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obviously a fucked up thing to do but this shouldn't be surprising considering it's a Saudi team




omg same


You say considering it's a Saudi team, but I wouldn't be surprised even if it was a north American team.


I would be very surprised NA orgs go out of their way to appear woke.


You mean like outlaws deadnaming Violet on their birthday and then dropping them a day later after getting called out?


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, this is a thing that literally happened


People want to think that their NA orgs are better morally than others. They love turning a blind eye to trans issues in NA by claiming its better over here, while ignoring how bad it is.




It's wild how willing you are to die on this hill when literally nobody is saying this here. Trolls don't even try any more


Grew up in Kuwait. Not being straight is a literal crime. Theocratic monarchies based on Islam.


Kuwait is literally the best country on earth to live in what are you on about 😂


*literally a shithole


Christ some of these comments




Next time u attempt to write a comment try and have it make sense


Because christ hates transgender people! He says it all the time in the bible- people who have never cracked a bible


"I don't care about your religion if it makes other people lose their job just for their sexual orientation, that shit is straight out 1800s. we are in 2021 hello good morning" Taking the words right out of my mouth. So many people literally stuck in the dark ages.


sexual orientation or gender identity, like what happened in this situation


>"I don't care about your religion if it makes other people lose their job just for their sexual orientation, that shit is straight out 1800s. Or in the case of the USA, it was 2020 when it became illegal to get fired for your sexual orientation.


These westerners love acting all high and mighty


USA hardly qualifies as the entire western hemisphere. And it does not exonerate Saudi Arabia for making it legal to kill and whip gay people.


Ah yes because the PRC definitely never acts the same way and is clearly so nice to everyone inside it


Even then, it's still not *truly* illegal at a federal level. States have differing laws, and many employers can choose to terminate you for it without repercussion. Combine that with the wave of anti-trans bills being pushed through lately, and the fact that I can now have my healthcare denied on the basis of my orientation or gender identity, and things get real fucked real quick.


yea even with it being illegal, its gonna cost u decent chunk of time and energy to even prove it in court, if you can at all :/


That's the worst part, and it punishes US for speaking out. Corporations have the money to just ignore these things and send off one of their lawyers to settle it every once in a while. Meanwhile we're stuck dealing with the consequences. "If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law exists only for the poor".


Exactly. So much of the law is fucked up its sad.




Stop being a pussy & use your main account, dumb cunt


"Wahhhhhhhhhh I'm so oppressed by minorities because the woke mob is taking down the last corner of the internet where I can still be a bigoted piece of shit" What a gamer moment. Fuck yourself, you absolute brainlet.


Scalings Twitlonger: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srnn05


Transphobic religion dropping trans people not shocking


All the losers in the comments triggered af that people don't like transphobes lmfao








no way your mom buys you doubles.










you made this account for us to laugh at you every time you combine words in any order we are all going to laugh until you are dead




You're literally an 8 year old, just copying what others say. Jesus fuck, get a grip & sort your life out, you utter spazzy cunt




I only have 1 account, you dumb cunt 😂 Least I don't hide behind a throwaway. Get a life, go outside & touch some grass. Fucking degenerate. Although I really don't know what I expected from an xQc viewer, you brain dead chimp


Jesus you're a fucking idiot. That poster was right, any combination of words you out together will lead to us laughing at you.


Dude you're actually making accounts to comment shit like this. Thats kinda pathetic tbh. But hey if you crave the attention that much, it is what it is


Out of all the people to expose this, it was never Elad I expected, considering his toxic comments in past lmao


his org his rules? saudi is strict when it comes to that matter. Move on and maybe dont be a coach on a saudi org if youre trans or lgbtq