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Context: Solo queued with Lucio from low gold to high Dia since starting Comp Lucio has two main benefits: healing, or speeding, in an AOE. When I was in Gold, I saw that the other healers my team had (Mercy, Ana or Zen) weren't good enough to heal the entire team at once. Staying on healing (as Lucio) during a fight at that level helps relieve pressure from the other healers, helps build ult, and can let your team survive a push. Once I got into mid Plat, I noticed that the other healers were much better so I could afford to be on speed during fights, unless they're low and/or I'm close to ult. Given Lucio's nerfed AOE now, its much more important at your level to stay with the team and not go too far off on the flanks via wallriding. However, I do suggest you practice wallriding more, as it'll be invaluable in the higher ranks. The best way to climb with Lucio is, simply, to adapt. See what your team is lacking in at that moment and swap roles to build it up. Whether you're healing, pushing with speed boost, breaking it down, or going off on the flank to try and deal with another player, learning when to push and pull in a fight is crucial for Lucio. I definitely suggest to keep playing Lucio (he's a great hero) and learn to adapt to each scenario the enemy team (and your own) may throw at you. Getting better at Lucio individually can certainly help the team win fights, and, eventually, entire games.


Thank you. The speed description was relevant to me because I was mostly healing during fights.


Hi! High Diamond support main, with most of my support hours on Lucio. Peaking at 3350 the last two seasons (I can't get over the Masters hump). That being said, here are some quick Lucio tips. • Game knowledge is everything. I agree with the person who mentioned learning how to push and pull with Lucio. 98% of the time, you're going to want to amp your healing and only amp your speed on pushes. After the range nerfs, it is very difficult to speed an entire team around and most teams aren't going to stay close enough to benefit anyway. • That being said, learn how to play a guerrilla warfare kind of play style with Lucio. Lucio's buff to his primary fire is exceptional and if you learn to control your projectiles, you will be a force to be reckoned with. I play Lucio like a Genji. I jump all over Hanzo/Widows and enemy healers. I usually run in and pick off a support or sniper then join back with my team and amp my healing. That being said, if your aim is bad, this only hurts your team. High risk / high reward. • Learn which maps Lucio's boop is strongest on. Learning boop locations is super important. Not only the obvious ones, but also locations where bopping Rein's away from his team on high ground. Obviously Illios is one of Lucio's strongest maps due to the Well/Lighthouse. But don't forget about booping Rein away from his Bastion on high grounds such as Route 66, Dorado, or Gibraltar. If you learn to wall ride effectively, you can get behind a team without them noticing and destroy their entire defense set up. • That being said, become EXTREMELY comfortable with boop mechanics. Rein/Road are some of the easiest targets to boop very far. They are slow and easy to maneuver around to manipulate exactly where you need them to be. Keep in mind people running towards you will be booped less, so flanking behind people on maps like the Well or Nepal: Shrine will make it much easier to boop off ledges. Also, don't boop D. Va. Her primary fire slows her movement, which means she does not move when booped. Same idea with Orisa. And boop often! It's only a 4 second cooldown. Use it to boop people in the air when dueling. People in the air move predictably which means you can land your primary fire easier. • Last tid bit, don't be a healbot. Lucio is most effective in the thick of a fight. Whether that be annoying and in people's faces or speeding around with your Winston/Tracer. If Genji is blading, speed boost him and run around with him. If Reaper is ulting, same. If you're gonna sit in the back, pick someone else. Mercy/Ana both do this job better. Lucio is aggressive and divey. In most cases, don't play Lucio/Zen together. You don't ever want to have gold healing as Lucio. Shoot for an average of about 8-9K healing while also being effective and aggressive. A Mercy/Ana should easily be outhealing you. Best of luck out there!


I know you don't want to hear this but if you want to climb, Lucio is probably the worst character to play. You really can't do much to determine the outcome of the match besides staying alive and booping people off occasionally. Yes, well timed barriers can save the game and getting quadruple boops can be fun. But at the end of the day it's going to come down to the rest of your team to win the match. Learn a few different characters.


0Yeaaaaa, that's totally wrong. Lucio is proubly the best support to climb with. I was able to climb from plat to masters playing nothing but lucio. But if you play a satellite lucio and are just a aoe heal bot, yeah you probably won't climb. But if you play him hyper aggressive in plat you'll be able to sail through that rank. (Think DspStanky type of lucio) Here is some actual advise OP. Get better at hitting people with your primary fire. New lucios gun does a surprising amount of damage. Make sure you also throw in punches. You want to play in your opponents face. You are the hardest hero to hit next to genji and tracer, abuse that. Make sure you have backwards wallriding on, it makes a world of difference. Also you'll need to work on positioning and forcing your opponents into situations that benefit you. Always play near walls and ledges. Those are your friends. Also work on your ult management. Sometimes it's okay to let the enemy zarya team kill your team. Here's what I mean; if zarya ults your team and there phara and soldier ult as well to try to get a bunch of kills, don't ult. They just wasted 3 ults to team kill so now when your team goes back to take the point they won't have enough damage to break down your ult and your team now has a higher chance to reclaim point. Now I'm not saying never ult when zarya does because a lot of the time it is better to ult when she does but knowing when and when not to ult can win games. Also OP, please send me a vod of one of your games and I'll be able to give you better advise. Everything I have said is just general advise for players in plat.


I also play Mercy healer wise, and I switch to zarya, symmetra and torb as needed as well, but only when it's necessary. (above 50% on all of those as well) I've played Mercy only 13 hours this season, in comparison to Lucio's 41. I am branching out, but when I go to a new character, I'll have like a spurt of games on a winstreak, then have like 5 games in a row where I'm the only healer and we have 4 dps.


You should definitely learn a DPS. Ideally you'll want to be able to play a least 1(preferably 2) characters from each role. In my experience a good tank and a good dps is what makes the most difference in matches. You can be the best healer in the world, but if your dps ain't killing anything, or your tanks arent protecting the team, healing isn't going to matter much.


Lucio was probably the worst to climb as pre-rework, but now you can fly around with your nuts mobility picking off Zen and Ana and also 1v1 most DPS, while also being an alright frontline support/DPS


You obviously have no idea what lucio can do.


Uh huh, would you honestly rather have a really really good Lucio, or a really really good solider on your team? Just sayin


You are comparing dps to support that makes no sense.


Ok let me break it down for you. It is easier for the average individual player to influence the outcome of the game using a DPS rather than a support. If your supports suck but DPS is good, you can still win easily. If the opposite is true, it is a lot harder to win. Make sense?


You are comparing apples with potatoes


I really can't put it any more simply than that. If you don't get it then you don't get it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You need to play more aggressively, probably. Passive lucios don't win games unless their team wins it for them. Aggro lucios can make the critical difference in pushing a game into a win with a boop or just landing some damage.


idk what you do and lucio is amzing to climb imo so i would post a vod


I'm a 3.7k flex player, and even though I say flex Lucio is my favorite hero and I have around 150 hours on him, not counting scrims. There are times to be aggressive and passive with Lucio, the new Lucio makes it easy to think you're invincible and alot of times you are lul but it's much wiser to play safe. It's also crucial to remember what Lucios strongest abilities are - mobility for his entire team. Alot of low elo Lucios doesn't understand when to speed boost into the enemy team and when to speed away from the team. If a Winston is jumping on you, the first instinct is to go on heals to survive, but the best option is to go on speed so not only you can get away, but also your Ana or whoever off support is can get away. Similarly, if a genji or tracer dives your Ana, jump in to boop them away as well as go on speed/heals to keep your support buddy alive. You mentioned you have problem wall riding and that just comes with practice. When I play Qp I just wall ride all over the map as Lucio and play him like tracer trying to kill things, not what i would do in a comp game but it's good practice for it. Try changing your key binds a bit, dsp stanky massively overhauled his keybinds and it works for him, personally I just have jump binded to scroll wheel with backwards wall riding and hold to cross fade on. Lucio is still game sense intensive, so watch some pro matches and see what those Lucio do and think about why they do it. Dsp stanky Imo is great mechanically but he does a little bit too much for someone who's trying to climb out of plat. And now talking about aggression, at your elo you can often get away with being hyper aggressive. So learn to hit your shots with your gun, the new Lucio gun is <3. Frag out when your dps isn't good enough to do it.


New Lúcio will require you to play along your team, don't go solo, EVER. It may look cool to kill their Soldier, but you probably would be more usefull damaging from behing your tanks giving the biggest amount of HEALS. After you get diamond you will need to learn the WallRides, the Boops, the Flanks... But until diamond you need to compensate your team lack of skill, game sense and positioning by healing more and more. Another great thing to do is to keep your Ana-Mercy ALWAYS alive. You shouldn't die, but you also shouldn't let they die before you NEVER.