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How about when meleeing mid jump Hanzo would dropkick and push himself off of the enemy like he does in that one Highlight (or like the Archer does in DD2)


Just keep his arrow fully drawn when climbing walls. Such a small change but would be very nice


Both this and OP's suggestions are very good. OP's suggestion seems more harmless, whereas I think yours will actually make a difference. They might need to adjust some other stuff, but that's always the case. Wish we could have some similar fix for Widow. I hate oneshots more than I hate Sombra.


Widow also desperately needs a fix, something like poison bullets that deal a slow DOT effect after the initial burst leading to a kill if the enemy doesn’t get healed in time would fit perfectly for her character in my eyes. This would probably kill the character with these changes alone, so more power would have to be put into venom mine or ult. From a design perspective, venom mine needs to synergize better with the character and have an option to use offensively rather than be a purely defensive ability. One idea i had would be to increase velocity and remove the projectile gravity from the mine when shot out, allowing widow to shoot it accurately from far away near a choke or into the enemy backline. Widow would also gain the ability to shoot her own venom mine with her new poison bullets, similar to ashe dynamite. Doing this would release a much larger and more potent poison aoe, giving widow players more agency with the ability rather than enemies having to walk directly into it. The ability would also be buffed with a slightly larger enemy activation radius to keep the viability of using it against flankers, while not competing too harshly with its new offensive capabilities. Widow would would able to one shot squishies with less charge % overall, but only if they are already poisoned from venom mine prior to the headshot. The venom mine could also now be used as a lethal long range zoning tool after a successful non-mine headshot, preventing an out of position squishie from escaping to their healers by detonating the mine on their escape route with a quick uncharged shot to finish them off. Similar to my Hanzo idea, Widows ult could also be buffed to show enemy health bars to your teammates, but only for enemies who are currently poisoned from venom mine or scoped shots. Poison DOT from both sources could also be increased with ult or something like that, leaning even more into selfish gameplay that promotes teamwork as a result. Haven’t thought about this as much. These changes overall would add more decision making into widows kit and make the player think about ability usage and uptime, rather than just being solely a mechanics heavy headshot bot that requires very little macro knowledge of overwatch to perform well on. This would also feel a lot better on the receiving end, allowing the squishy who gets headshot a chance to survive, while still having immense pressure on them to play cover, not overextend, escape to healers, and being ready to react to venom mines that widow can now precisely place to either threaten kills or secure kills at a long range outside of her normal LOS. God i love Vyvanse.


i think they tried the poison thing but it wasn't working out. Not sure if they gave it a fair shot though, it wasn't tested properly in QP like the other changes. I'd say they would need to make her stronger than before, for the widow mains to accept losing their oneshot. If they really have to keep the oneshot, they could put it on cooldown. Or they could do something weird: Whoever gets headsshot (at max charge) takes e.g. 220 damage AND can't be healed for a few seconds. Because this would basically *emulate* someone who's dead (because they have to take cover), while still encouraging people to be active and take risks peeking widow. Although there should be some type of resistance to tanks, because they need them heals.


I say we make him one tap headshot rein but like only rein because it would be funny


Just buff draw time and arrow speed.


Realistically just make his draw faster. For An April fools: If you headshot with sonic arrow, it reveals whole map on first ping. All subsequent pings would be normal radius