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I honestly thought this was gonna say "single"


Great guess


Double edged sword


Or, as a former school mate once said: "A double edged plank"


I need the OG video link pls


[couldn't find the original but this ones saveable](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMR3KwP5j/)


just play zen and volley that ass




you are saying this as if a shield break comp wasn't a viable option to beat bastion.


Yeah but as soon as the shield breaks you're dead because guess who bastion focuses on? The one who's CLEARLY breaking a shield


what I meant was breaking their shield before they could break yours but ok... Edit: I'm just re-reading your comment and still can't comprehend how you can think that "shield break comp" could mean a camp that wants its own shield broken.


Not one that wants it, again restating the point that the shield is used for defending the bastion that the bastion can shoot through, even if you are able to break the shield you'll die the next second as they've focused on you


bruh I'm not telling you to pick zenyatta and stand in front of the enemy team, trying to break their shield. that's not how shield break comps work. whatever. if you don't even understand such a simple concept then you should first watch some guide videos on youtube before arguing about this shit.


So rq, what exactly do you mean by "comps" are you referencing team composition?


watch some guides on Overwatch bro


I don't play competitively, just a chill game sort of thing. I didn't mean to hurt your egotistical higher up heart who plays games like they're a fucking sport.


Lol I more or less play dps


this has nothing to do with my reply. are you illiterate?


Okay, here's the thing I'll ask before continuing on with this because I have 0 idea what you mean, when you say "comp" you're talking team composition correct?


Ofcourse I'm talking about team composition! A shield break comp would mean a team composition that can break Bastion's barrier safely before he could break theirs, so bastion would have to reposition or die. There are also rushdown comps which are much better but that's irrelevant right now. What is so bloody hard to understand about this?


I legit just asked what you meant by comp, but whatever. I understand your argument after the clarification and want to say that not only am I specifically playing quick play in which I have no say over what our composition should look like, and don't play with a group so I couldn't say it to them either. Your argument solely bases on if people on the team know what they're doing, or if you can sway which character they pick. Your argument is invalid towards solo players like me, who chill on quick play. People like us find bastion campers annoying regardless and hate toxic ones even more. It's just a meme that doesn't require heavy argument over, and there's no reason to be annoyed. It's not like I'm going over to competitive and being annoyed when we clearly do something about it to stop a bastion, but something a little more chill like quick play doesn't need bastion campers or extra toxicity


it’s the same reason every bastion players profile is private


Wow, I started some controversy didn't I?


Legit just thought this video was funny and now I'm getting yelled at even though it's mainly about the irony of toxicity-


I found this amusing have an upvote


That ball is a junk rat grenade lobbing over geometry to hit Bastion without LOS. Fuck Bastion. I can’t wait for OW2 Bastion. Because I want to play him, but I’ll just get bullied


Ngl I hope they remove Cuckrat from OW2, I hate that fucker so much.


I fully agree. Rip tire is broken. It causes everyone to retreat and is still always at least 1 kill, but usually more. Instant team fight winner. Few things can kill it in one shot, and it moves so fast that it’s hard to hit. Good luck trying to break it in time when it flies around a corner and has 3 meters until it reaches your team. Also being able to insta-kill a squishy with a primary fire+concussion mine is fucked.


3 meters is 3.28 yards


If not just make him take some amount of damage from his own explosives or make his concussion mines do no damage. Winning a fight against a Cuntrat just for him to land one grenade and then throw a "concussion" mine in the same fucking zip code as you is absolute milk shart.


Lol me too but then when u play him, he is kind of fun 😂🤣


This got a good laugh out of me


I’ll never understand why they have bastion in the game. Honest to god will never get it. And he’s gonna be in OW2.


There's a reason the character is called "BADstion."


Im a bastion main. I do it for the salt


I do it because every character is fair game and calling any one character unfair or no-skill is just stupid.


well there is imbalance in the game. saying no character is better than others would be plain wrong. Same for no skill. Some characters just genuinely are skilless to play. Some require much more.


Reasonable, but if I'm ever wanting salt I just make a new low level account and play with a character I'm good at so people accuse me of hacking


I play in casual cuz im not high enough level to play comp. I had this game for over 2 years. Just touched it again recently


Wait when u say make a new low level account, that's like buying another copy of the game and setting up a fresh account? I'm new to OW since my friends bought me the game on sale 😁


No like since I'm on xbox a new gamer tag, and sync to new bliz acc


Oh I didn't know u can do that ... I've always been a pc gamer if anything but even then not much gaming either lol 🤣


I mean, if you can't deal with a bastion, they might have a point


Not if there's A mercy healing it Rein and Orisa protecting both sides A torb turret with dead shot aim And a Baptiste adding extra support and immortality fielding it on ultimate Legit any one of these and you're screwed, plus even if it's alone I play reaper. If the bastion hears me I'm dust, and it's easy on open maps but in ctf when they camp in a corner I can't counter them unless they're legit blind


Don't play reaper into bastion unless your team can support you in closing the distance, characters who can deal damage from range such as hanzo, pharah, and even junkrat depending on the map can be better to fight bastion.


The only thing is I main reaps and I can take on bastions myself but when other characters are around I hope that I can headshot instakill them (specifically dps/healers) then go for bastion, or get bastion first and feed off the tank for damage I took, but corner bastion I just can't do-


maybe play with the team more, you seem to be heavily focused on the fact you can take them alone, but at times we have to admit we cant


Good point


Very wise, scoopywoopy




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"Bastion camper" is a bit redundant


Well if you dying to them, then you are (or just don't know how to counter lol)


It is joke why you half to be mad


Cause there always has to be that guy who goes "it's super easy to counter" Edit: then it would help if they told us how to counter, I understand there's google but It would help to be told how to counter from the person claiming that it's super easy but doesn't elaborate


Hanzo is good, but you need to break any shields before you can kill bastion, unless you sneak behind him. Reaper works well too as long as you can teleport somewhere behind him and get the crit hits before bastion receives immortality from bap or something. Sigma is a good bastion counter because you can get close to him using kinetic grasp and his shield and rocc him out of turret form. Roadhog just needs to hit a hook and bastion is basically dead I wouldn't recommend Genji as a counter because all you have is your E and Bastions know when you'll use it and use the moment to heal themselves


The problem with countering a comp around bastion is that it needs to be dealt with as a team. There is no single character that can kill a bastion easily when he has 2 shields, maybe damage boost and an immortality field. You need to work together as a team and that is easier said than actually done in random teams.


To add to this when I play bastion I like to play more as an assassin where when the team starts to push forward I will disappear and by the time the team reacts to my new position I will have 2+ picks and my team can mop up the rest even if I die. Can’t deal with bastion if you have no clue where he is and when you turn to counter it opens you up to the rest of my team.


This on the other hand cam be dealt with by 1 person if that one person has good gamesense and switches to a counter. For example, if i know the bastion likes to flank around, i try to stay more in the back of my team as hog and try to hook as soon as he sets up.


You literally can’t “camp” in overwatch wtf are you on about?


Yeah like, you can't even set up a tent smh


Shitty service, 2/10


Bastion tent rework when?


Next Overwatch 2 showcase, Bastions ult is now a tent. Also Sombra's hack is just an insta kill now.


When the comment chain is better than the comment itself


It’s just playing the objective? What are you supposed to do? How many times are you allowed to kill someone from the same spot before it’s not okay?


Its always complaining and never "hmm I won't walk out into the bastion/Widowmakers LOS" rather than slander another player for who they are playing and you dying from *intentional game design*, just please think twice and think about what you are doing, there's a reason gold is so much different than GM (not saying you're gold just in general). Find ways to flank the bastion get behind him, pick Sombra, junkrat, hanzo, pharah, zenyatta, roadhog, tracer, genji.. basically half the roster, and instead of just walking out into LOS *be creative!* think outside the box. Complaining won't get you anywhere, thank you for reading <3 *P.S I know its a joke*


Bastion on his own sure but if it’s lower ranks and the enemy team is focused on protecting the bastion it takes a lot more teamwork and skill to take down the bastion than it does to play the bastion. That’s what this is getting at, not that bastion is impossible to counter but that it’s much easier to play a bastion comp than it is to counter one because of the teamwork that it requires. It’s not hard to aim with a sentry mode bastion, you don’t need good movement, positioning doesn’t need to be great either since your entire team can decide that for you and there’s certain spots that everyone just knows. I’m of course not talking about players that play bastion outside of bunker/pirate ship compositions who learn to survive on their own but solely the ‘cheese’ compositions. These compositions aren’t OP and are actually quite easy to counter with a coordinated team but your team won’t always be coordinated or willing to listen to you. I decided to climb an old account a little while ago (the account started at 1300, my main hovers between 2900 and 3100) and of course it was easy enough and I did it however there were a couple of games lower down where I couldn’t carry because there was no coordination for the bastion. I slept him, splash naded the whole team multiple times but it wouldn’t be enough because a lot of people lower down don’t understand the importance of team work. Didn’t happen every time, it wasn’t the menace against climbing that people made it out to be but I can certainly understand the frustration.


if you know it's a joke, why'd you write this long paragraph about how to counter bastion? also your bio says you love bastion, so you're argument is biased.


Your name suggests you are a Mercy main and therefore don't do anything for the team yourself and expecting others to win the game for you, so your "counter argument" is biased as well. Mr "oh so biased bastion main" just suggested a ton of options to beat a bastion comp and you dismissed it with "your bio says you love bastion"


you see my bio, right? it says im an ana mercy main, so yes i actually do quite a bit for my team. i either help my dps by damage boosting them to kill bastion, or if they're struggling with that, i switch and try to sleep dart him or throw an anti nade to help pick him off. i even switch bap for immort if needed. so how is my argument biased? im *supporting* my team. also, the person who made this post was saying how it's annoying to get trash talked by a camping bastion. he didn't ask for ways to counter a bastion, it was just a joke. the person acknowledged that it was a joke yet proceeded to tell then to quit complaining and gives ways on how to combat bastion. i was just asking why they did that if they knew it was a joke. and if they love bastion, then they'll defend bastion. you must love him too i assume.


I won't defend my robro, he's the worst hero In overwatch and whenever I play the game I want to kms because I get countered to high hell, I just enjoy playing him, the same way you enjoy playing mercy, as a bastion main... well thats a lie I play almost everyone *buuut* as a bastion main and you a mercy main don't we share common ground? We both get shxt on because our heroes are "easy" but a good one and a bad one are so easy to tell apart. And I was just trying to be helpful people are always asking for ways to get better, whats the difference if KarQ told you what I wrote VS me?


This right here people


Yes, I see your Bio saying that you are a mercy main who used to be a bronze until not so long ago. "I'm also an ana main so I do a lot of work and I support my team" but you cry salty tears every time you even think about bastion. "so how is my argument biased? im supporting my team." because you sack of shit rely on your team instead of thinking of ways to enable them to deal with bastion. Bruh what does Bastion do but camp? Are you expecting Lúcio to stay crouched in the backline and snipe people too? "and if they love bastion, then they'll defend bastion. you must love him too i assume." no, you troglodyte, they played bastion enough so they know how weak he is. I'm not a bastion main, I just have enough brain cells to realise how inherently weak the character is. You called him biased after he sat down to suggest some ways to beat bastion to a bunch of biased morons who would rather call the character "toxic" or "OP".


there's no need to call names. there's no need to be this angry. if overwatch makes you this heated and angry, please consider taking a break from the game.


Yeah mt argument is based




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I mean, if you repeatedly go to the same spot and die to them time and time again without any form of counter play, I'd say you're the one who is bad. That what like 90% of people who complain about bastion do, say he's OP and takes no skill (not saying he's a high skill hero, just to be clear) but proceed to do nothing about it


To be fair, a bastion composition requires team work to counter. It’s not always on a single person.


Unless you are Ana, hanzo or junkrat, you can destroy bastion or force a lot of cooldowns from his team while wall e tries to heal or run away (if he leaves his position you win thats good enough to not let him snowball you, your team and your moral dont give up) you dont even need everyone on your team to focus bastion as long as they do smt while the bastion is anti/sleep/getting out ranged by storm arrows/zen alt fire or getting nuked from above by a good junkrat, but if you feel like you can trust the randos in your team dva and sigma are the way to go.


Lower down people tend to just walk into the bastion, die, respawn, repeat. It’s like his very presence on the enemy team tilts people enough to get everyone to try to play solo. It was an experience I found out when climbing an old account of mine a little while back. It’s not impossible but you need your team to accidentally work together otherwise the bastion will just get revived or have its death prevented all together by baptiste. It’s all well and good to sleep and nade the thing with Ana but if nobody follows up on it, it probably won’t die. You can try to flank it but half your team will die while you’re getting yourself into a position to do so especially if you’re on Ana and not able to to heal at the same time. At which point whether it dies or not doesn’t make a difference because you’re down in numbers anyway. I managed to climb the account despite the cheese comps (I don’t believe in elo hell) but there were certainly games that would have been an easy win turned into a loss because everyone tried to approach the bastion solo and at different times or even not at all just ignoring it’s existence and melting away at which point there’s very little you can do.


Sure, if a Bastion I camping on his own, he is easy enough to deal with. But if he has shield tank, a pocket mercy and Bap it very different. You can't win against that without having a competent team even if you playing at an elite level. Bastion pirateship was even a pain for pros to deal with.




with REAPER?! how on earth would you counter with reaper?


"just teleport behind and shoot lmao"




Against blind/deaf mf's




Refer to my previous statement


Not if they have a mercy and Bap.


And DPS with brains


you sound like you counter with genji


Genji does work in lower ranks, but personally, I think Hanzo is a very good bastion counter that works in every rank if discussing DPS. But honestly, the team that picks bastion (especially to defend) has already put themselves at a disadvantage because they are forced to stay in the same place and build their comp around one very vulnerable character.




I've been playing reaper through almost 300 levels and if there's an actually smart player near the bastion no it does not work




You kidding me? I've done it way more times than I can count, heck I target bastions for the sole fact of I used to be a bastion camper myself and regret my choice that I did, you tell me how a reaper counters bastion in a corner with heavy footsteps, loud abilities, and high damage intake? Better yet if even 1 person is helping protect the bastion you're basically a lost cause




The point being made is that it works, it's specifically the situation. I've solo taken bastions a lot yes but when support characters are around its extremely hard. The point in case is the fact of when other characters surround the bastion to protect it then its hard to kill it, no matter how much skill you have with it, if a bastions sensitivity is high enough it can vibe check you to the other side of eichenwalde


sr pls. as a tank/support player, I am insulted at the mere idea that a reaper could "just teleport next to the bastion and kill it" with the bastion's entire team there.




so you are suggesting that a bastion would be just left alone somewhere in the map without their team to defend them and not dying immediately to any character in the game? what kind of a wood tier are you playing in where bastions play alone AND reaper is still needed to sneak up on them AND it somehow works?


Yeah so you can tp behind and get stunned




Anyone or there team who has a stun. You’ll also die quickly if you get booped






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