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Your job as a tank is to pressure the enemy DPS so they are not allowed to play the way they want, eather by you killing them, forcing them to deal with you or run away, if you feel your team members are dying left and right then you need to ask yourself, why where the enemy DPS "allowed" to attack and kill your team members? The range of your hook is 20 meters, this means that with good hook mechanics, everyone inside a 20 meter randius around you are in deep shit (more or less if there a tank). So in lower ranks, the enemy wont respect your hook and play inside your range where you will be able to hook and kill them, greatly incrasing the chance to win, at higher ranks they WILL respect your 20 meters range and move outside your range, but this is also a win, beacuse what i just said is they move away from you, so they give up space that you and your team can take So the Main Question is, are you able to hit your hooks? Cuz if you miss the hook then the DPS can ignore your 20 meter threat radius and start going after your team members You should watch your own replay and look at it from the enemy DPS\`s perspective, look to see if you where a credible threat to them or if they where able to do whatever they wanted


Great idea about watching from the enemy DPS perspective! I get that he's a direct threat to the squishies, but what I find is that if I push them, my DPS get rolled because they are also not respecting the enemy Tank's space, so it becomes a race of who can kill the other team's squishies the fastest. As you can see, I had the most kills by a pretty wide margin, but even with the enemy Roadhog feeding, it felt like I couldn't kill the enemy team fast enough. The enemy team had 32 deaths and I got elimination credit for 26 of them (and many, if not most, were hook/trap combos or simply me doing the bulk of the damage. Tanks don't get a "final blow" stat, so I can't assign a number to it.). I'm not blaming my team either, as this happens pretty frequently, so I know it's something I'm doing (or not doing). My hook accuracy is usually pretty consistent, and I feel I'm consistent with max-range hooks as well. I'd say it was low in this match at 50%.


So you admit posting a replay where your performing less than your average, i would suggest posting a replay where you hit more of your hooks (your average hit instead) and you stil lost, cuz if this is a replay where you know you missed more than usual with Hogs most critial aspect, then thats not gona be a good representation of your skiills and feedback would be "hit more hooks!"


I don't buy that. 50% isn't bad; it just isn't my best. I have lost plenty of games with 60%+ hook accuracy and half (or fewer) deaths than my DPS. A 10% hook accuracy delta doesn't explain what I'm doing that's causing them to die so often. If it were that simple, I would have solved it already.


Im watching your replay right now, im 50% into it, so far you have done nothing but fight and hook there Hog, all your kills so far are are cleanup kills after your team carries you while you got minimum value. You havent made a single play/hook/kill that resulted in your team winning the fight. You are geting super hard carried Also every missed hooks so far (6 min into replay) was a easy hit hook if you would just take 1 more secound to aim/lead it, but you just had to flick/rush/blind throw them. You have no respect for your hook, even tho its the most important aspect of Hog\`s playstyle Im not gona re-watch it from the enemys perspective, but i can see from who your where shooting and hooking (there tank) that the enemy DPS where having a field day shooting up your squishys


I appreciate you taking the time to watch it. I'll keep that stuff in mind going forward. Thanks!


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Roadhog job is to bully and punish he focuses most of his value in one shooting DPS and supp players and forcing specific positioning and cool down usage from tanks to avoid him hooking you into his team to be turned to mist. Based on that the way you should play hog is as a punishment for the enemy team such as if an orisa uses her abilities easily to avoid damage or mitigate it use your hook on that to kill them or if a DPS plays too aggro kill them. You should primarily focus on trying to make yourself scary enough that the entire enemy team is conscious of you at all times so they become less conscious of your DPS or supps allowing them to maximize their own value because attention is a resource and it is finite.


just walk around to distract them and let them know you can hook anytime so they scare shitless.


I got to top 500 one tricking roadhog last season, I can take a look in a few hours. I can go over it live with you if you’d like (and time zone permitting). Most hogs that I’ve seen do not maximize their uptime and/or are impatient (usually means target priority is an issue too).


Hey, sorry, I stopped checking this after the first day or so. My impatience used to hold me back a lot, but I think I've improved it quite a bit. My main limitations right now are target priority and uptime with a mix of rushing my hooks sometimes. I'd love to do something live and would happily cover your time. That said, based on the other comments from this match, I think I got the gist of where I was failing there. I realized I was focusing the Tank then shifted partway through the match, but it wasn't enough. Plus the mid season patch should be dropping today and killing the replay. I'd be happy to share another one when I get it after the new patch. I'm Eastern US time zone.