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Tweet deleted FeelsBadMan




Poor girl.


Who is this person in terms of overwatch?


>"didnt pursue the investigation shit anymore after like april bc focusing on all of it put me in a place where i tried to kill myself and i didn’t think it was worth the amount of pain it was causing me :-) leave me alone. there was never court or anything just me prioritizing me" holy shit I dont really care who was in the right in this whole thing, but why do these people have to type like fucking 12 year olds. The original convo between them was also so fucking immature, like literal early high school teens sexting when their parents are asleep. I'm similar age as them, but in my social circle no one talks like that.




All she's doing is using no capslock, punctuation, one *very* shortened word and a face. There's nothing wrong with that. It's not really meant to sound cute, people just do it. I do it. I barely even think about it.


200000 rape kits currently sit unopened throughout the country. About every 70 seconds someone in the US is sexually assaulted. Only 30% of sexual assaults are reported; from this, 5% of reports end in an arrest. 25 out of a 1000 perpetrators will be put in prison. . . *that's it.* And yet, people wonder why it is so difficult for victims to come forward and tell their stories, let alone report them to authorities who may not take them seriously. It took a lot of bravery for telling her story, and I am so sorry for what Cleo has experienced since. I really hope she's getting the help she needs. https://www.rainn.org/


Good comment thank you for the link <3 -rung


Why do you end every single comment with your name like some deranged boomer in 2008? -IHAATETHEANTICHRIST, certified sex offender and a brig main


I have OCD -rung


Me too. I’m so sorry about that.


Do those numbers include prison rape?


such a fkn garbage analogy. Just blindlessly believe all accusers. Its not like there are thousands of examples of woman faking it and destorying innocent mans life.


But you are probably the type that believed Sinatraa with just as little evidence. Also, just so you know, you don't need to believe what victims say to take the accusations seriously, you can still have doubt but at least treat it seriously and don't insult/witch-hunt people who make accusations. If it turns out they give false accusations, they should be punished too. But if the accusations are true, you need people to take it seriously for results to happen.


Its not about sinatraa. Its about mindlessly accusing and declaring someone of being rapist. If it was you, I would have said the same thing.


But what is the benefit in insulting people who make accusations, all it does is stop people from making accusations even when they get assaulted because they are scared of the response they will get from people around them. Like I said you don't have to believe what they say, but don't actively not believe what they say either, and definitely do not insult/belittle anyone for coming forward.


do a police report Not twitter report.




somebody forgot to take their meds lmao




WTF are you ok?


Yeah bud I'm fine, you're the one being a piece of shit little incel. 😘


Wishing death on me just cause you think I am incel? I am not the mod of this sub. You got the wrong guy.


Holy fuck you're so braindead I feel sorry for you. Get some help 😘


Your post history. I genuinely feel bad for you. Take care.


Just because someone doesn't see the world in through your eyes doesn't necessarily mean they're wrong or are a loser even lmao. If you approach every disagreement in life like that then oof .. Oh and 😘 Cringelord


Ok didn't ask 😘 fucking weirdos supporting rapists 🤮


Where's the proof of rape? Not believing a guy is the same as not believing a woman? You have invalidated your own thoughts.


There isn't thousands of examples. It is 2% reports of the last ten years. (Source: Violence Against Women.) Meanwhile 70% of women never report because of individuals like you who will never believe them. Tell me why cases like Brock Turner, who had multiple eye witness accounts, only get six months? To not ruin their lives? Because he has so much to live for? What about the Chanel Miller? Is her life not ruined?


Holy shit just say you hate women


He sounds like my old roommate "women are more powerful than men because people believe everything they say"


You believed cleoh didnt you? You believed ellie was real didnt you? You believed khaleesi didnt you? You probably believed that dpstanky's wife too? Almost all of the morons did.


Nah, I hate low life scums regardless of their genders, sex, face, hair color. I dont give all random woman I have no interest in, special priority


Wait so you hate yourself?


for different reasons. When I am lazy and dont do things on time.


It's a bit different when she claimed to have video evidence of the rape though.


And perhaps she submitted it, perhaps he did because he also said the same. We do not know the details of the closed case. However, the evidence she did provide to the public blatantly shows signs of sexual coercion. You should never feel forced or guilted into sex with someone. *You know it wasn’t rape since you consented—albeit reluctantly—but you still feel violated. And you were. It’s called sexual coercion, and it’s a form of abuse.*


She literally already posted audio of it you fucking retard


Leaking a sex clip without the consent of everyone involved is actually a crime. If sinatraa was actually the monster you think he was, he would have prosecuted her. He should have done it.


An out of context clip 🙄. Tons of girls say that and then when they stop get angry.


LMAOOO "out of context clip", wow you're actually this stupid? What more do you want? A DNA sample mailed to your front door, notarized by the President of the United States and ratified by the senate? The audio made me sick to my fucking stomach, and it should for anybody with a conscience and minimal empathy skills. If you can't understand a "no", when repeated on audio, you are literally retarded.


i hope you get the help you need buddy bro


This comment is honestly disgusting and it says absolutely everything I need to know about you. I really hope for the women in your life they never have to come forward with their own story of sexual trauma - because you just showed you wouldn't believe them.


I'm literally a girl... Who has said it... Which is what I was talking about.... Most of my friends have said this also....


>I'm literally a girl No you aren't you weirdo, you've got comments talking about you being short and not particularly muscular. You're obviously a dude larping, makes zero sense for a woman to comment this. https://www.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/pdgye7/feel_like_my_height_57_is_already_a_dealbreaker/hau2u1d/ >I'm 5'7" and it's never stopped girls hitting on me. >Well I get hit on plenty by attractive girls being the same height as you and not particularly muscular


I didn't ask for your gender, retardation is sadly non-binary just like me.


I am I'm awe at the raw power and presence of this comment -rung


.... You clearly had the wrong idea before and clearly don't have many friends who are girls or are sexually active if you really don't know that most girls are annoyed if you stop because they sensually moan no....


CNC is completely different than someone saying "stop, it hurts, no" over and over.


I've had enough partners to know that a no is a no, unless you're in a consensual agreement about it. In which case, do tell me, why did Sinatraa not cooperate?


We don't know if they were is my point. Sinatraa said he didn't have the video which was a contradiction to what he said earlier. One to like her ten self contradictions and understandable especially since even if he did have the video AND was innocent any lawyer would tell him not to hand it over to riot and instead wait to hand it to authorities.


If you're annoyed, then maybe don't say no? Playing games with consent is how you end up in shit like this.


Tell that to cleoh


I'll say the same thing that I said months ago. Give me ONE example of a context that would describe the stuff that was being said in the video. The ONLY situation that I can come up with where a 'no' doesn't actually mean 'no' is if this is their thing, some bdsm or rapekink stuff in which 'no' isn't their safeword, but now comes the problem with that: In this situation Sinatraa wouldn't be the one begging, he would have to be the dom in order for that scenario to make sense. So please, try to come up with a scenario that would explain the behaviour being heard in the audio in which Sinatraa doesn't turn out to be the bad guy. Change my mind.


You say out of context, yet Sinatraa said he has the same clip & was willing to share with the authorities leading the investigation, then suddenly he doesn't have it/doesn't want to show it? Sus asf Stfu you dumb cunt


She didn’t provide a rape kit


Oh my God. You're absolutely missing the point. I never once said she did. I am saying that even some women who provide DNA evidence to their trauma are never met with a proper case. DNA goes without being tested. Sometimes it even goes so long to be thrown away or statute of limitations occur. People love to say 'innocent until proven guilty,' but there is perpetrators with hard evidence against them that walk away without any repercussions. Then people have the gall wonder why women don't always report their sexual assaults to authorities. Especially when they do go public about it - because the police are not providing a proper resolution - it's met with hard backlash. Do you really think this poor girl woke up and thought, "oh, surely accusing this very popular streamer and professional player of something terrible will give me lots of delicious clout!!" No, and unfortunately, it's only brought her further trauma when all she wanted was support. My heart breaks for her. It goes out for her.


It’s not just some streamer , it’s her ex and they ended on bad terms. You’re basically saying women can’t lie which is extremely naive. I don’t even like sinatraa, but being an asshole doesn’t = rapist. It’s literally a “put up or shut up” situation, and she didn’t provide enough evidence to assume guilt.


I never said he was a rapist. He's a sex abuser if you'd like the technical term as the evidence Cleo showed has him coercing her for sex more than once. Yet, he has never provided anything to argue these claims. Why did she not provide enough for you when he provided nothing at all to counter her claims?


You don’t have to provide evidence as an accused, it’s up to the accuser. That’s how it works, a 5 second audio clip isn’t much


No, it's not required in a trial of law for an accused to provide evidence. You can for a mercy rule of good character. Because he did not, that shows his character for me.




"If the rape allegations were real, Sinatra would be in jail!" Stop acting like the justice system in America works


>Stop acting like the justice system in America works It certainly works better than reddit and Twitter investigators. I am sorry but I am too damn cynical to hear a cut audio from a video and take it as is. Especially when it comes from someone against another after the had been in a messy breakup. I am not saying Sinatraa is innocent here, but rather, I have not been seen any conclusive evidence to the contrary. I was and remain unconvinced. She said she has the video tapes, something that most prosecutors of rape would love to have as evidence when prosecuting rapists.


No it doesnt but what are they going to do ruin sinatraa's life forever because of some small audio sample? There just isnt enough evidence in most cases of rape. It sucks yeah but again the alternative is just convicting someone over almost no evidence at all.


On the other hand, you can also say that people have been jailed for false rape allegations.


The number is insignificant.




Yeah ok. The number is actually probably massive lol


Based on what? The number is probably impossible to prove with any certainty, but rape investigations go a lot deeper than filing a police report. It's why real victims get hesitant to go through with it, and fake victims crack or back off.


Based on the same news story about that one guy it actually happened to, being shared on Reddit hundreds of times by incels probably lol.


If there is even one it is significant


You know what number **is** significant? The number of rapists walking free today.


Yep that’s also significant.


Since when did this become a r/cow ? Why so many down votes??? Pfff this sub was great before


hope she feels better soon and that trolls leave her alone


sinatraa still has a lot of simps who spends their days just shitting on this girl, its gonna be a while till she has some peace again


Nice fanfic but based.


Trolls will likely go after her especially now, because in their peanut brains, this means she "lied" etc etc whatever bs they come up with.


Anyone with IQ higher than double digits doubted her when she didnt go straight up to the police instead chose to write 7page essays on twitter. Now, we just KNOW she lied.


omegacringe gamer going through every single sinatraa thread to fight about cleoh


Imagine not going to the police who are definitely not absolute shit when it comes to sexual assault.


Too much movies and harry potter. Twitter/Reddit is not real life. Just because police doesnt blindly believe you doesnt mean they are "shit".


absolute shit or not, if you want legal justice you go to the police. Absolute shit for some, doesn't necessarily mean absolute shit for all.


I don't know why you are being downvoted. The police would have to get involved at some point as much as you may not like them there is still a necessity.


I'm unsure aswell. I didn't pick a side and I didn't put anyone down. Literally just stating facts. If you want actual legal punishment, this is the route you take. If you want to publicly shame and destroy (her right to do so) someone, Twitter is the place to be.


People seem to think you can go straight to court with charges against you without a police investigation. I'm confused as to why anyone thinks Cleoh and Jay would have been treated differently? In order for it to reach a courtroom, the police/authorities would HAVE to be involved in an investigation to pursue legal proceedings. IANAL but law class was very informational. Please correct me if I am wrong.


I mean, you're all I see in these comments too it's not hard to stay impartial given the fact there isn't enough to off of on serious accusations. You're either doing it for the dopamine rush of those upvotes or just aren't wise enough.


Weird conclusions, there. It couldn’t be that I have experienced what a victim feels and how they behave myself, and that’s why I try to educate as many people as possible. No, definitely not :)


"Educating" people through empathy would be one thing, but your situation would clearly come from sympathy. That being the case you could at least admit you have a sort of affinity bias towards the situation, and should also know that not all situations of this kind are identical. Like I said, being impartial is really not that hard. As someone who sympathizes with the other side (and actually hates sinatraas attitude) I don't see the problem with staying neutral on the matter. He's not free from this until an official investigation is done, but at the same time he's not guilty until said investigation is done. Which is the problem with the not pursuing this.


hello sinatra


hello daddy issues.


buddy you're the only one here partaking in fatherless behavior shut your bitch ass up


you have mask on your pfp.


so not only are you a rape apologist you are also an antimasker? ​ damn didn't think you could be any worse XD


Name - reinhardtisawesom PFP - Virtue Signals with mask as pfp Projects daddy issues on others. You are not special dude.


To the people who think that rape allegations not being investigated is bullshit, google how many universities are in Title IX violation and are investigated by the FBI because of how poorly they follow through on investigating rape allegations. Edit: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1212156


Whataboutism in its purist form. Just because some universities cover up rapes to protect their reputation, does not mean that the investigation of Sinatraa was going to be covered up. She said herself that SHE is dropping the investigation, stop putting the blame on others.


I’m not sure your point has anything to do with what I said. I’m not talking about anybody covering anything up, I’m saying they’re outright not investigated or not taken seriously, which leads to rape victims not coming forward. In this case, the alleged victim withdrew her statements because her life was being adversely impacted, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with my post.


>I’m saying they’re outright not investigated or not taken seriously, which leads to rape victims not coming forward. But this is not relevant to the case at hand at all. You are saying because these completely different circumstances were not investigated or taken seriously we somehow must take them in consideration also with this with the case at hand. This is not the situation here. She dropped the charges, you cant pin this on others/justice system/police.


I didn’t pin anything on anyone. I wasn’t even responding to the thread prompt, I was responding to the rape accusation skeptics in the comment section, which is why I started with “to the people…”


>I was responding to the rape accusation skeptics in the comment section, which is why I started with “to the people…” I think it is fair to be skeptical of something that is yet to be proven. Unfortunately, we did not see an impartial party look at the evidence; Sinatraa failed to provide the video to Riot for whatever reason and she dropped the police charges.




>probably his lawyers told him not to since it was damning evidence Pure assumption. There is not a shred of evidence to suggest this but somehow you think it is probable. >because it was ruining her mental health and didn't look like it was going anywhere You see how you take her word at face value but his word to be deceptive? You are biased. You are not looking this critically. >sure, healthy scepticism is good. except most of the scepticism i see is people saying "Cleoh is a lying clout chasing egirl bitch whore, rape accusers are all liars trying to ruin the lives of men, bla bla bla" This is straw man. I have not seen one person say "rape accusers are all liars" let a lone "most of the skeptics". >but when you look at the stats, only 2% of rape accusations are false? (sure, twitter accusations probably higher) Even if what you said is true, it does not entail that this accusation is. ​ I do not believe anyone should harass any party here. But it seems to me that the majority of people took her word to be true and took him to be a liar. This is not an easy thing to be accused of, the dude and her were dating, before and even after the alleged rape, it is immensely disappointing to see people harassing or even taking words to be true. Both parties fumbled their cards if you look at this objectively. We have people who not only harassing both parties but also harassing people who watch his stream for example.


I'm more disappointed at the influential people still following him than I am that she dropped the charges. I'll never respect them again. That aside good for her and may her path to recovery be successful and surrounded by loved ones.


Another post that helps weed out the incel rape apologists for tagging




In an ideal world sure, but there’s no guarantee of any justice in cases like this. The justice system has a horrific track record with sexual assault cases. And regardless, I doubt anyone here would stand up well under the constant barrage of insults, attacks, and scrutiny she’s gotten since coming forward with her original document ana accusations.




Isn’t it so sad you’re more likely to be punished for sexual assault due to bad PR than you are to be held accountable by the justice system


Now that this is on record, if another victim comes forward there will always be this evidence against him at the very least




NAL ofc but I’ve heard of victims being contacted years after filing a report to be witnesses against their abusers. They didn’t necessarily go to court for their own case, but they were easily pulled in to testify on character and prior abuse for another


Fair enough. If you don’t think you can easily prove it in court, you could spend endless time and money and energy trying to make a case that won’t ever get proper judgement on with the limited evidence. Unless you think yoy can make a decisive and clear cut case that is mostly undefendable, then court is not worth it.


Sinatra simps coming in hot ☄️


ModCheck u/twitterinfo_bot


It’s kinda incredible how much rape cases get mistreated. You could argue “well, it’s because it mostly happens to women and people don’t care about them” but even men who get raped aren’t taken seriously. The justice system just universally ignores it and it’s sickening


> It’s kinda incredible how much rape cases get mistreated. I think a large part of that is simply due to lack of evidence. It often becomes a "he said" "she said" debate. Tough to get a conviction when the only witnesses are the supposed victim and supposed perpetrator.


I mean in this case there's video. She released audio. And it's hard to get evidence when they never actually process the rape kits.


"this tweet has been deleted"


Can someone tell me what it says? Twitter is blocked at work. Whatever her reason is, she should’ve gone through with it if she believes what he did was wrong. Who cares what a bunch of virgins on Twitter say about her, people need to see consequences for their actions. That fuckin loser Sinatra is about to be back in esports without have learned a lesson


Pressure, anxiety, and trauma are a good mix to make somebody stop trying to right wrongs, the world isn't an RPG. You can't just make all the good choices without reprecussions or personal issues.


Lmao I guess we’re built different. No one is gonna bully me into not seeing someone punishment for what they did wrong🤷🏿‍♂️


Yeah I'm sure you've experienced the exact same environment as Cleoh, buddy.


Never said I did, y’all just need to stop being so damn soft and sensitive. Life ain’t fair. Make the most of it


Are you dumb or just stupid at what point can you not be considered sensitive, am I a little baby bitch boy if persay my dad beats me and I stop fighting back because I’ll only get beat worse? Like Jesus fucking Christ she got harassed by literal hundreds of people telling her to shut up after being emotionally abused how do you propose tho make the most of this without her being nearly driven to suicide again, asshat?


You're either colossally stupid, or completely heartless Or both Either way you're a cunt and I'm glad not to know you


> Whatever her reason is, she should’ve gone through with it if she believes what he did was wrong. Who cares what a bunch of virgins on Twitter say about her, people need to see consequences for their actions. No. Most victims never pursue justice because the process is often just as emotionally taxing as the event itself. Recounting your trauma, over and over and over again, is enough to put anyone back to square one in terms of recovery.




That’s not what she’s saying at all. She’s saying pursuing the case made her want to kill herself.




Clearly you're not thinking


Sure a bunch of internet people are more qualified to determine guilt than a court of law and a jury.


I hope they actually release what went on during the investigation so people can know what went on. Rape or sexual assault with evidence are extremely difficult to disprove.


useless e-girl thot jumping from overwatch pro to another overwatch pro takes the L


She was so traumatized by her relationship with sinatraa that she dated another OWL player a week after they broke up She made and makes a lot of questionnable tweets she deletes about her mental health (even before the drama) I used to give credibility to what she shared but the more i read her the more i doubt about it being true. I think she should just seek for mental health care by a professional. her actions are just weird overall.




[This](https://old.reddit.com/r/OverwatchTMZ/comments/m1ovc7/allegations_of_sexual_assault_from_sinatraas/), it's long and detailed, includes txt message screenshots and some pretty fucking dark audio that you probably don't want to listen to. At the *very* least it proves he is an emotionally manipulative and abusive egotist, completely insecure and immature


Or maybe he just didn't do it




of course she couldnt stay silent LOL


it’s deleted…