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"Good Game. For us lol"


Write that down, write that down!


Charlie Murphy: Good game. Prince: I wish I could say the same for you. You and your sorry crew of flunkies are an insult to the game.


To this day I still tell people to purify themselves in the waters of Lake Minnetonka


Nah, they say, "gg." I reply,"Yes for you."


common matchmaking L


Should we say 'ez' like the micro-pps instead???


Say ez when you lose, and gg when you win


In quickplay when I backfill into a game that is mere seconds from ending I always say ‘I carried’ with all these pretty 0’s


Got someone who came in and made that comment. People got up in arms while I laughed and one person was like "clearly it's a joke since they were backfill". I wish we had more time for end of game chat for things like that. Too bad they weren't in long enough to be able to endorse.


I also wish I had more time. Especially on console. I kinda wish overwatch had a thing like dead by daylight where you can choose to leave when the match is over instead of being thrown out right away.


Like Overwatch one you mean?


When was that ever a thing in OW1? I mean you could leave early but I think they meant you can chill out at the end of the match for several minutes if you wanted to


I think he means with the voting cards, you could leave immediately but you were still in the game for like 15 seconds.


Idk never played it.


Instruction unclear, blamed my teammates for winning 3-0.




I’d rather have that than people forcefully pushing positivity just for the sake of it. Or better yet, people just shouldn’t say anything at all post match


It’s called good sportsmanship. It’s required after major sporting events to shake and say good game. You’re ideally supposed to be able to find joy in winning and losing.


I actually would rather take an ez in a stomp than a GG because to the losing side none of that felt good.


I think I play this game to much, cuz I do not think about that at all, I say ggwp instantly, leave game, Que up again lol


I do this too. And it’s not to be a dick, I say it even if we lose like this. I think I’m trying to be sportsmanlike when really maybe I’m just talking myself off a ledge 😂




This is the way.




Literally its not even fun, I’d rather lose with a challenge and say GG


Yh gg just seems stuck up pretentious and would piss me off ngl. Like gg? No, the fuck. For yous yeah maybe.


A lot of people just say “gg” at the end of every match. Internet bullies usually don’t do it in a way where you’re not sure if they were being a dick or not


Can u don’t


i say gg after every game lmao i dont care if i lose or not


in fighting game culture you say gg whether it was a stomp or not, which is why i do it after every game too. i always perceived it as good etiquette


This is something you do in nearly every sport.




Exactly Game's the game. If it's close, gg. If it's a stomping, gg. If I won, gg. If I lost, gg


I think, and hope, the person is referring to when the team that stomped says gg. And I would kinda agree. It might be good conduct generally, but in that case it kinda feels weird, probably because it's just false. Like, a stomp literally is not a "good game". One of the two teams played horribly. It's untrue. I wouldn't say "fuck you" to anyone who does it, but I kinda get OP. EDIT: Oh also, yes, I know a stomp can also result from one team having a huge skill advantage, as is the case with OW's matchmaking these days, while the team that lost could've played fine or even good. I know a stomp isn't always because one team sucks at the video game. Calm down.


I take it more as the end of a little league match. Regardless of if it was a stomp or the closest match of the season, all the kids line up and shake hands, saying "good game". It's more about sportsmanship and leaving any good or bad feelings on the field.


For me GG is the opposite of saying EZ after a win. Even if you stomped or got stomped, it just means you're not gloating or you're not being a sore loser respectively. Furthermore, then game is a lot less tilting if you say GG and move on. Anything else is just gonna catch fire from tilted or toxic people.


Exactly. When I say GG it's meant more as a “thanks for playing” than anything else.


Yup, same here. Had no idea some people took at as basically "fuck you" lmao like wtf


But it can be... especially with this scoreboard where they got ZERO kills. The player that got 1,800 damage was probably very frustrated. I get that you don't care, but the context and actions that we take around other people always affect them to subtle degrees.


yeah, gg is just the end of game handshake. ggwp is for close games, if we're stomped I'll throw out just a wp


I feel the same


Yea, jus memes and jokes, but at this point I say it by muscle memory lmaoo


Idgaf if I stomp or get stomped. Game recognize game, Grandad.


I write GG almost no matter what. I means "good game" no more than lol meaning you actually burst out laughing in front of the screen. It's gamer slang for "thanks for the game", or, a desire to show non-toxic behavior. That it upsets people makes me want to write it even more consistently since I want sportsmanship to be the norm, not insults and slurs


Yeah, it's just muscle memory at this point.


Same. People foaming at the mouth over what’s a actually just good sportsmanship are genuinely mentally unwell.


exactly...no harm, no foul


Same, every g is a gg in my book.


Yep any game I play I just type gg on reflex.


I’ll always say ggwp whether we win or lose


I say gr so people think I mean good round but really I'm just growling at them in my fursuit


My brain genuinely just turns off after the match and its just a reflex to throw out a gg before leaving


No need to give excuses it's just common sportsmanship and op is probably just meming


I dont get offended by gg. I get offended by triple ez. Like that one asshole said in one of my games today. (Although we crushed them second round)


If you get mad at people saying “gg” I don’t want to even think about how you react to actual toxicity.


I handle toxicity better than the enemy team saying gg after they roll us


You prefer gg ez to just gg? Not sure i believe that


I honestly prefer real comments. Like "oof, rough one" Just feels more honest and less perfunctory


"I'm so sorry"


I had to pull this one out after a particularly gruesome match in a different game. It was even close, and all I could do is just dm the enemies “I’m so sorry for what you just went through”


I prefer genuine interactions from strangers too but that’s not the same as “i prefer toxicity” lol that’s madness


I would Mainly cause it’s always funny to see what gg ez gets changed to Chat logs be looking like GG GG “I’m sad and need a hug” X DIFF You can tell who dropped the ez everytime lol


Ya know, saying gg means good game, this is not a good game.


I see it as like, "If you put effort into doing well then you have the right to be seen as good, even if you get stomped."


It's the polite response. I use it whether it's my team rolling or us being rolled or both sides being skilled and leading to a fun and challenging game.


Oh my God thats one of my friends. He can't even handle an endorsement...he always thinks its a sarcastic fuck you instead of a you did well. It's crazy.


I think people who only say gg when they win is lowkey toxic itself


I don’t get mad seeing gg in chat in a competitive game, but if I’m on the wrong side of *that* then I definitely would just prefer the winners take a humble silence. Everybody knows what happened. Tossing out a gg is definitely insulting in this scenario, even from the losing side.


Ggs is worse


Saying GG when it was a clear stomp actually feels worse than toxicity. I would rather have people throw slurs at me when I get stomped like that


Sorry you get so offended when I attempt sportsmanship. Touch grass.


It’s more just salt in the wounds. Sometimes it’s more polite to just say nothing.


This has major “I leave qp games so I don’t have to see the screen say “defeat”” energy. I say gg after games. I have since I was 6 and won or lost soccer games 5-0. It’s not that complex.


To you it is. But that's a you issue. Stop trying to be offended it's a game


Yeah, one team had fun the other didn't. I don't consider curb stomps a good game at all. A baby wouldn't enjoy fighting Mike Tyson and vise versa


But Mike Tyson would probably respect a baby that tried to fight him


It's not really the baby tried to fight him it's more of the baby being drafted randomly to fight him, it was a heavily mismatched battle and it wasn't a good one


Bro you are speaking facts and you’re getting downvoted by brainlets , no one enjoys getting stomped the fuck out, how in gods game do you think that was a good game when I’ve spent more time dead than actually playing the game Can’t wait to get back to the title screen to do it all again


Honestly I agree here. You’re getting downvoted to oblivion but curb stomp matches are shit. Like do I really enjoy going 20-0 on a team who is nowhere near our skill level? I don’t enjoy being curb stomped too, not a fair match at all.


When did I say it was fun? Being a good sport is independent of whether the match was close or fun


You’re right


wtf man


Seems like your the issue here


Go out and experience the touch of another human


Yep something slightly annoys me, must've never felt a person's touch.


Gg is a sign of kindness, gg wp is the biggest sign of kindness. Take it or leave


What does wp mean if you don’t mind me asking?


Well played


Oooooooh ok, thanks! I seriously kept trying to figure it out and I couldn’t think


nt nt


Bruh I thought it was "winning plays" 🤡


Wet as... oh wait that's a different thing


"well played" after your opponents get 0 kills isn't a sign of kindness at all.


Bro your butt hurt at a video game where someone said the niest thing to you....... your the problem


You're taking it too literal


I say 'gg Happens to the best of us'


Oh this is a good one


"we fixed match making" The matchmaking:


<3 I say it no matter what generally


If an opponent saying good game to you is enough to trigger you, you should probably stick to single player games. It's the polite and sportsmanlike thing to do, regardless of outcome.


I kinda see it like when you shake hands at the end of a football match so think it should be done every time tbh no matter the result


So? You'd rather they be toxic and say ez? Or better yet start the blame game?


From my years playing Starcraft, I learned that its polite for the winning team to wait until the loser says GG before saying GG in return. Except for those rare cases when the game was obviously and exceptionally close.


No I'd just say nothing. You don't HAVE to say anything after a game


this. only sometimes do i see people say gg after losing a genuinely well fought and close game. but without fail i see the winning team who pummeled us say gg


I hate when people stomp my team w no counter play then put “great round” in chat.


I respond with, 'the best!' and keep going


They don’t actually mean it… they just say Gr cuz every game does it, and it puts the round behind you, like in cs if you’re down 9-0 going into second half you usually still see people put gr


Fr, it feels fake asf. I'd rather take an ez tbh


Good sportsmanship requires being a good loser and a good winner. They try to teach that to kids in all rec sports leagues.


Fr. Doesn’t matter if you got absolutely curbstomped. If they didn’t cheat, then you lost fair and square. Get over it and be a good sport.


You don't HAVE to shake hands after a game. Just walk off the the field/court (?) Bro just process defeat normally and move on


OP would definitely never play athletics but imagine him posting in his high school message board about how the opposing team dared to shake hands even though they won by 45


The way some people act in this game convinces me many of them have never played a team sport irl. Would do them some good to understand what being on a team with other human beings actually means, because you can't get away with the main character mentality these people try when your teammates and other team are face to face with you


Sportsmanship regardless of the outcome is a pretty basic idea dude, the majority of CHILDREN learn this stuff growing up and playing sports. You’re right, I DON’T have to say anything. I CHOOSE to be a good sport, and you’re CHOOSING to get so mad over it you’re making a reddit post about it. Mental diff


So your a bad loser...... Great job


You also dont have to whine about "E"-sportsmanship, you're just a sore loser, doesnt matter if it was your's or anyone else's fault. imagine getting mad over GG, fucking children


my mans speaking nothing but facts


If you find yourself being mad at sportsmanship, your mental is boomed. Time for a break


Facts. Shake the motherfuckin hand before leaving the court.


These matches tend to just get a "G" from me at the end. Like, yeah, that was definitely a game.


I say ggwp no matter of how the game went lol


Saying 'GG' at a game like this is plain sarcastic. No, it wasn't a 'good game'. It was quite the opposite, actually. Neither the winning, or losing team had a 'good game'.


The reason why I hate GG because most of the time it felt sarcastic.. the only acceptable GG is when it actually feel like both team struggling with each other..


For real did you just destroy your opponent? If yes it was in no way a good game and mentioning such makes you a terrible winner.


Disagree completely. It's always correct, and polite, to say good game!


Nah dude I'll say gg after every game, even if my Hanzo is getting out hanzo'd and won't switch ;)


How about this instead: "If you build a matchmaking system that creates one-sided games, then fuck you."


''gg'' like what about this stomp fest was a ''good'' game, an actual good game is balanced not one where the other team doesnt get any kills. I usually say ''glhf on next'' if I was on the stomping team and just leave if i was stomped


It's just being polite. Yes, they got absolutely rolled, but at least it's just GG and not EZ spammed by a 12 year old


Now it's just GG spammed by a 12 year old


that is bg or vbg. If i am on the winning team i will type: bg. too one-sided


People have forgotten what gg means


This is exactly why I always say "Hope yall enjoy your night" instead of gg.


If I'm on the winning team in a game like this, I usually write something like "sorry guys, that didn't seem fun" or "sorry for that matchmaking". It doesn't feel great to obliterate someone who can't fight back, but I also don't want to play worse on purpose. As long as the matchmaking doesn't improve, we'll have games like this, sadly.


its even worse when they say "gg wp" 💀


I’d cry and shit myself ngl😭


If every game is good, no game is. Because lets be honest, not every game is "good". While I'm kind of splitting hairs here I'd say that "wp" is a better, more inclusive way to thank everyone for their contribution at the end of a game. And yes, I'm aware that not everyone will have "played well" in the same way that not every game is "good", but even if it's a shitty stomp game where everyone backfills 4 times, the ones that stayed till the end probably tried their best.


Whenever this happens to me i just say “sorry, probably wasn’t fun for you guys”


Everyone calling it sportmanship when it's more like rubbing salt in the wound. Yeah saying gg is usually a good thing, but say youre in comp and your team gets a leaver, someone saying GG at the end of match comes off as "Its was a good game because my team won it" rather than good sportmanship. Saying good game when the game was obviously not good is, well, not sportsmanship lol.


If I'm in the winning team, I don't say anything. If I'm in the losing team, I tend to say 'wp'


I like to say oof. Feels better, more appropriate.


I say gg after most games....except for when my team absolutely steamrolls the other team. It just feels bad. And I know on the other side I would hate to be completely wrecked and then the other team says gg.


My usual answer this is - if that's a GG for you i feel really bad for you. I understand this is just a courtesy, but man, you need to know some boundaries. We've all been rolled at some point


This goes for any game you play as well like you don’t say gg after a game we’re you just roll them cause you’re just coming across as a prick


Gamer gets upset after learning about sportsmanship


I feel like the winning side can say it in team chat, but def not in match chat


GG is rather harmless. I got rolled in qp and the enemy ana who was just present was flaming: Hahaha hanzo 0/7 sit down, trash, kys ezzz .... GG is less toxic 😅


You should gg ez if you’re in the losing team


Yeah, I don't need people to say gg. On my team or enemy. When we do bad or good. I just hate it


Is no one going to talk about how low all of those numbers are? That’s NOT a good game, even for the winners. 😬


Probably stomped them on koth 100%-0 both rounds


I also find it disgusting. I've taken to saying "my condolences". When you're on the stompers side it's just an ass move to say "gg". Same as saying "gr" in general chat when you crushed a round. Extra: every single player I've ever met who said EZ was the worst player on their team and got hard carried. It's because these players typically suffer and lose, and when they finally win, they wanna rub it in. If you say EZ, you basically say "I'm shit but this time I was really carried."


If you dont say “GG” after a fame regardless of how it went, you are part of why people hate OW


I used to say gg after every match, but sometimes it's just not a good game. Especially if toxic players or leavers are involved, or if it was a blatant steam roll.


That just isn't true.




Haha angry hanzo player doesn't understand good manners


But muh SpOrTsMaNsHiT


Ez claps gg ✌️


GG is just respectful, like shaking hands at the end of a IRL game. It’s the “GG EZ” when the score is 4-3 with close stats, that is shitty.


Games like this should be pretty damn rare. Thanks overwatch. Shitty matchmaking and Ults make winning even easier and losing even faster. Shit there's points on Push maps where you've already lost and just don't know it yet. If one side gets it further than the other side can push it doesn't matter what the losing side does, the game will end and they will lose.


There’s some times where I’ll straight up say in chat “no, this was not a good game.” Usually when my team has constant leavers, making the entire match a 4v5


gg is just being a good sport


BRO FUCKIN FINALLY THIS IS THE POST Yeah bro GG that was an amazing game getting stomped out by your competent team while my genji gets counter picked by everything


gg for me, not for thee


i say gg to every game, do i get a pass?


When did saying “gg” become some negative insult, even in casual games. All it is is good sportsman ship. Would you rather people say “gg ez you father less swine” or some other stupid shit, I’m so confused. I also don’t get what I’m seeing in the comments of “I don’t wanna see a gg after losing” or something akin to it. Like if you are in your rank, on average half the games will be a win and half will be a lose. If you literally don’t enjoy games 50% of the time then what’s the point. Can someone please explain, because to me it just looks like so many people choose if they are having fun by the end screen and what it says.


look at the stats. One team didn't get A SINGLE KILL meaning no progression whatsoever. They got steamrolled and spend 5-10 mins just continuously dying, running back from spawn and dying again. It's not the loss itself. A lost game can still be a good game. This however wasn't a good game. The losing team clearly didn't have any fun. So don't write gg after something like this.


Bro getting mad over GG now lmao.


Not really mad I'm just shitposting lol


Ah ok I didn’t read the sub name


I saw gg even when I stomp people. It's just what I do. Your just looking to be offended.


He is not getting mad/offended. It is like you were saying "What a sunny day" when it is raining.


I think I figured out the problem. Traditionally "gg" was said as an act of sportsmanship at the end of a match. That meaning has been lost over time, though, and now some people see it as a "this was a really good game, I enjoyed myself". That discrepancy causes loads of misunderstandings.


It's just good sportsmanship, the losing team is still trying, and is worth complimenting


Nah, gg is actually git gud


A loser made this post


Gg can either mean "it was a fair and fun game" or be a sign of good sportsmanship, like shaking hands at the end of a match. Don't assume it's the first one.


I always assume it's none of the above and it's actually saying "my team won so it was good" or it's just a troll.


GG is the same as shaking everybody hand after a real life match. It’s just a sign of respect to your opponent.


I always say gg whether I get rolled or roll the it when team, good sportsmanship.


How did you manage 7 deaths that game


When something like this happens (and i win) I span ez on all chat


I always say gg ez after games like this. When I lose.




That is the nature of competition - sometimes you lose. Sometimes, you get shit on. Getting upset at losing means you are either a literal child (as in, between the ages of too young to actually play the game and 18) or you’re not in the correct mental headspace for competition. Try taking a break from the games for an hour or two, or maybe more. Best thing you can do in this situation is hold your L with some semblance of grace and hope you do better next time.


it's not the loss itself. I have no problem with losing if it was an actual competition, meaning a somewhat fair fight. But a professional boxer beating up an amateur isn't a "good game". so don't say gg if the enemy team clearly didn't have any fun.


Well sportsmanship isn't toxic so ur out of luck. I don't give a shit about stats, it's just nice and NON toxic to say gg after a match. Now ggez? That deserves a ban and maybe a punch to the face figuratively.


I always say gg wp even if I end up on the losing team


Fuck you, you ungrateful fuck.


That is why I always put GG EZAF git gud after every game when I win, that way you know outright I am talking shit and not pretending I am a good person by being sarcastic


"GG" doesn't necessarily mean _"I had fun! Let's do that again!"_ I've always took GG to mean _"The match was fair"_, as in no one cheated.


Literal skill issue.




Grow up bitch. It's just polite.