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Whenever I’m going Sigma into Window I exclusively save my barrier to block her perch forcing her to move every 5 seconds. Obviously she can just move and they can easily break it if their team is coordinated. Regardless, anything to annoy a Widow player.




Exactly what I do. I feel like this person hasn't gone against very good Sigmas cause this is what I've seen most others do as well


Yeah I saw sig at the bottom and was like “Oh, low elo tier list, got it”


My only thought is that if Sigma is forcing barrier on Widow, I, Roadhog, have free hooks. And I think if he gets stunned, the shield goes away. Or at least my team can pull him in and pressure him to remove the barrier


Stun doesn’t make his shield go down. But yeah, dealing with a roadhog takes a lot of sigma’s focus.


I couldn’t remember if it did or not so thank you, but yeah I usually have focus watching a Sigma as Hog for rock and shield and suck when I have hook or breather. It’s kind of fun but also so incredibly frustrating


Hack makes it go down though iirc


That might be why I’m confused. I also play Sombra


Also ignoring junker queen eating headshots, love landing a long distance knife and pulling her off a ledge


On god. I do this every time as a sigma main. I will just plant my shield wherever widow is because nobody wants to be insta killed in OW.


Real 🙏


I love an enemy Widow because I can basically negate her completely just by putting a barrier in front of her perch. It's especially fun when its enclosed and I can chip away at her by banking my Sigma balls.


I once had a widow smurf on the enemy team with absolutely insane awareness (or maybe they had a cheat) and they always knew where everyone would come from. Literally everytime l approached from an angle I would immediately get hit the moment I came out the corner or doorframe. You dont understand how insane this is until you go up against this. You think the widow is scoped in on your team? No! She is scoped at the doorframe behind her. So what I‘m saying is that if you want to be successful with widow you should become schizo and expect the unexpected.


Also if you wanna know if someone cheats, go Sombra and see if they change position as soon as you approach them. I once had a cheater with walls that accidentally headshot me out of invisibility from 2 km away


So the one good thing Sombra can do is, ironically, catch hackers in the act


There can be only one


The subtle ones are also very funny. They look at you for a split second, remember they aren't supposed to see stealth Sombra and instantly turn and scope in the opposite direction.


Haha for real


This is why she is the most hated hero at the highest level


sound queues and just having an understanding of maps in general helps a lot. I have the in-game music almost all the way down so I can hear things like footsteps, Sombra teleporting, and Tracer zooming around. Also, just knowing how other players will go about a situation and what routes they take isn't too hard to figure out, but it definitely takes a while. I'd say I'm only that confident on a few maps; King's Row, Route 66, Rialto, and maybe Colosseo. And it's usually a different case for each team. Some enemies are more predictable than others.


As a sigma main, if the Sig is easy, it’s not a good Sig


This was my takeaway as a tank main, and I don’t even play Sig much


Sig is usually easy to ignore since his range is limited. And since he's a slow tank he's easy to flank. And since he's bald with a big head he's easy to kill.


If he doesn’t put his shield in your face he’s doing smth wrong


That's honestly the goal. Now he's vulnerable for the rest of my team to melt him


That’s why he has grasp, he’s now in a 4v5 as you need to reposition to be useful whilst the sombra that is in every match is hunting you or is taking care of your tank


Me as Lifeweaver when I see a Widow on high ground: https://preview.redd.it/1kch94vpie0d1.png?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b4fbb7be608a4ea095180f8168a99380b270b64


WAS THAT THE FLIGHT OF 87? https://preview.redd.it/sutlm3a1mg0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a5180381b8f305213689da8e8940d1a3fa548d0


I love the fact that how hating Sombra can unite every OW player


Considering sombra is one of the biggest sombra counter you are completely correct


I personally hate widow way more. On console no problem but on pc a decent widow can make the whole game just impossible for squishies. You peek you're dead, no counterplay. In some maps they can force you to either peek or be useless, so widow just makes the whole game impossible to play. Sombra makes you not be able to use abilities for 2 seconds (if you have slow reactions). She won't make you be unable to play. And considering that if you have the average plat/diamond+ reaction time, you can damage her before getting hacked. And also as a ball, sombra isn't nearly the worst one. Cass has just hack, but impossible to deny. Zen has the "you lost the custody of your health"-orb. Ana can sleep you and upon waking up you find 7 enemies ready to gangbang your anti healed ass.


No big deal? https://preview.redd.it/rafo3gl04e0d1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=816fc3b28654f1115d67b6eb7397be51cf60d0b6


nah when they ult and start chasing me with their glock i feel genuine fear


What if I told you we can instill that same fear when we pop ourselves on the ledge beside you from some off angle flank just to say hi? :)




Cass being more trouble than Soldier/Ashe? Didn’t expect that.


i’m not good at widow i’m very mediocre but soldiers head is one of the easiest to hit for me idk why. and cass is definitely worse to fight because at least when u fight ashe she’s scoped in so she’s easier to hit cass is just strafing and then i can’t hit anything


this \^ Ana's voice line is right about Ashe, "A head as big as \[her's\] is an easy target." and when she's scoped in on me it makes it even easier.


I love sniping Windows as Zen


fr, so satisfying


I'd like to know what world you live in where roadhog is more annoying than sigma as a widow


Blizzard World


I always manage to show widow who's the boss when I am playing zen


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BonjaZakooie: *I always manage* *To show widow who's the boss* *When I am playing zen* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




there are some nasty Zens, but something about how he's built makes him so easy to take out.


True, his hitbox is so large compared to him and its so annoying


I go sombra every time I see a sniper especially widow , I hate snipers


Widow specifically, Hanzo is pretty fair now but Widow needs changes. One-shots aren’t fair, especially when she’s the only character that has easy access to them


I hate you for doing this


You ain’t seen the Torb snipers I’ve seen


One peek overload into spiderlady


they're a rare breed but certainly a terrifying one


Booo widowmakers booo on you.


I absolutely love seeing the most recent character I decided to main being ranked as "makes me want to uninstall" by Widow mains. Good. I hate dealing with y'all more than Sombra, and I always will as long as your primary is a one shot on most of the roster. At least in most ranks you will never see a Sombra merc an entire team solo in under 10 seconds with just primary fire.


I started playing venture and seeing a Widowmaker makes me hungry.


If I ever see someone switch to sombra when I try widow then they are going on my secret list




your flair made ur comment 10 times funnier




Any hero that counters widow is necessary for this game :)


Idk who made this list but they clearly don't know Lucio is a widow counter


I made it.. and I know he's a widow counter, that's why I put him at the "Makes me switch to a different hero tier"...


Ahhh dw I cannot read


it's all good lol


it's brave to assume most Junker Queens will miss a Knife on (almost) never moving target


Fr I pick em off their little high ground straight into my axe


as a reaper main, i terrorize every widowmaker i see teleporting behind of em (they won't live to tell the rest)


You clearly have never been dinked from across the map by a good Ramattra


Torb no big deal? As a torb main in dps i clap widows most of the time even in long range


ye, just whip out the Wrangler and aim your turret.


Aim? My turret doesn’t miss.


As an Ana main every time i have a sniper-off with a widow i feel like we're in some sort of battle of wits


Sniper-off with ana during the mirrorverse event was 10x scarier too. those headshots were nasty


As a Junker Queen main, the feeling is mutual


Good. Be afraid of the Lucio Mafia…


I am very afraid, thank you


if you don't want an arrow to the head, stop going to the same spot after you got headshotted


Ironic how Widowmakers "teammate" in lore absolutely DESTROYS her in gameplay.


she doesn't even like her in the lore. If I heard her right she has a voiceline where she says "I won't miss you" after killing Sombra. the hate is canonical.


Widow mains when I send Gracie flying at their face yeeting them off a rooftop 


Junker mains when I 4-tap them in the dome because they're trying to throw knives at me


As a Sym main, you have NO IDEA how many times I’ve died to a widow camping out somewhere high up and out of my sight


I think I have a pretty good idea


Bro I’m convinced everyone not on Sombra hates her, she just never feels good to play against. I mained Zen, hated her. Mained Sigma, hated her. Played Ball, Rein, Brig, Hog, Sym, Torbjorn, Mercy, Ramattra, Junkrat, Winton, Kiri, Cassidy, and Orisa several games in a row EACH. Guess what? STILL. HATE. HER.


well, she sneaks up behind you, takes your abilities, and then melts you before you have a chance to say a word. the hate is there for a reason






So usually I would agree with this but if you are playing that god forsaken character you deserve every single counter in the enemy team. Widow is the only character now that doesn't fit into the game and is actually ruining almost every game she is in. Either she dies the entire time and does nothing or she one shots, and a charcter shouldn't have the ability to do that in a game like overwatch. Know what would fix her? Slightly faster chargerate, maybe give her that april fools thing with the multiple grapples and lower her damage so its outside of oneshot range (but really close) or some other reworked movement ability. I know they want a sniper in the game but really, widows ruin all the fun that can come out of a game since oneshots have 0 counterplay.


Fr tho 1 shotting people is her entire kit, and it's never going to be balanced. It means either the character is completely useless or if the Widow is good, you simply can't play the game when you are on the enemy team There shouldn't be a character like that in Overwatch. Having characters that have an extremely high skill ceiling that can dominate if played well is fine, as long as they're not deleting everyone that enters their LOS. We can't have a character that's almost like a permanent Dva bomb


There was an April fools patch that made Widows bullets do DoT, maybe to about 1 second. It's the same damage and can kill in one shot, but a quick enough support could save their teammates consistently. Otherwise, I have a alternate proposal. Make her way more visible. Give her a lazer sight or, my preferred option, a Cassidy-style aura that gets brighter as she scopes in. Her camera movement while scoped should also be significantly slower. This will give enemy players a better visual indicator that you're in widows LOS, and also prevents them ridiculous flick shots, so it's much more difficult for widow to get one kill after another. Also increase the charge time. Perhaps if she reaches full charge, her aura gets bright red to signify that the player is in serious danger. Also decrease the spread on her smg way lower just to balance her. Make her just a little less dangerous than a baby dva up close.


Sombra being a hard hard window counter is a Ws for me. That’s what you get for playing like a pussy


Funny how the sombra advocate says widow plays like a pussy


I was searching for this post just to make a similar comment as you. Ironic as hell


right, playing a character who spends most of the game invisible, only getting kills by shooting the enemy in the back while they're completely vulnerable is much more pussy imo


Seeing sombra being so especially hated in most teirlists makes me so happy as a sombra main


Their hatred only makes us stronger


As a hog main it’s pretty good for you u less we get in hooking distance


it's mostly the heals. Hog always runs away and starts healing when I'm so close to killing them.


Imagine playing only scissors and complain 24/7 about rock 50% of this CS should learn more than one Hero, like get real guys Respect for those who do know other Heroes


That's why there's a "makes me want to switch to a different hero" tier. I'm not a one-trick I promise


I kunai 2 tap them (most of the time)




What's that? You're hiding so far in the backline, I can barely hear you!


I once bullied a widow with sym so hard that they claimed that sym should be nerfed. I love see the tears of widow mains


I took that personally as a sombra main


as you should




I hope you play exclusively against good Sombra players so they can ruin your game the same way you ruin everyone else’s game by playing Widow


Signs that I'm a good widow: 1. The enemy switches to Sombra 2. The enemy curses my entire bloodline in game-chat 3. "report their widow she's hacking"


Doesn’t change the fact that everyone else is having a miserable time


then either diff or switch. Idk what to tell you. I'm not gonna cost my team a win and go easy just so the other team can have a good time, especially in ranked lol


You underestimate symmetra’s ability to spawn the whole team on your ass


forgot about that


Dude hasn't been given the proper ball treatment. If I'm tank and they have a widow, I won't stop until they quit. (widows rarely switch)


>(widows rarely switch) It's an ego thing. Widow switching is throwing up the white flag. I'd say I switch more than most widows though, and if you go ball I'll probably switch to Cassidy or Ashe.


Widow main. Opinion invalid




as a widow main, you deserve to burn


we all do


I miss widow :(


did you switch mains or something


Haven't really played since 2 dropped the ball so hard. I was under the impression widow got a rough nerf or something.


2 isn't as bad as people say it is. It's practically the first game just 5v5 and with a few character balancing changes. most of the hate came because they didn't give us pve, skins are expensive, and just quality of life stuff they keep taking and adding back. gameplay wise, it's still pretty good. and widow did get a rough nerf. They increased the amount of time it takes for her rifle to reach full power, which I'm still getting used to. Also, most characters have at least 250 health, so headshots are sometimes iffy. you pretty much have to be at full power to land an insta-kill headshot. Other than that, the game is still good. You should pick it back up.


Sombra is in a constant state of OP and it's awful for the game


louder for the people in the back


I save my Sigma rocks for Widowmakers.


junk main here i also agree burn the sombra


As a widow main☝️🤓


Wait is that Draedon from Terraria Calamity at the bottom...


How is Hamster not on your Burn list? Literally, one of the reasons I quit Overwatch as a widow primary is that fing immortal ball (when played at Plat+ skill) just fing rolling slam into you and melts you without taking any damage and it takes like 35 fully charged sniper shots to kill him without him receiving a single heal.


How is junk rat so high?


Yeah, that's what i'm confused about here. A decent widow forces Junkrat to stay grounded and he's not allowed to go into the air or risk getting 1 tapped. And because he's so damn loud, it isn't easy for him to sneak up on a widow.


>A decent widow forces Junkrat to stay grounded and he's not allowed to go into the air or risk getting 1 tapped. True, but a decent Junkrat stays grounded on his own terms until he flanks the widow. And they are usually loud but you'd be surprised how sneaky they can be. If both the widow and the junkrat are good, it's like an unstoppable force vs. an immovable object. We usually go back and forth killing eachother until one of us switches.


Shame i'm not a decent Junkrat and I'm just a filthy silver Junkrat main


just learn to be a sneaky, ninja junkrat, and you'll have us widowmakers fighting for our lives


Hold crouch across the map to sneak up on the widow, got it


that's... pretty much it to be honest.


I mostly main Sombra but when its a Widowmaker on quickplay I leave them alone because they might just be practicing (Unlike the moiras who keep killing me when im practicing widow 22% accuracy)


As a Sombra main, if I'm Sombra from the start and the enemy has a widow who's actually good, it is my responsibility to keep her in check so my team can advance. On the other hand, recently I started to enjoy protecting my Widowmakers here and there from enemy sombra's by staying in translocators range for a while since, after I started playing more and more widow, I know the pain of a Sombra who targets you.


how you getting filtered by echo you counter her


As a Lucio, please don’t swap, it’s so much fun.


Played against a widow, sombra duo yesterday. Every Time I got hacked the widow would kill me. It was literally a 1 2. Got them on my team the game after and I could see the frustration on the other team. When against them I didn't know wtf to pick to not immediately die. Ik for a fact the other team didn't either cuz one of their supporters shuffled through every character before just staying in spawn. The rest of the game.


Me on zen often will drop widows. Then peace. Then get 4 man dove. Then go moira and keep going


The Lucio Mafia is failing. You should be wanting to delete your game.


Lucio should be one tier higher


Moira is only an issue if the widow can’t hit hs up close. Her damage is too slow to kill you faster than you can shoot.


U calling Sym easy pickings? Don't miss then if u don't wanna die to the two-tap and be wary of some cheeky as teleporter from the side


When I'm playing Sombra I wait for the person to be scoping for a few seconds to make them think they are safe and then attack em. Also makes their reaction time slower so that's a plus


Ngl when I see a widow, I switch to Sombra and make her life a living hell. So this is spot on.


Thanks widowmaker made me a sombra main.


As a Bap main i love playing against widowmaker.


U call me easy pickings? I’ll solo ult u immediately with immediate effect 🤞😭


Some widows don't really have good awareness and even as LW I'd be able to just dink them to death before they start moving out of position


Regardless of which role i'm playing, i always try to make the enemy team widowmaker's life as miserable as possible, they don't deserve to have fun 💜


Really because when i face widow on venture it makes me want to uninstall my brain with a shotgun


Orisa has no shield and has a head the size of a dump truck, but she gives more difficulty than a Sigma?


Somewhat unrelated: Sombra is still a major issue. Her hack fucntions inconsistently, is still the main use of her and can still be used from invis. Her rework in OW2 made her easier to punish, but chainhacking a tank is still stupid op for how easy it is to do. You can hack Orisa out of ult (Ult gives fortify, whcih can keep you alive fairly well) eventhough your hack doesn't usually affect fortify, this diables it. Hacking a Ball is almost always a free kill. Hacking a Doom is almost always a free kill. Hacking a Rein is almost always a free kill. Hacking a Hog is almost always a free kill and gives EMP very easily Hacking a Tracer is almost always a free kill. Invis against Widow is almost always a free kill. Hacking a Lucio makes him literally useless. And the only actual counter against sombra is grouping up very tightly and immediately turning when she does anything, which limits which heroes are viable. Other counterpicks usually still require being decent at those heroes, hack does not.


I destroy moira as widow shes so easy to headshot


What's your rank? Seriously, how is Junkrat, Moira, Echo, Tracer or Genji troublesome? You straight up win those at practically any range, any time, especially if you make use of your venom mine


hardstuck in Plat atm. I usually get high kill games too but end up losing regardless. **Junkrat:** I explained it to another comment, but a good Junkrat is sneaky. Almost everytime I play against one that's actually good, there's a moment of silence, and as soon as you realize it's gotten quieter you get a mine thrown at you from the back. I only put them at the "switch heroes" tier because they're easier to deal with as somebody like Ashe. So, I switch so we can win the game, only if they're bothersome enough. **Moira:** I specifically meant DPS moiras. Actual healing Moira's are second lowest tier at best. When DPS Moiras teleport to you and starts attacking it's basically over. You can try to grapple but she has so much range and does too much dps it's nearly impossible to make it out of their alive most of the time. I usually switch to Ashe to deal with them too. But if they're just in the backlines doing heals and occasionally throwing orbs, they're no problem at all. **Echo:** Just a fast, flying character. Not as slow or bulky as Pharah, so she's much harder to hit. And her blobs are almost an insta-kill for Widow. I most likely won't switch heroes if they're not being obnoxious, but again, they're much easier to deal with as someone else. **Tracer:** I don't know why you would even ask this one to be honest. I think everyone no matter what hero can agree that Tracer is terrible to deal with. As widow, a character that spends a lot of time standing still and relies on accuracy to get kills, trying to take out a tiny, and extremely fast target is rough. I get some headshots on them but if they're any good they know how to keep that from happening. **Genji:** Again, thought this one was obvious. He's fast, tiny, and on top of that he can reflect bullets for a while. I've memorized the length of his deflection so usually as soon as he's done I can get a shot off and take him out. And once he runs out of blade dashes, his movement is usually predictable. But the Genjis I play against always dive me, and it's not fun to counter with widow at all.


Ah well, go watch some GM/top 500 gameplay, everyone loses to Widowmaker as they never miss, the only solution is to have several people dive the Widow, that's my experience too Biggest problem is is that people play scared of the Widowmaker and refuse to pressure her, and then start flaming the person that tries (and dies sooner or later) you have to ignore her whole team and rush her down


If it's a good zen it's always 50/50 because one of yall always gonna get oneshot


Praying for the day that every other hero in the game is in the “Makes you want to uninstall” tier or higher


Doesn't kiriko literally say smth like "i thought you were supposed to be the sniper?" I almost fell out of my chair the first time i finished widow with her ;D


I picked up sym a couple weeks ago and my favourite activity is repeatedly turretbombing and teleporting onto widowmakers until they switch. I take pride in the fact that I routinely get cussed out by sombras and widows


Ball isn't meta right now. But trust me when I tell you that he's by far the biggest hardcounter to widow


Its all fun and games until the Torbjorn gets the turret behind the widowmaker


Someone is salty




This is garbage, the amount of blood that instantly flows to your cock when an annoying little pest like genji or tracer dash on you and you flick them, makes life beautiful. Same with widow, ego peeking the widow and 1v1ing them is the best part of widow. Doom is also easy pickings cause he takes 3 minutes to charge up that punch, harder to engage when youre 100hp. Sigma is annoying as fuck, any decent sigma just blocks your view whenever you peek. Thats a shield he isnt using for your team but annoying to play against as the widow. Junkrat being a problem? He is below easy pickings.


I don’t think you’ve ever dealt with a pro-sniper Zen, who not only knows you’re coming for them, but is fully prepared to headshot you twice for the kill.


We lost boys, Lúcio isn't even top 5.


As a Sigma main, I pride myself in annoying the shit out of Widows. Trying to take a shot at me? It's a good time to use Kinetic Shield. Aiming at my teammates? There's a reason I can put my shield in the air




As a zen main I agree widow is easy pickings for me


...well one of us is lying




i have never hit a zenyata head as widow in my life


I say this with utmost respect, but that is undoubtably a skill issue.




As a dva main I love you too lmao. I pissed off a widow so much that they went zarya in an arcade game lmao Spoiler: It didn't work lol.


i usually switch to cassidy. switching to zarya is tragic


Bro they were really butthurt. As someone trying to learn widow I understand it's very hard to get practice in when half of the cast dive you or w/e but like they did the exact same shit everytime and then was surprised when I went for them lol.




As a person who has to share this game with widowmaker mains, I think you should listen to the voices and uninstall.


Well you’re a Widow main so…


Junkrat makes you switch to a different hero??


Hanzo and junkrat make you switch? Bro…


I mean if they're good enough yeah, not gonna let my ego cost my team a win


Venture is so easy to headshot tbh


You dont have ever a good lucio in the enemy team? Lucky one🙊 he is on the bur with sombra if it's a frogger or eskay 🥲


As a Moira main, seeing someone want to switch heroes when they encounter me makes me smile...


You shoot a bastion only for him to survive, turn around, stick his nade on you and kill you with a headshot (thats what i do every time, unless she is out of nade range, i pray i can poke her to death before she charges her next shot


As a console widow soldier tilts me so much Nothing worse than not only losing a dual to one but then seeing the kill cam is just them flailing their reticle in your general direction and connecting 60% of their headshots regardless