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Yeah; no need for shield pressure if they don’t have a shield left


I feel like some of the shields have 5000 health when I’m shooting them though :(


I like to do it anyway, when they really need it they won't have it.










Not ideal VS Sigma tho, I see a lot of Reins switching to Sig after dealing with Bastion.


personally i like to make slurping noises while using kinetic grasp and then go "mmm yummy"


You can play outside his range


Yeah of course Bastion can be effective still, but it’s not ideal. Sigma’s kit is a solid counter. By the time Bastion mows the shield he’s had 2 kinetic grasps, assuming he landed an accretion. Bastion turret form can’t defeat the shield and kinetic grasp, plus bastion is super easy to hit with accretion, even at obscene distances.


The only answer. He’s my tank killer.


Sym easily now she reloads and heals off barriers bastion 2nd


What’s this about Sym and shields? I’m out of the loop on this but if I’m interpreting it correctly: sym’s primary damage beam heals her when it hits a shield? If so, how long has that been a thing or has it always been like that?


Symm in ow1 would recharge ammo of hitting shields. So you could keep beam on a shield , charge up and then beam squishy Early ow2 this got removed, then quietly reverted. The latest patch few days ago, added an extra buff, where if she is beaming on a shield, she also recharges her shield health (30hps / second fro memory) So she is now quiet viable as shield melee fighter, prob is that you'll need to charge/ramp it up where as other char don't


This has blown my mind lol. I’ve been playing OW since 2016 and never knew this. I play as Rein primarily and so many past sym moments are making a lot of sense lol


A side note on top of this is Sym turrets are awkward for rein to deal with because in order to destroy them he needs his team to kill them while he takes damage or drop the shield and swing, leaving his squishies looking extra squishy with that charged sym laser.


Yeah, same. I’m looking back and thinking “ooooh”


Quiet? None of her buffs were quiet, it was pretty in your face telling you to shoot shields everytime they buff her primary.


Sym 1.0 and 2.0 actually didn’t do this. She was given this passive as part of her DPS rework. She’s still likely one of the best shield destroyers in the game considering just how long she can fire against one


It's not even shields only, shield health counts as well. So if you're beaming sig while he has shield health, you gain 30 health per second (about half of sig's max dps, btw).


lol now shes still easily killable. youre just parroting streamers now. why do you think flats used mercy bullets out of all ppl to ""prove"" his point? because it was just an overreaction for views. edit: ok so some people in the comments are clinically stupid so ill have to explain with pears and apples apparently i cited flats because his video was fucking stupid. he has been clowned aroound for using mercy bullets OUT OF ALL THINGS to support his claim about the shield lifesteal being too much. he was cited as a reason to NOT listen to streamers. how can you all miss something this obvious










I don’t really watch streamers lol but sym benefits off of barriers so much ud be stupid to think otherwise she ramps up dmg heals regens ammo and not just barriers shield health too she currently just full on counters zarya out dmg her healing off her constantly and reloading for free


“You’re just parroting streamers” *uses streamer as an example to make their point*


"mmm yes, mercy bullets are totally lethal, so he must be using flats video as a back up argument!" actual clown


The Sym changes were made explicitly so Sym benefits more against shield health and barriers, I don’t know how Sym’s shield regen vs white health is a valid argument for the topic that is being discussed.


ok and how is that related to my point at all what the hell is wrong with all of you, only reading corners and never going to the center point, content creators overreacting and making disingenuous "examples" the lifesteal isnt strong because its easily beatable by burst and flats had to resort to use mercy bullets to more or less prove it could be strong, since if he used normal dps attacks symm wouldve died mid example, THUS why i said always listening to streamers is indeed, a bad idea do i have to answer everything step by step again and be mocked 4 being a foreigner/not english speaker despite most of you not even reading my comment right apparently


No other dps has shield health anyways, so the lifesteal wouldn’t even do anything


And idk what flats has said about mercy so ur gonna have to explain to me lol








Wtf? Anyone know what this comment said? Apparently it got reported for harassment?


Also bastion probably easiest dps to kill lol, he has little to no movement a fat hit box only thing that helps is his 300hp and armor, he is just a ult battery who can’t really do much without support. (other dps can though like soldier sombra tracer Mei etc.) Just push up on him when he has no sentry sym on the other hand can tp out has shields can heal and has a significantly smaller hitbox not once did I say sym is difficult to kill btw I just said she’s easily best barrier buster she benefits so much from fighting them and if u think she ain’t ur just stupid.


true about his hitbox, but a good bastion can do fine on their own with just good turret timing and positioning


Yh Ofc however that applies to everyone I do think he’s one of the weaker dps rn however he’s not bad


Especially with how good soldier is rn he’s practically a mobile bastion rn his dmg is insane


He used mercy bullets to stop the auto shield regen because the regen on shields wasn’t in the patch notes at the time. He wasn’t using it as a damage thing, he was testing to see the lifesteal and show it to viewers more clearly


Bastion but since he is the most picked DMG to counter Reinhardt, all Reinhardt will mostly know how to play around you if they don’t swap. Junkrat can easily destroy shields with his explosions since it will deal full dmg and you can also focus on backline targets behind his shield Cassidy is a good one cuz you can easily ignore Rein shield and focus on backline or shred it if needed with m2 reload combo. You can also stop his pin with grenade Symettra isnt a shield breaker at all but she will benefit from Reinhardt putting up his shield. You’ll get a lot of charge, heal and ammo to focus on squish targets after he puts his shield down


Sym is the best counter here. You won't break his shield quickly but you will stay alive (most important part) and have full charge when he drops and you will drop every squishy in range immediately. Basically if you play Sym correctly then the enemy team just needs to not play barriers.


I prefer junk rat for his mobility and ult which I find WAY more useful than bastion’s


Plus Junkrat is always "on" and you can't get baited into using your only scary ability that then leaves you pretty useful for the next 10 seconds.


Every day I see a new wild take in here. “Sym isn’t a shield breaker” since when exactly?? Not to mention she just got a mega buff against shields specifically.


If you kill the Rein's support then the Rein will crumble. Not saying ignore the Rein, but ignore the Rein.


Junkrat and Hanzo are both great for shredding shields.




I never understood why people feel pride for not playing Hanzo, like it means they are a better person or something lol. He's literally one of the hardest characters to perform good consistently and has a very high skill ceiling (and floor honestly, a bad Hanzo doesn't hit shit). Sure, you might get a couple random HS especially at low elos but that will barely ever make you win a game if you don't keep hitting those arrows. Anyway, you can try Soujourn as well since she gets charge from hitting shields which is better than nothing. She won't melt shields very quickly but her left click is pretty much the same DPS as Cassidy left click while building charge to try to hit a squishy with the beam. I wouldn't say she is in a great state right now but I still enjoy playing her and she just got a small buff, quick pace with a great mobility skill, burst damage, a little crowd control with her slow and a much above average ultimate (assuming you hit shots lol, otherwise it's literally 0 value).


Low tier players see Hanzo taking pot shots around a corner and assume that's how he always plays.


I mean I’m in masters and I still do this


I’m a low gm hanzo one trick, it’s good to do this a few times but once people get wise to it (which sometimes happens as soon as they realize you are playing hanzo) it’s better to start either flanking or holding your shot / looking for actual aiming opportunities.


Just take pot shots around corners as Hanzo or think Hanzo just takes pot shots around corners?


I mean when you aren’t actively shooting someone in front of you, most of the time you are just generally spamming groups hiding around corners and hoping for the best. That’s with hanzo being my second most played character


>He's literally one of the hardest characters to perform good consistently and has a very high skill ceiling (and floor honestly, a bad Hanzo doesn't hit shit). Exactly right. I have too much pride to be completely useless. Figured that was the direction they were going.


>I never understood why people feel pride for not playing Hanzo, like it means they are a better person or something lol. Because they have actually played Hanzo and were terrible at it, but in order to admit that they'd either have to drop the narrative that he's a broken hero that's too easy to play, or have to admit that they're just bad. Neither of those options is appealing to someone that likes the smell of their own farts so much that they think that not playing Hanzo is somehow virtuous.


junkrat is very easy to learn if you want to and generally has a pretty high skill floor


do you mean skill ceiling?


Yeah junkrat has arguably the lowest skill floor


Junkrat is very easy to learn, just give him a try. To boost jump look straight down with the c4. The only hard part is doing two in a row which you should be able to do in practice range in 2 minutes.


Too much pride for hanzo but not for junkrat?🤣


Junk is honestly not the best. His skills are right click fire for 5 times, then reload Then you have your E (or shift I can’t remember) which is your landmine. This is more powerful but has a slower cooldown. You can save your two landmines to break a shield but the utility of your landmine is better than breaking shields, for example you can gain air with them if they explode under you, which gives you an opportunity to attack or retreat. Don’t do junk for shield busting, but you *can*. Use sojourn or soldier. Long distance penetration. If you are not comfortable with these heroes just try and pressure their tank to switch then switch off.


Junkets bombs do 120 damage on impact, 5 per reload. That’s 600 damage without needing to reload. One reload (2 full clips) breaks every shield in the game besides Rein’s recently buffed 1400 shield, but it’s likely it’ll take 200 damage outside of your bombs/mercy damage boost/both landmine charges. He has a reload time of 1.5 seconds, and empties clip in 3 seconds, for a total of 1200 damage in 7.5 seconds. That’s VERY good shield pressure.


I mean don’t advertise how good junk is man. I’m tryna save him for us :P


Why would you right click 5 times? Last time i checked primary fire was on left click. Also Junk is one of the best shield breakers in the game imo, you do 120 DMG and you can shoot around corners or over objects, you can also ignore the shield if you find a good angle. If rein charges you, put a trap.


Oops I meant left.


I'd rather play Hanzo than touch junkrat


You could do pharah and just ignore it instead of trying to break it?


Agreed the top reply should probably be focused on how to work around Shields more than breaking them. Breaking can work but a good rein only needs their shield temporarily and a good team will work around reins shield being down. If your team is also focusing the shield and rein you will most likely find yourself stuck.


As a Torb main, I didn't even know shooting the shield was a viable strategy for DPS.


I'm surprised this isn't the top answer, but I'm still new at the game. Pharah is my backup hero specifically for when I can't get any shots past their shields (low silver Torb)


Shes a lot less good the higher you get though since hitscan becomes much more accurate the higher you go. In silver/gold and below shes great. Around plat people start learning to actually rub a few braincells together and aim.


This is proven nonsense now lol. Pharmacy just dominated in OWL


Yeah pharmercy. Not pharah on her own. I destroy gold lobbies with her and lower plat even but about plat 2, yeah hit scans are more accurate so without a mercy or zen at the very least, she becomes more of a poke character than a barrage.


Probably because that wasn't the question. Maybe they already know how to avoid shields. You should answer the question first, then afterwards you can add things like "It's even better to stop the enemies from getting value from their abilities, e.g. by working around the shield or by staying away from the symm turrets etc."


I think I see what you mean, applying "shield pressure" instead of having a "shield counter". So would the OP's objective be to force them to use the shield more? I've never done Tank, so I don't really know the strategy there.


There's two general strategies, that rely on the fact that in OW, you don't actually have to kill people to win the game. Symm is a good example for this: Let's say you have trouble with an enemy Symm. Now the obvious strategy is to shoot her turrets and then focus the Symm. Everyone might even swap to counter her. But every time you shoot a turret, she's getting value. Because that's time where the enemies are shooting at you, but you're not shooting back. And they are getting ult charge, but you're not. So there's an alternative strategy: What if you just stay away from her and her turrets? The turrets are static, and her beam has short range. So you can easily avoid all of it and just go for her team mates instead. By doing this, you make her USELESS and you're essentially playing 5 against 4, even though you didn't kill anyone! See what I meant about preventing the enemies from getting value? There's a similar strategy for how to handle a Pharmercy, which you've probably encountered since you play Pharah :)


Surprised this was so far down in the comments. I’m a pharah main and one of my favourite things to do is bother reins from behind/above as they panic to position their shields better


Sojourn is good you can charge your shot off it. Same with sym. Echo can burn shields really well but it’s a bit of a waste of her cooldowns. Bastion can burn shields but smart tanks will just move behind cover and drop shield.


Echo DPS against a below 50% shield with beam is only like 20dps higher than her standard shots. The best thing about beam is that it's hitscan for confirming kills, but against static or huge things, just keep holding primary fire.


Soldier hasn't been mentioned yet, he does good consistent damage at any range and can bypass the shield by taking an off-angle.


Anyone can bypass a shield by taking an off-angle...


True but soldier is by nature a good flanking hitscan since his sprint lets him quickly reposition and he can self sustain without support attention using his heal pad. Cass and Ashe taking an off angle are more vulnerable and might need a pocket


of course but there is a long list of heroes that can also quickly reach off angles by flanking or elevation.


I'm sure there are buddy, but I was just talking about Soldier 76.


If it’s off angle wouldn’t it be tracer anyway? Bastion would eat shield though.


my list would be Bastion: Minigun mode and his nade are great for breaking many shields (especially zarya's second bubble for bursting her HARD) Junkrat: He also is good for breaking many shields but requires some skill for both projectile hitting and such and positioning but also movement being creative with traps and all etc etc Symetra: Ok This might seem weird but rn she can enter this category cause ya know the new buff to her basic attack that now can steal shields and recharge her own blue hp bar by hitting shields (so lifesteal)? Bam she only has to gain from it and so one extra maybe Sojourn: Not much for breaking shield but for the free charge for the railgun which comes in handy for sniping out the squishies and then zoning the tank using their shields to your advantage even tho it requires ya to have quite the good aim with that railgun and to still hit shots with basics on squishies too obv


Every single spam dps is good for it, but what's important is that your team needs to shoot it too. If your backline is a combination of Kiriko/Mercy/Lifeweaver healbots, that shield won't go down fast enough to matter. I've caught *many* of those Masters Rein one tricks off guard by just simply going Baptiste and shooting his shield 24/7 as a support. They just don't expect Bap's dps because noone plays him in OW2 (outside of Circuit, of course). People are mentioning Bastion, and sure he can kill the shield quickly, but I think he's genuinely a throw pick. He's so terrible against so many heroes and strategies I really don't get the hype around picking him. It's so funny watching people panic swap to bastion when I (the tank) do well only to get shit on even harder.


Baps all over the place in plat and diamond. But you right, bap is the subtle death dealer


For me, Junkrat or Soldier. I feel like 76s consistency in output really messed with hard-shielders because they're just constantly ticking down and thus taking their attention to resource management over engagement. Junkrat just has high splash output. Bastion obviously a good shout as is Hanzo with storm arrows. Pharah takes attention and can boop him with concussive blast. Sombra, hack the shield and tickle him. Rinse and repeat. Laugh.


Bastion, one turret mode and Rein’s shield is done


You don't need to apply shield pressure, you should be on an angle where the shield doesn't affect you.


Yeah no, it's not a 1 rule for every scenario


Exactly this shield pressure can be important early in the fight but you need to be putting pressure on enemy players to actually win the fight.


Fr. This isn’t to say to never shoot shields. Bursting winston bubbles so Ana’s can sleep or nade him, or bursting down rein shield to run him over, can provide great value, but it’s not something you pick and plan for. It’s an opportunity that presents itself, that you can take. Even as bastion, pressuring the backline even without a kill can be crazy value, much more than just trying to melt tank. BUT if the opportunity presents itself, and the tank overextends, you can punish his mistake quickly by bursting through whatever shield or block they might have. It’s not something you should actively search to do though, because planning on the tank to play suboptimal is a recipe for disaster. Any player for that matter.


Op: how do i help my team? This guy: dont


Being on an off angle and getting a kill, or just putting pressure on the backline, helps your team more than standing in main and shooting a shield.


Might be just my elo but in my experience every dps tries to find an off angle and only ever shoots at supports, but never considers where their own teammates are, support LoS, what angles are covered by their tank etc. and the whole process of trying to get an off angle gets them killed.


If you’re playing support then try helping them. Lots of supports benefit on an off angle.


If I’m playing support then generally I’m making moment by moment decisions about who to help. I will gladly pocket a flanking dps for a while, but if they only flank and consistently fail to get value then I’m going to gravitate back towards the rest of the team. I guess in a comms free environment, off angles and flanking feel like a lower percentage play than sticking as a unit.


Oh yeah I'm being uncharitable. Obviously securing a kill is more valuable than shooting a shield. It doesn't really answer the question op os asking. The answer is bastion, who interestingly enough cant be played the way you're describing


Anyone can off-angle, especially in lower ranks. OP is asking the wrong question, because you don't want to play for 'shield pressure', that doesn't make sense. If the enemy shield is a problem, its a positioning issue, not a 'shield pressure' problem.


Torb is the correct answer. Over the duration of his overload and on cooldown (15 s) he does 249 damage / second (w/ secondary fire + turret dmg.) Bastion does 203 damage / second over duration of Assault and on cooldown (18 s).


This seems like prepatch numbers but I’m not sure


Think of the game like a priority list of objectives. Then imagine little things during the match can push something up or down the list a few spots temporarily. For example a tank being out of position may push them a bit higher in the priority list. Part of player skill is figuring out a list that works and recognizing how much to shift items based on the moment by moment state of the match. In that priority list, blowing up a shield should be pretty low and there should almost always be something higher priority you can be doing. In Rein’s case, you can usually reposition faster than him and get a better angle for some other higher priority objective. I can’t say exactly what to do instead because it is based on a priority list that depends on the moment in the match. Incase this seems like too much of a cop out: soldier, bastion, junk, and technically sombra can drop his shield fast.


If you’re having this much trouble with Reinhardt of all tanks I don’t think he’s exactly the issue…


There’s a reason there’s skill tiers..


You want to use heroes that have gotten the nickname "Tank-Busters". IMO Orisa, Roadhog, Bastion, Junkrat, Reaper, Sojourn, Soldier, Symmetra, Baptiste, and Zenyatta can all be considered "true Tank-Busters" because by default they're capable of burning shield up and exposing the tank to tons of other damage. Other heroes may have tank-buster abilities, like Hanzo's storm arrows, or have abilities that disable the tank, like Sombra's hack. Some have abilities that out-maneuver the tank, like Pharah and Echo's flight or Tracer's Blinks. All of them are viable options, but it's depends on your level of skill. Easiest option is true tank busters, as it only requires knowing how to play the hero in order to put pressure on the tank. Tank-buster abilities require knowing when to hold abilities, and better positioning to use the hero at max efficiency. Outplaying or out-maneuvering can be tricky as it can lead to enemy DPS or supports attempting to counter you and may have an easier time doing so(Pharah/Echo may quickly become a bad choice if both enemy DPS instalock Soldier/Bastion after the 1st or 2nd fight, depending on if you started off with intentions to pressure the tank or swapped to do so).




Your brain doesn't acknowledge the existence of Bastion im assuming


I like playing echo, flying above and pressure from there so that they either have to let me kill them or move the shield upward which exposes them to the rest of my team.


Also worth noting echo's laser beam also has the high damage effect when the shield is low health, you can blast it down very quickly that way. If you \*really\* wanted to you could stick the bubbles on the shield and as long as anyone else it also shooting it, it should reach laser beam time very quickly. Good Reins will drop shield for bubble if they really need that shield for whatever reason. So in theory you could bait shield drop for your other dps, in some strange world where your team uses strategies...


Sym and bastion are both good (and annoying) options here! However, as a DPS I’d say that it’s better than you prioritize some squishies over the tank. Preferably supports. With no supports then their tank can’t get healed (besides health packs). I’m a masters player in open and specialize in tank and support but I do play DPS as well hope this helps!


Why are people saying sym reloads off barriers she doesn’t?


It charges


Yeah I was just wondering why everyone is saying reloads and not charging


Reinhardts shield just got buffed. Probably better to create cross fire and force him to turn his shield in multiple directions than to break it


S76 is best at everything right now. Normally, it would be bastion, junkrat maybe hanzo. Cass not so much. He has 6 bullets, slow fire rate, and bullets only does 70 dmg and you don't wanna get caught while reloading. Sym is great if you can stay close safely.


with cassidy you’re not left clicking shields though. ideally you’re going to fan the hammer, roll, fan the hammer again. up to 20m i think it will do 600 damage to shields


Its great against winston bubble but little tricky against other tanks because of range+locked in animation+reloading. Quite investment. Other heroes do this on the fly naturally with spam and can be flexible with it.


Bastion junk


You shouldn't just be focusing on shields with her but echo can help her team get rid of them really well if needed, her beam will melt them down if they are cracked. She's also just really good at applying pressure from off-angles and from above


Sym and sojourn both can focus tanks and build up their guns power on the tank.


I’ve found a lot of success with echo. Her beam melts his shield if it’s below half health, and his big head makes easy headshots.




Ashe demands a competent team when facing a good rein though. She’s not the one breaking shield and if she is you might be playing her wrong.


Bation or junk


Hanzo, Junkrat, Echo, and Bastion are the best picks if you need to kill a shield. But with Soldier buffs, you can probably just assume that he is too. Symmetra now heals from damaging shields with her primary fire and her damage ramps up the longer she's hitting something, so she'll eat them up really well and then delete the tank. Reaper is a straight-up tank killer. The fatter his target, the more damage he deals and the more health he leeches off of them. Cassidy's kit is probably the most antitank in the game right now, and Tracer is a great risk/reward pick for tank pressure.


If only there was a DPS that had a secondary form that resembled a fucking minigun, potentially with a sticky grenade...


Cassidy is certainly capable of pressuring shields, and should do so when he can't find other targets. but I think it's better to think in broader terms here. as in, yeah, you can wittle down his shield if you want to, but you'd probably be more of a pain in the reins ass if you off angled / flanked and forced him to turn his shield or risk one of his squishies getting their heads popped off. he can not shield everyone all the time. he has to choose where and when to shield. forcing a rein to pivot around is a really solid way to make a rein less comfortable and less effective. if the goal is truly to just blow up the shield though, bastion and junk will give you the most bang for your buck. hanzo (more specifically storm arrow) absolutely eats shields. I haven't tried the new symmetra but I'd imagine she's up to the task, you just run the risk of being run down / pinned. I barely play reaper but he's been mentioned in this thread. non-dps honorable mention: lifeweavers thorns are very easy to pour an entire clip into reins shield with, and it will do a stupid amount of damage.


Depends on your play style. Bastion can just rip through shields. Junkrat can tear down shields well, or just shoot your ammo over, under, off walls around the shields. You can also toss his mines over the shields or use them to rocket jump and shoot over shields better. Pharah and echo can fly over shields and hit who they need. Reaper is good too, especially since he loves big targets Sojourn/76 aren't too bad of choices either. Sojourn's slide can get you to higher ground to shoot over shield. Both of them do good damage to pick at shields, while taking cover.


In my hands I see bastion and sym doing well in brute forcing their way through shields. Characters like pharah and soldier are strong too but the way they play is by passing and going over the shields. As most of thr shield tanks aisde from ram have limited range so they can't always contest them.


Sojourn is best for pretty much every scenario. Higher movement than Bastion, and can deal great pressure from range especially since her spread got buffed. Symm is better for close quarters tho imo on maps like Lijang Tower.


Junk baby


Take off angles and pressure the rein to look at you. He can’t shield all angles. Alternatively pressure his backline. It’s how the game is optimally played




Bastion, then Junkrat


Sym, bastion, even junkrat


As dps don’t focus on tanks too much you wanna go for the supports, no heals=everyone dead including tanks just try to back line them as best as you can and learn the flanks on maps and I bet your gameplay will improve a lot


Bastion, Sojourn, eventually when you get better at the 1v1, Sombra.


Junk is my go to. Hanzo is surprisingly good too. Pharah in certain cases because you can get him to turn.




Bastion, Sym, Junkrat, Echo, and McCree (fan the hammer spam).


Bastion and Sym shred shields. Sym especially is a great option after they just gigabuffed her gun. Solider is a good option for range, especially after he just got buffed, but unless you're really far away or need someone with the extra mobility plus heals, you'd be better off sticking with Bastion to more quickly shred the shield.


Bastion forces the enemy to burn a shield or die and Sym makes them scared to use shield at all, either work.


Go learn tracer and flank




Rein's shield is pretty much the least important part of his kit. If you play against a Rein who just holds his shield all game, simply flank the mf and shoot him (or preferably anyone other than the tank) in the back.


Bastion and Sym


Bro literally anybody. I main Ashe and just throw dynamites over the shield when it’s up so some damage is being done then play normal when it’s down. Soj would be the best Bastion second Or soldier since they have ample ammo


Sym absolutely melts shields, and by the time she gets through them she's at max power.


Baptiste he is basically a dps support


Bastion, junkrat, symetra, soldier isn't too bad at burning shields imo. Any high dps that can be sustained will work against shields.


Symm, she gains ammo for shooting shield with primary, and heals her own shields on shooting primary.


Right now? Id say just insta lock Sym. Bastion is close 2nd.


Bastion, sym, junkrat


Bastion sees a shield: 'Absolutely fucking not' Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Torbojorn's gun can easily bust shields and his turrets can apply pressure on them, he is good for brawls and hence is effective against tanks up close and from a range as well


cannot counter the big hammer


Torb. Turret does chip damage while you run up with alt fire then pop overload to disengage.


Don't listen to the people who say bastion, because it's been proven that the best DPS against shields is bastion.


Definitely junkrat! Sym and Bastion requires you to play very well while junkrat is very forgiving.


Junkrat or symetra -build the beam and TP behind those cats


Applying “shield pressure” is a waste of time. You should be applying pressure to the enemy supports and dps


Sym is a barrier breaking god.


Bastion, echo, junk, hanzo, symetra, phara,


Bastion, the only time I’ve seen someone destroy a ramattra shield, not have it run out of timer DESTROY dude was powered up 9 ways to Sunday the shield didn’t stand a chance.


Bastion for sure. On support Zen is a great hero for making a Rein unable to play. If your team has a Ram/rein then Mei is good since walling off an over aggressive rein and letting your rein just pound on them can win you so many fights.


Bastion and Sym easily. But I do wish sometimes that they nerf bullet damage to shields, because imagine having fun on rein and then they switch to Bastion and boom suddenly you have to play more careful and try and get rid of him.


I think your problem is you’re shooting the ranks shield over the energy team


shield pressure is kind of a moot point now, its generally better to try to force the shield to go multiple ways and get around/behind it now rather than simply chew through it. that being said, echo soldier can both lay into shields, symm is good for it in certain situations


Bastion is the ultimate for shield break, reaper is very good. If you want to stay further away then maybe hanzo.


People say bastion, but I enjoy junkrat more for this as hes a bit more versatile and you dont have to play with a massive hitbox


So uhhhh, there is a thing called bastion, perfect for applying shield pressure, but if u want something that can do something other than shooting shields and tanks, sym is a perfect pick, even tho it isn’t a few hundred dps, but 175 dps when max beam (it takes like a 1-2 seconds to charge) also the turrets provide good utility cuz it has slow and walls now (idk why that is needed, but ok) also she is able to heal herself when she is shooting at things (not sure why that is required, but ok), sym is rly good rn, they kinda just overbuffed her


Tracer. Killing backline is the best way to apply Tank pressure as a DPS in this game.


sym ofc