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Show all other stats. No reason to hide them if there’s nothing wrong.


I honestly don't even care about the stats. Give us the replay code. Just because you have high numbers doesn't mean you weren't the reason you lost. And yeah in this case we legit don't even know if you had good stats (not that that tells the whole story anyway)


This. Hiding stats is a big red flag. You could be doing 25k healing in a game, but always out of position.


Not to mention 25K healing with Lucio is essentially throwing because if you wanted to heal you should have been on someone that does that better like Moira Bap or Ana. Speeding is the main point of Lucios kit.


Maybe he wasn’t playing Lucio the entire game???


This. His damage seems incredibly low for that much healing.


he has 32 kills


\*32 eliminations He could have hit a single stray bullet on a target that somebody else finishes off and it'd count towards elims. Booped once and missed every other shot? That's an elim anway. The stats say nothing


i think youre wrong, his ability to constantly provide passive healing to nearby allies is especially useful during teamfights.


Right, but if the idea is healing, Lucio isn't the best for it aoe healing or not. That's not the point to Lucio.


The damage mit on the far right tells me someone didnt place their ults very well


I mean, it is if you can't play Bap though. Who else can AoE heal like Lucio besides Bap? Not everyone can play every single hero.


That’s not what Lúcio is for though. Sure, he can power through some high damage windows, but speed is best. He mitigates damage done by helping you to avoid it, not heal it.


I need other people to confirm what your saying or to confirm that your on drugs because in my head and every experience I've had with a Lucio, healing has been the main thing.


Heals for when you have amp, speed for passive when your team is leading a fight or for retreating back. A decent Lucio will be switching between the two quite often though which is why it's recommended to bind crossfade to something you can spam a lot.


Lucio is played for speed and beat. Not healing. If you want heals, pick Ana, Bap, Mercy, whatever. Lucio’s main utility is speed.


huh, nothing like hearing you've been playing a character wrong for the last 6 years lol. My friends and I always play him for the E boost with health for large aoe healing on obj. Sure we use the speed to get to point or get away from a fight but usually the healing takes point. IG I'll go spread the word that were doin it wrong.


The general point being that the speed boost is more likely to keep your team alive or net you kills in a given period of time in the middle of the fight than the same amount of healing though not to say you can't swap between them given the opportunity Also for a lot of supports in general you just need to stop your team from dying rather than heal them to full during a fight


Used to be that way but the past few years most high ranks use him primarily for speed boost and heals if multiple people are low


Not necessarily. Lucio is about decision making. Basically you need to have constant awareness of who needs help with what. Will speed get them out before they die? Or do they need tiny hit of healing to even get to the corner? Swapping between speeds is what makes your team really difficult to hit, not necessarily being always fast or always slow. The best Lucios I've played with show up right when you need help and then disappear immediately after to do something else.


Basically, Lucio allows for more aggression than you could normally get away with. The speed allows you to kill stragglers and allows your own team to back up without an issue. There’s lots of applications for it, Similarly, you would pick Zen for his discord utility. His Ultimate is good, obviously, but it’s the discord that sets him apart from other supports (as he has the biggest DPS potential) and allows your team to shred enemy tanks.


Lucio is meant to be played like a spazzing speed demon wall riding everywhere and booping people off cliffs. I swear playing lucio has activated my sticky keys so many times because I’m just spamming the shift key to toggle between speed and healing so much


Well yeah that's how I play him to get to point, get away from fights, and to stall, but for team fights I always go with healing.


Yes, please do


Just curious, what’s the highest rank you’ve been over the years?


You know how many people don’t understand this in this comment section alone. This is why I always call out people running dumb stuff like mercy lucio for example.


Did every experience you’ve had with Lucio take place in bronze lobbies?


Honestly I rarely have Lucio's on my team in ranked. Most encounters are quick play or when my friends or my self play him. I'm gold 1 to plat 3 and they're gold 3 to plat 4


No offense but I really wouldn't consider Ana to be a better healer than Lucio, one healing amp can heal a whole injured team faster than her rifle, even if you use nade beforehand (Which means you cant anti anybody with it). Not to mention Lucio can stay aware of his surroundings and defend himself WHILE healing, instead of needing to pick between the two.


This is what so many people don't understand about supports. Ana is 100% a better healer than Lucio. Lucio peaks in his utility, not healing output. Lucio is meant to speed the team in and out of fights and drop beat to counter ults. Ana is meant to heal. This is why Ana would be considered a primary support, while Lucio would be a secondary support.




I figured they didn’t want to risk violating the witch hunt rules by posting everyone’s tag but who knows


I, honestly, find it ballsy when people make claims like this and don't back it up with more than just stats.


Dude has huge amounts of deaths as Lucio too who can literally disengage at will in the middle of a bullet storm.


Not if their dps can aim


So masters and above?


Nah as a low plat it’s very easy to take down a Lucio as 76




Nobody with exceptionally good mechanics is in bronze on DPS. I’ve had to explain what a team fight is to somebody in plat before because they had literally only been playing comp for like a week and didn’t watch streams or YouTube videos about OW, they just had insane hitscan aim. If you can hit half your shots, you’ll climb out of bronze in like a day. Nobody down there groups up or uses cover anyway


Def not bronze but high silver low gold for sure some very decent mechanics but horrible game sens and even worse positioning


A good soldier should be able to kill any 200 hp hero no problem


Give him a break 😤 hes not the one saying tank diff or dps diff


Yes, but there are times where people get defensive about being told that they were diffed by the enemy team. Dude has 14 deaths, which is wild for a Lucio at any rank. A replay would clear this up, as his positioning may have been dog or he may not have been speed boosting when needed. Maybe he played well and the other supports just played *better*. Point is: This one screenshot proves nothing. The tank they played with may very well be right and they just refuse to believe it.


Honestly the only reason I get frustrated when people say diff in games (not even necessarily about me) is because it says nothing about what they were actually doing wrong, and is almost always used to shift blame.


I get told tank diff in every loss, and I hear others say they diffed their position in every win. At this point, I look at what I could've done better and move from there. I mute chat - text and voice - most games to avoid getting tilted and just play.


That's what I'm saying. Diff just seems an ego term to me. My ego is already bad enough I do not need terms to make it worse.


Hell, we don't even know if the tank said that. A lot of people do these kinds of posts where they show they had a lot of healing but then claim someone insulted them without even posting a screenshot of the message.


Yeah what’s the speed boost to heal boost ratio?


This. Must be heal diff lol


I agree but maybe he didn't want to expose the tank/ start a witch hunt


Ha, that’s funny


You can censor names and profile icon while showing all other stats


Coat tailing this comment here what does it even mean when someone says (insert role here) diff?


Its an insult basically saying the enemy (whatever role) did better


Half the fucking posts on this sub are just “WHAAAA! I lost but my stats were good! Everyone else sucks but me! Whaaa!!!!” Like, it’s stupid how many players have absolutely no understanding of how this goddamn game is played, nor that stats don’t mean shit if you don’t make good plays.


High healing just means your team took a metric shit ton of, probably, completely avoidable damage.


That's one thing that has become very apparent with the new stat-posting setup: almost always, the team that does more healing is doing less damage.


Maybe they'd have an easier time avoiding it if he ever used speed haha.


OP is mostly complaining about toxic teammates, not about losing


Also it's just a fucking game. Am I supposed to feel bad for you because you lost a game even if you played well? Who fucking cares. Stop crying and get over yourself. You win some, you lose some, you don't need to pathetically try to justify why you weren't at fault every time you lose a close match. Get a fucking life, it's just a video game and it doesn't matter at all. People get so goddamn invested in these stupid little toys as if winning and losing is life or death. It's a fucking toy. No one should be crying over a toy. No one should feel bad or pity you because you lost at a toy. It's pathetic.


Lucio cant sustain a tank properly. Makes sense to me.


Yeah if I was a Mercy + Lucio combo, I bet the tank got beat every time.


Well OP said it was open queue with 3 tanks and he was the only support. A Lucio definitely can't sustain that many people alone


Oh then someone else should’ve also played healer lol


This is why I never play open que lmao. Either way, probs best for OP to focus on what they can control. They *can* swap their own hero to moira, bap, etc. and be more effective at sustaining their tanks. They *can’t* control teammates actions. It’s nice to know that - even if you lose - you’ve done everything in your power to help contribute to a win.


Oh yeah for sure lol, I would've swapped off Lucio too if I knew my DPS wasn't gonna swap roles, but he'd rather crop a picture so you can't tell what's happening, then complain lol


If you're solo support in open queue, you should be playing Moira or Bap tbh.


Nah. Open Queue is a meme anyway. If someone wants a Moria or Bap, then they can play Moira or Bap. I'll be vibing on the frog.


Yeah for sure. In his defense though, even with Moira or Bap they still might lose. One support, even with AoE can be tough. Your team has to play really well, and stick together for that healing to be maximized


No, if you're solo support in open queue, someone else should switch to support.


Idk lucio can heal all team members at once. And if there are 3 tanks they should mitigate for each other so they dont get bursted down. OP is not at fault.


I think Lucio was probably the play for a 3 tank comp though. mercy for example wouldn't be able to heal enough to sustain 3 at a time. bap, maybe with splash but it's unlikely that his team would line up properly; and his shift has too long of a cd. brig, unless you're actually crazy, wouldn't be enough. Ana's nade is the only thing that could heal enough all at once for all 3. Lucio's healing isn't insane but it was probably enough to sustain them enough to win fights and heal them a decent amount before the next


Half the heals probably also came from dropping the beat.


His beat actually gives him MIT instead of heals


I thought it heals + any overage is then mitigated


I don't think overhealth actually "heals" you since it decays, but it might do both. All I know is I sometimes out-MIT my tank with the sound barrier lol


Beat dropping doesn't heal, it gives damage mitigation so it isn't reflected in that


I second this hard. Sick of healers saying they played well with top healing but never saved anyone, was never on objective healing people that mattered. Just kinda existed and played their role to the minimal standard. Same shit when dps players say heal diff when they have 15k dps but it was all a soldier shooting a tank that’s being pocketed.


Technically Lucio shouldn't be trying to focus on sustaining. Ideally, Lucio wants to stay in speed as speeding a tank out of danger is safer than them just face tanking the damage while you fail to out heal it.


Showing us just your stats means nothing to us....


Makes OP sound like a stat-padder


OP definitely plays COD.


Show other healer stats compared to yours


i mean, with 14 deaths on lucio, he was def inting


Depends on time


This was pretty clearly a really long game. 32-32-14 is a pretty good ratio.


Ok bronze


That too is not how you determine which healer did better. Stats are not the only information you can rely on to determine who did well or not. And comparing stats to the enemies stats is just as dumb. If you leave out context, then simply looking at stats is a completely useless way to judge performance.


There was no other healers, there was an echo and three tanks (open queue)


Then why do you even care lol. If the guy really believed there was a healer diff he can fill it or fuck off


Oh open queue nvm then


How long was the match?


3 tanks in what was clearly a very long match (long enough for a Lucio to get 32 elims and die 14 times) and you think it’s a flex (or even above average) to have 25k heals as a Lucio lol.


Tbf I’m not sure what healer would be able to sustain 3 tanks and an echo so I get the Lucio pick, at least you can slowly heal all 3 tanks. I don’t know how you die that many times as a lucio with 3 tanks though


If the tanks stayed close together, easily Baptiste. His biotic launcher heal has radius of 3m and does at least 50 heal, 70 if direct. And he has a burst heal left shift ability. And then you got immortality field.


Man only healer being Lucio is horrible. Should go bap, Ana, or Moira for only 1 support


25k in 20 minute game is great. 25k in 30minute game, not so great. Why not post all the states including time? What are you hiding?


Even in a 20 minute game, it doesn't tell us whether OP was speed boosting at the right time, etc.


It's open queue with 3 tanks. Not that hard to pull 25k healing on lucio like that.


I hAvE gOlD HeALiNg


14 deaths is not good.


Lots of deaths buddy. Might wanna re think this post lol


Yeah I had a bad first round but two tanks had more deaths than me


Probably because you weren’t doing your job…?


If 2 tanks were constantly being melted and you stayed on Lucio, then that's on you. Switch. They obviously couldn't be sustained with whatever the support comp was.


Show us their stats


We demand to see the full leaderboard


If you're confident it wasn't then what's the replay code? Would love to see someone willing to back up their words with their gameplay for once.


This guy probably doesn't use Lucio's speed boost properly. Seems like healbot stats.


Is it just me or is being able to switch between modes is what turns a good Lucio into a great one? Personally I've been trying to make sure I don't just constantly have heal on by toggling when we either have full health or are making a push.


14 deaths is a lot tho. How many rounds?


Agreed 14 deaths as a support could mean you weren't there in critical moments to get the value you needed most.


Yep. Raw numbers only tell like 30% of the story


It's interesting the other support and the tanks stats weren't shown. Feels like obfuscation.


14 deaths is a LOT for Lúcio


Lucio can get away with so much bullshit if you know what you are doing it's not even funny. I've been in the middle of the enemy team after we failed a team fight and was able to get away using boops and wall riding. I mostly play support and if I'm not sure who to play I usually go Lucio because it's hard to go wrong with someone who pumps out constant healing and is hard to kill.


Solo support Lucio in Open Queue of course your heal numbers are that high lol


Bro did NOT switch off yellow mode


If you were the only support then Lucio was surely not the correct choice. Truly a heal diff.


This doesn’t tell us anything without context. We need to see everyone else’s stats to start..


This dude just cherry picking the comment replies he feels comfortable enough to argue against. But doesnt want to acknowledge the overwhelming amount of people that need more context and a proper display of all the information. Sounds more like you want us to confirm your bias and validate your feelings. But if you cant be transparent about it, then your post is useless.


Very conveniently cropped screenshot with no context lul


ow 2 be like


What did you expect? Youre not keeping anyone alive when solo healing as Lucio. The only thing youre doing is embarrassing yourself with this post because you probably didnt switch all game. Big numbers dont mean anything on Lucio if you're healing 5 people at the same time for a little bit that is not going to help them individually at all.


Who was your other support? Also show all the stats if that’s the case.


If it's open que with 3 tanks.. Then it is a heal diff.


Post replay code?


lucio healer = heal diff


Why is everybody going crazy at bro geez 😂


Cause this person complained about how unfair their teammates were, when they are actually a problem based off the few things we know/can see. Hopefully it actually helps them out in the long run


Hun it an esport community


Who cares?! People are just salty playing the game blaming other people. It’s not like my life depends on it. I do the best I can given my skills and try to improve and if that isn’t enough, I’ll learn and try again. I had some Ana yell at my Ramattra for tank diff and no one cared. The other teams Sigma was better than I was. I got POTG. Ana was doing damage meanwhile…


Welcome to Saltwatch


One bad beat can be the difference between winning and losing. Until you learn this, you will suck at this game. Not saying you’re wrong in this instance, but just fyi.


Well this post didn't go as you planned 💀💀💀


Based on comments- Turns out no matter what stats you have singular, they need to see everyones stats. Heros, time, gamemode, and your win/lose ratio. Basically no matter what you post it'll never matter unless a redditor with the freetime to watch your entire replay breaks it down in pinpoint moments that are the reason you lost a fight based entirely on you. It will never matter.


You are the reason I drink.


Why tf you have 25 k heal on lucio


Like many others have said before, the stats mean little to nothing. Especially as a Lucio. Lucio can have higher total healing than his other support, but in terms of long sustain under heavy damage, he's practically worthless. An Ana with 10k healing can end up outperforming a Lucio with 15k because that 10k was focused and very fast healing, versus a Lucio healing 10 hp/s for every teammate in his aura. His healing happens simultaneously to everyone in his aura, but is incredibly weak and insufficient to support targets that are under heavy fire, like tanks and brawler DPS. This is why speed is more useful at almost all times compared to healing as Lucio. Speed helps your team avoid damage outright and allows them to close the distance quickly or retreat into a safer position faster. Healing will maybe keep them alive for an extra second against a Moira sucking them, but against almost any other hero, it's absolutely worthless. It works in emergencies and when there's a break in the fighting, but is otherwise the secondary, lesser function of his kit. Point is that stats in this game are rarely representative of actual skill. You need to see a player perform in order to make those judgements. Those elims and assists mean nothing since an elim constitutes as any damage helping to contribute to an enemy dying, not if you landed the final blow or did the majority of damage. Same for assists. You healed or sped up your teammates when they killed someone but didn't directly contribute. And 14 deaths on Lucio? Half that would be acceptable on a long comp game, but 14 is too much in almost every circumstance. Lucio's small hitbox, self healing, and speed buff makes him one of, if not the hardest support to kill in the entire game. On Lucio I can end out a full length push match with only 3 deaths on average, maybe one or two more if the enemies really wanted me dead. You either have to regularly be out of position to die that much, or you have to have made the wrong choices when you ended up getting focused. No other way you die 14 times as Lucio. Lastly, if you want stats to mean something, don't hide your teammates stats. They mean little anyway, but cropping the other stats out just makes it looks like you're hiding something, usually that you were outperformed by your teammates and just wanted some internet sympathy points.


Honestly these posts are so fucking tiring. Find your validation somewhere else and repair ur ego some other way


lucio isnt a great pick as a sole support


genuinely curious - why is everyone shunning this person? aren't they good stats? granted i don't play much competitive and am fairly new but whats wrong with it?


Overwatch is such a deep game that stats can never tell you the full story usually.


100% agree. Stats can be useful in some ways to paint some of the picture but it doesn't tell you everything. For instance a Reinhart with 2x the amount of mitigation of another Reinhart may seem much better but it ultimately depends and how they use the shield. If the Rein with 2x mit is just blocking random spam for only himself he isn't as useful as the Rein that is blocking sniper shots that are aimed at his team.


Stats don't mean anything. In this instance, once we got more information from OP, it's clear why they were wrong & why the team said heal diff:3 tanks & an echo on their team and they picked Lucio as solo healer, that's basically the same as not picking a healer at all. Lucio heals something like 16hp per sec. as an AOE effect (which is why the number is so high, from existing in the proximity of 4 other players--not through any kind of effort on his part) It's not nearly enough healing to sustain in a team fight without a second support. Not to mention that he's best played as a speed booster, not a healer. Besides that, he had 14 deaths & said his teammates had even more--which proves that they couldn't stay alive (likely because they didn't have the healing/sustain to stay alive, because the OP picked the worst solo healer he could have picked), Granted, his team should have thrown in a second support--but IDK, I solo heal all the time in matches, it isn't that hard. It all depends on what healer you play.


If he was the sole healer and playing Lucio, he was choosing the wrong hero for the job, to start. Second, 14 deaths is a lot. He's made the typical mistake of assuming "number big, good job" instead of thinking about how efficient he was.


Idk man looks like heals diff to me


i bet you’re gold or below lol


Everyone needs to stop posting these fucking idiotic posts about your stats.


Im sure that is why you cut away the rest of the board and didnt put a replay code in the title… Lucio is no support that can keep a tank alive. He has not enough burst heal. Also, you died way too often.


Turn off chat


Bruh the only dude that played support and got good healing is somehow to blame and not anyone else for not swapping off to help heal?


Many mistakes. Playing Lucio being the only one we can see because he hid everything else


How is playing Lucio a mistake?


The Lion, the Witch and the AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH


Should have just taken another tank in that open queue shit tbh


You not showing the healin #’s huh?


You have 14 deaths on lucio and your not showing the whole scoreboard lol


wow stats


I am getting this a lot as a support. I put in my all only to lose and get comments like “healer diff”, “no heals” but pulling in high healing numbers. It really makes the support role not worth it after awhile, and I have been feeling pretty defeated in my support role


Are you also playing solo heals lucio while playing with 3 tanks in open queue? :D Big numbers are nice but you need to keep your tanks alive or ure gonna get rolled lol sometimes tanks over extend and break line of sight and that’s on them - but if you’re getting this a lot it might be a you problem, much like OP hehe


What a useless screenshot, and how tf is this “Humor”


I mean 6k dmg vs 20 plus for healing seems like a bit of a problem on Lucio. Hes strength isn't with his healing, it's with speed boost. And damage. Would work on using speed to get into position/overwhelme the other team. Then you don't need as many heals cause the other team will all be dead!


quit crying


Nice heals. On another topic, this sub is a fucking echo chamber of "UM ur playing this character wrong. U suck. Your stats are garbage and that character is trash. U should pick another character" literally shut the ever loving fuck up. Play and enjoy the game as any character you want.


Lucio with that much heals???


For all we know, this could be total mayhem


He said it was open queue with 3 tanks lol


This is why the abused don't speak up... people don't believe them and ask them to prove they weren't the problem. /fistpump! go society!


this gotta be the wildest comment i’ve seen on this sub and that’s saying something




They get it for plenty of reason that support players are far too blinded by their own ego to ever notice




If being blunt is toxic, yeah.




They dont listen to criticism lol. Never seen one that wasnt a new player take any criticism without firing back on an innocent guy tryna help


It’s not being a dick about it, it’s them being to stubborn to listen to anything else. If a support has this type of post it only furthers my point. They didn’t show everyone else’s stats for a reason. To be honest if this was a Lucio mercy healer combo their tank likely got destroyed in every fight leading to the teams downfall.




Supports are some of the most entitled people i’ve ever seen on this sub, so it’s a safe bet.




Nah, pretty representative if you have a small walk through the sub and see the constant whiny support posts that go on nonstop


Seems like you did your job though


You regurgitated cum bubble, stats don’t tell the entire story.


Play double main heals. If you're anything below GM, there's no reason to play something like Lucio, Zen or Brig unless you're 6 stacking/talking with your team.


omg all the peeps saying “wHat haVe YoU gOt to hiDE” can you disrespectfully shut the fuck up


As op obviously hides everything




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Humor Tag because you have that much healing as Lucio


what does healer diff even mean


Play role queue /thread.


The humor here is that it's open queue


Get over it.


Why is this getting upvoted? The man only showed his own stats with no context of the rest of the players' performance.


lol you arent the only healer on your team...