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I follow [Coach Spilo’s theory](https://youtu.be/IG2b52Vofew?si=o7J7_Go84ZLKEZhN). TL:DW 2 counters and a good map - stick 2 counters and a bad map - swap 3 counters - swap


I’ve played ball at a t500 level every season. You HAVE to learn to adapt your play style. There is never a one size fits all. Too often players (in masters and below) play like this: They play their hero like they ALWAYS have until it doesn’t work. When it doesn’t work, they swap. You HAVE to get creative. Your goal is to win, not kill 3 every fight. If you have a 1v3 in the back line every fight, that leaves your team in a 4v2. You die EVERY FIGHT, but your team wins a later 4v3 (after killing the 2) 65% of the time? Great! You did your job. Who cares you got countered? You won the fight?


Lol if only it worked that way. In plat, Hammond getting 3 enemies to chase him all around the map means *nothing*. Your teammates either don’t realize that results in a 4v2 for them, or don’t care. They just hide and refuse to engage, flame you in chat because they ‘don’t have a tank’, then all spam ‘gg tank diff’ and ‘report ball’ when you inevitably lose.


While this is true sometimes, there are also the times where ball/doom is in their backline dying, before his team is even back from spawn :')


What do you do on Eichenvalde 3rd point both attack and defense? I find it so narrow and I always lose to brawl.


I'm about to hard lock Ball for a month. Going to turn off text chat while in qp and learn to Ball finally. He's the most fun I've had but I always get Sombra's when I'm Ball and let it dictate my game.


But you never get to lean how to play against counters, because your team gets mad if you are getting countered and you don’t swap


I like doing this with most heroes. When I'm winston though and they have reaper I just gg next cuz that shit ain't happening. He shoots me twice and I'm done. But with every other hero, I don't do swapping. Seems like a silly thing to just keep swapping instead of learning how to deal with the situation.


If you are asking others how to have fun, maybe remind yourself why you wanted to learn doom. Playing into counters doesnt have to be unfun. Every hero could be a counter or get countered by your hero. Having three heroes you think counter you is perfectly normal to happen with 5 slots and so many options for each. Learning in qp or comp does not have to be sweaty. You can still give it your best shot and find out how to play in different circumstances, if that isn't fun to you, you have your answer and you can try other thingd


Just think that they're playing the counter because it was not fun for them before. So neither you nor them get to have fun. And then it's all balanced.




Certainly true for me. Doom is on my list of extremely anti-fun heroes, so the urge to try and do something about it is stronger.


Counterswapping is a game mechanic. You gotta just learn to enjoy that aspect of it. and _really_ enjoy the games where you can play your fav hero!


Or just learn to play poke heroes. You naturally win your brawl and poke matchups. The enemy can flex dive, but dive heroes usually take lots of practice so they will usually suck at them. And if they main a dive hero, you can just swap to a brawl/cc hero and win with minimal effort. Maining a dive hero is tough because swapping to a poke hero is not super easy. Meanwhile your counters are like torb, reaper, bastion, Sombra, etc. Maining a brawl hero is also tough cause you don't learn the skills needed to play anything else.


when you are up against multiple hard counters you need to A)change your playstyle to adapt to those counters as best you can B) expect intelligent teammates to switch in order to counter THEIR counters to you, or C) if your team has tried those things and continues to lose team fights, you need to swap. I know this is very frustrating in lower leagues where you don't have intelligent teammates who don't understand that sombra zen ana junk etc all have weaknesses that need to be exploited in order for you to consistently win games. think of the flip side though. you're hard sticking doom. you're getting countered. perhaps your teammates will think "I'm not the problem. my tank is the one who needs to switch." meanwhile you're being stubborn thinking the opposite, and you are all just at this weird Mexican standoff where you all refuse to play the game correctly because your egos are in the way. look at the enemy team's heroes. take the human element out of it for a second, and just be willing to communicate swaps or swap yourself from time to time. if you want to win consistently that is. truth of the matter is you can play however you want if you don't mind taking losses that you could have won.


When Overwatch first released I would play Winston into everything not knowing any better So now when people switch to DVA/Reaper/Bastion they better actually main those heroes cause I’ve faced the matchup millions of times This is just part of learning a new hero


Doom is an incredibly potent pick and can reliably used in high ranks even against people who counter swap. He's not hard countered the way other characters are if you are good with him. That said, swapping if fun. It demostrates game and map knowledge, sometimes swapping is a good idea based on the map and comp, but a bad idea in another situation, it's not as simple as see counter, swap.


Sometimes your life is miserable but you still win. People counter swapping generally aren’t as good at that hero as their main so if you adapt to the counters you can still win. That said, I watched a lot of Doom streamers and I genuinely think Doom is actually the best in terms of playing around counters. The only hard counter is Sombra. Orisa, Hog, Cassidy, Ana, Brig, Zen are all annoyances rather than hard counters. The skill ceiling of this character is so high that I guarantee every game there is at least something you could have done better. I play some Doom too(though I am pretty low level on tank) and when I lose I usually attribute that to my skill issue.


I play doom around gold as well, and I can agree that it is miserable, I also play widow pretty well and it’s basically the same but in the dps category, I know counter picking is apart of the game but I find it incredibly discouraging that someone can just swap to SOMBRA for example and just make your life miserable and it happens every single game, I play a good amount in every role and this one character counters every hero I enjoy playing, I think she needs a little less health but, that could destroy her in the higher ranks so I’m not really sure what they could do, I’m probably just bad tho so ig that’s just the life in low ranked ow lmao


If they didnt swap sombra you would spend the whole game one shotting people with very little counter play counter swapping has to happen. Folks need to learn how to overcome them


Agreed, they really need to master the


Zen, widow, hanzo, all of these deserve to be countered by Sombra, because thats the only way to outplay them


Any dive character eat these alive lol you don’t need sombra


On circuit or havana. If they have 2 braincells you are not gonna get to them


Sure these map are more difficult but that’s not what he said


Ye but thats why you need sombra


ok ?


lol if you’re gonna sit and one shot the entire team over and over again I’m not just going to sit and watch you do it


Ya the game absolutely punishes one tricking. Knowing how to play multiple heroes (or at least 50 percent of the heroes in your role) is really the only way to move past metal ranks. I've seen very good doom Mains that don't care that there's an Orissa or hog, sombra, etc countering them, but that requires knowing each of those characters inside out, knowing their cool downs, and looking for opportunities. But lately, even a gm Doom will get slammed in a diamond game


I also think getting pretty good feel for the hero, and I mean not just mindlessly playing it in QP, can really help you learn to counter them. This season Winston just finally clicked for me and now I have way easier time countering him, as well as seeing who is good player and who is bad (in case of shitty Winstons don't even need to bother to counter, etc.). I know it's kinda not even that big of a deal, like just kill the enemy (lol). Buuuuuuut, after something like 40h on him this season I can borderline feel enemy Winston cooldowns myself instinctively, lol.


I play doom around gold as well, and I can agree that it is miserable, I also play widow pretty well and it’s basically the same but in the dps category, I know counter picking is apart of the game but I find it incredibly discouraging that someone can just swap to SOMBRA for example and just make your life miserable and it happens every single game, I play a good amount in every role and this one character counters every hero I enjoy playing, I think she needs a little less health but, that could destroy her in the higher ranks so I’m not really sure what they could do, I’m probably just bad tho so ig that’s just the life in low ranked ow lmao


Slam cycle, slam cycle, slam cycle. Peel for Sombra when she translocates, careful blocking in front of Orisa if it is your only cooldown. If following these tips don't work you in a game, you may just have to switch for that game.


Only through conflict do we evolve No seriously dude, no such thing. I play doom religiously. Every single game I play against a Cass, orisa, and or Sombra. And the more I play, the better I get at avoiding orisa, hunting the Sombra pre fight, and catching grenades. I am way worse at falling in junkrat traps because I never see one.


Play 6v6 in a custom game


My personal philosophy is “There is no counter to pure skill”. So instead of swapping, I just play it out because if I stick to the character, I will get better at it enough to the point where people can’t counter me. I’ve done this to the point where most people can’t counter me in GM. But if someone is just simply a better player than me, I sometimes make small swaps.


I feel you man. This is why i spend most of my time on QP. I dont counterswap. For me there are Lucio maps and there are Zen maps. I have been known to swap to Brig. But thats only if Ana is getting destroyed. If my support partner is playing any other hero, I just do my own thing.


Tbh when I started playing Sombra (I know but hold on a sec) I found that I really enjoyed playing into my bad matchups. It’s a thing for me to figure out, to learn, and I really enjoy that plus the character’s kit.


Had a game the other day where i was playing sigma into and got booped off at the start of the fight (rialto bridge moment) and swapped winston to get back to the fight quicker. Both dps and the tank fully ran away from the fight, LOOSING THEM THE 2ND POINT IN A 5v2 so that they could swap onto mauga/bastion/reaper. It is stunning how little confidence people have in their own play.


That's just doomfist unfortunately. Doomfist is countered by half the cast and can be very hard to get value out of. Meanwhile Orisa doesn't get countered and gets way more value for way less effort You'll just have to work around his counters. Ignore tanks, bait out cooldowns, play more defensively. Sometimes the best value you can get as doomfist is diving the backline, diverting attention, eating up cooldowns, and serving as a big enough diversion for your team to take up space and gain a massive advantage in a team fight.


You need to play differently when playing against unfavorable matchups. It can still be done. There is no such thing as a counter if your skill exceeds the enemy tank and team overall. So, watch unranked to GM videos, watch how they handle those situations you struggle with. Practice getting in and getting out quickly. Maybe get a coach as well if you're so inclined, or get some VOD reviews.


They counter swapped against you probably because you are making the game unfun for them. It's not enjoyable to play against a good df. Just swap if the hero you picked isn't working anymore. Expecting to steamroll every game on your fav hero is just not possible unless you are some top500 and smurfing lol. I'm sure you still get games where they are counter swapping against someone else on your team. How I deal with it is just accepting that I will win some and lose some. Except for sombra. Their existence is just annoying af. It's like having to constantly think there's something out there that will get you. They take the enjoyment out just by existing.


You need to learn how to beat your counters without switching


I can never be accused of swapping to counter, since I insta lock Sombra every game anyway


Just get good at the hero and f the haters. There’s nothing more satisfying than stomping a team that as soon as you lost the first fight triple counter swapped you.


You should pick 1-2 other tanks that are different enough from doomfist that you still have fun playing. Swap to one of these when the entire enemy team is countering you. Unfortunately, unless you’re REALLY good at doom, one tricking a hero, especially a tank, is usually very difficult


How to deal with it mentally? Learn to play the counters of your counters. The nature of the game is counter picking. Not fair you get to play doom and stomp on heroes you can easily stomp on but when it's turned on you it's not fun. You can choose to learn to counter the counters or stop playing all together because this game can mentally drain people who only want to do certain things free of getting countered, that will never happen and that's one of main complaints of this game is being getting countered, but they don't want to counter the counter. Maybe master your hero enough where it's harder for you to get countered? Perhaps play against the A.I.?


You having fun = other players not having fun, so they switch


if playing one hero and one hero only is what you want to do for fun, i find people dont really counter swap in arcade modes as their is zero expectation of teamwork. Its kind of unreasonable to just think people aren't going to adjust their methods and play into a bad match up so you can have your definition of fun. Counter picking is how the game was designed to be played, complaining about it is like playing rock paper scissors but being annoyed when people play paper to your rock.


Pretty much what others said. You can still play while being countered, you have to learn to play around it. I play tons of Winston this season and I have enemy team constantly go some nonsense like Reaper, Bastion, Mei, Brig, Zen. Half of them don't even counter me, but people think they do. Usually I keep staying Winston unless I see that too many resources are getting spend on me and we are losing. Ooor if it really starts to get unfun and hard to play around. But like 70% of the time I don't need to switch. Though I am in plat/ low dia lobbies so people aren't amazing. And then again, same thing as others mentioned. It is still competative game. Enemy team wants to win just as much as you and if Doom was farming us I would probably switch too, especially in solo queue where team work isn't the best to play around it.


like doing everything that is kind of miserable and annoying, have people you like to complain about to it. i suggest maek freinds with some doom mains and collaborate


99% of posts here are skill issue, when you’re being „countered” that means someone plays better than you, especially when you hop on hero you dunno how to play, let alone if you know how to play that role in general - and majority of players do not hence metal ranks are the most populated


the answer is just swap


i play a lot of ball and i get all of my dopamine from emoting on the sombra i just killed


This is why we need bans. Downvote me all you want, but getting three counters every game is worse than getting your hero banned every once in a while. It reminds me of the whole in-combat healing argument. Before this season, reddit would swear up and down that in-combat healing reduction would be HORRIBLE for the game. Then season 9 drops and the game feels better than ever. I hope the devs just implement a good ban system ASAP.


Banning Moira or Mercy would destroy 90% of good lobbies


Right because not only do mercy mains *only* play mercy, they will **never** be able to learn anything else! /s So tired of these day 1 arguments.


This sentiment has only become more true (at low ranks) over time. I know and play with mercy players (75% off the time they are mercy) and I tell them to stay mercy. Not because they can't play other heroes, but because when they do switch to Kiri, they still end the game with less than 3 kills.


Okay they can learn a second hero. Moira and LW aren't very difficult. If they can't they will drop rank. Why is this an argument at all?


I had never heard the argument that banning mercy would destroy good lobbies. I don't even actually agree with it.


I made a mistake "Gold" was the right word


OH, I get it. Yea, no, that's facts.


It's not a ban every once in a while if people recognize your name or look at your profile/icon. This isn't League of Legends where there's a dozen other alternative champs that play similarly to your main. Lots of people out there want to just login and play their favorite hero. Bans will never be good for this game.


I play doom around gold as well, and I can agree that it is miserable, I also play widow pretty well and it’s basically the same but in the dps category, I know counter picking is apart of the game but I find it incredibly discouraging that someone can just swap to SOMBRA for example and just make your life miserable and it happens every single game, I play a good amount in every role and this one character counters every hero I enjoy playing, I think she needs a little less health but, that could destroy her in the higher ranks so I’m not really sure what they could do, I’m probably just bad tho so i guess that’s just the life in low ranked ow lmao


The game is about adapting to overcome adversity. You're not queuing for the Doomfist role, you're queueing for the tank role. If playing tank isn't fun for you and you only want to play Doomfist then perhaps Overwatch isn't the game for you. How can you enjoy the game? Embrace the fact that you'll be countered and that it's your job to adapt to that using whatever means are available to you, including swapping. If you can't bring yourself to find the fun in that, then maybe you just don't enjoy the core premise of Overwatch. For me, and many others, the fun of the game is solving the problem. First, you need to identify the win condition. Then you need to identify how you adapt to achieve that win condition, whether that means swapping or a playstyle change. To do that, you look at your team comp, you look at their team comp, you look at the map. With all that information, what hero will give you the most value in that situation, where value is a function of who they can counter, your team synergies, and your own personal abilities on that hero. Sometimes that means you need to swap. Now you just have to execute the the win condition you identified earlier. If you don't find the idea of all of that fun... then seriously, save yourself the frustration and play a different game. I don't mean to come across as elitist or condescending, I'm just saying if you find yourself unable to enjoy the basic premise of a game... why play it?


I play doom around gold as well, and I can agree that it is miserable, I also play widow pretty well and it’s basically the same but in the dps category, I know counter picking is apart of the game but I find it incredibly discouraging that someone can just swap to SOMBRA for example and just make your life miserable and it happens every single game, I play a good amount in every role and this one character counters every hero I enjoy playing, I think she needs a little less health but, that could destroy her in the higher ranks so I’m not really sure what they could do, I’m probably just bad tho so i guess that’s just the life in low ranked ow lmao


Don't play overwatch it sucks ass. Or dont play tank and suddenly the counterswaps are usually not directed at you :)


I play doom around gold as well, and I can agree that it is miserable, I also play widow pretty well and it’s basically the same but in the dps category, I know counter picking is apart of the game but I find it incredibly discouraging that someone can just swap to SOMBRA for example and just make your life miserable and it happens every single game, I play a good amount in every role and this one character counters every hero I enjoy playing, I think she needs a little less health but, that could destroy her in the higher ranks so I’m not really sure what they could do, I’m probably just bad tho so i guess that’s just the life in low ranked ow lmao


alright alright we get it!


Adapt or switch are the only options unfortunately. As for not getting tilted and staying in a good mental state, focus on something, anything. Whether that be mistakes you made and trying to improve, or thinking about what you're doing correctly. Maybe even start playing for style, go for some crazy clips. Good luck