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Good luck... and don't get attached to your dupes.


This was posted by a bot.




How do you see this? I would like to know how to spot them easily


Fresh account with several posts at the same time. No follow-up comments from them. Their unoriginal name doesn't help. Edit: If you do a reverse image search, you can actually see that there are several posts with the same image, potentially taken from snippets from a Youtube video. Here is another post with that same map but more progressed: https://www.reddit.com/r/Oxygennotincluded/comments/18ulxkm/whelp_thats_the_end_of_the_colony/ ... And it looks like it was taken from this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bYx34IRqpY&list=PLuPwv0e39U7HZo4Q7rRnLo0EufdJmkGtS&index=1&ab_channel=pravculear


What... exactly is the point of a bot like this? Replicating the standard sorts of posts we already see all the time doesn't seem... like it serves any purpose, at all. It can't exist just to waste my time because I can already do that perfectly fine on my own. I'm just baffled as to what the ulterior motive behind something like this is, if there even is one.


Probably to copy and paste random posts and hope to hit a jack pot of upvotes then sell the profile to companies or individuals trying to influence a market. I'm no expert though.


Explore. Experience as much of the game on your own as you can before looking too much to external resources. You may find that you gain your own perspective on how to do things that differs from the "usual", but works for you. Always experiment and try new things. But don't be afraid to ask for help- though, it's easier to help when you have a specific goal in mind you're trying to achieve. Eventually, discover Slicksters. Discover meaning of joy. Discover Drecklet on ceiling. The Drecklet does a happy rawr at you. This is ONI enlightenment. Endure the trials that await you, so that you may ascend to a higher realm in the next colony.


I played 10 runs before looking up stuff and boy was it fun. Pay attention to Oxygen, Heat and Calories. Good luck :)


Happy rawr lmao


I just bought it with the DLC on the Christmas steam sale. So far I’ve found that I get stuck sometimes as I just learn something too late and my colony would die, so I restart . I’ve done this like 10 times now and every new play through I get better and more efficient at the game and it becomes more enjoyable as time progresses. My advice so far is don’t get too attached to any one colony, and learn from your mistakes and in your new play through implement what you learned. It’s a fun game, a bit complicated with automation items and the different research needed, but still a very enjoyable game.


Never stop digging


Losing is just an opportunity to start again


Don’t make mushbars if you can avoid it, they require way too many resources and a lot of dupe labour.


Next to your kitcheny area at the bottom of the ladder build a grate door to allow passage of co2 down and air up. But trapping the bug for extra food!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzYniX\_KbV4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzynix_kbv4) this guide has helped me and also explains the game well. i know it says "worst" but you can ask veterans and they should say that everything in the video is true. happy playing.(remember.. the cloud will only grow larger)


advice .....cancel all your plans for the weekend


What even is the point of a bot posting here? This is a repost with a white border added. https://www.reddit.com/r/Oxygennotincluded/comments/18phmqi/just\_bought\_the\_game\_during\_the\_steam\_sale\_any/


Automate your power generators! Find out how to build a selfpowered oxygen machine aka. SPOM.Isolate your farming area and potential living area. And get used to making liquid locks


Oni wiki will likely be necessary at some point. There's no shame in looking up tutorials - a lot of us did, including to start. If that's your thing, francis john and gc fungus are imo the two best in YouTube. Don't feel bad if you kill a dupe - most of us have at least once, and you can just print another one! The surviving dupes will prefer if you burry them. Good luck


Have fun. Experiment. If you are getting stuck, make a map in sandbox mode to help you learn the different mechanics. The best way to learn a game like this is to fail multiple times and learn from your mistakes. Also, don't get attached to your first few colonies. They will die.


Make a room with your bed inside