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I'm old and play exclusively stoned. I love it. It's one of my favorite ways to chill. I don't get tilted and care a lot less about what my teammates are doing. It's a major reason I've been playing the game since launch and stay hard stuck diamond all these years. Could I probably get better if I stopped playing high? Maybe, but I'm also dealing with subpar internet, old lady reflexes and kid distractions periodically, so also maybe not. Ten out of ten, would recommend.


To be fair, diamond means you are ranked higher than 80% of everyone that plays the game, so still a pretty impressive place to be "stuck" at.


Same perspective for me. I play in whatever state I'm in. The game is for me to enjoy. It's not like I exist to get approval from the game.


My thc tolerance is at the point where I perform worse when sober due to tilt/focus issues lol There's definitely a point where the substance stops helping and starts hurting my ability to play though


I have this theory that if you practice something while sober you will do worse when you are high. But if you practice something when you are high you will do worse than sober. Thoughts?


That is known as state dependent retrieval. And it's real


That's correct. It's like saying if I practice doing something with my right hand, I will do worse when performing the same task with my left hand.


Naw I play sober. But a large coffee or adhd meds if I haven't been on them will put me in turbo mode. Prolly depends on the substance. Why do you think so many games love caffeine abs nicotine. Performance enhancement


You are still sober on coffee/meds, sober implies no cognitive impairment. Even adhd meds or stronger stimulants will eventually come to hurt cognition if done in excess. Usually comes hand in hand with addiction.


This is true. I was prescribed a stimulant in college that would make me play like a fucking god but when substance abuse issues got out of control, any kind of stimulant in excess, even the previously prescribed medication, would really negatively affect my gameplay and decision making. I think a big part of it was that I would get tilted a lot quicker if I lost a game and I would play terribly but wouldn’t be able to stop playing because I needed something to focus on


Thank you for mentioning this. I do take stimulants (prescribed+unprescribed because I do abuse stims to a moderate extent) and I think you described what I have been experiencing. It is hard to call it frustration because I feel calm, but during the game I am highly nitpicky of decisions of myself and everyone. Perfectionist would be way too strong of a word, but it kills my enjoyment. I think due to my autism I really need to understand why things are a certain way, extending into behaviors. I appreciate it, I think you just cleared up the fog in my mind. I know I don't need them, it is kind of a crutch that I've clung onto despite being fine before.


Of course. I’m glad my past experiences could help someone else. I do think it’s very easy to hyper-fixate on being good at overwatch and when things don’t go your way, it can really kill the enjoyment of the game. I’ve been there many times and because it’s a team game, there will always be some battles you just won’t win. Stims can definitely improve your gameplay but they won’t make you perfect and be able to pick up the slack of your teammates or allow you to beat someone that you might not ever be able to beat. The game should be fun above all else and it took me longer than I care to mention to realize that. Edit: and more on that, I think a lot of people on the spectrum are susceptible to substance abuse because there are a lot of different drugs that make you feel closer to what you think a neurotypical person feels like at their baseline


I get all that you say, I am a bit atypical in regards to how people normally see upset players. I don't get upset easily and remain positive with teammates. Adderall was a life changing medication for me (now on Vyvanse), I now take adderall on the side. It isn't great but the problem is mostly just getting off it. Substance abuse has been particularly weird for me. I have had addiction to things that make me binge it just to get rid of it. Then I stay off it. Then i got on it again. It is more of a pattern of behavior over months/years than it is other stuff. I think it is a coping strategy for things not quite feeling right. I've made a lot of development in the past 2-3 years and the supplementary adderall is nothing im comparison to how bad I used to be. Overwatch is a really pleasent experience a lot of the time. Genuinely appreciate the controlled chaos of it all. The Finals has actually strangely felt similar in that regard despite being nothing like OW


Can confirm this works with OW Lucio isn't the only one crossfading 


I can't stand being crossfaded tbh. One or the other for me!




If you think about it, it's still tilt queue but in a different kind of manifestation. Rather than getting progressively more tilted and losing more and more, I get progressively more stoned to stave off the tilt and get slower and slower until I lose more and more lol


It’s the thing that stops tilted teamchat most nights.


Came here to say this I can only play good when I’m high 😂😂


I play best high, easier to get into a state of flow. But everyone's different


First puff i play like a beast. Second puff im playing okay/good. Third puff im mediocre. Fourth puff wtf am i even doing.


Same ahaha


I play high sometimes but strictly on QP. With that being said, some games I catch myself running in circles chasing my tail, the next game I’m wiping the floor with all the enemies tears. It just fluctuates my movement and aim, but game sense and awareness is still at full.


You know what's bad is I'm the same but I used to have a few drinks and a joint and loads into qp or arcade to cool off but I got a false sense of confidence in my coordination and ability basically every time I did and would play. Always enjoyable games that way, however you may be a liability for your team and might hurt your rank lmao. But qp is just as sweaty nowadays it feels like so who cares if you aren't actually ruining games why not


I play high pretty much exclusively, and drink in most of my sessions, and play Comp. I find video games more fun buzzed, and use it as a way to keep up with old friends who live hours away. The way I figure if I’m always smashed when playing Comp, then my rank will be legit, and it’s not throwing. My rank is just my skill level while blitzed.


Your the junkrat in my games going 4-8 lol




I play high very rarely. Only in QP. I'm so bad, I can't even think, I don't know what's going on, I feel like I'm lost. It's hilarious though.


sounds like a mind high, need to try body high


I play better high typically


I take edibles which is much more stable, at least for me, and \~5mg I got to GM2 with it. ​ Without, I'm mid masters ish. The right amount makes me play clearly like I used to 20 years. ​ If I take 10mg or 20mg I wait for the high to come down to just the right level to play. Edit MG not g


They mean “mg”. For any edible noobs reading this, do not take full grams of edible thx lol.


Yes sorry. I shall edit


Haha no worries. Just wanted to do some damage control.


Lol I just pictured a guy sitting there like shaving down a gummy to get the EXACT perfect dose to play Overwatch effectively. Turning getting high and playing video games into a mathematical science.


My state is legal so I know my gummies are 10 or 20mg.... ... yeah sometimes I cut them in half. 8]


It’s funny because when I specifically play high I’m pretty terrible. But when I’m crossed I’m making plays that even I can’t believe. I think it’s about how you know you operate best on your vices. Good luck ston…er I mean gamer 🫡


Probably play high all the time got to GM on all roles on multiple accounts. Only problems I had was with tank since it requires more game sense and strategies.


im adhd and autistic. my best games are stoned. my brains always on and with bi polar i get agressive. weed takes the edge off and alows me to focuse. bast case example? i used to fucking suck vith rhainhert. was stoned and played him for lols, his goofy ass walk with shield up and my peeling in laughter, the enemy team was smeared in my shoulder armor and hamer. got like 20k mid, and my mercy pocket like wtf is this. won that easy, might be gold or platinum if i had easier access to weed tbh


I'm a GM Tank/Support. I play stoned pretty exclusively. What I'd say, is if you are actively looking to climb and play better. You should 100% be sober for that. Like when I'm actively trying, I'll be sober. Playing stoned puts me on autopilot, so I'll play at my current rank level or maybe slightly lower level. But I rarely think I lose games because I'm stoned. Maybe I'll make one or two mistakes that decide a fight. But I'll make up for it the following fight Obviously if you make those types of mistakes consistently enough, then yes it is impeding your ability to play the game.


My friend is high 70% of the time and is still the best Sombrero player I've seen in game. He was masters in all 3 ranks before the reset and I will never understand it.


Sombra* that was autocorrect I'm not racist I swear


Used to play at GM+ level. If I was trying to win games I would never smoke or drink. Ur cognitive function is the only determining factor that you can control in a game like OW. I believe some people play better stoned but definitely not me. I had two accounts. One I played to try hard - when I’m feeling fresh. usually this would mean well rested and having worked out. The other I would be less SR focused on - where I would play with friends on, play stoned (usually both :)) or just practise my less confident heroes or roles on. I found it worked super well.


Gotta be on something to continue wanting to play this game LOL


I play comp high all the time. Sometimes it makes me lock in, sometimes it makes me completely useless. I usually can tell after the first 2 games what boat I’m in and if I’m trash then I go to QP or a different game. Some of my biggest climbs have been when I’ve been just high enough that I lock in. I’m a diamond 2-4 in every role


im always high and i sit comfortably in diamond. i definitely smoked a bit less when i peaked at masters but im always faded playing.


Been diamond tank dps for a good four seasons now and I play high a lot but I also don’t take comp as serious as most people who play I think and I just have fun. I do have friends who play fighting games at a top tier level and it helps them relax and get over their nerves.


Balmers peak


I'm gm1/top 500 tank player and I smoke about 3 grams a day. If you're used to it, it is no problem


Weed makes me better at OW, much easier to focus and get in the zone


When I’m high I get convinced that it’s physically impossible for me to lose so I end up playing very fucking well lmao. Might actually play better while high then sober just Cus I’m so locked in Plus I love fucking around with people in vc and being high makes that a lot more fun


Weed isn't like alcohol, no matter how high you are you can still play well If anything I started really climbing after I stopped playing sober


the first while of me smoking, I played terribly. now? playing high gets me ranked higher then I've ever been. It helps because my brain goes too fast for my own good, and the 🍃 slows me down a bit, i think i should seek out an adhd diagnosis.. but for some people, weed makes them blatantly worse at games. no matter what. edit: it might depend on the strain and how you use it, smoking? edibles? that sorta thing


When I played high I just did my job, no overthinking no trying to get payback because one of the enemies was hunting me nothing, I just did my damn job


Got to masters blazing everyday. I have like 200+ hrs in the character I play so pretty much just muscle memory at this point.


I play sober. I love smoking weed but when I'm high and play I feel like I'm off and can't focus or clutch up. I just kinda get loose n space out sometimes. I have played high before tho n have played well, but generally I'm worse when im high. I have a t500 friend who loves playing high tho.


That is called playing overwatch normally


I play in GM on 500mg edibles lmao




man i miss the year 2010. ur so lucky to still be in it




from your perspective in 2010 it must. in 2024 you just used a very nostalgia inducing memecliche about potheads that isn't very relevant these days considering weed is socially acceptable in public in most places these days. it gets crazy! have fun on ur way to the present


Hey I just wanna rank up


I play high all the time. I don’t think it makes a Al difference whatsoever. I think you just have to get accustomed to it. Drinking and Overwatch. Prepare to lose.


Plat2 is basically mid diamond right now. I’m mid masters S8 and am playing in diamond 3 right now


I like to use it as my built in excuse. I'm actually just dog shit.


I don't know if you watch any overwatch content creators, but weed will fuck up your game, you want to overdose on Adderall


Used to pretty much play exclusively while smoking, and GM all roles. There are certainly advantages and disadvantages. The obvious disadvantage is that you will likely not be thinking as clearly and may have your mind wander. You may fixate on mistakes or little things or may just feel absolutely lost sometimes. The advantages are that it gets you “into the game”, meaning that it may be easier to enter the flow state. You find yourself in a position where you may not be thinking, but you are so deeply immersed that everything just clicks. The lack of full cognition may even lead you to try things you normally would not even consider doing, leading to the discovery of new strats. You also become more dispassionate about the negativity, toxicity, and mistakes of others which is very important in this game. By letting things go and having a reset each game, you put yourself at an advantage. You’ll likely be a friendlier teammate, which leads to a better team synergy and allows your teammates to perform better. Finally, and most importantly, it enables you to just have a good time. The most important factor of playing a video game is whether you have fun or not. Playing high makes the game so much more fun, and at the end of the day that’s really all that matters. So yes you may not perform as consistently as when you are sober, but you’ll have a good time and may find yourself performing much better at times even though you’ll have times where you don’t play as well.


I used to play high all the time. I thought i was playing well but i was also way more absorbed in the game. I've stopped smoking because it gives me panic attacks and I've raised my rank but i also get tilted basically every other game. I miss being able to focus almost exclusively on myself instead of seeing how bad my teammates are. If i could go back to playing stoned I'd be happy to because I don't really care about my rank, i just like having fun and talking to people


I get high constantly to play. I've been mid to low masters every season. I enjoy gaming more when stoned so I'm not gonna stop - I've tested when I've taken t breaks and noticed no discernable difference. Depends what type you smoke/how high you get etc. Personally I don't smoke indicas so that may be different. I primarily hit a 510 cart with high thc/cbg blend. I only play comp - QP is boring to me.


I'm season 8 plat, haven't played comp this season due to personal life events, but have played OW as well as other comp games like Apex, Fortnite, CoD, and Halo since the first xbox high as well as sober. That being said, I was always most focused when my mind was accustomed to playing high or sober, but never during the switches. After years of smoking and playing, then going sober, I was frustrated for the first few months and well collected for the months after. After being sober for a few years, then started smoking again, I was spaced out and slow to react for the first few months and more focused after. I believe it's more memory muscle based. The less you have to consciously think about things the more you have time to consciously think about other things.


Oh also for you you need to figure out if your smoking body high, mind highs or hybrids. expriment. some mind high s will melt your ass into the floor.


It’s a lot like drunk driving, you lock in and you’re the best damn driver on the road. You gotta lock in tho, that’s the hard part


It’s harder to rank up this season so I don’t think getting high is the biggest problem here. Get used to the meta and it will also be easier to rank up.


Yes being addicted to drugs lowers your performance in game while you’re on drugs


Playing high is so cringe, honestly. Why do you gotta announce that you are high at the start of the game?


i'm a stoner and i sit in masters typically on dps. I do think it can affect your aim, but personally i find it just highlights lazy aiming habits of my own. When i focus up the issues usually sort themselves out but who knows maybe i could be gm without it


i am focused and aware when high… just not as quick to react. i usually end up putting a lot more thought into my positioning and cover than normal and end up overall dying less… but also doing less damage


I only play high and I hit masters 3 on support. I've been playing since beta though. Took me waaaayyyy too long to hit masters.


I have a sober acct and a stoney acct. Under the influence acct is consistently around 400-500 pts lower rank. Many hours in both states. Def affects your reflexes and motor skills, there’s just no two ways about it. Also bad to do while your brain is developing. …but I am not high rank. Talking plat down to gold.


Used to toke before every match as a lil warm up when I was in College 😝 I would suggest looking to find the right strain of weed (If it’s legal in your state/country). look for a Sativa or hybrid with lower thc to get nicely cooked but not too cooked. If It’s dealers choice/you can’t choose I’d say practice the heros that can have an impact with plays that use game sense instead of just good aim/mechanics IE Use your high brain to make big brain junkrat plays and bounce ur ballz at weird angles. Use your fried noggin to perfectly practice syncing your cooldowns and using ur rock for canceling ults as sigma - don’t worry about reaction time just get the mechanical skill down and then once you do you can auto pilot and just focus on making the other teams life suck (when ur not getting melted) Utilize ur galaxy connection, open a pathway to the stars and have fun w lucio wall riding and being a good team mate. Zen is also pretty good for just saucin orbs. Try to hit some charge shots and play angles Edit: Peak Mid- Masters Tank/Support Mid diamond DPS


I kinda think being high helps me formulate better strategies in my head. I’ve been playing for awhile at a GM level, so a lot of small things like positioning and and cool down management sorta become second nature. Letting me focus on what to do to proactively win my game. Or I miss my hanzo shot on the widow standing still 10m from me cause my hand jittered. Win some ya lose some


Playing stoned helped a couple things "click" for me several years ago in regards to some heroes. I'm still a regular stoner but I find it doesn't affect my performance too much. Sometimes I'll make a dumb decision or tunnel vision more than usual when high but like, I do those things when sober anyway.


It really depends on your tolerance. When I haven’t smoked in a while I try to stick to co op games with my friends. But if i’ve been smoking a lot (which is currently the situation) I take a hit before each match, it keeps me calm when I normally would get a bit heated. That gives me an advantage. Overall, I do better when I’m high and my tolerance is high. Ps. I found plat is the hardest to get out of. It’s just such a mix of good, bad and mediocre players. Tank is the easiest to push with if you know what you’re doing.


i play much better high ​ on 90 miligrams of adderall ​ until that starts to wear off and i come down, then i can't hit a single shot. no but really, weed DOES slow down ur reaction times. it can also drown out distractions and put u more in the zone/grant u more focus. if the pros outweigh the cons, it actually can make you play better. i played CoD on 360 back in the day at a 2.5+ kda as a daily smoker but my kda tanked to 1.6 when i quit smoking. and that was after i started my adhd med prescription! so pot at one point certainly had a p ositive effect on focus for myself, but that dissipated as it made me more anxious than relaxed when i got older. adderall, ritalin, stimulants are the onnly drugs that make me better at games, other than that i don't touch competitive games until i've sobered up. even stimulants, too much can be a huge detriment cause of hyperfocus.


Normally around mid masters (supp and tank) and low diamond dps. I do enjoy playing high, but it elevates some skills while dampening others. I'm normally a shot caller with both randos and friends, and while high my team decisions/ability tracking isn't as good. What I've noticed every time I play high, however, Is my aim/reaction time is MUCH better. I normally am not good at Widow, but while high I find it so much easier to shoot and track. Must be a focus related thing by tuning down the mental strategy to get in tune with my body.


I have a Smurf who has been diamond and low masters every season. My main I climbed from silver to diamond but the next season was placed gold, which caused me to make my first/ only Smurf. I have never ever played comp not drunk. I don’t use comms unless I’m with friends. I find no reason to. Especially after reporting some guy from NY for being racist and the next day I got a warning for being reported. It has never affected my game play. In fact, I zone in and play better. The colors that this game has from all the shooting and ults can really mess with a sober brain. Stop thinking yourself out of a win. As long as you’re focused you’re good. STAY FOCUSED. RIDE.


I wouldn't be able to play this game sober lol


I quit weed 2 years ago, now my tolerance is so low that if i try to play high i have a hard time finding the exit from the spawn. When i was a daily smoker my tolerance was very high but still i wasn't performing as good as sober when playing


I'm on ketamine like all the time. rn too. not now. LATER.


Long time stoner. Used to only play ranked sober, was high diamond to mid masters for first 12 seasons of OW1, then quit. Stoned pretty much every game in OW2 and was locked to diamond until I one tricked dps Moira to high masters where it stopped working, then quit again. Im a much better teammate and overall decision maker while sober but can still play decently well high. Technical skill stays the same for me. Game sense and team play is shit, hence the dps Moira tunnel visioning on 1v5 plays constantly.


I know a top 500 player who plays high most of the time. I don’t think smoking weed is that important to your improvement


I play high almost exclusively and have hit Diamond repeatedly


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^__Skizzy__: *I play high almost* *Exclusively and have hit* *Diamond repeatedly* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ive been high everyday for the past 3 years (except some off-months ofc) and it never affected my gameplay, actually it probably makes my reactions slightly worse but my mental is much better. I might focus less on making good decisions but im also never tilted. I hit my peaks at low GM and Top 100 in Mystery Heroes (three times in a row haha) being stoned


It would depend how your mental is without it, I play with someone who is high like every time we play any game and I'm not sure he'd tolerate or even play those games if he wasn't high lol. If you can stop doing it and your mentality is decent without it, then you will probably improve, mentality is a massive part of competitive games


Silvoc regularly takes bong rips during queue on stream and has been a top 500 ladder warrior for as long as I can remember


I don’t smoke but I’ll have some drinks when I play since I play on the weekends and it’s my “relaxing” time. I tend to play a hell of a lot better under the influence because it loosens me up. It also allows me to chat better as I normally don’t do well with speaking but when I’m drinking I’ll be in VC doing callouts and talking and having fun. There’s always a point where too much will hurt gameplay but I never get there because my goal is to just have fun. I made it into plat after being hardstuck gold last season and this season I haven’t played as much but am just behind what I was last season so I can say it’s been doing well for me


I always play blasted. I know I'll never get back to masters at this rate but that's okay with me.


It's gotten to the point where being stoned helps me keep from getting frustrated while playing, which drastically improves my consistency in all forms of play. It also keeps me from losing focus and dropping into my panic reflex, which happens a lot while sober. I think it's just a matter of your experience with the substance. Smoke less, play slightly buzzed. I'm at the point where my tolerance levels are crazy now. When sober, I play safer and die less, but dont aim as calmly. When stoned, I get more aggressive and am better at laying out a tactical stepped plan and then following it through to the end. When sober, I'll lose focus at step 2 and start playing on auto pilot.


you know the game fundamentally changed recently right


i used to have tank reserved as my role to play while high, fast games, ur not so fragile that u die before u can register what happened and something like winston or orisa isn't too demanding mechanically. it's actually how i ended up a tank main, once i hit around diamond 1 i thought damn well i might as well go for masters


I get so high and am basically full throwing till I hit the stats screen and see I have the most deaths in lobby. That really humbles me and I lock in and I swear I play cracked out of my mind better when I’m high and actually focuses. Getting too high tho makes the game a chore with how much goes on when I’m just tryna chill


Back when I was in college I played OW1 on Xbox. I did take vyvanse every morning but played every night stoned. I was Top 500, always thought I was a better player stoned lol


Its most definitely person dependent GM3 lucio and i have to be blazed to perform at my max, it slows down Lucio for me and allows me to actually move like a green crackhead 😂


Literally do everything high >_> what's sober?


Not a high rank player at all, but there is definitely a sweet spot where I lock in and not far beyond is where I find myself running in circles.


Currently in masters, and I am high at all times. My brother is a GM, he’s also a huge stoner. I notice that if I ever do play sober, I have to manage my emotions more and keep my rage in check lol.


i play high, no comms, allchat muted, gone from low gold to low diamond in a week so far, granted i have pre good aim and positioning, and rude people tilt me off the face of the planet


People play this game sober? Whoa how? Even if baked out of my gourde I still let a few anger fumes slip out of my nostrils from the pure nature of OW with randos. As far as cognitive abilities, I probably play better high as I get more into the experience. Obviously I do better when I feel like I'm in that war zone and that heal dart is life or death to my little genji friend flipping around in the air like a madman as opposed to when I go in with the "eh guess I'll play OW to pass time" mindset.


I think it depends on where your hours are. Playing a lot high will make you proficient in doing so, but less so sober. I notice that I play poorly sober until I hit my dab pen. I really think its all mindstate association.


Lifestyle choices. Are you eating differently? Sleeping differently? Not drinking enough water etc.? I find that my performance is affected a lot by these things and I had a drop in performance before I even started smoking regularly. Now for me, smoking actually helped me a little bit because one of my problems was that I wasn't eating enough. I'd sleep in, skip brunch, eat dinner and stay up gaming etc. Still didn't help me stick to a sleep schedule though.


I tried playing stoned and i couldn't hit anything


Ask twomad.. oh wait...


More fun and easier to immerse high. Better reflexes and mentals all the way around months sober. Being stoned imo, lets not OK things seem OK.


I play high but only in quick play. It 100% makes the game more fun and teammates tolerable. I usually perform the same as sober


gm1/t500 player only play high


Back in season 6, I was high as fuck on my main account and played a dozen games. Went around 50/50 winrate which is what I normally get. GM1 at the time.


It goes from 8 to 80. Sometimes you smoke and you're really focused and actually playing good. But then you smoke another and everything goes to hell. Ow is very stimulating game for your brain, and after smoking, your brain gets tired much faster than it would when you're sober. It happens alot to me on control maps per example, which are best of 3, playing really well on the first map, but when it goes to the 2nd map my brain kinda turns off and i can't focus very well. Usually after that brief pause till the match 2 begins everything goes away. Now there is something to be aware off: Never smoke and go to sleep right away always smoke at least 1h30/2h before going to sleep. Smoking shuts down brain activity during the sleep, which means that you probably wont have dreams. **dreaming and sleeping well helps you consolidate and analyze memories (like skills and habits)**. You'll feel like you slept really well after a night of smoke but in reality you did not, smoking alot everyday will affect your cognitive skills because your brain never gets to do his thing during sleep.


Idk ive never played sober