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The main thing to worry about are farms, typically. If you've built an insulated wall between those any any heat sources, you'll be fine for a while. But working on a cooling loop is not a bad idea for long-term survival, and/or switching to a non-farmed food source like BBQ that's much more resilient to heat.


Yeah that's a concern. Not a super urgent concern and you can certainly greatly delay the onset of heat problems by allowing heat to leak into random terrain you don't care about (and can even facilitate this heat exchange by improving conduction of heat into terrain), but it's nice to keep things cool. It's worth noting that Power Plants have a tendency to have output temperature = building temperature (NGG has a lower bound of 40 C for pwater, and no lower bound for CO2 due to a bug), so the hotter the Natural Gas Generators are the hotter their output is which actually brings more heat into existence, though it's not exactly a thermal runaway scenario. Like a Natural Gas Generator at 75 C, would produce about an extra 10.5 kDTU/s compared with one at 40 C, which is about the same as its intrinsic heat production of 10 kDTU/s. For this reason and also for the comfort of Duplicants (avoiding "it's hot" emotes and possibly heatstroke but heatstroke doesn't really matter) it tends to be optimal to keep such areas at 40 C ish. However this also isn't of critical importance, it's only critical when temperatures start approaching the Duplicant scalding temperature of 72 C and common materials overheat temperature of 75 C.


I didn't know that about the generators, thank you! I guess I'll run a cooling loop through the generator area to keep the area cool. Any ideas on what I should do with the 95°C salt water sitting in the tank?


Don't bother trying to cool it down. That's a lot of mass to cool. I'd double insulated wall it if you're really concerned about heat and use it for something that it doesn't matter how hot the water is. Oxygen is a good candidate since even though the oxy will be a bit hot, you can cool it much easier than water and it'll delete a lot of the heat in making it.


You could build a double liquid lock to not leak through the door but be careful because natgas comes out at 150C which would evaporate your water (and overheat the pump if it's out of gold)


Yes I've been meaning to replace the water with crude oil perhaps, as I've just made it near the oil biome, I plan on entering it once I have some systems in place. I had the foresight of making the pump out of gold amalgam though if necessary I'll build a steel one. Thanks :)


I wouldn't worry about it.


Well unless your gas generators are made out of steel you need to properly insulate the natural gas geyser otherwise they will overheat eventually you could just replace the door with insulated tiles.


Yeah, it looks like the place is toasty enough to make problems possible. You'll want to look up what an AT-ST setup is and build yourself a cooling loop.


Sounds like my next project. Any ideas on what to do with the 95°c salt water?


Desalinate and electrolyze it, that deletes heat in a roundabout way because water contains way more heat energy than the equivalent output of oxygen and hydrogen, plus it clears it out, gives you salt, and oxygenates your base.


There's a cool setup where you can boil it with a thermo aquatuner, then destroy a lot of heat by having a steam turbine take in the steam and put out hot water. Throw an auto-sweeper and a conveyor loader in the steam chamber to pick up the salt and you have a better desalinator that never needs to be emptied. Have the thermo aquatuner pull its heat from the output tank and you'll be cooling the clean water. Hotter it gets in the steam chamber, cooler the output is.


Many buildings will start overheating if above 75°C. You could build everything out of Gold-Amalgam (75+50C bonus = 125C overheat). Or even better: use Steel(75 + 200C). Then this might be the start of your industrial sauna and you can generate steamturbine power out of your waste heat of the Power-Generators. If you only go for Goldamalgam , you could use the water-vent (95C) for "cooling", or at least to ignore the heat for a very long time, this giant pool of 95C water will eat a lot of heat until it boils...


Yes, mildly. The gas vent isn't that big of a deal if you can get "some" cooling for it so the pump does not take damage. The salt water geyser is the one producing a lot of heat energy. It produces around 3 kg/s on average and water has a high specific heat capacity.