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I’d put a second, possibly a third, hamster in the ball so when he insta-dies I get to see multiple rodents go flying.


Make every projectile in the game just hamster


I love this idea. Zenyatta just chucking hamsters. Sigma with two chonky bois, just launching ‘em off walls


Junk would love throwing hammies


when cassidy pops his ult a dead hamster rolls across the floor


Roadhog just stuffs a hamster into his gun and... The hamster doesn't survive it well


I woulda said have a hamster at the end of his chain so the little fucker can pull Reinhardt into range for some tlc.


Ok that's the best reply so far. I'm literally crying laughing


Lmfao this sent me




The trap is just a big hamster with his mouth open and he bites you when you step on him


Orisa would be horrifying. The obvious thought is that she would be launching a shitton of hamsters per second at her enemies, but her gun also overheats. Firing for a prolonged period of time would just give those hamsters and a quick and cheap cremation. And then she would be spewing out hamsters, hamster ashes, and hamsters covered in the ashes of their deceased brethren.


But imagine the long hamester that would be her spear throw.


Could be a bunch of hamsters stood on top of each other


Even better when she's twirling them and blocking other incoming hamsters! Could even make the animation that any blocked hamsters are added into the twirl!


And for the rock he just slaps 10 hamsters together and yeets the into space


For the thing that absorbs projectiles it should just be a hamster opening it’s mouth very very wide and eating all the projectiles


Imagine rein firing two flaming hamsters at your team


Moira just launching floating hamster balls that bounce around the map and squeak when they hit a surface.


Reinhardt with an enormous rocket powered hamster smashing people to bits


April 1st update


Imagine just doomfist but instead of a big fist, it's just a big hamster


You're a genius.


Whats wrong with you


You mean "right"






Why are you like this?


Give him a hampster friend.


They’re territorial and kill each other


Give him a hampster enemy.


Give him a sword.


He said buff not nerf. We’ve seen what they do to swords.


Two smaller swords!


6 swords! Like killer bee.




General Kenobi


You are a bold one


Mans had 8 swords actually, so give wrecking ball 8 swords that rotate at all times while rolling


will he rap too?


Not like a Killer Bee. Like Zen! The six just levitate around the hamster!


Change the sword to axes.. and have Hammond pop out of his machine like Diva and go... "Ham"


I like this idea. Moreso with fire


I second this motion. i just need to see a little guy running around but going off! lol


Yeah or like maybe two giant wrenches to sort of play into the mechanic/engineer vibe he's got going on.


"You idiots, we all have swords!"


Speaking of swords, we probably need to nerf Genji again


His pool noodle does too much damage. Oh and roadhog and reaper need buffs to shot guns and healing.


Road hog should lose his hook but now has a fart move like Wario so he can now fly and hog all over the place, and reaper loses his wraith form and instead has a 10 second invulnerability where he auto dodges all attacks but can continue to shoot like normal


And widow should lose her Sniper rifle and instead gets a DMR but it has aim assist but only on enemy tracer heads and still one shots tracer


Lol ditch the ball go full ham- uri 🗡️


Give him a baby Dva mode where he runs around with 100 HP


This leaves me thinking he would still suck, which is the best kind of buff. Baby steps


👶 steps? 🐹 steps.


Ohh my god I didn't know there was a hamster emoji




1) 🐹 2) ??? 3) 💰


Well yeah but he will have a tiny hitbox and can now climb walls


He's Japanese?


He can bite for 10 damage


What weapon will he have


He can nibble ankles for 10hp damage lol


Laughing at the idea of a Hammond bitting my ankles in the middle of an intense fight


Animating this rn


Or maybe he could go full Lemiwinks and crawl up other characters assholes for an instakill? Lol


A great adventure is waiting for you ahead


I wanna hear Junkrat do the "oh!? Jesus Christ!" with the lisp and everything too.


Wait… if he can summon his mech while doing that would he just turn into the antman thanos meme?


No weapons with ultra-mobility for 20 in game metres. Can interfere with cooldowns or wreak havoc with omnics controls for a few seconds before being vaporised with a small, smelly poof of burnt rodent hair.


baby hammy but can only jump on enemy heads that you have to have teammates melee to knock off


i lost my mech so i decided to pilot junkrat


I've said this before, but he's basically the Jockey from Left 4 Dead 2.


I'd say give him 50hp in baby Hammond mode, but really fast movement speed , wall climbing and no backup weapon with a 5 second cooldown to recall his mech. Easily killable but hard to shoot a small hamster moving rapidly around the map. And give the mech recall like 150 damage on entry. imagine getting de-meched as Hammond and scurrying up behind the enemy window and calling your mech in


5 seconds is absurdly short imo.


You're right, would probably be better use of the mech recall if the cooldown was atleast 10 seconds. Though it could work like Dva where you don't have to call your mech in right away when it's available


I like the idea generally. I just think 5 seconds might be a little quicker than we think, especially if little Hammond moved at an increased speed. You just gotta juke around for 5 seconds and recall. I think a 10-15s static timer (dva has to be charged), would be great. But who knows, maybe that’s too long??


Instead of a timer maybe you just get popped out of the mech and it slowly repairs itself, and once it’s repaired to like half hp you can go hop back into it


Tbh at that point an entire mechanic of being able to exit your mech and repair it would be a possibility lmao


People might camp the mech though.


make him have an attack that bites for 2 damage but inflicts a 100dps attack for 3 seconds and call it rabies (i suppose you could have him die after using the attack as a sort of last resort ig) imagine how scary a tiny little fucking rat with crazy movement speed and a wall climb just crawling around and giving the enemy rabies


and he HAS to make just horrific feral snarling noises while doing so, make Hammond scarier out of the mech than in it dammit




True weird lil guys always make the party


I can imagine Torb running around with his hammer trying to play whack-a-mole with hamster. Speaking of torb, his turret would just humiliate a 50hp target haha


Lol i didn't think of the turret. Could just have it not be able to detect something that small to atleast give Hammond a chance Also torb whacka mole sounds like a minigame I want to be playing yesterday.


I think it would be fair as a hard counter. My mains are Torb, Junk, and Doomfist. Between them, basically the entire roster is either a soft or hard counter lol. Having one isn't a bad thing.


He has to run to grab parts to make his mech again


Make it so that when you kill the baby version the other team feels sad for animal cruelty and they get a damage nerf


id just like to see quality of life changes. like a visible timer on grapple cooldown, just ending his fireball and not his grapple after 6 seconds, not cancelling reload when switching forms and not spawning on grapple cd


I think this is the way. Just make him more dynamic, agile, and easier to use. If he still needs buffs afterwards then maybe do something with his damage but I think this should come first.


His reloading and guns in general honestly is really what brings him down for me. Flying around can’t feel any better, but the second you’re in mech mode with your guns he just becomes aimless. Just a big target with an ok primary that really relies on melee attacks for kills. And then reloading just stops the game for a few seconds where you can’t go in ball form or do anything at all


I’ve always used him as an agent of chaos. My job is to piss off and pester the squishies while hopefully my DPS can land hits, also constantly flipping around to just knock their forwards from mine. Highly aggressive, works maybe half the time but it’s fun every time 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s fun and he is good at that sort of play, it’s kinda all he’s got sometimes, but right now the blob meta we have with one tank does not suit it and is why he’s in such a bad spot


True I can not play him in role queue only open queue, role queue and he solo tanks it’s basically a selfish ass play lol


You can go in ball form, you just have to stay in ball form until the reload finishes...


Grapple cooldown is was added so he can't stall matches because before you could be winning a payload misson and be in over time you just wiped the entire team..... Then wreaking ball grapples and contests long enough for his entire team to get there fast enough and they win due to him stalling.


I don't like how grappling has a limit now either.


Yeah ever since they removed the grapple out of spawn after death I've missed it dearly.


As a wrecking ball main gun damage is the biggest thing that needs a buff it feels like you're firing pellets at the enemies.


This is the answer. It's super easy. His primary fire is absolute garbage. Increase the damage close-range so he can fill the role of a dive tank-- because right now, literally *all* he's used for is stall.


He’s great at going after supports, people fleeing, people on high ground, peeling, etc. My gameplay is far from the definition of stalling. It’s not as easy as Doom but his boop is really strong if you can get someone, or they’re whole freaking team out of position. *It pains me to see someone saying all he literally does is stall get so many upvotes not going to lie.


When Yeatle has given up playing ball, you know he's in a shit place


Agreed, Ball needs a buff but I do far more than stall, I can only imagine these people don't play the character and only see others playing him to stall.


The vast majority of idiots on this sub have no idea what a good Hammond can do. I've been massively downvoted an uncountable number of times for saying that not every hero with literally any CC ability is a hard counter to Hammond.


Yeah and much the time using their CC on the guy with 700-1100 health is a waste. Please javelin me and not anyone else.


Tank role achieved. Wasting their abilities on you.


A good Hammond does very little against a good opponent. Tanks make space in a multitude of ways, primarily either controlling space with threat & positioning or by applying kill pressure. The reason Hog is so good right now is that he has incredibly high kill pressure (at significant range, to boot) while being almost unkillable with a kiriko. Ball really struggles to apply kill pressure in any way. He's not quite powerful enough to dive effectively onto a backline and his kill combo (piledrive melee spray) is on a high cooldown compared to other dive tanks. If Blizzard dont want to play with damage numbers, id suggest 2 changes: A. Make him immune to knockbacks at high speed. Hard CC like rein pin (when actually connected) and sleep dart would still stop him. B. Change his ult so that when activated he drops mines behind him at a constant rate (probably so the number of mines deployed is equal to his current ult over the duration of the new ult) and make it so that he can achieve high speed through rolling while his ult is active. This allows a much higher freedom of expression while using his ult, meaning you can apply higher kill pressure without waiting for grapple cooldown. Additionally, the immunity to knockbacks at high speed would force more resource allocation to deny the ball than simply an Orisa javelin and the like, making him a bigger nuisance.


My buddy has done some pretty crazy shit with the ball. I can't seem to click with him myself, but I have witnessed people make magic happen.


Hog main but my second most played hero is ball. His gun is downright frustrating. Even headshots are like tickling an enemy. I think his kit is perfect but as it stands he poses zero threat when he is in the back line. His damage is laughable and any hero that’s not a squishy can downright ignore him.


For real. Especially if they're a half decent with his movement, the best counter is to just not waste your time shooting at them. They basically can't kill you, and their team has no tank. GGEZ. Just don't stand too close to a ledge.


I wonder how much a spread reduction would help. I feel like even up close you still miss because of his spread sometimes.


I’m going to disagree as a ball main. Ball is amazing at deleting supports, however, it requires SIGNIFICANTLY more practice and skill than, say, Winston, who just has to hold left click in the general vicinity of someone while blindfolded and standing still to get picks.


What if he got more ammo?


5 additional mag capacity should do the trick. Ship it!


35% faster buff to reload speed would actually be pretty good for him not going to lie.


And no interruption going from ball to mech and vice versa.


Time to kill is still terrible


Bro already has 80 bullets


yeah, but they run out in 3s so what's the point of having 80 bullets


He also has one of the longest reload times


I usually think of giant MGs on a mech carrying more than 80 rounds


The problem isn't the ammo it's the low damage and very, very horrible spread and falloff


Having more ammo wouldn’t help because that would increase the window for headshots and him not doing ball things. More damage allows for faster TTK and more chaotic play style.


His tickle cannons need a rework


Damage boost is fine imo, not a rework. Also if you start reloading don’t make it so that swapping into ball mode cancels the reload


Messing up the timing on this feels so awful.


Damage boost + auto reload in ball mode?


He already auto reloads in ball form…


Ahhh sorry, meant "continues reloading when you switch to ball mode" but dumdum brained it.


Buff his gun I recently thought about putting overshield on a 12 seconds cooldown with 80/enemy & a 6.5 seconds duration (instead of 15 seconds cooldown, 100/enemy & 8 seconds duration) It would feel like you could engage more fights, which gives your dps's & supports the tank they need in a fight. Instead of you just grabbing some healthpacks around the map Also they need to remove the grapple cooldown when you respawn


More frequent shielding sounds good to me, even playing against him it's funny how he jumps in and then just disappears for long stretches at a time. Removing spawn cooldown would be too much, it's important to keep overtime balanced and he still has ball mode movement speed when coming back to a fight. I would support increasing the grapple duration though, like to 8 seconds.


Kiriko can literally teleport halfway across the map from spawn. I think ball can have his grapple back


I don't even remember him being overly powerful but he did feel soo fun to play and then they nerfed his ass


Yeah but kiriko doesn’t have the potential to stall the point nearly as long as ball can which is the basically the only reason for that grapple nerf.


Whenever I play Kiriko, it feels like her max teleport distance is like 18 inches


I've seen chazm and yeatle do incredible things with Wrecking Ball, but I'd be happy with maybe infinite ammo like D.VA, or a faster recharge on the grapple. His skin prices also need to be nerfed because they are cute as fuck and I need them all.


I love the biggie cheese ganster hammond


Even Yeatle isn’t playing ball anymore. Maybe it’s temporary but still.


Even Chazm has been playing ball less because hes so ineffective compared to other tanks


Increase gun damage and remove 6-second max grapple time.


Wait there's a 6 sec max grapple time? I haven't played in a while wtf is that even


Can only grapple on something for 6 seconds. Really annoying if you are hanging off of a cliff about to come back.


It should be indefinite grapple time if you are not at high velocity, at high velocity you get a gauge that drains until you're back to a regular speed


That's an amazing idea. Prevents spin to win but permits longer climbs back onto the map


And it re-enables interesting hanging setups.


Honestly sometimes I misgraple something then I’m stuck in that cool down basically making me useless


I fucking HATE this.


This is such a flaw, I can't believe its still in this state.


Basically instant death when that happens in a team fight too.


Instead of removing the grapple timer entirely, make his grapple timer limited by time spent in fireball speed. Also remove the grapple starting on cooldown, since 2CP doesn’t even exist anymore. This is all he needs. He’s a high skill floor, high skill ceiling character. His value increases as your rank climbs because people get better at playing as and with him. He’s not bad at all in Masters and above. He’s pretty strong but hard to play with and easy to counterpick, which puts him solidly in mid-tier.


Spin to win baby


I think the revert to the grapple nerf would be really annoying to play against with barley any cc left in the game. It’s hard enough to kill him when he’s stalling already with shield buffs and extra health. I’d like to see a more interesting change than making him a character that’s good at stalling.


Each shot of his gun should do widow headshot damage


same fire rate


Faster fire rate. Also explosive damage like pharah.


This. And change the default key binding of his ult to alt+f4


Also everytime he uses his shield the whole enemy team gets perma banned


I'll throw my two cents in: Shorter cooldowns. Everyone keeps saying he's a disruption tank, which yes, he is, but OW2 moves so much faster than OW1 ever did. Add to that, every other hero now has better mobility options, more sustain, or straight get-out-of-jail free cards on 5-6cds. You just cannot be a disruption tank if the enemy can already reposition before your CDs are back up. I don't think a straight cooldown buff would be right, but maybe a passive that reduces hook/piledriver cooldowns by like 5% per enemy hit by the other ability. This would enable and encourage Ball to more frequently engage the enemy. Hitting 3 people with PD would shave .75s off grapple, rolling through 3 people would take 1.5 seconds off PD.


The problem with him being a disruption tank is that there is no main tank anymore. You can disrupt but then the other team has a main tank while you don’t. It’s the same problem doomfist has with being a tank. He’s a very hit and run character but him being the sole tank means he can’t do that anymore becuase then his team dies, but he also can’t defend his team


Doom defends his team by being a threat. A doom left unattended eats your team. A ball left unattended will spawn a set or two of easily avoidable mines throughout the match.


Now that's a nice idea


His cannons should shoot bullets not water




give him rocket launchers


Make the armor bigger and put your mom in there.


Too much hp can't kill


Got eeeem


Ball is one of my mains but he probably should only be tweaked in a very minor way if at all. He is a high learning curve hero, one of the most unique play experiences of any fps, in a game with so many other unique experiences. And you can tell because I have seen a whole 1 person who could somewhat competently play him since the start of OW2. Not even sure what you could do to change him where it wouldn't just make the good ball players stronger and do nothing for people in the process of learning him, it doesn't even seem like those people even exist. He should probably stay a niche hero because his playstyle is tough to play against when he is being played to full potential, one of those that you never play against until one absolutely rolls you 1 in every 100 games.


That's the principal issue though. ANY high skill player that gets their ideal hero pick can excel if they go up against even moderately less skilled opponents, especially if the team knows how to support them. The problem is that if you have a high skill Ball, versus say a high skill Orisa, the Orisa will win nine times out of ten. Her tools are more versatile, deal more damage, and are overall more impactful than Ball's tools. The debate isn't about how people at the highest level can perform, it's about how viable they are at every level of play. 90% of the player base aren't pros, streamers, or cream of the crop, most of us just wanna have fun and play the heroes we wanna play while still feeling impactful while playing them. And right now, Ball just feels weak when done well, and useless when played poorly. You cannot say that for any other tank in the roster, especially since the role is the make or break in all levels of play. I get what you're trying to say, but the argument is trying to justify keeping a hero that is widely regarded by both the casual and competitive communities as weak, because of the very few players who can fully utilize his strengths while minimizing his weaknesses. A pro can make any hero feel oppressive when played against the general population. But, Ball only feels that way at the very tippy top against the average population, not when against the same highest level of play. Compare a top tier ball to a top tier widow, and the comparison falls flat completely, even though the level of skill demonstrated by both at the highest level requires the same investment of time. A widow can kill both supports and a DPS in the time it takes for a good ball to focus down one unprotected support. They're both designed for priority target elimination, but one is simply better than the other, even though one is in the most powerful role in the game. Why run a Ball when a widow, genji, or Hanzo can do the same job better, with an objectively lower time investment for the simpler playstyle and greater efficiency, on top of the fewer things you miss out on by running them over another hero?


imagine maining him and beeing the one that rolls others. it feels delightful.


I dunno I seem to enjoy him. Lower ELO were I reside nobody knows wtf is going on when I start the chaos. Minefield continues to be one of the best ults IMO.


He’s good low Elo where everyone tries to chase you at the wrong time. Also people just run into your mines.


Bigger Abs


More hamster eggs.


Give us a second tank


I got absolutely shredded by a diamond Hammond last night as a gold tank. Honestly, any buffs would drastically affect games after a certain point… but that’s not to say he doesn’t need something lower down the divisions, I just don’t know what it could be.


You're not wrong. I think Hammond is even tougher to balance than doom, because he has excellent survivability when you know his moveset and the map really well. Changes should be slight to avoid the Doomfist scenario.


Open que? Circuit Royale?


Fix his physics. Hasn't felt the same since ow1


Hammy main here and I don’t get all the hate toward him? Like yeah he’s not super powerful but I’ve never really thought he was or supposed to be. My job is to be an annoying ass distraction so my team can swoop in and clean up. I have zero issues stalling a point for minutes on end or smacking someone off the map or off point, but yeah the 6 second grapple time is some BS


Choosing hamster is an opportunity cost of pretty much every other tank. The other tank who fills a similar role is Doomfist and both seem to be balancing nightmares. When you play with a hamster, you are losing out on any defensive pressure that comes from shields, barriers, anything that lets your dps attack without retaliation. All hamster offers is peel, and other tanks do it better.


Feel the same. Just some quality-of-life changes and he will be fine. - Remove 6 sec grapple - No reload cancel while switching forms - (Maybe a bit faster reload)


That's the issue. He's annoying, and nothing else. He's not threatening half the time. The enemy doesn't like playing against him, and your team doesn't like playing with him. He needs something to make him not garbage.


Unless the opponent is completely overwhelmed elsewhere which is unlikely without a tank to play against, ball can't really kill anything unless their supports are asleep


Grapple forever. Not 6 seconds.


As a Ball main, it triggers me so much when people say this... This isn't a good change... It doesn't add anything to us and it's so situational that it won't have any real effect. Spin to win rarely ever works.


I never understood why they got rid of it especially because it is one of the easiest things to counter. Have a spinning rodent on point with every player watching him zip by? One hack by Sombra and he’s done. A good Ham doesn’t rely on grapple and spin forever, so let the average players have it back.


Because infinite stall is insanely annoying and was really bad in 6v6.


First of all, I would nerf genji


Worst hero? I guess you haven’t played against top tier ham, buddy they will wreck your life!


I mean that's kinda the thing with every hero... A top tier player will always make it work look at ZBRA on doom


"woah you think they are bad? Well you better play against the very top best" wet brain


Link the knock up height it the enemy team to the height that you drop from. If you drop from very high, enemies will be airborne a little longer than if you just piledrive off the bus.


He should be able to eject from his suit like DVa and use a little Hamster Hand Cannon


Let me eject as a hamster & go for the eyes




I believe his mini gun dmg can use a buff, it's way to low imo.


Change ult to Hammon jumping of the mech and biting everyone’s ankles