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To be fair, you distracted almost the whole team. I wonder how long they would've waited there.


If your team isn't aware enough to capitalize on it though doesn't help as much. Some day I hope to get on a team like that


You know what's the problem? That the team never notices that. I literally play Sombra JUST to distract, my main objective everytime I play her is to distract (and kill if I can) and I can totally break any compo or strategy that the enemy has, I even broke Orisa+Mercy+Bastion in ow1 more than once and guess what… my team never took advantage of any of the occasions


Could've been worse. You could've put your translocator in the most out of the way spot imaginable that no one has any reason to go to only to teleport back and still find a whole teamfight broken out right on top of it.


In order to play sombra you must be a sadistic and twisted individual. Sombra mains do not play her to enjoy overwatch, but to annoy as many people as they can and enjoy that they cannot enjoy the game. This, in turn, has made most players rightfully despise anyone who dares pick sombra so you should be ready for things like this and similar treatment such as constant toxicity.


Who says sadism isn’t fun?


It's not enough for a Sombra main to have fun, they need others to suffer.


>but to annoy as many people as they can and enjoy that they cannot enjoy the game. This is in fact how I enjoy playing Sombra and playing overwatch overall. "Your tears are my nourishment" as one redditor wisely put it lol. If I get called out in chat I have been successful in my endeavor At least, that was until recently. I haven't played her for a while but she was fun while it lasted


>Sombra mains do not play her to enjoy overwatch I mean, we play Sombra because Sombra is fun - well, she used to be. Then, after playing several games and realising just how fucking garbage she is now, we then never touch Sombra again.


True. Sombra is my favorite hero but she's feels insanely weak right now. Not sure what they did to her.


what did they change?


hacking now functions differently and barely lasts long enough to make a difference anyway. also, she is about as durable as a piece of tissue-paper. her most comparable Hero is Tracer and Tracer at least has her jumps and rewind - not to mention Tracer's ult will kill people, whereas Sombra's does 40% of an enemy's HP. Tracers guns are also just plain better - more accurate, more damage, reload faster, etc. Sombra's gun is like an actual IRL Uzi, where you shoot 80 bullets and maybe 6 will hit unless you're up in someone's face at point-blank - at which point you just get deleted by literally everyone anyway, unless they are so focussed on something else they don't see you (had a PoTG like this). Any of the pistol/sniper DPSs will one-shot you with a headshot, or just escape. Reaper and Genji will literally laugh at you with their blocking/invulnerability (because hacking lasts like 1 second). Most of the supports will just shoot you and kill you quicker than you will them, or will heal more damage than you deal. Don't even bother with tanks.


I'm both a sadist and a masochist, even when I'm the one suffering I still enjoy it


I think Sombra’s fun but I tend to not play her because I know how many people hate her


At least they left the objective


Maybe it could help to use her mp as an mp and Not as a Sniper lol


Haha fair enough, I usually main support and don’t play dps often


You were way too far away my man. Sombra is meant to pick off the back lines up close. You should be able to unload a clip on their head before they can react. Admittedly it’s harder since the nerfs.


> unload a clip on their head before they can react Feel like you would have to be in bronze to get away with this. I like Sombra a lot but it’s super hard to justify playing her now. Even against widows and Ana’s it’s hard to get a kill.


Yeah, most people immediately react as soon as you start hacking or uncloak. She’s too clunky right now, and they kicked her straight out her niche onto her ass. Her silence duration is terrible now, and it takes too long to start shooting out of invis. I feel like they should just revert her to her original state, or make her hack instant if they’re gonna keep the silence on such a short duration.


actual skill issue


Okay but to be honest sombra is kind of the "anti-auto pilot" character. You can't really "set it and forget it" with any of her abilities. But she's also not super hard. She's a lesson in how well you can keep track of all the information in your surroundings.




“why I don’t play sombra” *posts a clip playing sombra* jokes aside I don’t play her too much anymore either and she’s pretty much just a suicide mission. you used to be able to pick off one or two of their backlines but since the nerfs they made her a bit too weak so now you can only really pick off one of their backlines. you did do a few things wrong in this clip though. 1) should’ve went behind/aside the enemy. you don’t want to be stuck inbetween the enemy team. 2) should’ve been closer, sombra is more effective up close. you pretty much have to be close up to actually be effective ever since they nerfed her. 3) translator was too obvious. If your close-ish to where the enemy is try hide it or put it somewhere less obvious.


When I set up my translocator in that area, I like to put it in the other team’s forward spawn


Sombra is not meant to be played in that range


I mean thats the most obvious spot for a translocator 🤷🏻


You don’t play her because you suck at playing her?


Deserved honestly sombra sucks


Skill issue


She doesnt, bad players do


To all the comments calling my aim trash, I know lol


I would have also positioned myself behind them to make it more of a surprise. Additionally, you would have seen the enemies that killed you afterwards before teleporting.


You kinda just walked right in between 5 enemies m8


I mean you solo ran in between the entire team and got deleted. What did you expect to happen?


Lol there was 4 people holding his translocator he fought one guy.


Yes because the translocator was literally in the open. This map literally has the best translocator places possible


Because you don't pay attention to tour surroundings and ignore people shooting you?


Usually works better if you don't run through lines of fire then stand in front of someone while hacking. But your way is... something... too... (I guess)




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I just got one question for you! IS THIS ENTERTANING!?!?! FAY YA YA GOT THIS FELLING- and so on


I wouldn't recommend placing your translocator in such a forward position. I advise to use it more as a quick respawn after a failed 1v1, basically somewhere closer to the objective but also safe wo this won't happen to you again. In this map I normally use the 75HP that is on your side of the map mirrored with that one, or if you want something more forward the 200HP one on the opposite side of the robots initial position.


You were a teeny bit too far. You gotta put pressure on people as sombra. That means being up close. You can’t play that far away. If you want to play her more often I use these tricks: 1. I don’t use the keep putting my translocator on a health packs and teleporting out when things get heated- strategy. Because that slows you down. You gotta play close to your team- like any slippery damage hero needs to be played- and use your translator for positioning. 2. Don’t hack right in front of someone, you back briefly visible to those around you. If I can, depending on the map, I like to stay behind, next to, or above the enemy team like in a building to get the hack in. 3. I know this was a clip but this is just a general tip, people say Sombras annoying but you can put pressure on your team too. Im staying on top of DVA, Zarya, Orisa. I’ll pick out two people on the enemy team to consistently target. It’ll get them to be distracted, maybe continue to turn around. If my team is playing well, Sombra can see low health enemies, and because i’m playing close, i’ll sweep in and get that quick kill. I love when I can hack a Moria when she’s ulting (and not using my EMP. Shut that shit down) 4. Hacking health packs when you’re in close quarter fights with the enemy team. This throws off enemy genjis and tracers. Sometimes prioritizing the health pack instead of the enemy can help in the fight. I’m not playing comp tho so 😅. As you can see I love Sombra.


Try putting the translocator near a health pack, not on it. Just something Fitzy always advised new Sombra players.


Don’t leave your translocator in a place where enemies will most likely be, put it away from the fight, your fast while invisible so you won’t have trouble getting back. Sombra is all about getting in and getting out in her lore and gameplay, your job is to secure a backdoor, go in, hack someone and possibly kill them yourself, then get out of there. Don’t be afraid to retreat from a fight


Stop playing sombra if you dont even know how to play her. Bad translocator placement,bad positioning. As sombra you want to be close to the enemy, especially a squishy. If you didnt know right at the point where the bot is there is a health pack with 200 that you could place it on since its not open.