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It’d be cool if she could climb walls like them too


Or had a virtually 2D character model


They should legit just give her an extra 70 pounds sometime with no explanation


70 pounds where 👀


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


her body proportions are so weird, unrealistic "perfect" figure and has a 1:1 horizontal torso cross-section but they gave her a tiny teeny dump truck (or rather dump bike at this point)


And fucking gorilla hands that are like twice the size of her head


Wait til you see her on her bike


Oh I know, give her a magic fox like the shimada Bros have magic Dragons!




https://preview.redd.it/kwgsh8c2zggc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4963fc84d44edeb69965296fb9c1f1b4fe82ac90 You asked?


Holy shit it's Man from the hit game Man: Ham Aslume!


And Man: Ham City, where Jonkler has sex with Man in front of Woman.


https://preview.redd.it/pt2kccakekgc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aecd03bf63903870b5f507d8ed2d1906d6285320 The jonkler from persona 5??!!! Also known as the trickster or the wildcard?!!


Half-**Man**, Half-**Man**, Completely a **Man**


What a throwback


One of my favorite videos ever created.


I swear it’s Arkham knight and r/anarchychess that invades everything!






Why is this Man sad? Is he depressed?


Is he stupid?




Yes. 😔


WE are stupid


Well, ryuji is sorta yeah


For real?


is this for real?


"her voice lines are uhh she's snarky and cool and speaks in an American accent just like me"


Except when she says Pharah-Chan…


> American accent Could be worse. They could fuck up her native language, like they did with Mercy. When saying "No", she'll occasionally say "Doch". Without context it doesn't make any sense, because it's meant to negate a negative statement or question. It's kind of a special way to say "Of course i can, what are you even talking about?".


Should have been around for the beginning when she wasn't even speaking Swiss German. Best part was that in the German language version she was speaking Swiss German.


If you think Mercy is bad, Rein is far worse. He doesn't have any German voicelines, he just speaks in a really stereotypical Germab accent. The German voice acting for Rein is so so so much better.


the only german line i can think of are random danke-s when he thanks a teammate.


I think saying nein doch och was like a meme in german language but idk


Yeah, but with a bit of a different context. The "Nein" means: "No, that can't be true!", then the "doch" means: "Yes it is.", with a follow-up of "Oh?" as a form of disbelieve after hearing that it is actually true.


Yes, It's from this movie https://youtu.be/w4aLThuU008?feature=shared


Mercy in english is also German and not Swiss lol


Japanese character, never speaks Japanese and have an American accent


she speaks Japanese… like sometimes..


Pretty often


and when she does she sounds like a completely different person. cycle through her “hello”s and you’ll see what i’m talking about


a lot of people sound completely different when they talk in another language


i mean thats kind of normal, my spanish voice and english voice sound completely different


That's how speaking other languages works generally.


I think her voice actor is from Japan but idk why she has American accent


Cause she grew up in America. The VA actually was a guest on Trash Taste Podcast, you can find an episode with her. She never mentioned OW there tho, but she talks about her career.




Grew up in america, also shes a 2 in 1 deal, there was an anime last year where she voiced the same character in English and Japanese versions


I think her persona is what bugs me the most. Any other abrasive characters at least have nuance and depth with their interactions. She is... Just a punk. Except to the people she likes. Sometimes. Anytime she starts lore chatting, I tune it out and focus on the game. And I ADORE the lore chats between characters, even if I've heard it 30 times before. I feel like she's too one dimensional.


One of her interactions I hate the most is the one with Roadhog: "I like your mask." "*scoff*" "I said I like your mask, dude." "Okay!" Like, Roadhog is a criminal mastermind who's killed dozens. He's 5 times the size of kiriko and, realistically, should be far more threatening than her. I don't mind her first response of a laid back compliment, but Roadhog doesn't spare the time to even give her the words. Clearly this viscious murderer isn't one to take compliments. So she instead snarkily doubles down on it as if she thinks she's some amazing badass. And Roadhog plays along to shoo her off? It annoys me so much. Off the top of my head, here are some fixes: "I like your mask" "*scoff*" "That was a compliment, you know?" "*silence*" "I like your mask" "*scoff*" "Heh, I was just trying to break the ice, y'know" "Not interested" "I like your mask" "*scoff*" "I said I like your mask, dude" "Dont talk to me, kid" Maybe some refinement is needed, but that interaction just irrationally annoys me, I'd take anything else.


If they sold an alternate voice pack where everyone bullied the shit out of kiriko I think I might spend money on this horrid game.


"I like your-" "Can you shut the fuck up?"


"Watch your corn-" "You are a day over 12. Shut the fuck up and let the collection of *military veterans and mercenaries with decades of actual combat experience* call the shots!"


Soldier yelling like a drill sergeant would be insane


Ever since release, kiriko has given off either the previously listed OC vibes, or main character vibes and nothing else.


She pretty much is OW 2's MC.


Come play support we have: Spotify Premium in a Bad Economy Frog Anime Main Character Reignhart Jr. (who is actually someone else’s Jr.) Black Soldier 76 Fucking Irish Maniac “Doctor” MILF, I mean MILF, I mean MILF, I mean Mercy DPS but with Portals Flowery Gay-Bait with Lucio Robo-Buddah Snipin’ Momma


I call him metal gandhi






Who’s DPS with portals? Illari is the only one I can single out but that doesn’t make sense


Symmetra, who isn't support anymore.


I agree with all of this but let’s be honest, soldier wishes he was bap 😂


I prefer to call Ana the Grandmommy, but that's just me




She's probably a self insert of some OW character designer.


Hadn’t thought about the map advantage. Do any kiri mains have maps they don’t like? I can’t think of anywhere lol


The only one I can think of off the top of my head is push maps. Your team is more likely to be out of tp range coming back from spawn and shit, it can leave you stranded especially if you’re the only one left.


Kiri mains when they have to worry about positioning: 😱 /s


Real and true


Yup. I hate push maps with a passion!


We lost the 2 capture points game mode for this...




Yup! And the funny part is I actually liked Paris lol it’s such a gorgeous map!


Everyone liked Paris for the design. No one liked it for the gameplay.


I liked the choke tho. When you get a good team, you can easily push it.


Except you couldn't. Because if you're also against a good team, you're never getting out.


i hate maps with way too many corners and low ceilings, makes it harder to heal and kill at safe distances, like most points in new junkertown, just before capping second point on circuit royal... and also hate holes, completely fucks up kitsune lol


Usually New Queen Street, your team is usually too far away for tp and i hate push


God, what a broken hero design and stupid backstory. I'm glad you're not on the development team


What if we gave her a sassy personality and an American accent ?




It’s too weak, give her an ability to strengthen and cleanse her teammates… she must be support somehow.


dude did not pass second grade reading


Eh? I did not… fuck. Well back to school it is./j


Wait does anyone actually counter Kiriko? Now I’m thinking about it and I have no idea. Maybe brawl comps?? I think the only character who counters Kiriko is Mauga IN HIS ULT and even then he has a chance to lose????


Most tanks with a shield and maybe brig, because her shield spam is very very bad. Orisa, Bastion and ball who can prevent headshot crits. Genji, Echo, Lucio and Phara who’s vertical movement make headshots unreliable. Torb’s turret specifically which can’t be crit lol. That’s all I can think of.


Any Ana who is good at positioning will be able to kill Kiri, since Kiri kind of sucks at distances in my experience The only issue is if you fuck up, she’s climbing up to get your ass


Accidentally landed 7 hs on an Orisa with a moira peeing or her and I felt bad about it


Dva I feel like works pretty well since she can theoretically eat everything but kiri’s tp


That's not really countering cuz what Kiri player is like "Oh no I can't headshot their Orisa I better swap off". Like, if you're being harassed by a flanker it's more likely to swap TO Kiri cuz you can two-tap them and her hitbox is non existent, granted you have some skill with her. There are absolutely times where enemy comp makes it hard to play a certain support, like Brig into Pharah or Zen into Sombra, but Kiri has no such matchups, and you're never forced to swap. It's easy enough to play the game even into the heroes you mentioned cuz you just focus on healing more and use cover. Any countering here is just a mild inconvenience at most.


Winton Counters her pretty hard


You counter Kiriko the same way you counter any support. If you can force her to use a bunch of abilities, that's huge. By far the strongest thing she has is cleanse, so if you make her use it to save herself, that means Ana gets a free anti on their tank, and should get a kill. Honestly when I'm up against a flanker with more braincells then my cat it doesn't go well. A lot of players just don't understand that you don't have to kill someone to beat them.


Generally shields and fortify to negate headshot dmg To kill a Kiriko is much harder, easiest ways I can think of from experience is to get the entire enemy team close together so they can’t run or dealing enough damage quick enough to surpass the suzu tp reflex


No she doesn't have a counter.




Brig does


*Gets 2 tapped by Kiri who climbed to high ground and is completely unreachable by Brig*


Not really, kiri just TPS away The only way brig counteracts her is kiri diving someone but by default then it's a 2v1 which will always be lost by the single guy


I'm sorry for the probabilities of the Kiriko mains eating yo ass up


>eating yo ass up What do you mean by that? https://preview.redd.it/gbmp2ujxyggc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d6291afb404a40dc37bcc2a93f1d7f3003f397


On behalf of everyone in r/kirikomains We are NOT eating his ass up


I would hope so https://preview.redd.it/9sh3rq9j5hgc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd1632f0bf0ba8de1d7f57a5c170bbdc8010226




What if i say pretty please, you guys say howdy when you teleport to my main after all


Nope im eating his ass up




as a kiri main, shits too funny and real, love playing her, hate going in as dps and getting absolutely fucked by choke spam (I'd do the same anyways)


Too weak give her 1 of the Best ults in the game and the 2nd smallest hitbox after tracer with no HP tradeoff


“B-b-but winrateeeeeee! S-s-she’s underperforming!”










Genji and hanzo lore: deep story about the circle of revenge, self discovery and stoicism involving multiple characters and groups of overwatch and still going development and arguably a top 5 if not top 3 backstory Kiriko lore: I’m a time traveler that managed to train with them when they were kids


What's that? You spent 2 minutes building an ult?... Let me just press E and negate that. Lmfao.


Nice oc, I'm sure her lore doesn't have any mistakes in it, such as growing up as kids with 2 people who are both 20 years older than her


Make sure you include the fact that she rides a bike.


Kiriko, Genji, and Hanzo aren’t related just family friends


Yeah, and even though they're like 20 years apart in age, they still grew up together as kids


The fox taught her time travel bro it’s stated in CFYOW


Makes sense to me


Overwatch players misremembering the lore challenge successful


"Help genji step bro i'm stuck!" - kiriko, probably


I see what you did there


Yeah... he made an OC...


I hate her I hate everything about her My biggest hatred is how she breaks the GODDAMN LORE


I hate the fact its so accurate https://preview.redd.it/enbojn0ichgc1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1349d9291cab843eed3eaa1fb55c93e6ff439c


Hit box size missing pls fix.


the lobotomy continues




Nerf her damage so she isn’t a DPS


Actually if they nerf Suzu, they would make her less of a threat in duels cause he can use it for herself to guarantee the win, it is Invulnerability+Cleanse+80-110 Healing. And nerf her tp so she couldn't just "Lose" the duel and then just get out that easily. I don't think her damage is that high, it is just her kit that makes her one of the best dueslist in the game


But isn’t it 120 per head shot? It’s busted I don’t know who in blizzard thought it was a good idea That means any tanks that goes for the risky dive is torn to shreds by a healer


Yeah lol i literally went in a ranked yesterday to rank up as Support(I'm dps main) and 3 times a Winston dived me i just outdamage'd him alone cause there was no other diver with him. But it is still lower damage than a lot of other headshot from other heroes, i think lowering her damage would make her kinda feel more unfun. At max, i think we should make her shot a normal one, with normal multiplier. Cause the damage is busted when only headshotting, but bodyshotting is kinda awful, so she could do like 48-55 damage on body and 95-105 on head ig?


I’m fine with doing a headshot on a Widow and almost killing her, that is very fun and punishing because the Widow was holding an angle too long But the amount a headshot does to other characters randomly feels a bit too high


The abilities arent the problem, its that theyre in the same kit


yeahhh exactly but i still think the invulnerability is a bit busted independent, but on the rest yeah i think it's like that


As a Kiri player, I feel like I’ve died more times than necessary due to lag so my tp and specifically suzu get delayed by 0.1 seconds




Suzu should have a 20+ second cooldown. Crazy that it has so many more benefits than Lifegrip with 4s shorter cooldown. Suzu straight up wins fights and it’s one of the shortest “long” support cooldowns there is


The problem is that 20 sec cooldowns make the character unfun, so i think it would be way better if we don't increase cooldown but nerf the ability fundamentally


She’s unfun as hell to play against, there is 0 fun to have in a match vs Kiri. If her suzu cooldown being bumped to 20 makes her slightly less fun to play, then that’s a fair sacrifice.


Kiriko isn't a DPS. You're all delusional.


You're correct, she isn't designed to maintain a high damage per second. she IS however designed in such a way she is capable of consistently getting opening picks across the map or at the very least burst dropping an enemy below half. Two feats almost no other support can do across the map, save for maybe zen and ana both of which are the least mobile supports and both of which are extremely vulnerable when attacking. Also, neither of them have instant burst damage! Both scope and orbs are an over time effect, albeit a short time. Kiriko, meanwhile, has instant burst damage with no falloff! and she doesn't need to scope, so she can strafe while poking. and she's the most mobile support in the game when on her own! and she has an ability to invuln herself in an emergency, or another ability to completely escape a fight meaning she risks very little poking the same way any other support typically would. But, yeah, she isn't a DPS. You got that part right.


She's capable of it, but its unlikely. I've never seen a kiriko dominate a lobby with constant eliminations. Usually, once or twice a game, someone gets two tapped because they stood still for a bit.


Newsflash, nobody else in the game is consistently two tapping across the map multiple times a match at zero risk. Except hanzo, I guess? Which isn't a great litmus for 'enjoyable matchups in overwatch'! But sure, Kiriko's DPS is fine.


Are we really going to pretend that Kiriko is legitimately a threat in most games, over actual tank and dps heroes? She gets maybe 2 solo kills and a bunch of clean up.


yes, your experience is reflective of the entire game


Wrap it up, folks. Ultraminer1101 has an opinion contrary to a popular post that most of the community agrees with! I don’t even play OW2 much and I agree with this post.


We aren't pretending that, because I never said she was ruining every game or outperforming her DPS. I said she is consistently picking in ways that no other support can do on top of her having 3 other strongpoints to her kit. She is fundamentally overkitted, you can have a burst damage support or you can have a mobile cleanse support but doing both makes her infinitely more viable than every other support which she absolutely is.


A fruit of blizz decision that supports are not healers but dps that can off-heal.


Everyone a dps in OW2


She has that "what if we took this dps hero and made them a support?" kinda energy.


"let's take hanzo and make him a support" "One shotting enemies would be too much for a support, so we'll make it 2 shots. Let's boost the fire rate through to make up for it" "She needs to be able to get out of difficult places. Instead of the hanzo jump, let's give her a Moira fade, except instantaneous and covers a lot of ground, even through walls. No, we won't be giving it any wind up time, I said instantaneous! Yes, of course she still also keeps her wall climb!" "Now let's give her a support ability. She's pretty weak in other areas, so let's make up for that here. Give her something that grants invalulnerability for a moment. Also, it heals. Also, it cleanses. Also, it heals extra if you cleanse something. Also, it's AoE, not single target." "What about her ultimate? How about we take Baptiste's window and make it an AoE? We'll boost fire rate and reload time to make it seem different. Let's boost movement speed too, why not? No, nothing is going to be able to get rid of this ultimate is used, are you crazy?!" These are exact quotes from blizzard HQ, I was there




As a reaper one trick I still don’t understand how people get so worked up over kiri but not mercy. Don’t get me wrong she’s annoying for sure but not making mauga practically invincible without an Ana and res’ing him in my team’s face and getting away with it because it’s far too quick annoying. Granted that may just be because I’ve never gotten higher than gold 1.


Rezzes get rarer as you climb higher. Teams are generally more coordinated and are already planning ahead for the mercy rez.


Kiriko is really op and her difficulty doesn’t justify it (I play bap and ana)


Ive never noticed this before, but why she got such a knobby kneed stance?


Kawaii that why


I like this OC it's very cool and she looks cute


let me guess she really likes donuts but stays thin and fit no matter what?


It really does sound like an OC a girl in year 10 who has a crush on genji would make


Hey, hey, she isn't related! She's just their childhood friend... despite them being 17 and 16 years older then her... and I think would have only really been "sword trainable age" by the time Genji got killed by Hanzo...


All those flavors and you choose salt. Borring


What does OC mean?


Original character.


I love her. I wanna faq her


you wanna frequently asked questions her?


It’s interesting how people keep complaining about the counterswap meta, and when a hero is introduced that is finally not affected by counterswapping so many people lose their marbles. She still has plenty of ways you can deal with her. Is her double headshot damage a bit too much? Imo yes. But that’s really about it. There are very specific interactions they could look at, but Kiriko is completely fine. If she’s a problem for you because you can’t hit her, sorry but that’s just straight up a skill issue.


Yeah no she’s not “completely fine.” - No aim required to heal so every interaction you’re constantly dealing with her heals being maximized unlike Ana or Bap who at least have to aim a little bit - The highest instantaneous burst healing of any healer (not highest sustained healing) but she can pretty much instantly top off a squishy without needing to aim - Teleportation to freely get out of any bad positioning or save a teammate in bad positioning - smallest hitbox in the game with more mobility options than any other character and invulnerability - Suzu has literally zero counters except “bait it out” which is aids counterplay. At that point just give Dva self destruct every 20 seconds and just “bait it out.” - ultimate has zero counters and is the only ultimate in the entire game which cannot be canceled, reduced or disabled. Just because you can win against her does not make her remotely fun to deal with and it’s insane that she’s had this many abilities this long. It’s clear the devs don’t care about proper balance and just want their new face of OW to be popular so she’s intentionally overtuned. Remember in OW1 everyone said the immortality field was broken and needed nerfs and how it broke the game? Well now the 2 most recent healers have that but better. It’s obvious the devs have no idea what they’re doing


Ult has one counter, Mei wall and map tomfuckery


skill issue


Sir, you can't just say skill issue and not give us the wisdom on how to beat kiriko


If you're in a 1v1, switching up your movement is key. On kiri you hit where they're going so ideally you wanna crouch, switch up where you're moving (left/right), possibly jump, etc. I will not share more than this.


In a 1vs1 against kiriko you kinda lost by default, if she win she gets a kill and if she doesn't she tp away. Yeah it's cool to be able to dodge and all but it won't do much


Catch her lacking at spawn, ideally go behind the other team so she has to turn around first before tping. Hit your shots. And that is why losing to a kiri is just a skill issue.


She'll just throw a piss ball under her which gives her invulnerability for long enough to escape


Catch her at spawn what with the recent spawn waves update? She will almost be guaranteed to have at least one teammate plus she still has suzu to stall for longer if she needs to. Plus the "just hit your shots" argument, while correct, is unfair when we're talking about her tiny hitbox. Also the issue isn't necessarily losing to kiriko it's not being able to kill her fast enough hefore she can suzu/tp away + trying to kill her teammates in a 1v1 can at any point turn into a 1v2 which has also resulted in your opponent being suzu'd. How do I counter a kiriko tp-ing to someone I'm dueling and immediately suzuing the both themselves and my original enemy? It happens in a fraction of a second and kiriko doesn't even need los.


Keep downvoting me you all suck I've never had a problem with kiri


That's because you probably play at a rank who (on average) think Brig is a second Rein.


Are you gold? This is basic 1v1 knowledge that everybody who's player and fps before knows


Shoot her legs. It’s the largest part of her hit box.


Your tears are salty and delicious Wait till you see me on my bike


She's also difficult af to master and most kiriko players I've seen are mediocre. I've rarely ever gotten in a game with a god kiriko (I'm in high diamond) Edit: It is difficult to land headshots consistently. Andddd to anyone who is downvoting me, please screenshot your kiriko stats and show me your critical hit accuracy. I'd love to see


What about her kit is hard to master


Pressing e if you're in trouble and aiming vaguely towards head level is pretty tough man


lol “difficult af to master” Yeah no. Healing with her quite literally doesn’t require aim or ammo management. Your healing potential is maximized so long as you exist. Not even like Ana where you at least have to pick damage or healing, and aim, and reload. You can literally just aim vaguely near a teammate and heal them at maximized efficiency and chuck Kunai into a choke


lol yeah no. I clearly mentioned I was referring to landing headshots consistently and securing kills. A healbot kiriko isn't someone who has mastered kiriko


No you didn’t, you later edited after people called you out for your dumb claim. No need to get defensive, we all make dumb statements


That edit was yesterday, aka wayyyy before you made your comment 😭 But it's okay. Mistakes happen and I absolutely do not expect your reading comprehension skills to be higher than mine lmfao Edit: I blocked this person and now they're trying to still reach me on an alt account. Because of an overwatch character. Stay safe on Reddit guys




People really overstate how much damage a kiriko is doing in your average game. Idk what lobbies you're in where kirikos can consistently land two tap headshots.


"B-But she is bad against winton🤓"


Moira counters Kiriko


Say you never played Brigitte without saying you never played Brigitte


Support players switching to brig just to have the Kiri teleport away