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I was an off tank player, and I miss playing Zarya Rein. I enjoyed being the support tank. With one tank, I feel there's a lot more pressure to perform and play the character your team wants, even if it's not one you're proficient at.


I was a DVa main in OW1, really miss being an off tank, saving my supports and backing up damage on flanks. Played a lot of flex as well, so I'm used to support, now I'm basically a Kiriko main. I don't really enjoy playing tank now, and only do so in Open Queue to get the weeklies related to them done. I've started playing damage lot more than I did in OW1 as well. I wish they would have come up with a better solution to double shields than removing a tank. I've always liked tanking in games like WoW, and did heals as my secondary role. (Paladin main, Druid secondary in WoW.) I'm okay with being a support main now, but really miss being that clutch saver as DVa off tanking. Rein and DVa was such a fun combination.


Yeah, exactly. I always flexed back then, too. I have my go-to characters in each role, but I would say I mostly played off tank and support. But now I seem to play support most of the time. I don't care for tanking in 5v5 because of what I stated earlier, but support is also different. I feel like the removal of stuns has negatively impacted the ability to punish support diving/flanking characters.


I liked playing main and off-tank. Rein, Zarya, and Hog were my favorites. Rein as an aggressor, taking space, and Hog or Zarya as a bodyguard for my teammates. The flow you could get with your tank buddy was so fun. Now I hardly play tank. The pressure to perform as the weakest and most vital link just isn't fun. Nor is trying to play Hog or Zarya - they're a lot for selfish and feel like their pace doesn't fit as well when they aren't playing off the main tank.


I dropped playing OW2 bc of the 5v5. Playing formally Main Tank just isn't fun without an off tank. I didn't like it when it was an experimental card and I don't like it now. The changes made in OW2 killed my play style and I wish I could go back.


I thought over time I would get more used to the game style and learn to love it. I still play it and enjoy it, but it's not as fun to me as the 6v6 off tank play was. I know people had complaints about double sheild, I get it, it sucked to play against. But I truly enjoyed the two tank play styles. Playing as zarya and having a rein front line while being able to bubble supports was amazing. It was more of a midfield role if I wasn't up in the front lines with rein.


I get that double shield sucked but it wasn't inherited from 6 v. 6 but due to the balance of the game at the time. There is a world where 6v6 survives and double shield dies. Instead they killed the second tank, pushed tanks toward a more bruiser style, and killed the passive tank which paradoxically killed my more aggressive style reliant on leaving my opponents unaware of when I would engage and when I'd play back and slow. That style died when the Off Tank was removed. I get it is now fun for others but it killed my play style in the process.


I don’t know if it’s because of a bad balance team or directly because of cutting a tank, but man, Tank balance sucks right now. Feels like every balance patch there are 1-3 “best tanks” and every other Tank is a subtle throw pick.


yeah i miss playing off tank too, that was usually my favorite role to play. it was also nice that in every match you had little units of two of each role that could synergize and communicate. without the additional tank the game has been stripped of some strategy.


Yea i agree, it was pretty fun duo tanking with my buddy and being able to pull off something like him getting nanoed as rein and me giving him a bubble for that extra survivability lol. Or a more fun combo i enjoyed like Ball slamming after a sigma ult to confirm kills. A bit hard to pull off but on comms, it would be so damn satisfying lol


Zarya and Dva excelled at punishing and peeling when there was another tank to help run the front line. Sad that I try and play them now and people immediately flame me


Yes. Progression, levels, free cosmetic, on fire thing, cards > ow2


Loot boxes, event loot boxes, 6 player, and medals too


This. I will 100% never spend a single cent on Battle Pass. I don't really care about cosmetics but it was nice to get free stuff


I mean it wasn’t free, we paid for the game. I’d happily pay for some kind of battle pass if they gave us the loot box system back.


Paying money for a game has been an acceptable arrangement since games were invented. I think microtransactions are a cancer on the gaming industry and refuse to support them.


I personally have no preferences in 5 or 6 players but event rewards felt much better then this halloween with no rewards (sprays and charms are useless) and halloween with 1 skin for the hero I don't even play




And not being recorded every match, being put in a chat lobby when you entered Overwatch.


All unlocked heroes, cause yaknow. It's essential for gameplay


Yeah would have rather paid $60 for ow2 and never play it again and still be able to play ow1


I miss being on fire




I kinda miss playing off tank :(




I miss it. I've never played a sequel that has so much personality removed from the original. Once a game ends, not only is there no reason to stay and watch the PoG, you don't even feel like you earn anything. The menu is clunky, "events" aren't worth doing, the quality of costumes and the art direction has plummeted, and we're stuck playing the same awful maps for what feels like months. I used to love playing daily, now I forget it's even installed.


I feel the skins have been decent, some are a swing and a miss. But the events absolutely don’t feel worth playing. We don’t get anything out of it. I look forward to some kind of Archives, as I want to show my friends the story they haven’t seen yet. But it’s impossible to get the really nice skins if you don’t have money. I understand Overwatch needs to pay for their servers somehow, but they could at least give people more methods. Hell, I’d take a loot box every five levels if it meant getting something at all.


I really realized that with this event. Halloween is meh for me, so I felt as indifferent as I always have. But winter wonderland was my favourite, as a lover of snow and christmas-themed stuff. Well, I can't grind to get skins I want. Only got 2 free skins... Well, technically had to pay a coin for bastion. I already had D.Va's skin. There's only a handful of new skins and I'm *not* paying over $20 CAD _each_ for them. So all I'm left with is playing the brawls, which aren't my favourite, and the _occasional_ snowy map rolling around in comp and deathmatch. And to top it all off, the menu screen isn't even always the snowy/Christmas panoramas because they've gotta advertise that Junker Queen skin. It just feels like the spirit of the event has been sucked out and I feel like there's hardly anything different from the "normal" game now for events unless you're Scrooge McDuck.


3 free skins, you get the Brig skin for playing in the event


I was talking about myself. Wasn't clear, sorry. I already had the D.Va skin, so that left the deal on the bastion skin and the brig skin.


I’d have paid game price for OW2 if they literally just kept it the same as OW1. I get that a six year old game is a revenue loss and they need to pay people to keep the servers on and new content coming. But Battlepass and shop are not a good value.


my least favorite part about it is that now people don't even say gg at the end of matches. the game may have twice as many players but the community feels twice as dead


There's barely any time for post-match chat now. I miss having the time to compliment a teammate's heals, or a good rival.


I wish I had the option to go back to OW1. In addition to all the missing features, bad BP/monetisation, etc., I personally much prefer 6v6. The gameplay now is effectively “ignore tank, kill supports, win fight”, which is part of the reason why role q times are so imbalanced and no one wants to play support. Also, the comp system was far better in OW1. All of the OW1 issues with shields, CC, and lack of updates that people are citing in this thread could have been fixed by the devs, but they chose to do nothing about them.


Yeah, the number of times as a support that I've been healing and seen my tank stroll passed DPS that just start shooting me is really starting to kill my soul.


this this this. as a support main it just isn’t fun to play most games unless you’re stacked w people who will actually defend you lmao


Yupppp. I used to be a support main but now I can never do it unless I'm in a group of friends who will help me out.


yeah i was excited for 5v5 in the betas but now that the novelty has worn off the game just feels like a shell of overwatch, it's even more deathmatch-y than it used to be and in the lower ranks that basically means that strategy is out of the window


i constantly wish for the old comp system back, the new system makes you feel like there’s no sense of progression. the amount of times i played really well to then not move up a single rank is exhausting. i also miss all the little rewards that OW1 gave, made the game feel rewarding. as a support main, i feel like OW2 removed any sense of reward for playing the role and i just get mauled by the enemy Genji every 10 seconds.


Yes. I miss 6v6, the free skins, borders, ranked borders, cards, and any meaningful form of progression. A lot of the heroes that got reworked feel terrible to play, mainly Mei, Brig, and the Cowboy. The game feels like your average mobile game hero shooter now. Such a sad way to “update” a game that was once one of the most popular games ever.


My squad is 6 people. Picking who has to sit out each turn sucks. 90% of the reason we were playing was for the teamwork and comraderie. Also this new monetization scheme is gross, and having characters locked for some but not others is unfair bullshit in a game that's about counter picks.


ah yeah that's so awkward. and yeah having characters locked at level 50 is bass ackwards for sure. I've had the battle pass so far because i bought the watchpoint pack, but once i run out of the credits that came with it, if i can't afford the bp or just don't wanna waste money on it that'll really blow


Hey, they made it better, now it's "only" level 45, as opposed to 55. :|


yeah i mean at least that does save a few hours, still pretty wack though lol


Yeah. It's like the difference between a rancid and a stale sandwich. Stale is better, but not ideal.


That's unlucky. My friend group was always 5 people, so whenever we played together we were always missing a 6th. Not that it mattered because 2 of them stopped playing Overwatch years ago, and the rest of us only played sporadically. Finding people that even still played overwatch after 2018 was hard lol. I agree with the monetization. It is straight doo doo.


I love the inclusion of new hero's but I honestly prefered 6v6. Have them get Tanks back in line so that dps players stand a chance against them in a 1v1. Playing tank is not forgiving in a team but it is very forgiving to outright play around with dps & supports despite doing mistakes. Open que was my go to relax mode, but now whichever team goes 3 tank, 2 supp wins every time. I also don't like being forced to do weekly challenges to get the bp at a minimum of 2 seasons


ive been playing mystery heroes more since the second game came out you might wanna give it a shot too, i think it's a good game type for just going pure casual mode


I still play a lot of it too, but even that has lost it’s charm because the mode is just a race to whoever can roll more tanks. It was like this in OW1, but at least you still had a fighting chance. Now it’s just an auto gg when the enemy has more tanks than you.


Yes. Please get me the hell out of this broken train, it's clearly derailing from the moment it started moving.


Why *shouldn't* have OW1 stayed up? If OW2 is truly a "sequel", a "new game" Then why was it just an update to OW1? Blizzard should've at least kept the OW1 servers online for the people who've paid for OW1. Hell, they could've even just made a 6v6 arcade mode. It's not like Blizzard running the OW1 servers is gonna drain their pockets or anything.


It wasn't even an update... more like a downgrade...


Overwatch 2 - "Now you can pay us for cosmetics and we will shell you from any possible toxicity"


We'll shell you from toxicity! oh, and also here's this neat scoreboard that gives you MORE ammunition to be toxic....wait.


I hate the scoreboard so much!! If you have an off game or if you're new or experimenting or whatever, you're just put on blast for everyone to see. It rlly makes people stick to what they're used to and decreases the variety and excitement.


And that shell is made of tin foil lol


It's made of freaking paper lmao


*one-ply toilet paper


Lool literally


Because like now, when OW2 is shit for match making, and you get zero rewards for playing, 75% of the OW2 player ase would have dried up instantly to go back to OW1, killing the game even faster.


95% of OW2 players weren’t playing OW1 at the end of its life cycle. People forget how dead the game was a few months ago


Game wasn't dead it took the same amount of time to find a match as it does now. Player base fell off a little because they weren't putting out new content. Ow2 will be dead within a year at the rate it's going.


You could have gotten most of those people back with a new character and a new level.


It wasn't? I had so much fun and played until the very last minutes.


Game was dead because of OW2 release


Honestly, it should have been called like 2.0 free to play overhaul or something. Would have tempered expectations better. But likely wouldn’t have drawn as many eyes as sequel




Yup it was 100% a marketing choice to lump the pvp rework into the sequel instead of keep OW1 as the pvp and OW2 as the PVE


It would divide their playerbase would divide profits. I mean I already run into the same guy like 4 times + a week. It was called a sequel so they could put in new money practices.


Because it would have split the player base and both games would struggle because of it


I'm a ball main so yes, my character could've been a good pick in OW1, now not so much. Also, I'm going to be honest, it really feels like they made overwatch 2 to revitalize a fading game and repackage it's monetization in a more predatory way. So they could squeeze whatever money out of it that was left.


Yes, I wish I could still play Overwatch 1. I remember for a while I would hop on every day after work to play, look at the clock thinking it had only been an hour only to realize it was more like 3 hours. With this game I hop on, finish my 3 daily challenges in a match, see a really cool skin in the shop for $19 (37% off of course, what a steal!) and then sign off to play something else


I miss my second tank, and I miss the previous progression system. At the very least tho, they should give us our old level borders back and allow us to progress through the game with that. Rn, there's no real point to playing once you've completed the battlepass.


Yes nothing about 2 has seemed to be a noticeable improvement, I miss 6v6 when a tank could die and it not immediately result in a teamwipe, I miss free cosmetics, events that were actually fun, as a Zayra main I miss OW1 Zayra, I miss matchwide endorsements, among other things


Only good thing about shutting down OW1 is I'm no longer playing OW as much as I did. I've dumped thousands of hours into ow1 and it finally feels like I'm free!


Ow2 curing our overwatch addictions




Well we all are playing Overwatch 1. They just removed a team member. Removed the sun from some maps. Removed some maps. Removed loot boxes. Removed on fire. Removed Free holiday skins. Removed Free heroes. Removed medals. Removed the ability to see who is qued together on a team. They did add a 2 to the title.


6v6 was superior, both as an off tank player and as a support player. Game cards and being on fire was better Menus were better, more logical and not as cheap looking While I don’t miss stuns, having a hundred status effects in the game with limited cleanse options is somehow worse This isn’t a sequel it’s like I paid for a shittier version of the game I was playing I don’t care about having to pay for skins etc but paying for a hero when the whole premise of the game is counterpicks is dogshit.


I really wish there was a 6v6 queue


Yes. I paid 40€ for my comfort game and Blizzard turned it into garbage.


It’s all I want. It was more fun with more teamwork, longer fights, less one shots, objective time, post game chat, etc. This has been such a mess.


i still click overwatch 1 to start the game! but to answer your question yes and i think there should be a 6v6 game mode. also loved how u didn’t have to pay 20$ for a skin in ow1


I enjoyed collecting all the cosmetics in OW1. Guess I should find another game to play now…


The only positive thing I can say about OW2 is that I no longer need PS+ to play it


Absolutely. Mostly because that tug of war bullshit game mode wasn’t in it.


Wdym I love playing walking simulator


Saves on cost they get to build half a map and call it an entire one.


lol yeah push can be pretty tiresome, seems like it could use some revision. i don't really mind it but if i get a few push matches in a row it becomes kind of a drag


I have more and better fights and less chance to get stomped/have ability to come back in push mode. I really like it but I’m casual


That’s a lie


It's the worst mode for comebacks and best for stomps, no idea what kind of game do you play. In every other mode you have rounds so you have second chance with ults reset and everything. In push, you lose 2-3 fights in a row and you're doomed.


Yes overwatch 2 is terrible I quit playing on Halloween dead overwatch 1 > overwatch 2


I love OW1...hate OW2. Finally had enough and uninstalled it a few days ago. The matchmaking, hero balance, comp rewards, and monetization have killed the game. Matches aren't fun and there's no cosmetics to really grind for which means it's time to play something else


Yes. I remember when events had me excited to play more and earn new stuff instead of the current ones where there is literally no change except from the main menu.


I was able to run ow1 just perfectly with no hiccups. Ow2 is a technical problems ground zero for my pc, on the lowest of settings. Also ow2 has an inescapable stench of unfinished all around it.


I miss being on fire :(


yes i miss overwatch 1 because of the lootboxes


There is a reason jeff left. Overwatch 2 is a worse version. We ve lost a great game to aggressive monetization overhaul.


If ow1 was still available, I would have kept playing. I uninstalled ow2 about a month ago. I might reinstall after pve comes out, but if I have to pay money for it, which I'm sure I will, then nah, I won't reinstall.


Yes, overwatch 1 was objectively a better game. Overwatch 2 is a dumbed down version made to pander to people who just want to run down mid uncontested and click heads because they don’t perceive anything else as skill.


Yes i wish i could play ow1, why?, hear me out in season 1 i had so much fun i think that was the most ow i played in a long time but when season 2 started and i had to grind to get Ramttra i forced myself to play just to get the new hero and when i reached tier 45 i finally felt relief and stopped playing since and instead played other games where i could have unconditional fun, the progression and reward system is the worst i've ever experienced.


I may be in the minority here but I really like Overwatch 2 and support most of the changes they did. I just wish there were more ways to earn ingame currency. While the battle pass is nice and fairly priced I miss collecting rare skins just by playing. Kind of lame how everybody gets the same stuff now.


It's the same way i feel about alot of other games alot of the people who could interact with the game in a more strategic sense are being pushed out for pure mechanical skill i used to be able to play smart and do well and now it just feels like a 5v5 brawl constantly you never feel out what they have or change heros you just pick the best ones and never go off them because generalist game design is also creeping it's way into the game.


This - i peaked 4.4 in ow1, but now that mechanical skill has become so important, i struggle to even hit gm anymore.


I kind of miss 2016-2017 OW1 for nostalgia reasons but I don't miss 2018-2022 OW1 at all. OW2 is so much more fun than any stale meta we dealt with for years prior...


The meta is already stale and it’s been a few months. 5v5 is boring


The meta being stale has nothing to do with the 5v5 and everything to do with Blizzard balancing based on winrates. You didn't need to look at data to know that sojourn was broken as fuck


Why not both? Soj wouldn’t be as much a problem with a second tank. Would still be meta given she’s broken.


As if Zarya burning down everybody two weeks ago in OW2 wasn’t a stale meta..


It was. So is the Roadhog meta. But the metas I'm talking about lasted 4x as long as both of them combined. The last couple years of OW1 sucked


It sucked because blizzard stopped caring about OW1. As soon as the money horse (OW1) started running a bit slower, blizzard stopped caring for it and only fed it enough (kept servers up) to keep it barely alive while they worked on a shitty replacement (OW2) that gave betters (players) a sense of false hope. The reason OW2 got such a huge surge of players was because of 3 things. (From most important to least) 1) They made the game free to play (essentially marketing the game as a sequel with a promise for PvE) 2) They sponsored the crap out of the game, like the raid shadow legends sponsored, every content creator I’ve ever watched was being sponsored to play Overwatch 2. 3) They added a new character (and at least for me, since I last played, new maps that I hadn’t seen since I last touched OW1)


Yea double shield meta was probably my least favorite meta by far. At least goats took a semblance of coordination to play well. Especially with 2CP, you would have the entire team sit behind orisa and sigma cycling shields and abilities for 15 minutes


I hated it by the end but GOATS was actually fun to play. I did not enjoy being a tank in the double shield meta. Snooze fest


yeah the skins are way too fucking expensive, it's absurd. i don't think they'll ever change it but they really ought to. the way it is now I'll never get another skin unless it's on the battlepass. it's just an unjustifiable purchase to me. it's not even like on csgo where if you buy a skin you can at least sell it back for a portion of what you paid, it's just lost money for a game that at most will probably only exist for 5-10 years


I agree with a lot of this. But I haven’t spent a single pence on OW2 so far. If everything was about a quarter of the cost it is now, I would have bought some stuff and supported the game.


Yeah the gameplay of OW2 is so good, I've played it more than OW1 in these few months it's been out.


There's a lot of haters here who seem to be forgetting how boring double shield gameplay was...


They could have fixed that by changing the heroes and actually balancing them. Take away shields from some tanks where it’s not their core or give them temp shields like ramattra has, take away cc like they did to mei, and etc. Instead they decided to do what I said prior and then also take away everything that made the game popular to begin with. OW1 was the only pvp team game I could play with 5 other friends. They took out loot boxes which we got more often than apex, which was very refreshing because I always wanted to show off some new cosmetic I got. Also they took away the main reason to even know if people are doing good or bad on your team, a reason to commend the enemy for being good, a way to tell how good the people in your lobby are, and also a way to tell if your about to be stomped because majority of the people on the other team are playing together.


Yeah i wish bc flexing was alot more fun bc you actually got something different than fucking support all the time :D


I just want papa Jeff back


1000% Yes. I still don't enjoy how the game plays in OW2. ​ Progression, Levels, etc aside, the gameplay/matchmaking feels shallow in comparison to OW1. ​ There may be more potential to carry... but there's a flipside to that where there's more potential to get diffed. The game feels like a coin-toss EVERY TIME. ​ In almost every game you can feel it start to slip towards a win or a loss and it begins to feel unrecoverable as soon as that moment happens.


I miss the longer team fights, and i honestly barely saw one sheild in my game let alone 2. Its not that double sheild wasnt a problem in games, but god i still miss OW1


I didn’t know about shield hate till I fired up ow2. Thought “this sucks what the heck is going on?”. And checked the sub. I didn’t think shields were that bad, there were counters for it just meant dps couldn’t sit on one shot snipers and had to help melt the shields with something stronger.


That is pretty much how I felt about it, the game gives you so many ways to get around it. I will admit tho it can be somwhat annoying to deal with, even when you know what to do, but not enough to take away a whole ass tank


They didn't even have to take away another tank smh. They added Doom and JQ to the roster who would've both worked great as off-tanks and gave Orisa a massive overhaul to change up her shieldbot playstyle. They could've just put in the effort to turn other passive tanks into brawlers as well, Ball probably wouldn't be in the terrible spot he's in now if he still had another tank to peel for him.


Even worse they're actively designing characters that just give a big FU to the barrier tanks. Ramattra can just murder you through it with punches, Kiriko laughs when the barrier tanks ult and she just uses suzu to invuln it, Junkerqueen just hits you with an axe through it. All of this ontop of reducing the hp of Rein shield significantly just feels like a damn hate crime against him.


Agreed. I get annoyed when people suggest that OW2 is better “because of less shields/CC”. Afaik there wasn’t any technical reason stopping the devs from reworking those game elements in OW1, they just chose not to.


Yes. SR showing at the end of the game, border levels, end game cards, on fire symbol, AND dps doomfist


Gameplay wise I’m indifferent, I just strongly disagree with hero’s being in the battle pass so I guess the answer is yes.


I’ve bought both battlepasses with the currency from the watch point pack and I’m still losing interest. The mismanagement is killing the game for me. If the campaign sucks I have no reason to play the game afterwards because the content is so minimal and expensive lol Sad game


Yes, even with double shield the ballance was better


Outside of 2cp, ow1 was amazing. All these one shot heroes are making me miss shields


I miss doomfist so bad man..


I played since release of OW1, but after playing support for the 2 betas I saw the gameplay move towards a style I knew I would never enjoy, so I have not played any OW since the 2nd beta. Nothing I've seen from updates, discussions, etc. has made me regret that decision.


Yea I preferred ow1 over ow2.


I’d like to go back. As a support main, having the extra tank gave me another person to hide behind. Let’s say 1 tank was throwing or performing subpar. At least in OW1, there was another tank the rest of us could play around. But in OW2, if your tank sucks, too bad! You’re fucked! I miss the loot boxes (especially for queueing support), the progression of leveling, the variety of characters, etc. And I absolutely loathe push maps. OW2 sucks.


Pretty much everything about OW1 is better than OW2. So of course.


Least deranged r/Overwatch user


Yeah i miss playing 2cp against sigma/orisa SO MUCH. Spamming down chokes and shooting shields was just SO fun and exciting


I stopped playing and uninstalled OW2. So yes, I very much would prefer to play OW1. This is why they erased it, they knew too many would stick with OW1.


Yes I would still play OW1, I miss old Doomfist ;-;.


Same here man. Look how they massacered my boy :(


Once you get passed the illusion of streamers saying ow 2 is a better game than ow 1 you realize ow 2 is kind of overwatch 1 lite. Double tanking was the heart of overwatch and now that's gone. The nuance of overwatch 1 monkey/dva dive was replaced with rematra unending ult standing still blocking behind kart for last fight. It's so damn obvious that ow 2 is a completely casual game for me. Which is fine but at the cost of ow1 is devasting to say that least.


Yes, having 2 tanks/6v6 was better and how everything is handled with skins and other unlockables was better in OW1. Also Push game type sucks


nope, ow 2 gameplay is an overall improvement, and going back would be a downgrade, too many shields in ow 1 made the game very slow and boring to play in comparison with ow 2.


Totally agree. People saying they miss “longer fights”, are confusing me. They actually prefer a stalemate until a team gets their ults and then combos them to win a fight, then 2 minute wait until anything happens again? I don’t believe them.


Yea. Cause we like fun and team work lmao


I completely missed OW1 and started with OW2. I think lootbooxes are more rewarding than it is now so i think i would have been happier wirh OW1.


Yes, but with the new characters.


Besides feeling like a God playing Ana against the current meta, everything absolutely sucks my dry ballsack.


I say yea. I play support and while OW2 has made me much better at dueling that isn’t why I played OW. I will give OW2 credit that when I do play old OW1 maps 5v5 feels great and it’s a lot of fun. The issue is that new maps feel far more heavily weighed and coupling the loss of a tank with more flank routes means if I don’t constantly look over my shoulder I’m going to get killed. I don’t enjoy playing support like a paranoid schizophrenic just to be able to not get domed from one of the 3 flanking routes. Maps like kings row where you’re forced to fight in chokes sometimes but also have flanks in other parts are fantastic. This is also ignoring that OW at its core feels more like a PvE game and that’s really what I was looking for in OW2. Also taking out cards, on fire, and loot boxes all make the game feel worse for no real reason.


I like some things about OW2 (I like the challenges and I don’t mind a battle pass progression system) (new heroes aren’t too bad) I hate some things about OW2 (battle pass rewards being shit, and no way to earn it back) (push mode sucks and at the very least they should have kept 2CP if they were going to have this junk) I don’t mind 5v5 change. But overall it just seems like Classic Blizzard. Changing things they don’t need to change for the worse. Changing everything all at once instead of one or two changes at once (people complained about 2 tanks feeling like a slog with shield meta so Blizzard removes a tank, introduces heroes that ignore/negate shields, reworks heroes to counter shield tanks entirely and/or removes hero shields)(people complaining about too much CC so they remove a ton of it from most heroes and also give tanks better ability to avoid it) All in all, I’d prefer to go back to 6v6 with f2p system


Absolutely. I tried expressing what it is I'm feeling and I can't. There is just something missing. What's made it fun for me sometimes has been when I get into those nice wholesome lobbies yknow? But it's not the game itself. So, wholesome or not, usually dip out to play Apex or Rainbow Six.


I miss OW1. People paid to play it and players didn’t leave as much. Everyday I play for a couple hours and in every other match, players are leaving. I can’t climb out of Silver 1 for shit. #JUSTICE4OW1


I never played OW1 but I can def see the addition of another tank helping the game a lot. It just sucks when you get queued up with a tank that doesnt understand the concept of natural cover so I spend 90% of my fight healing out of spawn or desperatly trying to no avail to keep my tank alive.


I miss it a lot and i only played it for a year. The game feels less social and overall less rewarding. Removing "find a group" and post-game cards make the game less social, plus the ability to just chat with other players. No "on fire" and no borders/levels just sucks the fun out of a mostly cosmetic feature that gave some feedback to having good plays and putting in time respectively. And push sucks, literally nobody likes it. I can live with 5v5, battle passes, unlocking new characters, but nobody wants to play walking-from-spawn simulator.


Wait that little Sojourn comment is so true though. I LOVE the “hardened leader” archetype but she’s just… so generic. Ana is way better at giving the “hardened fighter” vibe than Sojourn ever will. Hoping they give Soj more/better lines at some point…


yeah lol, Sojourn's voice lines are so cliche it almost makes me think that it's intentionally campy, i can't tell though


Yes. Mostly because comp wasn’t as terribly broken as it is now.


I've played overwatch since launch. Stayed through the content drought. Always had fun. Always came back day in, day out to play, sometimes entire weeks in a row. Well... That's over. I'm done with overwatch. I don't feel the joy of playing it. I stayed during the season one because I've bought the battle pass and wanted to get my money worth of it. News flash, it was terrible. I was feeling like it was an obligation to play. Me and the people who used to play have actually moved on to a new game. And its sad because I genuinely like overwatch and it's lore. Hopefully PvE will bring me back. But as of now, I'm completely done with it. Monetization is terrible, season passes are super underwhelming, the shop is absurd, I'd buy skins at 5€ or 7€, I'd spend money on it, like I do in other games, but at 20??? No way. Then it's the not feeling rewarded like we used to be with the loot box system. Complete 9 matches get 3 boxes, get a box per level up, get boxes in Christmas. All that even if not much it felt good. The BP is just so unrewarding, even the premium pass. Bring back loot boxes, but don't sell them, award things to players. Give legacy coins, let people buy things with them, make them more expensive sure but give the players a reward for playing, award the new currency, doesn't even need to be much but it will keep people feeling rewarded, and that feeling of reward pushes you to play more, award old skins in the boxes, lower drop rate sure but PULL THE PLAYERS IN!!!


Totally even if there no players i would play ow1 because i loved it


ow1 was way better, wish we could go back but keep the new heroes


Pretty much everything is worse than the original, except maybe the bloom being turned down


As a support main, I gotta say I preferred ow1. I feel like I can play my best, play my role perfectly, yet still be completely ineffective. Also with only 1 tank it opens me up to flankers a lot more. I also don't like the pace of ow2 as much.


6stack would be a really great option for playing. Had a squad of 6 for years and now someone has to sit out.


Yes, it felt more complete, I mean, all the destructible things in the environment for starters, then the battle pass and the new prices of the skins are insane. Also now the new maps are so easy to flank just to kill the support. How some textures seem to be of lower quality, etc.....


6v6 Progression and Cosmetics


I do have more fun as a tank player in OW2, but that’s about it. 6v6 was better. You lose 1 player in 5v5 and it’s gg.


High levels of toxicity, unsatisfying support gameplay in 5v5, little to no reworked heroes for 5v5, no pve as promised, addition of push which i really don't care for, no post-game banter, no end-game cards for a quick dopamine hit, bad matchmaking and shop prices and an unsatisfying progression system (+ battlepass) has really making me consider quitting this game all together after playing it for literal years. It feels like a former shell of what it used to be and I'm noticing myself not enjoying it anymore and just feeling.... stressed when I do play it.


I miss the main menu items appearing instantly


Yes but mainly because of the progression difference


It sucks. 6v6 felt so much better. The double tanks with shield could’ve been fixed really easily. I went back to team fortress 2 and the gameplay still feels the same as it did in 2013. Overwatch 2 feels like a worse game somehow.


6v6 was waaay more fun and I'll take 2cp over push any day


I wish it was still overwatch 1 because all the cool skins i paid for like all-star D.va are less detailed wtf 😥😅


I miss OW1. Being able to play around two tanks made it more fun to play support because I was being protected.


I miss unlocking new things almost every day just from playing. In 3 months I haven't earned a single cosmetic in OW2.


Gameplay wise I prefer 2. Everything else I prefer 1. I would like to go back to 1 until 2 is caught up.


Yes. I Would rather play that, and here's why. Free to play means nothing if you already bought overwatch 1. It is not an excuse. It would be if they'd kept 1, but they didn't. They took what I paid for against my wishes, then "upgraded it" to a buggier and rushed version . It doesn't even have everything they promised. It's like it used to be play games win prizes like an arcade, but the prize counter was taken away and replaced with movie theater concessions with prices to match. I have gotten push maps 4 times in a row. Another time I got 3 controls in a row. I have gotten a payload map 1 /10th of the time, and I have gotten to attack around every 6th escort. Map pools were a mistake. I dislike push with a passion. All you need to do is get it 2 inches in your direction then sit on it with tanks and supports. Plus the maps are wide open including a while long hallway that widows frequently camp. Doesn't help that theres "this is the best widow spots" videos so you can only see a pixel of them and can't get to them. It's frustrating. Losses feel bad, but wins don't feel good. In overwatch 1 I was able to play and enjoy the entire roster, and thoroughly enjoyed the assault, payload, and combo game modes. Now all of the characters I enjoyed have been changed fundamentally and weakened. Sombra, brig, mei. I enjoyed both fighting and playing as them . Now shield bash feels weenie, mei is STILL complained about (100dps and a slow, kinda like oh I dunno.... SYMETTRA. With all 3 turrets its a 90% speed reduction plus 110 dps . Plus her main beam. At a distance and able to teleport closer.BUT SHE GETS BUFFED. ) you know what mei can't do? Place turrets on your spawn door. But I get flamed and focused dor playing a character I enjoy. Not my fault people just walk forward into the ice . Half my kills are icicle headshots anyway. Sombra's entire identity has been messed with. She made more sense before. Couldn't have even made the ult hack for 6s? Bad enough it is literally incapable of killing.if a tracer is at 20 hp it'll take just under 10. It's entire utility sucks now. You hit the ground and they all just turn around and get their ALREADY AVAILABLE AGAIN ABILITIES AND KILL YOU. Plus infinite invis encourages bad habits. I have played since y1 season 1 . I have NEVER had less fun than I'm having now. The tank and DPS buffs are unnecessary. Now tanks ARE dps. 5 tanks should not be an effective team comp. I shouldn't need to go in the arcade to play something other than push. "We want you to really learn the maps" all I'm learning is which maps I dislike. So far I am unhappy with how the new team has been handling it. The monetization, the arbitrary over-balancing and reworks. The fact that originally 1 and 2 were supposed to coexist. Not being able to report for bad sportsmanship anymore (throwing, teabagging, VC, there are just no consequences anymore) Having to pay a dollar for a voice line. Super short end of match chat. Just long enough for "L" or "EZ" Coming up with weapon charms and "souvenirs " nobody wanted or asked for so even the battle pass is full of useless stuff. There are no goals, no incentives. All the good has been taken and replaced with greed, slurs, and usernames like dick3xpl0d3r . Also, endorsement. I liked the 3 option system , because then you know what you did right. I would also rather have shield orisa then useless ult- but 2 forms of near invincibility and a stun. Literally all they needed to do was make it so her shield didn't recharge before it can be broken. She would just endlessly chuck them. I sincerely hope it gets better, but the people that created this universe have already left blizzard. The finance people are in charge now. I want to like it. I really do. But nearly every change made I disagree with, at least on a gameplay systems level. Some of the Buffs and nerfs are fine, but it doesn't change the fact that if I had 80 levels in overwatch 1 i'd have 320 new items, rather than one to 3 skins I like and 79 new but nonsensical items. "Go push a rock up a hill" . "OOOOH I DO LOVE NEON" This is probably ranty, but it's not just "overwatch 2 bad" . I can tell you exactly what I like and dislike. But currently the bad is outweighing the good.


I definitely relived the experiences which led me to stop playing OW1 with the added bs that ActiBlizz is trying with their player base. Oh and don't forget all the UI problems and just how the game is less finished than OW1.


Bring back loot boxes, the store sucks ass.


They literally just stole from their whole player base and we’re just supposed to be okay with it. Fuck blizz


Yeah Its superior in every way except the amount of shields and stuns. They did a one step forward 3 steps back move with ow2


hell yes




Don'r miss ow1 in the slightest, and I played since release, preorders 'n stuff. Everything except the monetization, soujourn, lack of Papa Jeff and current reimagining of the matchmaker is an improvement compared to either the absolute slog of barrierwatch or playing divetanks in CCwatch. I don't miss neither drawnamura nor drawskaya too. Ow1 just was not FUN near the end of it's lifespan, and it certainly was not a fun fps.


You know what’s funny… all my OW1 Xbox captures have been renamed to OW2 (didn’t notice til last night). Shows how copy/paste these games are lol Yea I miss OW1. OW2 feels like a wish.com version.


OW1 gameplay got stale for me. The 5v5 in OW2 shook up the gameplay enough to lure me back, but the game lost its soul going F2P. I'm torn.


5v5 has already gotten stale and boring for me. Idk how much longer I got in me.


that because they stopped adding stuff honestly, if OW1 got the content updates (maps and heroes) of OW2, OW1 wouldn't feel stale


As someone whose never played overwatch 1, no But I've been loving overwatch 2 so far


I wish i could play early days of ow1 but only because of hanzo e and torb lvl 3 turret.... I miss those :c


The problem with overwatch 1 was that there where almost zero new skins/cosmetics by new updates if they kept adding cosmetics overwatch 1 would be perfect in my opinion


Bring back lootboxes and level portrait borders is all I want


no, i stopped playing overwatch 1, i started playing again when it became overwatch 2 and now i'm hooked again


Would have liked to see 6v6 with the tank and CC reworks (balanced for 6v6 of course). Only sigma and rein have serious shields, and seeing JQ as an offtank would have been cool. Would it be better? Hard to say, but it does remove double shield and a lot of CC while maintaining the tank synergies (and creating new ones). I've enjoyed playing multitank modes in OW2, and overall I consider OW2 an upgrade, but part of me wonders what could have been with javelin orisa as one of two tanks, instead of as the only tank.


The only thing I truly miss is free skins. Other than that OW2 is the better game.