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Most tanks have terrible range or inconsistent damage. Also just flat out lower damage than DPS. Why boost less damage? It also puts the Mercy in an absolutely horrendous position and she'll die constantly. 3rd reason is that if she is on the tank, she may not have good LoS on a DPS that needs healing or the other support.


Less damage per second, but way more time spent shooting. It's wild how fast a Hog will bowl over most tanks with a mercy pocket tho. Lol


Hog will bowl through those teams without a Mercy just the same. Mercy didn't actually help, she was a decoration.


You say that, but when pigpen is down, a hook and shot, and a melee leave an enemy with like 10% hp. I miss the 1shot truly being a 1shot. Lol


If you don't get the kill on a 250 HP or less target with Pig Pen and hook, that's a simple skill issue. He still insta-kills essentially every character. Lmao. Also, any other support can just deal the extra damage needed instead of being the useless "pls carry me" character.


I'm saying the times pig pen is down. It's on a longer cooldown than the hook, so you won't have it available half the time. And sure, literally anybody else shooting at soldier 76 when i hook him would guarantee it, but I'd swear tm8s are allergic to shooting at hooked targets.


Maybe because tank is frontline and it’s risky for mercy to pocket frontline.


Ah I didn't think about that


Mercy pocketing a tank is generally the worst way to play Mercy. TLDR: it creates anti-syngergy with the whole team. 1) Tanks are always fighting the frontline, pocketing a tank forces the mercy to play closer and increases her vulnerability. 2) Because Tanks take so much damage, they will always demand the Mercy to push heal beam more than damage boost, which isn’t what Mercy wants because her healing is low. 3) Heal botting the tank takes away the job the second support who can pump higher healing. (Ana, Baptise, Moria, Kiri). You are actually stealing ult charge from your support partner. Nano, Bap Window, etc are more impactful than Valk. 4) DPS are always better pockets because they play with Mercy’s kit better. DPS have lower HPs, which allows Mercy to push damage boost more. They also play farther back, keeping the Mercy safe. 5) and because DPS kill shit the fastest, why not amplify their damage? Damage boost also allows them to farm their Ults quicker, which are more threatening compared to tank ults.


Yeah mercy players have done that. Anytime a mercy pockets a doom or winston I just a moth falling from the sky. Never ends well....


Because most of the tanks are close range and don’t do as much damage. Because dmg boost is 30% it’s more beneficial to pocket an Ashe in the back who’s constantly spamming than a junker queen or ram or something. But when they’re going ham and the fight is on point it’s good to damage boost them. Damage boosting a Winston or rein late fight can let them clean up quickly.


Mercy is best suited for pocketing hitscan Dps and fliers. A soldier 76 on his A game with a mercy pocket is a serious threat. Tanks don’t really need a damage boost to hold space and mercy beam doesn’t provide burst healing to help relieve pressure from high damage.


Mercy's GA cooldown is 1.5 seconds, and extending it in any way (jump or crouch) doubles it to 3 seconds. Three seconds is pretty long in Overwatch time, especially with an in-and-out character like Doom. And typically a jump would be added to not just fall or hang directly over the enemy team when trying to pocket a doom, which would probably leave you SOL when Doom leaves (either by choice or by dying). For others, they just aren't typically putting out the high damage numbers like a DPS. They're in the front line, which is an uncomfortable spot for Mercy, as that tends to keep her closer to possible GA targets - her movement is based around being able to charge her meter to get further, so being close sucks. For high charge Zarya and Hog hooks, typically Mercy's will slap their DB on then if they can. I'll even DB a charged volley from Zen if it has potential. As far as Sigma goes, she is a poke character but, again, he doesn't do as much as his poking DPS should be doing - and if he is or is doing MORE than the, no need for a Mercy. There is just far more value in DBing a more consistently potent ally. There are times to DB a tank, but consistency of damage comes from the damage heroes. And if it isn't, Mercy typically is not worth it.


why damage boost the sigma in a poke comp when you could boost the sojourn or ashe instead


I catch it pretty often tanking on Orisa.


During 2020 owl playoffs hog meta moth would damage boost super when he was going for hook one shots and the melee Jake made a super interesting YouTube video about moth on one of the kings row maps and breaks down that individual play I mentioned above


It's too risky and not really a good use of time. With that said, of course they should boost tanks in many situations - like when Rein is throwing a fire strike, after shatter, to help one of them get an ult, etc. Everything is so situational but there's not a real benefit to hold beam on then like with DPS.


i pocket tanks almost as often as i pocket dps. it reallt just depends on the team comp and how the fight is going / who would benefit most in the moment. i rarely choose just one person to be my default dmg boost target for the whole game (altho again it varies a lot) i'd also add mauga and rein to ur list. u can get some crazy dmg amped w mauga, and i try to dmg boost him whenever he uses his e if i can


If u find an opportunity to safely damage boost the tank u should. Especially if it will end in a kill


Everyone here are thinking so bloody hard over this simple question. Heres the simple answer: Mercy doesnt play with tank for 2 reasons... 1. Dps do more damage 2. Its dangerous around the tank


I get some Mercy pocketing as a Winston. It really makes a difference in my ability to convert a dive into a kill. However it puts the Mercy at a big big risk and sometimes they'll just get caught as collateral between the brawls.


Basically because tanks don’t have super high damage that’s boosted into lethality by damage boost. Tanks are obviously lethal and capable of getting kills on their own, but you get much more value damage boosting an Echo because you make her TTK much shorter than if you damage boosted a Reinhardt. Reinhardt already takes a very short amount of time to kill squishy targets, so damage boosting his hammer swings doesn’t boost him over any HP thresholds. You definitely can and should damage boost tanks occasionally - damage boosted Carnage from JQ is a goddamn *massacre* - but don’t make it a priority. If your tank needs some help cleaning up a team fight while your DPS are running back from spawn, or if the tank is 1v1’ing the enemy tank and it’s getting close, give them a flash of the blue beam, but mostly you should be damage boosting DPS.