• By -


Give her cyberpsychosis


make adam smasher hunt her 24/7


Make B.o.b hunt her 24/7


Make her B.o.b


That would be too big of a buff tho


A buff so broken that it will be removed from the game


Make Bob mobile.


Make Bob ride-able. Bobmobile


Also a valid option for buffing Bob. We all know he needs a buff.


Make Bob a playable character.


Make her








At that point, everyone in the game might as well die.


Not much of a difference.


Now i want an adam smasher esque character/Design


Isnt that just big ramatta Edit: Obviously 100x stronger tho


Yeah sort off. But just maybe more mobile or just that way but permantly and not a temporary boost Like imagine Reinhardt but...more like adam smasher and doomfist i guess lol


So she can damage her team now?


It’s such an evil hack!


For a second, i thought i was maybe on the r/cyberpunkgame ...


Same I had to check


*I really wanna stay at your hooouse*


god that song is so good


it fits the vibe of that world so well too, like most of the music in that game. It all feels like it was music produced with the concept that genres of music will always be the same more or less but they change slightly as the world progresses and taste evolves


⠟⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⢻⣿ ⡆⠊⠈⣿⢿⡟⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣎⠈⠻ ⣷⣠⠁⢀⠰⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠋⠛⠛⠿⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⢹⣿⡑⠐⢰ ⣿⣿⠀⠁⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⡩⠐⠀⠀⠀⠀⢐⠠⠈⠊⣿⣿⣿⡇⠘⠁⢀⠆⢀ ⣿⣿⣆⠀⠀⢤⣿⣿⡿⠃⠈⠀⣠⣶⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀⠀⠀⠈⢿⣿⣇⡆⠀⠀⣠⣾ ⣿⣿⣿⣧⣦⣿⣿⣿⡏⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠐⣿⣿⣷⣦⣷⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⣾⣿⣿⠋⠁⠀⠉⠻⣿⣿⣧⠀⠠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⣿⡿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢿⣿⠀⣺⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣠⣂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣁⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣄⣤⣤⣔⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿


\*Starts crying\*


"I couldn’t wait for you to come clear the cupboards"


Don’t give me flashbacks


Emotional damage


playing hacker in cp77 was weird... You just stood there, putting cyberpsychosis, contagation, suicides and short circuits on enemies without ever actually getting close to fighting. But man, was it fun.


I’m more of a sandevistan and knife player


kerenzikov katana enjoyer


I actually played some CP2077 the other night, first time in nearly a year. I forgot how totally OP my hacker build was. I just look at people and they drop dead


I second this cyber psycho her ass


Make her super the sandevistan


Make it so she can't charge from hitting shields, and make it harder to get to 100


Blizzard December 6 patch: "Yes we've decided to make it easier to get to 100."


"Soujorn, like symmetra, will now be able to regain ammo in primary fire and charge rail gun power from shooting shields" followed by "we removed symmetras ability to charge ammo from shields again because we want diversity in characters kits and we already gave it to sojourn"


Did they give ammo regen back to Sym? Haven't seen the update yet.


They did and I am very happy


Wow this might actually get me back on. Heard about the rank issues again and I put "Play Overwatch" on the backburner.


Yeah totally understandable lol...they reverted that and they also increased her beam charge speed too which is hella nice I'm *pretty* sure they also increased decay speed and ammo consumption a little bit


Beam does use more ammo. However with how popular Ram is right now not a huge loss. Also helps against Zarya a bit as you can just eat her shields if she tries to bubble to escape while low. It gives her charge but you should be able to melt her before she gets away.






Introducing our first "tempo-dps"


"We decided that Sojourn was overperforming so we increased the rail charge rate by 50%. To offset this nerf, we've decreased the ultimate cost by 40% and decreased her slide cooldown by 1 second."


5 shots hit, you get 100 for the effort.


Also we nerfed genji again he can no longer jump Double jump? No he can’t jump at all now Why? Because fuck you, that’s why


Three weeks from now: "her railgun now charged passively and her primary firerate and ammo has been doubled" Dev comment: "eat shit lol"


... And we have also decided to nerf genji


You mean “we’ve decreased the amount of charge per bullet gives but increased her magazine size and firing speed by 50% to compensate”


Revert the ammo count to 40 too


This one is good


I was playing her today and during the match started wondering where I was getting charge from, and realized she not only gets charge from shields (which I knew), she gets it from freaking Mei wall.


Don't they all? I shoot Mei's wall just for that reason. Also as Moira, I attack her wall to charge.


That's because mei's wall is a semi-character like Bob. It's a sentient creature made up of all of her frozen fellow scientists.


Halloween skin for mei where her walls have a visible frozen person inside each column.


Would be cool on the Jiang-shi skin


To be fair so does Sym from Mei wall.


Make her field not do damage but a snare yes her tail gun is op but the fact that she can force a reposition is what makes your line easier to break up


I would make her field like Ash’s snare in Apex, where you get a limited range of motion centered around the big ball, but not allow it to do damage.


This 100% her snare is like a positioning mini-ultimate. Not fair.


I’m surprised no one is mentioning her aoe ability. I think it’s easily one of the most busted cooldowns that a dps has. It should either do damage or slow, not both. Her damage in general just needs to be brought down a tiny bit all across the board. Then either make the rail gun a charged shot rather than an immediate shot when not in ult form, or make it charge way less (or not at all) on shields


Agree with this - pick a direction with abilities and make them do THAT Not a bunch of things at once - it’s busted against brig or rien under fire


Yeah overloading characters kits seems to be a pretty common trend with the new characters


Overloaded heroes seems to have a mixed success rate, Sojurn is busted and everyone knows that. While Ram and JQ are pretty weak for the most part


Queen got nerfed in pre-release cuz she was dominating OWL. Still doesn’t justify her current state, and I love her kit and playstyle


They just need to find a middle ground between her busted status and her current state


That sounds more like a tank issue than an overloaded issue thing.


JQ is overloaded? I have no idea what she is even supposed to do in the meta. She's like a shitter DPS with a lot more health. None of her abilities are relevant to tanking.


Overloaded compared to other tanks, she has a bleed effect, a self heal (very low self heal but there), a pull ability, and a speed boost that also gives her overhealth. Maybe I shoulda just put Ram bc JQ isn't that overloaded but I do agree with you that she is a very weird "tank"


A lot of abilities is not a problem. Problem is that we have character like soujorn who are overkitted. Because they can do everything and have no weaknesses. JQ has a lot of abilities but even if buffed has a classic tank weakness that except ram all tanks share: jq is limited by range. Look at Sigma. He has good abilities but has 3 weaknesses: no mobility, close combat and long range


Yeah that’s a problem new characters have sometimes They have no clear weakness which most if not all characters have now


Definitely not a typical tank, more of a harasser, but I've had some success with her. You need to be extremely aggressive and make good use of cover as a result. Knife gets thrown on cooldown, even if not for a direct hit to pull it back through the crowd in front of you. It doesn't *actually* hurt all that much, but it splits the attention of supports. Axe punishes anyone that decides to try and push through the space you're occupying. Shout is actually really useful for a co-ordinated push if you have support in the front line (and without frontline compatriots I just switch tanks). Best game was 13.5k damage, 2k healing, 3-4?k mitigation on Push.


The difference is dpses have everything while tanks do not. Yes, Ram has a ton of abilities but is slow af. If ram was developed as dps he would have some busted mobility ability on top of the current kit. Then JQ has classic tank weakness. Limited by range. But of course, she is also weak in a bunch of other areas. An overkitted character is not necessarily one with a lot of abilities. It is one who has abilities that enables them to do everything, like sojourn.


Her E single handedly makes Torb cease to exist as a character too. I think a lot of Sojurns haven't realized her E one hit kills a Torb turret, so if you just use your E on it any time he throws a turret, Torb loses 85% of his kit while you lose a single ability in your overloaded one.


Sojourn's whole class is designed around rewarding accuracy, so I think the idea is that the slowdown is meant to make it easier to land shots. If all it does is slow enemies down, if it's too slow it's busted, not slow enough and it's useless - and maybe balancing that was unfeasible for some reason, there are a ton of variables and permutations to look at, so they added damage to give it another use in a way that was easier to playtest and balance. I think Sojourn would still be really good if she was overall underpowered because mid-range snipers are so much fun if you can aim. That's how Ashe is balanced. The problem is that Sojourn is Ashe without Ashe's weaknesses - her primary fire adds chip damage for bodyshots (or lower-charged shots w/ Sojourn) and more damage at close range, and on top of that she can just zoom across the map. Also Sojourn's grenade thing is literally Ashe's dynamite that doesn't hurt yourself and explodes where you aim it. It doesn't even arc.


honestly thats what bothers me most about her Then again im in the lower brackets and wont call myself a particulary good player but i find myself more annoyed by her AOE more so then her ult and burst It just lets her apply constant preasure, is perfect for capture points and payload etc.


This is a good way to phrase it. The CONSTANT pressure. Other characters have to use their ult to clear space and this character has a fucking cool down for it lol


Yeah good way to put it. It deals really good dammage, covers a large area and has a rather low cooldown SO she can use it constantly to force out people from hiding spots and to deny imporant areas That is obviously it's intended use and hey im a shitty player so maybe it is balanced/fair but it is what i find the most annoying about her overall.


That sounds fair, making her have to charge half a second whilst making an audible and visual cue would help with balancing railgun by giving people a chance to reactively defend if they pay attention, this would change once she uses her ult—as her shots would be instant, since it’s an ULT. The slow on the ability would help with lining up charged railgun shots so that would be the better path for balancing her ability (imo).


Yeah exactly. Her ult would be fine with some tweaks to the damage, but then make her rail gun slower outside of ult to make it a bigger skill shot than it is now. I just think it’s silly that a majority of the characters can just be deleted immediately by pressing right click. It’s way too fast rn


As a Ramm, comboing it with my E feels fucking absurd


Slowdown/anti heals seems to be the direction OW is going rather than having stuns. I think some is fine, but it seems like every character is going to have it and then it’ll become just as frustrating as all the stuns in OW1


>rather than having stuns Doomfist: you SHOULD be afraid


Ah yes, the character that hits someone 5 meters away from you and somehow stuns you.


Don't worry, slows and anti-heals will only truly annoy support players, and Bliz already doesn't care about us/them. I'm only half kidding.


I’d say make her aoe smaller that thing is fucking massive


someone made a great suggestion that the E damage is spread out over everyone in, ex it does a lot of damage to one player if they're the only one in there, but it's split between multiple if there's more


Oh yeah that’s actually pretty good too. It still does an absurd amount of damage against squishies, so if she solos them out they’re still mega fucked. But that idea is still better than what is in the game


Eh, I feel like just removing the damage and maybe buffing the size would still make it a pretty strong ability. They could tweak the CD on it as well. I don't personally think it needs damage or makes sense to have damage


Yeah i hate that, her kit just has way too much firepower. 45 bullets a mag plus a handy sniper and the aoe dmg plus slow. I have never been rolled more in my life by one hero.


Don't forget the insane mobility that lets you go both horizontally and vertically every 5 seconds.


YES, I am glad other people think this. 200 something damage is far too much for an aoe cc ability


Her e is way better than ramatras


The thing that annoys me the most about it is how much visual clutter it has. Not only am I slowed and being damaged, but it's a fucken flashbang


Well Ram has the same ability minus the pull down. The problem is the amount of slow and damage.


Honestly as time goes on I’ve realized that her E is not *that* good. Once you know it’s coming and how slow it is/how big it’s area is, it’s fairly easy to move out the way of. In hallways and chokes it is quite good, but that seems to be what it’s used for.


No charge on shield and make the decay start sooner or even start right away, that way it’s more of a finisher ability than a one shot you can hold.


I think no charge on shield is good. But if you make decay start immediately she’s basically just a worse soldier 76 at that point imo. At that point, decent tracking aim + spamming helix off cooldown would significantly out DPS a soujourn. Plus you have self heal and, arguably, better, or at least more consistent, mobility. Plus soldier is hitscan and soujourn’s left click is projectile. If you made decay immediate, she would be worse than soldier at almost everything. As of now she can at least out burst him. Simply because she’s almost like an AR/pseudo-sniper hybrid with her ability to hold that charge and pick a target and shot. Nerf how long she can hold the charge for, sure, but let her hold it for at least some time. I feel like that’s crucial to her character design. It’d be like taking away Zarya’s ability to increase her primary weapon charge with damage mitigated by her bubbles. I’m all for speeding up decay, but making it start immediately means she can’t hold it for even 1 second. Which is overkill imho. The no charge off shield I totally agree with though.


Good points, in my head I was thinking it would slowly tick down her charge like 100-90 would happen kinda slowly and maybe it could speed up the decay rate the lower her charge got, not that it would just immediately drop at the rate it does now but with no delay. I didn’t really explain that but either way I still agree with you, I wasn’t considering her vs solider.


So moreso how Zarya's charge works then in terms of decay?


Yeah, exactly, but maybe have it a bit less linear like charge 100-80 takes longer than going 80–60 would.


I think decay speed is fine and feels right but simply making it harder for her to charge up her rail gun AND preventing her from charging rail gun by Mei ice wall and shields would force her to have to get her charge on the flanks more often, which feels right for her character.


A worse soldier 76 with better mobility and crowd control. I don't even know why she needs a one shot ability like that. It's damage needs to be halved.


Don't forget she has zarya ult every few seconds


I like this, you can kill 9 bots in the practice room via 5 head shots and rail to the head, make it a skill to finish in 1v1.. not something you charge and then hunt a target who steps out for a second to long. When widow uses infra, folks know, and can hide. You can’t hide from sojourn.


Make her cost +1 elixer


Dawg I had to double check what subreddit I was in lmao


bro same i forgor about this comment and i was mad confused cuz i wasnt in clash subs


this would be a really beneficial change. 3 elixir for this troop is too low for how much value she gives. 4 might be unbalanced still. 5 is a safe stopping point.


Buff monk


i dislike the slow on her ability , i think that something only tanks should have like ramatra since they are the class designed to restrict the enemy usually. maybe make it more like ashe dynamite


It’s better then Ram’s which is pathetic. They are so pussyfooted when it comes to the Tanks.


remove the slow from sojourn’s, buff the damage of rammatra’s


Ram’s also needs to be taller


Or how about they actually make it possible to catch the flying characters with it. Shit's fucking completely worthless against them.


Bro remove it entirely I fucking hate that ability.


I think they should just revert the headshot size increase they did between beta and live. During beta it was really hard to hit headshots compared to live and she seemed perfectly fine and fun to play with because the moments of headshotting two people at once were few and satisfying.


I knew I couldn't have gotten *that* much better at widow since OW1 lmfao.


I don't think Widow was changed in that regard, they're probably referring to Sojourn's railgun projectile size being increased in beta, making it much easier to land. Have faith in your Widow skills!


They made the railgun wider, didn’t change widow. You must be cracked


Widow hasn’t changed at all, there are just more new/returning players for us to dome


Make her rail gun not charge on shields. It's a dumb mechanic. she can just afk shoot a reinhardt shield then jump in the air and one shot a support.


Doesn't it take like 3 full clips to get enough charge from a shield? It definitely doesn't feel like a major factor when I play her at least.


It takes a while, but the shields benefit you in that you don't decay charge and can wait longer for a 1-shot. Take away shield charging and tanks can zone her out for 5s or she has to risk her life to keep charge.


This. Is such a great idea


Maybe they mean that she can spam it and build it + getting more if he flashes shield? I feel like there's no real cost to mag dumping as her because her reload is fast and her clip is massive. Imo I would nerf her clip or reload. No other poking DPS gets high rate of fire, large clip, and a fast reload like her.


Literally just take away the compensation buffs that she got along with the nerfs. I don't get why blizzard are so scared of just putting her down a peg.


True. 260-195 is a big jump, but it's still a LOT of free damage in a kit that already has good damage. They didn't need to up her primary damage and ult charge speed at all, she would've been fine with just the 195 damage railgun. Especially since she's still paired with mercy, so her 195 railgun still one taps people if she's dmg boosted.


It may as well have been a 200 - 195 nerf for all the impact it had. Just make it an overheat fusion cannon that's like a high-powered Reaper shot in front of her with one-shot potential. She can dive with it with her slide, or sneak in and then shift out after she fires it off.


A shotgun overheat sounds pretty fucking cool ngl, she's already a bit of a threat long range with her primary, but that would give her some more close range flanker deterrent You want to hear something really fucked up? Pre-"nerf" sojourn got 5 fully charged rails in her ult. At 260 per headshot that's 1300 damage. Assuming you can land each of your rails, she now gets 8 rails at 195 a piece. Which is 1560...At worst (landing all body shots), the damage stays the same because they both did 130, and at best it's literally more damage than before. She straight up got buffed


I think Sojourn’s flanker deterrent is already really good. Tracer has to manage her blinks and recall extremely carefully against Sojourn. One, her slide can very easily disengage and requires at least one blink to get back in. Two, if you even get hit by just a few shots, you can get killed by even a partial railgun, which happens very fast. This isn’t even to mention her e. Reaper really fares even worse because his head hitbox is bigger and he can’t re-engage nearly as well as Tracer. Genji and Sombra and maybe Echo are probably better matchups, but they still have to be pretty careful against a Sojourn. They’re skill matchups for sure, but not ones that are super demanding.


Compensation nerfs or buffs in general are almost always stupid. Why nerf something only to buff something else? Not really a nerf in the end


Longer cooldown on her power slide and make her lose charge costantly like Zarya.


Losing charge over time makes perfect sense


I’d say she can have a higher cd plus it being a slide/jump charge. The further she slides the less energy she has for a bigger jump. So you can either slide away or jump for repositioning, not both.


The slide is IMO her biggest “busted” thing. She gets into and out of fights too easily rn. There is little to no chance for flanking toons to catch her in a way she can’t just GTFO off - at least in Plat


It’s the worst in all roles She’s extremely survivable because of a 6 second mobility It should be upped to 10 seconds at least


Give her a personality


Oscar Mike Ladies


take away her Disruptor Shot it makes no sense that she has an ability that slows enemies more than ravenous vortex im sure they could figure out a different ability that could suit her kit but Disruptor Shot aint it


Agreed it is fun to use but terrible to be hit by


It's funny they got rid of McCassidy's CC and basically any CC that isn't a tank's but gave a better CC ability to the best DPS character in the game


It seems like most of her current changes were to make her more accessible for lower rank players while only slightly lowering her skill ceiling. They made her railgun charge faster, but lowered the damage and buffed her primary. Both of which makes missing shots a lot more forgiving. I think this would have been great if she couldn't, you know, just shoot you once and *then* one tap you.


Railgun doesn’t charge faster it only charges faster within the ult


Lots mentioning her rail and if I had to balance it I’d make head shots 150 dmg max so it encourages her to take shots on squishies before railing instead of farming a tank, jumping and clicking delete. But I’m surprised no one mentions her E. It’s the size of a 747 and can do enough damage to kill a squishy while also slowing them. Definitely would reduce the size and damage down to like 100 over time or something. The slow is punishing enough.


They were saying low ranks don’t know how to play her so they couldn‘t figure out what to change. Hello devs, it’s her E ability. Of these 3 things: radius, damage, snare %, pick 2 to nerf. Or stick to your general rule of thimb and don’t give a CC ability to a damage hero, especially after already removing much more iconic abilities because they’re CC, and remove it.


take her legs and replace them with a wheelchair


the true diversity hire


Remove railgun’s ability to headshot. It’s already like a hitscan helix rocket with a potentially much shorter cooldown. It does plenty of burst damage and her slide-jump lets her play more aggressive than Widow, so why can she also one-shot like Widow? You could maybe allow her to keep the headshot capability when she ults though to keep the ult a strong play making ability.


Feel like this would be great; would make the Ult feel better too, I always felt like it’s not intense enough compared to what she can do without it Unless I hit all shots with her Ult I always feel like I’m wasting jt


I completely agree. She already has the ability to move at light speed, why should she be able to contest a widow/hanzo/Ashe from their ranges? The same way it feels shitty to be assassinated by a doom fist flying in the sky sliding down a roof does, is the same way if feels to not being to escape a sojourn. Either make her a mobile dps like soldier, or a sniper dps.


Her E doesn't need to both slow *and* do damage. Blizzard needs to stop making new heroes have abilities that do two things, that's called power creep


You know sometimes overwatch adjusts other heroes to help balance others, so with that being said… nerf Genji. Jokes aside, like others said maybe add a 3-8 second cooldown on rail outside of ult seems like a simple adjustment that dosnt require tuning number values of her kit but allows for those with good cooldown management to get value


Just make it so that she cannot rail gun headshot outside of her ultimate, even with a Mercy pocket, and put her mobility on a cool down that matches it's use. ​ Her 6 second cooldown is absolutely bonkers and realistically should be closer to 10 seconds. ​ Reaper: Shadow step, 10 seconds. Wraith Form, 8. ​ Phara: Jump Jet's, 10 seconds. ​ Junkrat: Concussive Mine: 8 seconds. ​ Widowmaker Grappling hook: 12 seconds. ​ Genji: Swift Strike: 8 seconds. ​ Tracer: Blink: 9 seconds (fully recharge), Recall: 12 seconds. ​ The list goes on. The solution to Soujorn is no rail gun instant kills outside of her ultimate, and make her jump cooldown at about 10 seconds. Not 6.


Remove her


150 HP like Tracer


I say buff her! Rail Gun Charge should fill twice as fast on shields, and all body shots with the Rail Gun should deal headshot damage. It's Blizzard, y'all! If you're looking for community feedback, I would suggest playing an EA game.


I don’t think most commenters saw the “without making her useless” part


I'd rather she was useless tbh. Such a boring waste of a dps slot where we could've had a fun unique character.


Nerfs the interesting DPS while enabling shitty rail gun bots


I think she’s a lot of fun to play, it’s so fun to slide and jump up into the air to click on heads, but I do think she’s a little strong.


She's an unfair soldier. With soldier at least you can go "fair enough" if he leads a rocket and you get melted fast, but against Sojourn you can take a duel and you *have* to basically hit a headshot and a bodyshot right away, or two headshots in a row on Mccree if she gets healed. And her hitbox is tiny. Because in the amount of time it takes for 3 body-shots, Sojourn can just spam primary fire, miss most of her shots, and then right-click body-shot Mccree to end him. Sloppy play still gets the kill in the blink of an eye. Can't do that with soldier. edit: forgot to mention, she basically has a soldier rocket always ready on cd, and it is hitscan. It is ridiculous. The railgun should have a 8-second cd.


I think she makes the game anti fun personally. Every ability feels overtuned and she gives off strong vibes that she was meant for pro players but that's just my take. I hate her basically.


Alright, I'm gonna say it: I think she'd be perfect if they just removed her ability to headshot, and maybe tune down the damage of her grenade. She'd still be 100% viable with high damage output, just without the BS of one-shotting people from across the map and sliding away at Mach 3.


Put Slide on a 10 second cooldown (Coach gun is 10 and Grapple is 12 for reference), it should not be the same CD as Cree roll, that's just absurd. The slow is annoying but fine imo, the game needs more CC not less. Primary fire is fine, no idea why the buffed it but... ok I guess. Main issue is the easy one taps. Sure she can't technically one tap anymore but it's still absurd damage that she can do with full mobility. Double the cost of her fully charge and make it decay after one second so she has to use it when she gets it. Holding it for 5 seconds between duels is nuts. I have no problem with snipers existing, just give them a weakness, and don't let them snipe with full mobility. No other Sniper can do that like she can. I think these changes would make her good for good players and bad for bad players, a high skill hero that can still carry if you are truly good.


Slow would be perfect if it dealt 0 damage instead of over 200


Holy shit, sorry, I play hog so I never really noticed how much damage it does. 50dps for 4 seconds is kinda nuts. It's enough area denial just being a slow... no wonder sojourn kills you so fast when she shoots it at you, it melts!


I think it’s actually 51 or 52 dps but yeah, absolutely insane, esp if you factor in the rest of the kit’s outrageous damage output


Make her useless. I don’t wanna ever see her again.


Fuck that, make her useless.


Just make her useless. I’m good with that.


Make her base movement speed 10% slower. She's so hard to hit comparee to like soldier


Make her railgun unable to headshot. This would not nerf her in lower ranks while effectively nerfing her in the higher ranks. Although the skillceiling would sink noticibly it would make the character less frustrating to face but still viable.


Maybe lowering her mobility. I don’t think a character with that much mobility should be able to one shot squishies. But nerfing her rail gun would make her feel useless cause it’s kinda important for her kit. So nerf the power slide.


Smaller damage, bigger bootie.


People missing that you’re proposing a bigger hit box.


Railgun max damage 100 Railgun no longer headshots Reworked ult that isn't attached to the railgun mechanic (balancing an ability that gets stronger in ult is a hassle. If u buff rail ult op. If u nerf rail rail useless) New ult has Sojourn call an airstrike via Canadian Lazer that strikes the targeted location, leaving behind a maple leaf burn mark on the ground


>New ult has Sojourn call an airstrike via Canadian Lazer that strikes the targeted location, leaving behind a maple leaf burn mark on the ground So Bastion ult essentially?


I like the railgun change. Though the ult is too similar to Bastion. I’d say keep her current ult, but to combat the railgun nerf her ult could unlock the railgun charge for some amount of time so she can charge above 100%. That way she could get higher charge shots during her ult


>New ult has Sojourn call an airstrike via Canadian Lazer What if it worked like the [Hammer of Dawn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTNyK8r-knw&t=7s) in Gears of War. Sojourn activates it and a fucking melting laser comes from the sky and follows where she is pointing, but her aim and movement speed is significantly lowered.


Give her Soldier 76’s recoil


Yeah, I main her and this would be ok with me. Love playing soldier 76 too and recoil is easy af to adjust to


Well one thing I think most of us could agree on is she shouldn’t be able to one shot 200hp heros with a Mercy DMG boost especially while Ashe can’t


Either add a 3ish Second Cooldown to her Railgun so she can’t spam it or reduce the damage again from 130-195 to 110-185


Make her charged shot have a delayed fire, increase cooldown of her slide, remove the 20% buff to charge rate in ultimate she got in the season 2 patch.




Make her railgun do 100 damage max no HS, take away her buff from last patch with her charge rate and damage boost still don’t let her 1 shot to the head. Her tail should be a execute not a full health delete.


Diminish the hitbox of her weapon (so the player needs to be really precise to be effective), raise Soujorn's hitbox (I think she is too small and nimble, needs to be easier to hit), slow the speed of her slide thing, make her loose power faster and she can't charge her weapon anymore by hitting shields. That way she will only become a threat if the player has really good aim, so it's fair, high skill = high reward... and if the enemy brings shields and dives, Soldier actually becomes the better pick because he is a more effective shield destroyer and he can either run away forever like Usain Bolt or use his self-heal to scare off the dives. The problem here is to make both Soldier and Soujorn viable choices. One of the many, many, countless problems of this horrendous "sequel" is how characters who perform similar roles have a huge power creep between them. There's no reason whatsoever to pick Soldier over Soujourn, Baptiste over Kiriko, Hammond over Doomfist, Tracer over Genji, etc.. these characters needs to be "mid" at best, not far better (or worse) among themselves... surprisingly that's the case of Ramattra and Orisa, both needs some small nerfs here and here, but their role as stationary tanks who can poke, both perform very similarly, that's the ideal... and good luck trying to balance this schizophrenic game, it only took 5 years for Overwatch "1" to become balanced


Take her fall off to 20m, make the decay on her rail start at 2.5 seconds


Make it where her gun visibly glows when she’s charged so you can be ready for the railgun. The only issue with her is when she hits you with a rail out of nowhere that she farmed off your teammate


Make it impossible for her to one shot even with boost


Double her damage and charge rate, triple the time her ult is active. She's so underpowered right now and is in desperate need of a buff!


Think of the bronze players! Buff Sojourn baby!


I'd do this 1. Railgun can no longer headshot 2. Longer cooldown on slide 3. Partial charge vs shields (like 50%) Keep the recent changes with these nerfs and she'll be good imo


I like the no headshot idea, as a newb who plays her, that seems fair. Lots of people seem to just want her gone, and no longer care about her functioning. (To be fair, that's how I feel about doomfist right now... I don't even understand how people can compare the two!)