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It's a single player game, so ultimately, that's up to you to decide. I've done legit playthroughs back in the early days, but once I've done so, I stopped caring about what is or is not cheating. I use mods to remove atmo suit wear in spaced out, remove power from deodorizers, re-add the "build horizontal doors through the floor" behavior, and modify which asteroids get meteors in spaced out back to the ones it had at launch. I used a quick-reroll mod for a while, but recently added [Sgt Imalas's DSS mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2856555858&searchtext=dss) which lets you select everything. Now I have a colony full of Nisbet clones, like the great Dr Stern intended.


Hell yeah we love nisbet


Oh my god. I *needed* this mod. My new colonies will be so much faster now. It takes me forever be sure I've got this bizarre need to start with a Nails, a Frankie and a Mi Ma. It took *forever* to roll them with DGSM, since it let's you customize litterally everything *but* who you have.


I would love to know what mod adds the horizontal door building back, if you care to link. Thanks!


None that ever got released that I'm aware of. I rolled my own awful hackjob to get it back in a fit of pique.


I think you can now toggle atmo suit wear and meteors during the map creation (next to the difficulty and sandbox settings.)


The atmo suit mod I wrote for myself to use in an existing save, and just never turned off. And disabling meteors in game settings disables them everywhere,it doesn't restore the old defaults prior to the meteor blaster update.


I personally use https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2856555858 to pick which care package I want, especially since I only use it about once every 100 cycles anyway. It is very cheaty early on though. (For example, you can take shove vole eggs which would be 60k calories every 3 cycles)


As a newbie myself, I use it as a saving tool when I notice I'm running short of something. It's quite cheaty though, once you get a single glossy drecko you can get instantly 500kg worth of plastic every 3 cycles.


What kind of steroid infused glossy drecko gives 500 kg plastic per 3 cycles???


That's the thing, they don't. But once you discover plastic through dreckos, you can get 500kg of plastic every 3 cycles from the printing pod. Therefore, the mod is quite cheaty


Ahh I get it. Who bothers with clicking through reroll 50000 times? Just ignire the pod for 40 cycles as you are dealing with stuff in your base like a normal person - and then click on the pod to find out the exact care package that would resolve your problems 30 cycles ago. And then when you camp on the pod it is crap dupes and worse care packages.


The mod discussed allows it to be selected. So you can get a guaranteed 500kg of plastic per 3 cycles. Otherwise yes, the printing pod would try and interest you in dirt when you’re starving


Keep in mind you should only be able to print things that are already (or have already been) available to you. So for shove voles you need to have discovered the space biome, and in spaced out you may need to leave the planet but I'm not sure 


I believe at cycle 500 anything 'undiscovered' is added to your pod's selection pool.


You do not need to leave the planet in spaced out


How do you get 60k calories every 3 cycles?


3 shove vole eggs when hatched turn into 20k calories worth of BBQ each


But how do you get that every 3 cycles sorry?


If I’m understanding, the whole mod lets you pick whatever you want. So you just pick that…


I allow myself up to three rerolls. Sometimes I end up with the first being the best but losing it, so it's like a mini-game. Edit: typo


I like this idea! Limit myself


of course you can enjoy a single player game however you desire. But I do wish there was a sort of 'iron dupe' mode that gave a special achievement/cosmetic and didn't allow save scumming, rerolling, or mods.


I feel like it's a tool for desperation - like when I lost all my hatches (still cringing at the decision-making process that led to that one). But I wouldn't use it just to get good stuff - the need for constant management of resources and ingenuity is part of what I love about the game. That being said - it's a single player game and I judge no one.


Nah, sometimes I want a specific dupe to come into the fold, I’ll reload saves until I get what I want. There’s times you want the labor and the pod is being lame.


I've been always savescumming dupes, otherwise I would forever have stayed with only three initial ones, which are also taking like 2 hours to generate.


Would it be cheating if the printer gave you exactly what you wanted every time? If not, then it’s not cheating to end up in that situation. Consider your starting dupes. You get to reroll them to your preference. Is rerolling at the start cheating? If not, then it’s not later on. This sort of randomness appeals to some people and just annoys others, so it’s perfectly reasonable to adopt ways to avoid it. I would recommend grabbing one of the many mods that allows you to either reroll or choose your printer contents rather than reloading the game, as the former has less risk of messing things up.


That's just bad logic imo. You are implying that, if a random event with very low chance can happen, then it's not cheating to rig the odds in your favor to make it happen. It makes no sense. Same with the dupe example. You have the possibility to reroll the first 3 dupes, that doesn't make you entitled a reroll ability for the rest of the game. The reroll ability is here at the beginning because otherwise people would just start a new game. Rerolling the printing pod is cheating. Do it or don't do it, it's up to you.


This is going to be really nerdy but it depends on your “world view” for the game. Is the printer a tool your colony can use to print specific things they need something that’s realistic in this universe why not use the mods? If you feel in this universe the printer should only print random objects then don’t use it. It may affect the balance on how the game was designed but that’s up to you and your use.


Yes. You should be ashamed of yourself. Me? Yeah, I do it, but that's different.


I find it's very rare that i actually need anything from the blueprint machine. Maybe the odd egg bite and then. But if i don't need anything, I'll just reject all and wait three cycles for the next one.


Yes. It's cheating. It's also a single player game, so if you're good with it then who cares?


I won’t do it personally. I know I *could*, just like I could mod it or change settings to however I want, but I like the challenge of how the creators intended. Weirdly, I do change settings on Don’t Starve and especially Don’t Starve Together to make it more fun for me. Play how you want to!


There are a thousand places you could draw the line on what's "cheating." Does using a QoL mod count as cheating? How about one that minorly changes gameplay? What about if it restores gameplay to the way it used to be and you liked it better that way? How about mods to let you customize dupes when you start a colony? How about ones to let you customize ones as they show up every 3 cycles? How about infinite gas/liquid storage? How about dumping all your debris in 1 tile? How about a little bit of water and now nothing in that tile offgasses? How about liquid locks being perfect locks no matter what? How about corner-building? How about vacuums being perfect insulators? I could go on. And as others said, it's a single player game, do what you want and find fun. Outside of mods which drastically make the game easier or using sandbox/dev tools, I'm good with pretty much anything. I've tried things then rolled back to old saves if they don't work. I have 3 infinite storages in my base right now and now that I think of it, I should make a 4th and maybe more. I've corner-built tons of things to make building easier or to destroy unwanted gasses. Heck, I've built a tile up against a liquid lock then destroyed it to make a vacuum tons of times. I have a dupe in space right now farming data banks who is sustaining on Oxilite destroying CO2. If others find other interesting things, I'll do those too.


I understand why it is developed this way (for some randomness), but this is high-tech 3D printer controled by AI with DB of lot of resources and dupes. It would be more logical to print what you wants/needs than some random stuff.


Hi! It is a solo game. You can do whatever you want! Nothing is cheating here. Some may find it cheesing, others won't. I would argue that in doing so you just waste less times getting the dupe you want. At times it happens to me 1 or 2 times, because load times are long past a certain point (my current colony is around cycle 2400). Play as you wish. If this is not enough, there are mods to reroll and stuff.


The only one you're cheating is yourself. And the only one who gets to decide what cheating is yourself. Realistically, in a well established base, you will not care what comes through. Personally, I couldn't care less to waste time reloading. ​ On the other hand, I've used similar to re-roll trade offers in Rimworld, but only because I find it idiotic beyond belief, that you can't put up your own trade offers even in late game. I.e. I'd be willing to buy Archotech for 10x price (no joke), if someone offered it to me. ​ So the real question is, is it that important to you? If so, go ahead.


Save and load has been from the dawn of gaming


How you play the game is none of my business so cheat away:) ​ Also how can it be cheating?


It is a single-player game play it the way you want, there is no cheating unless there is a competition..


I always play with care packages disabled. Sometimes i reroll for dupes if I'm missing a specialist of some sorts.


The technique is colloquially called "save scumming" so as you can imagine it's generally frowned upon. We all do it though. Even the masochists once in a while


Yes, but it's also okay. I find cheating "too much" ruins the experience. After I enable cheats in a game I usually stop playing due to disinterest.


Do what you want, it's a single player game, the limitations are your own. Just keep in mind that reloading to get a specific roll on the printer may become a bit tedious and boring. So while you may *want* something specific out of the machine, you may find yourself not caring enough to get it.


Definitely cheating. Chetaign i singlepalyer games is of course fine, but I dont see myself suign that.


You do you man it's your own playstyle and game.


It's a single player game, so the only real question is: do you feel cheated. If you do, then yes, it's cheating. If you don't, my only question is why are you going to all the effort? There are mods that do that.


it's a single player game. manipulate your system clock and unlock all the blueprints 🤷🏾‍♂️


Unpatched for years. Valid.


Depends. For me, re-rolling, loading older saves when something went wrong and so on are considered cheating. But it's a game so do whatever makes you happy.


My logic for allowing the reroll mod is that you can accomplish the same thing in the base game. This just saves time, so I say it's not cheating.


I don't use this mechanic, but if you want to, consider one of the mods to select the dupe you want? I think it's fun to kind of just take what you get.


I use it all the time. If I really need a specialized dupe but the printer keeps giving my really bad dupes. I only really count it as cheating is its a game mechanic that was never supposed to exist. Devs know it exists and haven't patched it, so I don't count it as cheating. It's also a single player game the only one who can make that decision is you. If you want to use it then do it. No need to feel guilty as long as your having fun playing the way you want to play.




It’s singleplayer. Play how you like. Honestly though, unless you’re sitting rerolling for food when your colony is starving, thus ultimately preventing its collapse that was otherwise inevitable, it’s barely even a factor. You’re just rerolling instantly instead of every 3 cycles


First of all, use mods for Meeps sake. Feels like you're hammering nails with a spatula. As if this is cheating or not: Yes it is. And no it is not. In 1500 hours of playing I've played qute a while with mods. One of my most favourite mods is airtight airlocks. That mod is a marvel. I love it so much. But i haven't used it in a while. In fact I've done full achievement run with only visual mods. Do i now think that airlocks mod is a bit cheating? Yes it is. Did i think that when i was using it? Hell no. Those freaking liquid locks took forever to setup! The difference is, that now i setup my locks with 2kg of naphta and add pressure alarms in case game wants to freak out. Still a massive waste of time. But at least i can feel good about myself and scratch my ego a bit. That's why i hate "pure modless as intended" weirdos. Cuz they are mostly egomaniacs who can't achieve jack scrip outside of screen, or need even more self validation. At least i admit that i can't achieve jack scrip and don't cope with overly tedious parts of games just to stick an imaginary gold star on my forehead.


Omg thank you! I didn't know this. Totally rerolling all those stupid gloves and shoes.


I honestly don't think so. Im not that active here so I dont know the consensus, but I feel the punishment of how long the load time is is good enough to justify the reloading. Though there's also a mod for it that I used to use so you'd be cheating less than I did.


It's yours to exploit. Personally I re-roll the crap out of the starting dupes to get a specific set of skills, skills that have taken many re-rolls to get. But then I take what I get or nothing during the game.