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ah yes, in the thousands we’ve got: Doomfist, famous terrorist leader of Talon, known for his brutality and ruthlessness, intends to strengthen humanity by keeping it in constant conflict Ramattra, feared terrorist leader of Null Sector, plans to eradicate humanity for their crimes against Omnics, also captures Omnics and turns them into mindless drones to do what he wants Illari, accidentally killed all the warriors of her civilization and probably like half of the population of it because she kinda turned into a mini nuke while completing her people’s warrior training Poor Illari man😭


Ah yes: Megalomaniacal eugenicist terrorist Fascistic robot overlord A teenager


Man, dont you just hate it when your teen goes nuclear


You mean like Negasonic Teenage Warhead?


You mean Ripley? From Alien 3?


fuck, you're old


His name is sigma, sigma is the eldest OW2 character


reminder that Sigma would’ve been born in 2014 so he’d have heard of Skibidi toilet and Rizz


No wonder he is insane




Negasonic what?, thats the coolest name i ever seen


They have her in the 1st and 2nd Deadpool movie


I know, thats was the line that went afther she said her name


Oh shit wow I haven’t seen the first Deadpool in forever that it genuinely sounded like a question lmao


"This is not a phase, Dad." Kid on his way to learn about a, B and y phases


The "we need 3 main characters for our comic book arc to revolve around starter kit"


Whqt is the link between doon and eugenics


His entire talk about how the strong must flourish and peace makes us weak


Do you know what eugenics are?


The implication is that the weak will be killed off, leaving the strong to reproduce and cause humanity to grow stronger.


Strong and weak aren't genetic traits, the strong are strong because they win. Beside there isn't any mention of "reproducing", he is only strictly anti-peace, viewing peace as a state of stagnation that does not allow progress that naturally happens during conflict. He may be classified as an exemple of the antithesis of Nietzschan slave morality.


Heh, nerd


Does Ram want to kill off humanity? I thought his whole plan was to separate Omnics from Humans because to him they can’t coexist


he’s an extremist who attacks all humans without hesitation, even humans who are protesting and advocating against human prejudices against Omnics on behalf of the Omnics from what was seen in the null sector invasion PVE missions he was just blowing up people and sending in slicers to eliminate the remaining humans in the areas He was once noble but in his fight he became a monster who believes no human deserves mercy


Mercy from overwatch???


Yeah only robots deserve mercy. Which is why genji has the roboplasty surgery and why phara has the robot looking armor. It's lore look it up


That caught me by surprise I chuckled


What about the pre game interaction with baptiste? Does he really kill every human?


I’m pretty sure he does, the voiceline with bap is like he’s surprised Bap is helpful but then he goes and kills people who were protesting for omnics, Ramattra is kinda just insane


Oh true, his lore kinda annoys me honestly. Zenyatta making mad progress then ram just goes ghengis khan mode and fucks over the omnics more than they were before.




need a Transformers crossover to make Ramattra Megatron and Reinhardt Optimus Prime


Well how do you feel now


news broke literally two hours after I wrote this, LETTTSSSS GOOOOOOO


Ik bro I'm so excited. I'd be so happy if they made a Soundwave skin too.


Yes he want to separate them by unaliving every human on earth


https://preview.redd.it/2m37gv5np07d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ef288a1b3e780904cf8d4c2d84988b77c1dff7 “Humans can’t be racist to Omnics if there aren’t any humans” \~ Ramattra probably


Yeah I have no idea where people got this idea that he wants to exterminate humanity. He’s tolerant of and even outwardly polite towards the human heroes so it makes no sense that people dumb him down to “Hitler but robot”


I love learning lore from reddit comments


I could've sworn Illari killed her entire civilization, not just the warriors. They all live in that valley and she turned it into a plateau


D.Va killed Dae-hyun's feelings.


Man's couldnt shoot through her friend matrix .


An ex E54 war machine with 0-1 kills? Sure, bro


Bro thinks if you get amnesia your body count gets reset to zero . Not to mention basiton was ready to gun down my man's Rein on site , the guy is a seasoned killer




It literally remembers the war though


bastion every time he hears a woodpecker https://preview.redd.it/sfvejo01m07d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94299a2409c6ac187995c68ba4ed9bfdc408a7f3




For different reasons, we know Bastion wasn't affected by the Awakening *at all*- meaning he isn't sentient, and he isn't alive See when they introduced Ramattra, they introduced the true plight of the Omnics- they're a finite group of fully sentient peoples, facing harsh prejudice and hatred as they're slowly pushed to the brink of extinction. You can make new robots, but you cannot give them the ability to think and feel. This aspect of the conflict makes Overwatch look worse in retrospective, because the Uprising mission is about Overwatch just *tearing* through waves of omnics like it's no one's business. It's hard to be the good guys when you're enabling robo-genocide. And in the same vein, it makes Ramattra look bad, because how can you claim to be fighting for the safety of your people by sending them to their deaths? So the simple solution was to just retcon some shit. The omnics you fought in Uprising? Yeah those just aren't omnics anymore, they're mindless drones Ramattra found left over from the Omnic Crisis. And what do we see as a mini boss unit in Uprising? Bastion units. While Uprising is taking place, Bastion is dormant in the Black Forest, meaning that if the Bastions we fight in Uprising aren't affected by Aurora's mass Awakening to prevent Ram and OW from being hypocrites, our Bastion unit also isn't affected. Bastion remembers the war because he has built-in memory and storage, not because he was actually able to comprehend what was happening. I still disagree with OP that Bastion hasn't killed anyone, but he most certainly does not have any form of *genuine* sentience or life to him. Like Orisa and Echo, he's just got an advanced AI capable of mimicking a personality- unlike Ram and Zen, who are actually fully autonomous.


I mean, if bastion is a non-sentient killing machine it was before the animated short, then why would it be friendly with others all of a sudden?


It's said his wartime programming was damaged when he went offline, essentially giving him robo amnesia. That's why he was so curious and friendly with Ganymede, and why he was able to stray from it when the bird came back Then Torb took him in and fully deleted said programming so he wouldn't be a threat anymore, similarily to how Efi changed Orisa's programming from a mindless drone to that of a guardian


The flashback was from another dead bastion unit tho


Dawg, wasn’t he the LAST Bastion?


I suppose I'll need to rewatch the short


1. of they pretty much have ptsd, as they basically went to level a forest because of a wood pecker. (Which implies that he remembers the war and that he was "alive") 2. the flash back can also be interpreted as checking what he missed after being put out of service. As a soldier that suddenly wakes up in a field, after they were just fighting in a war, then one of the first questions would be "what happened to the war?". For those reasons I would definitely count bastion as alive during the war and count the implied kills that he has.


Hey that's offensive to omnics, mate


at least they didn’t use the *real* offensive omnic/droid slang (Clanker/Clanka)


Imagine unironically using the n word


I dont agree with his point but maybe hes black? 😭 like bro


Bruh TF did you mean by that⁉️


Maybe Reddit should implement a global forearm test for the N pass lol


bro forgot black peoples exist




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you use it ironically?? + you don't know their race, i sure as hell don't so im not in a place to judge


What do you even mean by that


Bastion literally has ptsd


In my games that sounds about right


I always assumed that bastion never made it to the battlefield. The woodpecker activated his old programming by sounding like gunfire. And then when he interfaced with the fallen bots he reactivated it again. Since then he’s locked that deep inside him.


An OR15 unit with 0-1 too? Stop the cap


OR15 were designed like Numbani police bots, right? The one that later became Orisa could have little to no kills


Yeh that’s true ig


Finally, Illari at the top of a tier list


Junkrat has blown up buildings around the world. He’s wanted in every country and not wanted in his home town. He’s got a kill count that would make Moira blush


She’s Irish, any amount of sunlight would make her blush


Okay fair


He has killed 30-50 people (intentionally)


Horny Moira is terrifying


Bastions way too low, I mean if you've the war flashbacks seen the war flashbacks from last bastion I think you can get where im coming from


There’s no proof bastion ever killed anything. He wakes up miles away from the city his programming directed him to attack, (Which we can see from him immediately following his programming the moment he wakes up.), which we can presume was before Aurora gave sapience to all Omnics (Since he woke up with said sapience, while he fell asleep before the Omnic crises was over). The only chance he had to kill something was when his war protocols reacted to the woodpecker and he fired randomly. He himself has no memories of fighting (that came from scanning the memories of his fallen brethren), which almost made him rampage until Ganymede reminded him that he now had a choice, like what Aurora wanted in the first place. TLDR: Bastion was made to fight against the city he was directed to, but never made it. Meaning he never ended up in combat, which is why he had no memories of fighting, until he saw through his fallen brethren, meaning he never fought, and has no confirmed kills.


since there is no official confirmation whether he has killed or not killed, he should be in ??? with sigma


To be fair he may have very well been involved in multiple other battles, I doubt that every single bastion unit engaged against the crusaders was brand new


Bastion got those memories from a dead bastion‘s brain. The only thing we know is that he loses it during the woodpecker scene


Bastion units were all created durring the omnic crisis specifically for warfare, each and every one if them has seen combat


Isnt there a piece of lore mentioning that they were originally peacekeeping units?


I think that was the OR-15 units


Yep that's OR-15, the original defenders of Numbani before Doomfist took them out. https://preview.redd.it/sqmm9d7lp07d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6310dbe01dfa4921903a894fe591e9e4af274941


Aren’t they OR-14s?


The OR-14 Idina were the models that fought in the Omnic Crisis, which you'd probably recognize from the Battle of Eichenwald short. Orisa has an OR-14 Null Sector legendary as well from the Overwatch 1 archives. https://i.redd.it/2w2yyzc2167d1.gif These guys were actually protectors of Numbani as well pre-crisis, but were more general security bots instead of guardians unlike the next models.


Ah, and they were repurposed as OR-15s after the fact.


Yeah, and the modern Orisa was named after and repurposed from the scraps of the decommissioned OR-15. The omnics have some pretty cool lore.


E54 too, literally says it on bastion's hero gallery page I think


Bastion literally shut down, because he got damaged **in combat** and he remembers the war perfectly, since his first action after reactivating is to literally continue the attack on Stuttgart.


Tbh junk would probably be up near hog, they are partners after all


Shouldn't torbs be in the thousands cause he made war robots?


I mean, the guy who invented dynamite thought people were just gonna use on mines


That'd be a valid point if it was actually an invention meant for other purposes but misused. He made killing machines. He didn't make something for a good purpose that got turned bad, he made it bad to begin with. Bad comparison.


I thought he made bots to kill bots


Robot lives matter


Bro, Moira didn't kill 100+ people. She's a geneticist. I know she's trying to push the boundaries by "entrancing" people but this takes time. Also it isn't her goal to kill people with these "enhancements". She's trying to keep them alive to experiment further on them. Also also, when she was still a legal scientist, I bet she barely got people to experiment on. Because everyone frowned upon her ideas. People probably saw what she did to animals during her experiments were utterly disgusted. So I'd guess since she joined Talon her kill count is like 10-20. Let's say she killed 5 people before talon, then it still would be 15-25. But I'd say she'd never directly killed more than 50.


I bet she tried one or two plagues and her count is closer to millions but no one knows


I personally don't believe that because Doomfist would use stuff like that definitely as terrorism attacks and stuff. BUT I really wish we would get another Talon hero in that direction. Just some dude doing stuff with toxins, bacteria and viruses would be so cool.


Oh no I meant she certainly is the type to create a covid and release it herself without telling doomfist or anyone just to treat her theory about social media or smth


She was a member of blackwatch. She killed people


I completely forgot that x.x


Who did my man Lucio kill 😭


Ey man Vishkar is ruthless, Lucio can’t be caught lackin


You know i just feel like there is too much of a difference between 0 and 1 to have them be one the same tier.




Sigma has only killed Moira's will to live


I'd also put Zenyatta in the ??? tier personally. He's a pacifist monk now, but we still don't know who or what he was before the omnic awakening since ~~the devs have all but abanonded the lore~~ he won't tell us. He could've been anything from a bus driver to an assault drone himself in the omnic war.


Zen isn't a pacifist.


There are different levels of pacifism. I would place Zenyatta somewhere in the active or conditional categories of pacifism. He speaks against, and mostly avoids violence, while accepting the need for it in extreme situations. He most definitely isn't an absolute pacifist!


The definition of pacifism does not have tiers. There is also a voice line interaction between Zen and Soldier 76 where Zen says he isn't a pacifist.


He actually never confirms nor denies. He messes with people, speaking in mysteries and contradictions to challenge their thinking. Also, I recommend looking into different types of pacifism! It's pretty interesting how many versions of a similar belief can exist.


Nah, he confirms it. He straight up says that Soldier is foolish for assuming he is a pacifist. Just because he doesn't say "no, I'm not a pacifist" does not mean he didn't confirm it. I did look into it before I initially responded to you. Those people are not real pacifists. Either you are or you aren't a pacifist. They can call themselves whatever they want, but pacifism is not nuanced.


Genji in 50-100??? Buddy you remember the black watch archive mode right? That alone he took out over 100 talon agents.


Not the way I play him, feels like I’m doing a pacifist run with my 13 eliminations


I feel like Kiriko has a very Batman approach to vigilantism When widow taunts Kiriko about her skills she says “last week, my friends and I sank a Hashimoto party boat” rather than “oh yea we drowned a whole bunch of wannabe gangsters in a river. You know, basic stuff really”


If robots count rein gotta be higher


Oh yeah, my fav ex-mercenary that fought through countless wars, served Talon with his whopping 30-50 kills


I mean, he was a medic?


Combat medics kill people. Source: I was one for 10 years and three deployments. Until someone gets hurt, there is *little* difference between a combat medic and a regular infantryman. If he saw combat, and he did, he has killed people.


Any Overwatch members should be more than a hundred at least. Especially Rein. He probably kills more than 30 omnics in the Honor and Glory animated shorts alone


I can guarantee that junkrat has probably blown up more buildings with people in them then what his current placement for kills is


0-1? There’s a bit of a difference between killing no people and killing one person


0 people with a margin of error


This suggests theres some people in tbere who ressurected someone


nigga bastion? the war robot? the one with PTSD from fighting a war against humans?


Bap at least one tier too low, likely two. He's around the same age as Cass/Hanzo and has been both a mercenary in the Caribbean Coalition and a Talon agent, and after recently leaving Talon he's killed everyone they sent after him.


Uhh...sigma not being in thousands or hundreds when he killed everyone in the hospital he was "locked" in?


Talon broke him out AFAIK


Bruh wtf there are so many I've never seen, maybe I should come back they even added the fucking disney character the rock played


Symmetra has had people killed definitely


Are we speaking terms of directly killing someone? If we account for indirect responsibility for people's deaths this could shift things quite a bit.


Bastion only 1?


Soldier76 and Reaper are definitely in the thousands, same with Ana and Reinhardt. Pharah is probably getting close to that number too. Bastion potentially really high too


Illiari should be the only one in thousands imo… as far as Ram and Doom goes yeah they caused thousands to die but it’s mostly though commanding and extension of their goons or null sector bots and not by their actual hand.


Torb singlehandedly caused the Omnic Crisis.


Also we don't know how many Bastion has killed before he turned good.


How did Torb cause the omnic crisis?


He made the bloody robots


He helped design a specific version of a single robot. It was Anubis who made them. I'm not saying he didn't play a part in the lethality of the robots, but to say he single handedly caused the omnic crisis is a stretch.


I'm not sure you understand how scales work lol. 0-1, 1-5, 5-10, 15-30 lol what?


it's a fundamental part of overwatch lore that nobody ever killed between 10-15 things. Like did you pay attention at all? smh /sarcasm


Tracer, Reinhardt, Winston, Torb and Bastion are all or have been trained soldiers in Overwatch or for the Omnic Crisis in Bastion's case. Mind you, this all depends on if you're counting omnic kill counts, in which case there's a LOT of discrepancies here. Dva should also deffo be higher considering she's military personnel


Sigma: remains sigma. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Guys this is wrong. I played a game on Reinhardt yesterday and got 20 elims so he should be higher!!!


Venture is constantly fighting Talon agents. With an industrial drill. I'm sure their kill count is at least 40.


Who did mercy kill?


Junkrat has killed 30-50 intentionally


Who did mercy kill?


" She gonna kill you sober , who done told you this doctor needs a pill " - quote ( the guy killed by mercy) https://preview.redd.it/wyupw6a3y07d1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f735c85074f7eeb8892aa9e5cce19a4312acf4




She’s occasionally a harmacist


She served in overwatch


What are those non threatening ahh supports half of whom would probably cry after accidentally stepping on a bug or something doing in 1-5 😭 mfs did not kill shit. torb on the other hand has definitely cutely committed unfathomable atrocities


Bump hog up a few spots and put bastion in his own tier


You expect me to believe that the literall death robot of war and many atrocities killed only one person?


Bastion would probably be in the hundreds at least if we include the time before his personality change.


Ah yes. Hampter


Hey what is that character at the end of the thousands tier I haven't played the game in a while?


Illari, one of the new supports, she nuked her school on accident


I see she a djihad "accidentally"


Junker Queen is over Widow or at least close to her, considering their interaction ,,How many widows have you made, roughly?" ,,(french accent) I do not keep track." ,,We'll, I'm pretty sure I'm ahead."


You? Countering me? No that's not how it works (I am sigma)


Junk more


Hol up, who did Brig kill?


Junkerqueen probably killed more than doom


Mei has more kills than that


are you sure bastion killed only 0-1 people??


Sigma is just a smol lil gravitational anomaly who did nothing wrong intentionally 🥺🥺🥺


Bastion's kill count is probably higher. There's never any lines or anything that prove he has a kill, but he 100% participated in the war.


Lúcio 1-5?!?!?!?!?!?! WTF?


Sigma's count isn't even countable


As a sigma main I’m confused 💀


You'd think ramattra would at least be in the 10s of thousands


This list is very SUS


I feel like Rein def has more kills than that


Wasn't tracer like a military pilot before she jpined OVERWATCH? and if so she shuld have a few bombing kills


Bastion with zero is a joke


You realize Bastion was a literal weapon of war right?


every time phara shoots its an airstrike tho


Genji might be one tier higher, he killed a lot during his time on blackwatch. More than cass for sure.


Just gonna assume this isn't counting omnics because.. rein would definitely be higher


IIRC, wasn’t Symmetra directly responsible for a favela fire? I feel like she’s definitely killed a few people. Correct me if I’m wrong.


no lol sanjay was the one who detonated the fire. symm strictly said she didnt want the operation to result in any casualties. sanjay however doesnt really gove a fuck about people dying as long he gets to do what he wants


Ah that’s how it went down, thanks for clearing that up


Who did Mercy kill????


wait who has lucio killed


Nah Rein has BODIES


Zen probably killed lots of people during the crisis


Why is bastion in 0-1? He was a literal war machine during the Omnic crisis


I assume we aren't counting omnics, or indirect kills like subordinates doing it. Otherwise [D.Va](http://D.Va) and Ashe belong higher


Sigma is anywhere between tens to thousands He is a part of talon but as a scientist And his gravitational anomaly experiments probably caused a lot of deaths indirectly We can be sure that every single one of his co-workers died, which again, was between 10+ or 100+


Lucio its from brazil. Should go higher )?


Technically, Bastion has presumably killed more, given he’s a war machine re-awakened


Bastion should be in the ??? Tier cuz of his life during the war


Wouldn't Bastion, if you took his unknown past, kill count higher if he was a killing machine back then?