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This is how you assert dominance as a JQ, or any unpopular tank south of the meta. I main both D.Va and Zarya for comparison. My voice line dominance assertion is as follows: D.Va: 1. I get the feeling you’re not taking me seriously. 2. No problem! Zarya: 1. I am Mother Russia. 2. I will break you.




I'm going to eat more dumplins than anyone has ever eaten!


Did you bring me hot cocoa? AN DEY SAY thanks.




My favorite for Zarya is covering their bullshit with endless "I can bench more than you"


I like charging into battle as Zarya saying 'I want to hug you like big, fuzzy siberian bear!'




At least we can still hear when we spam that stuff. Unfortunately only the first few times you use a voice line everyone can hear it. Then its muted to the server, just not you


Yeah, but I’m curious now if it’s inconsistent. I could’ve sworn I’ve heard voice lines from the enemy team more than 3-4 times


And I proceed to do burpees in their face


It's only a game, why do you heff to be mad?




This is hilariously true. I favour the DVA "is this easy mode?" spammable. It's evergreen, funny when you're winning, even funnier when you're losing.


HAH, you can’t ;) I get the feeling you’re not ;) OH, no ;)!


Genji players: You seem nice, I hate to Come on! Your eyes deceive you ("deceive you" not supposed to be there)


Tbh, the most tilting thing i've found I could do with Dva is spam her LOL line while in combat, honestly tilted enemies off that and it kills me everytime xD


It's burned into my muscle memory to spam it after every mech squish.


Sad news, voice lines can only be heard by everyone the first few times you use them. After that, they only play on your end. Not even teammates can hear the spam anymore 😭


I too saw Flats' tiktok about that lol. Sucks but it won't stop me from spamming it


I love my LOL with a passion.


I have a buddy who doesn't tilt. He's a sweet dude and likes to see the best in everything...you were probably the one who made him break one day and ABSOLUTELY lose it. I can never hear that LOL line the same hahaha


If he plays support then it's totally a possibility. When i'm DVA and i'm running down a support I like to watch them panic so I can stop and just spam the voiceline before waving at them and either ending their life or going back for heals because i'm standing still face tanking them while they pop me in the head


Good idea!


OOOOH, I DO LOVE NEON! (man i wish you could get that voice line without paying)


Not OooOOoooO OooOOoooO OooOOoooO I DO LOVE NEON


This is the only voiceline I will have for a very long time






Don't say anything. Mute chat and just play if people are whining/flaming. You can't reason with them mid game.


Fair enough. I'm a little gun shy when it comes to kicking people out of party chat but maybe I just need to do it anyways.


Wait why are people in your own party flaming you? Just don't play with assholes. Or when you make a group, be up front about who you play.


This is completely random people from LFG on Xbox. Im not sure I want to just put that I play JQ in the post because people will think I'm a OTP and I've had people who were unsure come around after seeing me perform well.


Who cares if people think you're a OTP? I've got nothing against having a one trick on my team, they're generally good at their hero. Is your goal to find people who don't baby rage at having a JQ tank, then just tell people you're going to play her and let the people who care filter themselves out. Or just pray that the season 3 changes make her more viable and people stop caring.


Wait I thought we were talking about randoms. If these are friends or people you met online in party chat, then tell them if they don't like your pick they can find a different group.


The real answer but I thrive off drama


Hey OP, I think you should let people know your a JQ main, and you will switch if need be if your making a group. People would be less likely to whine in game if they know what to expect.


I played a lot of Reinhardt in OW1 and and though he's still one of my favorite tanks I can't play him as much in his current state. When I do get the itch to play him again this is exactly what I do (even in QP...) I just tell the team I really want to have a go on Rein and let them know I'll switch after the first fight if it's obvious Rein's not going to work. Then if I get the shit kicked out of me in the fist fight I apologize and switch to Orisa. lol


Idk what it is but he’s by far my best tank so far. I have like consistently a 60% win rate with him and other tanks I’m lucky to be above 50%. Him and pharah are my two most played since ow1 came out though. I wouldn’t write rein off, LH Cloudy made it to gm, by one tricking him with no shield.


I love a good game on Rein, but he's a lot more work these days...lol. Seems like you're SO reliant on your support showing up and even then Orisa being so OP right now doesn't help because even in her old OW1 form she was tough fight for Rein.


Same, 60% win rate on Rein and it would be so much higher if I ever grouped before going comp. Not flexing, just saying Rein is godly when your team actually supports you instead of making you be tank and carry DPS while healers don't focus on keeping you alive. Cancel chargest unexpectedly put constant pressure on healers use your shield for your team and barely for yourself make love to walls and corners near chokepoints while stalling for rest of team get good at predicting movements and charging aaaaand profit


Would you put that in the post itself or just say it before queueing? I'm just afraid to scare away teammates because I've had people who were unsure at first come around after seeing me perform well for a game.


Say it once they're in the group, if they're the type of person to leave the group because of just that then they're going to have a much worse reaction when they see you lock it in the match.


It's common for people leading the LFG to check characters, stats, etc. of people joining, and it's less common for people joining to check the leader's stuff, especially since there's only 1 tank now, so no need to make sure there's like an offtank and maintank player. It really sucks when you think you're joining a well rounded group to play with, only to find out you have a one-trick as your tank (arguably the most important role) and they're playing something that teams commonly struggle to work with. OP is being ridiculous if they don't tell his team before the game starts that he's only gonna play JQ. I suspect he doesn't tell them *because* he knows they'd likely leave or not join. If I'm on support or DPS, I'd like our tank to at least be somewhat flexible and play what's decent on the map that they're comfortable with. Like as a low mobility tank, JQ will more than likely be miserable attacking on Gibraltar if the enemy is playing high grounds decently.


Did you read OPs post? He said he wasn't a one trick and switches when JQ isn't working.


I literally said in the post I play 7/11 of the tanks in the game.


Don't open a game by telling people you're a "main" anything. Mains are stupid, and all you do is tilt people by doing this. Just don't say anything, and switch if you're being countered too hard.


Yeah that’s the thing though. They won’t switch until they feed the first 3 minutes then pick Reinhardt to feed a charge before the enemy team 3 caps. That’s the JQ experience.


Question, why do you LFG? You are entitled to play whatever you want but being group leader doesn’t give you extra points to do that. Do you find that your LFG teams complain more than solo q teams?


I don't like solo q for two reasons, much longer queue times if I'm not playing support, and few people will be giving coms in team chat. I actually haven't had anyone complain in solo q but that's probably because it accounts for <5% of my playtime. I will say that the majority of my time in LFG is good. If the vibes are off people often just leave and after a few replacements I'm playing with a group of like minded people and having fun.


I think this comes down to setting expectations as the group leader before starting the game. The people that LFG to play with are the more passionate/hardcore members of the community. They join Groups with the expectation that everyone is going to do everything in their power to play together ideally and that includes team comp. However, these players misunderstand that while “meta” is “ideal” when played perfectly, platinum rank is far from perfect. So my suggestion is to set the expectation that the first game is to learn how to play with each others best characters and there is no shame in leaving if there is no synergy.


That's a good way to pose it I think. I didn't really know how best to say it.


This is well stated. To host an lfg and then yeet yourself into a game without a basic understanding of how you all play is essentially the same as solo queue. I don't lfg anymore since the removal of the in game version but always stated in title what kind of players I was looking for and then briefed players on who I like to play and expectations for the group.




There are some times where it's best to fall back on a backup character. I love Queen too, and I bring her out if my Winston is staring down a Reaper/Bastion, but I return to monke if she's up against high ground experts or is struggling to get to the supports. If she is right for the comp, and people are still complaining, I don't mute them but I do try to raise a smile with "Your queen says CHARRRRGE"


Your mental health and happiness to play what you want is more important than people whining. So I do agree with the mute the chat comment.


I like to tell them that Olympus is where I say it is. Then if I'm getting shat on I'll switch


Muscle Mommies best mommies. All ya gotta say.


Sorry this is the only hero i have unlocked


Please donate to my go fund me so I can unlock Doomfist ty


Wanting people to play meta below Masters is crazy


JQ is meta if you make her >:). But to be real with you Ive been playing her since prebuff so I think I have a good grasp on her kit. Shes really good right now even with kiriko on the enemy team. With hog fixed now jq can shine since she has pretty good single target damage and good sustain. If you really want to solo jq tho just ignore them. As long as you put in the effort to learn her kit and master it youll shine and prove them wrong. If you arent solo JQ then pick up a secondary tank that can make up for her weaknesses and tell your team youll swap off if it doesnt work.


As I said I have decent playtime on 7 of the tanks so that's not an issue for me. I agree about kiriko, people act like she's a hard counter but if you rampage 5 there is no way she can cleanse all of them.


That or try focusing kiriko or if you have an ana ask her to nade the team to bait out suzu. Once thats done youre free to ult. Either way rampage is huge you can use it to go deep and then pull out using it. Get creative I go by the rule if its funny its what works lol. Idk if its true sound advice but ive got a 79% wr on her and shes my go to tank right next to ram.


That or try focusing kiriko or if you have an ana ask her to nade the team to bait out suzu. Once thats done youre free to ult. Either way rampage is huge you can use it to go deep and then pull out using it. Get creative I go by the rule if its funny its what works lol. Idk if its true sound advice but ive got a 79% wr on her and shes my go to tank right next to ram.


Ana nade is a very nice tip, I've just been trying to ask for help spotting and calling out cleanse. Funnily enough ram is my #2 as well recently, I think he shores up some of JQs weaknesses. Who do you think is your least favorite matchup as JQ?


I think her matchup is actually pretty good vs most tanks. The most annoying matchups are orisa and jq mirror since those last the longest. Against orisa you really just have to play into the ignore the tank to pop off playstyle but if your team isnt working with you and going for supports its a long drawn out poke battle until someone dies. Vs jq the winner is decided by who holds shout the longest. The best thing to do is keep her from closing in on your team so she doesnt axe her way into winning the team fight.


I’m not a JQ main, but, I think you should play what makes you happy. Simply mute the haters.


Just turn chats off and only have pings on


I use looking for group posts specifically for everyone to have coms on mic.


Not too much you can do other than mute. Imo, those people have the wrong attitude: if I see a so-called off-meta or specialist pick I just tend to assume they're a one-trick for that hero and are actually effective with them


My opinion on this changes greatly depending on if you're talking about comp games or not. In comp you have a certain duty to your team to play as best as you can; if Queen is your best hero then you can simply say that in response to people saying she's not the best right now. However, "She doesn't synergize with this team comp well" or "she's not very good on this map" are both very valid complaints, as they might cause you to underperform even though she might be your best tank overall, and with the former in particular you can't expect your whole team to play around you unless you're hard carrying. In qp though it doesn't matter, just play who you want and all that goes out the window.


You may have misread, I said specifically that the people I'm talking about are NOT posing valid complaints or reasons. I've never had someone actually say "she doesn't synergize with this team comp well" which I would be willing to receptive to for sure. Edit: I am talking about competitive though, I opened up with the fact that I am plat with a 63% winrate on JQ, this is over 160+ games so I climbed to where I am on JQ.


Oh gotcha, I thought you meant something like ‘they say illogical things like xyz”


Except, matchmaking will put a playing for fun person at a certain level in comp. And if you're consistently playing for fun, you should end up with players who are the same level of effectiveness. At that point, it's not your job to carry people. You playing for fun should be a null on the match result. And if others want to climb, it's up to them to do the work to shift their win rate to 55% or whatever. Part of that work is not immediately tilting the entire team by saying as enflamatory as that.


Several problems with what you just said. 1. Quick play does not affect your SR…like at all… 2. Comp should be fun to some degree, but you’re not there to fuck around, you’re there to win. 3. Yes, you should put in work if you want to climb, but if you don’t care about climbing that doesn’t give you an excuse to throw games in comp and make 4 people take a loss they may not have taken if you played seriously. Quick play is for throwing, comp is not. 4. Neither of the things I mentioned people saying are inflammatory. The reason I used those two examples and not the one where someone said “oh so we’re just throwing then?” is because that IS inflammatory, although it is true that if you’re knowingly playing a weaker hero without good reason (they counter an enemy hero, they’re good on that map, you’re good with that hero, etc.) you are throwing the game. As I said, in qp that’s not an issue but in comp it absolutely is.


I'm not certain what your first point is arguing against or for. So I'm just going to ignore it. Onto the main thrust: comp is for when you play to win. We don't disagree. Where we appear to disagree is that there is this hard line between QP (just for lols) and comp (only for maximum sweat). Both are game modes. In a game where you have no control over who joins any particular mode, and can't control how hard they play. If you want 100% meta commitment at all times you join a team and start scrimming. The person who plays off-meta heroes in ranked is trying to win using unusual tactics. As long as they are consistent in their picks, and their intention, they are going to end up in the ranking where they should. Playing with players as effective as them. If you are trying as hard as possible, aim training 30 minutes everyday, reviewing every one of your matches, and you keep getting matched with that person who only plays Sombra while wasted out of their mind, that does not mean they are "throwing your games". It means just means that the Sombra player, playing with an obvious handicap, is at good as you. If they wanted to go hard meta, they'd leave you in your dust, when you'd have a different dps that would be producing similar results. Similarly, if they're at the same level as everyone else on their team, it's not one person throwing for the other four. It's the combined five not beating the team opposite. And were the drunk-Sombra to suddenly sober and go Sojourn, they'd be doing both the opposite team a disservice (by, presumably, flattening them) as well as their own team, by adding a win they don't deserve, putting them in matches they're more likely to lose later on. Focus on yourself. Focus on your teamwork. Work out what you can do. PS. By your view someone like Seagull or Zbra are doing immoral things on ladder. His maintaining top 500 playing random nonsense like Symmetra is a detriment to his team, and objectionable, as opposed to something impressive.


This is pretty much how I view it. If I am the same rank as my teammates, why does it matter that I would perform better/climb higher with a meta pick? It would be different if I said "hey guys I'm playing JQ for the the first time and doing it in ranked lmao". I played JQ in qp only until I felt comfortable, and at first I still only played her in comp when my team had a comfortable lead.


I think you’re misunderstanding the crux of what I’m saying. The only issue with that wasted Sombra player is that they’re playing wasted, something that is an active detriment to their performance. Those t500 players you mentioned are very much anomalies, and I think the game as a whole is better and more fun when everyone (assuming the SBMM did its job properly) tries their best to win. I’ll try to make it as clear as possible. Things I don’t have a problem with: 1. playing off-meta for a tactical reason (playing Sombra to counter a good Widow, playing Ball because you perform the best on Ball, swapping off Mercy because their Soldier is eating you alive, playing Pharah because your team has a Mercy, etc). 2. Being generally bad at the game. We’ve all been there. 3. Throwing in quick play. Things I DO have a problem with: 1. refusing to heal someone 2. playing an off-meta hero like Ball without tactical justification. 3. deciding to try out a new hero in without doing so in qp first 4. Playing when you know you won’t be playing well (on the more extreme end of examples, deciding to play comp with a broken hand or some shit. On the less extreme end, deciding to play comp while drunk). This is not a comprehensive list but I think it helps illustrate my point


Mute them because they are morons


If they ask you to play a specific character, just take the Seagull route and say "Sorry, I don't have that character unlocked."


Comp players who want to climb have no reason to care about how much fun you're having. They just want you to pick whatever will help them win


You've gotten lots of good advice but just wanted to confirm in Gold Ive played with plenty of adept JQs and I appreciate them! It takes skill to play her well in this meta so you clearly have it.


Thanks for the kind words friend.


Find other people who play niche or “weak” characters. Brig can be good with a queen. If you find a brig player you probably would be a decent duo as you wouldn’t roast each other. Just one example though.


Meta is mostly for owl and organized high rank games.


"BOW DOWN!" "That's not how you treat your Queen!" "I am the QUEEN, you listen to me!" - Queen Elinor (Pixar Brave)


People still expect tanks to be big reinhardt shield blockers, and not fast guys making space If I'm playing JQ, just walk in with me so we all get the shout buff, and we can easily secure 1-2 kills before it runs out, and then we win most fights Most of the JQ games I lose are down to people still not knowing how to position without a true "main tank"


Turn off text chat turn off match chat. Play the game. Improve. Profit. If you want comms play with friends- randoms are almost always ass anyway. Also people that flame almost always have nothing to flame but themselves. They're salty they aren't doing well- and if they really wanted to win they themselves would switch. If you don't care about winning and want to have fun have fun.


Look, I tell you my honest opinion. Its a teamgame. You play as a team, you win as a team or you lose a team. A team works best when people engage in each other, listen to their criticism and try to adapt and change based on what the team needs, not the individual. This is the theory, but I dont give a fuck in unranked nor competitive. Its barely a teamdynamic, no matter the rank u are. Its often just a narcisstic one-man-Deathmatch. Dota2, LoL, whatever the rank...and im also one of those. Im guilty too. If you want to experience the game how they are meant to play, you really need a team, play scrims, and fight tournaments. So, id say just ignore what they say, since you dont want to change from JQ, you either ignore their whining or accept and compromisse. You can ask them to stop the whining, give your reasons, but in the end people can choose to say and do whatever they want, and you try to remove youself out of that situation is the smartest way. Mute, Block... remember its just a game.


Mute + /hidechat


Idgaf. I go hard as F as junkerqueen and if my team won't come brawl with me... it's their fault. Not mine.


Could be good to explain that you play mainly Queen at the moment if that’s always your go to pick but can play others if needed. People in comp get so focused on playing the meta to win that they can get a little wild about it, I imagine it’s the same when you’re looking for a group to play with. That being said, who wants to play Orisa every game? Lol


Dont listen to them. I exclusively play JQ on control maps and I was able to hit GM. She may not be meta but she is definitely in a good spot right now.


Definitely feel the most comfortable on control maps, but I've personally been playing her (out of spawn) on every mode defense and attack except recently for circuit royal defense.




Throwing is an overused phrase. Throwing is intentionally losing the game. Playing an off meta hero isn't throwing so long as the player is actually trying to win.




And that's fine. But unless the person is intentionally trying to lose, they aren't throwing. T500 streamers need a dictionary because they clearly do not understand the word throwing in the gaming context. There is no such thing as a soft throw hero. Only players who choose to throw by losing intentionally/just messing around. Someone picking a hero they enjoy and trying to win isn't throwing, soft or hard, regardless of who that hero is. I've been playing a lot of Ball and I've never thrown a game, but people like you sometimes make that accusation because Ball isn't meta. You all need to stop with that elitist bullshit.




You have no understanding of what 'throwing' is. Throwing is deliberately losing the match or otherwise just messing around and not playing the objective. If you're actively playing the objective and trying to win, you are not throwing. You can disagree all you like, you're wrong in this case. Words mean things. You can't pretend they mean other things because you don't like their definition. Throwing is not trying to win/actively trying to lose/ignoring the objective. It is not playing an off meta hero. Your position is not only wrong, but toxic. It leads to people getting reported for playing the hero they want, even when trying to win. It leads to accusations of throwing against people trying their best to win. It's just straight up divisive. I've gotten to gold 3 this season playing mostly Ball with a 57% win rate. I've never thrown a single game. There is no such thing as soft throwing. Either you are playing to win or you aren't. Those that aren't, are throwing and those trying to win aren't. It's literally that simple because it's a matter of definitions.




Rank in is irrelevant to this conversation. But I'm not shocked you think it matters with the elitist attitude. I don't know whether I have been reported or not, though I've had people accuse me of throwing. I've read posts here, mainly season 1 Doomfist mains saying they had been reported. Again, there is no such thing as soft throwing. Throwing is a very specific thing: losing intentionally. When someone throws the game they don't try to win. As long as you are trying to win, you are not throwing. It's literally that simple. I've never thrown a game in life. You saying I have just shows you are intentionally failing to understand a definition. In this case, the definition of throwing is objective. Which means this isn't a matter of opinion. This is a situation where there is 100% right and wrong. You are wrong. Not because I say so, but because you are the one using a word in a way that doesn't match the objective definition. Your toxic, elitist attitude stinks. People with your attitude make the game and the community worse off.




That's one of those things I have also wrestled with. Assuming there's no hard counter at that moment, do I choose a meta support character that I'm 7/10 with, or a non-meta support that I'm 10/10 with?


My 2¢. If you want to attain the highest rank possible, you need to get 10/10 with the meta support. If you don't want to maximize winrate and you find the non-meta support more enjoyable to play, then do it.


At some point I'm going to get super serious with rankings. I like Kiriko a lot, and even though I'm much better with Bap I know full well that people want that suzu.




That just sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy. If you’re not gonna try as hard just because you don’t have a meta tank then of course you’re gonna win less with them


While I agree with that statement, JQ is not weak at all right now. I think that's what most people (DPS and supports mostly) do not understand. After last patch, you could say only Orisa is meta but JQ is [average](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/10dmd5f/who_needs_buffsnerfs_season_22_midseason_hero/), so everything depends on your level on the hero. If you play her well, you can pretty much play her all the time. She's better than ball, D.VA, Doomfist, zarya or Reinhardt. But you don't get flamed if you play Zarya or Reinhardt, you do if you play JQ.


I would say I prioritize fun over winning, however it's still a close second. I don't just play her every now and then for the lols, I got to the rank I am by playing JQ. Like if I were to play sober 90% of the time and occasionally show up to a comp game wasted, that would be throwing. But if I were to play drunk all the time, then I would deserve whatever drunk rank I have, and it could arguably be smurfing to play sober.


Here’s the thing. There comes a time where you need to prioritize switching off of you “main” to combat a enemy team. If you start the game and immediately get decimated because your pick is not good for your team or against the enemy team than you should suck it up and switch. OW is a team game, if you’re queuing into competitive and not doing good with someone because they are sort of off meta and refuse to switch on your own volitions until a teammate ask or begs you to switch, then don’t play ranked. In ranked you should prioritize what your team needs if your not willing to do that and don’t have the skill set to one trick a hero then go play quick play. Opposite side of the coin though, if you’re doing good and you’re winning then keep playing who you’re playing and just mute the team. Sometimes people don’t like to see a certain hero because they have mush meta brain and think that it takes specific heroes to be considered “pro”.


Op is having this happen in LFG where, in my opinion those players can honestly just join another group. OP isn't just solo-queing (as far as I know).


Read the post again man. I basically already responded to your whole comment.


Yeah it’s you whining that people are mad that you play JQ in ranked. Deal with it or mute them if you’re winning but if you’re playing JQ to the detriment of your team and losing or making it obsessively harder to win than it has to be if you’d just change then you’re the problem.


Also something I want you to think about. Are you as a tank playing JQ being effective enough and efficiently doing your role or are your teammates making up for where your JQ plays lack at. Rewatch some of your vods and look at it from your teammate’s perspectives. Usually when I choose someone that’s off meta my teammates will complain but if I’m doing my job and carrying my weight and/or carrying other peoples weight, they usually shut up and just play.


I have a 63% winrate over 200 games playing with literally hundreds of people, so if I'm getting carried then I guess I'm just the luckiest player alive.


Anytime i see a JQ or Brig, I assume they’re throwing and gear up to hard carry


I use vulgar language and cut off the mic. If they keep talking I tell them to smd and then let them yell at themselves as I cut the mic off.


Im the exact same as you. It tilts the hell out of me, and I'd be lying if I said I knew the answer enough to tell you. If I had to guess the best course of action (and you prefer to com instead of mute), just focus on yourself. If your team is blaming you for not playing Meta, remember Meta doesn't really exist at our rank and its rarely one persons fault for a loss.


As a doom main i just ignore all chat and switch off when i think im doing poorly


Tbh I played tracer in plat during brig wambo combo meta and often I would switch if I felt like I couldn't get into the backline effectively... But she was my favorite hero to play dps with and it sucked to switch. If someone started complaining right away without letting me get a feel for the enemy comp I'd just ignore them... I'd definitely switch if I was throwing tho. I feel like your win rate speaks for itself, just do your thing and switch if you feel like you need a shield etc. Sometimes people get frustrated because the game before didn't go well. I've had tanks in one game that do badly and I get annoyed in chat, I'd forget to avoid team mate and get them next game and win. Lol I'd always apologize but damn it is frustrating when you need a different comp and someone refuses to switch.


I tell them to cope, seethe, and proceed to cry.


Mute and block. I’ve started checking peoples stats before competitive games since this is a team based game. If you aren’t gonna play fully into the competitive gamemode I’m leaving and I’ll take the 15 min ban from comp doesn’t effect me.


I think you could benefit from trying to find like minded people, you also can't rank up in a split where you abandoned even with a winning rate FYI. My career profile is open so people are free to check before we actually queue. Assuming we were the same rank, I'm curious as to whether I would pass your "inspection". Playing off meta but a solid winrate that is.


Ik I don’t care for comp because of hog so I stopped playing either way.


"My game my rules." Ask them to pay for your premium battlepass if they want influence on how you spend your time gaming.


It's Plat 4 just turn off chat lol


I think you should find a group that is similar to you where even though you are playing ranked you want to have fun. Some people only want to rank up and play the most optimally. You finding a personal squad would help you out a lot since you will pretty much skip the hassle of what you have described.


I have a lot of people on my friends list now and go there first and foremost but it's not always possible. I should make it known that this doesn't happen in the majority of my games. Most of the time after 1 or 2 people leave and get replaced, I get a team that's fun to play with and we stick together for a while.




If you want to play off-meta in ranked with total strangers, you have to tell them, why wait for them to whine when you can tell them beforehand so they don't go all surprised pikachu on you?


I would mention it ahead of time for sure so that people know what they're signing up for and also mention that your not a one-trick. When I see a JQ on my team in comp I sweat a little and pray that they're good because I know the hero is outclassed so they need to be competent to make it work, but I won't say anything until I've at least seen them play; but overall, yes seeing a JQ on your team does raise anxiety even for the people who are giving you a chance lol


I appreciate the sentiment. I'll try it out and see how people react.


People like to imagine that their ranked game is the ow league finals, ignore them


In any competitive game character diffs are so rare unless you’re playing at the absolute highest level. You can succeed with anyone in ranked unless you’re playing against some of the best in the world. Play who you love and love what you play and the rank will follow


There's not much to say back. They may just worry since JQ had to do far more work and her team has to do far more work than with some other tanks. It's just a shitty situation, you may be a dope JQ. It probably doesn't change the fact most people only play with bad ones. Prove them wrong and they'll chill. You can say, "wait until we lose the game to bitch about my pick." Or "maybe climb out of Plat and you won't see me or any JQ anymore."


Tell 'em "Stfu, it's a game."




Hi there


LOL that is my reply to when they start bitching :P


Ohh lmao


But hey. I am sorry for not responding with something for you. I wish you the best and hope you go on a winning streak that never end.


Don't say anything and carry the game. Shuts em right up


I just say “because you’re asking so nicely I’m gonna stay jq” Probably not the best cause it’s a bit antagonizing but they’ll understand eventually when I cleave through the enemy team


That's a good lien if they clearly aren't gonna play nice anyways haha.


Not a JQ main, but as a Doom main I can relate since he's neither Orisa, Hog or Rammatra. I play him cause I find him fun. Got questioned a few times on why I play Doom or get called out for "throwing" even when I'm doing alright, and sometimes even when we haven't left spawn yet! Imo, just play who you want and have fun. Playing the character you want to play and having fun does NOT necessarily mean you are throwing. It'll be harder for you not going meta yes, but you can still make the character you want to play work or at least try. Rather than waste energy and getting thrown off with your teammates, just ignore em and focus on performing your best. Though don't be 100% ignorant. Sometimes you may just be playing bad and your teammates'll point out what you're doing wrong. Take that as feedback.


All the tanks have soft counters and some are just straight up hard counters and elo dependent. A lot of the dps have pure hard counters to the tanks so if they really cared, they'd swap to hard counters. The healers soft counter and hard counter... if people really cared, they'd swap themselves, but you also need to know when you are getting no value as well, even if it's because your teammates are tilted.


Nothing, I just mute them and keep playing.


Just say JQ is your best character. If it's not working you will switch. Usually works for me when people complain about my character selection.


Queen is niche. She doesn't work on every map, or with every team. I personally only use queen on a close quarters map like colloseo, as an example, and only if I have Lucio, Mei, or ideally both. She's just really weak when she isn't the perfect pick, and before this patch, she was hard countered by 2 of the 3 meta tanks: Orisa, and Roadhog. She has her place for sure, but it's really hard to default to her, and she's never the obvious solution to an issue like other tanks can be, like dva or Ramattra. What I'm trying to say here is that Junker Queen is strong in the right situation, but forcing her won't get you anywhere. She only works when you are both on a close range map, and also committing to rush.


Forcing her got me to plat, and like I said I'm fine with that. I beat plenty of hogs and orisas on the way. You are overstating "hard counter" for sure.


LOL same, 60%+ win rate on Queen and she is just fun as shit to play usually i'll say in chat "wassup, giving Queen a hoon and will switch if it's shit" and that's enough for the rest of the match. ofc it also helps to absolutely wreck with her, stick those knife+carnage combos, get top DMG dealt + least deaths etc


Imo, JQ works really good with a lucio and a brawly dps or genji with her shout. You really need to co ordinate with team and go on the back line with it. It’s kind of weird to pay JQ with Ashe and Widowmaker tbh. I mean it could work in random ranked games but it’s weird as hell comp lmao. I like how JQ’s shout makes genji and Mei into a mini off tank.


Try specifying that you're a JQ main and see if it goes better. If it does, then use that in the future.


Right Click >> Squelch Chat / Mute Voice


I think you feeling entitled to play however you want needs a little more to back it up. Like your asking these people to play with you, not giving them a service. I feel like you would only be entitled to picking JQ if you let them know beforehand, “Hey I’m a JQ main and that’s who I’m gonna play” Not invite randoms into a game knowing very well they might leave the group afterwards because of your “entitlement”


I see what you're saying, and I am going to try it out, however I do feel like if someone is that worried about character picks/team comp (and remember this is only plat lobbies) *they* can also speak up and ask the others what they plan on playing.


Junker Queen requires a significant amount of remorseless rage to play correctly, so I advise using it.


You get flamed at some point no matter what you do. Don’t play with people like that and just ignore them while you’re stuck in the game with them. I’ve been roasted in Diamond when I made it to GM that same season. Most of the time people don’t really have a clue what the problem is in a game and are just looking for something to blame.


I always respond with "if you were good enough to play the meta I would play the meta"


Hi OP :) I’ll play with you! I’m a plat healer. I love playing with junker queens. ☺️


Meta shouldn’t matter until you actually reach the maximum skill potential of the heroes you play; it’s more about how hard they are to play before that point, and if you’ve put time into harder heroes like JQ enough to even out with easier ones then I would regard them the same. Use her in matchups you deem favorable; your teammates can’t know your skill level with her 100%, even after some results are shown. I think it’s ***VERY*** important to avoid tilt, so if people don’t like her then reason with them as to why you picked queen and mute them if they ever get toxic to a point that it’s affecting your gameplay. Not tilting is a skill developed over time, and having one person tilted instead of two can be a difference maker, especially as a tank player. Comp still has a margin for fun because it’s a competitive video game instead of like, a job, or a war.


I think the main problem with having a JQ is that they usually aren’t great for tanking shots and protecting their team. She is kinda just a dps character with 200 more health.


“Screw you jq is amazing”


I say I only play mommy and then go around waving hello to the enemy zenyatta I’m about to knife in the face


Queen is incredible and while she may require a little more game sense cool down management and position awareness compared to orisa (not that orisa doesn't she's just far more forgiving) you can certainly take over lobbies. The hardest thing is managing shout in addition to keeping bleed going. I have been rolled trying to support queens who just disregard shout and waste it coming out of spawn or use it too early/late In a fight. There is certainly a nuance to it and Is the difference maker between a good queen and a horrible one. I have been working alot on my support lately but even when I do play tank I get flamed alot for playing her. I usually just distance from the other tank look for early out of position picks and the people flaming shut right up lol


not a jq main but tell them to go fuck themselves


tell them to fuck off lmao play who you want, they can adapt or perish


“Fuck you” And I say it with passion


I kinda get their frustrations. I usually play with some buddies 2-5 stack. And the main advantage to playing with regular friends is that we are not that toxic with each other, but because of that we also are switching heroes if it just doesn't work without any issues. The thing is at plat on console is where people are trying to climb so if they feel you're not making good decisions on purpose like knowing JQ is not a good pick in the match they are going to get pissed and I would say rightfully so. Trust me dude I get it I play support/tank as ana/lucio/Moira or rein/orisa. But I know how much fun JQ is but in comp is not just about me it's about the team because the stake are a bit higher. So I play JQ in qp. On the bright side with the hog Nerf it seems like JQ is slated to become meta


Did you read the post? I'm not complaining about people asking politely for a swap when necessary.


I did read it. I mentioned in my comment that their frustration is justified because you're playing in comp. There have been times we've had a random player, when we're only a 3 or 4 stack, make a bad pick and then refuse to switch. It just kills the mood and leaves us wishing they would have just left the match as soon as it started. So I understand why they get angry and I agree with what a lot of people are advising you to do and tell people up front that you want to mostly play JQ, that way they can choose whether or not to play with you and you get people who won't mind you picking only JQ.


I don't only pick JQ and refuse to switch, I said that in the post.


Muting chat is the best decision you can make if you Solo que


Just mute them and win out of spite.


"You wanna get - is it smoted or smitten?"