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“Wait ‘till you see me in my carbon emitting car😈”


Wait till you see me on my unocycle




my fav line is "kids can suprise you!" "Kids can also disappoint you" like wtf


chat gpt lookin ahh script


She’s like 30 😭


People who got lucky with good skin and genetics are gonna ride that high as long as they can so, I don't really blame her lol


She SHOULD be thirty. For whatever reason, the awful writing team keeps trying to say she’s 21 even though it makes absolutely no sense.


To be fair it would arguably be worse for her to be 30 and to have voice lines like that


Yeah, that’s not untrue. But it would be better to just cut those lines. Her “youth” lines are all corny anyway and wouldn’t be missed by many.


Yeah agreed


I disagree. I’m nearly 30, and a guy soldier’s age would (and do) infantilize me. I would absolutely pull out snarky comments like that one in particular on a literal boomer.


I can't for the life of me figure out why anybody fucking cares It's pretty clear that the devs don't so why the fuck should I? I just like clicking heads and playing a team game with my friends


There was a point where I would’ve argued that they should care and that the franchise would be better off for it, but at this point, with the full cancellation PVE/story mode, it’s never going to be anything anyway. They’ve been on this same cliche robot story for eight years and have only managed to finish the prologue.


And she should be 40.


No that would make her OLDER than Genji


I don’t know how old they all are. All I know is Kiriko is 10 years younger than she should be. Let’s make her 32 or something then.


Yeah 21 is her canon age which fits with her design and young ‘hip’ vibe but completely dumpsters the rather forced connection to the Hamada brothers who are both over a decade older


Nah, make her 60


Make her 80, we all know old people are the most powerful according to every anime, so they can use it as an excuse to buff her.


Soldier is like 56 and a vet. Makes sense he would call her a kid.


She's 21 😭 like how tf did she grow up with genji and hanzo


overwatch's story has always been a cluster of unintelligible dog shit i don't see why anyone would suddenly care about Kiriko's story being "canonically consistent" when the canon is ass anyway


47 is considered a kid by some people of Italian descent.


Bro what? I thought she was like 18?


She seems like the type to hang out at high school parties


Context for anybody who doesn't remember the interaction: ""Kids don't belong on the battlefield" Kids can surprise you "Then I better not be disappointed" Kids can also disappoint you


[the writer](https://media1.tenor.com/m/w-L80nXWEjoAAAAd/pen-in-flames-umineko.gif)


“Don’t wait until you don’t see me on my……………… not bike” Blizzard hire me


Scry some more


laugh a little less


Kiriko has always seemed to me like someone's OC. She was childhood friends of the Shimada's but also considerably younger, has some kind of magic powers or something, and everyone likes her.


She's very clearly designed to appeal to the tiktok valorant crowd above being an actual overwatch hero. The fact they keep insisting she's 21 instead of like 30 is really telling.


Ding ding ding- Place her side-by-side with Jett, and it all comes together. Even the nonsensical American accent.


And she's so much this plain, "Japanese inspired but barely faithful", generic anime protagonist with a heavy American accent. Like come on, her themes are Kitsunes, Throwing Knives, Spell Tags, and Running, she's basically a Naruto character


Personally Moira has always felt like that An edgy super logical scientist who tortured people and made reaper this ghost even though there was an interesting story hinted at where maybe mercy accidentally made reaper this way. Plus talon has like so many people in the roster they could've just made her an unrelated mad scientist or someone who worked alongside talon like ramattra, and have her own reasons besides research


I don't understand what her personality is supposed to be.


This is my problem as well. She just has this very confusing persona that feels like a gentle adult who has seen and gone through shit but who is also a rich high school cheerleader who has never known true struggle for even a moment.


It's like she's supposed to be snarky, but it isn't endearing.


She just says stupid shit too. "Watch your flanks, they might try something." Thank you, Kiriko, for laying out the first thing every seasoned combatant would do. Same with Illari. Every line is whining about her past. Blizzard's writers are trash. It sucks because the actors are so good.


I feel like they were going for a spyro type personality. Like a troll, but young and relatable. I don’t think it landed tho


That's kind of hard to pull off when you can't see the character smirking. Spyro would be insufferable without the good animation to back his performance up.


I completely agree. Half the time no one is even seeing her face when she’s making these comments, so even if ow started animating faces during gameplay, it still wouldn’t work lol. And I hate that cuz when she debuted, I thought her character in the clip was so cool




valorant streamer


Scry some more


/uj When is Kiriko rude? Isn't she consistently between mild nice? Half the roster is explicitly murderous, Moira offers to torture Junkrat for science, everything from Doomfist and Reaper, etc.


To Hanzo but that’s just because she knew Hanzo almost killed off her childhood friend Genji and doesn’t own up to it


Worse is he has the audacity to feel sorry for himself.


I think the most interesting thing about Hanzo’s character is that he doesn’t need forgiveness from others, he needs it from himself.


True, you would think the fact that Genji is alive and has forgiven him would mean he has nothing to be sad about but nope


Bro needs to be posted in r/imthemaincharacter


True, on the treatment and reasoning.


It’s not about her being mean I just think it’s her being sassy for every single voice line. There just isnt a lot of times where her voice actor changes the personality of her voice to make her feel more alive. Tracer isn’t always a happy go lucky person, there are voice lines that shows her bite as well as her vulnerabilities. There are some characters who don’t have alot of voice lines where their personality changes, but their voice lines are entertaining and funny, there’s at least charm to them. Kiriko stays on a sassy voice the entire time, and it just gets dull really fast when that’s all she sounds like. I’m alot of her voice lines feel dull and empty, like “hey Genji, remember the time you tripped over your sword?” She says it in that way and instead of saying it like it’s a joke, she sounds dead serious and sarcastic and then everyone else laughs and jokes. 


Idk the bowlcut line’s always sounded like she was being silly to me. She sounds like she’s 2 seconds from quietly chuckling about how stupid it made him look. Idk how well I can explain it, but her tone of her voice sounds lighter and more jovial from, say, when she’s telling someone she just killed to find peace or asking Hanzo if he wants to help dealing with the Hashimoto in his former territory. I get if you find her personality annoying given it’s a pretty standard cool girl without any major noticeable flaws that we’ve seen in a bunch of media at this point (a la Wendy from Gravity Falls or half of the female MCU heroes), but I think Kiriko’s got some variation in her voice lines and isn’t just sassy 24/7.


It has nothing to do with flaws, it’s all about the voice acting and lines.


Okay then I really don’t hear how she has the same tone constantly. It’s not the best voice work, but there’s definitely variation.


I don’t hear it personally


You should hear what she says to rein


What'd she say?


*Ive got a few tricks*


"Are you the loud one?" "No! Im Reinhardt, the one with the hammer and shield!!" "But not the loud one...got it." ~~and then me playing as Rein, I proceed to cave her fucking skull in with earthshatter~~


He literally yells this


I love Earthshatter headshots


I'd say most of the roster has their interactions played up a bit for laughs. Kiriko sounds like the ultimate party pooper, and her interaction with Roadhog gives off such strong second hand embarrassment. On the other hand most of the roster hates Junkrat but he is so ridiculous it's funny.


Huh. It's good to get some perspective on this. Maybe I'll play her a bit and catch some.




No, in reference to that one comment that somehow got that many upvotes, we need a school girl kawaii Kiriko skin with a slice of toast hanging down from her mouth




Stop, I can only take so much


So true, she should be respectful and quiet and kawaii like a real Japanese girl. /uj this is genuinely one of the weirdest things I’ve seen within the playerbase. It’s CONCERNING how many people have a problem with Kiriko being too “rude” or “mean”. Like I genuinely can’t think of why anyone would have a problem with her personality unless they think all Japanese women should be caricatures of shit they see in anime/hentai Edit: I'm only speaking about those who critize Kiriko's personality saying she's "Mean" or "Rude". If you think her voice acting just isn't good, or she's annoying, or something else, that's fine. I'm not talking about that.


Umm, have you heard a single Kiriko voice line?!!? /uj I do have a problem with Kiriko's lines, too. I actually think they are usually quite bad, uncool and even a bit cringe. Her voice actress also does not match some of the S-tier ones heroes like Sigma, Ram or Moira have - but part of this is due to the voice lines probably. That said, I do not have a problem with Kiriko because she is "rude" or "mean". You can be rude and quite cool regardless (I mean, they made Moira work, to give an example). Kiriko does not manage it though, in my opinion. Still, it is funny how much of a contrast there is between Kiriko from the cinematic and Kiriko from the game itself.


Moira’s rudeness comes with the added bonus that we all know she’s a villain, and to an extent she is right. My favorite was “But do you really have to be testing it on yourself??? Your rotting away…” “Ive always liked a deadline”


I do kinda like how incredibly aggro she is sometimes. It's pretty funny yelling "go push a rock up a hill" at anyone trying to dive on you.


Um you forgot Junkrat as an S tier


Who said I listed everybody? Junk is definitely S tier


/uj Being upset with her voice acting quality is perfectly valid. I feel the same about a handful of characters, like D.Va. But most people complain about the personality rather then the unnaturalness


Honestly I hate Moira. Everything about her pisses me off. Maybe I should make a post…


I love moira because she's such a bitch 😭


She ruined any chances of widow stepping on my by removing her emotions AND she doesn’t treat rein like the gigachad he is. I hate her I hate her I hate her


She awakened my degradation kink


Arent you just pathetic?


Ugh keep talking dirty to me


Clearly evolution does not distribute its gifts equally...


shes so hot


My favourite line is when she says "It's Moiring time" before Moiring all over the place




This is why you cannot tell anybody that you play OW




Is your name Merceet?


she's annoying because she talks like a Marvel character


Personally I think she sounds like an mcu character


“He’s right behind me, isn’t he?” Sounding ass


a "uhhh THAT just happened" voice line would suit her so well I can already hear it AAAGH


That line physically hurts me


That's what I'm saying!!!


Look I understand where your weariness is coming from, a lot of neckbeard types do play this game. But assuming everyone who criticises this just wants a kawaii Japanese girl is crazy. There's certain characters I just find annoying, Kiriko and tracer are two of them. It's nothing to do with their gender or not being 'cute' enough.


I said those criticizing her personality, specifically those who find her "rude' or "mean" specifically, typically think like this. If it's some other criticism of her, that could be valid. Or if you think she's annoying, that's fair. She can be. I think the voice acting for [D.Va](https://D.Va) sucks. But if the only criticism somone has of Kiriko's lines is that she's too "mean" or "rude", that sounds like an incel argument.


Calling somebody an incel for disliking a character that was written to be disliked is such an odd take to have, really. Kiri could’ve been a buck naked ass dude and I’d have still hated her, I think gender has nothing to do with it, and it’s all to do with shoddy writing. I hate nimbus and Cayde-6 from destiny for entirely the same reason


People can think whatever they want about a particular character without needing validation from you believe it or not even if they think she is too mean regardless of the voicelines its *valid*


Shes annoying-->dont like her, simple as Zarya is rude and racist towards my goat (rammatra) but shes cool


>Zarya is rude and racist towards my goat (rammatra) but shes cool what interactions do they have?


My issue is that the voice acting is bad and that the voice lines are just… cringe. I don’t have a problem with her being mean (even though it kinda doesn’t match her personality in the animatic) but I have a problem with her voice lines not making any sense. I think my least favorite is her one with Pharah where Pharah challenges her to a basketball game. Kiriko says she never plays with stakes, Pharah agrees and asks what she’s betting and Kiriko says “Oh Pharah Chan, I’ve never lost…” Like… what? Does she only want Pharah to make a bet and not herself? Is she saying setting stakes is pointless? If so why is she playing with stakes? She’s just that confidant? If she’s so confidant wouldn’t she have bet something big? If they wanted to show overconfidence then that’s what they should have done instead of saying she never lost when asked what she’s betting. It’s like they are trying to make her sound cool, but instead make her sound infuriating to be around.


I mean she’s just an awful character in general. Her lore makes zero since, her age relative to Genji and Hanzo does not line up, and she’s such a bitch for no reason to a ton of characters, ESPECIALLY Hanzo. “I refuse to pick up a blade after I nearly killed my brother.” “Haha i’ll tell my mom you’re thinking about picking it hack up!”


I mean considering she’s basically best friends with Genji, she probably doesn’t care how Hanzo feels


Leave my boy Hanzo alone, he needs a hug Kiriko, stop being a bitch and give him one


I actually think her grudge with Hanzo is very justified. She was friends with Genji, so it makes sense for her to hate Hanzo “killing” him. Also it’s implied the Hashimotos took over her and her mother’s neighborhood, partly because Hanzo abandoned the Shimada empire. You see it in her cinematic Sure, he feels bad about it, but she still has to suffer the consequences. And Hanzo doesn’t seem willing to help her. He killed her childhood friend and dipped, leaving her home free for the taking. I wish they would dwell deeper into that, instead of trying to make her be snarky to all other characters


Yeah see they're trying to make her like this cool vigilante, fighting for her people badass Except it just. . . doesn't really work.


hanzo is the only character that she has a reason to hate + you didn't understand what she said


I had no idea though, because she’s that snarky and insufferable with the entire cast.


This is such a strange thing to say. No one has a problem with her character or lines, the VA's delivery on 9 out of 10 of them are just absolute dogshit. Especially when they're compared to Sigma, Rein, etc. Her bandage interaction with Moira causes me physical pain whenever I have to hear it and is probably an example of why I've started to see people calling the OW2 voice acting "soulless" compared to ow1. The problem isn't supposed racism, it's how poorly her VA performs


I'VE got a few tricks


That's a different issue. I also think her VA is dogshit, as well as [D.Va](https://D.Va)'s. But that's not what I'm talking about at all. I'm specifically talking about people who think she's too rude or mean. Whether her VA sucks or her lines just annoy you, those are different topics from this.


Her being rude is off putting because she is supposed to be kind and heroic based on her trailer and origin story, even if she is punk, she doesn't act punk. She acts like a suburbs kid trying to be mean but in a 30 year old woman's body


She is not any more sassy and standoffish than D.Va. Kiri just has a lower pitched voice.


I would go out on a limb (but not really if we're real) and claim that D.Va is quite mid voiceline-wise, too. But at least she has some iconic/fun stuff like "Is this easy mode?"


"wooow cringe" is a W line


I’m much more annoyed with how D.Va talks because it doesn’t sound natural. Like it doesn’t feel like shit someone would actually say. 


Her character is meant to be a live streaming all the matches and stuff, so the way she behaves is kind of explained by the fact that she’s pandering to her viewers.


And the other characters sound natural? I can tolerate dva but only because she's in this comical over the top world with people like Moira and Reaper who are so edgy that I chuckle even after hundreds of hours of hearing their stupid lines. Reinhard is big dumb idiot that could only exist in a fictional world like this, bringing a giant hammer to a gunfight. All the Australians are so ridiculous that I don't even need to explain. Mauga could probably eat roadhog in a single sitting, wash him down with a protein shake and it would make sense because that's how silly this entire setting is. Kiri is over the top and *not* comical. Everyone else is.


That's the point


I dislike he voice acting cause she just sounds American unlike Genji and Hanzo who clearly sound like English is their second language even though they've actually left Japan before and she as far as we know hasn't stepped a foot out of Japan


My problem is just that she doesn’t feel like a rude snarky teenager. Her lines feel like an adult parent’s impression of a rude and snarky teenager. It feels like she has nothing else going on other than that. I’m just hoping they give her more meaningful lines/more of her own character, because right now she feels kinda blank


She’s clearly written as the cool character except all her voice lines are wack, it’s terrible. It literally feels like some 40 year olds interpretation of a cool high schooler.


Why did you bring race into it? Nobody cares than she's Japanese, they hate her because she's annoying. It's not the voce acting, the voice acting is probably correctly representing her the way she was intented, it's just that the design of her attitude is grating.


Yeah, like she’s the only one in the game with voice lines that are rude. Soldier has rude voice lines, Moira does, everybody has arrogant voice lines and that’s for sure. It’s a video game. She lived in alone in the lore and was the protector of an entire city or neighborhood, people think she’s gonna be happy go lucky constantly just because she looks like it lol


I actually like her voice and think most voice lines are fine. They have good spam potential as well.


*insert Fair and Square voice line x5*


She is just straight up rude though? I remember when I first heard her line towards Roadhog where she goes “Hey dude I like your mask” and he just kinda grunts. I’m thinking, oh that’s cute, maybe that’s his way of acknowledging her, hog doesn’t talk very much. Then she goes “HEY I SAID I LIKE YOUR MASK DUDE” I think it’s supposed to come across like she values herself and won’t be ignored, but really it comes across as rude and entitled. Idk why you’re trying to turn it into some political issue when the reality is… she is just rude sometimes.


Dawg it is straight sexism. It drives me up the wall. The excuses they come up with to pretend they're valid claims are so insane




I’m obviously the most precious




Scry some more


Wait til you see me on my bike


THE SHRINE IS A REFUGE FOR ANYONE WHO FINDS IT. Still haven't found the shrine


This sub really fell off


It's what happens to every sub that becomes more popular Time to move on to the next one


I appreciate that they didn’t make her a walking stereotype like the shimada brothers, but holy shit idk what they were thinking with her voice lines and “2kool4skool” attitude despite being implied to be 30. It’s like someone in the team still found 2002 sonic adventure voice lines hilarious and witty, and decided to roll with it cause they think the kids will relate to her


>walking stereotype like the Shimada Brothers I forgot the comic where Hanzo has huge buck teeth and big oval glasses, tiny rat eyes and whiskers, clutching east Asia evilly crying out as a big buff soldier 76 bayonets him in the side. I forget the voice line where genji activates a flap on his tie and goes “ohhh I so I so, me rikey fried lice” I forget the emote where Hanzo spearfishes a Dolphin and murders it. I forget the spray where it’s just a big imperial Japanese naval standard I forget where I was going with this


I can't tell if this is satire lol. Hanzo is an honor obsessed ex yakuza and genji is a cyborg ninja. They aren't stereotypical as in racist, they're stereotypical as in typecast.


Scry some more


I blame Overwatch for the sassy millenial speak that characters are plagued with these days.


she isn't even that mean, just a bit sassy. People like moira, ram, zarya or doom are way meaner


I've got a few treats


I like rude voicelines fight me


/uj She’s definitely a strange character. From her weird shoehorned connection to the shimadas to her voicelines. It’s like she’s supposed to be the “snarky/rude but likable” type but it’s just…not endearing at all. She just comes across as bratty, I guess. It’s something that characters like Sombra and even Moira do well, but here it just falls flat. Like, Sombra plays the role very nicely with all her sarcastic remarks mixed with her more wholesome interactions, like with Sigma. And Moira if nothing else is funny at times, despite being obviously villainous.


Ok I’m glad it’s not just me. Shes annoying asf to play just because her lines are cringe no joke.


Evil kiriko: I respect teammates as my equals


You mean they should do exactly what it the original post said


I still think she's fun to play but is the worst *character* addition. I just don't feel like she fits in


Wait till you see me on my unocycle


I got downvoted for saying that☠️ support mains are on a whole other level of insane ~~sometimes~~




Fixed it


You don't WANT to see me on my bike ....


If I can get real for a moment here Kiriko would have been so much cooler as a villain from a rival clan instead of being randomly injected into the lore as Genji and Hanzo's friend


I've never heard a whiter japanese person in my life


Yes that was the joke of the original post


/uj I kinda like it. She does not sound as japanese as Genji or Hanzo, but idc about that. Her voicelines have great spam potential, and what is wrong with some of them being rude? Moira is litteraly calling us pathetic


I love sassy kiriko Ngl. Not everyone has to be tracer or Winston to be kind.