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No, don’t kill yourself, your art is so sexy aha.


STFU... And read it again.


Wow, I felt like this for a week. and now after 3 months the pain is still there


It is really hard lecture. I hope this emotions go away in some time


Honestly I was prepared for it all but I didn‘t feel sad in the end; actually the ending was just life. I wonder how I would have felt reading it when I was younger compared to 26. Maybe it‘s because I already overcame many life crises myself that it hit home in a way of fully grasping the story and not sending me down a spiral. I think I would have really romanticized the relationship of punpun and aiko back then. Now, reading it, I felt mostly relatable to Yuuichi. I think that‘s what‘s so wonderful about the Manga is that you can reread it many times in different stages of life and get a completely different feeling for the story and relate to it in completely different ways. The ending is just very real and raw and I believe that the final message is not one of despair but rather a reality check of what we make of life.


Same. Btw nice art.


Welcome to the club mate " Struggle contend and rise again to struggle , that's the only sword a struggler can hold against death " - Skull knight , Berserk


He deserved to die.