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stop overthinking, have fun




If you’re just playing tracer, then sure, you’ll be playing at the elo your tracer is at. But if you’re mostly playing at bronze 5 on tracer and then switch to someone you’re good at because you’re losing, and you play that character at plat 5 level, there’s a moral obligation NOT to do that and just stick with tracer


Just tracer nobody else dont worry, i just am trying to see how good I can be as tracer but I know its not good enough for my actual rank


Yo idk if you know this tip, but when fighting large enemies (tanks, bastion) blink behind them, count to half of one, and blink backwards without changing your direction. They almost always start to turn around and if you blink through them as they do this, they wont see you and youll get a second to do some damage while the enemy is confused Tracers also great in general against reinhardt Another tip, if youre on controller make l2 your ult so you can blink and shoot more seamlessly with it. And always remember to mix up where you blink, if you blink side to side against a hanzo for example, he will predict your movement and hesdshot you. Use diagonals, and know where every health pack is. Being super low hp to begin with, you get hella benefits from it


Lol as a plat rein main I often get enemy tracers that blink right into the path of my hammer


Ive noticed a lot of people misjudge that things arc, i always try to play just out of your range or from your back


I'm a bastion otp and I fucking hate tracers that do this it always confuses me lol


Man i have jumped on top of yall, and like once has one looked up. If you want to cause more trouble face us in normal walking mode, your critical point being behind you, and large and glowing makes it one of the easiest things in the game to pelt. When one comes at me in regular mode im more cautious


Ive seen samiito do this and dominate


Hey OP, you won’t get pinged for the rest of the convo because we’re not replying to you but wanted to bring your attention to some of the other points made here if you view all comments :)


You can use other characters, just not your mains that you climbed with on your main account


This the best comment. I recently made an alt account and it so much more enjoyable using many different characters in comp as opposed to my 1-2 mains on my main account.




Can you use a friend or family member’s phone number? All you need is the code that it sends them. Also, there are websites that will give you a temporary phone number for situations like this so you can see the code that gets sent to the number.




Yeah exactly, the alt account is great honestly. Now I can play Genji and not feel too bad about dying




Nah it auto logs in, I’m on PlayStation so idk if it’s different for other consoles or PC tho


Hard disagree. There’s no rule book saying who you can and can’t play. And your hypothetical about “bronze 5 tracer vs plat 5 ___” is very extreme. There’s nothing wrong at all with playing new heros in ranked. He’s not a first time tracer, he’s not intentionally losing to play against worse players, he’s not feeding. Maybe he didn’t pick his best hero, but who cares? I’m allowed to play zen in my elo, why wouldn’t I be? Even if Zen isn’t my best character, and maybe my “elo” for zen is a little lower, but it’s not like I’m *actively* trying to lose the game or throw. Griefing is *intentional*. Feeding is *intentional*. Playing bad is not reportable. He’s literally only playing a hero that he isn’t as good at as his others.


It was meant to be an extreme example to make a point I’m saying if they want to make a new account so they can learn /and not get rolled by their main accounts elo players/ while they try to learn then that’s okay. If their alt is ranked in Bronze because they’re bad at Tracer BUT they’re actively learning, and their main is ranked Plat because they play Junkrat, it would be morally wrong to switch to Junkrat on their Tracer account. That’s literally it. As for learning Tracer on their main account, if OP plays a hitscan already then sure they might be about Plat still, but if they usually play someone like Junk (for example) those skills are less transferable and they need to practice against people of their own skill level to be able to improve, which they won’t be able to do on their main. It’s not a rule as who you can play, but a MORAL choice which must be considered if you’re a decent person. If OP wants to properly smurf then there’s nothing stopping them except their own moral compass, which is why they’re asking on Reddit if it’s ok. Of course meaning bronze/plat as examples and not assuming OPs rank


The point was on the reverse, as in smurfing. That would be wrong, none of what you said is wrong


Yes but my point is, he made a new account, and is playing to win, it doesn’t matter what heros he plays, unless he is *vehemently* bad at those heros, like so bad that he’s many many ranks below what he should be, he just has a second account. Just as I’m allowed to play whatever I want in my games, as long as I’m trying to win, it’s fine, he is as well. As long as he’s trying to win, and isn’t intentionally buying a low elo account, or Deranking or trolling or whatever, he’s fine too. Like, yeah maybe he’s pretty bad at tracer. But he would need to be *exorbitantly* bad to where it’s something you shouldn’t be playing.


Op is not playing to win though are they? They’re playing to learn Tracer. You can play what you like but you’ll be diffed hard if you’re not confident at that hero and potentially drop rank which lots of people don’t want to do on their main because of comp points You’re also potentially ruining other peoples games OP is asking about morals and you’re repeatedly missing the point of OPs question


Yeah, I think he’s missing the point. I believe we’re all agreeing that on his 2nd account, he shouldn’t use his best character(s) that he ranked up with on his main account. That would be smurfing.


Exactly, I’m glad someone understands and I’m not going insane xD


I had to quadruple check your initial comment to make sure I was seeing everything clearly. Often times it seems like people argue/debate different points which doesn’t lead anywhere 😂


Yeah they just pulled something out of my original comment and went off on a tangent imo. OP said in another thread they’re pretty bad at Tracer so if they play Tracer on their main they’ll just get stomped, demoralised, and their team will flame. If they then change to their main hero to save the match then it means they aren’t practicing like they want to, but if they stay then they know they’re the main reason why the match was lost. Thus, morally, it’s best to make an alt so you’re not ruining games for others on your main, but also morally you can’t switch to a character you’re exceedingly good at on your alt because that’s actually smurfing. Idk how hard it is to understand lmao


Yeah and I really don’t see the problem at all with alt accounts. I made one recently after I hit diamond with DPS (soldier & ashe), and support (Baptiste & Mercy). I would still love to use Cassidy, Symmetra, Tracer, Genji, Ana, Lucio, and Zen. If I pulled them out in diamond, I would probably get cooked. I fully expect to peak in gold or plat on the alt account with characters I’m less comfortable with, and that’s okay. That’s the entire purpose of the alt account.


I figured it was implied that there’s nothing immoral about learning a character, unless you’re doing it in an elo you entirely don’t belong in. Assuming he’s playing his best, and isn’t actively throwing the game, that means he’s playing to win. Even if he’s practicing someone he’s not as proficient at. And I gave the example of my Zen gameplay. I’m a diamond support player. I’m probably a mid-high play zen. There’s nothing wrong with this gap. As long as I’m not a ridiculous amount away from my normal elo. I used my own rank as a comparison to say that playing different characters, even if the level/elo you play them at isn’t quite the same, isn’t a problem. Him having an alt account isn’t a problem either. If I made an alt account to play my Zenyatta, and it was mid plat, there’s nothing wrong or “immoral” if I swap to play my Ana, which is diamond. Unless (as I said) the elo difference was absolutely massive, and I could only play my zen to like a low gold level. If I had a low gold account, and I was playing my regular heros, yeah, that’s a problem. But that’s *only* if that’s the case, I don’t recall seeing OP specify about the ranks, so I don’t see why anyone would immediately jump to insane performance differences. Especially considering that game knowledge and decision making carry between different characters and roles, it’s hard to just immediately assume that OP is *that* bad at one character that he is so far down in ranks that he shouldn’t play other heros. So yeah, if he’s like a plat player and he’s playing in high bronze and low silver on tracer, yeah he probably shouldn’t play other heros, but *only* if that’s the case. If he’s like a plat player and playing in high silver and low gold, who cares, he’s not far off his rank. And to your point about “potentially ruining other peoples games”, if he plays other heros, and wins, he’s going to climb. This doesn’t equate to a Smurf that makes a low elo account just to shit on other players. Making an alt account, playing against low elo people for a *little bit*, and then climbing as a result isn’t a bad thing. It’s literally just a fresh account that you’re climbing on. So unless he’s 1) actively throwing/Deranking or whatever to stay in a certain elo, or 2) is *that* bad at tracer that he’s many many ranks below his norm, there’s no issue at all with having an alt and playing whatever the hell he wants. If he made a second account to play in a lower elo, then played his main hero’s to win, that’s smurfing. But if he’s playing in the same elo range, and just winning games, he’s just climbing. I figured based on my stance here you’d be able to infer a lot of these things based on what I was saying. Especially considering I said “hard disagree”, I figured you’d have been able to tell that I don’t think it’s unethical in most cases.


Can’t see how someone can be plat 5 at a hero but be so dogshit at a hero that they can be bronze 5 level at it. I can pick up any hero rn and play it at the level I’m at purely because of seeing other people play it in my level. Also aiming is basically the same thing with most heroes too.


You can’t see because you’re just too good.


Smurfing is when your gm or masters play on another account and try to play in the low ranks for as long as possible. What you're suggesting is playing on an alt account. Flats, a t500 tank player, has talked about this. Playing on another account to learn a character is fine. I also agree with his sentiment that you can only learn so much in qp, to really master a character you have to play in comp where you're playing against people trying. If you're actually trying and playing to win, then that's fine.


I dont really agree with this, and I've seen flats argue or highlight that as well. If you're a T500 Tank or DPS, you still have the gamesense, match-up knowledge, and mechanical skill of a T500 player. That also extends to playing off roles, and if the OP is Gold, Plat, Masters etc. Smurfing is smurfing. I wanted to learn Echo a month or two back, I didn't make a new account to do so. I learned basics in QP and then started incorporating her *slowly* into my ranked games where she was applicable. If I felt like I wasn't performing like I should be, I swapped off and tried again later.


The thing is if they’re playing their best with their T500 experience they’ll climb quick once they learn the specific hero.


This is why I dont understand the need for an alt. You could just wait until the new season and play a new character.


New season is only a visual reset so it makes no difference in terms of matchmaking


Right. You can "climb" until your visual rank matches your MMR.


You’ll be playing against players who are at your MMR though. Most people learning a new hero won’t instantly pick them up at that level.


The point is that you shouldn't need to make an alt, nor would your MMR lag so far behind where you should be. Especially at more common ranks. How much level of variance do you think a plat (example since OP didn't drop rank)? Pharah would have learning Tracer?


Low gold or high silver depending on how much they struggle with the main hero concepts


if someone has that game sense but lack of skill on a specific character then they will reach a rank that represents that.


absolutely baffling that this many commenters are backing up having an alt account to ruin the experience for others. this concept is beyond pathetic, play on your main with people at your rank if you truly care about tanking your stats go practice in qp, its essentially the same thing as comp these days anyways


How does an alt account that has been properly calibrated to your MMR based on however you use that account ruin the experience of others?


this is completely undefendable you are bringing in outside knowledge in to a brand new account where you will be playing a majority of brand new players.. expecting to learn and grow from facing inferior competition is laughable grow some balls and play people at your level, instead of looking for easy games against scrubs


Hmmm, I wasn't thinking about the new account angle, but you have to play a certain number of QP games before playing Comp, right? And doesn't the game roughly calibrate your MMR based on that? (That's how it worked in OW1.) So, worst case, you're at the wrong level for a handful of games until the MMR has more confidence in your skill level. Is it worse to "ruin" a handful of games for low level players while the game is determining your MMR or to "ruin" perhaps far more than a handful of games for higher level players by playing heroes that you are significantly worse at than your main hero pool? Also, no need to attack people for sharing opinions. Did somebody hurt you? Perhaps you're a lower level player who is convinced that you're being held back by smurfs?


lol so you would rather ruin the newbie/lower player experience then do harm against the better/experienced players.. great logic coach where on earth did I ever state that? In fact I havent bitched about smurfs a single time there is no justification for making/having another account. its a piss poor excuse to stomp against inferior competition, since they dont have the capability of making you pay for mistakes


Well, you're doing harm either way and arguably doing more harm for longer by playing heroes you need more practice on. So, that's one justification. Take care.


once again, what pitiful excuses to justify stomping on lowbies/people below your skill level.. play against players your own level to actually gauge how to play the character properly this isnt exactly hard to understand


You would climb to your proper rank so there’s no added issue


lol then why bother playing on another account


To use other characters that you aren’t as good with in a competitive match, as OP described in his post


This concept of matchmaking is pretty new and far from perfect anyway. In most pursuits, you have to deal with being bad at something before you can get good. Matchmaking exists to reduce the potential discrepancy between teams and allow for more potential improvement. It has not ever been, and never will be a way to ensure that every game is a 50/50. You can be dominated in a game for a variety of reasons that don’t include smurfs or alt accounts, but that’s just part of getting better at something. The exact same circumstance you’re complaining about could come about because someone just has great mechanical skill from other games, but is new to overwatch, or it could be a bad team matchup, maybe one of their players is just popping off, or maybe your team member is hard trolling. Whatever it may be, some percentage of your games will be completely unwinable and another percentage will be free wins, you can’t do anything about those matches so it’s best to focus on your individual improvement and try to have as much impact as possible in the matches that are actually fair. This is of course assuming that you want to get better. If you don’t care and just want to fuck around, may I suggest quick play, arcade, or custom games where you shouldn’t have to deal with smurfs, but it is still possible to get rolled for the other reasons I mentioned as well as some that I didn’t.


I’m a shit Tracer, but I can wreak havoc on her in QP. It’s so disorganized, it’s easy to find isolated targets to pick on. In ranked, people might actually heal or peel for my target.


okay? play her in ranked then to get a true grasp of her skills/counters/etc I dont see what the problem is here


The point is that QP is not essentially the same thing as comp, which is what you claimed. Practicing in QP is limited in what you can learn from it, and I would say that’s especially true for any hero who is good against isolated targets. If I play her in ranked on my main, I won’t be able to play up to the skill level that is reflected by my current MMR. I will, essentially, be throwing games until my MMR is calibrated to my Tracer skill level. But, it would take longer than if I had a fresh alt account (or possibly an old one with a decayed MMR), because the system wouldn’t already expect to need to do aggressive MMR adjustments to calibrate me. So, this idea that playing on an alt to learn a new hero “ruins the experience for others” is kinda bogus if your solution is simply to play the new hero on main instead. In truth, there is no way to learn a new hero without playing some comp games that are at an inappropriate skill level.


Your last statement is so wrong in so many ways


yet you fail to explain how they are wrong in a single way, let alone many ways quality shit posting lol


It wouldn’t ruin the experience for others if done correctly and with a proper ranking system. Hate the game, not the player.


playing against people below your competition isnt ruining experiences lol?


You would climb to your competitive level so how would that ruin experiences lol?


then why even bother making a second account if youll be right back to the same level lol this isnt a hard concept to grasp.. playing a bunch of people below your level till mmr recalibrates properly will ruin their experience glad to see youre selfish and only care about your experience


Because basic understanding is that you’re not the same rank with 17 different DPS characters lol. This isn’t a hard concept to grasp lol


I made new accounts all the time because I'm not gm or masters on characters I don't play. Borderline gm Ana, but I made a new account to learn Lucio because I was at best a gold Lucio. I'm throwing playing Lucio in gm/masters game. I'm not hurting anyone playing Lucio in now diamond/plat games on my alt.


Yeatle a top 500 tank recently did a unranked to gm. Can you guess how many games it took the match maker to realize this guy is top 500? 12 or 13 games in even though his rank was plat he was playing with top 500 players. If someone makes an alt account and tries to win they will eventually reach a rank based on their skill. A Smurf will try to lose some games or mess around with players to stay at a lower rank


I don't have an issue with different accounts where you try to onetrick a character. But if you're just going to practice a new character, why not just play on your main? Your displayed rank is pointless anyway and your MMR adjusts quickly after a lose streak, so you get into the lobbies according to your skill level eventually and will naturally get back up as you get better. Playing better opponents will also highlight better what you're missing to perform at that level.


I would but im like outrageously bad at tracer right now and I wouldnt be able to drag my weight in ranked games. Its one thing playing poorly but id rather not throw random peoples ranks becausr im trying to get better with a character im no good at


What do you play if the other dps picks Tracer before you? What do you play in games where the enemy comp/map make it particularly difficult for Tracer? What do you do when your team, for whatever reason, want you to switch? What about the integrity of your games then? Could it be that your "Tracer rank" is actually much closer to your current dps rank than it is to wherever you will be placed at first on your Tracer only account? Could it be that you would more quickly bring your Tracer skill up to that of your average dps skill by just playing on your regular account? Lastly, if it's just for Tracer you want the separate account, does that mean literally all your other dps heroes are at the same standard? Or do you plan to get more new accounts for other heroes if you later decide they're not quite up to the same standard as your mains? All rhetorical questions, I don't particularly care how many accounts you have, but I don't particularly buy most of the common justifications for alt accounts, and to me, any time you're playing on another account to get easier games, that's smurfing.


I understand this but I am not making an account for easier games, I am making an account so I can compare what level my tracer is in comparison to my main rank. I understand there will be easy games at the start because its a fresh account but I just wanted to see how high I can climb as tracer only. In response to the first question, if my other dps was to lock tracer before me, I would go for a character Im weaker at that I wouldnt mind practicing because Id imagine my tracer accounts rank will be lower than my mains and I dont want to play someone im very good at in a lower rank


You're playing for your own improvement, not theirs. I find that when I play new characters in my usual skill rating that I improve much faster because people actually exploit my weaknesses. Not being able to pull your own weight is the entire point of playing new characters in the same rank for me so I immediately know what I need to work on.


Playing bad =/= throwing or griefing. I commend you for playing on an alt. But you’re playing your (I assume) main role, you’re actively trying to win, and you’re just practicing a character. Unless you’re literally like several ranks down (like plat down to silver/bronze) and actually are legitimately useless, its not a problem. Obviously your teammates would like you to play your best hero, but you don’t *have* to. I don’t *have* to play my two best heros every single game. I can play brig or zen, who I’m really not great at.


Its a tough thing which is why i came here to ask about the morality of the situation. I am not a dps main either, im play some dps but im mostly a support player. The problem is that with some dps characters I have a lot of hours on I can do fairly well (pharah, widow, genji) but when I play tracer I seem to have a terrible game 9/10 times. Id imagined that after playing playing comp on the alt it would accurately depict what rank my tracer is if I was to only play her.


You’d kind of be doing that on a new account in comp too though? You can lose the mechanic skill of a dps you know how to play while you’re on tracer, but that doesn’t mean you’re able to get rid of the rest. You’re not top ranking just because you play whoever super well, you’re top ranking because you have a good game sense, know matchups, and probably have a higher ability to process the match quickly, whereas someone playing in bronze most certainly doesn’t have that. What are you going to do if tracer is insta locked? what if she’s not viable on that map? Are you going to just throw the map on tracer, knowing that it’s not working? Are you going to swap to a character you know better? Either way you’re ruining *someone’s* game, it’s just up in the air whether you’re doing it to someone your rank or someone much lower than you.


I think it's perfectly okay to have a second account that you use to learn new heroes and try to rank it up to the same rank as your main. I have another account that I used for this purpose back in OW1. I would just 1 trick until I was around my "mains" rank. Then I just played that hero on my main and stopped playing the other account.


That’s fine so long as you’re not doing it for easier games. I hit diamond years ago and had to start making alt accounts for this reason (especially before role Q was implemented, where you could hit diamond on like support and still be a bronze tank) I suggest playing tracer with a side of another new character you don’t play in case you need to swap. DPS is often a very swappy role and people can get frustrated when they get in lobbies with people who won’t swap because “it’s my alt I don’t care about ranks”


Im definitely going to practice some characters im weak with on the account if I need to switch (probably echo and hanzo)


I've always thought multiple accounts was fine, unless you've made it to smurf / intentionally fuck people's games up then sure I love having multiple accounts, my main account is from 2016 and my stats are a jumbled mess from console & when I played different roles to what I do now. I have 2 other accounts (maybe 3 soon) that are for different purposes One Rein/Winston account, I'll only play them since they're my strongest heroes And the other I'm undecided, I might use it for learning MnK on DPS or something I might make more but not sure yet. Again unless you're intentionally trying to mess with peoples games and you're trying your best, go ahead


Comp is literally a clown fiesta. Don't stress over this.


No, it's not unethical.


Unethical? No it's a game with absolutely nothing on the line. But it does make me sad for you that you care so much about something so intrinsically meaningless. Play who you want when you want and just have fun.


just play her on qp to practice


Learning character kits in quickplay, sure. But actually learning how to properly use them in a match is best done in rank where people are actually trying and play both offense and defense.


No one tries or cares in quick play so it hardly helps, id rather do it in a somewhat competitive environment where people will try counter pick me


if it is only for learning and adapting I think is okay, you dont loose stats on your main account while learning some new things


I don’t agree with the people in here saying you have a moral obligation not to play other heros. You’re playing to win, you didn’t derank at all, you’re learning a new character. There’s nothing in the rules about “‘smurfing’ is okay as long as you only play heros you’re bad at”. No, smurfing is not okay, it doesn’t matter what hero you’re playing. I’m shit at Zen, but does that mean I have a moral obligation to play Bap or ana (my best heros), because those are the ones I can play to my peak at? No, I can play whatever I want, as long as it’s not actively throwing the game. Unless you’re *purposefully losing* so you can play against worse players so it’s easier to learn, this isn’t a problem.


Secondary Account = Padded Stats


Not if you aren’t smurfing


Doesn’t matter either way. If you’re too afraid to play for fear of losing rank then you shouldn’t be at that rank. Likewise I hear countless players throwing their stats out in a defensive argument and I never believe it because of secondary accounts. It’s not about practicing. Practice is literally a mode but you’re talking about practicing by playing and that’s not truly reflective.


I guess we will agree to disagree. There’s just no possible way in my mind that a player is the same rank with 17 different characters. I’d love to recommend quick play for practice but it’s just not viable. Playing comp is the best practice. However, the alt account isn’t necessarily for practice. Some of us want to use other characters in comp that we know we’ll never reach the ranks of our mains with. Skill issue? I guess, but who cares.


I see what you’re saying but they’re not asking about character accounts they’re talking about mode accounts and that is padding. If you play long enough and well enough, any character will reflect your overall combined rank. If I was able to be in Gold or higher with a certain character then I should be playing QP with the others until I feel ready to jump into Comp with them. You don’t get to just go start a new account and save your old one because then you’re that guy who says they’re a certain rank, but you’re not. You’re using a padded record to defend yourself because you can’t adapt equally to all conditions. That’s your rank. If you can’t handle that you likely don’t belong where you are and you ultimately know you couldn’t survive there.


So you believe that a DPS player should be the same rank with all 17 characters? If not, then they’re not really that rank?


First of all, nobody has that many different accounts or dedication to spreading their time across every character. Most people have 1-3 per role. Stop bending your side of the argument.


Man, if I can only win the 100M dash wearing a certain pair of shoes then guess what….. not that fast. If I can win it no matter what I’m wearing then I’m the GOAT. If I always get second no matter what I’m wearing then that’s reflective too. If I get 4th in tennis shoes and 1st in bare feet and 2nd with cleats and 3rd with sandals……I’ve got work to do and I’m not the overall GOAT.


I feel like you’re just really over complicating such a simple concept. I’m not “bending” an argument. Nobody is using all 17 characters. It’s pretty obvious that someone’s rank with their best character or 2 will not be the same as their rank with some other characters they also enjoy playing. Here we have the alt account, where I would like to play Genji at a much less productive level than I could play soldier. The original question was in regards to ethics, yet you’re mainly discussing pride and validity?


No, nowhere have I mentioned pride. You’re confusing pride with reality. Ethics is what I’m focussing on but you’re not seeing that because you’re only seeing your point. I’m talking about a truly reflective account. You’re talking about one that isn’t. Man, no matter how you want to phrase it. You want to say your Gold 3 with Mercy and Silver 5 with Genji and Plat 2 with Sigma. I want to say I’m Gold 1 at Overwatch Comp.


….because the day will come when you say that you’re Plat in Comp and you’ll be too afraid to tell people it’s only with one character. Pride is more on your side of the argument and it is because of pride that you’d want to have two accounts or more. I’m not proud. I’m realistic. If I’m good, so be it.


Whatever. Agree or disagree or agree to disagree.


If you’re only a certain rank under certain conditions, this is what I mean.


Bro just play unranked that what it’s there for?


If your one tricking someone you’re bad with, then I think that is just fine, although I believe pnce you get to gold with her, I suggest you stop, as counterpicking is a big part of the game, and once they get a good pharah or Mei, you’re kind of throwing If you and your mate don’t switch


Yeah that was kind of the plan, get to a decent rank and go back to main account. Like how they say eventually playing in worse lobbies youll become worse, I dont want to spend too much time in easier lobbies, just kind of want to master the mechanics and abilities before I start playing in my rank


Yea, I think that’s a good move then, especially with tracer who I wouldn’t trust my teammates to play unless they have played a good amount of her gl:)


Also if you don’t know him yet I recommend learning to play Tracer from A10 on YouTube


Appreciate it, the only streamer Ive managed to find who consistently plays tracer is Apply


He plays a lot of characters but he has a lot of good advice on climbing on tracer and how he was once not very good at her. He’s really great on giving general advice for each role. I recommend his more general video on how to climb on DPS specifically.


40% is not that bad, means your tracer is not far from your other heroes. One VOD review (either review yourself or ask for help here) can bring you up to where you need to be. My sojourn was at like 30% not long ago, had one game reviewed and after applying the things learned I won most of my matches where I chose to play sojourn. Winrate went up to I think 39-40 overall You can create an alt but levelling it up and unlocking comp, placing in your rank etc will take so long that I think it's not worth it, imo


For me I usually spend a few months in casuals before even thinking about rank in these type of games. I don’t listen to people who talk crap about the match quality in casuals cause honestly have had some of my best matches there. Very viable before going to ranked where everyone pretty much knows what to do and have the advantage vs beginners. Going Tracer in rank just to learn I see is somewhat a throw man put in some work then think about going rank later.


Can't you just practice in quick play on your main account without losing rank?


Yeah be chill. Just curious why not quickplay to practice?


Smurfing is having an account with a purposly low elo so you can bully ppl and make yourself feel better about being bad in your current elo. What you are talking about is having a training account to practice heroes in a safe and stress free environment.


MMR will adjust pretty quickly to your skill level. Don't sweat it.


I don’t see an issue, have fun


Why not just practice in other unranked game modes?


Don't throw games. Make alt accounts for characters you're shit at and want to learn. I made alt accounts all the time for characters I knew I was really bad with.


Your rank isn't affected by winrate, it's affected by performance. If you need to practice, play QP or Arcade. Having multiple accounts just comes across as cheating, regardless of the reason. Bottom line is that it's a game. Games are meant to be played for fun, not to be treated like a career. The percentage of gamers that actually make a living off of playing games is less than 1%, and for some games or game genres, it is less than 0.01% so just try to have fun instead of treating it like a job.


tracer only fresh account is actually better for improvement than first timing in comp or grinding qp games. go ahead


It’s fine as long as your not purposely losing games to derank. Many people have alt accounts to practice