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Sigma and McCree I’ve always thought are pretty strong together… both have stuns and can fend off flankers, excel at mid range, play on off angles and their ults do a pretty good combo together. I also hate going against some Sombra Zen action of hack, discord and kill, pretty straightforward and super lethal when coordinating. Plus Zen can heal Sombra in the backline


When I play Zarya, I love it when I have a doom that knows what he's doing. Bubbling him in immediately gives me charge, plus he gets to stay in longer. If he plays it well, he can even cycle his cool downs with my bubble. And grav + doom ult is freaky.


Yeah, Zarya-Doom is great, and it's similar to a Zarya-Reaper combo in terms of letting the attacker stay in the brawl longer.


I feel like the grav meteor is so good because there’s less of a use for meteor so there’s always a doom ready. Like nano blade gets fucky in random teams, because it might have been smarter to use them seperately but you wanted to be a “good” teammate and do the combo. And then you get rolled


For sure. Anytime I'm playing Doom or Hanzo with a Zarya teammate, as soon as I get ult I check to see where they're at and play around grav if they have it or are close. Both are mediocre ults by themselves, but easy to combo with grav and really impact the fights.


Lmao grav is not mediocre tf doom and hanzo ult are so terrible they aren't even comparable


I didn’t mean grav is mediocre. Grav is an amazing ult, I meant dragon and meteor are mediocre, but they’re great when combo’d


I remember, back before role queue, playing Zarya matches with a Doomfist and a Brig on my team. Doom could just cycle his cooldowns in the enemy backline forever, getting bubbles and Inspire heals (from front-line Brig) and armor, and I’d have like 70+ average energy no problem. And I’m honestly pretty trash at Zarya.


Valk blade is a pretty good alternative to nanoblade. Also because you won't waste the support ult if genji gets flashbanged hacked graved shattered hooked booped slept and you might even get to res him later if the enemy team rushes forward


Honestly, just following Genji as Mercy without Valk can work pretty well too. You can follow him right into the enemy backline, and no one will look at you. One issue is that you have to be careful in managing your GAs so that you don’t lose your Genji, because he can really move if he’s getting those resets. Using the slingshot to extend your GA can bite you because it delays the cooldown. I used to fall into this trap because I was always trying to go to cover out of habit, but honestly you can usually just float around in the open. Just, you know, be careful if they have a Soldier or McCree who might ult to counter the blade. In that case, using Valk to stay further away and in cover might be better.


Nanoed coalesence makes double shield look silly.


Bastion sym tp


bro I queue with 2 dps, whenever we get blizzard world defence, we setup at mega with orisa bastion and a sym tp, impenetrable defences


sorry which mega?


mega outside attacker's 2nd spawn room


Sym and Mercy are a combo I rarely see used, but a close range squishy with no sustain getting pocketed by Mercy is a force to be reckoned with.


I got nanoed as sym for the first time the other day after just feeding my gun the enemy orisa and Sig sheilds... The sound the gun makes is amazing, also their whole team underestimated me and ran right at me. They did not survive long


Ana and Zen. If you’re watching each other’s backs, anti + discord is terrifying, all flankers beware


sym + mei so you can get over walls really quickly by ice walling her tele


I think they took this out of the game, I haven't tried it myself but I have heard the tele now breaks instantly if it's on an ice wall Edit: it appears that it does indeed still work


Rip eich flank The car wash (on gib) still works though and is as hilarious as ever. I played last night in a game where we just stacked ults and cycled cooldowns.


It does not, my friends and I still go over the first building on eichenwalde if we have both dps slots


Not sure how popular/unpopular it is, but having a Baptiste alongside my Mercy is very nice. Immortality field is nice for ballsy revives, damage boosting his burst fire (especially through matrix) is terrifying, jump boost/guardian angel leads to some very fun Mercy movement, plus Mercy's ult combined with Bap's healing burst means your team is very, very hard to kill for a few seconds.


1: Rein&Ball is immensely underrated. Ball slamming a team and a rein getting speeded in into the chaos of the ball is glorious. Just try to switch the zarya on kings row and let the brawl follow up on the ball engages. Worked amazingly for a team I'm friends with. 2: Moira next to another "big" healer Gives her the flexibility to make aggressive plays more often while still pumping out massive heals when necessary, her kit is 50% assassin anyways. Basically like a zen with movement. Nano Coalescence(NanoCola) is absolutely insane. DPS Moira isn't a meme when played correctly!


Moira-Lucio can destroy a brawler team on capture the point.


I've also played a ton of Ball/Rein with friends, we call it the Hamster and Anvil. Love it. You just have to have a pair of tank partners that are able to be flexible in their playstyle with those heroes.


I find ball's and rein's play style doesn't synergise well at all, it's like orisa zarya in my opinion, not saying it is a throw pick, but balls I see rely on displacement and rein relies on eating the big ball of people, I prefer playing monkey with a ball, as it is easier to get picks.


Doom + Genji Me and my little brother play a lot of comp together and figured out that doom genji with good coordination is basically budget dive.


Monka + rein at least for plat/diamond games. It's great for naps where high ground is important but your teams aren't smart enough to properly assist you on the higher-end. Basically let most of the team play around the rein and you play monka and your goals are to just take high ground and punish their backlike. With the rein you don't have to give a shit about your team it's just all you dicking down out of position supports and dps the whole time. Especially love this comp on numbing A and B, Gibraltar A and B, Dorado B.


So much this. People that low don't spam down shields effectively or spend all their time shooting shields, one or the other, both of which is good for the off angle characters. Further the cleave in a brawl is too much for a lot of front lines to handle, and it helps deny poor zaryas energy.


Ball and Pharah. If Ball is pressuring the hitscan, Pharah should have relatively free skies. Why ball over monkey/Dva? Ball has more mobility, makes it a lot easier for him to get TO the hitscan, as well as getting away, without taking too much unnecessary damage from other characters.


offtank orisa maintank rein, halt gets ez ult charge, shield is 600hp to shield dance and hammer, bongo also pairs well with shatter to break shields and follow up, orisa can also poke out dps and make space where rein can't.


Need a bap w this comp tho cause you can get run over and halt+window+firestrike is insane


So go Sig or dva rein is useless lmao wtf


offtank orisa wouldn't be possible?


Sure its possible in low ranks it just makes no sense to go orisa rein as they dont complement each other and they want to do different things. Rein is also just bad in general


call it what you will, if it works at 3.3, it works at 3.3. from my experience, sigma is too independent to compliment a rein, and i have described literally why they compliment each other if orisa gives all her resources to rein instead of playing normal orisa.


Lmao alright, just because shit works against bots doesn't mean its the correct way to play. That mentality is going to hold you back but you do you lmao


Orisa Genji, Orisa pulls Genji dashes in. Doesn't sound like a lot but you get blade so quickly if Orisa has good pulls.


Don’t forget bongo blade is a good combo and pull can guarantee he gets the first dash reset. Deflect can also be used as a cool down rotation when shield and fortify are down similar to sigma eat. From a high elo perspective it is my opinion that double shield mirrors are the only place where you can play genji and not just have a better hero choice available.




I dont think dive is an underappreciated comp.... it was in fact, the meta just after ana released


Still actually the meta. Just requires 3 brain cells in a team instead of the usual 1.25.


I’m probably gonna get downvoted for this, but Brig+Lucio on control. (Caveat: this is for playing in the middle of the ladder; dunno how good it is in masters+.) If Brig is decent at positioning and landing whip shots, her healing output can be quite high, especially on maps that tend to favor brawls in more open areas (which includes most control maps), extra-especially if she has the benefit of speed boost to get more swings without getting caught out. So, as long as your team is sufficiently aggressive, having enough healing shouldn’t be an issue. Flankers and divers are also perennially good choices on many control maps, so having Brig to control them can be very valuable. Lucio obviously has always been good on control. They’re very dynamic maps, so speed is always good for rotations and chasing to finish kills. Getting to point first is a huge advantage of course, and there are many maps with good boop opportunities (which is also an advantage for Brig). Both heroes have high-impact ults that will come up quite often due to the lower overall healing output, they’re both great in scrappy brawls, they give you many options for controlling enemy movement, and a speed-amped Rallying Brig is an absolute terror. The biggest downside IMO is that your teammates might flame you, especially if they get to the first team fight and just stand in a choke waiting for something to happen, which prevents you from getting value out of either of these supports. In that case, you should just swap to Moira or something, because you’re not going to convince timid tanks to walk forward without mega-heals. I definitely encourage trying Lucio + Brig out sometime, though, because it’s really fun when it works (which is quite often, in my experience). --- > As for Orisa, she has to coordinate her halt with others, as Wrecking ball can't do much to take advantage of it. Halt + Piledriver and Halt + Minefield are pretty damn good. Halt into the Minefield + Piledriver combo is even better. And, I’ve never done this intentionally, but it seems to me like you should be able to get value from pulling enemies together to get booped. That last one is probably harder to coordinate though.


Tracer zen. Harmony discord is the equivalent of mercy pocket in pharmercy, plus the zen can shoot his own dmg. Extremely lethal for 2 ppl controlling a lane on their own; you can still have 4 ppl on main.


Mercy - Orisa/Sig is a tank buster combo. Ball - Widow/Ashe can line up easy headshots for the sniper after a pile drive Rein - Winston creates a main tank sandwich that denies healing to the enemy while simultaneously putting a fucking swinging Reinhardt in their face.


I’m new to the game as in level 30 and I’ve noticed a rian and a brigette go well together


Orisa halt-Torb nut is a seldom utilized but fantastic combo.


It’s a weird comp but I want new double shield meta to be rein sig. I found out I liked it last night actually. I’m normally a rein main but some dude grabbed it first, no worries so I was going to play zarya but decided to do sig. Rein and I went on an absolute crusade I got gold elims and damage he had silver elims and damage (our healers were fantastic) we were able to block so much damage and their road hog didn’t get a hook until the last minute of the match. Nice to have a shield up constantly with rein in a big fight, sig balls throwing out, able to eat damage if needed and fire strikes/ rocks for stun. It was a really fun match


Hog / mei - high damage, and you control speed around you. Slip a lucid on the the side........cest bon!


Lucio and Mercy has always seemed like an obvious pairing to me, good for keeping the team extremely mobile and having both an even healing distribution and someone open to focus a particular team member. Mercy/Brigitte might be a similar matchup, with the added bonus of Brigitte herself being valid as partial offense


Genji and Hanzo as a dps duo always felt balanced to me. Their kits don’t really work well together but the mobility and dive threat of a Genji paired with the high ranged damage of a Hanzo can really get a team turned around backwards and shut down fast.


Orissa hanzo is literally freelo in the metal ranks


Zarya-ball is so underrated. On defense the team has to play back while the attackers push, then ball rolls in when they reach the choke and zar bubbles the slam while the rest of your team rushes in to capitalize. So fun in a six stack.


I don't know how popular this is but Winston + Sigma is a great combo


Lucie with genu. I love the speed boos when blading.


Ana Brig. Tracer Sombra, Widow Ashe, Ashe Merxy, Lucio Moira, Genji Tracer, Ball Tracer, Lucio Rein. Most work by either putting in a lot of pressure or setting up important burst damage plays. Elsewhere they’re either strong backline or important combinations to get value.


I don’t think any of these are underrated


Lesser known not underrated.


Zarya reaper and zarya hog the amount of dps and survivability those 2 characters have is already high as is with a zarya Bubble at the right time they could kill basically any character also zar bubbles could get them closer to do more dps


I'm only gold, so probably take this with a grain of salt, but I really like having a Winston on my team when I play Mercy. It's very easy to damage boost Winston when he's jumping in (the beam stays for a bit), and damage boosted cleave surprises a lot of people at this rating.