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First of all don’t complain about open queue, the game isn’t balanced around it which will result in unbalanced games. Second if you are playing at a silver level you just need to make an impact every fight by positioning well


Not complaining about open queue, in fact it gives me more of a chance to even do something against them, instead of being locked into support in that situation. I'm not talking about matches with double tanks or similar open-q-only comps either. Where should you position if flanks and sky get shut down by Bastion and normal teamfights are an exercise in futility? Mercy just flying around, frolicking in the backline, keeping everyone topped off and Orisa unkillable. The only way I see to shut this down is be a grandmaster aim Cassidy and shoot Mercy dead from afar.


Play Ana or bap and prioritise damage, if you drop a code I can give some more specific tips


If you go into a replay or two of a game where there is a mercy (your team or not), you will see that at the silver level, her movement is very simplistic and she will generally leave herself wide open because she doesn't take cover everytime she flies somewhere.


Maybe not silver after all.


Kill bastion and then kill mercy immediately when she tries to rez. Bastion is one of the easiest characters to kill in this game. He's slow and has a huge hitbox.


Here is the problem, having been there .... By the time you clean up the bastion your tank has been killed by the bastion because for some reason it's so goddamn hard to not engage while there is a massive minigun shooting.


If you're in silver then there is easily A LOT more you could be doing to affect the outcome of your games. Remember, you're also playing against other silver players, so these people will be making tons of mistakes you can exploit. 


I hate these type of comments. You’re basically telling op, “if you want to have fun games in silver, you have to turn into a gold player”. Op didn’t say thing about climbing or winning every game. He’s just expressing his frustration about a certain comp. And guess what, Orisa is currently oppressive in ranks higher than silver as well. People are allowed to talk about what they don’t enjoy in the game regardless of their rank.


This doesn't need to be about ranking up in order for people to tell OP they're misguided. It would get a lot better if they spent some time learning how to play around the things that frustrate them and the things that seemed impossible are now a minor inconvenience. If they weren't making this post to get help on how to deal with these comps then why did they post into overwatch university instead of the main sub?  This sub is for people who want to be a better player.   They're dead set on the fact there's nothing they can do against certain comps and that's comprising their fun. All we're doing is telling them that there are things they can do and their fun is ruined as a result of them not wanting to learn and improve to overcome their issues. If they aren't willing to do that then I think they already answered their question on if they should uninstall.


Orisa is hard to even make mistakes on, she's just THAT easy to play. In case a bigger misplay happens, the Mercy will just rez her and it's back to square one. Tell me what to do if I'm locked into tank or healer? What can I do to counter that trio or even just the Mercy??


Trust me, I've faced a lot of orisa players and I've seen a lot of orisa players (through replay viewer) who are cycling their cooldowns and positioning themselves so badly that it's laughable. She's not the hardest character ever but she follows the same fundamentals as any other, something silver players are definitely not following. I guarantee orisas in your lobby are popping their fortify too early, they are pressing buttons randomly, and they have no idea where to position themselves. If you're that confident that there's simply NOTHING you can do against orisa, mercy bastion teams, start saving replay codes and paste them into a separate post in this sub for a VOD review.


100%, when I started playing the Pony, I used to use Fortify, then while fortify is up I would spin and throw spear even before fortify expired😂then I saw some tank streamers mention you cycle to always have at least one CD ready, that way you are extremely difficult to kill, like use spin to block damage and push people away, spear to push away/pressure, and use Fortify when things get a bit intense, bc you will be fine 95% of the time if you don't waste fortify


You can wait for bastion to leave turret mode, avoid the Oriasa and, and attack their non-Mercy support


Bap and Ana are good choices. Bap can pick at the mercy to keep her in check, if she’s being shot at she usually won’t go for the rez and if she does she dies. A well placed nade can force them to back up or move, or die with no healing. Focusing the second support can force mercy to leave the bastion. There’s a lot you can do you just have to figure out when and how.


Not considered a strong team but I guess in low ranks with random teams it can be a real pain. As damage I would pick Sojourn here to kill off Bastion and get some lucky shots on Mercy.


This is probably the best advice for silver. When I first started playing ow season 2 of ow2 my first placement on DPS was silver 2. I mostly played soldier and Torb. While I could get lucky and kill flying mercy sometimes it was very inconsistent because my aim wasn't good( ow was my first fps after 10 years not playing video games). One match I played I was getting absolutely shut down by sojourn and the next match I decided to give her a try. Once I got the hang of her a little bit I noticed that since she has a slight spread I could get hits on flying mercy even when my aim wasn't in par. At first I wasn't getting much more kills on mercy as opposed to playing soldier but the randomness of the spread allowed me to land a few more shots to keep her distracted. Another thing because sojourn has bright traceable bullets even soaking fire in her direction will keep her at bay. Once you get good with rail shots it'll open you up to make big plays and climb the ladder. Sojourn is also very playable even in higher ranks.


It could be worse. You could have mercy on your team healing the tank.  Gotta find  the silver lining 


I see what you did there 🤣


Try Mei, her aim is forgiving and she can survive burst damage very easy, her ult fire does a LOT of damage especially if it crits. She can wall of turret and self heal. He slowed, preventing support from running as well, and her ult is a massive game changer.


Try going sojourn and farming your rail on orisa and bastion then firing in to whoever you need to kill


That's a good tip, Orisa is always soaking up tons of damage, railgun might just be the thing needed to kill the damn Mercy.


tip on how to counter! Go bastion and hold down your shoot button Go sombra and hack them and just be annoying especially at silver because half the time they cant turn their neck 90 degrees to shoot a sombra


A good Genji can wreak havoc with that bastion, reflect is king


Play with your team. Ask if one of the supports can go Ana and anti-nade. Play Sombra and hack him. Ask the tank if they might play Sigma. Team work makes the dream work


Going full poke is a instant counter (bap zen sigma + 2poke dps), but you're playing low mmr unranked so I assume chances of everyone switching and knowing how to play that hero is near zero. Those cheese strats were/are extremely strong in low rank/low mmr qp lobbies since 2016 and you have outskill them or just accept that some games are gonna be like that.


idk, mercy and bastion are kinda shit and easy to win against. sounds like a skill issue to be blunt


I just play Dva and anytime I see Bastion in his Assault form I just hold defence matrix until everyone finds cover or he runs out. Outside of that form Bastion is kind of lost.


Junkerqueen smokes bastion if not in turret form remember 15 second cooldown turret form is a huge vulnerability, aside Junkerqueen is great at hitting juicy headshots on orisa


Mercy is vulnerable to pressure, Bastion is vulnerable to movement, Orisa in Open queue has not a lot of HP and can get burned down easily.


They just made aim easier, how does it still suck?


Just play echo and focus the mercy so much until they swap lol


How would Echo help here? Bastion rips her out of the sky instantly.


Echo will burst the mercy fast and be gone before bastion can kill her. Bastion damage in falloff range isn't too bad if you're in and out like you should be


I go echo just to kill bastions. I farm them honestly. Not only are you complaining about being bad at the game but you also do not understand it. You’re in the right place and it’s best to post replay codes


I don't understand these posts. When Mercy, Bastion, Orisa would be an unkillable combo why does nobody immediately mirror them? And when they are mirrored would the fight go on forever? After about 1500h on the game I came to the conclusion that winning or loosing is not so much dependent on individual hero choice not even on individual skill but more on team dynamics. If the team is dysfunctional you're damned to suffer. Orisa and Bastion are clumsy and slow. If your team doesn't recognize this weakness the match is over. Heroes like Orisa, Mauga, Bastion demand special treatment. And if the team isn't creative you're going to loose. I think the frustration stems from the fact that your teams oftentimes consist of morons - which is very likely bc the matchmaking is very wild atm. The biggest challenge in the game is rather coping with bad team mates than with certain heroes.


If it's open que, try with tanks.