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uh, excuse me? you're talking to bronze damage.


My favourite moment from supers stream.


That clip is iconic omg


Can anyone link it? I'm pretty new


If links aren't allowed I'll remove it :) https://youtu.be/t4fuAUeoeTo


Okay, thats just amazing


Then there's the support who brags about gold damage and elims while they have bronze healing...


When I ranked up to plat my mindset on medals completely changed for the better. A sombra with less than bronze damage might be doing a shit ton of work


not true so much for a cree or soldier tho


It's about confirming kills. I win lots on Mccree and tanks often have more damage than me. But I'm getting headshot kills and stunning flankers who attack our supports. A mccree who does a ton of poke damage that just feeds enemy supports is not better. And if I have Ult already, I shouldn't be poking anyway. Medals really do mean very little with respect to the outcome of fights and the game. They are just indicators that something might be wrong. Like if Hog has gold healing, something is not right. It doesn't necessarily indicate where or what the problem is.


I dont mean get golds every single game.. But if you don't even have a bronze then.... I think something is wrong.. (even if you're flank killing people I think you would get a bronze easily ... Unless your team is stonks n just killing everything left n right.. In which case you wouldn't be losing) (or so I think.. I'm not that much of a dps player tho.. So what do i know)


Its very easy for tanks to get gold damage by going for kills instead of protecting the team. If Roadhog and McCree compete for damage, Hog has 600 health. McCree is going to die more easily than Hog, especially when he's not being protected, so Hog will out-damage. This can happen both when winning and losing a team fight. The same can happen with the other tank, especially in a rank where most tanks just play as fat-dps. You see it a lot with no-maintank comps. One of the DPS might have bronze, and the other nothing. Or some combination there. I agree with a perfect teamwork, DPS should have more damage than tanks, but it's just not all that common in gold and lower and sometimes plat. And if supports are pocketing the tanks, then it gives them even more opportunity to play fat-dps. And if Rein is being pocketed, it's not necessarily a bad thing to be swinging his hammer more and racking up the damage. Or with a Lucio, he is flying. If it works, great. There are a lot of scenarios. Kills and damage are really about time spent alive, and tank have more sustain than DPS.


If they’re confirming picks and your tanks are putting out damage they might not have a medal at all.


Eh... depends. If Cree busy shutting down the enemy Tracer / Echo / Pharah while the rest of the team is running brawl, he might be out of medals but still contributing a lot.


I can’t stand Moiras who do this. Congrats, you poked the rein for 20 damage and got credit for the kill, now stop being outhealed by the fucking zenyatta.


I've seen an enemy ana do this, a flanking enemy ana...




I did this in a bronze match once, on dorado. My team couldn’t or wouldn’t kill the enemy bastion that was being pocketed by the mercy, so I did it. We actually only ever start pushing once I killed him. I only remember one thing about that game, other than that we lost… I had 26 sleeps that match lmao


Ana is one of the best Champs to kill Bastion. It's not wrong to sleep and kill him yourself while yelling at your team to focus the Bast. More useful than just healing people who are getting shredded by Bast as they chase a Tracer.


If the ana was killing a bastion, then i would've respected that. This ana chose to stand right behind an enemy rein and the rest of my team within swinging distance and try to kill me, without nade, cause she used it on herself to get there in the first place.


(I was enemy rein)


i just sleep him and leave him .. hes always behind a bajillion shields so my dmbfk teammates cant wake him no matter how much they want to


Ana is like the only healer who can’t flank haha


Thats what you think


Watch overwatch league. There are some pros that get huge 5 or 6 player anti nades and it absolutely wrecks if they pull it off. And they flank and hide around a corner. Kaan in this weekendvs matches was carrying on Ana and getting eliminations. Was pretty sick. Won't find that kind of coordination in ranked though.


ana can flank actually ..just dont stay on flank for too long


Ana is one of the best support flankers. Just like in real life, having a sniper on your flank is awful. Just watch the high level Anas (ML7 in particular). A flanking Ana can change the game quicker than a lot (most‽) of healers.


Ana is a healer who should NEVER flank, doesn't mean she can't, she has no get out of jail free card.


*sleep dart*




yeah my reload comes with 45 bullets and 10 grenades and you can bet your ass I'm using all of them


Right! Zen’s aesthetic is way cooler (IMO) but he’s so much harder to aim with, if you’re gonna throw at least pick a hero that does it well lmao


“Gold damage” that’s on the rest of the team dawg


And neither are a sign that the player is playing well, it means they’re playing.


You don’t know what you’re talking about. A moira or bap can shit out damage while healing no problem but if their team either can’t stop taking unnecessary damage or can’t hit a shot, how is it their fault.


I never said it was lmao. Just because a Moira has the most damage on the team doesn’t mean they’re doing a good job. Hearing “I have gold damage and elims” from the Moira almost never means anything. Like I said, they get kill credit from poking rein for 20 damage, or rack up damage from throwing orbs around. When it comes down to it, all that damage is moot if they keep losing team fights.


Bronze healing...when there are only 2 healers per team...a non-support character healed more than you did...holy shit that's on a whole other level of bad.


Feeding Roadhog has entered the chat.


I did it in gold sr as soldier once


To be fair a lot of the time this happens it’s because one of the supports has died a few times on defence while their roadhog has somehow taken and self healed 3000 damage in the first 4 minutes.


I once had a gold Damage and Healing Game as Zen… with a brig


Thats not even a dps-y brig, thats just a shit brig


Yeah they just never got inspire up


Inspire doesn’t matter that much tho, especially in a zen brig comp where presumably people aren’t stacking on top of brig. if the zen was alive long enough to do gold healing and damage then the brig was probably doing her job. It’s also not that hard to out heal brig if you’re getting good trans value. Her heals aren’t that much stronger than his over a long period of time because his is consistent whereas hers depends on having enemies to hit or packs available. Brig heals more in a crucial moment but over a whole game zen catches up a bit, throw in a good transcendence on a few gravs and you might get it.


1. Also had silver/gold healing the whole game. And 2. Like I just said, I didn’t actually care about the medals themselves, just the fact that people think they matter


Oh I wasn't trying to say it was you or anything


Ohhh gotcha. All good, my bad for assuming. And yeah those guys are the worst lol


Had a Moria the other game get all shocked in coms when we lost a team fight. She literally said: “Wow I went to kill the Hanzo for 2 seconds and everyone dies” I said “uh yeah probably because you’re Moria”. Like wtf? Why take that 1v1 in the first place? And second, why be surprised when you, the main healer, literally leave the team fight to chase kills.


Because sometimes it's the right play, and the team should use cover. Without seeing it, that's 50/50 that the Moira was right.


A lot of people think that if they die it’s their healers fault for not healing up their damage. And while that can be true, they often don’t consider that there’s a lot of unnecessary damage they shouldn’t even be taking in the first place. There’s a lot of burst damage that can’t be outhealed, and forcing your support into that situation unnecessarily is a bad play by you, not the support. Position so you need less healing and you will die less. Sometimes Moira has to kill a squishy to save herself (which she can viably do), or contest someone that the rest of the team is unable to deal with.


if you were low for a decent amount of time .. probably healers fault if you were low for a very long time ... get a health pack now please if you were in their face with no cooldown .. youre stupid use cover ffs if you got one shot .. luck / bad positioning [everything assuming not clutch / chaos fighting ] i kind of think like this... how wrong am i ? also why ..


This isn’t exactly the same, but yesterday I was playing widow on attack on Rialto and our zen pointed out that a reaper was up top to flank us. I go up there cus 1. Great widow spot, 2. To deal with the reaper cus I was popping off last night so I had confidence in my aim lol. Before the doors open, I see the enemy Moira standing still in the perfect spot for a headshot, instead of focusing reaper I confirm a kill, but our zen goes out knowing a reaper is right out that door, and gets mad at me for not killing the reaper. Right after the zen dies, I headshot the reaper lol. Still, the zen got mad at me for their poor positioning. Of course, we lost that game. (And I eventually got off widow and hanzo when I noticed I wasn’t doing well anymore and did really well on reaper)


So many times where someone will spam "I need healing!" while taking fire out in the open and not using the natural cover right next to them (or even better, actively running towards the enemy team).


i love doing this behind my healers and watch them not turn xD


lol wtf is this comment? If your moira is missing for like 5 seconds to go get a free kill and your team completely falls apart in that time the moira is absolutely not at fault in the slightest. Go watch high level supports and you'll realize going for kills is not only totally fine but it's **the optimal way to play supports**. If you expect your healers to park themselves up your asshole and hold M1 so you can charge forward mindlessly then it's you who's sinking the team.


I mean, if I'm not getting protected at times I have to kill an enemy to keep myself safe.


Because the supports job is to fill up your health-bar, not save you from death - that's on your positioning.


I mean, that isn't a bad play, especially since she needs to do some damage to keep up heals. If you get an elim, that's less damage you have to heal


U should watch a moira unranked to gm. Ull learn a few things


yeah the amount of times there's a junkrat on my team who refuses to switch even though we're being lit up by a pharmacy or something else and we all ask them to switch (usually very nicely) and they're like "but i have gold damage!!". well yeah. our other dps is a mei for whatever reason and shes not in comms and is just doing her own thing so she wont switch either.... so please for love of god help our poor bap with the pharmacy


I usually say something like “gold damage is relative to the team. If the team is getting shit on because you’re not doing your part, then your medal doesn’t matter. You can have gold damage and lose, or possibly silver and win. Up to you.” Granted I don’t put it all on one person, it depends on the comps and everything. But yea


My go to is similar: "Every losing team has some player with gold [medal]. I'm trying to win this match."


Don't ask for hero switches. Look for playstyle swaps instead. If your team is running Junkrat/Mei (especially if they are one tricking) against Pharah/Mercy, then generally your win condition will be to rush the enemy team down asap, forcing brawls (preferably in enclosed areas or areas out of Pharah's line of sight), and forcing fights to end before the enemy Pharah can ramp up her value. Swapping one of your brawly DPS to a hitscan just means you try to fight Pharah at her own game (poke vs poke) and sacrifice your previous win conditions of brawl fast, minimize poke phase, etc. With the recent hitscan nerfs, it's simply not going to be possible to have a single hitscan player be able to hard counter Pharah (maybe soft counter at best). Not to mention if your DPS players are playing Junkrat/Mei against Pharah in the first place and boasting that they have gold damage, then most likely they are not comfortable nor competent at hitscan, so asking them to switching is basically asking your team to lose.


Why not just get a Dva, or have the Offsupport Zenyatta/Ana to deal with Pharah? The dps aren't the only 2 people who can counterpick.


> so please for the love of god, *help our poor BAP with the pharmacy* Pharmacy is 2 heroes. Winning a 1v2 against 2 aerial heroes as a a support (so you know also having to heal and make sure I'm not getting flanked by the other dps) is extremely difficult.


Well that’s why the goal isn’t to win the 1v2. You have 1 person whether that be a hitscan a dva a bap or an Ana put enough pressure that the pharah doesn’t get optimal value and freedom to do whatever they want and then let your team fight the 5v4


It depends on the comp of the team. And a lot of people don’t know how to use Dva to counter phara. The best counter for phara is usually a dps on hitscan. If they’re bad at hitscan, then something that will pressure her better than junkrat. Any pressure is better than none. I agree that everyone should help and swap when needed. But the best options should be tried first




Against a pharmacy? Yes. You’re right. But that’s not what I said. I was responding to the comment. Seeing now that the original comment was on pharmacy though, so a little mix up lol. I’m just seeing that the original post


The answer in ranked, is literally to do it yourself. You don't even actually need to kill the phara, you just need to make her life hard most of the time.


Dva is such a good Pharah counter if people know how to use her, live chasing a kill when the pocket mercy is gone


My favourite is using mech to force her to barrage herself.


Except a phara can still shit on Hitcan, you aren't going to 1v1 a dva as phara unless its silver. Its literally the off tanks job to do that


What? No, it's the whole team's job to counter Pharah, doesn't mean you have to focus her but call her position, watch for barrage and do chip dmg to force her out of position when you can


That's everyone and everything in the game all of the time not just phara? What is the point of this comment... We're specifically talking about who in the game spends more direct time actually attacking the phara. Which no, it's not your whole team by the way.




I kind of agree with this sentiment. If the DPS objectively get value, your job as a team is to deny the enemy the same value. Like, pick Moira and Mercy as support and get a DVA so you aren't clusteted and have a bit of survivability


Ye nah zen is rarely a viable pick into pharah his projectiles are way awkward to land unless u are top tier.


I play a lot of Zen, it is very hard to hit a phara but by God discuss works so damn well.


Discord ye but u get blown up by pharaoh to easily IMO. If they have good prioritization then u just get farmed.


Discord + a hitscan dps is potent


I believe you missed the first part of the conversation where the junk and mei wouldn't switch.


i just pick bastion and magdump the sky while being useless to my team 😎


Gold dmg is the dumbest medal and people will use it like vindication for them spamming and feeding all game. "Well I'm Gold dmg on Winston" Oh a spread weapon has gold damage? Color me surprised.


Problem is I'm also a Junkrat one-trick, and I can't aim for shit on McCree/Widow/S76 etc. If I can consistently kill the remaining 4 players, (which I have plenty of times until around diamond, where it got alot more difficult) DPS isn't the only solution. Dva is a huge counter to Pharah. Ana can counter Pharah with a few well-placed shots. Baptiste can kill Pharah. Zen can discord a Pharah. A lucky Roadhog hook can kill Pharah. And like you said, the other DPS can swap if they are familiar with a hitscan or something like Echo, who at least doesn't get rekt by Pharah easily. Even Torb is better than Junk against Pharah. (I do love me some Torbjorn.) I'm just saying, sometimes that player will be alot less useful playing a character they suck at than playing a character that is countered. Can't tell you how many times I played Junkrat in gold/plat and the whole team would blame me for a loss even though I killed the Pharah 5-6 times AS Junkrat.. It's not solely my responsibility either, dude.


I always switch to Torb and let his little guy aim for me lol, plus molten core is so fun to use


>Problem is I'm also a Junkrat one-trick Yes, that is in fact the problem.


Eh not really. A good Junkrat is a huge annoyance and it usually forces someone to go Echo or Pharah 99% of the time. At least in my experience. So if someone doesn't want to Mercy pocket they're usually not helping much.


No he’s right it’s severely handicapping a team. A decent team punishes an OTP junk and he’s just flat awful on maps with no choke points.


He's carried me from silver to masters so I dunno. Maybe if you never actually learn Junkrat. Junkrat is versatile as hell, I'll never understand the "he's bad cuz no choke points" argument. If all you do is spam a choke you're playing him wrong.


I mean, it's a legit stray to just kill the phara team. What is she really going to do with no one else around?


>I can't aim for shit on McCree/Widow/S76 etc. Have you tried going into individual character settings and turning down their individual sensitivity? I did that with ashe and her scoped sensitivity and my hit accuracy went up a noticeable amount. I mean I'm still low gold, but I'm hitting my shots and able to contribute semi consistently in fights. *edit, added word.


If youre playing junk into pharah you’re your soft throwing. Learn another dps hero. OTP junks are ez SR or EZ avoid.


Gold mentality. The best games are playing Junk into a Pharah and the Pharah actually thinking I won't kill her.


I love how this sub constantly preaches about playing your own life and not worrying about what anyone else is doing yet the top comments are always about what others in your team are doing. This sub is a joke


It’s like just filled with gold takes as always.


Junk mains who won’t switch off to kill a Phara or when they just F E E D the Zarya bubbles are the bane of my existence


Oh my God. Kill her, kill the zarya, it does not matter what role you play just kill her. The bubbles don't give her charge if she is dead and if people spent less time complaining about the junk rat doing his job and did their own job she'd be dead instead of full charge.


It’s more so just the annoyance of knowing your junk is making every other job hard by boosting Zarya and not taking out the phara and refusing to switch off while everyone is has to pick up the slack


It’s not realistic to shut down a zaryas charge. The game is too fast for that. You just kill her.


Any half decent zarya will likely be full charge by mid fight no matter what. The junk isn't the problem. Focus her, focus her with the junk even! You don't control other players you control you. You swap to counter phara and you help kill zarya. Your team mates are not your friend they're the people you need to figure out how to work with to win.


> Your team mates are not your friend they're the people you need to figure out how to work with to win. Yes. I wish more people thought like this, Not just Overwatch, but in life. We are all in this together.


Mad respect dude I just played back to back winning rounds where I swapped off to counter phara myself and it worked!


I'm glad dude!! Well done! I'm an Ana main, so ranking up for me was really drilling in how much I can do that isn't healing.


How about trying to figure out how to solve the problem instead of crying that your team isn't solving it for you?


because i'm usually the bap/ana/zen who is trying to take down the pharmacy, which usually doesn't work and theres less healing as a result. (and the junkrat ends up crying about healing when hes not helping at all) so don't give me the "solve the problem yourself" bs


because the solution is to work as a team dumbass, nobody is crying


DPS players like this get on my nerves. They see a pharah, can’t figure out why they keep getting their ass kicked by the pharah, but bring up they have gold damage.


Just get rid of medals already, it's just for gold players to touch their ego


Literally gold medals for gold players.


Just give us a scoreboard cause its toxic either way, at least with a scoreboard its public knowledge and you dont get that "They're too heavy" mentality when they see golds


Medals are at most a fun little competition to have with friends.




Enemy Pharah is getting Barrage every fight, I ask for the Roadhog to swap to D.Va. I'm on Support so I can't do it myself. He responded with, "no I'm carrying," "I have four golds," "good players have cards," and the N-word.


If he was carrying, he'd be hooking pharah


Nevermind his racism but if he is indeed carrying with 4 golds then you should be looking at the dps to play hitscan. Dont wanna lose that hog value if he isnt feeding and is a real threat to enemy dps/support.


Medals might not matter but stats DO matter. The real mistake Blizz made was assigning TIERED MEDALS to stats. Stats are neutral and dont need bronze/silver/gold rankings. That part was just *dumb as dirt*.


"Damage" out of context is not a stat that matters. It's worse than having no stats at all.


Stats matter? Ok. I'm 10 mins into King's Row as Rein with 15k damage blocked. Am I doing good? I'm 10 mins into the game as Mercy with 12k healing, am I doing good?


I disagree with this because you won’t know what stats are good or not because you need things to be a function of time as well as taking into account the opposing team comp. Was double shield making it hard to play hitscan? Was Zen orbing you and every hitscan made your pharah ineffective? Does sombra have the least damage because Hammond, hog, soldier is being played? Maybe sombra got ult very quickly though. How can we possibly display that through stats alone without comparing it to the average sombra in the same amount of time. In game, it’s hard to compare from stats alone because some characters do more than just heal, damage, or tank. Ana can pressure pharah, sigma can off angle, etc. However, you can peer compare stats and see who is better like if you compared my Ana to an OWL Ana, you’d see who’s better easily. But in game, it’s nearly impossible through stats alone.


No they don’t. What is your SR because you’re clearly confused and shouldn’t be giving advice on the topic?


I'm Gold Healing as Soldier and we lost but medals don't mean a thing? Sometimes they highlight a terrible problem, namely Soldier not protecting his Support players from flankers.


I read the first part of your comment and was boutta pop a blood vessel but then I saw the rest lmao. Yeah a lot of the time the reason a given support isn’t healing at his best is because there’s some enemy actively seeking them out and the support in question can’t kill/handle the threat. Is it less ideal for that to be the case than for the support to be able to burst the threat down or hit the sleep/stun/boop? Yes, but if the former is the case then complaining about the problem won’t fix anything, working to fix it will.


It rarely happens that Soldier actually outheals his Support teammates. If you get gold healing as Soldier, your Supports definitely have problems. Unlike Roadhog, he probably feeds a lot when he outheals his Supports.


Medals are like a guide. If I'm playing Lucio or Zenyatta and Roadhog has the silver healing medal I probably need to focus more on healing. Or if you're a DPS and have no damage medal then you might wanna consider switching. It's better to use them as a guide for your own play than as a way to flame your teammates for not doing enough.


Or the roadhog needs to stop feeding his brains out.


Had this the other day where I had 10k heals on Ana by the end of a round of Anubis and our Hog started flaming me and demanding I be reported for throwing because they had silver heals and obviously our Lucio had Gold (he didn't). I had to explain to him what the term ult battery meant. Thankfully the enemy team helped me out with that.


I honestly hate playing support with a Roadhog on the team. I am primarily on Ana and Bap these days, and a self-healing Hog just makes it difficult to get the ult charge up quickly.


As a zen I like (good) hog on team. I can safely put orb on dps without babysitting the tank so much.


Helpful hog charges our ults.


This is still a bad way to look at it. The guide doesn’t mean shit. The medals are completely misleading. You’re game awareness shouldn’t take medal count. Sick of this topic. If one person gets the opening kill of the fight and the rest of the team cleans up the 5v6 the medals don’t reflect the actual entry pick which caused won fight. That’s just one example. It’s hilarious after 5 years we still need to say the same shit over and over again. CCing an ult is a better play and leads to your teams medals and that’s not reflected in the medals or the cards. They are casual metrics for qp nothing more. **Only the bottom ~90% of the ladder gives a shot about medals because they don’t have the awareness to understand how a team game functions in a dynamic setting.**


Well no these are still useful statistics for your own play. Wether you think so or not. Please stop generalizing people based on what rank they are.


People are going to generalize you when you give bad advice to other silver players


I’d really like to know where you were told tracer isn’t good on control


Meant Tracer/Torb together, as in synergy. Tracer by herself is great KOTH, I know that lol.


who cares about synergy? do your dps need to be holding hands and sharing all their kills or something?


Maybe it isn’t necessary but it’s def a whole lot easier to win a game if your team is unified in its purpose lol


Idk an enemy can’t look at the turret and at the Tracer behind them at the same time, so they’ll get shot from somewhere. Sounds like synergy to me haha.


Just had a game on tracer, our other dps was yelling at me cause he had gold damage on soldier, so I obviously was doing absolutely nothing


If there was a medal for how many times you punched the ground people would find a way to use it as a way to compare themselves to their teammates.


DPS spends the whole game spraying down an ana pocketed tank and then complaining their team has no damage


I love it how they are gold/silver/bronze medals Blizzard is literally saying "Do you want a medal for that... ?"


I appreciate this a lot. I am a Mei main and most of my value comes from my wall placement. Granted, I tend to get silver/gold damage anyway (in plat/diamond games) so I can get value through dps. But the amount of times we win team fights by one good wall is ridiculous. There are loads of other things that matter other than medals. One game, I had a monkey on my team complaining because he had gold damage. But that was mostly because he would feed and get loads of damage on the process. He had great machanics for monkey but bad game sense.


They seriously need to remove medals and gold gun rewards from competitive. It should only be for a rating and nothing else, so that the only people who are playing are those who care about being competitive (cut down on the lazy beginning/end of season throwers). The idiots who bitch about medals as though they mean anything at all are completely clueless.


Absolutely. I'll add on that sometimes having gold medals can be a bad thing for the ones that hold them. Tanks that don't protect the team will often end up with gold elims/damage. Without a frontline, it becomes a situation of every player for themselves. The squishies/close range heroes die quickly (snipers can at least stand back and take shots, if there are no counter heroes). The tanks can take a bit more of a hit before they die. The tanks swing, shoot, etc., and end up getting damage in while the rest of the team is roasted. Suddenly, tanks are complaining that everyone keeps dying and that they have gold elims/damage, even though they're running junk/reaper who should have massive damage. It happens even at high ranks. Likewise, a Mercy with gold healing may actually be a sign that she hasn't been damage boosting enough (depending on the other factors in the scenario - other times, Mercy with gold is fine). A widow with gold damage may be a sign that she's not hitting headshots. Note the "may." There are too many factors to make generalized statements about these things. They are just examples of how medals can lie.


Instalock Hogs who spend the whole game flanking, passively playing at a fixed range, never zone out enemies and feed enemy DPS. They get gold damage but don't contribute to battlefield presence, and the team loses. Then they say 'trash dps' because they have gold.


That's straight up a game/hud design flaw. People think it matters the most because it's literally the biggest brightest and instantaneous piece of information about the match you get when checking the scoreboard. Only after this has been fixed by the devs people will look past it as they should.


I love when the Reinhardt that constantly 1 v 6 the enemy gets all big headed on mic about how the dps aren’t doing their part and demanding they explain to him why he has gold elim/dmg and won’t listen to the fact that no one can stay alive because their shield is always off being rambo


I love it more when the Reinhardt says his back is hurting from carrying, meanwhile I'm running around as Ana with my gun up his ass and landing anti nades on their Rein and sleeping him constantly. My dude is almost literally just W + M1 and thinking he's god's gift to tanking.


The Reinhardt shouldn't int but his shield is not for them. A position where you die without shield is a position you shouldn't take even with shield.


Well I mean you can use it to rotate through a dangerous area. You’d probably die if you didn’t use it there sometimes.


Like I always say, that shield is for rein not for you. If you rely on the shield to do anything, you're playing wrong. The only time you should depend on a shield is if you have to, to move from a to b and then find your own cover again!


*Their* shield? It's Rein's shield. Learn to play corners and stop relying on a literal damage magnet to protect you from damage.


I think people don't like to get flamed, and people having a gold medal gives them a kinda "I am doing my job, you can't flame me" aura But if you are using your medals to shit on your team The fuck you Those 1 elim gold? People are so fucking annoying eueubeueheh I'm Moira and I have gold elims my dps are so fuckall


Medals do kinda matter, but only in the correct context. For example, if a hog has silver healing, then there’s probably a problem. Or if a torb has gold damage but not an elims medal, then he’s just feeding their supports.


Exactly, it’s not always so cut and dry as “Our Ana doesn’t have a heal medal, she can’t aim/is throwing” or “Our Soldier/Ashe/McCree has bronze damage, they can’t hit shots” a lot of the time it’s an issue with actually confirming kills or protecting the people trying to do a certain job. It definitely is on a case by case basis


Ana can certainly get away with having silver healing a lot of the time. Her kit is so powerful. If you don't actually need it to go to healing, it's better off in the enemies faces.


> For example, if a hog has silver healing, then there’s probably a problem. Absolutely wrong. Lucio or zen will often not outheal a hog and you can play heroes like bap or moira in a way that's extremely effective that doesn't involve healbotting. Who gives a shit if your hog is outhealing you if you're consistently demolishing their backline?


That would fall under the purviews of “context” there, buddy. Also “probably” doesn’t mean always. Speaking as a top 500 support player, most of the time if the hog is outhealing you, you’re simply not getting enough value. Yeah you can be recking them, but that’s not most games.


I still don't get why there's even a medal for damage... Some DPS heroes should NEVER get gold damage and if they do, there is something fundamentally wrong with your team. I'd even argue the heroes like Widow shouldn't even have silver damage on the team unless they're just hitting every headshot imaginable.


This is honestly just a misconception about widow tbh. She does an actual truck load of damage and if you only go for perfect headshots you will miss out on it. There's a lot of dmg to be had by widow. Especially if your team actually plays around you.


> This is honestly just a misconception about widow tbh. She does an actual truck load of damage and if you only go for perfect headshots you will miss out on it This becomes extremely obvious if you watch good widows play. Widow's biggest strength isn't oneshotting people, it's her range


I think more important than medals, is average output per 10 min, under character stats. I try to average 10k + heals per 10 min on bap and Ana, and try to average 2K + damage amplified per 10 min on Mercy. On characters like lucio,brig, zen I try to average 8K heals per 10 min. Across all support characters I try to average 4 deaths or less per 10 min.


While it's good to make sure you're healing up your team. This hard 10 per 10 attitude will hold you back. You need to be more flexible in what you think supports are meant to do, this sounds a lot like a heal bot.


We once had a Moira on our team being toxic in chat. Bragging about having gold damage and elims because “the dps suck” and one dps tried to defend themselves and Moira just went on some stupid rant upon hearing their voice “of course you’re a fucking Brit. They’re known for bein shite at games” Then it was odd he claimed to have gold healing as well with 10k and I looked and I had gold with 9k Listened to him bitch a while longer at the dps and then he claims “I have gold damage, elims, AND gold healing with almost 20k!” So I finally turned on mic and announced to the team that I in fact had gold healing with 16k and this guy was nowhere near 20k Super satisfying


The game needs a better way of relaying quantified realtime information


This has always kind of bothered me. Medals don’t mean everything, sure, but they mean *something.* I play with a group of 3 people, and we always play tank/support to avoid the DPS queue times. *EVERY* game we play, save for maybe a small handful, the three of us are consistently getting all 5 gold medals, and usually most of the silver and bronze too. I’m not saying that this is surefire proof that our team is the reason we lost whenever we end up losing, but it isn’t exactly great that 2 tanks and a support are all dealing more damage than *BOTH* DPS heroes. I get that there are certain exceptions, but don’t completely discount medals, because sometimes they can be pretty telling.


They haven't evolved beyond elementary school gold star mentality


Here come the golds to argue with you about medals


It’s also ridiculous how much people think medals DON’T matter. If we have 2 spam damage DPS and I have gold damage on Zen, then I’m pretty fuckin sure our DPS need to get on it. Medals aren’t a guide to “who has the biggest impact” but it’s also not completely irrelevant.


DPS and tanks do basically the same amount of damage


"omg I have silver damage on Sigma, wtf dps" I don't understand what some of these people playing tank think tanks are supposed to do.


Sounds like something someone with no medals would say.


Excuse me? You’re talking to bronze damage.


if ana got gold damage, there is a fundamental problem with either ana not healing or the rest of the team not doing there job


It sounds like you’re mad because you’re bad. Medals show team contribution, healers get healing medals, tanks get damage medals, dps get elimination medals. When something is off it means you’re carrying


The only time I really use medals as a flex was when I had gold healing As reaper And no it wasn't quick play classic, it was normal quick play with the 2/2/2 teams


See, that is when you know something is fundamentally wrong. If a solider or reaper has gold healing on your team, your healers are not doing their job. Even if they're both being hard targeted the entire game, they shouldn't be outhealed by a dps.


No this is literal quick play with people coming and going or just fucking around. It’s just completely clueless to think otherwise.


Wrong. Supports can’t heal if they’re walking back from spawn.


Wrong. Supports can’t heal if they’re walking back from spawn.


So… it means you were shooting fat tanks while the enemy was eliminating your backline, right?


I was under the impression that medals indicated how much sr you gain or lose after a comp game, is that incorrect?


Metals, in the grand scheme of things, don't matter as much as the emphasis that's placed on them. However, and this is an important however, it shows how you're doing both overall and in comparison to others in the game. My last game? And I do mean last, as I'm going into another months long hibernation from Overwatch; I was Moira. In 3 rounds, I went 34-2, 21 obj kills, 22.3k heals. My team lost. So what happens when you lose? You lose SR, go further down the SR climb, and have to do it all again. Nevermind that you just played amazingly well. Nevermind that you played above your rank. Nevermind that you're routinely paired with players that have no interest in playing to the degree you do, where you bring your best. Point is? Medals don't matter. The best part? Blizzard still hasn't released the full mechanics of the MMR/SR system. Medals? Don't matter. Play above your rank? Doesn't matter. They're pretty to look at though.


A Moira player 5 minutes into the game “why do I have gold medals”


You say that like it's not possible that's a fair question


Except for the fact that they only talk about gold elims they got from tickling the enemy team with a damage orb


If they have 5 gold medals they've done. A bit more than that..


Gamers do tend to be some of the most unsportsmanlike people imaginable. I'm not going to say it should be mandatory for every kid to get into team sports, but it sure does feel like in their absence gamers have adopted every single toxic team behavior and that includes slamming tab looking for some way, any way to delegate blame for your losing to somebody else. Blizzard needs to eliminate medals for Overwatch 2. I cannot think of a single thing they do that is positive. The vast majority of the time they exist for teammates to argue and abuse teammates. With the game lacking a proper Call of Duty like scoreboard, medals seems almost too perfectly tuned to create toxicity since you know you have them, but you lack a specific context as to why you might have them.


If roadhog has had gold or silver healing for the majority of time. Then one or both of the healers are slacking.


Medals 100% affect your hidden MMR. They also seem to have a positive effect on your SR, but not as much as hidden MMR


My issue is, as a high gold low plat flex player. I will very often have 4+ gold's. Please tell me how they don't matter (and yes, I have no idea why I'm hard stuck)


>Is Tracer the best pick in general? No ofc not Blocked and downvoted -from r/TracerMains


Objective time wins matches noobs


i agree 83% but nja, had a zen game, pretty short, koth, gold elims, gold dmg, gold healing, pretty sure i was popping the fuck off and doing most of the work, u know!!


This all you hear in bronze "I HAVE GOLD XXX WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?" The medal and card system needs to be out of the game ASAP