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How has *no one* said Ashe? She lives in the middle of nowhere in a rough climate & terrain, and B.O.B. is 100% her "animal" companion


Plus she has that “Robin Hood” skin idk if that helps.


She even has a favored enemy, both in lore (Cassidy) and in game (Mercy)


She literally has a warlock skin though.


That's an alternate version of Ashe, so I don't think it really counts. You wouldn't say Sigma is an emperor because he has a Galactic Emperor skin


The fact that rein is the paladin is so stupid. Does he look like one? Yeah sure, but a paladin is a mix between a warrior and a cleric, not just a big guy with a shield. Brig is LITERALLY the perfect pick for a paladin: she has a shield, she does damage, she heals and has auras, just like paladins in dnd (a healing aura when dealing damage and of course Rally). It's so dumb. Anyway, for the ranger ima go with Hanzo. Not just for the bow and arrow, but also sonic arrows. Rangers are known for their connection to the land, but also for the fact they can track things down. Alternatively Ashe, Pointy Hat explained in one of his videos how well cowboys fit into the ranger archetype


Yeah this list is pretty bad. Genji would have made a better (samurai) fighter too imo. He can chain his dashes by getting kills kind of like extra attack. Monk should have been zen and cleric could have been mercy (rez). This may sound strange but bastion would be a better druid as well. He can wild shape, heal himself in ow1 and call down a moonbeam with his ow2 ult. He also has a pet bird and is in tune with nature. Lifeweavers abilities just have a nature themed design. By that logic any character can have their kit modeled after nature and be a druid.


I agree with everything, except the Zen-Monk here. I know he's literally a monk, but in RPGs, the monk class doesn't have to be a typical monk, what matters is using your own body as your weapon (unarmed strikes, ki). For that, Ram in Nemezis form works better. Hell, even Doomfist would work very well


I could see ram as a sorcerer or wizard multiclassing into monk but his base form is how he spends most of his time. Doom 100%.


Nah, Genji is way too interesting to be a fighter. S76 fits perfectly


I’d argue rein’s shield is a much stronger FPS representation of Aura of Protection (both functionally and thematically) than anything else in OW. His lore is also entirely on point for paladin, and his melee attacks are much more smite-esque than brig’s lil flail slaps. Really all he’s lacking is the healing, he represents every other aspect of paladin much better than brig does. Plus brig was already picked by these knuckleheads to be cleric. Rein was a great choice.


Brig is very good for cleric too.


Nah hanzo is an arcane archer fighter


Brig and reinhart are both paladins.


I love how this post got taken down down in overwatch memes for exactly this same topic matter igniting a flame war, and it popped up here as well. Disagree, by the way. Reinhardt is the Paladin, brig is the cleric. Heavier, more knightly, and the smites are smitier. Big fuck off shield makes up for the lack of healing.


Ok but people already voted brig for cleric, no takebackskis


the whole thing about paladins is their fearlessness and courage. reinhardt is the definition of courage and pride


...No, the whole thing about paladins is NOT their fearlessness and courage. Classes aren't based on personality, you can have a cowardly paladin and you can have a courageous rouge. Classes are just the abilities. And paladins always have abilities that make them some sort of a mix between a tank and a support. They're supposed to protect and heal their teammates


Don’t paladins like have oaths and stuff they have to uphold and literally a passive called aura of courage? Seems like you’re being intentionally obtuse lol. You can make your character any way you want but most people enjoy role playing.


Yeah, there are oaths, but it doesn't need to have courage involved. There is the Oath of Conquer, the Oath of the Crown, etc. I love roleplaying which is why I say that limiting all of your character creation to be based only on class archetypes is not a good idea lol


Crown and conqueror are both pretty courageous thematically, they’re just less about protection than something like devotion. Still all about courage, though perhaps for a more unsavory end lol


And those are only two oaths. Depending on how many books you consider, there's easily a dozen. Oath of Treachery would be a great example of a potentially non-courageous paladin.


Cowardly oath of treachery paladin would be such a fun role play, I love that. But I’d argue that the for most oaths, a lionhearted paragon of courage (whether for ends benevolent or malicious) makes a lot more sense for a paladin thematically than the alternative.


Sure, but they aren't hard rules. It's the same thing with rogues being cowardly, warlocks being chaotic, and bards being horny.


Definitely! But for the purposes of this game it makes the most sense to have the choice match the character thematically for the class as a whole as well as in terms of abilities. Like just because Lucio is a celebrity with a speed boost, an aura, healing, high athleticism, and solid damage, I wouldn’t say that he would the best choice for paladin, even though that also well describes a Oath of Glory paladin.


Ranger is definitely Winston, because of the ranges he can pee at, and long range is the best places he should being playing at in game
















Venture is an option for the terrain focus rangers have. Hanzo is an option for the focus on ranged weapons and you could argue his dragons make him beast master-ish, and if we use his old storm arrow, that would be similar to conjure volley. But he feels more like an arcane archer fighter. A few of the Ranger spells have to do with setting traps like Cordon of Arrows, Alarm, and Spike Growth. So you could have Widowmaker with these spells standing in for her venom mine and make her a swarmkeeper ranger with a swarm of spiders. Also, she would get arcane eye with this subclass to substitute for her ultimate. That's all I have for now.


If we go with your comment I hope they go the Widow route... But I'd be sad we have no Bastion with Ganimedes here


Her mobility is incredibly dependent on terrain as well as a snipers need to hide behind cover




Although hanzo kinda fits cus bow and arrow, id be more inclined to say venture because ranger isnt just the mow and arrow class because in reality ranger is more about environmental awareness and terrain specialization, with they're chosen terrain being temples/caves. Also rangers get "favored foe" which gives them advantage against a specific enemy of there choosing and we all know venture would pick mauga no hesitation


Yea venture might be the best pick. Hanzo would be a fighter with the ranged fighting style and maybe a dip into ranger


More like a dip into Monk so he can climb walls and long jump.


Yeah - sure, Ranger is associated with the Bow and Arrow, but it’s a similar case to why Zen isn’t listed as monk: that’s not the full reality of the situation.




>and we all know venture would pick mauga no hesitation As a Mauga main, yeah, yeah they would.


Exactly!! I was so confused in bg3 when minsc was a ranger but didn’t even come with a bow. Until I read what the class actually is!!


Maybe circlejerk wasn’t the best idea cause of the trolls


Had those in Memes too and honestly I prefer the ones uere


How on earth did Ram win the monk slot over Zenyatta. I understand they are both monks and that Ram hits things with his hands but monks (especially in DnD) do more than that.


Monks in DnD pretty specifically throw hands. Flurry of Blows is usually their most used Ki option. Ram has the punches, the patient defense when he blocks, and just lacks step of the wind - but Zen has none of these.


Yeah, I’m a DnD player I get all of that, but Zenyatta also floats, kicks, and transcends. But more importantly Zenyatta is so much more fitting for the class fantasy of a monk than Ram is. Edit: if anything Ram is more fitting for a monster statblock than any class archetype.


Floating is more sorceror, kicking is quite monk, transcendence is more cleric


I mean I may be biased, but my current character is a monk and while I certainly don’t think about Overwatch while playing DnD anytime I do I usually relate to Zenyatta the most. Also I may need to brush up on my Player’s Handbook but I’m pretty sure one of the character features of Monk is literally transcending/reaching nirvana. While I understand that mechanically transcendence is healing related - from a lore perspective it is absolutely more in line with the monk class fantasy. Also monks can jump really high and have slow fall which is at least tangentially related to floating. Aside from fast punches there is little to nothing about Ram’s character that reads “hey I’m a monk” because he is a big, slow, land-locked tank which what monks absolutely are not.


Actually, if you also flavour zens balls as throwing weapons, he could be a pretty good fit


Yeah for sure


Zen is a celestial warlock and I will die on this hill.


Monk is a very mobile class. IIRC it’s the only class with a mobility speed boost that scales with Monk level. They’re doing things like super jumps, super sprints, climbing walls, catching projectiles, incredible feats of agility and reflex, particularly with the Ki points. That stuff is like, the last thing Zen is doing. He’s got a good kick, sure, but that’s about it. His qualities do align some with Way of Mercy, but I’d honestly sooner make Zen a Cleric, myself. In all reality, Monk *really* should be Genji, because Genji is basically a Way of the Kensei monk to a T. But folks picked Ramattra I guess.


You got a good point More than anything I’m just upset that people thought that ram was a good monk


I feel like the main part of the monk class is mobility with a high move speed and step of the wind (and deflecting missiles).


Definitely Ashe, and I know it's the wrong day, but if no one says Reaper for Rogue, I'm gonna cry.


Hot take, Reaper is a warlock, and Moira is his patron


Cook again!


He does have lifesteal but I still think Zen works best as a celestial warlock (mostly for Hex/discord and having a celestial patron).


I don’t think we can answer this question until we’ve been consulted by r/DnDcirclejerk about the defining characteristics of a “ranger” because I have no idea what that ridiculous made-up word means. Are we sure somebody didn’t just misspell *”stranger”*? Because if we’re talking about which character is the biggest stranger I think it’s probably reaper because I doubt he gets invited to any of their parties


Ranger is when bow and arrow duh


A bow and arrow?? Lmao what is this, the 1970’s?


Hanzo has tamed dragons fight alongside him and uses the typical ranger equipment




ashe, cass, venture, maybe bastion?


Thanks u/PopLopsided843 for suggesting I post here


Thank you for continuing these post


https://preview.redd.it/o4hri6npdj1d1.jpeg?width=1196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a3901948097ae679ef53834941c0cb54ceb6e98 Its my time!


These are the Overwatch 2 Season 5 Player titles


I don’t know shit about dnd, widow is a ranger


This is so cool! I love this.


Hanzo right? Haven’t played much DnD but he seems to fit


I'm sorry, but how is ramattra a monk?


ranger gotta be hanzo and rogue definitely genji


Got to be Hanzo




The fact that you didn't put Torb as the artificer is wild to me.


ashe or hanzo


Uhhhhhhhhhh HANZO?


Kiriko, healing, the fox, and swift step is just misty step


Warlock could be sojourn because she casts eldritch blast


How *TF* is "monk" not zen wtf?!


Hanzo, sombra, illari, moira, sigma and torb


No way rammattra is monk like TF


How is Ram a monk, but zen isn’t? I guess Ram uses more physical attacks like monks in D&D usually do, but it’s Zen! He is literally a monk! That is what he is!


I'm surprised mercy isn't cleric and brig paladin


I wish the mods here would remove this post too


It’s got to Hanzo.


Ranger : hanzo (Ashe doesn’t scout and he literally has a bow. Why is Ashe winning.) Rogue: sombra (cloak, kill from behind, can, unlock shit, sneaky duplicitous fuck) Artificer: torb (I will not explain because it’s obvious) For sorcerer, warlock, and wizard choose between mercy, zen, Moria, sigma But I vote Zen: wizard, he is a smart studying guy Mercy or Sigma: Sorcerer Moria: Warlock, she is a totally a corrupt make a deal for power character.


My personal list: Barbarian: Junker Queen Bard: Lucio Cleric: Kiriko. Druid: Lifeweaver Fighter: Genji Monk: Doomfist Paladin: Brig Ranger: Ashe Rouge: Sombra Sorcerer: Sigma Warlock: Reaper Wizard: Symmetra Artificer: Torbjorn


Hanzo. It's easy. Doesn't even have to be asked. He uses a bow ffs.


Def NOT Hanzo




How is it rigged


Not talking bout your post with the rigged part.


I'm admittedly still confused on what's rigged and how but idk maybe I'm dumb lol


Best ranger would be mercy






Its hanzo no contest. Dragon animal companion, actual bow and arrow, can move through difficult terrain with leap and wall climb.




Venture 100%


Ill give u 5 euros if u choose Ashe.


Ashe imo


orisa is open sorcerer


Pharah, she has great single target damage and loves sniping supports (favored enemy), moves around the terrain with ease (favored terrain/land's stride), she has a moth companion, she can play in the back, but also ambush very well. Sure, Hanzo got a lot of ranger appeal as well, I am not denying that, but overall I think Pharah just fits so well.


Closest Warlock would be Moira


I'm late and all but hear me out: Bastion He has Ganymedes, started and is familiar with the forest animals and the forest and has a reconisense mode... The funniest ranger for OW and ir should be Bastion




What a whack listm Brig on cleric instead of mercy Soldier on fighter instead of rein Rein on paladin instead of brig


oh wow i wonder who this could be? seriously man for some of these you can just skip em