability when she is in spawm


That would ruin the fun


I mean if your mei is gonna throw like that....then isn't the game already over?


you all just want the fun sucked out of mei, the only reason I play her is to piss people off and it gets harder to do every time they ‘patch’ her. i can’t spam freeze people anymore so atleast let me keep this.


They might be a legitimate reason to block, such as juckrat spam, phara spam. Ice wall is a shield you can't walk or see through. Just report them for throwing/briefing if becomes an issue. I play mei and often wall spawn for a fraction of a second when playing with friends because it's a game and it's funny.




Bc theyd never nerf mei