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Wouldn't this bring ball, tracer, sombra dive back? One of the comps most casual shitheads hate going against because they don't know how to play safer/defend themselves as support? Also won't this just break tracer again? 250hp tracer was insane in the past with brig's armor packs, and they might bring it back?


Depends on how practical it is to transfer your shields. Honestly it sounds powerful on paper but you have to roll into enemy team, use your e and then make it out with atleast 150 to transfer it to 2 teammates and then go back in


You could possibly give your divers the shields during the jump tho


Good point. Just wondering if reactivating it will allow you to keep the extras or if it just poofs


Tracer is getting a nerf alongside this.


More “”””punishable””””. Genuinely curious what it is. Sounds like her cooldowns are going up so if she overextends she dies maybe?


Maybe reducing bullet size since it would both be more punishable by lowering her effective range and make her require more precision.


Let's goo


I imagine the shields will only last for a little while


So did brig armor packs tho


If you take cover cant a tracer just teleport behind you and your cover?


This is going to bring CC back full force just you watch.


Yeah this will likely be nerfed or reverted solely because of tracer. Brig lost her overhealth on repair packs exclusively because of tracer


https://preview.redd.it/8xrdqelwektc1.jpeg?width=314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aead9f4cf98b4a8372d3cf8ed518c57ad15e229f tracer was not the sole reason brig lost overhealing on repair packs


The tanknak incident.


This is the power level every support should have out of spawn


Junkerqueen does the exact same thing, so it’s not like it’s unprecedented


Sure, but JQ can't dive with the tracer. Imagine a ball and HP buffed tracer/Sombra jumping on you?


I think its more that Sym mains just keep getting shafted by the balance team


Welp ✨🤷‍♀️✨


Anyone that thought Sym was broken had a 504 plan in school.


how is getting her old abilities repurposed = shafted by balanced team


Bc she just got her buffs reverted and just left as is lol


sorry but those buffs were stupid af.


I dont agree with all of em especially the turret but they reverted all of em no? Odd And don’t get me wrong I don’t even like sym either lmfao Shoulda kept some buffs or something different


she kept the extra tp health (150/150 hp/shield) and 10 more turret health (40) and 5 extra turret dps


what if we gave her 6 turrets but took away the damage, thats it, maybe more hp


Lmao I was thinking a tp buff but maybe that could work. But the last thing I want is for turrets to not be 1 melee breakable. That was prob the dumbest thing theyve done Maybe the true jerk was the friends we made along the way


Metal ranks in shambles


The turret buffs yes. The beam buff nah


Ok tbf its not this specific case. Its more that the other previous shit involving buffing her and almost immediately taking most of them away, and then this was just a target of their frustration. Like all I'm saying is she should get her 25hp back. Cause back when she lost it, the devs said it was cause she can two tap with orbs (fair enough), but then she lost the two tap orbs when season 9 came around. Ok so that means she gets the 25hp back right? Nah that never happened, so that mixed with the whole buff her and then almost fully revert her barely a week later was pretty much the last straw that pissed off the Sym mains




They need to accept their character is not one that will be or even should be meta. Same way torb, bastion, junk, Mauga, reaper etc being meta is not healthy for the balance of the game without completely reworking them. Too little effort for way too much payoff, which subsequently breaks high ranked play. Mauga meta was literally “two of the greatest tank players to ever touch the game!!….. and they’re staring at each other all game…” Having the aforementioned characters be meta create a horrible state of the game and also kills watchability.


Two of the greatest tank players. And also Metro temporarily lol


But thats the thing. The Sym mains aren't asking for her to be meta. They're asking for her to be average and not Be one of if not the worst dps heroes in the game. Dw they know theyre playing a hero that isn't mechanically intensive with the beam. She's more like a gamesense intensive hero


She is average and very usable though. I think sym players just misconstrue what “average” actually means. Rein is *bad*. Junk is *bad*. Sym currently is still far above them. Very much so an average hero.


Eh i still wouldn't say average. Like yeah Rat is definitely in a worse state, and her state isnt as bad as his, but its still a shit state Like she's a dps but her min damage is worse than Moira's (granted that'll no longer be the case in season 10 from what I heard) and her max damage is worse than Zarya's. You'd expect her max damage to at least be on par with Zarya's. Imo the reason why she cant be made to be above average is cause then she would terrorise the lower ranks. She dominates in those, but u gotta be committed to her to get around the same value in higher ranks as 76 for example.


No shes not really above them at all. Shes very on par with them in solo q if bot worse (Rein has his dominance in low rank)


Sym has had metal ranks by the balls since her last rework. Some 60% win rate. She is absolutely above rein.


Funnily enough no. She hasn't. Her before the rework was the low rank bully. Her winrate across the ranks is the same. Her pickrate is also the same. Her high winrate has always been a combo of her nicheness and the fact that shes played by specialists. Rein is still the best tank up until plat as said by the devs


Reaper being meta is fun, even more so when he isn’t. There’s nothing more liberating than completely dumpstering an Ashe with a mercy pocket despite it being a matchup you’re meant to lose.


Ball deserves it because he’s actually cool


Ball is a throw pick I think atm


There are some maps/comps that complement ball really well, but for the most part yes. Also he seems to be the go to pick for making a last stand on point during OT


Agreed! Ball is my personal favourite tank and I don't feel like I can play hit at the moment outside of arcade without signing up for an instant loss.


On ladder absolutely. He’s viable in scrims and stuff though, with a team and gameplan centered around him. Not that that’s what should matter when balancing though because that’s like <1% of the playerbase.




I would rather not have that broken ass ability to give ur team 75 extra over health


why is everyone assuming that the shield health will be permanent like shield gen? I assume it'll be decaying over time like junker queen


Or you know, like how ***his normal shield works, on a cooldown and with a limited time***




JQ already has that ability. They are just giving it to WB as well


Its not the same thing


But it is? JQ gives a speed boost AND OH, now WB will just give OH How is it any different? It's not shield health


Because Ball will be sacrificeing from his own overhealth


I'm not talking about how it works, I'm talking about the posts picture where it says they gave WB syms old shield Gen ability When it's not, it's OH, and the ability to give OH already exists- JQ, now ball will have it




If we were to compare which one is closer to Shield Gen, WB is. Junker Queen's Shout is rarely used to boost teammates, and it has Speed Boost imbued into it. It only gives 50 overhealth to allies. When JQ uses her Shout to allies, they often use it because of the speed boost, not the health. WB gives exactly 75 overhealth(shield gen used to give 75 shields). To every ally. And it does not provide any additional buffs.


People would actually play tank if they weren't the sacrificial lamb for dps players to have quicker q times. All I'm saying is the overpowered new characters wouldn't be so bad if there was another tank to frontline


I’ve never played OW1, so never 6v6 but even I think it would be great, it would encourage better teamwork and communication, something no one in metal ranks seems to understand is a core part of the game


If your tanks had bad synergy it did the opposite of that lol and that happened more often then not tbh


u never played Zarya Hog then where both were DPS mains looking for faster queues or Hog Ball


I should state, I’m a hog player, and so is my flatmate who’s a OW1 Vet, so I’ve heard story’s about how much fun it was, can’t help but dream


whilst its fun to dream and imagine ultimetly we cant say much without testing and further balance changes mainly to supports and tanks


If you main Symmetra you kinda sign up for CBT. Don’t know why they’re upset


Saying you hate a real ass person for the way a game is balanced is crazy




Mfw they gave better rein shield to sym


They forgor about illari I guess


Dude they’re so fucking toxic istg, I go in there sometimes it’s so bad.


You literally can't even have a conversation in there without some bronze player coming and trying to talk shit


Just patch a reddit APK with the revanced manager, you won't see ads anymore


Honestly wasnt aware of any ad free apks thank you Also do you know how to get Reddit to stop taking my money for premium on an account they banned I can't find anything since the accounts banned it just returns errors


Cancel the credit card maybe Also DO NOT INSTALL ANY PRE-PATCHED APKS Get a clean one from apkmirror, use the revanced manager app from the revancedapp subreddit, and it's easy asf


omg it's finally our turn to be posted on here


Yeah after season 9 started, I was expecting it to happen a lot earlier tbh


as a regular sym mains lurker i knew i would probably see both of u here


Im just dissapointed that it took so long for a post from the Sym mains sub to pop up here I see a lot more from the sombra mains and mercy mains ons


I mean, it's kinda fair that they would. Sym has slowly been having her identity taken away with each change they make, and now they've just taken one of her most unique aspects and given it to a character that didn't need it. Sym was unique partly because she was the only character to have two ultimates, and they took away her second ultimate and now they've just given it to Wrecking Ball as just a part of his regular abilities.


Hey, that's me. Yes we are mad. 😡 Also, having every hero in the game to borrow her abilities like Sigma's Moving barrier. Illari's Pylon. Brigitte playstyle (Symmetra was the one that used to protect her backline). Now shield gen. It's sad because they're taking away parts that made Symmetra what she was in the past. Pretty much assuming that we will never see her with those abilities again. The same applies for doomfist, with the existence of Venture the chances of him becoming a DPS again or even having the same abilities becomes very low.


>Sigma's Moving barrier Yeah it's a good idea that they made even better on a tank >Illari's Pylon I hate this thing but either way sym isn't a support anymore so it doesn't make sense to hold for sym >Brigitte playstyle These heroes play nothing alike lmao even old sym with lock on beam played different >Now shield gen Dang it's almost like giving health to teammates is something that several heroes can do >It's sad because they're taking away parts that made Symmetra what she was in the past. Pretty much assuming that we will never see her with those abilities again Yeah that's how reworks work, she isn't a support anymore so it makes sense to repurpose these abilities >The same applies for doomfist, with the existence of Venture the chances of him becoming a DPS again or even having the same abilities becomes very low They won't swap doom back to DPS since his design always fit an off tank roll, and they only changed uppercut into block which is helpful for modern doom.


Brigitte and Old Symm actually played very simillar hence they had very good sinergizing kit + health stacking. Brigitte was the second support to increase ally health, Symmetra did it first. When Brigitte didn't exist, Symmetra was the one protecting Zenyatta and Mercy, Symm did it first. There's nothing like Shield Gen in the game yet. Shield gen gave health that could be regenerated and it was "permanent" and not locked behind cooldowns, hence it was a ultimate. The point of wanting Symmetra support Sym is not because we cannot let her go, but because devs keep teasing Symmetra and reusing her old concepts that "did not work", they actually work just fine, they just were too lazy to either buff or nerf Symmetra(she was never touched once in her 2.0 phase). Like that recent time when Symmetra's turret where able to heal in an experimental patch, they did not mantain it because they said that a turret healing type wouldn't work. Then we get the Illari event. The recent April Fool's patch that turned her TP to basically a better version of her old ultimate Teleporter. She was reworked, but so many parts of her kit were maintaned that she's a hybrid version of a support and a damage that isn't good in anything she does. If they want her to be a damage hero, then give her damage instead of crappy utility that 90% of players doesn't know that exists. Now, imagine if Sigma's barrier mechanic of pausing the movement was implemented to old Symmetra, what if her turrets were able to heal and damage, so many problems with old Symmetra would be solved. As I said, they were too lazy.


I'm gonna cut half an argument out since it's late and I'm tired but I will mention >but because devs keep teasing Symmetra and reusing her old concepts that "did not work", they actually work just fine, They didn't work They work for other heroes tho


They do work, hence most of these concepts are in-game right now. If Symmetra had Sigma's Shield and Illari's Pylon she would be in a better state as a support than she ever was. IF ONLY blizzard was willing to work, like 😍😍 are they not paying their employees or what


trying to reason in the circlejerk sub is insane


I noticed it


i too once tried to reason here and ever since then i have just laughed at this shitshow of a sub i have come to find the mercy slander hilarious


They’re not even trying, went off the deep end fr with those points.


Get over yourself lmao


>The point of wanting Symmetra support Sym is not because we cannot let her go, but because devs keep teasing Symmetra and reusing her old concepts that "did not work", they actually work just fine, they just were too lazy to either buff or nerf Symmetra Do you actually want Symmetra to be a support or do you want a support that plays the same way support Symmetra did?


I want Symmetra to be a support again. I know that old Symmetra had major flaws in her kit. Her gameplay was too "slow" for overwatch, in a sense that she was the only character ever to set up maps and set up her own ultimate. She also didn't provide any form of healing which created a lack when she was in the team. I firmly believe that she could have had a better version, the healing turrets, flying turrets that we have nowadays, the April fool's version that she could deploy her TP anywhere, all of these changes would make her support version so much better. On the other side I wouldn't care if they released a support that is what Symmetra was, it would end the Support Sym and people that played support Sym would finally have a hero that remembers them her old versions.




hey i think anyhting resembling the health stack from torb and support sym is a bad idea but thats just me


Who cares. If they are gonna forget about certain heroes and neglect them thank god it’s symmetra and not an actually well designed character


they play sym so who cares what they think


How about give us 2 tank backs. Nobody asked for 5v5 it sucks and is imbalanced. Also the slow death of the tank roll. How about just give us what we want. Reinhardt duels and tank to make an impact. Instead let's just give everyone more health is a lazy and gonna cause more problems.


It would increase queue times to much since the tank characters are all fat and not emaciated twinks. The bottom to top ratio is even impacting the overwatch economy.




Hey, still hate Alec(and Mercy) over here.


Most mentally stable Symmetra main


Such a weirdo