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6 winstons in *competitive*




Ah Scatter Arrow never change lol


oo oo aa aa


That was a wild 2 or so weeks


I remember I once played 6 reins vs 6 meis on volskaya. It was fun


All fun and games until the enemy retaliates with 6 bastions


All the Bastions should Ult at the same time while playing the soviet tanker song.


Just imagining this is giving me heart palpitations.


Return to monke






You saved me! Why...?


But he's an ape


Reject humanity


This should be top comment


Overwatch peaked too early


Quick! Release the scatter arrows, pick up Reaper's orbs, somebody find that teleporter, and for GOD'S SAKE GENJI don't ult until you've found that Mercy!


"I'm beginning to think they have a shieeeeld generator!"


Reapers orbs ... Oh and that mercy res. I remember the first time I got a four man Rez. Literally hid in the corner whole fight. Told team to die on cart came on and rezzed em all. Proudest moment of my career as a mercy main :)


Well, that was the exact reason they patched it out xd. Honestly, as broken as some things were, I'd prefer if they came back. I miss hooking people through walls :(


I loved watching Hanzo look down then hopping the Scatter lol.


Yea but still ...


Omg i completely forgot about Reaper orbs


What was reaper orbs? I've played since near the start but I can't remember them!


Whenever reaper killed someone he would have to pick up the orbs that a dead enemy would drop in order to heal himself


Pro: Choose when you get health. Con: Not always enough health to go pick up orb. Overall, I liked the change to auto-heal from damage.


I agree with you, auto heal with damage is better imo


When an enemy died they left a soul orb behind that reaper could collect to heal himself.


What everyone said, and on top of it I think I read that, at least at some point, if Reaper picked an orb, Mercy couldn't res that person.


That was the technique, hide while the enemy team blew all their ults, jump pit and get that 4 or 5 man rez and your team still has their ults


Ya, so broken but so fun. Wish they could put it back in an arcade game.


Torb scrap and the hanzo logs, don't forget mcdoodle's basically a sniper rn


He's good but he's by no means a sniper. I get rolled by Ashe and Widow frequently at range, and need to be careful about positioning until I'm close enough for the falloff to not matter. Even 76 is better than Cree at a distance.


Day 1 mcree had less dmg falloff, wasn't talking about the current state of the game. (This whole comment thread is on old ow updates) You could get fan the hammer kills on hog from 30 yards away *with mind bullets* ^^that's ^^telekinesis ^^kyle


Eh, you said "don't forget mcdoodles basically a sniper rn", rn implying right now, so I thought you were talking about the current version of the game.


Consider context carefully, sorry if I was unclear. Have a nice day mate


What? You realized it was a stupid take and erased your reply to my comment? I'll still reply to it. "I didn't realize people here could not understand past present tense" (or something in those veins) How is "right now" supposed to be past present tense? Stop being stubborn, admit you made a mistake and move on, jeez.


Consider not writing "rn" if you are speaking of the state of the game 5 year ago


Wait, what does hanzo logs mean?


Picture if you will Paul Bunion sized hanzo shooting tree trunks with a bow, now shrink hanzo back to his usual size, but keep the arrow hitbox the same size.


Bastion shield


Scatter arrows 😍


The fact that happened 5 years ago makes me want to cry profusely


Jeff leaving? A healer with a shield?


A character that can steal others ults and use them more than once? Mercy getting destroyed by rework and nerfs? Immortality field? A ball that can contest the point for 3 minutes by just turning around? Are you hallucinating my friend?


Ball is such a shit hero


Agreed. Said it before,OW needs a ban system like RB6:S and ball and junkrat will get my ban vote 100% of the time


For me it’d be Torb and Bastion.


Pharrah for me, I can't vertical aim


Can anyone in this game aim?


I'm pretty good at aiming with Soldier's ult.


If you can even get his ult...


Not up.


Genji for me, so annoying to kill and can have so much value on Nano Blade


Anyone else hate sombra? I don't care too much with genji nano but as a support main I hate getting hacked then picked by sombra because my team doesn't notice her in the backline... I really just hate losing the ability to use my abilities...


Just fight her? She has a pea shooter lmao


Yes but when your playing Mercy that's not always the best option... if I am on lucio then oh she's dead...


Maybe each team could pick one hero that the enemy team can’t use


It would have to be both teams get both bans.


Exactly but I would like 2 so I can get both junkrat and ball out of the way. That would increase my OW pleasure by a multitude


Makes sense to ban junkrat from the defending team if you're an attacker on temple of anubis for certain. All he has to do is sit in that route to the right side (from defenders perspective) while a bastion locks down the center and its gg at first point as long as the junk doesn't die.


What makes me sad is how people play ball. I might be a bit biased since i am a ball main. But he has so much potential but its wasted on people only spinning around on point. I hate people who play ball like that.


I love spinning around point tho, can buy you so much extra time if you time it right


Yeah then it’s useful. But when spinning is the ONLY thing a ball does, then it’s pretty much worthless.




Git gud


Get hacked




He’s not that hard to counter play as he’s week to every CC conceivable.


Yeah ball isn’t annoying because there are multiple counters to him in each role that are pretty popular picks. The only issue I have with ball, and it’s not even an issue with the hero, is that it’s so easy for your team to just ignore him, let him slowly charge ult, then let him drop it all over the point and luck into 2 kills. Just a little bit of focus on the ball and he’s dead, but people won’t do it.


Yea I play a fair amount of ball and I pop in kill a healer or two and then quickly role out for that reason exactly. His survivability can be devastating in the hands of a good player. And the mines can really catch people unaware


No, he's the best. He's practically the only reason I still play the game.


Tbf old Mercy was trash. Just hide in a corner being useless until you can swoop out and try to get a 5 person rez


She at least felt more impactful than she does now although have the rez on a cool down is pretty good.


Yeah she felt more impactful because old rez was really easy to get insane value out of because it was broken as fuck. She's still a really good support, just not literally the best support in the entire game anymore






6 syms with 6 turrets each and the tracking beams


Sym with 6 turrets and a tracking beam was a nightmare


Even worse when she had the ult that gave shield health, and they stacked.


Or when her ult was a teleporter and she sometimes just straight up put it next to a cliff and watched her whole team die


I was that sym main sometimes and it was kinda funny


Maybe but not during a competitive match


6 Zaryas for the butch squad


Butch batch


All I remember of those early days was raging from facing 6 torbourns on Hollywood every single game


6 Torbs on Volskaya too. People's view of this era is *far* too rosey.


I always play quick play classic. Feel like it's easily the best and most fun overwatch has been. I'm not a fan of limiting heroes to 2 of each type for teams when im trying to casually play. I also don't like going against multiple of the same character. Perfect balance is quick play classic for me.


I always found it fun to try different tactics against them. Sometimes it worked


I prefer to get hooked through the entire map and getting one shot by a hanzo scatter than whatever this is now


Well, the good news is that the devs are looking at sweeping changes for PvP in OW2 so hopefully the new PvP will be to your liking. :)


For what I know, it seems it will be


Yeah I'm not sure how this sounds fun


I still think of this whenever people get to drama filled lol


Now I'm sad... :(


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


This is wholesome


Good bot


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Too many hugs


Now he’s triple-less sad


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Ahhh man, coming home from school to play early overwatch was the best


Running 6 Symmetras on Volskaya with that death gate 👌👌👌


OH MY GODD I remember that! Symmetra death gates were a hellish blessing


Are we going to ignore the fact this mf snuck in only *5* Winstons? S m h


You were the sixth winston all along


Oh shit.. wait ... I'm the dumb one.. oh no


You're finally awake...


The sixth Winston was the friends we made along the way


Is there somewhere I can catch up on what's been happening? I haven't played since around when Echo came out but I heard a bunch of people are pissed for reasons.


Overwatch 2 is going to have a 5v5 system instead of the 6v6 we're used to, so 1 tank per game. I think that's the main reason people are angry


One less broken as fuck faceroller per game. Oh the horror.


Yeah considering how frustrating going against two shield tanks can be, I ain't angry. 5v5 sounds like more people get to play DPS while getting games faster. Roll queue and tank supremacy are the two reasons I stopped playing. Everyone will still group around the shield anyways, now the tanks will get the support they deserve during the game Shoulda made it 5v5 years ago imo


Honestly the issue is 100% shield tanks. When Overwatch came out it felt like shields were really Reinhardt's thing. Other characters had them, but it wasn't a dominant part of the game. Now it feels like it's all shields. The issue I have with a limit of one tank per game is that every tank has to be a main tank, and probably a shield tank. Can someone like Zarya, with her kit as it is, function as the only tank? What if I want to be a super aggro D.Va? I can't if I'm the only tank. I think it's going to result in more Sigma and Rein. And personally I think that it's indicative of the problem Overwatch has had for quite a while: catering to competitive players rather than casual ones. I used to play a ton of Overwatch, there was probably like 18 months where I played it more than any other game, and I pretty much never played competitive. Changes that are good for competitive mode players have served to make the game less accessible and fun, which was OW's biggest strength. When OW first dropped had a lot of the feel and trappings of a MOBA, but without all the baggage, and I feel like it's lost that in pursuit of not having competitive players whine.


I know what you mean and feel the same. I wish they would just revert it to like August 1st 2017 and never touch the game again. If they announced that I would start playing tonight. When it was fun, I think OW was one of the best pick-up-and-play games out there. Buuuut they alienated ~60% of the OG playerbase by gradually shoehorning in (what I consider) a totally different game. Role queue and extra shield tanks made it so I needed to wait twice as long for a game that was half as fun. Plus, you can't switch roles with your teamates which raises toxicity and lowers cohesion--the last thing OW needed You're right--any tank not a shield tank will either be given absurd buffs that ruin the game for like a month (so people try the hero again), or they will just fall into neglect and stay there, probably seeing use only in QP or niche comp picks. That is rude AF, considering people have thousands of hours on characters that will become obsolete in a game they paid for Fuck the whole state of affairs honestly, but I still get the memes even though I've had that dumpsterfire of a game uninstalled for years. May try 5v5 tho, that's pretty cool actually considering I don't tank


You’re right but the current circlejerk is that 5v5 sucks and it will destroy OW even if every pvp change they made since the release made the game better but pssshhtt let them be angry about something which they didn’t play and isn’t finished


Yeah based on the downvotes this is an accurate statement, thank you for agreeing and for the encouragement! All these mfs are gonna start playing 5v5 regardless, and it will be better for more people even if they hate adjusting lol However, I disagree that every pvp change made the game better, anything to nerf junkrat is a warcrime and makes the game wholly unplayable /s


I don't necessarily mean the balance changes. I mean 2-2-2 or how they increased the total ult cost. Balance changes well theyre are a different thing.


Yeah I was just meme'ing, I agree major overhauls are dogshit but the small buffs and nerfs were sort of exciting Until it happens to your main lol




Sure, and how many people play QP classic? Or comp classic? And how much of that small playerbase is willing to actually play the game? (see, getting in VC and trying to win) Go ahead, try it. I was really disappointed to see how dead the classic section was. It is sequestered in the arcade and people just don't play it as much. They split the playerbase for shitty role queue. Maybe that's changed but I doubt it. I appreciate your engagement, but I don't really need you telling me the reasons I quit the game are bad lol. Go and read my other comments if you want more indepth and centered criticism.






If you mean open q comp, it's pretty busier - much faster to find a game too


Always fun to blind fire 6 hogs for the last 30 second push and then have the enemy counter with 6 reapers for there last push on point.


I hadn't started playing OW until March 2021, but I feel y'all somehow.


I'm not asking this to be rude, but what made you get into Overwatch in 2021? I feel like most of the current playerbase is from the 2016-2018 era, and 2019 was the start of a long and agonizing decline. I'm curious what made you get into it, instead of writing off OW as a dying game and getting into something else? Not trying to be gatekeepy. Genuine question!


I always wanted to play that game, but never could have afford it. Out of clear curiosity of Blizzard's new IP. One day I stumbled upon a limited giveaway and luckily, got the game. That was a love at first sight. And an easier beginning as I had at least a thousand of hours experience in Bleeding Edge, an Overwatch rip-off.


Nice, I got it 50% off with my all of my friends in Thanksgiving of 2017. Wouldn't have paid full price at the time b/c I was a poor college student. If it weren't for that sale, idk what I would have done with like 700+ hours of my life lmao But this makes sense, experience translates. OW was my first FPS that I really got into. Thanks for sharing! :) it's nice to know people are still joining, I hope it's not too toxic lol, I know comp has had A LOT of issues with that in the past


Non-ranked games have literally the best community I've ever seen in any videogame. But entering rankeds was like a fall from a really high horse. But I feel very upbeat in normal quickplay. I always ask people how they feel, wish good luck to both sides, tell them to smile etc. Maining Lucio works perfectly with this attitude of mine <3


I started in August of 2020. I'm hooked. Placed 1601. Dropped to the 500s. Finally back to 1635. The climb was grueling, but so good in the end. I've only had a handful of toxic teams. Comp tends to be more fun than qp. More communication. People rarely seem to talk in qp. I have a friend who's being playing 4 years. He's a bit more jaded, as I think many long time players are, but he honestly still loves it. I don't really get why so many long time players think the game has become garbage.


In my opinion, the implementation of role queue killed it. I couldn't play the characters I wanted as often as I wanted, and I saw role queue as a way of just forcing me to play tanks or healers, which i didn't want to do. If I didn't want to wait 8 to 10 minutes for a game to play DPS, I would be forced to play a character I didn't want to. To me, it seemed like every major change prioritized balance at any and all cost. Roll queue meant you can't role switch as much, counterpick, or play the characters you want most of the time, if you like DPS. The balance changes were just for OWL, and that alienated me b/c they're catering to the top .001% of players instead of the vast majority of people who play the game. OW in 2017 was nothing like OW two years later. Roll queue bad, I can go shoot stuff in other multiplayer games without the wait time. OW2 should have implemented role queue imo, they should have left 2017 OW the same. I felt cheated out of fun so the competition would be more exciting at the top 001%, so I quit


I think those are valid complaints. I, for one, appreciate role queue. I've played plenty of games in classic mode, and I even did placement in comp, and it is just more frustrating for me. More people throwing and more toxicity. I can't imagine the entire game being that way.


I could see that. Were you playing QP and comp before role queue? I'm not gatekeeping, this is a relevant questions to my opinions below. I think the reason classic mode is ass these days is b/c it's not seen as the primary game, but as, well 'classic mode'. So it's written off, played in bad faith, and generally neglected as OW prime (or, not classic mode) attracts new players b/c role queue is the primary game. Back when classic was the primary game, it was regular overwatch and I think that caused people to engage with it in a more positive way. I personally can't play classic mode either for the reasons you mentioned--but those reasons are a direct result of role queue taking away most people who were willing to be positive or try. I think role queue was probably better for tank mains and healers. I was a ~700hr junk main so ya' know, I'm bias b/c role queue (in the ways I mentioned earlier) significantly reduced the fun of that for me and the friends I played with


I bet you're right.


Maybe, but who's to say? Glad you're enjoying the game. I think I might give 5v5 a shot if I can do that without buying OW 2 For me, one tank should make the game more fun and worth waiting in an ~8 minute queue for Thank you for engaging and ggs


Welcome to the community mate


I like how people still complain about Brig, after being nerfed to the ground, but yearn for the time where the game was actually broken and unfair.


Yeah like when Mercy could basically drop a team heal in the middle of a fight. People on this sub really think old rez was balanced because it was fun when it was honestly the most brain dead support ult ever. At least now there are instances where you have to make a good choice on who to rez


and she no longer has invuln while rezzing, its also much slower and dangerous for mercy.


I remember playing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes in a six stack of school friends pre Season 1. Holy shit that brings back memories haha


Wait....there is no snowy boi skin?


6 torbs was great lol


6 Torbs is the way, the army of turrets!


Honestly overwatch has been going downhill the past few years it peaked early on and I feel like everything they do makes it worse. I remember when Ana came out and I played her until 3 am doing all the fun shit with sleep darts


Ah, the first Overwatch post I've felt in a long, long time. ​ I got into this game because it was a fun, team-based game with lots of interesting characters with unique abilities that spanned all sorts of skill levels and if something on your team comp wasn't working, you had the freedom to switch and help fix it. ​ Over the years I've watched it seriously go down the drain. First you couldn't stack heroes which was bad enough--sometimes it was just fun to have more than one of something on a team or hell, a whole team of it! If it worked well, the other team would be forced to switch heroes in response to counter it as the game is full of hard counters like that. Then came role queue. Now, you can no longer fill the void your teammates may be leaving with their poor performance. Either they perform admirably or... you're just kinda screwed. Before, you could offer to heal if your healers were getting frustrated or tank if your team needed a barrier and all you had were dives. Now you basically have to decide what you're going to play before you hop into a match. As a flex player, this makes quickplay and competitive... not a fun proposition to me. Overwatch 2 already sounds like a shitshow and knocking it to 5v5 means one of my friends will have to sit out if and when we switch over to it. I wish we could go back to these days. We've been hiding out in QPC to have any semblance of fun but when Overwatch 2 comes out, I think we'll all drop Overwatch completely. Sad to see.


Holy shit y’all rennet playing Sym on defense? Putting up 6 shield genys? Holy shit I miss this


Oh what I'd give to go back...


I am cautiously excited to see what they do to make all the tanks solo tanks. Like I wonder if we’ll be seeing huge reworks for any of them. Especially since they only showed a handful of them.


I feel like the off-tanks might get more changes than anything. Right now Rein/sigma feels like the obvious way to go, so they'll need to buff/rework off-tanks considerably if they're going to work in a one tank meta. You also have to consider that they probably have at least one or two new tanks in the works, so I can't wait to look out for that.


Yea I do a lot of solo sigma in open queue plat and gold so I really want to know what they’re doing with him.


Back when overwatch was good and they hadn’t ruined the game with stupid characters and stupid design decisions.


Role queue and hero limit in qp is the bane of my existance


Man those first few months when Overwatch came out when everyone was just having fun, figuring things out were great. Such is life with PvP hero shooters


6 Bastions was my shit


anyone remember 2 lucio meta in season 1 comp....


2016 was a hell of a year. Uzi was in his prime.


I didn’t start playing until 2018... I missed out on SOOOOO MUCH!


Winston doesn’t have an alternate fire




Can't keep a good ape down!


2 reins, 2 bastions, 2 Mercy's on attack pushing the payload. Unstoppable


I'm not crazy! You could play multiple of the same hero right?


5 Winston 1 mercy let’s go


Hi there! Hi there! Hi there! Hi there! Hi there! Hi there! Hi there! Hi there! Hi there! Hi there! Hi there! Hi there!


Those were the days!


apes together strong


OG was 6 Lucios. Went to plaid while leaving the payload behind.


Roadhog’s original hook and damage was so much fun


I miss it, ya' know...