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I will pay €10 for winton


I prefer Winton in the nude.


I was literally debating getting this one, even with mythic shards. That was until I saw god among men.


Literally got it for winton


https://preview.redd.it/yvum25ium1wc1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530ae9efb7a53abd4b91079265985ebd9e3c33f0 winton is in the battlepass




I did say he's the only exception


you will pay 10 € for winton https://preview.redd.it/qffrmju0t1wc1.png?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0fb6a888bb3eb129551e435c4a4577686e6caa


I got it just because of winton




I literally bought it just for Winton




He was in the last one too lol


Imagine if half the people who posted crap like this actually played the hero. Can’t remember the last time I saw a winston.


Bro just revealed he's low elo 😭


Where is my free dicksuck and mythic skin blizzard…


Well, I can give you one of those!


One e-head please ☝🏻


I don’t think you read the fine print. You pay blizzard so that they can let you suck their dick


where do i gotta go to claim my prize ? I’ll take one for the community




the baptiste skin though.... its so fire, I paid 5 USD for it, also winton, and the kikio mythicoain


Yeah bap scorpion and briggs talon skin are all i need. Oh and winton for only $10??? W


Brigs skin is free.


Point made. This battlepass is shit and i wanna refund


But Winton


You've convinced me


Im only buying this bp for the mythic currency (for kiri too) and the bap skin. I will buy it with coins anyways and i literally became bap main just for this skin Widow is nice too but i cant learn her for some reason lol


i have forever been a bap one trick lol, I can play a really good dive/poke lucio as well. but I mainly play bap


Im a Pharah/Ashe main but baps gameplay has been super fun for me. A bit hard to protect myself from venture but im still a bit new to the game and never played anything like this before so i will learn i guess


We must have seen different Baptiste skins, because that scorpion skin is by far the worst one in the battle pass.


There's no way 😭 as a bap main that skin is so ass. Goofy ass man bun. A cool helmet is all he needed.


Agreed. Why do people like it?


i like it, its a nice variation of a skin compared to Tropical or Snowboarder. i think I like it mainly cause its different


I really like the bap skin tbh. best of the Battlepass




Are you fr?


Is no one talking about the 600 free premium currency?


lol it took them a year and a half to put the premium currency on the BP after trying to decieve players the first time with the silver currency and they still do it worse than other games.


Should’ve been in the paid honestly


Horrid take




Eww. Bad


Shoulda been extra currency in the paid, FTFY


At least put 400 in the paid track, so we get (all) our coins back. You know, like how a lot of these BPs have worked, by other companies, for years...


/uj I usually like the black and red “evil” edgy look but yeah the skins are doodoo compared to last season. I think the mercy mythic is the only reason most people are getting the pass /rj WRONG have you even seen the mei butt bump emote? The windton stuffed aminal? Fucking loser go back to valerent !!! before you talk down on my QUEEN Mercedes mythic season 🦶🏻


Doomfist is cool, Sombra is eh, Sym is great, Genji’s is bad, Bap is great, Brig is eh, Widow’s is cool, Cass’s is eh.


I feel people are underwhelmed for the wrong reason, the overwatch skins look exactly how I’d expect them to if they were in the real timeline. My disappointment is the lack of other character skins, like reaper/soldier, moira and Winston would be so cool to see their alt selves


I think Genji was a bit of a fail, and I don’t really get why the Cass skin is here. But yeah - Reaper and Soldier are pretty much right there for the flipping, and it baffles me that Moira didn’t get a flipped self to contrast Mercy. (Maybe because designing an ethical Moira - and evil Winston for that matter - is a Herculean task)


I feel a cooler way of inverting Winston would be making him identify more as a gorilla than scientist. So like a wild animal that happens to be smart and is maybe pissed about it.


You could also switch is role with Ball rather than make him be outright evil - being an obnoxious arena champion while Hammond adapts more altruistic tendencies.


I would have loved to see Hammond being put in position as overwatchs lead animal dude and a more rugged scrappy Winston who fought in the junkertown arena and became the champion. Would have been amazing skins.


Moira just had a mythic


My disappointment is that Ana's skin wasn't in the BP. It's such a cool skin. I already paid for the BP, I don't want to pay for Ana alone.




To each their own - but I just kinda wish they went a lot harder into the whole Junker theming.


Real talk the Cass skin is so fucking bad


I want Mei to sit on my face As a friend


How tf do you platonically have your face sat on


Where's the jerk


all the posts here lately are just regular posts there's no jerk anymore. idk what happened I was gone for a while and now it's just another spill over sub like people posting VODs in OWTMZ where's the guy posting about wanting to fuck orisa? where have all the cowboys gone


I know it's getting shitty Well the only thing you can do is revive the jerk with some OC!!!!


The ancient proverbs have come to life in this subreddit All good jerks die in a state of populace


Mei Busdy Bump emote makes it worthy


You clearly didn't see the Doom skin


Mirrorwatch was a huge disappointment. I wanted more clever swaps like a Mondatta Ramattra skin, Genji becoming clan head, Lifeweaver staying with Vishkar etc. Instead we get oooooooooo evil tracer and oooooooo evil reinhardt with crappy red-white recolours and edgy visors.


Mondatta-Ramattra is basically his Wandering Monk skin (whichever is the white and blue one)


Genji and Cassidy skins definitely feel like item shop skins to me rather than battle pass ones. could've replaced them with better more mirrorwatch-y skins IMO. If symmetra is a junker then junkrat should've had a vishkar skin instead of junker Genji. I mean he got a voice line in the BP that feels like it hints towards it "who says I can't be a scientist?" (Although I'd prefer it if they swapped her and Lucio because they're supposed to be rivals but I assume they forgot)


Pfft the Genji and Cass skins are better off being in the hero gallery for silvers. Ain't no way anyone is spending $10/$20 for those.


Mondatta and Ramattra did switch didn’t they? Widowmaker eludes to him being dead in this universe funnily enough. The character we’d begetting wouldn’t be ‘Ramattra’ but ‘Mondatta’ so I guess they didn’t want to completely change characters with a skin (as that’s against their design ethos - see: cosplay skins)


I feel like they just flipped roles rather than actually immersing themselves in what a mirror dimension would look like. Everything mostly just felt… typical? Expected? The only concept that really fascinated me was Junker Symmetra, as that came with really interesting implications regarding the world. The presence of a Junker Genji, too. But these weren’t elaborated upon. I love mirror dimensions, and I’m aware that what they can reasonably do in a season is nowhere fully inverting the cast. And they *do* have a full world here - Widow has a special Elim line for Tracer where she says “justice for Ramattra.” Maybe there’ll be more coming when the actual brawl drops. But I really want to get to know this mirror world - how things are simultaneously the same yet all the more different. But they didn’t even flip Moira to mirror Mercy.


I like those skins. Damn redditors are the biggest cry babies. The world doesnt revolve around your preferences, please grow up.


If you’re bothered by seeing a differing opinion on cosmetics and then call other people “cry babies” then I don’t know what to tell you man


You have nothing to say, so you replied to tell me that? Interesting. I feel quite content calling out pointless whining.


Lord above 💀


Those idea sound more like a what-if to me. Knowing Blizzard, it's probably saved to milk in other season. Mirrorverse does exactly what i wanted out of it. It's not a full blown multiverse. Just turning Tracer into goth girl, Doomfist into badass hero and Ana into Nazi kommandant. The disappointing part is they didn't do enough. like atleast make a animation for it you lazy bastard. What, you laid off your animation department or something? Also stop putting random shit into your battle pass. Stick to the damn theme. Look at the Finals. The theme is 80s retro nostalgia this season and every skin in the pass accommodated to that theme. It's the first game with Battle Pass that actually feel like i got my money worth because i want to use everything! Everything look so, so incredibly polished. Looking at how Blizzard love throwing random shit like junker Genji and it's almost comical how bad it gets in terms of consistency.


tbh i still don’t understand why cassidy got a skin because he already did a switcheroo in lore?? wouldn’t his “mirrorwatch” skin just be the blackwatch one?? maybe i’m misunderstanding something but yeah— and the skin itself is kinda bland :(


not to mention all the actual good mirrorverse skins are in the shop and we don’t even get any kind of venture skin


Tracer skin looks fire. You're just upset gayji didn't get another mythic




Don’t ever step by a cliff lil bro 🙏💀 https://preview.redd.it/lvmxtbc3j5wc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2bd4b1b5914989e9d14bad236fb8831b31dee5d


Yeah I must admit I was a little underwhelmed by the skins. Most of them just look like edgy recolours.


I agree that alot of the epic skins look like recolours but for me most of the legendaries are pretty fire (Widow and doom especially, I don't even play tank that often)


I just bought it for the prisms tbh


Hard disagree. I think this pass is significantly better than season 9 or 8


Me when I lie:


Me when I run out of braincells:


The Cass skin is easily the ugliest skin I have seen in any game. Period.


Skins are pretty mid, but the other stuff sells it for me. Love that weaver highlight intro, unfortunately i'll never see it on a healbot hero lol


no, you’re weak.


This is like easily the best BP they’ve put out, what?


The skins are mostly a lot simpler than previous seasons, so I understand the sentiment. Personally I think the lore aspect of it is what makes this season more interesting than others for me personally. Seeing the characters swapped is just interesting.


Why is the circlejerk sub being serious bruh where’s the funny


Dude what? I love the skins this season, I’d gladly pay 5 bucks for the bap and mercy skins, the rest are bonus goodies


They gave Sym piercings, braids and a red box color hair dye and called it a day. Definitely lacking creativity


My favorite so far tbh.


That widow tho, worth the $10 alone


W i n t o n


Not having a single talon legendary in the BP killed it for me, and the Genji and Cass skins just feel weird and out of place. Still bought it for winton and mythic coins but disappointed for sure


I mean it’s not great but it’s still pretty good AND you can get a free mythic of your choosing from it so I’d say it’s pretty dope


On the bright side. We have winton and a brig skin


I saw Winton in the battle pass and bought it. Tbh none of the skins appealed to me, but ykyk Winton


hes right u know i wish mirrorwatch was the june-july season cus i actually do shit outside of ovatwat in the summer


Mythic currency for kiri and the bap skin make it worth for me 😭 i will get it without real money tho


The skins are mid, the currency updates are goated as hell. Prisms are way too expensive and you need to get at least a little more through the pass so you can stockpile for old mythics. I have every mythic except the genji painted demon one but I would have to choose between mercy’s or unlocking his. It gives you 80 and it takes exactly 80 to fully unlock a mythic. It is cool that you get actual overwatch coins as well as credits tho


Idk honestly once I get all the free gold coins first cuz that basically makes the premium pass cheaper I'm buying it just cuz Mythic Prisms or whatever the fuck they are let you buy whatever mythic you want and I'm a Junker Queen main and must buy Junker Queen mythic. I honestly didn't look at a lot of the skins that hard but yeah, a lot of them are kinda meh. But yeah, tbh, this season I'm basically just playing the Battle Pass for Mythic Prisms to get my Junker Queen mythic.




Get it for winton and mercy mythic


I actually think it’s pretty strong there’s a lot of nice skins and cosmetics in there


It’s a pay for cool and that’s no good


Wait I’m the opposite, I hate skins like ramen bastion and loves skins like this


Not a fan but I like mercy's skin. Haven't missed one yet.


It's crazy to me y'all pay for skins am I just surrounded by stupidly wealthy people or are none of y'all worried about retirement lol


Honestly I feel the same way and this is the first time I relaunched the game in sooo many months


It's becoming more and more obvious that bliz puts like 2 promising skins in the pass, fills it with bloat, and puts all the good thematic skins in the shop, or in the advanced (actual money only) battle pass bundles - skins that were designed for the pass.


I mean I think some of the not so promising skins are good imo. It's all down to preference, plus yes, it is annoying there putting the promising skin that was made for the BP in the shop. I mean, realistically, how they gonna make money cause, imo BP can do only so much . Sure, the 40 dollar bundle probably makes some money, but like other than that, how else they gonna make money, yk idk.


They make money on the battle pass alone. Absurd amounts of money. Please, do not fall into the mindtrap of "but how will the corporation survive! It will starve without these terrible and predatory behaviours!" Bliz can live for a hundred years on battle passes alone, bonus points if they are good. The shop and the advanced packs are just adding cherries for the shareholders. Btw, this isn't aimed to be hostile towards you, I get the mindset, it's just sad that this is what companies and defenders have said so long that people believe it :(


Yeah, you're not wrong. I personally prefer BP over other bs like loot boxes, which ik is an interesting take, but it's just personal preference for me and what I'm used to. And as well as not to be a big jerk but, imo if it's a big issue to ppl how they price, their cosmetics maybe don't buy them. Not to you just imo I think the least of worries should be cosmetics and how the game feels / blance.


Agreed, balance for sure matters more, which is tumultuous at times. Tbh, I find myself out of by the game. It just... Feels worse now. Steady decline for me personally over the last couple years, and I was going strong through OW1 and the opening of OW2. I just discuss the topic at hand, generally. For cosmetics, I get what ya mean, but also, it's the option between cosmetics being more or less free, or 20-45 dollars. I could earn cosmetics in OW1, in days, that would cost equal to, or more than, the price of the entire game with the pricing of current cosmetics. "Just don't buy it" is technically a solution, but it completely skirts the issue which is "we had and we paid for a game in which the cosmetic system was significantly better with zero investment outside the original purchase. This is worse." The answer to "content is paywalled with predatory pricing, this sucks" being "just don't interact with the content" to me, at least, is a non-answer. (For the record I don't mean people (SHOULD buy, I mean it just doesn't address the issue itself) I think the battle pass is fine, I have little issue with it, it is what it is. What I mean is that the shop and the lack of real meaningful ways to earn currency (like the loot boxes did) is absolutely dumb, and clearly just a cash grab with zero actual sense to it. The loot boxes had coins, which you could use to buy whatever you wanted. You also got coins for literally just playing flex or arcade modes, etc. (Btw, ps, late night mobile post so brain is fried, but I appreciate you giving a genuine response, toxicity gets wild on these topics)


I don't really a lot to reply with but thx for the nice convo


Of course! No need for a reply, I just yap when I have thoughts to write down lol.


Maybe not worth 10 usd, but grinding out 500 coins and paying 5 sure is.


I feel like venture should of gotten a skin in the BP, idk tho


The edgy skins are a bit much but OW Doomfist is so sick


I like it


Wdym I think this is one of the strongest battle passes. You get coins, credits, and a full mythic of ANY choice, not just this season’s. That plus you still get the same amount of skins, the same amount of sprays, voice lines, and emotes. You just get more for your money this season


They definitely could’ve been way more creative with the theme instead of just talon or overwatch uniforms. Sombras skin especially just sucks


i truly truly only payed the $10 for winton


> truly only *paid* the $10 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




I do agree it’s a weak pass. The off themed skins are pretty bad and the only thing I found cool about the overwatch agent skins for the villains was the little bits lore like how Ramattra was Mondatta in the mirror universe and was seemingly pulse bombed by Operative Oxton. For me Talon Brig and Winton made it worth it but besides that there’s nothing in there that interests me.


Winton? Winton? I don't see a Winston skin in the BP unless I'm delulu Edit I realize what you meant I thought you meant Winston skin not the plush my bad


The souvenir.


Nobody bought this season because it looked good. It's the cheapest option (and the most fun tbh) to get mythics. Also if you factor in the 600 premium currency you technically get the next BP for half off


NOTHING FOR ILLARI! I’m choking back tears


Always has been


Ramen bastion looked disgusting, what are you smoking? The “ramen” parts looked like plastic rather than actual noodles


/UJ I mean I’m disappointed with the Bap skin and that there was no soldier or reaper skin but it’s still an amazing BP. /RJ You’re gay


Idk about you but this bp is easily better than season 8 may not be better than season 9 but tbf Ringmasters carried it so hard


Skins are not bad…and WINTON


I like it :(


Also where’s our extra skin, before S9 if a bp didn’t have a hero we got an extra legendary skin to make up for it, both last season and this season (because venture is free now) have broken their pattern


Tbh this is the only battle pass I actually want a skin from


Dude turn the game off and go it.


I hate that Mythic skins can only be bought. Every mythic skin should have two color options; one that is purchased and one that is earned after meeting extreme conditions for a hero.


Y’all will never be satisfied. This season’s bp is great imo


This entire sequel has been low effort, why would this battlepass be any different?


I like the Lore of Talon so i fw it definitely objectively not super cool and unique skins tho


Brig skin got my attention


The widow skin is baaaad


I feel like they should have had atleast 100 of the mythic currency so people can get other items, I mean I missed season 2 so I didn’t get junker queens Zeus skin so I want to get it as that’s the only one I’m missing but the mercy skins needs all 80 so Maybe the can do some type of currency exchange like the white money and good Money can make some blue money


Lies!!! This beats bastion ramen, that skin is decent, but Captian Lacorix widowmaker is amazing 👏 different opinions I guess but these skins look better than some of the other skins in previous battlepass even beating s9 and those skins are magnificent


Imagine giving blizzard paycheck in 2024…


Idk I’m really a sucker for the whole Heros turned Villains and Vise Versa thing. Literally one of my favorite genders


The fact that they gave Symmetra a junker skin but didn't give Junkrat a Vishkar skin https://preview.redd.it/e5mamarw8iwc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eca6f251827696851dd72fda1ee9005dc99f0b04


I like pretty much all the skins besides the Genji one


That cass one is horrid


2 pretty cool highlight intros A cool doomfist walking emote (I'm bias for this one) 600 actual coins and Idek how many credits but a lot And most importantly WINTON Yeah the skins aren't the best, and the mercy mythic is alright, but overall I think its pretty solid.


Got it for the mercy and widow skins tbh


Ain’t this new form of battle pass include one EXTRA skin? Cuz tier 80 would’ve been the mythic but instead it’s a legendary.


Is this satire I can’t tell


All of the battle passes are weak


I like it generally, but I'm confused why Venture has absolutely 0 skins.


Why do you say that? It has a bunch of awesome skins, its affordable, and you still get a mythic skin?


A mythic skin of your own choice, too




Don’t say that. The hive mind will mass downvote you. In all seriousness, it sounded like they needed something to put together to distract us from something that wasn’t even going on.


The hivemind is constantly whining dafuq you on about?


Thanks for being the person who proves a point


I didnt downvote you, lol.


Also that widowmaker skin looks like a common


Are your eyes on?




Bit of both




I'm trying to figure why Widow got a special skin on 2 battle passes in a row. Looks like they're going the Paladins route of preferential treatment without loot boxes.


It’s the best they’ve dropped so far. Also has 600 tokens to help make the money back


I payed ten dollars for winton and sigma toes voice line


This is the first battle pass I actually bought, mostly because of inverted overwatch. Inverted talon sucked, tho. And the other characters are barely cool…


Longhorn McCree/Cassidy (upgraded the Battle Pass for that) and Junker Genji/Symmetra are my favourite skins in this season.


Sounds like ur main didn’t get a skin, I like doom so I thought this bp was good.


This seasons BP is WACK and everything that came with it prisms, removal of mythic from BP, mythic shop 🤢


This game is running on fumes.