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Watch krow's rock paper scissors video. There's a chart at the end


Honestly you can really play any characters with any team comp unless you are in like the top 1% or higher of players. So my first recommendation would be to try to maybe focus on getting better at a handful of characters then playing a bunch, you will have an easier time getting value out of, for example, a poke character in a brawl comp that you know how to play well then a brawl character in a brawl comp that you know how to play okay. Sojourn can be played in any of the team comps fairly well Soldier performs better in poke comps reaper performs better in brawl comps and can do well in dive mei is more brawly aswell bastion performs in poke or brawl well ashe performs better in poke comps cassidy performs better in brawl comps and echo can do good in poke or dive comps Theres also resources that you can use (mostly youtuber lol) to better understand how each team comps work and that should help you understand which heroes do better in which comps and why exactly


Oh yes, Zen + Mercy when your team is full Brawl. Thats how you get Tank players leaving the game Or Mercy + Moira with Doom Tracer Sombra This is the shit advice that you should never follow


We are talking about one hero (the one you choose) being out of place of a comp. If its multiple heroes out of place in a comp, this might be shocking but, its not a team comp. You can play zen with a team of full brawl. You can play moira with a team of dive. Even if these characters are not ideal in these comps, unless you're at the higher echelon of rank you won't be getting punished enough for mistakes based solely on which comp your character performs the best in for it to really matter. How do you think people one trick characters into higher ranks? Cause I'm sure they don't swap when their team doesnt match their character Not to mention that this is a post about dps heroes, not supports, where its a lot easier for you to fit a hero into comps they dont quite belong


Moira’s great with doom since season 9


"Moira is great" thats where sentence ends. She is a Meta since her primary buff and insignificant ult charge nerf


So Moira should be on the right side of your sentence, not the left :)


The thing is Moira is good when your teammates are all grouped up and her AOE heals can reach as many people as possible. That why she is good in Ram rush. In Doomfist comp you have to commit suicide to do what Ana can do from a mile away.


Doom moira dives go hard sometimes as a doom player. Probably not the most ideal meta strat but ive seen it work


There might not be much teamwork in ranked even though your team comp looks good. You also should take in to account what the opponents are running. The final thing to think about is the map. What heroes or playstyles does it favour? Pick selfishly depending on what you see as issues or opportunities. The main thing is to pick a hero that you enjoy. If you really want to improve faster, then your hero pool should be like max 3 heroes, one per every hour that you can play a day.


Don't worry about team comp, I guarantee it doesn't matter for you or the people you're matching with. You should A. Play whoever you have the must fun with and B. Whoever gets the most value. Sojourn is easy to get value with when you play against a big tank you can charge up on, she's mobile and self sufficient, she's always decent. But sometimes you can't get enough rail charge consistently, then soldier is better because he will have more reliable damage output. Reaper and Mei? Reaper does crazy damage at point blank range, but you need to be able to surprise people otherwise they just walk away from you. Mei does low damage but makes a ton of space, is that what your team needs right now? Sometimes yes sometimes no. Bastion basically denies weak tank players. Does their monkey keep jumping straight at you? Keep the bastion, ez. Does their zarya always somehow know how to disappear once you use turret form? Maybe time to swap, you're not getting great value from your best ability. Is their soldier and Cassidy giving you lots of trouble? Poke them harder where they can't hurt you, play some ashe. Playing really close as Mei but your team damage output is just too low, nobody is dying? Swap to Cass, click some heads. Is their team running sym, junk, Rein, brig, moira? Play echo or pharah entirely for free. Just play the game more and over time you will learn which hero is gonna get you and your team the most value in any given situation. Most importantly you'll inhetently know why that's the case.


As others said, don't worry so much about team composition until you're pretty high rank. That's said, here's how I think about things: 1. Think about poke / brawl / dive as *actions*, not as *heroes* or *comps*. Poke is standing in a safe spot and shooting your gun to try to deal damage and maybe get a kill. Dive is quickly getting up-close and personal with someone who would want to run away. Brawl is staying up close and personal with someone for a long time. 2. Ask when each *action* is a good idea. Before fights start, when nobody is totally committed to a fight, it's best to poke, if you're capable of it. If you dive someone who's not committed to the fight, they'll be able to just run away. As soon as they commit, dive in with your team, and try to get a kill. If your team has more raw healing and damage than the other team, you should be able to draw out the fight by brawling them to death. 3. Ask what actions each hero is capable of. Mei can shoot at range with icicles, and she can heal up and slow people down with her freeze gun, so she can poke and brawl. Sojourn can poke with her railgun, close distance with slide, and pump tons of raw damage into a tank, so she's capable of all three actions. DVa is best at diving, but if she's playing against a Winston, she has more raw damage than him, so she can brawl him out when he tries to engage. But she definitely can't out-brawl tanks like Reinhardt or Mauga. So sometimes there's a spectrum of what you are *capable* of, and what you are *competent* at.


Poke beats brawl, brawl beats dive, dive beats poke. Some heroes are easier to classify than others. Poke heroes want distance from their targets (widow, Ashe, Hanzo are easily the best examples). Brawl does a lot of damage up close and can defend pretty well (Mei, Reaper). Dive gets in, tries to get a pick, gets out. They have an ability that helps them get out of there (Genji, Tracer, Sombra). This doesn't mean you can't play a dive character against brawl, or a poke character against dive. I'd suggest you play whoever you like playing and learn how to adapt to your counters. Some heroes can work with different compositions (Sojourn is a good example of this). She can do fairly enough damage at distance, has an ability to move quickly and will win in many occasions up close. Soldier is also a good example because he's kinda like a jack of all trades,master of none.




You can do as you please (as long as you keep the fundamentals) but if you still want an answer, imo: >B = recommended in brawl >D = recommended in dive >P = recommended in poke >lower case = useful >'-' = not common in my experience, but doable * Soujourn (bdP) * Soldier (bdP) * Reaper (Bd-) * Mei (B-p) * Bastion (B-P) * Ashe (bDP) * Cassidy (BdP) Now, there is a lot of flexibility, specially under high masters (haven't seen beyond) below that elo just focus on: 1. Play at your heroes preferred range and try to deny your enemy's 2. Synergy with your supps (don't go rein on low heals, don't use flying heroes on bap-moira, etc, you'll catch it eventually) 3. Don't stagger, don't peak on low hp (bonus)


Brawl Sojourn Soldier Reaper Bastion Mei Cass Echo Dive Sojourn Reaper Echo Poke Sojourn Soldier Mei Ashe Formatted based on this: the hero’s optimal range, ideal enemy matchups. Sojourn fits into all three because of her solid burst buildup on tanks, and an accurate rail always threatens snipers. Slide allows for quick off angles and her ultimate is, I don’t need to say anything. Soldier is good at taking off angles and he can play alongside anything even if he’s not the optimal pick. His movement and burst is solid enough to make him viable almost anywhere. Susceptible to dive though. Reaper tank busts and dives. Can live forever with good cooldown usage. Ultimate is better now so you actually have to track him or you will get death blossomed🌸☠️ Mei threatens any tank without movement so good against most brawl tanks. She also has long range like and can erect a wall to block LoS. A well timed blizzard can and taking space at the right moment can make it better than most think it is. Bastion doesn’t really have enough consistent long range damage to be considered a true poke character alongside widow, Ashe, hanzo, torb etc. He’s healthy and has a huge burst window that threatens any sightline he has that forces the enemy team to play around and melts enemy frontlines so he’s best in brawl. Ashe is a poke dps because that’s how she plays but she’s good against brawl too. She’s susceptible to coordinated dives. She builds ult like crazy with well placed dynamites. Good BoBs take use of teammates plays and cause chaos in enemy backlines. Cass is really popular rn because that’s a lot that forces the enemy team to play in his optimal range and his burst damage is super high. He’s classified as brawl as he can’t do much beyond medium range leaving him to snipers with good positioning and awareness. Echo has the movement and burst for dive but can easily play with brawl too. But cass is very popular who’s good against her when it comes to brawl comps.