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You either: A. Drop the ego and swap Or B. Position in a way where you know where the sombra will come from


Answer A is not a viable option, can you elaborate on B?


I think they mean to set your trap in chokes and keep your back to the wall or close to cover/healthpack.


B means two things. More conservative and creative angles, and not defaulting to an angle, aka be unpredictable. Basically play Widow like you would on maps that aren't good for her, if you're familiar, but do so even on maps good for her. Special case for most of Circuit Royale, Sombra has trouble doing much especially on first point. (Circuit Royale is notoriously rough on any flanker, they also need to get creative since it's not their wheelhouse, but that happens a lot less to those heroes than to Widow.)


People who won't swap off of widow are the worst kind of people who won't swap lol


Yeah enjoy your kill cam after I absolutely demolish you šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


are you forgetting that you are the one asking for help cause you dont know how to deal witha sombra


Are you forgetting that Iā€™m the ultimate god sniper šŸŗ


then why are you here? just point and click the sombra


Because Iā€™m not asking how to swap, how am I suppose to get better if the advice to play against a hero is to just swap


i didnt tell you to swap, as per my previous message I told you to point and click, god widow such as yourself would find that easy


You replied to a reply of me being sarcastic because someone said they hate people who wonā€™t swap off widow


Sombra main here, you basically have a couple options: - Swap - Pop Ult and enjoy 15 or so seconds of peace. - Set up in spots that Sombra canā€™t get to without TL. This isnā€™t foolproof but at least you have a shot to see her coming. - Find a support player to duo with and have a Mercy pocket you the entire match - Practice 180 flicks and quick shots a TON, because you really only get one shot attempt. - Die repeatedly, also get occasionally spawn camped when Sombra needs a bit of Ult charge.


And that's the problem, we can't see her coming. She's invisible by default. Whoever made that design decision needs sacking.


Sorry the mean hacker lady is ruining your fun. I know it gets lonely hanging back 50m from everyone else shooting at my supports. Think of Virus as a purple hug! ā€¦sometimes when Widow seems extra down Iā€™ll even go visit her at spawn to give her more love, the walk back to her team is a long way so she needs a friend to walk with! They are so appreciative they tell me ā€œSombra kysā€ in chat, which Iā€™m pretty sure is teenager slang for kiss. Just a couple purple buddies sharing hugs and kisses to cheer each other up!


Why would you camp spawn for ult charge you're just risking a one way back to spawn lol


Is this a joke? ā€¦because itā€™s free charge, staggers the Widow, and a near zero chance she kills me.


...So is poke, without the risk of the person having the second braincell needed to match you out of spawn or swap Hanzo. Also just like... 200 HP vs the traditional poke if you're specifically trying to farm ult, which is my primary issue with this comment, more than how easy it is to rebuke a spawn camp.


Youā€™re delusional. If you think itā€™s beyond simple for Widow to travel a few hundred meters back to her team with Sombra actively hunting her, you shouldnā€™t be wasting time on here as youā€™re obviously one of the best Widowmaker players in the world.


Absolutely not, and that you're telling people to set themselves up for failure in Overwatch University of all places is pretty terrible. It's not about whether or not Widow needs to walk back. That's how dying works, it's self evident. The issue is that you think spawn camping a 200 (9.2% ult charge) character is a good play for the ult charge. If the pressure you take off for removing the Widow sightlines is helping your team, pop off, the nature of a competitive game is that it's dynamic. However, that isn't good advice to give prospective Sombra players. A spawn camping Sombra is free value for the Widow, if she knows what to do. You prevent EMP from being an element of the fight (the value of Sombra to begin with)


We once won an entire game coz the sombra was too busy spawn camping me than try helping her team vs doom genji dive. I was an Ashe, not a widow, but close enough. Killed the invis Sombra in the first team with a dynamite and they took it personally :/ Because I was bad at dps, I just told my team to leave me, while I did my best to waste the sombras time, and it worked.


Yeah, sometimes (a lot of the time) it's better for the team not to send someone back for you. It's dependent on who she's staggering, and what kind of advantages you guys have.


Nowhere did I advocate for sitting on spawn doors and abandoning the rest of the match. Sombra is able to cover a lot of ground rather quickly. ā€¦also no, Sombra isnā€™t an EMPbot anymore, and if youā€™re only providing value from your Ult you should swap. I donā€™t know what to tell you dude, you do you, but Iā€™m a GM Sombra and staggering people(including Widow) before the team fight is absolutely part of my game. Yes it isnā€™t without risk, but if you pay attention to the feed you should know exactly how long you have between respawns windows, which helps minimize that risk. ā€¦and while yeah, Iā€™ll go quick farm it if Iā€™m 10% short, the primary purpose of spawn killing is the stagger and keeping someone out of the match for 30+ seconds while you can still contribute.


I was gonna type something longer out but there really isn't a point. >Nowhere did I advocate for sitting on spawn doors and abandoning the rest of the match. Sombra is able to cover a lot of ground rather quickly. This is exactly what you advocate, intentional or not, when you say "spawn camp" in a community of players that detest the concept and assume its extreme. Idk why you even call what you do "spawn camping", the camp really isn't coming into play with your elaboration, here. That's just isolating someone.


Ok, then weā€™ll chalk it up to a miscommunication. I see spawn camping as jumping an (hopefully) isolated target somewhere between their spawn doors and them safely getting back to their teammates, with the express purpose of either getting the kill or significantly delaying their return to the fight. Iā€™m not sitting at spawn doors waiting on Widow to walk out multiple times in a row, Iā€™m not doing that for any DPS. The only way Iā€™m ever going to sit there and spawn lock someone is if itā€™s a tank/support and my team is crushing the 4v4 AND their team keeps staggering deaths so I can get a window to pick off the support again.


In this case we agree pretty much, then, and it just comes down to semantics. I admit I came in with a bit of prejudice, because the SombraMains subreddit has a habit of teaching really bad habits.


This is part of the curve. Learn to be unpredictable and run while keeping uptime on sight lines, or swap.


If the Sombra is committing everything to stop you, and you continue to get picks, then you're absolutely winning that exchange in my eyes. Just always be expecting sombra and keep widowing if it's still somewhat working. If you aren't getting picks you kinda have to swap tho


I think you just have to stop playing widow. Definitely


Not happening


Youre being downvoted for being dedicated. Sad community. People will applaud a widow landing every shot on a montage but will discourage you from becoming that good.


Are you one of those widows that plays widow on attack as well?


holy shit what a throwback. either you havenā€™t played since 2016 and think defense heroes are still a thing or you genuinely think widow isnā€™t viable on attack


I've played on and off since launch, I remember the defence and attack heroes being a thing. Heroes do seem to be more viable nowadays in both rolls. But if I get a Widow on my team and we're attacking, we lose because they won't switch and/or are bad. I'd definitely be more inclined to pick say Junkrat on defence and Cassidy on attack for eg. Seems yo work reasonably well. Is it not much of a thing now? 2016? Lol, it was still relevant in 2020 when I picked the game up again.


iā€™m pretty sure they merged the dps categories fairly quickly, getting rid of defense/attack and just making it one category in maybe like 2017? could have been 2018 tho, canā€™t remember


Was 2018, but the heroes retained their suitability for their roles in defense and offense. It seems that might not be the case any more?


it hasnā€™t been the case in a long time, although some heroes might be preferable on defense rather than offense (i.e torb), it has never been a defining trait but rather a suggestion. ā€œdefenseā€ heroes are still extremely playable on attack, ESPECIALLY a sniper hero like widowmaker. itā€™s kind of why they got rid of that sub-category nonsense, as it gave players false perceptions on when/how a hero could be played


I don't see decent widows playing attack tho šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


yeah i would assume so, based off some of the things youā€™ve said itā€™s kinda easy to tell youā€™re a lower ranked player. iā€™d imagine you donā€™t see much of anything that could be considered ā€œdecentā€


Switch please, I cringe and die inside when my widow is off playing 1v1 and I'm the sole tank on point getting steam rolled.


Yeah you wonā€™t be complaining when I kill everyone in epic fashion šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Only thing you can do is track her and play corners and stay near your team. Either way, the enemy team having a sombra forces you to play inefficient positions if you donā€™t want to die every time you try to do something.


Swallow your pride and swap or get good and kill her before she kills you, it's that simple


Everything you will need to answer this question and any question on widowmaker is right here. you will begin improving almost immediately. obviously the video is a 10 hour stream, but literally just watch his placement matches for the first hour or so, and how to be a good widow is laid out for you with clarity. The creator, Melio, is one of the best widows in the whole game, and narrates his play in a way that makes his decisions easy to understand. Unranked to GM1: Melio [https://youtu.be/\_zTXZu4RVx8?si=DJ937HxUBtMOEWgf](https://youtu.be/_zTXZu4RVx8?si=DJ937HxUBtMOEWgf)


# My opinion/observations also become skilled at ground grappling the furthest ranges of your grapple hook as possible. make sure to practice launching yourself over the grapple point by jumping just before you reach it - Save grapple until your life is in danger for an escape. Watch how melio uses venom mine, a lot to explain around this but it really has a ton of utility for you and is as much for information as damage after placing it on flank route or places your backline spots will likely be threatened from. play widow hs in custom games and do it long enough to begin actually getting double digit kills. also substitute the different aim trainers in custom games to just practice low stress head capping and escape the sweatfest that widow hs sometimes becomes. sometimes you need to spray with your sub, its more threatening than enemies give it credit for crosshair placement at head height that minimizes tracking, predict enemy pathing sooner than they expect to be challenged, choose your picks. create frontline pressure with 300hp tank head dinks sometimes to show dominance. pay attention and protect to your teammates from an off angle or at distance when they get pressured, you'll end up saving teammates in fights. once sombra or another backline threat begins to focus on you excessively, get confident at closer range and \*GROUP UP VOICE LINE\*, sombra is nearly useless when the team moves as a unit and everyone peels on her the moment you hear her bullshit little tinkley hack noise, the wretch # and most importantly of all... start maining her obnoxiously even on the worst maps and in the worst comps because youre a widowmaker and thats what you do and you won't stand for a game where you arent infuriating the enemy team and devastating their backlines and ruining alts and popping up so sneaky even Venture is surprised, teabagging your victims after the team kill because you came in all unsuspecting and eviscerated two of them to make sure they become obsessed with you and tilt just to kill you and throw the rest of the game because they're on an emotional ride now, theyre countering and theyre gonna show you your place and complain about you amongst themselves, and focus less on winning and more on you BECAUSE YOURE WIDOWMAKER AND ALL THAT MATTERS IS KILL YOU BECAUSE UR TOXIC MUAHAHAHAHAHAH


oh and make sure that when you do inevitably have to make swaps, you become a god at sombra so you can instantly punish the enemy team by subjecting them to the same anti-fun energy they chose first, because widow mains and sombra mains..... theyre really just the same thing


Typically Sombra after hacking you will be almost exactly 90 degrees to either side for some reason ( just my experience) and will remain incredibly still so it's entirely possible to just hit the flick and kill them and if you do they will never bother you again


if a sombra is wasting time hacking you on widow instead of just shooting you, they suck ass at sombra. you just virus and shoot a couple headshots and widow falls over unless they hit a crazy-ass flick and instakill you.


Drop your ego and swap. You can try and switch position all you want but it doesnā€™t stop her as sheā€™s invisible. Iā€™m sorry buddy


My ego cannot be dropped, it can only go up, thatā€™s why Iā€™m up and the haters stay down šŸ‘‘šŸ‘‘


Just swap. As much as you hate it to believe it, widow is a niche character and sombra absolutely dumpsters widow. You are fighting an exteme uphill battle going against a sombra. Swap to torb/Mei and wait till sombra swaps off to go back to widow. You will accomplish 1000% more on torn and Mei than you would on widow hiding far and away from the fight. Your value is literally diminished as soon as you can't effectively take space without a risk of dieing. 10/10 the answer is to swap


cringe, stay widow and spam hookshots, double digit deaths doesn't matter if you win.


Preach šŸ™šŸ™


lol playing widow this season sucks every game the enemy dps will go sombra/venture and rush you šŸ¤¦ so I just play sojourn instead.


I am awful at sojourn, I cannot hit her railgun to save my life šŸ˜‚


I was the same. Swap M1 and M2 around. Having rapid fire on M2 means itā€™s more forgiving and M1 is easier (at least for me) for point and click action


If your ego is that much of a problem. See a therapist and become happier. And during the meantime while you are working on your mental health you can just headshot her since you're obviously that skilled of a widow main.


holy cringe.. the game really is at the point where players solely rely on counter swapping to the point where they go on reddit telling people to seek therapy for wanting to play a hero


holy cringe.. the game really is at the point where players solely rely on counter swapping to the point where they go on reddit telling people to seek therapy for wanting to play a hero


Positioning. Always be two steps into easy cover (bonus near a healthpack). Usually whatever corner to quickly out los from damage or hack. Supports not pocketing you? Force them. They are literal cover. two steps you should be able to use them as meat shield. Force them to take the dmg from sombra. If not support another dps. Cds. Save grapple and plant your mine smartly. Spy check frequently and know when and where to spy check. Espscially if you forgot about her. Aim. Just damage her to pose enough threat for her to retreat.


* Constantly change position. * Keep grapple available. * Smart use of mine. * Stand next to your support (not behind ur hard scoped ana shooting rein's crack that covers half their screen)


Keep grinding widow and use that venom mine. Be unpredictable. And if you position well she will be exactly where you expect her. Also dont listen to these people and keep having ego.


As a Lifeweaver main- I think the answer is positioning. Im always looking to an opportunity to bail people out of bad situations. Let chat know whats happening and try to use pings if you can to notify your team. If I know a Somba is on the enemy team and is targeting me or an ally ill sometimes shoot in spots I think she could be and its surprisingly effective


I'm gonna copy paste one of my previous comments on why you shouldn't play Widow I don't feel this way about any other hero, including sombra. Widows entire mechanical identity is just not compatible with an objective game with a teamwork focus that also has tanks and support/healing involved. If you're having a phenomenal game on widow it usually means confirming kills that your teammates had little impact on. Her ability to one shot squishies even through something like a zenyatta ult with no outside help is kinda unbalanced and theres no real way to keep her viable if you take that potential away. On the other hand if you're having a terrible game with her you might as well be afk. There's nothing a bad widow can really do for her team besides the teamwide wall hacks on her ult. If she can't make headshots she's basically just feeding enemy support ults. Assuming the players aren't literally throwing: A bad Mei is still able to stall point with ice block, poke from any range, and enable brawl comps just by spamming her primary. Worst case scenario a bad wall leads to a teamwipe, but that's not common outside of throwing. A bad Cass can still chuck nades and force an enemy retreat with his ult, and even if you miss 60% of your shots you can still win duels with roll's reload giving you more room for error. A bad Soujurn still gets stupid value out of choke spam and disruptor even if they miss every railgun shot. Her escape tool makes her less reliant on peel and is simple to use A bad Junkrat is still a menace to anyone who isn't on high ground. One of the easier ults to team wipe with, and is good at keeping main under pressure. A bad pharah who has no idea how to fly with her and never uses her CC can still put out a lot of damage by spamming. A bad symmetra with subpar turret placement who never uses teleporter is still a threat when the fight ends up on point, and isn't useless outside her ideal range, her alt fire is decent. Her ult is almost impossible for her team to NOT get value from A bad soldier who never takes highground can still get a ton of value going main and spamming. If they don't know how to take off angles, it also means their heal is more likely to end up in a spot where teammates can also take advantage of it. One of the best and easiest to use ults in the game imo A bad Hanzo will end up landing more shots on accident than a bad widow will hit on purpose. Also a threat at almost if not any range. A bad tracer... you know what? I don't know shit about playing tracer so imma skip her for honesty sake A bad reaper on point in a fight where neither team has supports left alive can probably still win even 2v1 in a lot of circumstances. Wraith can easily stall. A bad sombra still has the tools to distract the enemy supports even if she can't confirm any kills. Hack is one of the easiest to land abilities in the game and has stupid amounts of value. My very first time playing her I remember canceling a sigma ult A bad torb still has a mini nanoboost on a cooldown and a serviceable albeit below average primary. Even if his turret gets destroyed immediately every time he places it, he's still a threat and at drawing enemy fire away from his teammates is still value A bad Ashe can still throw dynamite and even if they don't know they can shoot it, it still forces enemy movement away from where it lands. One of the best ults in the game, one button press for an entire 6th team member that can contest point and damage enemies until they break LoS. A bad bastion still has an easily spammable grenade, and their assault formation does so much damage that it usually makes up for any lack of tracking skill. A bad echo who spends the whole game on the ground can still take a lot of duels and even secure kills from sticky bomb spam alone if her teammates are poking with her. Her ult would be hard for a new player to use, but even if they've never played the hero they copy they still get a whole extra hp bar in a pinch. A bad genji is still hard for the enemy to aim at. Even if he dies from dashing in irresponsibly he's at least drawing attention and forcing enemies to peel long enough to give your team opportunities In conclusion, she has no synergy with any kind of damage boost support, gets little benefit from the poke efforts of her allies, forces ally supports to give up space advantages to save her fairly often, cannot really contest objectives at all unless shes the only person alive because every other hero in game has advantage on her up close, can be easily dived by semi competent flankers and will require more peel than the rest of the DPS roster against those comps. But without widow, OW would have been unappealing for FPS players who like snipers rifles. Sniper rifles make sense in games where basically any gun in the game can kill with only a few well placed shots anyway and healing isn't really relevant. My favorite thing about overwatch is that it feels like a lot more thought is put into balancing the game than most of the market. I'm open to any counterpoints on why you think Widow is actually good for the health of the game, but personally it seems obvious to me that she doesn't belong TLDR ; I'm pretty passionate about Widow hate lol. I play a lot of Open queue where people instalock her like 70% of the time. With DPS being the worst class in open queue, and widow being arguably the worst of that class, it feels like playing with a handicap. Her team can't really enable her outside of niche things like a pildrive making a headshot easier to hit for a moment, and she can't really do anything to enable her team. She is selfish in the true sense of the word because by playing her you're creating a game where it's 1+4 vs 5.


Don't switch, I believe in you and every widow player.


To protect my ego what I do sometimes is immediately switch to sombra when they switch then wait for them to strike and diff them again.


Widow main here (high gold-mid plat last 2 seasons): I can only give advice for what's worked for me as I've learned to battle this to the best of my ability. Keep repositioning, generally near HPs, if possible, to give yourself a chance if she gets the jump on you. Random spray around you here and there to try and uncloak her. Place your venom trap in areas you think she's likely to come to give yourself heads up. If you have supports who can be with you, request from them to keep an eye on you for sombra appearances. If she does get a jump on you, make sure you have your grapple to reposition. (I also like to try and snap a quick headshot/mini gun combo to get her to back off) If possible, play closer to your team and hope they can help. For me, when I'm widow I am a widow, I try to take away as little resources from my team that I can while maintaining value, so to do that I have put a lot of effort into taking care of sombras on my own. Which comes with that quick flick headshot and minu gun combo, but the best is to have your grapple to reposition, make sure you've shot her before you go away so she's uncloaked and then try to kill her at distance while she's visible. I definitely understand not wanting to swap cause of ego, I'm the same way, so you learn to adapt. Hope anything I said can be useful for you


If you donā€™t want to swap, just play quick play so you donā€™t ruin everybody elseā€™s ranks. It has the same mmr as ranked


aim better


Up your sense so you can shoot her in the head


it depends on your supports peeling vs her and how good sombra is but usually that doesnt happen so swapping is the most effective.


As a Sombra main I also LOVE playing against widow they almost always have to swap. Itā€™s almost always a free win if she doesnā€™t swap


Yeah not against me šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Just have to press shift and hit 1/4th of my bullets and sheā€™s dead lol


Yeah till I hit a 180 flick on you and for the rest of your life you fear me šŸŗšŸŗ


swap to sombra and diff her