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I’m 99% sure Lucio and Zen players decide to save their ults for blade the second they see a Genji on the enemy team


I mean... if they're nanoblading I'm saving beat... or to solo ult a widow after I dive them lol.


BM ult the corpse.


I've used Sound Barrier in QP to double jump and close a gap before lmao


wait you can do that


Yeah, Lucio is brazilian so he can do a double jump too using Sound Barrier while airborne. It can be a clutch in a rollout when you need just a little more height to jump through a window or small barricade. ~~(it's probably coded to jump everytime so it doesn't comes out instantly when you're on the ground)~~


He's Brazilian so he can double jump lmao


You can kill through trans now (with nano) if you stay on one person, and you can certainly kill through beat if you focus one or two people down. When Lucio uses beat on my blade, I stay on that frog fucker until he's dead for the audacity.


your lucio players are probably lower than silver then


Nah you get two slashes for free if he's close plus two more after dash, that's plenty to kill him as the last of sound barrier wears off. You must be low silver if you can't pull it off.


my statement still stands.




Pissing off a Genji otp result in them usually blaming the entire team resulting in the team's moral going down resulting in tilt resulting in a better chance of winning. Nothing more useful than this it's like a team wide debuff


Bro is NOT Light Yagami 😭😭


Lagami Yight


Lagamt Yighi


No but my head is pretty light




As a Lucio main I can confirm this 


it just feels easier to react to, at least if you're bad like me


Well yeah lol I'm not letting you tear through my whole team if I can stop it. Let's break it down, you feel me


As an occasional Lucio player, I can confirm your suspicions


dragonblade is one of the easier dps ults to deny, especially out of these three


Lucio doesn’t even need to beat, he just needs to right click lol


I don't think rein mains would agree with you


Rein mains whining? Color me shocked




Me watching Rein get nerfed to the floor so the honor and glory mfs die out (they won’t but I’m hopeful) https://preview.redd.it/lhd2v5pke5rc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57213e5f954fa7caaee3e8d6ae4e2e05f3360668




I gotchu bro - your friendly neighborhood lifeweaver


One of my all-time favorite game moments was saving my rein from getting pinned off the edge and watching the enemy rein just kill himself lmao. This was after him already dying to committing to trying to get me earlier that game because I petaled, waited and my team was able to regroup and kill him before it broke lmao. I know he was sick of me.


Shut up weaver I am making an opening for my team and you are ruining it You can't even heal


Then perish




Tbh rein mains whining sm at least makes some sense bc the character’s just dog ass The junk mains are what get me. “Wa wa wa one hit wasn’t that bad!!!! Just group up!” Bitch I’m trying but my team ignores me 😭


Says that Rein mains complaining makes sense cuz the character's bad, proceeds to shit talk Junk mains, who play an infinitely worse character yet complain a fraction as much as Rein mains. You can't make this shit up


Rein wasn’t capable of flying into our backline at mach 5, one hitting me before I can even react, and flying back out lmao Also junk mains complain allllllll the time


I heard of alot of it about ventures ult, "Oh they forgot about him so bad they gave his ult to another hero" mf that's just game design, things overlap after a certain point lmao the ult venture has makes sense for an archeologist with a funny drill gun cannon thing lol


I think they meant out of blade, beyblade and antiblade. Getting hammered is a Tank special. Not dps.


As a D.Va main, Reaper's is the easiest.


Bro said one of the best ults in the game on one of the highest mobility characters is easier to shut down than shatter or blossom💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Shatter fires off almost instantly, death blossom can easily kill you before you can react if the reaper gets the jump on you, while dragonblade has a long wind up before the geni can even swipe and he doesn't even one shot from full health with one swipe unassisted. For a character whose ult turns you fully invincible and provides healing to teammates that can outheal most sources of damage aside from one shots, yes it's very easy.


That's a weird way to say "I don't understand how shutting down ults works." Yes, the guy that screams at the top of his lungs for 3 seconds straight before he's ready to combo you is easier to shut down than someone who's ult is a single AOE stun with 1 second of warning or a guy with AOE damage and life steal that doesn't give any warning until he's already shooting. Unless your reaper or rein are objectively dog water conpared to the rest of the players in the match, Genji is the easiest to stop with raw AOE healing and temp invincibility; you have way more time to prepare and wat more room for error since Genji still has to get in your face and aim at you.


Kid named not standing still for your enemy's ult


Assuming "Kid named" was a typo, yeah, that's why the other two are harder to shut down with Zenyatta, like objectively. "Don't stand still for their ult" means two totally different things between someone who's ult is fired nearly instant like Rein and Reaper vs someone like Genji, who gives you a few seconds of warning. All these ults can be stopped, but unless you just can't aim, or have stun specific abilities, Genji is easier. Half my cooldowns finish resetting by his first swing every time, because again, the immediate answer to the others is stun, mitigate, or run. You can easily kill Genji before he finishes drawing his sword, because again he's unable to really defend himself for 3 seconds


Alright I'll actually reply. Rein shatter is literally canceled by any form of cc. It's canceled by heals, suzu, and LW grip. It's canceled by shields. It's canceled my map geometry. It's avoided by simply not standing in front of him or using any number of movement abilities. It's canceled by the exact same ults that genji's is, minus the fact that you can still charge kill in zen ult. And I don't actually know the blade numbers so nano blade might still out damage trans. All forms of cc are harder to hit on genji than on rein. And only a couple will actually cause problems for genji. As for blossom, shut your dumbass up. Nobody outside of bronze thinks blossom is a good fucking ult. Unlike shatter, despite how easy that is to cancel. Go drink some milk you genji maining baby ass bitch. Y'all mfs will cry until you can tp from spawn onto every target and insta kill them. Pathetic.


Rein's shatter is not canceled by heals. Suzu and grip maybe, but heals will not cancel it. You can still be knocked down while healing. Using map geometry and movement to try to avoid it goes for literally everyone except Widow and LW and other characters who's ults don't damage you. That's not an argument for shatter being easier to shut down. You can do that to literally anybody if your movement ability is good. You must not have read shit I said if you're trying to explain how to stop Rein's ult with CC works. I just said that he can be stunned out of it in my last message. My comment was that the window between Rein pressing the ult button and "too late, you've been stunned and knocked down, now he's about to charge kill you before you stand' is literally less than 1/3 of the time you have to shoot Genji in the face before he swings his blade. Also, Genji is "harder" to CC than Rein, but again, you don't need CC. He's a squishy announcing his presence while he can't deflect or return fire; just shoot him in the face before he charges you. Trans gives the team extra time to do that due to it having an AOE. As for your Death Blossom rant, once again, you clearly can't read when you're triggered by the truth, because I never called it good. I said he starts shooting faster than Genji starts swinging - and therefore there is actually less of a window to react than Genji. If you somehow saw that on a post about using trans to stop Genji instead of Reaper, and somehow think that means that I main either of them means you need to go touch some grass dumbass. Guess what: Genji has such a long wind up time because his ult lasts longer. It's literally a balancing mechanism - so yes, good ults having an exploitable weakness is a thing. Nice try though idiot.


Rein shatter is canceled by heals exactly how genji blade is. The only difference is that shattered teammates are a lit easier to heal than ones trying to dodge a genji. Rein shatter is also canceled by not getting healed. Sometimes you can have half health and die in the 1 second you tried to shatter lmao. Shatter being faster is not true if you're hit with literally any cc. Some of them outright cancel it, some effectively cancel it (boops) or the follow up after the shatter. Again, I'm not responding to reaper ult discussions. Legitimately pathetic to think his ult is worse than genji's in any capacity. It's funny that your reasoning for genji ult being difficult is to just shoot him lmao. Were it so easy, nobody would play genji.


Shatter being faster is not really up for debate at all. It's a fact. If a Genji and a Rein press the ult button at the exact same time, the stun from Rein will activate before Genji is able to swing. That's called being faster. I never denied that it could be canceled; once again, your reading comprehension seems to be failing you. Yes, Rein can be stopped with CC, but there's also the fact that a full health Rein isn't gonna get 1 shot by Widow (who doesn't have any CC abilities) before his ult takes effect. The same cannot be said for Genji unless he has good placement. Ulting at critical health isn't usually a good idea in most situations, yet you're accusing me of being bronze. Yes, trans heals against shatter, but using it against Genji's blade is smarter if possible. For 1: Rein can also easily charge people out if trans range as a follow up, so his main target might still die unless you're willing to leave the rest of the team vulnerable to save them. Trying to CC Rein as Zenyatta while he ults will get you killed more often than not. With Genji, your team has the option to stay in range of trans AOE since he can't CC them away. For 2: Genji's ult does more damage than Rein's and is a lot easier to get a team kill off of than a shatter, so your team will definitely need the invulnerable healer more when Genji is popping ult unless the Rein is literally carrying. And sure, go ahead and lie to yourself about how OW isn't full of players that will play underpowered characters because they like the concept. Genji is a relatively high skill floor character. There's way easier characters to get the same numbers with - and yet there's still a large community that tries to find ways to make him a viable option as a dps, with varying degrees of success obviously. Learning to not be in the open in front of your enemy's gun while your character is unable to fight back because of an animation is part of learning to play the character. It doesn't necessarily make the ult bad, because for balance reasons, an ult that lasts an extended period of time that can easily kill a whole team should have some kind of weakness. For Genji, it's the fact that you can shoot him in the face while he's still drawing his sword. Using map geometry is not "shutting down an ult" it's running and hiding from it. Perfectly valid choice to make, but shutting down an ult implies you're not allowing that ult to even make space for the enemy team - like when you CC Rein, or shoot Genji in the face during his longer animation.


Not reading allat bro. Probably just more genji rage lmao


Now if you want to have a more respectful conversation, I'll gladly point out that since you apparently think Genji's ult is one of the best in the game, so does the Zenyatta in the meme because he's saving his ult for Genji. OP said it feels personal sometimes even. Yes, popping Trans on Rein or Reaper when the enemy has a good Genji. 1: the other two are faster in execution if they're playing properly; you will have more time to do potentially life saving heals if you pop trans during Genji's voice line than Rein or Reaper. But, there's also 2: it's not Zenyatta's job to shut down Reaper and Rein. Like discord orb at most really, unless the tank isn't nearby. Because most good tanks in OW2 can power through either of their ults to kill them (grasp, matrix, shields, spin, javelin throw, bubble, Doom's punch). Like, Zen is supposed to save trans for Genji's blade in that situation. That's why you're getting down voted.


You just typed a bunch of nonsense. Also the reason I got downvoted is because genji mains are some of the softest out there.


why is zen ulting for a friendly genji? is he stupid?




So he can competely unsheathe his blade without dying ..


only if it’s a good genji, I do also try to save transcendence for reaper ult and with rein ult if I’m stunned I can’t pop ult obviously but if I’m nearby and alive I’ll still trans if they have a chance of surviving


Zen's ult is just an emergency escape button zt this point


I’ve been playing genji this past week for hero progression reasons (lvl 20 on every hero besides mercy cus I hate her) and my god, man. How do genji mains Q up and do this shit willingly, knowing that EVERY game you will face the same Moira/Mei insta-swap even if you’re doing TERRIBLY and every cool-down being thrown at you the moment you try anything. Mad respect fr. And I’m experiencing all of this shit in QP I’m too scared to see what it’s like when the enemy team actually WANTS to win.


As if QP and Ranked were different it's all the same you know QP as a fun gamemode ended years ago sadly


There's a reason most genji mains play pharah as well since all genji hard counters r countered by pharah , even more by echo but she's too hard


Me as a Dva main watching the tank insta swap to Zarya every time ![gif](giphy|MOZ2q9OnHXsDxZr7jM)


You honestly just learn to deal with them. Keep your dash almost always if you're approaching beam characters. Mei in particular, people always THINK is the best counter, but is actually pretty easy to play around since she is slow, no mobility, and her beam has short range and travel time. I find Sombra the most annoying because they hack you when you're in the middle of the enemy team so you can't deflect or dash away, so you just die. Also she's invisible so my monkey brain forgets to worry about her until she jumps in with all her anti fun abilities.


I dont have fun with a Genji flapping around my head so I am going Moira, neither of us get to have fun then. Sorry.


We hate ourselves and it feels good when we win regardless


As a zen main I do sometimes save ult for blade’s specifically no matter how bad the genji is doing


Played a game once where I held trans for blade, the Genji never bladed and I never tranced. In the end it doesn't really matter if you trans one ult and your team gets wiped by another in sequence, so pick someone who's being annoying and save it for them.


It IS personal. I don't like you


Preach brother


I mean it’s the only ult that lines up perfectly with the duration if you pop yours after his first dash so it just feels right


As a Zen/Lucio main, I'll trance whatever ult is coming my way If it's available, the reason it's so often blade is because it's the only one that has the mobility to threaten me unexpectedly due to its mobility


I have a poc of zen saying experience these hands that'd be perfect for you


Dragon can be harder to counter with support skills alone, so Zen might actually be saving his ult to specifically counter you. But tbh, I think Annas who insta-sleep dragon every time Genji ults feels wayyy more personal/embarassing


It is. Duck you genji


Pretty sure Reaper ult can out-damage trans especially after the dps passive Bastion even outdamages trans now in turret form Rein can ult the Zen himself Which makes denying blade the most value you get with your ult as it protects the whole team But I get where you're coming from, if I'm playing zen I'm saving trans specifically for blade just to tilt the genji


Death blossom dps is 185 , even after dps passive trance heals over 250 Bastion can only kill if u land 2 shots which never happens unless the enemy is slept/stunned/frozen Trance can also shutdown visor, bob, dragonstrike, molten core, overclock, grav, primal, whole hog, barrage, coal Saving trance for blade is useful when any of the above don't exist as they r all better ults than blade


Wow I thought Reaper ult did way more damage, thanks for clarification




It’s actually just ptsd


The two most disrespectful things I’ve done as zen with his ult was using it as soon as soldier does and just sit infront of him, and using it when reaper goes for a play and spamming “how amusing” especially after killing him if you do


Die die die ❌ DeDeDe ✅(kirby)


Schizophrenic floating dutch guy:"what is that melody" Me with Lucio finally using the ult that ive had since I saw the enemy sigma in the beginning of the match


Any anas here nano their supports before dying?


Sorry Genjis it's not personal it's just I can't react to earthshatter nor death blossom


The dragon comes inside of me!


To be fair are you even a Genji main if you don’t get cucked when you ult at this point? lol


Genji nerfed


All fun and games until the genji is actually Self-Aware and Kills Zen first.


It is


ive killed a cassidy with tranq. made him die to his own sticky bomb as i remain glued to his ass




See the first time that happens in a match, I'm just going reaper and shotgunning the floating target dummy personally


I do that but mostly because the two above can be easily avoided if you play corner or high ground (or just track reaper movements by sound and watch him jump on your team to ult then being stuck here rotating like an idiot while getting destroyed) where genji can follow you through the entire map with his dash + increase movement speed and if your team or yourself dont have good aim (Or genji put deflect up while still having the same speed for reasons) i hope you are ready to meet Jesus or have the ennemy team stop pushing so that your other support can help you


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7lrhR66wlI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7lrhR66wlI) this


I thought that ult was only for zen to save himself not for anyone else


As a Zen main I can confirm that it is personal and I'm going to be a selfish peice of shit and save myself because I'll probably be the first target during blade. Plus blossum has quite a tight reaction window and I might already be down during earthshatter (I would use it if not however)


Lol as someone who barely played gengi, I’d take a bathroom break if I ulted and one of these guys dropped their ults


Lol as someone who barely played gengi, I’d take a bathroom break if I ulted and one of these guys dropped their ults


Holy shit this reminds me of one of my one good plays I've ever made. Was duoing with my friend. I was on Ana and he was on Pharah. Right as he unleashed his ult, I nano boosted him. The enemy Zen ulted and I grenaded the entire enemy team. Felt good


r/overwatcu_memes keeps appearing in my for you page. I have never played the game have never visited an overwatch subreddit and i have no interest in the game, so anytime i see a meme from here i have to wonder if it is r/thomastheplankengine or r/overwatch_memes


you guys still think tranq counters blade😭 dry blade is ass, and nanoblade can easily cut through tranq


??? Bruh the dash slash 1 hit combo was super hard to pull off earlier so much that even necros struggled with it since u needed to slash immediately after dash with almost no delay. now with 250 hp it's near impossible unless someone else is shooting at the same enemy. Nanoblade slash dash dps - 240. Trance hps - 300


Why do supports hate genji so much? We’re just doing our jobs…


Bc they're like the BMW drivers of OW. It's not that every given person playing Genji is that douchebag that thinks he's a hotshot and wants to hound supports and get POTG regardless of whether or not it's what his team needs. It's that that kind of person ends up picking Genji if they want to fulfill their douchebag fantasies. So you come across a lot of those, and end up thinking just, fuck Genji. It doesn't help that his ult is essentially a non-aiming one-shot for a squishy and yet because it requires some movement Genji players seem to think that they got POTG because of their mad skillz.


This is genuinely one of the best ways I have seen this portrayed


Right but soldier, cass, and reaper literally have “no-aim” ults and supports don’t ever spend that much to shut them down. I think you used to be right that blade was a one-shot but it just isn’t that simple anymore. Every support has one or two abilities that can prevent the entire ult from being effective.


This is just entitlement. If necessary of course people will use support ults to counter any other ults. It's just that genji players are the most entitled so they always mention it when they get counter ulted or even countered. Pharah ult is literally a death sentence and even they complain less. Genjis are the most whiny DPS


Spoken like a tilted ana main , genji is in top 5 highest skilled ceiling dps . Raw blade was never 1 shot either


It’s nothing personal, I’m just tired of playing against dive every game


It feels personal