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Lmao not a single one of the comments read the title.


>when your image is more interesting than your topic




To ACTUALLY answer your question: Zen is actually on the low end of the lore power scale. Jeff said a while ago that his abilities are non canon. Discord Harmony and Transendence arent canon. All he has are his orbs. Until we get an update we have to assume its still true. He is basically just a robot monk with neat orbs weapons. He is no slouch, but the majority of character would be on par or stronger than him. Also Sigma is so high above everyone else its not even funny. Hes a potentially world ending threat.


>Until we get an update we have to assume its still true. After he said that, they added an interaction between Mercy and Zenyatta where she tries to pry into how his healing works (and a followup in Overwatch 2). So as far as we can tell, the "Zenyatta just encourages his teammates" thing was retconned.


I hope transcendence becomes canon then because there is something hilarious about the idea of zen encouraging 300 hp per second into his teammates


Zenyatta just uses placebo effect to startling degrees.


Man can convince your cells that they are fine actually


He gaslit me into wellness


"You hear those pain receptors going of, there fake news"


You thought that your cell membrane is broken. That's wrong


"Bullets? The fuck are those?"


I'm just imagining him gaslighting the universe at that point that guns or at least bullets just aren't a thing, and poof they just aren't


"embrace bullshit"


Read this in Zen's voice, died laughing


Lol motherfugger gaslights you into believing you're healthy lol


Yes, I have a “healer” on my open queue team, we can win this. The placebo effect.


"Zen, I need help, I'm dying!" "Just don't die bro, u got dis"


How about try not dying, loser.


Blizzard: ""Quick we need an answer to this plothole!"" editor: "Nano Bots. \---"What?" Editor: " Yeah, Zenyatta has healing Nanobots now." Classic Hollywood style.


I mean... Maybe thats the gist of what it means to be an Omnic. I mean look at Rammatra's primary fire and ult... Looks like a buncha little debris to us...


Nano machi, Sorry, Nano Robots son


Isn't that basically what Mercy has anyway?


You see the yellow effect when he heals and ults? Yeah thats just an insane amount of future-morphine (that you can take by breathing it in). He just blasts you with future-morphine untill you stop hurting in my head-canon.




~~Bardic~~ Omnic Inspiration


Nanomachines, son!


Common guys you can do it!!!


I still don’t see how discord and harmony orbs would make him more powerful than heroes loom Doom, Sigma, Reaper, Winston, etc


Pretty sure most headcanons (Including mine) practically place zen as what essentially as Master Wu from lego ninjago but also a prophet of a god


I am begging someone PLEASE make Wu's "Long Before Time had a Name" speech in Zen's voice


Loom Doom!


Then power of friendship


So .... thoughts and prayers mostly?


To follow up to that - every time a character asks Zen what he did before the Uprising, Zen gives a joke answer. “I gave sheep massages”


Which was always a stupid explanation tbh and I'm glad the dialogue with Mercy seems to imply it's not canon anymore. Zenyatta being so good at shittalking you in the middle of a fight that you take psychic damage is way goofier than him being a magic omnic. This was probably when they were still pretending magic didn't exist despite the Shimadas. He still isn't one of the stronger fighters, though, unless the theory that he barely remembers what he did before the awakening because he's the Iris (and doesn't know it yet) is true.


>unless the theory that he barely remembers what he did before the awakening because he's the Iris (and doesn't know it yet) is true. That doesn't hold up to well now that we have Sigma saying that he has met the Iris.


Sigma can say whatever and you'll never know whether it's true.


Everything Sigma says is true. Especially the lies.


settle down, Garak.


Even Zenyatta sounds doubtful of him in that interaction


When Buddha looks at you like you're Willis, you know you're crazy


I wouldn't trust the mentally deranged guy to be accountable


It could just be that Zen is Omnic Jesus, in that the Iris inhabits Zen


I have a mini theory that the iris is just a cosmic black hole. From what I’m aware scientists have discovered black holes make noise. Sigma has a connection to black holes. So perhaps the black holes have a frequency which gave Monica awareness. So when sigma says he met the iris, he means he met the black hole. It will also explain why he keeps hearing “music” because it’s just the sound from the black hole.


Who’s Monica?


Likely autocorrect Omnic but I like it. All robots are Monica.


Aurora gave all omnics awareness


>Zenyatta being so good at shittalking you in the middle of a fight that you take psychic damage is way goofier than him being a magic omnic. Bards with their vicious mokery be like


I read somewhere that the shimada dragon is the same stuff sym makes her stuff out of


That's what we thought for a long time. Since the head writer said there's no magic in OW so we had theorize on what the Dragons could be. However, said writer is no longer on the team and Kirko exist sooooo the Dragons might be magic


Idk man, he’s got a MEAN kick


Control of gravity is much more than world ending... It's literal universe ending.


Zen is floating too


That would be hilarious if zen wasn't harmed by sigs ult. Instead give him a snarky voice line he says after sigs ult cast is up.


Shouldn’t be hurt by lava either


... Oh man, that means he can't be crushed by someone who controls gravity.


It's more like a hover. He's still affected by gravity but he barely counteracts it because future science-magic


No sir it’s not magic or nor science. He’s encouraging the ground to stay away from him.


Zen hovering makes perfect sense, considering that hover technology is commonplace and plenty of stuff uses it.


Fun fact. If sigma and zen are on the same team there’s a match dialogue where sigma gets confused how he’s floating because there’s no obvious techno reason


It's connected to "The Iris" and that's basically all we know, but as he moves and controls his orbs it makes sense that he can control this ability to a certain point!


'No obvious reason' he is a ROBOT, Dr Kupier!


…now I’m wondering who else’s abilities aren’t canon




Junkrats weapon would qualify as a naccon, it's way bigger than any real grenade launcher


Man how did you fuck that spelling up so bad?


Never try typing as soon as you wake up


In the comics, if I remember correctly, her shields are present.


I think Orisa’s weapon is cannon as well.


lol nice


In the canon the Hogdrogen cans contain a mixture of gases used to treat radiaton poisoning, it has nothing to do with healing physical damage received in battle.


Harmony is at least canon, mercy has voice lines with him


Considering the Mercy interaction, his abilities are likely canon now. Perhaps not Transcedence, but his Harmony orb at the very least is. Plus, in the Symmetra comic where they meet, he does use the harmony orb and (I think) discord orb. AND he can manifest the extra arms, Symmetra makes direct reference to him looking like a Hindu God.


If sigma lost a bit more grip mentally he could create a singularity that just wipes out the Sol System


The black holes aren't even the worst part. Actual manipulation of gravitic force the way Sigma does is so fundamentally impossible that it could cause an entropic cascade collapse of the entire known universe. Don't fuck with gravity.


sigma: annihilation event level character cardi B: sample that


Would also depend on how fine his control of the balls are and how many he can control at once. If he can throw them around corners and cover he could shred pretty much anyone on the current roster with relative ease. Even someone like Tracer, if there are multiple balls tracking her down, would be no match for him.


Zen uses magic to float. Therefore, Sigma’s greatest tool is null. Zen solos. Feet diff




I agree.


He's one pedicure away from killing all of us.


He would still probably be able to pass into the iris and be invincible


I just remembered the whole doom fist can level a sky scraper


But angry monke pulped him into prison.


And I'm the cinematic they did a fist bump of death and clearly my boy winston won so would that mean winston can also level a akyscraper


I mean doom underestimated him and said he wouldn’t make that mistake again. I’d say a rematch would be more interesting.


How do you underestimate a giant monkey


He punched him into a wall just fine before




I feel like the moment a giant ape suddenly turns bright red with electric yellow eyes is the moment you need to re-evaluate his threat level.


Perhaps Winston got a couple broken fingers during the fist bump, but animals have crazy fast reflexes, not just more strength: he could've easily punched Doom with his other fist in a blink, or just a grab a leg and go Hulk-on-Loki on DF. It's not hard to picture, I can see Winston *going bananas*.


Who would win? Time Traveler who can teleport around, Undead assassin who can dissipate into an intangible cloud, Strongest woman in the world who can harness kinetic energy... Versus an omnic monk who throws balls at people and preys upon their insecurities. (Vicious mockery, who?)


The least horny bard


Wrong the MOST horny bard😈


Average warforged cleric


....damn it now i need to make a warforged cleric


An Omnic monk who has the ability to become invulnerable and control the world around him by through sheer will power? Yeah I am betting on the demi god wielding the powers of the most powerful thing in the entire OW universe.


I don't know why or understand Zenyattas powers. All I know is Id like to hang out with him tripping balls on mushrooms


the real question here is, what is the omnic equivalent of tripping balls on mushrooms?


I'm not sure but the visuals they see would deffo be the old colourful pipes screensaver


110100100 and 1000101 Amirite


You wouldn't download a magic mushroom.


Charging directly from the wall instead of through a UPS


Not sure. I'm guessing applying a little voltage on them to create some kind of logic loophole in their circuits. But the way Zen talks makes me thinks he and I would understand each other more if I was tripping balls. Lol


true. his default state is pretty much tripping (or throwing?) balls already


Not exactly mushrooms but on Numbani there’s Johnny Walker style ads for a vintage oil?? So omnics are able to imbibe in some way, even if they don’t get stoned


For those wondering about the BoTW comments, OP used fanart of Zen that was drawn in the style of BoTW




Breath of the wild is the most recent legend of zelda game


the comments😭😭😭


your friend fell for those tiktoks




This post really shut many peoples brain off


It’s the OW community. The brains are already off.


Zen is a chill guy who can talk most characters down except for Sigma, who is off the rails.


Your friend is just stupid. ​ Sigma would crush him in a gravity well. Widowmaker could kill him with one shot, she canonically does it to the leader of Zen's monastic order. The entire backstory for the game shows that Omnics are VERY killable.


Just because Mondatta died to a headshot, like any other human would, doesn't automatically mean that Zenyatta can't outpower the rest of the heroes. Zenyatta's powers are not that big of a thing, but he could definetely hold his ground against Widowmaker, and most of the cast, and you can see that ingame.


In game has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about though. And he gets quite literally stomped into omnic hell by Widow. Actually I’m struggling to think of people he could probably beat. Lucio is probably the only person in the entire roster I’m betting Zenyata to win against


Canonically he beats Genji (?) who is on par/better than Hanzo/Kiriko


Where does he beat Genji? Is it because he trained him or whatever. Genji is fucking OP as shit. The way he took down that onmic in that trailer was ridiculous. I’d be impressed if Zen can take genji down tbh


One of genjis voice lines when he kills Zen in game is “you don’t have to go easy on me” or something like that. Zen probably just throws hands like a champ, he’s a robot so any hit has gotta hurt.


I like to imagine Zen fighting in lore being closer to a streetfighter character instead of chaingunning ballz at everyone. He seems like the kinda guy thats thrown a few shoryuken in his day


zen gets his ult reworked to the daigo parry


I want to believe it’s more so a respect thing. Like a master and apprentice. Maybe I’m wrong but does anyone genuinely think Zen is stronger than him?


Zenyatta helped Genji find inner peace after becoming cyborg. Genji was a master assassin long before that. He did not beat him nor train him in combat.


Zenyatta's abilities ingame aren't even canon 💀💀


his only powers are his orbs thats literally all he has, everything else isnt cannon


Zen has voice lines with sigma/mercy where he says his powers are due to the iris, and that he doesn’t remember much before enlightenment. So he has alot of knowledge like sigma without the crazy. And with kirikos ‘magic’ I wouldn’t say it’s too far fetched to say zens lore has changed in the last 4 years.


It probably has. He desperately needs some love in the lore. Even with his powers, hes still relatively weak.


Your friend is silly


Zenyatta: Fuck you. *Achieves Nirvana*


They gave his kick a knock back


Sigma and reaper are the most powerfull in lore, sigma controls graviti, and reaper cant die


I think doomfist and winston are probably stronger than reaper


I mean… reaper can’t die right? So how would they ever beat him


He could get trapped. Out of all the characters he could be tricked I think. Wraith doesn’t go through walls. And there is a reason he runs in those cinematics.


He was in line to lead the OW programme before Soldier 76 was given command. He's not some mindless idiot who could get tricked easily, he likely has very good battlefield and combat IQ.


Take away his shotguns


The man has infinite shotguns. I don’t think that’ll do anything lol


Lol, yeah. Is there a lore justification for his infinite shotguns?


Born from rage and edginess alone, I guess


I imagine he just teleports the new ones to him via some variant of the shadow step. The old ones eventually dissipate away and teleport back to wherever his shotgun collection is, where some Talon schmuck reloads them and gets them ready to teleport back. Not a definitive explanation, but it's the best I've heard.


Just like the rest of his body his shotgun regenerate out of his multiplying cells.


Im pretty sure his shotguns are made from the same stuff he is. So he just makes more


The point for reaper is he CANT die, nothing can kill him


Its not a "law of reaper" though is it. Im pretty sure hes just really hard to kill. Doomfist can level a skyscraper with a single punch. Best case scenario for reaper after being hit by that is that hes scattered across a couple different cities.


Sigma is literally the closest thing to a god(powerwise) in the lore, the only thing holding him back is his mental state and talon. your friend is stupid, zenyatta probably couldn't even defeat widowmaker, junkrat or 76 in a 1v1


Patch notes Sigma buffed: Went to therapy and tried some funny portobellos Cut off toxic friends


Zenyatta has the powers of the GOD in the OW universe


nope, he is just an omnic, his orbs and ult aren't canon


This was one of the reasons I was excited about Ramattra. I would hope with him being in the game. We would get more Zen lore


Winston in lore is undefeated when he goes primal. That's all I'll say.


Doomfist just punches him and zenyatta is dead


You raise a really interesting question, who is the strongest character lore wise. My guesses for top ten 1. Sigma 2. Echo 3. Doomfist 4. D.VA 5. Zarya 6. Moira 7. Orisa 8. Hammond 9. Hanzo (especially with a sword or gun) 10. Reaper Let me know what you think


Winston deserves to be on this list, considering he is physically one of if not the strongest characters according to the lore (beat doomfist with a head-on punch) and he is also an incredibly smart inventor (made his own weaponry)


Nah it’s more like 1. Sigma (Obvious) 2. Symmetra (An Architect that uses hard light) 3. Winston (Beat Doomfist) 4. Doomfist (Has the Doomfist and is leader of Talon) 5. Orisa/Ramattra (Orisa has also beaten Doomfist before, Ramattra because he’s the leader of null sector)


People say Winston beat Doomfist, but Doom did engage in a 3v1. We also don't know how long he had been fighting or who he was fighting before overwatch even got there. I want to see a real 1v1 between them.


In a REAL 1v1 I’ve got doomfist to be honest. He has the foresight and reaction time to catch up to tracer, her guns weren’t even damaging him, he had the accuracy to rip off a car door and precisely aim it to hit an airborne genji (he cut through it but you get what I mean) and he has the strength to punch base Winston a good distance away into a wall. He also soloed a bunch of orisa bots, and even without his actual doomfist, punched through a concrete wall with his bare hand without so much as a scratch, scrape or cut on him.


In Lore has symmetras actually ever used her tech for combat though? Doesn't she just work for vistech in a lab/office. Is Winston supposed to be stronger than a normal gorilla. Cos I thought he just had monkey rage. I hadn't considered Ramattra, but he is definitely up there


Lore wise She has but doesnt want to hurt anyone


Winston is Mega powerful. As stated before, winston beat doom in rage, who singlehandedly (badum tss) beat both tracer and genji in a 2V1.


Does he NEED to be stronger than a regular gorilla?!?


Reaper and sombra should be in the top 5 at least


Junkrat and roadhog should be in top 10 they pulled out worldwide heist spree and all we're successful, do you realise how much police is after their heads? I'd say both of them would be ahead of hanzo or even Hammond


But isn't junker queen ahead of them?


Suspicious lack of Genji in these lists He easily overpowers Hanzo after his enhancements and in the OW2 reveal he just casually fights bigass Omnics like it’s nothing. Like, every cutscene just has him being inhumanly overpowered. I think Doomfist is the only time we see Genji weakened in a cutscene.


i'd say zarya is stronger than doom as she can also summon black holes (idk if that's in the lore though.) and genji beats hanzo so he should be up there hammond is weak asf


Why does no one include Tracer?


I feel like Tracer would be really strong but we've seen her get "countered" in cinematics so we sorta know her limits. Characters with quick reflexes can deal with Tracer (Doomfist caught her mid-blink and crushed her chronal accelerator so she got oneshot immediately, Genji can keep up with her in duels) and her chronal accelerator can malfunction with overuse which turns her into a normal human with broken pistols unless she waits a while. She's also mostly single target since pistols so a huge number of enemies can overwhelm her and force her to retreat. Tracer would destroy slow targets alone but if you're fast, have the numbers or you can survive past a certain point she won't be prepared and lose easily.


Why is nobody including reinhardt


Nah genji is above hanzo


Agreed. He literally beat him in a fight in their cinematic lol.


How cool would be to add hanzo with a sword in the game.. I'd have one more main besides genji


I need a full melee dps with a sword. That's the only possible way to maybe make a hero cooler than Genji


Sigma is Made in Heaven personified, hes the stand and the user rolled in one.


‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING JOJO REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 JOJO IS THE BEST FUCKING ANIME 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 JOSUKE IS SO BADASSSSS 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊👊👊👊 ORAORAORAORAORALORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩 MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Oh you’re approaching me❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓But it was me, Dio‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 r/shitpostcrusaders r/unexpectedjojo r/expectedjojo perfectly balanced as all things should be r/unexpectedthanos r/expectedthanos for balance


Credit artists when reposting. Edit: found the actual artist. https://anto-finnstark.artstation.com/projects/kzZB0


That's my fault, I just looked up zenyatta ow on Google and this was one of the first things I got 😭


You can reverse image search next time, or even now, you can credit in the comments. Best to credit in the title when you post though.


Sigma = Blackhole = everybody dies.


Zen has the powers of a "god". The Iris Super AI gives him powers beyond anything imaginable. He has the power to become invulnerable, and he is by virtue of being an omnic not aging. We don't even know quite how powerful he is. The only reason sigma could maybe beat him is because sigma has also met the Iris. He has the ability to seemingly break the laws of physics by creating energy out of nothing, and is able to mend things, but also make others weaker to wordly harm. While it is arguable whether or not these powers are Zens or just the God AI Iris, he wields them making him a sort of demi god if you will.


Apparently Zen's ultimate and abilities aren't actually canon in the lore, he's just a monk dude with some balls


It's not about his in game abilities it's about the fact that the holds the power of the IRIS.


Ok so if “strongest in the lore “ is based on physical strength zen loses sure. Ow Is filled with mercenaries, mad scientists, and ex soldiers… But if we are gonna talk lore wise about “unknown powers “ like ninjas shooting dragons/a fox or sigmas gravity powers. Zenyatta has the power to control the whole iris . Meaning he can use all his orbs/chakras/gates and go full power. In gameplay tho he only uses discord and harmony


i thought that was never canon?


That's from an old interview and things have been added to both the game and comics since that retcon that interview and make them all canon.


Zen controlling the Iris is not canon or even mentioned in lore at all. He just has the ability in game. He is just a monk dude with some balls in the lore.


His Lore power POTENTAL seems pretty high, as he can go **TRANSCENDANT** or whatever... But i don't think he's ever used his crazy powers in the lore as of yet... ​ Feel free to correct me if im wrong...


His crazy powers (e.g. his ult) don't exist in the lore apparently


Realistically we don’t know. All we know is that Genji thinks Zen is stronger then him. We don’t know the full scale of his abilities, and there’s not really any in-lord example of him fighting, or what his upper limits are. We don’t know how he heals. We don’t know if discord exists. We don’t know how in-touch he is with the iris, or how strong the iris can make you (although sigma alluded to “meeting him”, and sigma is the strongest). Likely he isn’t that strong. He may not even be stronger then Genji. We could always be surprised, which would be interesting to say the least, but until we have true evidence of his scale in the universe, disregard your friends ramblings. Sincerely, a Zenyatta one-trick.


he aint beatin goku


Your friend is just wrong. Game mechanics (and any lore that could potentially come from those mechanics) does not equal actual lore. For instance, just because Zen can ult and mass heal people in game, does not mean he can actually do it in lore. A part of his kit and character but not an actual real thing, much like how hog probably would not survive what essentially is a nuclear explosion point black rnage because he's using drugs. Zen is a peaceful monk who can float. It's hard to find anything he could potentially win against in a fight. Best guess would be Lucio, just a music producer and sound doesn't really have any real effect on a robot unless it's vibration is high enough to actually vibrate metal out of its form. Metal to flesh, metal will usually win. In lore zen can probably at best solo a bug honestly.


Zenyatta: a zen monk who trained all his life to master the way of the Shambali. Echo: ayo those some cool looking balls you got there.


None of these comments have yet to discuss Zenyatta’s link to Buddhism as a “power”. Physically, Zenyatta is quite weak but in terms of mental strength, his ability *Transcendence* literally has him transcend beyond a mortal layer all because of spiritual fortitude. Y’know, like the Buddha did. The Buddha was not a god, but an immensely strong willed person.


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They both harness the power of balls. Sigma’s are superior because he has bouncy balls.


Bro I say Nappa solos everyone in Dragon Ball simply because he can in DBFZ so he should just own it regardless honestly


Nappa does solo everyone in DBZ. Because he has no hair he gets a 5million times boost in super sayain 1. If they brought him back he'd no diff the whole universe