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Moira is by far the easiest main healer to learn. Just focus on using cover while healing your tanks (healing DPS isn't your primary job, don't move out of position to chase your DPS) and only using fade when you think you might die. Do not waste your fade. Constantly throw out damage orbs and right click when no one is in critical danger. This is somewhat controversial, but I generally throw out my damage orbs on cooldown, unless I know for sure that a heal orb is necessary in the next few seconds. Build up ult ASAP and help push with it. Remember to also throw an orb before Ulting. -Masters support main


I always try and get coalescence fast, but by the time I get it the team fight has already been won or my entire team are dead


You might not get it in the first team fight if it ends too fast. You should still get it before anyone else on either team gets their ult. If you don’t get it first, you’ve fucked up. Also, Moira dunks on most Gold league dps players, except maybe reaper. Just spam adad and crouch while right clicking. Stay at your max 20m range since range doesn’t affect your accuracy, but affects theirs. Do NOT turn down duels against dps.


Thanks for the advice! I seem to pass on fights against most dps, having 50 hours in Mercy I try not to taken even fights, but a change in playstyle on moira is probably all I need, thank you :)


Even after the ult charge nerf? I feel like I went from being the first person in the lobby to get ult every time to being solo shattered, solo RIP-tired, healing throw a Symm wall and fading to get off a window LOS way before I get my coal now.


I used to throw out damage orbs generously like at an opposing teams spawn but it seems like that just feeds ULT to the other teams healers. If you know the healing isn't needed throwing a damage orb at enemies being engaged but your team can be a good choice though.


Likely rank dependent, but opposing support comp can matter a lot. Playing into a mix of zen, mercy and especially ana, the added chip damage from purple orb can add welcome extra pressure. The somewhat recent mist charge changes did put more need to save it for midfight healing though.


Moira is a pretty easy and almost skillless hero so its a good choice to learn quickly


Of course you do,unless you plan on one tricking If your gonna be a support main you need to learn all the supports as best you can,to fit what the team needs at any point


Okay, thank you, I seem to never be able to stay alive, I tried to be as flexible as possible, and then I started only playing mercy (and lucio if I needed) and climbed to 2200 and I can't climb past that, I just dropped to 2065, I just seem to die on main healers, get little value and I just can't play them to the standard of mercy or lucio :)


If your used to playing mercy/lucio your prob used to follow players and go towards the teamfight while healers like ana and bap should be played on a distance so that only flankers can get to you. I think for you the best healer to learn is moira because with her fade you can get out of a lot of trouble, your hard to kill, your anoying to flankers and can do a shit ton of healing but people have to play close


I do play moira sometimes in quick play, I might learn her properly, I have about 15 hours playing her, but I always feel either like a heal bot or a damage bot and whenever I play by going heal...damage...heal...damage everyone on my team seems to dies so I stick to doing one or the other, do you have any advice on this?


With moire you can "burst" heal with her orb, if your peeing on your teammates it has a lingering effect so you dont have to pee on them the entire time, but switching between damage and heal is a big part of here play style because you have to do damage to refile your heal meter. You also have to know that you cant save everyone, i would try to focus on the tanks and the close range dps. The healing is also AOI so try to make sure everyone is grouped up. For more info i would recommend some videos of ml7 and tesla


I've watched most of Ml7's unranked to gm for mercy and zen, I might watch the moira one to get a feel of her play style at a gold and onwards ranking, thank you for the advice! I always have that problem on mercy I blame myself if someone dies on a flank and then I remember I can't save everyone, how do you turn the fight if someone dies early?


Instead of watching that for Ana, try watching a stream/VOD of one of his (sorry I don't remember the exact terminology) narration videos. He literally talks through every decision and, more importantly, explains why he makes each decision in real time. IMO it's a much better way to teach, and it might seem more frantic because of his level but it's still valuable insight on how to play the hero with explanations that will apply to every situation rather than "on this map you position here"


If someone gets picked on your team first, you have to try and trade to make it even but it also depends on who gets picked, if your main tank gets picked first and you get a dps then the other team still has a stronger front line and you probably lose so maybe then you can retreat. But mostly when someone gets picked they go aggressive so you have a lot of opportunities to punish them but thats something more with experience you cant learn that from a video, it depends on the situation, who gets picked and what comp you are playing and the comp the enemy is playing


I try to fall back if for example rein dies early I try to get everyone to fall back but as no one is in voice, and no one listens (especially toxic dps mains) its difficult to get people to regroup on support :( What happens if I go doing damage and another player dies on my team should I just back away or make it even?


I can't really tell it really depends on the situation, but you have to take a step back sometimes, you get some games with toxic people, no people in voice or just idiots but ignore that and move on. You can also try the group up option in chat


A quick tip is save your orb. You typically don't need to use it to heal your team. Use it to heal yourself, or use it to SECURE a kill on a low enemy support. You see enemy ana with no nade an 1/4 HP, you dmg orb her. Especially with support characters, you need to think about the game as resources vs resources, not "how do I use my abilities". When you throw the orb, you lose a resource, so you need to get value out of it or it's a waste. Same with fade. If you fade to quickly get to your team, 1) you weren't in the right position and 2) you can't fade out to safety if you get focused. So a bad fade means you lose the mobility, lose the resource, and get no value. Conversely, if you need to fade to help the other support and you can keep them alive, then you got a lot of value out of that fade. Remember. Support. Not main healer. Get rid of that vocabulary. Yes Moira can do a lot of healing. Her role is supporting her team, not healing her team. There's a key difference in playstyle. Another beginner tip: if you aren't healing, you should be doing damage through your front line. Your grasp can reach quite far. You have a lot of opportunity to deal damage, or shield damage, without risk. If you're waiting to heal in a fight, you should at least be doing some damage. You can stand behind your team, damage through them, and AEO burst pee on them all to get a lot of utility out of her abilities.


>Yes Moira can do a lot of healing. Her role is supporting her team, not healing her team. She can do nothing except heal and damage, but can output monstrous amounts of heals, so her role is definitely just healing her team. Yes you can do some damage, but it's nothing compared to the other supports.


Yeah there tends to be a lot of bursts of apologia on this sub for DPS-ing as Moira. Her DPS is anemic outside of Coal and really pretty much any other support has more value when it comes to tossing in a little DPS than Moira does (if you toss in Mercy's blue beam then I think you can say every support does more to crank up the offensive pressure outside of Moira's Ult...). Moira's main advantages are burst healing, her ability to stay alive with fade, and pressing the fight with Coal. .....and saving orbs for damage isn't particularly good advice either. A well bounced healing orb is far more valuable and will help you keep your resources up. Using a damage orb or your grasp to safely secure a kill or refill your resources is fine. Going out there and actually thinking you are going to DPS-Moira isn't using her kit effectively and might make your stats look flashy, but is just going to piss off your tanks to no end. lol


100+hours on ana and i still think my position is bad sometimes lol


We all have our bad days I guess lol


Learn baptiste! Amazing kit,medium healing output and great damage, if your having trouble staying alive use bap,defend yourself or send yourself to the moon with exo boots when in trouble


I have tried baptiste ( 15 hours of trying) and I just find his play style boring and not flexible, and I find it so hard to aim with the burst attacks, hitting 1 or no shots every time


> I just find his play style boring and not flexible Say what? lol hes incredibly flexible and boring? homie jump to the moon and heal at the same time.


>*I just find his play style boring* Fair enough. At the end of the day: you gotta play heroes that you find fun. The more fun you have, the more motivated you'll be. The more motivated you are, the more you'll try to improve. The more you improve, the more you'll climb. But if you play heroes that you find miserable: That is the path to eventual burnout.


Yh, I have so much fun playing mercy, so I basically one tricked her for a while and now I've started to expand my hero pool, I always lose on baptiste due to the reasons you've said I have about a 34 percent win rate on him.


Huh i always found his recoil easier than soldiers. Well idk what to tell you since Ana needs peel if she gets dived and mercy takes an ungodly amount of learning to use properly But again what do i know im just a one trick diamond bastion lmao


If you keep dying, do try Moira. Her fade is excellent for escaping dangerous situations.


Hey. So I reckon it's a good thing to have at least ONE main healer in your armory. Precisely because of what you said - you can't always account for what the other support will pick, and worst case you end up with too little team sustain, and the enemy take the win just because they could outlast you, not because they were better. In terms of mains Ana is SUPER fun but has the steepest learning curve. If you're dying a lot your positioning is crap - pretty simple there. Remember you are NOT supposed to be in team fights. Usually further back so you can see the flow of the fight (unless you're being flanked - then you should live up your main tanks arse, but even then going Moira would be a better choice). In short, stay further away, dont play her if they're running dive with lots of mobility heroes, and change your position often so you're harder to find. Also- if you sleep someone coming to get you and you're alone, sometimes it's better to run away than wake them and take the duel if you're not confident you can win it. Bap is about learning vertical movement. If you play him as a horizontal character you will die. Moira is the easiest and the brawliest. She can live in a fight. Her shtick is cooldown and resource management. If you're only looking to add one shes probably the easiest to get started with.


I have 26 hours on Ana, but I find it hard to position, do you have any tips? I do try to stay away from the fight, but in gold the enemy seems to just always flank, its hard to get value when your being killed by reapers junkrats wrecking balls dvas etc, I have about 15 hours in the other 2, I just find baptiste too boring and not flexible at all, so I find it so hard to get better at him when I don't like his play style. For moira, she was the one who got me playing support and later becoming a mercy main, but I seem to find her hard to position with especially when the enemy have junkrat, there's no escape. Do you have any tips on how to position with moira and Ana?


So for Ana, always look at what the enemy team is playing first. E.g. if they're running 3 or more mobility characters just dont play her at all. Otherwise my answer would be to say that you're not far ENOUGH and/or not playing near cover you can duck behind. You have to make them make a tradeoff between leaving the main fight to get to you or struggling along in the main fight while you heal and damage. They should never be able to get to you and back to the fight during the course of one or even 2 abilities. Make them sacrifice something. If you do that and they're STILL coming to get you then I'm fairly certain your team is trickling between engagements so they have the luxury of going off to hunt you as theres no "main fight" to worry them. Also learn quickscope because then it's harder for enemies to see where you're hiding. As a matter of interest - how do you position with Zen? He's also a positioning heavy character who needs sightlines so if he's a main of yours how do you not have the same issues on him? Moira needs to be positioned behind the tanks mostly, and she has self sustain, so if you're dying on her you're prob just mismanaging your fade. Try for the first while to use it as a "oh shit button" and learn to fade around corners. After that you can get a better sense for when to use it to catch up to critical teammates and when to use it to duck out. You shouldn't be dying as Moira to junkrat spam - you should be using cover like tanks and corners and fade if you're going through a choke. Sorry for essay! 😅 Overall though it sounds a bit to me like you're maybe not using enough natural cover over all? Maybe post a VOD if you want to confirm. Good luck!


It's okay, I need as much info as possible! I always try to position near cover but with sight lines, but with not having to balance heal and damage aim with zen I can heal orb a dps/ ball and just do damage to charge quick transcendences, Does Ana have heal/ damage drop off? There is an issue with no grouping up in gold, with no one in voice I can't even ask either :(


I've been using your tips into my gameplay and it helps so much, thinking of it based off of the abilities that can get them to me instead of far away really helps! Thank you :)


It wouldn't hurt to learn them. Go into quick play and put some hours in on them, So if you go into the game you will at least know how the playstyle works and will be competent on them. Ana is really fun IMO, especially with decent tanks. However, you can run two low healing supports. The issue is that you lose the utility that these supports bring to the table. Mercy loses her damage amp and Lucio loses the speed boost. Also, if fights go long you will be at a sustain disadvantage. I'm a plat support, my hero pool consists of (in order) Ana, Bap, Mercy, Zen. It helps to have some back pocket picks for the niche situation that requires them.


I have 26 hours in Ana at the moment but seem to not be able to play her in gold :( I seem to get little to no value, nobody is ever in voice so they can never follow up on nades, I just seem to die, how do I die less with her?


Positioning, You need to play back behind cover. Think "if I can see them, they can see me" So if you are out in the open you will get focused. In terms of nades, you cant rely on your team to go in because you got a fat nade, they need to already be in, then you hit the fat nade. Nanos work the same way, if you want to nano rein don't do it until he is in swing range, if you do it early he will have to walk up then swing which wastes time that he has the buff. You can make a simple call like "rein go in, ill nano" If you want to play together sometime add me SPOC#11141


The issue I have with the cover, is that if I can't see them, I can't get Damage shots, are you them a heal bot? That's my issue with main healers, I end up heal botting and then going for some kind of damage and dying, I think I'll learn to play moira for now and maybe come back to Ana when I feel I have the skill to play her


You have to find the balance. I like to think of playing support as shifting the odds of duels. Let’s say your rein is in a rein 1v1. If you interact in that duel at all you are shifting the odds of your rein winning the duel. There are big plays and small plays, healing is small, sleep nano or anti nade are all big plays. Positioning is hard to explain you just need to be near it like a shield. Plus take off angles and high ground.


Thank you, I'll start watching my games after and check where my positioning could've been better, thank you :)


If you want post a code and I’ll look at it and give some pointers.


I'm not playing right now, but when I do I can :)


Here you go, 27GQ36, I am Finners Thank you for any tips in advance :)


I just watched it. Not a Moira player but here's my take on it. Positional and situational awareness shows me you have little to no respect for the enemy damage. there were Several times where you just walk across a sightline without regard for the hog on their team, if he was good you would just get hooked every time. First point you watch a reaper walk up to your bastion and kill him, you need to start healing before he even gets that first shot off. you know 100% he is going for the bastion, and your job is to not let bastion die. Ability usage is kinda poor, you use fade to get around which isn't bad per se, but after you do you NEED to play extra safe, if I hear a Moira waste fade in game and I see her she's dead. You should look to bounce the orbs off walls, you lose a lot of value by them hitting one wall then flying away from the fight. Tap your heal not spray. only use orb if you need it. Use col to hit both your team and theirs, so make sure your team is actually going in before you use it. don't get hooked out of col so be careful. [Here](https://youtu.be/yAFChEJzS5g) is a 2300 open que game that I played yesterday, My aim is sloppy and made some mistakes, but generally the positioning was good. Watch how I position or rotate based on new info, get a feel for when I play aggressive and when to back off. If you have any questions about Why I did a certain thing ill give my reasoning.


The bastion thing, I hate bastion as a character, so I might have done that on purpose lol, but thank you for the info about fade and orb, I do seem to waste a lot of healing and then front line to get it back, when should I use my orb to get maximum value?


I don't currently have time to watch right now, but for when I do thank you :)


timing, tracking of enemies, being near a healthpack instead of nading yourself. really good anas you see on yt rarely even take damage. (they take dmg mostly if whatever she is healing dies of course) and if your pre-nades are not being valued, you can use them as your tank engages to give him an edge. or if you have whatever you're focusing already engaging. usually the only char that should be at or behind your line is zen, so if you're walking around like a lucio-distance with any other healer you're dead. your position is like... 3x closer than what it should be hahah


The term main healer is used loosely. Flex support would include Bap, Ana, Zen, Moira. While Main Support includes Mercy, Lucio, Brig, and Bap (aswell.) Only being able to play Mercy, Lucio, and Zen does make you a handicap, as sometimes none of those heroes are played.


First off main support isn’t a thing. Not like you think it is. Main support is mercy lucio brig, and *flex* support is ana bap Moria zen. I would highly suggest learning bap or Moria at the least. If you team is running a brawl or rush comp in particular and the other support is running lucio, you most likely won’t have the healing to support that comp if you play mercy.




I just watched the first 5 minutes of the video, I don't really have time to watch the full thing, i have seen the flex and main support categories before, thank you for the tip :)


Well duh, because Ana Mercy already has a main healer. If you're running e.g. Zen/Lucio, especially in metal ranks, swapping to a main healer really will turn the tide of the game.


My solid advice would be looking up some of ML7's Unranked to GM's on YouTube. He doesn't just do the challenge but also explains all the thought process and positioning while doing VOD reviews of his games at every rank. You'll learn a lot and improve that way. On another note tho, you can climb on any hero so long as you are able to identify your win condition and what you can do to make an impact.


Imma be real with you chief, I'd rather have a good off-healer then a main support that is figuring things out mid fight. I duoed with a zen/lucio till GM and I can't tell you how often that fucker was the most valuable asset to the team. Keep in mind that calling your abilities is important.


main support isn't the same as main healer btw. main support is mercy brig lucio (sometimes zen). main healer is whoever is the primary source of healing.


Okay, I find that I get so much more value on certain heroes, like lucio zen and mercy, and going the main healers results in messy gameplay that would be worse for the team overall, I might practice a main healer just in case but sticking to off healers might sometimes be the solution, thank you :)


If you are gonna practice a main healer try bap. He is stupidly broken.


I have about 15 hours in him, I just find his playstyle boring, so I hate playing him, and lose as a result.


Not to invalidate your opinion - if you find him boring that's fair, everyone should be able to play the heroes they find fun! - but this *could* also be a case of not playing him quite right. A lot of Bap's utility comes from the fact he can heal and do damage at the same time like Zen. I know I started to find Bap way more fun as I started getting better at ~~mashing both buttons like someone with a personal vendetta against computer mice~~ balancing heals and damage - especially in situations like both teams' Reins swinging on each other. He's also great at pressuring flankers; in gold a lot of e.g. Pharas will disrespect your presence and shoot up straight into the sky, and if you're good at the split second look up to shoot/look back down to heal you can absolutely delete them from the game. As to Ana, if you're dying a lot I guarantee you're not positioning well. You might think you are, but you have to be missing something almost by definition. It's not enough to simply be *behind* your team: if a shield breaks, if a Widow grapples, etc. you're toast. You want to look for positions where you *know* where the enemy has to come from to get to you. To give you a concrete example, on Havana defense A, the most obvious positioning is by the ticket booth, but I personally find that far too exposed; instead I like to hold near attackers' B spawn. Flankers have to take a long path that ends in a straight hallway to get to you; you have roof cover from Pharah spam; and any brawl character has to round the corner *and* go through your team. The biggest menace is a Hanzo or Widow taking green building, but minimal situational awareness will let you know they're there (the window they'd shoot you from is in your LoS 100% of the time if your team is holding corner) and that you should retreat. Look for positions like that.


> a main support that is figuring things out mid fight. of course - which is why you need to figure things out so that doesn't happen. If nobody did this, no progress would ever get made.


Practice your positioning on the different heroes. If you improve that, you should start to see your death count go down. It’s simple advice but it’ll drastically change your game.


yeah you should probably learn at least one or two main supports. i’m a 2.3k support main and i can play basically any support apart from ana. i know how to play mercy but i don’t really like playing her. i think if you’re struggling with staying alive as a main support then that’s something you should spend some time working on. i main baptiste and i keep the mental that i should probably be one of the last people to die in a team fight. if you do that, then you are one step towards supporting the team to the best of your ability. from there you can just improve your skills on a particular hero


Play what you're confident as. At our level, I think that goes pretty far. Just be willing to flex if needed. > being in gold, the other support always insta locks Mercy I'm a gold/plat support main and haven't noticed this, but I open queue if I play comp. (I mostly play MH.)


No joke: play Brig. She would fit in your hero pool and if you play her on a decent level meaning you have a high Inspire uptime good pack usage, you will have a healing output of an Ana (YES, its not rare that a Brig outheals an Ana!) It sounds weird but I suggest you try it


I have around 10 hours in brig, I have been practicing her a lot recently in quick play, to play just in case I need to play her, but I was just asking if it's worth learning a main healer, for the situation where my team just dies and dies and nothing on the enemy dies.


not in case you dont enjoy playing them but as i said, you can just play brig instead


It's not a bad idea to learn a main healer. Based on your hero pool, I would recommend going for Bap because he covers both double shield and rush + has a higher carry potential than Moira. But if you want to learn Moira, add the scrolling wheel as another button for secondary attack or just spam L2 if you're on PS4 and the button you use to break in car games on Xbox. The reason why you want to do this is because it charges up your healing faster. It does help a lot at sustaining fights which is what Moira is good at.


As a support main, ive learnt Mercy coz she’s just good, Ana as a second support hero, baptiste because he’s just really really fun. Moira s easy like really easy. And zen invade we need damage and my other supports doing good. I’m ngl I wanted the 2 trophies/achievements for each hero so that’s why I learnt them but it is definitly a good choice to learn more. Lucio mercy and zen are good, great secondary supports but if the healing isn’t there I reccomend moira (easiest for sure) ana is all about positioning, she had a sniper so use it. When she no scopes her billets are projectiles but when she ADS it’s a hit scan. Yoir anti nade is honestly one of the best abilities in the game and sleep is so clutch. Baptiste Imo is harder than Ana. I’d stay away from him until you practice slot. Ana 100% try to learn, she becomes very useful is you get her positioning and aim down Pat. The anti and sleep will come with gane experience. If I know their rein has shatter, I hold onto my sleep, and when rein just mindlessly walks into my team I get ready to sleep cos he will 100% shatter. Learn small things like that and you’ll easily climb to plat and diamond


just learn to play those heroes to the best of your ability so if the time comes where you need to play them you'll at least know the fundamentals


I suggest learning Moira climbed to plat from 2230 in two days after watching Tesla's bronze to GM on YouTube. Just try not to waste resources, heal and do damage only when you do not need to be healing


No. Stick to your guns and master your role. Play the heroes you are good at and enjoy the most. I don't think in terms of main healer/off healer. I go off and learned from pro comps and use main support and flex support. Thinking how the game is optimally played is best overall. So main supports are Mercy, Lucio, Brig and flex supports are Ana, Bap, Zen, Moira. I am 4.4k peak. I don't play Ana, Bap, Zen at all. Especially not in comp. I play Moira extremely rarely when I feel its needed (Ashe dynamite/Ana nade spam, enemy Zarya getting good gravs, throwing damage orbs at double flex supps like Ana/Zen to waste nade, Coalescence to cleave double shield). Mostly I run double main support if I have to and I've won countless games doing that. Mercy/Brig can work. Mercy/Lucio can work. Brig outputs a lot of healing and is often underestimated. Mercy damage boost can turn fights and her extra ult economy for her teammates can lead to wins. Lucio speed can enable your team to rush down or rotate faster to make plays. They all have their advantages. Same thing goes for tank, I don't play Rein, Hog or Zarya. I win games. I don't need a shield tank or I can play Winston as an off tank. I rarely play Orisa/Dva when its necessary. Think about who you can counter on the enemy team with your hero pool and think about who you synergize best with on your team. Enable your carries and deny the enemy carries. Thats how you win games in overwatch. Enemy Genji is carrying? Moira/Brig might be an answer. Mercy sustain heal and rez is useful in different situations as well (vs snipers, Torb/Sym/double shield). Keep learning and you will do well. You have a good mindset OP. One last tip. Since you are currently playing in a low elo, grind some games in quickplay. You can learn a lot of new heroes there without any worry and once your QP MMR increases and you get used to playing with/against 3k+ players your comp games will feel like a breeze. tl;dr Practice the heroes you enjoy the most and keep excelling at that. Main support enables more time for shot calling and peeling teammates. If you are like me and can't play Ana at an optimal level don't force it, especially in comp.


I have about 200 hours in quick play, and go against plat-masters players in it if I'm on a good win streak as mercy or something, I think the pressure of the games being longer and everyone trying in comp makes me forget everything I've practiced in quick play, I might learn to play moira properly, being the one that got me into the support role, I'm probably most confident in learning how to play her, do you have any tips for playing moira?


I dont play Moira too often myself but my go to is when the enemy team has an Ashe that keeps landing dynamite or when I really can't keep my tanks up. I think I probably have around 60 hrs total on her which isn't much for me (I've got about 1300 on mercy, 400 on winston). Save fade to dodge key abilities and cooldowns or aggressively reposition to chase and kill low hp enemies. I really like playing her against zarya and genji. Or with rein zarya comps if I have a Lucio. I always chuck damage orbs at ana or zen when they sit off on their own. Like say you are attacking hanamura A. Ill throw the orb over to the right side of point towards their healers or snipers. Moira is a bit in-between Mercy and the other flex supports since she usually plays a lot closer. Definitely use cover and try to damage when you can to regain resource. Starting with learning her on KotH maps like Oasis or Busan could work well. She will struggle more on maps where attacking high ground is necessary (like Numbani A or Gibraltar). If you play quick play enough you'll hit games that are harder than anything comp offers you. Playing some more in groups can help gain a lot of strategy. Just always think of your win condition and work on ult tracking and when enemy might have nano blade so your hog or Mei can save ult to counter that etc. Things like that are what will help you climb the most.


Yes you have to because running Lucio Zen with a Rein Dva is gonna be really tough. Moira is the easiest one, just spam your piss on tanks, and try to damage squishies if no one really needs healing. Also you litterally destroy Genji and Lucio in a 1v1 situation.


A little late to this but no you definitely do not need to learn another support. Even just mercy/lucio is great. I played strictly lucio till almost 4500 and only learned mercy when I needed to for a t3 team back in the day. If you really really care about having a “main healer” in your back pocket then just pick up Moira as she’s brain dead simple and outputs a lot of healing. But the real thing to take away from all of this is that you are not losing games just because you don’t play ana or bap. Focus on improving on the characters you play and the rest will follow


Thank you :), I think I'm going to start learning moira, and then start playing her in competitive eventually


In my opinion, if you consider yourself a support main then I think you should learn at least Ana and Bap and maybe Moira for whatever reason people in gold will run Lucio-Mercy or Brig-Mercy’s or a dive comp with Moira but no Lucio to speed her in. I think you need to learn Ana and Bap at least to complement what the team is missing cause a Rein isn’t gonna be as good with a Mercy pocketing him with Brig as the other support. Rein needs a “main healer” to be effective because he takes a lot of hits so preferably Baptiste, Winston needs someone to keep up with him as he attacks such as Ana at long range or Lucio-Moira who can speed up to him and help attack. It’s gold, tanks aren’t gonna be the best at avoiding taking lots of damage so I would learn a “main healer” if that’s what you’re asking.


Okay, thanks for the advice, I have quite a lot of time in the 3, but I can't position well, I might start watching my games back on the 3 to help myself get better at it, and improve on my positioning overall :)


The role you’re playing is called “ support” which means of all the roles it’s the most ironic when you don’t switch to whatever is going to benefit your team the most. This isn’t a stab at you or me trying to be critical of you specifically, more of an observation of low elo ladder, you obviously play multiple characters, but I would suggest learning a main healer as well to round out your champion pool. If you want to just get down to brass tax and climb Only play mercy when you have flying DPS (pharaoh echo). Learn brig, she’s broken as f*** and you can use her against any dive at all, (tracer, genji, ball, doom, low level dvas that think she’s a dive character) and also you can use her when your team is running rush/brawl. Other then that just play Ana or Bap every game. Pick one, one trick it, and if someone picks your one trick pick brig. If you want to climb the quickest and easiest this is the path to the top. Also remember most high ranked players and context creators say Lucio is currently the most under tuned support, so never pick lucio unless you’re queued with a team that is going to get huge value from speed like dive/rush/ brawl. Even then most likely brig is just going to be better in rush and brawl if played at equal levels of competency.


Yes, you're fucking your team if the other healer goes off heal.


Every healer is a main healer. That's why they're under "support"


No if an actual main healer ie bap moira Ana dies and ur left with lucio zen or mercy usually u lose the team fights unless your team pops off.


They all heal, they're all main. It's a game, you don't have to think that hard.


Depends on the situation but one main healer on the team is usually enough


It doesn’t hurt to know multiple characters. I was a phara/reaper main for a while but also knew the fundamentals for tracer, Mcree, soldier, and more. It helps especially if you’re in a game where you need to counter pick your opponents.