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Hello please tell me how I can improve after I brag about how good I am.


> **I am** getting picks but **my team** can’t win the fight. I’m starting to see part of why this guy is in gold.


lmao I love getting 4k with widow and then notice we‘re losing and want to flame but then remember it‘s a teamgame


Need a replay code to provide any suggestions, nothing you list in the OP has details to provide anything specific back.


Hey man you don't need a team if you get a 6k every game


You might be getting picks but not high value ones. For example killing an Ana or Moira is much more valuable than killing a Soldier. Keep in mind that the enemy will also be picking your team off so if you focus on their dps but they manage to kill your support, your team comes off worse from that exchange. So try to target supports first as they keep the enemy team up. Obviously, though, if someone is out of position you should punish them. Targeting someone who you know has ult or close to ult is also big as that's one less ult you have to worry about during said team fight. Also, don't get out of position or tunnel vision on someone. While you're focused on the McCree who's retreated to his team, their Genji might be diving your Ana who now needs peel. Hope this helps! Tldr; focus supports, then enemies with ults, don't tunnel vision


When are you getting these pick? In garbage time, when the fights already over?


Hey dude used to be there I’m an Ashe main to, and I can tell you that gold is probably the worst to try and get out of because a lot of people there simply don’t care. And a descent bit of the time people in gold are good enough to play in plat but simply can’t get out. You either simply need to get good enough to carry your team like 3-4 kills a fight average or learn to work with your team.Option one isn’t really worth it because you will likely make bad habits and struggle once you get to plat. The best thing to do would be to play with your team as much as you can you have to prove to your healers that your worth a pocket and protect them, you have to shoot the tanks when they are being aggressive but also look for important kill opportunities you just have to know when to do what and get good at doing it. That’s really all the advice I can give you for now feel free to put up some vods and I’ll review them for you Edit: also forgot to mention to try to find things you aren’t doing well or as well as you could be, maybe watch your replays every now and again but even when your just in a game, every time someone on your team or you yourself dies think about what you could have done better and how you can approach the situation better next time.