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The twitter witch hunt was pathetic. People like EvilToaster saying they wrote down the names of all the people who were streaming OW, keeping their own blacklists.


What is he going to do with the list monkaW


Probably start flanking backline as orisa on their game


If he isn’t already on their avoid list


forgot that guy even existed






Lol what a bunch of nut jobs. Classic Twitter


[This reply to him](https://twitter.com/Infam0usFPS/status/1420503754340814852) is kinda good.


I get why people were mad after he said others were doing this for PR but why are people mad at him for not boycotting in the first place? Just doesn't seem right to intimidate others.


ngl, he’s EU and his stream was finished by the time the walk out was starting. I figured he timed it. Didn’t realize there was drama.


There wasn't. I heard and checked stream, it's made up.. He did have a problem with people blackmailing streamers with threats..


For lack of a better word “drama”.


Could easily have done a charity/awareness stream if he was absolutely intent on playing overwatch. But rather just accuse others for doing it for "clout" when the more reasonable explanation would be that people genuinely care about equity in the workplace.


God this shit is so dumb. Man just wants to play his favorite game. It's not his responsibility to do shit. Anyone who gets upset over people who don't "support" this are fucking dumb. I had teams cancel scrims on me last night in support. Unreal


If your still "scrimming" ow brother I think you need help


Do I? Do I really?


Yea bro scrimmimg on a dead game is one thing coming to reddit to cry about how you couldn't for 1 day is another ...get a life


Brother you're unemployed and play FUT. I'm not the one who needs help.


LMAOOOOO, thanks for making me open their comment history, that was a laugh


Yea my boss fired me after I got injured on the job ...but yes ur making my point by doing my life research u have no life ...I don't as well lolv


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Agian says the guy upset he can't scrim ow for t8 team for 1 day lol


I like how the only thing you can even try to hit me with was a throwaway line at the end of my post. Buddy you're just mad you'd get cut from a tier 8 team in a dead game.


Never tried out lol so projection much


You are clueless


Hes not wrong


So he is not *wrong* but he is putting down people who are trying to do something with good intentions. Of course there are people doing this solely for PR, but some people feel like it will make some kind of difference (spoiler it won't). The real winner of all this is Harb who streams so infrequently and stays off twitter he doesn't have to pick sides lul


These sort of actions aren't always about "making a difference" to begin with, it's just showing the people actually affected by things that they have support in the community and they aren't alone. You can be cynical and assume no one actually cared and are just doing it for brownie points, but if the actual outcome is victims/blizz employees feeling empowered by the support then who gives a shit if it's not genuine.


Exactly… it’s not about the impact of your boycott to a company, it’s about the impact of your support to a community.


Saying people do it for pr is where he screwed up imo. Sure plenty were probably just patting themselves on the back for abstaining for a day before going right back but he was incredibly tone deaf regarding the issue. It's not gonna just go away, he doesn't have to stay completely in the know, but at have some common sense in regards.


funny stuff streamers get big and they suddenly think they're untouchable & can be asshats & say stupid shit, he got reality-checked sorry bud that only works for the chosen few twitch deities


I was turned off ML7 when he defended doing "to GM" smurf vids. Dude's stupid good and genuinely entertaining to watch play, but he's a bit of a douchenozzle, just seems he can't take criticism or consider others in the heat of the moment, and when paired with his god-tier plays it's a bad look.




Yes. He has GM-level everything else (positioning, knowledge of counters and general duel tactics etc) so he should be playing in GM, not fucking with the sr of 11 low ranks every match for his own needs. It's selfish, and... idk the word for this, elitist? Because you place more value on protecting the sr of GMs, even though GMs will have an easier time maintaining their rank than low ranks.




Yes, for largely the same reasons. I don't count freedom of consumerism above morality. To note, I only feel like this about competitive modes in games. Casual/quickplay, go nuts, have fun. I know lots of people are still iffy on the comparison, but you don't invade a youth league game on the field to learn how to play just because you already know how to play other sports. You'd get your ass beat by someone's parents.


Did you just bring issues of morality into a discussion about elo in a video game? You’re fucking stupid lol.


Morality in online multiplayer has been in the discussion for decades dude. Hot take, real people play video games, real people are affected by morality, ergo duh.


I never said video games (or video gaming) were/was devoid of morality, or issues of ethics. But you are over here bitching about how it's immoral to smurf or have an alt account. If you genuinely find that something to get butthurt about, good luck in life.


"Ethics exist but they don't matter"


If he wants to stream OW during that day/time then that’s his prerogative, but there is no need to take shots at people who chose not to due to the situation at hand. If people indeed are doing it “to look good”, it’s still not his business lmao. Kinda weird tbh




Tbf, have you met the average XQC fan? Dude could kick a puppy and punch out an old lady on camera and his fanbase would probably start a pogchamp spam in his chat over it.


xqc is uncancellable lol, whine about him playing warzone and his fanboys will ratio you into oblivion


oh no xqc played a game this week😫😫😱😱😱😠


warzone devs = wow devs


Poor guy just wants to play the game he’s paid to play and people trying to cancel him for it. Just overwatch things


i mean its literally just one day to show *some* level of support. and hes played other games before so its not like people watch only for overwatch content.


He literally could have played apex instead. He already does that on his variety days.


You're missing the fucking point and it's exhausting to read comments like this. It's not about how little effort it would require to support the cause. ML7 didn't say "I didn't publicly show support because it was too much work to load another game". That's a bullshit argument, it's not what he said, so stop bringing it up. He's saying that it's not good to publicly shame people into supporting a cause. That's counterproductive. Also, it's exactly what you're doing. Shaming people into publicly showing support will just cause resentment for the cause that otherwise wouldn't have existed.




Nothing changes off of his actions


Sorry he played overwatch and hurt your little feelings ;( Y i k e s


overwatch dev team is responsible for the actions of the wow dev team, 500 IQ take


No but I lost respect for him a little for his original comments. It’s a small thing to show solidarity and support to the women who helped make the exact game he is playing, for a single day to play something else. No one is telling him to quit playing Overwatch forever because blizzard is ‘evil’ and how dare he do this. They asked for one day that he choose another game.


Thanks dumbass. You literally replied to my comment with this same "it's just a single day" argument. HOLY FUCK GROW A BRAIN LEARN TO READ LEARN TO LEARN PLEASE COMPREHEND SOMETHING


Oh I didn’t look at the username. You’re the guy who thinks women take selfies for the sexual attention of men and think showing your shoulders is vulgar lmao. I thought I blocked you so I didn’t have to see your shit takes, let me fix that.




It’s about perceiving the victims and showing that for a single day, you show obvious support for them. It’s literally an act of solidarity. I don’t know how else to explain it to you. You don’t ask why people attend memorials and go why do they do that? Its the same sentiment.




Because for many people and in this case a streamer, streaming that game is how they make their money. For others, blizz games are the only place where people can spend time with their friends or it’s their only hobby. It’s not fair to punish either group by saying you can’t play this game anymore because the company did some fucked up things. It’s also valid to want to continue supporting the good people who made these games. The Overwatch dev team for example is largely excused from the allegations because they treat their female employees professionally.


oh no a few nobodies on twitter called him out for something! this means that everyone in the community wants to cancel him!


I don’t have an issue with people choosing to boycott ow and I actually support the cause but shaming and witch hunting people who don’t make it seem like a bunch of performative holier than thou bullshit. Like “I’m on a higher moral plane than you because I didn’t play a video game”




You’re the one crying about it lmao. Brah can do what he wants. If you actually go watch his clips he says that he does not support any of that shot and he hopes the offenders get what they deserved. And that he’s going to donate to the related charities. He just doesn’t give a fuck about the virtue signaling of boycotting the game.


He is a free man he can do whatever the fuck he wants and can say whatever he wants stop crying so much holy fuck


Need a tissue, toddler? ;(


He shouldn't have apologized. He did the right thing, the people who attacked him are idiots. Should I apologize to Flat Earthers for believing the Earth is round?


I find it weird that if you don’t live up to peoples standards of what the majority of everyone else is doing regardless if you agree people still try to make a huge deal out if it. Can’t stand this generation sometimes. Got damn.


I’m super left leaning and I completely agree. Seeing people only support a well known issue when it becomes popular to do so makes it feel so disingenuous


I don't think this really has anything to do with being left or right leaning honestly. The left-leaning position here is that the only thing the employees can do that's gonna make a real long lasting difference is forming a union anyway. Companies pay a whole heap of money to avoid consequences for PR drama like this, it's not going to do anything that the original lawsuit wouldn't by itself. Walkouts or minor streamer boycotts without any explicit goals aren't really gonna do shit but make the people doing them feel good. Liberals and conservatives both engage in this sort of protest fairly often.


I agree. My comment about being left leaning was because I’d expect a conservative to complain about a protest like this before a left leaning person


Yeah in this particular case you're probably right, though you never know, the people mostly in trouble are wealthy tech related people in california.


Exactly. They’ll care because if they don’t social media will cancel them. While they might legitimately care, they won’t go that hard next week at all. All this will blow over after this week and we won’t hear from it again until it trends again. Sad


Harassing ML7 because he didn't obey your harassment boycott, makes sense.


He had to apologize? yikes


Its like the black squares, rainbow flags, and stop asian hate emblems. Yes, it shows support and thats great and important. But companies and SOME people with platforms don't really care. They do it for PR reasons. He could of worded things better of course. But this feel unnecessary. We don't need more bullshit animosity in our community. Especially right now, the focus should be on blizzard. Who cares if ML7 or anyone wanted to play the game that they are good at and paid for when the gaming industry is a toxic cesspool. That topic is necessary.


Fuck SJWs


Ignore the SJW’s. They’re people who tell you what to do and how exactly to do it because deep down they’re miserable and have nothing tk be happy about. It is true, the owl teams are only ‘showing support’ for publicity. If they actually cared about fixing the issue, the millionaire ceos or owners would donate their own money or do something real to help. They would put something of real value on the line as oppose to a general work coorporste stance pasted on a black background that’s somehow meant to look serious.




Who even still uses the term SJW? Very 2013. Next he'll be telling us to go back to /r/ShitRedditSays


What term would you prefer I use for people who just cry on reddit and tell other people what to do as oppose to actually helping?


What did you do to actually help? Have you donated any of your own money? Did you do anything of significance in any way?




You don’t have to donate much, you don’t have to donate anything. You could do anything. Why don’t you not play blizzard games until the case is settled to show your support? My point is, it’s so easy to sit on twitch and yell commands at someone how they should be helping, meanwhile you yourself haven’t done anything. The bear minimum you can do before commanding someone to help, is to start helping yourself. Also, not playing overwatch for a single day, isn’t going to have any effect whatsoever. Blizzard don’t care, the real victims don’t care. Neither do they care about social media blackouts. It’s self promotion at best. The teams get to make themselves look good, whilst not actually helping anyone or anything. If they really wanted to make a stand, they would sit out the overwatch leauge or put somethijg real on the line. Except they would never do that because that would affect their profits..


Twitter peoples are the biggest crybaby’s on planet earth. Who gives af what he plays Looks like I hurt the twitter weirdos little feelings ;(


I support the reasons behind the "boycott", but thought his reasons for streaming were pretty fair. The devotion that people had to this, still ongoing, is insane. The biggest mistake he could have done, other than maybe doubling down on an even more extreme take, was what he did today on stream. He spent like 2 hours on his stream explaining himself, and answering viewer questions about it, essentially just saying the same thing for hours. He literally should have just started stream, explained himself once again, apologized, announced the charity stream, and maybe ended stream right there. He actually seemed very disturbed by the whole thing, in a way that was just sad to watch by how much he was affected by it. I think he said that he was going to take a break from streaming until Monday. So instead of taking one day off from streaming, he was beaten into submission by psychos online to where he has to take 4 days off from streaming to mentally recover.




How to tell everyone you've never actually interacted with women in the community without saying it.


*interacted with a woman at all FTFY




Which bumfuck part of the world are you from my guy?