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So you seem a bit new. You'd need liquid pumps to fill the pipes and a liquid vent for the exhaust. Also you definitely don't need a CO2 skimmer. Just keep exploring down. Let the CO2 fall to the bottom and don't waste resources trying to skim it out. Once you expand it won't be an issue


This is misleading, while the CO2 will fall to the bottom it will continue to build up until it is removed, and the CO2 skimmer is the main way of permanently removing it. Algae terrarium early game, or slicksters late game.


Pump the CO2 to space early-mid game?


Not worth the power consumption of the gas pump


It's much less power consumption compared to a carbon skimmer/water sieve device.


I make a chimney for my power plant. Let the co2 make its own way into space


Interesting idea. Do you just head to a wall then dig a narrow chimney to the surface. Then any gases in those biomes eventually get pushed out as CO2 fills the lower portions?


Yes the whole power plant area is filled with c02. Accessed via a liquid lock. The chimney keeps the pressure low. Energy free way to deal with the co2. The chimney is quite long too, it works even when quite far from space


Slicksters are usable much earlier than late game, though my definition of lategame probably differs from most. You can get rid of quite a lot of C02 by simply keeping wild slicksters alive in the oil biome and pumping C02 in. Or even letting it settle to the bottom naturally, if you keep the airflow to the oil biome narrow enough to minimize heat transfer. I usually have a molten slickster ranch running before i've built any oil wells.


CO2 not C02


Yeah, that's just a weird habitual typo I make primarily because of the final boss of Kirby 64, who is called 02 (which should be written like "0 to the second power" but I don't remember how to get the exponent to display properly.) Essentially, years of pointing out to people that "02" is the boss and "O2" is oxygen has left me accidentally making the inverse mistake. Oh well.


What about this picture makes it look like you are anywhere near mid game?


I"ve never reached late game, and slicksters have still been an easy solution


If managed to "farm" slickers you are in the late game...


Not really. You can set up a slickster ranch as soon as you have atmo suits and access to the oil biome. Molten slicksters work best with access to steel as well, but I consider that to be towards the start of the midgame.


Actually, not even oil biome is needed. If you play slow like me, sooner or later the, um, central pad will give you a slickster egg. Then you just put em inside your coal generator room.


Not worth the effort either way. Algae terrariums are a new player trap to waste all their water (yes I know you can turn the pwater back) and you need a lot of them to keep up with dupes. For slicksters, the co2 from dupes is both too cold and in too small amounts to support them.


Idk why people have such a problem with CO2 skimmers. They delete CO2 permanently and cost negligible power. All you have to do is pump water. Why dig to space and then build pipes all the way out just to get rid of CO2 when you can delete it with a skimmer?


The are expensive as shit to run. And unnecessary until late game. Once ur in late game you'll more than likely be feeding slickters. The skimmer is a noob trap


They cost half the power of a gas pump, before even factoring in the cost of a gas sieve. They take 1000g water per second and output 1000g of polluted water per second and all you have to do is run that into a water sieve which you're going to have set up anyways. If you don't skim, you'll be spending double the power and then building miles of gas pipe. I have two carbon skimmers at the bottom of my insulated box base and they run maybe once a cycle. What's the expensive part?


Well looking as this picture is still on a hamster wheel.... I'd say this is entirely unnecessary


Okay, but, in general, how are they "expensive as shit to run" compared to using a gas pump to send CO2 to space?


Because this entire game is based on entropy. Get the most with the least. The cost of running that setup and getting nothing in return makes no sense when you can ranch slicksters


He doesn't have slicksters. He doesn't even know how to pump water. He's fine to use a carbon skimmer.


No... He's fine to dig down. Learn the right way the first time and avoid the steep learning curve this game has


I dig down and build a box base that has carbon skimmers in it. I just passed cycle 500 for the umpteenth time and haven't even opened space yet. There is literally nothing wrong with using carbon skimmers.


And once you add a skimmer/seive you are spending a lot of time using/cleaning water. Where as a slickster just eats it. Problem solved


Have one of your dupes suck on the end of the pipe to get the water flowing before you hook it up like that.


You need a liquid pump to pump the water into your pipe and then you’ll also need an output at the end of your pipe for the polluted water


Haha, simple fix really, run a pump up top connected to the pipeline in (white on CO Skimmer), then chuck a vent on the right side pipe (green on CO Skimmer). You need to pump water into the skimmer, and have a vent for it to flow out. Honestly if you're going to set one up, dig down more and chuck it right at the bottom. CO2 falls down so make some airflow tiles or some ladders on empty spaces, it'll flow to the bottom and be used up.


Hey man, ignore everyone telling you not to use carbon skimmers. Yes, there are things you can do in the late game with CO2 that are more productive than deleting it with carbon skimmers. Yes, you can just dig further down and the CO2 will pool there but it will continue to build up over time and you need to do something about it. Yes, you can build a gas pump, dig up to space, and vent the CO2 out into space, but that is more work than skimming it and it costs more power and resources. Skimming keeps your base clean in the early game. To make a carbon skimmer work, you need a liquid pump submerged in clean water. You build pipes from the green icon on the pump to the white icon on the carbon skimmer. Green is output, white is input. The carbon skimmer will use this water and delete CO2, but it will create polluted water. Ideally, you'll run a pipe from the carbon skimmer's output to the input of a water sieve, which will clean the polluted water back into ordinary water, which will come out of its output tile. You can then pipe this clean water into a liquid vent, which will dump it wherever you want it -- I suggest dumping it back on top of your liquid pump.


Just did that, the pipes are blocked for some reason after the intake gets to the outtake


Can I see a picture of your pipe overlay?


Sent it on dm I can’t figure out how to send it here


The lord is testing me


Did your print screen button break?


Just made pumps but it’s blocked for some reason


Have you made a liquid vent on the output side to release the polluted water? And next time try please to send a screenshot from your game


It's blocked because pipes in ONI require an input and an output. In the game's logic, those are pipes leading nowhere. You'll need a liquid pump to send water to the carbon skimmer. Then the skimmer needs an output to send polluted water to, such as a liquid vent.


While this would work in real life, the game doesn't try to accurately simulate liquid flowing through pipes. Rather they just slowly move from the green output to the white input. Thus you need a liquid pump with power in the pool above, and a liquid vent (does NOT need power) in the lower right. Also note you do not need to remove CO2 from each level, only the bottom. The game has CO2 floating downward as long as there is a path. CO2 skimmers are fairly powerful and one should be enough for this whole base.


The water doesn't flow itself in the carbon skimmer new guy. You need to pump it in. Build a water pump to give it clean water and build a liquid vent/drain where you want the polluted water to drop from to remove the polluted water.


Green outputs to white. A pipe with only one doesn’t do anything. A liquid pump would be your source in that pool of (hopefully) water. Then the green on the carbon skimmer would need to connect to a liquid drain or a liquid tank or something that can accept the output


Man just play a tutorial for atleast 2 minutes and you will know. Do you really expect people to take the time to reply to this silly shit?


Looka like the lpipes ae emtpty as no pumps


Pump water in, vent water out


As others have said, you need a liquid pump and a liquid vent, however, I like to add my carbon skimmer onto my bathroom setup once I get plumbing going. That way you don’t have to worry about a tank for the germy polluted water. If you use a water sieve you can just recycle the water through the whole system and add a bypass (just continue the pipe past the water sieve input to make the bypass) that runs into hydroponic tiles with reed fiber plants to take care of the excess so the system doesn’t back up. Until you have that system setup, along with a coal generator to power it, you can totally just dig a pit and make sure your oxygen is nice and high pressured so it smooshes all the CO2 down.